Newspaper Page Text
TIIR i ai.hinu oik
J B £> KM
1 Un >d low to the Talk ins Oak,
WbtD tbe moon waa,
Tbf daik. gieen wood wa-. flIUd wllh thorn,
Tl.o icrsccb twl rbiicked tbe cole of doom,
Aud ibe sable bat pa*t,
Damp was Ibo wiui in tbenlghlf'U) ohlll
A, a shroud for tbo dead at sea,
Ard lhe gragg-grcwn earth od wbicb I trod
Wos tbe clamnij mould ol s grove's fresh sod
At Iho foot of tbo onclrnt tree.
I fciuke tb> nemo In a trombliug voles,
Aua what said tbo Ta king Tree ? but fhce. obe ioie<* thee vtoil,
Sbo loves 1 u thee, though she tuay uot tell.”
ThuB Brake the to me.
X i eded low to M e Talking Oak,
•* he moon r .de a c)oud?o*s sky,
dub olt au Qu»s;loulne voii.« I spake
Au.. usked tin Oak, for L'.vo'h dear &uke.
II her love would ho for -ye
« 1 ,11 to thee tliet tit, told i me:
gjj, lovts tbr© well she loves bu* thee,”
And tl us epake the ancient tiee.
Soli blew the wind air a maiiWh’b sigh,
0. us »• olds o leva confessed.
And ibe ft a s-trown earth wai a noble bed,
bile tbo wi ving brat-b, r. overhead
Told tf peaceful, dreamy rest,
AkuIu tby name iu a tumbling voice
1 spake to the Tulkiag Tree,
•’‘boo lo w t * but thee, she loves tbse well,"
*bbe loves but theo, though she may not tell '*
Thus spake tbe Oak to me.
arrack F,„m tells at a Tie, In Okie
Oil la the Indian territory, the
luud of Oklahoma, eays the C eve«
laud PitBB, there is a ilirivm^ young
mwn with a name un pronounceable
except by an Indle.u or aCliinee, and
which bo out- can ever spell util its
Be'n a full meal lo full back on uf(er
fi,lulling. I, w as oul tiers in the
land ol the sunuj-hearted led nun
iluit Frank Fr yueonce had a funny
experience. Toe town had been
b rn but two weeks and nado'e g t
out ol long cloihiii, v» Leu an ops iu
litiUBo wub erected, wim a busiiing
manager lor it anti a lull corps > 1 as
sietants down to iLe tceue sbifier,
iii ugh nucha thii ti at u set of: ce- e y
was unknown to the p ace Toe wild
western mauuger solicited Fr y e o
iiinke a Uaieat bi bouse, auu a one-
night stand was li. l!y sgreed uton
The troupe rep.-ired to she ope.a
Li utoscon after ,b< ir arrival in :n<-
place, and this is «vba' they f.iuu :
A loug, wtather beuieu bundidg,
with tt grocery, bulb wet and diy, m
tLe flr-t fi or. A - er asce d ig a
3’ttp fl grit of slii.r* ibu‘ would have
throwh ah asti ma 'c sell r ri-i . a
relapse, a loiuuuuOle imnv-n door
cptued in.o a plain room She full
Vi gth of (lie buih h g 'l h. c illi g,
which win plastered, lied tie-n nar-
tiully coveitd With apinkkulm mine,
but the material had given cut wheti
tLej b was hall completed, and tire
muainder of the dingy, unoerain
hue, alter the type ol a white cow
lliat has rolled iu the mud men
let it dry an High, backed be iChee
3-led the room, leaving b
broad isle d„wn the con ire. On
each side lour tliriy au.l d ngy wn.- vainly slltrnj ted to dispel the
gloom, and occasionally a s'r.iy sun
beam more dariig than is fellows
would perpthrougu a lighter s le k
iiilhegltitB. Two huge stoves that
might have kept C"ui|n-ny wiih Dr
F aukliu oi. bio voy .ge to the i.or.h
role, Ailed she corn- re next to the
d or, and ample weed boxes near by
furnished luel. Tnere was no s ag .
Wi ere the stage should have, s
platform f/uriton inches from the
flour served the purpov, and aceui r;
was only known of by heais y A }
(he elret't-irg room f c.l tie<- c uudsUi
of two vacant sp; C;s on racli side of
the platform, ’Greened from pui lie
gt-za by a thin partition. One side
served for the ladies, the other for the
gentlemen. The en rat ets and exits
were made directly from the slug'
into the dressing rooms. On iho wa 1
behind tbe s age some m aqulte an-i
grease brush wus tucked up, whith
had beuu mgd in the produc ion o!
S -Cikbpeere’s “T-mptst’’ the w«k
before by the umateur society in the
"What prices do you charge?’
asked F-uyne.
"0 ,75c2u1b, ?1 and $150,” was
the hop.obulant rrply
“Night came,” said F ayne, con.
(hiumg the tale, ‘‘and the ie pic
elbowed at d pushed «i>o shoved their
v ay up the hi ck bn akiug stalls un'b
the rocm wvs jammed. H it mw*
k; josene lumps and u numb r oi ,.il •
h'v,’ d i s UgJM.t d she drees circle, a d
ahem every fl• ten cr w -my une
f-ies tbe eld, wrinkled juui'ov wou d
go Round oi d oufl lit cat:dies:.
“The ore' csira con sis ed of two
piece —the first violin, winch was
also tho second violin, aud die bass
vicl— and a ycui a ind wi.ore ar i«.lo.
puformat.c m a ill e--m III c mb
o vi.rcti with eofi papei i qua ed tliat
of any ol tbe I.aiian uih «
lere. The raieftoire of the
orchestra consistfd of one
ovorlure, “Yankee D mills," whioh
vvf-a introduced at every available
opportunity. T'ho members of the
mpany were compelled to nil g all
ll'itij’ tongs to the tune of Yankee
D udU, no matter who bar.ihe metre
°f the lines fltted or not, The play
produced intense enthusia-m, but is
there wt s do curtain to drop, when
the villain was seiz .1 by the bulls
dag he Wise compelh-d io pick him
f *-lf up and wtdk cn wi h ibe dog
bsngie g to him H vv much money
d<> you think there was in the
‘ Give Hup”
“Ove r $501), u; .oi (he people ofl red
fo pay $3 , teat if wfe’el s ay another
Ligm, hut it was impo-eeibb ,” and
with a sigh, F . yne turned lo his
Blmmane’ I ou feiralal
o f a beverage tiu 1 it is a pijworfa.
ti cals "k cule feenslo eo io tinprrt
irop to inipMverinbed bloo.l g vr«
eeti ap, e he, aieis digeatlon ariei
(>er aasiixtilollon of f-joa, strength
the feeble, lnv gor* es the ohro.’io,
U prompt aud reliable la it iff eta.
eo dot w
rm«r mty be « few
If bo they will fmel in our office
nany such letters as the following,
but none that are entitled to more
TVith nit' experience 1 prononnee
the best lung rc-meely made. Four
of my brothers and sisters had
died with consumption, and about
three years ago I bcetuno so ex
Lmusted by long continued cough,
accompanied will low fever and
night sweats, that I could barely
get about, ami mv friemls gate up
all hope. I coughed so incessantly i
that I could not Bleep at all. After
trying scvoiul lung medicines 1 bo-
gan the use of BREWER'S LUNG
RESTORER and was greatly ben*
efited by the first bottle, gaining
fleBh and strength and resuming
work. I continued to take it anti
am sis stout now aH I ever was, rare
ly ever cough, nor do I suffer with
my lungs any more than if th.-y had
never been effected.
I am never without a bottle of it
in my house. During the winter I
gave it to my little children, even a
little fellow three years old, for any
thing like commor colds, or when
they show any evidenco of croup,
and always with the most satisfac
tory results, Very truly,
Bainesville, Ga,
Brewer's Lung Restorer contains
no opiates in any form.
If the (c'tphone pate :a r-, no. vuliel
it mrhea no d 11 roni‘o wh , own , tb
a 1 .
Ie is Liilei the re .<re BeUe B >jd
' nrioefi) in i)jej crueiery to in ,k- a caval*
y ;oginr,ent.
I. v jlli's* Stool ti o el SfDinleepl I aft n t
Tniu wuii,.y” .i 1 •. i.ip-on,
' ne ed at BnflVo, N Y, Is orp r!z el
wl batnll* iffofogb e en experienced
»rd r.Jstlllu! Pi j: ill i s sed Surgeon ,
onn'll 1 titl"ii . hf'tnrete rr p! 5 orenni-
z irn cf cm dice l Bi’d su■ f. real skiII in.
A meric , f r rhe ' iPAtooor, ■ of nil
.'hiooic di.'ei'n R whether req irim:
motllcai or nnrpipsl rrooens for their
carp iVisrvei. on success bus been
scMevfd in il o <u ell nes/, 1, throat
a d lU'i}: elispfifs, ' v, r rd kid «.}
i-.Fiusee, d 'iui»e ol she dif s ive or
gans, b neielci dir >'• re di-e si s peel),
lav to wuni' n, b'ood iBln s ird esl
.liseanes, heuina lain, neurrlgls, ne>-
VOU e delillily, psrnlys *■ pi apsy pti )
p-rDos or:hes, imp n e.ery and kindr> ■
•lfleorions Th n>a»d. cr' on ed a
heirbemee ibr. ugli o rrcMpo oenoe
The core < 1 the wmn. r .pui s. pl:v
utv.i've, vsr<crre e i oce< t and
htrlcii.rc is gumsite. d, wi 1 try
d'ort r'.uidecre at the in cti'i a Hem'
10 t sf Iri f’nmns Ur tbo Invalids’
eln; e B i.l, (108 ; agei ) - liieh ve- si
tillliiu'nvs rtddre-s, W 'r • ’• * - lii-nfr-
sery Mbdicai Aseooiat . i , Hiifltt , K Y
J >bu T R ycnond no long-r mvd os
hid doriura H<a busin®’* Is -o good
tha' Iu in 16,(1} eo mn eh dollar,' v.h h
any s ar.
•‘Wi st’c he ma cr 8: ? ’ you a-e n t
'onki. K well, “O no lib g n'y r si p
void ” 1 i two ci vvs r.iiev the an- ve
> ver ion '*4i ’ v/a.< ve v .>cb a*
pneumo ia 11 id he B , nern a
a«. ) ho would have, tx-eo surely oared
wl h..a' iiiirm A cold ia ion j
BIDE BEANS wl;i relieve a odd
(iui> kec ebi>n any uihem lem' dy, as it
'dievestbe ouigestcd ran m unco
F’ir *ale by all medio lie ! «s(ere. Priee,
26o per bottle fr’ 24 .’dAwlm
When tbe mmu Ta v.urers Rod ono-
p.'oyers strike hey q tit bii’in **’ a a 1 <1
siaip v do not legume, and > o e IT r. •
neceesnry ’o m^ke i),e:n hold out.
T obacco
■li MPBi'.'iA*) <■ ncxJtmciratvenrai• rv;sr/tmiuam
licar.auunarf.i'ifvt^rt v«ei AJL.'MBB&STiWffl
a Avir'-fet.
ii imhmB
UflcftF / / «tf./ •
f„r lli lnii-J Pili-. H>... ni-M-v l..:l,-el to K m,
prompt rolief. WUl care \m,l Ulcore AIjhcwx,
1 htulii, Te tter Salt Khe’.aii Caib.-Cu Itch, I .:•)*-
Pimpleu, SorcH imd il. it,'. Price* .;() vis.
V '.Ti ll |..’S OWN l,’l:.';i f; ’ .. t eoew all
w.iundr Cum Ur :i— * I .if v. Ko ipW v* 1, ulh,
CrrlMint-lus B,mo Fuloii*, Lhcer r .8 n l.e 8,
'■ .! .■ 'I . ,r . '1 IS-rni.-n - ■: I - X- . ■ , i- 1.
Mm lw« "» »ik! lie., it.t -...Ivina-
Ime-VM 40. In I", t. H : i all 1 , ...-lit •U/m.met
Ievlrimne etion eel.'.t v.-i <au-n. Prirv Co vl«.
( sire I*v ll«r irn *-! m irnilflc
el I' i ! ■- : 'f It ST! V I-
Tobaccn Fleur. «l,il l* *".•• r.hy x. - »o.
Cremp.Weedia-t ,'v- .1 tie-Bnuv.t t,.ri. Ht..;..
of irritai.t «>r i •. ( •'
PuiiiH whero. fr-mi • • K ' i * (
ifMjoT. i>«Cf>C H»“. i-ot lluui’lt )•<•)•' G«T ACRftH
an«l P.vlas, it is inculi.alnt* 5 “ i ■>
Arakyourdrupuit.tfff *. s nrwntn
nuRHftiVi w <r.„. ”> '
H aving » is m« »< c‘ he -m or* veil
,v- 'lennrKv e nil'’ K ■ ‘ 1
Pujii t M "aNi’utmj (.. rau.ry Inoated
in 'olambua Gpur*!». "ones In hereby’
t Ivec nuelnv •ee"0'» 1406 or the Ou,le o
GeirgUof-uxu treo8f»u t»";f oldvo ex-
emption ot UablUty »aa»r ' *M
it LnzT Bulb Bra 1 - sjnii.
Wa beg ‘o call a *an -
tin to h* Rb’Tva Baib
Mi KB a HyriUft*. Mipuiior
Id every rtefect t*> all
•^tber t vt Jo In In-
flimofftilon or paii* from
other o usee, in «b oh
h 't nr cold wattr le do-
aired, no other Sjrtuge le
bo o oouv nl*
et t mb Ibe ate of thlt, t >r
wi' b 1 H use water can be
-etaliKd at will for *-y
length o' time No fciyr*
ing" «qu *U >01* lor the
Inl’Otl'tn o' mu<jio!o«
cn G ilnni , as \ be ui <11
c\’>< e • re hr* ugvu In on >-
t* o’ wl le pnrte. No
Indy ub-i exp o« to l>
»<:0 V*Y ft “1) VRBlUl' O
lm< d’hPaMH el'hi n
// aHytiLftt iiiH« ca.i iho -
* f rugbiy cl' i h he pertu
Hud bvl» u 'in' luediolneft
0 o nt oi wi h r *»l lie dl ertK»d parts 0»ll
1 1 aVpd' a)" or ns * h**v nsew at ••iuk iimet
K Hv ft'hlt’iUK iGsuaoibLt dbul-
e •" or rubbt.r v rr Five b^u-me asuny
rdl rtv Svrlng© P ent dk Men*
nfac ured by O W l.U’Z 3? tO,
Iudiuii.tiollB ind
‘ RAN NON * OARW Whole»*'ie
A.-e i'», ' lumbas Ua fe 4 18 nthe«t2n
ne;B «Ker PMlIcNIII
OUi R^DMTofl
inand of tt 0 b'e for worotn’i peculiar and mnlti*
foruiaffll i.oii" it b a remedy for WO MAN ON lit.
and for ono SPEOIAL OI1A8? of her diseases It is
a specific for certaiu diseased covd'tious of the
“’omh, an l proposes to s» control the Menstrual
Its propTiofors claim fjr it no other mtdlcal prop-
0 'y: amjtodtabf rhefacf ttia f tli's nmdlcinc dots
pf iiilvtly pi-Bses iiucb enntiolltvTg and rtfgulating
power* is simply to dIscrod t the v-iluntary teat)
uii uy of ti'oegauds of Hvina wUuobios w*io are
tOMia* exulting i the restorafci n to souud hbaltli
<nd hupp 1» BBS
R u* () uio’n Ft iin*nj Raruiut'x
-ards th « bo uefl' of
Ii is the stuilled rrtsr ripiio” of a lo'irn»Hl ph)slciac
vAhoae spe dnlly wi.-i WOMAN and w})tw»“ faiiio Do-
cuinoonv.a a d houu.iu-o «.f liis wo der-
(ui sn.'ctf-s II the ue»tmPLt ami euro oi female
r Tiui uin’R Lilli lEGFLAT ’U is the GHAND-
EST KKMKPY knoivn, aud richlj deeerve.8 Its
Vt 1 in ell’
Sjt'sl Fr»v tl !
h 83 of functi ins the vaMor.a
n«rao»eil controls'-
ail oMjoi cou‘> s c rnldned .n t un iwcnos 1
•cn lone 'rairi • f i.flllrfior.H which Seirel) ej-l-ir
it 1 f»* r li u mid y.rc'i m yrul) en" Iu r ; 1. tMil
rfc t • U4Ultitu r <R o‘ living ftiuHjtjH an toetii' to
lls h r lift ellertst NS omanI t -.kt to yonr con 11"
don f thii
P H ft} lf»|? IIiMiS *sr IX Ft, ii lit
nan. tor h nUh. (lipriudsa and icmtj life,
ri Id liy fc-.ll ui u Tvi,ik Send for our on
he ll-altiia. d H-ippt. oss ot Mornau, nnillba free
. hich tfires all p>v ticulhr-.
Ire Bhaj>vjk.ll Ukoulatoh Oo
•t 1 -h tn thaw nxi ru iui box 'w.% Atlanta t«a
Having ordered in from the r»
riouH exjiresB officeB all mv suits of
the past season that were not taken,
a beauliiui lino of CUSTOM
MADE SUITS will be sold regard
less of cost. Anyone coming it
with the Cush and making an offer
will be apt to get a suit. Co/de
quickly and tecu-e a bargain.
N ,w arriving a 1 rgt) iol of
SPRINR», 1880
jv ,r maiiliii,- Balia to Mcaenro. 8'oek fox
.re lnuumlng seeuob will be oumplele m »
■ w iisy»,
Utellthoc: UnanfnetarHf,
x-v f«fe Rv-., «< «4 r‘ vi’i-nbue O-.
Rjr n iwi jjzy
U.’O'l f u* owr 'XT> yrar3 v.’Jfliqro'iit irvu*'*' ?*y - ••
phy.-ii-imis of Paris, Now Vork an-I Lon ;
BUporiur to all o' f* rlho iircunpl cm- c.
cascf., ri’ocnt or on-nrj Kiar.din P.ii 11 •) lv k
G-laflH UoUlcMooniaiii'nt; F l C'\n-'M:;.i'.i MF '
75 fl.N i'S, TvlAK [Nvi IIIKM 'lilM CML'.ALT.-..
Prepared by ifX « ^ f i
CLIN&CIi., J, In P < * )•>"•.'
Dark. W*4a v.h.p.
e.oW nl -
f y *-e .I',.'; A* '? '
I fi |)
t id Ej V/t-fr ' !4l ’.(• V*
\' lS r IW/ i 5 ' i (• V: r V /*.V I h 0J| T \
si i\! \{ " 1 u, U VJ'J
AdmmiS'rator’fS S-
n Y ▼Irtue of <;n ord^r
1) t MU8C0BS0 count)
r., .,f Tiii'«(lav ia >fAr'h iu iron uf c- iu ou
J „« rf 1? 4 Knnwltt A 0 noriliw. st CofLer of
Bi-iud an? T‘--.nhs r<at. O-daalfW <;» 'IacocI
fr ii’iu k I aim t>* tv’ten flu ]t.*\ h ora of
ind was? : r&W-S “*•
and bntjwc 0*1 Kunacar _
!5t:Sh .«”.t ou wfclob I- J t-o
T Si 1 ,U‘“ °'“To*li U uG^
*9 40*9
T 13: El
Daily, Weekly and Sunday.
Ctajiil Dill? liiBHjir ia lls C«lr?
has been
Full Telegrsph and Markot Reports.
X X* 3EZ M2 13 A. T JLj.
Will bo saut to any,*el(3.te*a.e»ti roealpl'oJ prlos^for tteo aaanod, vl%-.
Three Months,
: tlix M nths, • Yetir,
“vw is ins :e:c i:,.«
8ix Months, > -
Jao Yoar, - -
S CJ 1ST 30 A. Y.
■iix Months * -
One Year,
jUr-bampia oopiss Beat tree, Aeldreas
H F Everett, Complainant, vs The
Columbus Compress Company,
Defendant, Bill of Injuntion
and Receiver,
gee County. To Tbe Columba*
Compress Company, Defendant,
Greeting- You are hereby nifced
and mjuired to be and appear be
fore the Honorable Janies T Willis,
Judge of the Superior.Court of stud
county,lit Columbus, on the second
Mi inlay in March next, at fen
o'clock a in of that day, at the
court house iu said county, then and
there In show c .iii-e. win ai injunc
tion should not be granted and a
receiver appointed as prayed form
(he above' stated bill, until wlftoh
time you are restrained from dis
posing of any of tbo property mon
tinned in stud bill as per restraining
order of the court granted on tb«
18th day of December, 1885.
Anil further, yi iu are hereby cited
and required to be and appear at
the next May term of said superior
court, to bn held in and for said
oonnty, on the second Monday tn
May next, then and there to answer
to all such matters and things u
are charged against you in Ihe HP
for injunction and receiver filed b
said Henry F Everett against yen
the said Columbus Comprai
Company, and to abide by sap
order and decree as may be the
and there made in the premises.
Witness the Honorable James
T Willis, Judge of said Court, this
1st day of January, 1880,
Clerk S 0 iVl C Ga,
»«1 G*m?m
flout maturlnl, Rorfect Jit, < qnuld any 5.7 oi fflaTae
oiy I..H.
ranted. 'Ink'
W.’ 1’, Dougina 1 |H.UO
Bhoc, willTHliloil•" Lioiy
i»ros8, Mutton nnd
If you oiimol Lo t Hm’BO
bIiooh from u«:aii j r«, bond
tulilroBii "'i poHfiil card
to W. 1. J*on«hiH, lfroclt^
ton, M.IF8.
J-Jbest tap
For £nlc only by
No 112 Broad St
I I't ■ ,'Sivl
Ad nrmu r-itrixs Bale
thoro will 1m< id u <1 r ide of Mnncogos ronuky
court of nlluar- »IUi "i- r*’M»-v» i . routo/th*
anrt'on \v u -< i f ,p M K u-'oh et- , i.oribweal
• ornarot •• a:l d it. iccfIh fotun* If rrwfonl
ai’tfi ' (li i' •' i •( I e' it Li Istl-s !• Co um*
In ibe r* 'ii’ty of '"nsr gim (\n<i Rtdf
(7.0 pi Id n Iho Ik 1-1*8 i f v, n>v k {,, tbs
r-t r OOP HU.! 4 < <.ck in ll:c nfl«%*-ii cn. liy mU|
oi I-
i lx
. till* fvilo V.
' (*(l ItlOF (Mid
wit. Ad of cl :y
r v bt r Hun* Ad
1 i •• »» il i;lev*
* t . Ht)d IHMt&t
in»tir< v- i».
• . 1 lie H'l ill" . •
l' I ii ii oo iu nun ml
er' <•;«■ -it h»VjO
5 4 i Ol.' f" £> &
Sr? fe'fl II Si % k\ %t. 111 W fer {& »J>
Ov Ur HxMgtit.e>**. ' ( “iflvcly
Cni’i* i b,v »il!idnn.tcrih;. !>r.
UaimV 4r<o:<l»-,» r ftiev.
■*1 «vn In- t?i\»’ii mi u r»>pof o'i'U • * i u-n v.'Wv
t ,et Ihv knowlcdft** »>. the ptTHwn In I* I lift f*
absolutely hortulosK, an ’*!!.’ iflVitu
notit and «i>»‘(Mly cure. wl»*tu?r ».! »• ;ailr>pi 1*
a moderate drinker or an •JcoRolic r*jclr If
hs/i boon ftfvi»n in* tbouaands of o.wh. ukA IB
every ItialAfico a perfect euro ban folloved. Ml
never foilo. The nystera mice lmprur'MMV
wlt-b tbo Specific, It becnmeH an ut.U " k«iw««ft
Wilt/ for ibe liquor appetite u> e/lo*
M. 0. HOOD & CO , DiHsH
m R"«.|R Mtrert. COM UlJf ^
oi -vrlrc vm putnpiiJcv •••nutai.i.tiy nun
V |.T \ /- Y7's M I?
l>) fi ,< 11 V hi uli
TV«o«l7 fcnovr l?r~(fc f t ICp»'r yt'o Pits.
AU(. for «i» !> « ipt: . Rl rM.
>e v*•• j uip. kl4 *., i< v»il , ndcured,
P.'.lnt>lei 'o’ /p t. * 'ti *'f i iii". • f • \6*.
jCtiWft i,i,vi«(,-!Kuf.;|.,. ll .(s vu:| a id. Il DM*
} <’*:rn i dv !>l ‘xVu". ' sfnbl r.-:i Monti i.omi.
{ U. . .»■ Ol .i-l (r>.'d - .« ,’U'. k t h dr< nlhUan.
I LTt- 'ii.v 4 fv/i, Corf nc*i.nJ : J -u"Ju
J Viol- -* .*•( 11• • » n tan piiy C ' r**a #'%rIyi^l/.
f I 1-*. It H -l ( }ju : VRJIe in J > ijlb/u A poi il'jjt,
I rr" ’ ficr, fn!« a I i .-’n Evil, t xrln !>roHM>rj,
C‘.jun«- <i !ia I I.-;• .* v - 1. i" -in -vir;>: t»U8a.
E.hjIh H 'p."8i <•!, .p(l (I( u 1 i f.rupb xi-.ia
; 0* mnUg n- k 1 ' die e.*.vuivo.
* «
JOHN KINQ, Prop’r.
Ill Oil f 10 LOAN!
U l y li a ‘.a -i u • d Bon cl
y. fi t •.11 , »r « r- I.y rr< d h ri* year
('•r i adK!*R are r* qm v ed ’go r and son ray
8 p^r cem Mor^rg-j L(i»u B f-batv
HHfe. N-j pa-troo o' icotm
•« w«d &rl Ccxaoibas, U»,