Newspaper Page Text
Rales CoadUMi lra« l>aU
"The Gilded Age’’ is to be presented
by the Ford dramatics association ot
Mr J P Stallings, ot Folkston, In
Ware oounty, fa as ten acres planted In
snap beans.
In Molutosk oonnty the rice plantorn
arts plowing and preparing their fields
for planting,
A gentleman says that he knows of at
least Ally new houses to be built In
Athens this year.
Captain Henry Ioh' f 1600 on the sink
ing of his barge with fl. ty tons of guano
at Raoul, a few days ago.
Grlffl-i has a new Industry. It Is a
piokel wire feneo factory,and lslooated
at the Beaks gin shop.
JoLn W Elks, who escaped from Pa
laokl Jdl a;few nights ago, was recap
tured and Is again In Jail,
Ftank Edwards, one of the model
farmers of Oglethorpe oounty, has In
vented a oorn and pea planter,
Albert Nichols, ot Gordon oounty,
'eighty years old, ruts and splits one
hundred rails a day, and works every
T J Wells, the owner of the shingle
mill rear Mlllsn, made 92,600 shingles
last woek, and paoked and delivered
them to the railroad.
Property said before the oourt house
door at Dublin remarkably low Tues
day. Lots of land containing 202J
aores sold fcr |5 and |0
A Hartwell man has been w orking
on a perpetual motor for seven yeare,
and Is ubout ready to exolalm Eureka.
A son cf Mr Parker, who lives near
BuckbeaO, In Morgan oounty, was bit
ten by a mad dog last Wednesday
while plowing In the field,
Charles E Crocker, librarian of the
AuguBta library, has resigned. W J
Patlln will be In oharge until the reg
ular meeting In April.
Thursday Messrs Hitt A Co, the Mg
cotton buyers <1 southwest Georgia,
purchased 7(10 bales of ootton In Al
bany In one lot.
A young man at DuPont had the
misfortune to have one of his fi gtrs
sawn tfif at J G Bander’s stave mill, in
Ware ecunty, last Wednesday,
Walton News: The beat preventive
of hydrophobia is strlohnlne and pow
der and lead applied to the dog beforo
the dog Is oanterlacd.
Bob Flournoy, formerly of Maoon,
whose leg was broken by Jumping
from an engine reoently, is Improving,
and there Is new no need of amputa
Lonnie, a little ohlld ot Mrs Rlnnla
Letson, of Alpharetta, drew a cofiee
pot full of hot o. ff -a over him and
scalded bis legs severely one day last
Ooe of the boilers at Dale’s mill. In
Ware oounty, exploded one day last
week and killed a negro br.y, besides
damaging machinery and the mill
Ia McIntosh eounty the rice plants
era are plowing and preparing their
fields for planting, seemlrgly not a
whit dlsoouragod by the failure of last
year’s crop.
Union county hns boight a pauper
farm and is new engaged In building u
borne thereon for her helpless poor
Union will also let a contraot lor the
ereotloa of a new Jail,
Brunswick Herald; Young men,drop
base tall a d Inaugurate a goner us
rivalry to see who oau do most to make
the country prosperous by the produc
tion of bog aud hominy first and oat
ton afterwards,
A very large pipe, believed by a ma
jorlty of those who have seeu It tube
an old I idlan pips, was unearthed by
Ned Ballard, who was at the time
plowli g in an old 11 ld.five or six miles
below Dublin’
A young ledy In Brunswlok recently
reosived from a friend In Minnesota a
toboggan wl h a plo nreoi the Si Paul
loe palace on it. In return Bbe tent a
bunch of fl.wers grown In the open
Ellljty Courier: The watm sun of
doming spring bad aearoely set tbe
birds to sing when old Father Time
turned tbe cold shr aider towards shiv
ering humanity and bombarded tbe
earth with Irregular slugs of congealed
L R Cason, one of Toomsboro’s bast
merobouis, shipped last month ever
|150 worth of eggs. Hea fruit In that
locality is more than abundant.
Wednesday, N B Rawls of Irwlntor,
shipped 400 d( am, for wbloh he rcoalvs
ed |50
The tsx oollectcr of C fl e oounty
has placed in the hands of 1 he slier.t! f
thut oounty fl las agaiuat 95 ota of an.
relumed wild lauds for taxes for 1885
The lots contain eaol 49J aores, aggre
gating 16 550 ucrea, They will be so d
Jn June,
MarshallvlUe Times: The opinion
prevailed lu town yesterday morning
that a Macon dude had been upset dar
ing the night sod tursted his perfnme
jug. Upon lnvestlgiiion, however, it
was ascertained that (he midnight
freight had decapitated a skunk near
the depot.
The oapltol contractors have oeaaed
work for repairs of msohlnery, and to
Increase the capacity by an extra boll
■3i. When they start out again they
will put ou an additional foroe of
eighty meD, making 200 In all, They
will push tbe work to the utmost from
now until next winter-
James Sheffield, of Irwlnton, ssys
that within tbe last fifteen years he has
sold f2000 worth of corn. Mr Shiffle’d
has oorn, ft dder and lots of ootton to
sell now. He says that in one year
farming on 160 ucres of land he made
4000 pounds of meat, a-d sold ?500
worth of corn and lodder aud meat
Two little white girls of Hartwell
got hold of a bucket ef varnish the
other day and put sovoral costs on the
face of a little . o', red girl until her
f; os shone like polished mahogany.
Tuey.SBld that she oomplained of head
ache and hey were rubbing her with
glzs.rd oil.
Judge Ryan, of the oounty oourt of
Pulaski, has rejected all the bids for
building the wooden portion of tbe
iron bridge at Hawklnsvllle. The
oommlttoa appointed by the grand
.) jrv had decided that J4600 would be
sufficient lor the work, and when the
sealed bids were opened, the lowest
ibid was found to be 17000,
John Fosset, living in the upper
ttdge 01 Dodge eounty, made about 200
busbe.s of oorn last year, but now be
nsn’t got a grain. Borne one told Mi
Fo-set it be would distribute mate es
t irough bis oorn while putting It In
he crib, It would keep ihe rate off He
did so, and the result was that one day
last week the whole business was oon-
tumed by fire.
Lotts p'avs In Montgomery to-night,
R-v Mr Brooks made a temp ranee
leotnre at U-ilon Springs Saturday
The fifty oadets ot tbe Untverslty of
Alabama who signed the total absti
nence pledge dm lug the late visit ( I
Mrs Sallle F Chapin to that place, wor
tendered a reoeptlon by tne ladlot ot
the Tuekaloosa W C T U,
Dr Henry Mitchell Hunter, a promt-
ueut and widely known citizen of Bar
bo ur oounty, died at Ms residence
twelve miles north of Enlauls on Frl
day nl ght last at 10} o’clock lu the
soventy eighth year ol his age.
The Cullman ohnru and bucket fao
tory shipped three oar loads of oburns
and buckets from that place Saturday
to large ol'los north and south. The
fur Itnre company shipped two oar
loads of iurniture of their own manu
faotnre, aud as good as can be made
anywhere in the south Cullman is on
a big boom lu tho manufacturing Hue
Hon W C Jemlson, la agitating t( e
qaestlon of organising a stock oompa.
ny to be known as the Tuskalooaa
Land and I approvement company, tbe
oijsot of wbloh. Is to aeoure organized
11 rt In pushing tbe development ol
tbat city. Already a number of tbe
largest real estate owners have signifi
ed tbelr willingness to embark In tbe
Mr G W VanHoose, of Tuscaloosa,
the champion duck hunter of Alabama,
has been erjaylng a novel sport during
tbe psat week—duok shooting at night
on the Warrior. The first night he
made the experiment, he killed sixteen
mallards and one wild goose. He has
a frame trade to support at bis back a
amp to which is sttsobed a la ge re-
11 toior. The frame Is so contrived that
he oan threw the light in front of him
lu any direction, and at the tteme time
have perfect use of both hands in man
aging his gnn. Any evening after tea
he oan step into his boat, drop down
the rive' three or four miles, bagging a
nioe lot of ducks, aud be baok at home
by one or two o’oiock
Fcih P.ot'ocer anti Tonic,
Hxitr tho Wi nesm l
riuMa rants.
About 1509 acres of land have been
pnrohased lu and near Bronson during
the past three weeks.
Sheriff Holland has appelated Mr
Wllllsm J.jdob deputy sheriff at-large
for the oounty of Dural, with head
quarters at Baldwin.
Mojor Boblnson, the cegro who at
tempted to outrage a degress at Jack
sonvllle, a few days ago, has bean cap
tured In tbat elty and lodged in Jail
A gentleman in Lieon county says If
books are opened for subscriptions of
stock for the construction of a tall read
northward be can seoure 950,010
F ur hundred and eighty sores ol
laud at Thronatosossa Lake belonging
to tbe Franklin estate, was sold < n
M nday and Tuesday, by J-uues F
Martin, commissioner, for $7996 Joe
RodgerB bought tbe grove for f1,466.
Senator Jones, who is now pay it g
ardent addressee to a very rich t
lady, has a plan afoot for federal pria
one In the several federal olrcui s ol
the country. When he returns f-om
Miohigan me matter may be worked so
as to reaoh a desirable result.
A > showing the amount of travel ou
theS'Uth Florida railroad, it U stated
that 1289 '.iokets were sold at the Tampa
iffl'e for the month of February, cot
counting those who passed through
from Key West and Havens, who had
th-ough tickets. At least three times
tbat number arrived at Tampa over
tbe South Florida railroad.
The duke ol Oasteleuola la In Florida.
Tbe suit for the reoovery of :be famous
Dummett grove on Indiao river wlil
ome on for trial in the United S.a ts
oourt at Jacksonville mxt monll ,
Most of the testimony has been taken
in New Y rk city and fillls mice
thousand pages of legal oap The duke
feels ooufl eul of reooverli g the prop
O February 14 a Presbyterian col
ony was orga radii with ten members,
one elder and two deacons at a school
house near Rye, Manatee oounty, by
Rev James W Shearer, evangelist of
St John’s Presbytery. This is tbe first
church of this denomination organised
south of Tampa. Rye, the post iffioe,
Is at the head of navigation on tbe
Manatee river, and Is eighteen miles
east of the town of Manatee.
A gentleman, and one of the large* t
proper y owners on Bay street, Jack
sonville, protests against the use of the
small cypress blocks now being pre
pared for the Biy street ptvlng He
alleges that they are porus, soft and
green, a-d would not last any length
of time Large and old oypress or
lightwood iie-s sawn 1.,to blocks, be
alleges, would be far preferable atd
lost twice the time of “email cypress
pole blocks.’’
Last week, after a desperate struggle,
Joe Bethel kl.led a wild boar ou U cok
er's creek, near Point Piuelas, wbloh
weighed 455 pounds. The boar fought
deapera'eiy for four hours, killed two
doga and tore up Joe’s clothes so badly
that there was not enough of his coat
or pants left to make gun wadding. A
companion who was with Joe took to a
tree but unfortunately lost bis gun,
and oould only look agonizingly on
while Joe and tbe doga were wreatlli g
with tbe mad boar.
AO to BO Pouuda I
I took four bottles Guinn’s
Pioneor ana gained 16 pounds in
flesh My appetite has been re
stored. 1 have prot ured a lot for
use in my family.
Youis respectfully,
60 Humphries St. Atlanta, Go.
I am 08 years of age, and regard
Guinn’s Pioneer a fine tonic for the
feeblo. By its use my strength has
been restored and my weight in
creased ten pounds.
Gotton Gin Maker.
Maaon, Ga, Feb 18,1886
A crippled Confederate says:
“I only weighed 128 pounds, when
I commenced Guinn’s Pioneer, and
now weigh 147 ponnds. I could
hardly walk with a stick to sup
port me, and can now walk long
distances without help. Its bene
fit to me is beyond calculation
MacoD, Ga. Cotton Buyer.
ware Merchant of Forsyth, Ga,
writes: ‘It acted like a charm on
my general health. I consider it a
fine tonic. I weigh more than I
have for 26 years.’’
Mr W F JONES, Macon, Ga,
says: “My wife has regained her
strength and increased ten oounds
in weight. We i ecommend Guinn’s
Pioneer as the best tonic."
lanta, Ga, writes of Guinn’s Pio
neer, "Guinn’s Pioneer Blood Re
newer has been used for years with
unprecedented success. It is en
tirely vegetable and does the sys
tem no harm. Improves the appe
tite, digestion and blood-making,
stimulating, invigorating and ton
ing up all the functions at d tissues
of the system, and thus becomes the
great blood renewer and health re
RENEWER cures all Blood and
Skin Diseases, Rheumatism, Scrof
ula, Old Sores. A perfect Spring
Medicine. If not in your market
it will be forwarded on receipt of
price. Small bottles $1 00; large
bottles $175.
Essay on Blood and Skin Die
eases mailed free.
Macon, Georgia.
Warranted absolutely pu|
Cocoa, from which tho excess l
Oil has boon removed. It has thf\
times the strength of Cocoa mixoif
with Btarch, Arrowroot or Sugai
and is therefore far more econooc
ical, costing less than one cent
cup. It is deiioious, nourishing
strengthening, easily digested
d admirably adapted for lnvat
Ids as well as for persons in health.
Sold by Grocers everywhere*
f. BAKER SCO., Dorchester, Mass.
Or the Liquor Habit **«>*.£lively
Cured by aflminiiitoriiif; Dr.
1I»: tea' boldeii S|K*rilir.
*iean be given ‘n a c»ip*>f coffee ur tea with
c ot tho knowledge of the person taking it
absolutely harmless, an-’ will effect a perxna
nent aini speedy cure, whetuoi the patient k
a modorate drinker or an jdcohohc wreck if
has been given !n thousands of cases, end 2r
every instance a perfect euro hns followed. I?
never falls. Tho system once improgr.ate*
with the Specific, It becomes an utte- Imj-osrf
bilUy for the liquor appetite to ea Ip*
M. D. HOOD & u0 ,
93 Broad Street. COM/MHt *. GA.
Cell or write for namphlet containing bn*
find, of tsstlmonlan from the best women aa
•neo from all o-rta w the noont --
Mouth Wash and Dentifrice
Mr I B Noxon, Uhashler of First I
National Bank, of Slug Sing, NY,,
suffered greatly from C-istiveness aud j
Dyspeptic, duo to overwork and want f Ooree Binding Osm.. Uloen, Sore Mon
n i rno.nlnrfirnt.e After wdhiIt a Thro.t, Cle.uie, the Teeth »nd Pnriflel tho
or r . 0 *, r ‘I* 0101 *®’ Auer wusut g Used and reoommended br lewliaff -lentlat
much time and money In seeking a
remedy, be began taking tbe old re
liable Brandretb’s Pills, two every
night f r tbres weeks. He now has a
good appetite and oapltal digestion,
and win answer any written or per-
ona'. Inquiry regarding bla remarknb e
oure. eoddw
_ i thoPtwith,
dentist*. P,s-
An exchange ask?, “What beoomets
of all tbe old Uv3rpad-r’ It lseti-
dent that editor never tried his teeth
on a nllroad restaurant eamlwioh
Bend six cents tor postage
• i.ibio and rooelve free a costly bo,
goods which will help all. ot either sc*
to r-ekn more money right away tbai:
anything al e lu this world. Fortune,
awn t the workers absolutely snre. Term
mailed free. Tbitk A Co A nenMa. Mein-
The Original unit Only Genuine. |
Sftfc an<l always Reliable. Bow wo of vrorthlc#ui ImltattOi.
ImilsjK’usable to LADIES. Auk your Druffglat for
'ThlchfsIerV FnffTinh” aud take do other, or inclose 4c. I
(•tanipsj to us for particulars m Utitr by return mail 1
NAME PAPER. Chlcheater C’hrmlcu! Co.. •
8818 Madlaon bquarts Phllada., P*
Stld bj DrunUU everywhere. Ask fbr 'Thlckctt
ter’a Ku«llah” Penny rtivn! I»«Uf Take *•«*&•*. •
tu ibaatsss ns 4u 1
the popular favorite for dressing
the hair, Restoring color when
ay, aud preventing Dandruff,
t cleanses the scalp, stops the
hair falling, and is suro to pleasa
6o«. and $7 gtiea at Drugriits.
m. XKKVorsl
Daily, Weekly and Sunday.
Ivsi Mi Hevspaper in lit ton
mivrL.AH.amD and improved
Full Telegraph and Market Reports.
D A. I
Will be sent to any address on receipt oflprloe for ttme'aampd, rial
Three Months,
3ix Months, •
One Year, -
$2 00
3 50
7 00
Six Months,
One Year,
A life experience. Remarkable and quick
u. Scud Stamp for sealed particular a Address.
8U N D A
ix Months
One Year, ■ •
NE-Sanapio copies seut'free. Address
1 10
1 00
JOHN KINO, Prop’r.
Norfolk, Va, Fob 16,1886.
Proposals will be received at this
office until Saturday, March 27th
1886, for tbe purchase of tbe here’
matter mentioned property in ; t8
entirety, and also for pieces or par
cels of the same- -reference being"
bad to descriptive lists of Ra id
property-—which lists, stating
terms of sale will be furnished
upon application to the under-
signed Tbe right to reject any and
all bids is reserved.
The extensive and valuable prop,
erty located in S orfolk and Ports-
mouth, Va, knovn as the “Seaboard
Cotton Compress Company of Nor
folk, Va, consisting of;
1. The franchise, which, among
other privileges, authorizes the
storage of cotton and other mer
chandise, and the issue of nego
tiable roceipts therefor
3- Its plant, which consists of
three first class Cotton Compresses
Two Steam Tugs,
Three Transportation Barges,
All adjuncts necessary to a well
equipped establishment of this
character Its fire-proof Ware-
houses, seven in number, of capaci
ty for storage of 24,000 bales un
compressed cotton
Its four Frame Warehouses,
metal roofs • capacity, many thou
sand tons of Fertilizers, Salt, &c.
Its Wharves and Docks, which
afford ample room for berthing at
same time ten seagoing steam or
sailing vessels. The area of the
Warehouse and Dock property in
Portsmouth is about 6 12 acres,
together with all its other property
which is fully described in the lists
above referred to
feb!6 td Receiver
Bent mMerinl, perfect fit, equal* any IS or abo*
every pair warranted. Take none unices itampaf
"W. L. Douglas’ fS.OO
Shoe,warranted.” Con-
greee, Button and Lace,
u you cannot get Uieeo
shoes from dealer*, send
address on postal card
to W. L. Douglas, Brock-
Ion, Mass.
0M—S*- N
For‘sale only by
No 112 Broad’-St
JalS «o.*3m
Or. Itfi’s Boll Nizi ! Spins.
We beg io cell » 'en‘
llou to he Bbcve Baib
N site Syringe, -npeilor
lv every rispeo? to
"■her Syrlnv*» 1° ln "
fl mme’lon or pel,, from
o her o n<es, in whlcb
hot or co'd woier Is de«
sired, noothei S^rlrge j*
so tffeoinal o oorvenh
er t as Ihe u.s of Ibis.
with 1 ■ use wster obd be
-etslned at will (or a^7
length or lime ^o Syr
inge iqnals this for the
Inaction o' medlelsal
to filonv. as the natal-
elpssars brroght In con
trol wl:h sit parts. No
ledy oan sxp?et to early
r,never from vaginal or
uterine disease, wllhout
a Syringe that caa thor-
onghly elfirrse ihe tsrU
__ srd brlrg (he medlelnss
In oontsot with n'l he diseased pans
for otrcniare of l's o'her nses at drag sores-
For sain bv all drnefr'st*. trstrnmsnt deal
ers or rubber strre. F Ice'hi-asms ssany
'rdlnary Syringe P i‘enI fef H . n ¥c M9D
nffto'nred by O W TU’Z * J ®v .
Indlanutiolts. Xnd.
PR AN NON * OABiOM. Wholesale
Aeenis, ooloiubos G- lebJ8-atb sal am
I’Ve ONLY f ORSF.T made that ran he remma
by its piucluacr after three wear'
not found ‘ ^ ’
■funded hy
in,*'without Pairs
very respect, and its \
'ft hie
X3 Lispenard St., New York. v
94.0 a vry*oe St Chicago. m
II r an OHLYc« A ro»|rig
M c nl v«t"> s&np&snb
lw I b 1 ■ Quatkerr.
PROOFS. Book by mall, SEA LKlfa FKKE.
0V84 SOdW