Columbus daily enquirer-sun. (Columbus, Ga.) 1877-1886, March 09, 1886, Image 5

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    08WRHF,i»3 FdBMER CLUB.
An IslfmllDi M tine* «« ih* (neUII
—Will r«n»<itr fir Premiums nl the
IMU rnlr.
Exiuiukr Sun; I:, let a pleasant
tiling to visit Ojwlclx.e, tho at'J neni
neighborhood beyond the Ohanaboo-
ohee, known by ore of the many
euphonious names, to which onr gao-
graphy falls heir from the Indian
tongue Rioent associations are, how
ever, its ohlef feature ot interest, unless
we except those oast relations which
at drat subsisted during the j int occu
pancy of the soil by the white man and
the Indian, and have continue! with
higher degrees of interest under the
regime of he "pale faoa” alone, since
the rod man has gone west. The
scriptural i; j ; o ion of being “given
to hospitality’’ Is verified among the
good people of this neighborhood,
alike to the “stranger” who is thus
“taken in” (In the b."t eecss ol the
term), and to the old acquaintance who
may test their good na nre ever eo of«i
ten, Among the evil fruits of our late
war, not the leas, ie the proneness of
our people to seek employment and
home in the cities to the detriment ot
the country. I a this respeat O viohee
constitutes an exrptlonal blessing
The preaoher, the teaoher, the dootor
(is-h, fl at-clas*-). Is “abroad” in this
special portion of “the land ” The only
complaint to this condition of things
beiDg the statement of the dootor that
lot six months he has had nothing to
do. An “ideal oniouy” has b3en the
dream of many ot our people, long be
fore the warj mist of ihe essays,
however, in that direction, though
well intended, having been rendered
fatile by dissensions and mishaps of
various character, Among the few ex-
pelrmonts, both before and since the
war,which have proved successful,that
of Oswlobee is one of note. And if the
reason be sought for this exceptional
Sued fortune, the answer may be main
ly given In the unity of its people—a
unity to be commended the more as
the outgrowth of diversity. I . promo
tion of this unity uo one feature is
more oondnolve than the organization
known as the Oswiohee farmers’ cub,
numbering some two d i"u members,
It belug a matter of question which Is
the more wide-awake, tl e male or the
female element of the association. The
club meets onoe a month, on
s given Saturday, morning
and afternoon sessions, with
b'g dinner (one of the biggest sort)
most magnificently interjected. The
reoent meeting of Saturday was held at
the residence (’he bonus all belong to
the women) of Mrs William Nlsbet,
whose hospitality was the m re til mo
tive by the tasteful oo-operation of her
mother, MrB Waii&ktr. A spacious)
parlor warmed by oue of the biggest
an 1 best el contiiry Arcs roaring in
one of the biggest and best
of oouatry fire plaoea would
seem to be an Inviting enough piaie o
holding a deliberative assembly; hut
the sense of sight and smell m at be
propitiated by a collection on a center
table of j ponioas, hyacinths, snow
drops, buttercups, goraui ima and other
bright and sweet thli gs, which an un
appreciative memory fai.s to
recall. Captain Cheeney is the
president of the club, nnd has proved
to be so oogapatent that, whatever the
merits of other mombers, he will sim
ply not be allowed to resign fr m year
to year, The character of the proceed-
ings of these monthly meetings may
be measurably anticipated, from the
conformity of many ot Its features to
those of similar bodies. Suffice It to
eay, in general terms, that each sessloD
Is an “experience meeting” tonobing
household economy and agrionltarai
1 nterests, Essays respecting some one
or more of the divereifled industries of
the eoil are read under previous ap
pointment; dismissions occupy their
appropriate space; while a special com
mittee of three read their inspection re
port, derived from observation in per
son, of every industry of hruse ap
pnrtensnoes, gardens, orchards, fields,
etc. Nearly fifty persons gave
ready heed to tho invitation to dine,
the table being set with a profusion ai d
expression of dishes not to beset before
your readers. It oeing not only prop
er to “say tnrkey,” where tnrkey so
j fatly merits it, mentien mnst be made
of a “colossal bronze,” one slioe of
whose breast leaves room for nothing
else on yoor plate, thirty of the like
kind with the deceased, having been
raised and sold by one of the members
of the club, while enough yet traverse
the yard to prevent your supposing
that any had been sold, Mention meet
not be omitted ol the Guernley batter
spread before the eyes and mouth of
these many eaters, ail the result of Mrs
Nlsbet’s handiwork, alter giving due
oredlt to the oow for tho outfit.
Fat 'and improved varleiies
of hogs, oattle and oolta are
seen upon tho prom' i es of most, of the
community, while a stallion on “his
native heath” may woll be exhibited
at any horse show in tho land. The
olab unanimously agraed to compete
for tne handsomo premium offered by
the A’nbama state agricultural society
f or the greatest variety of the product
of the soil. An inoidonta! benefit of
the meeting of the O iwioboe olnb is the
reunion thus U ted of the “blood” of
some of its members, which having
oironlated variously elsewhere rotarn-
ed to fountain head, Conspicuous
alike In person, character and
•ge, among those identified
with the nualty Is Wm Alefsnder,
the oldest oitiz n, though not the old
est man, of the county, more than
flfly years of whose adu't life have
been spent in the state of his adoption,
residing In the msantims in the same
oounty and same community, and, ex
cepting a short period, in the same
dwelling, O the occasion of the re
oent meeting tils clan were rallied from
Cincinnati to Marianna, His “quiver”,
is nearly “full” in t.h* one lovely
daughter and guv in manly sons, one of
the lattor being now ot another honne
la the bright bey ind. A. C F,
until. iHuir a*.
W Berdei Burroughs, B.nnawick;
E Wolf, Now Y >rk; S Heabt, Mont
gomery; JAY O', V ginla; W 1)
Grean«)le, W HI J u)ks>n, Now Y rk;
John Y Dix in, AvauU; C L Divls,
Warm Springs.
J B Bi laps, Suali; Thos Sawyer,
Cincinnati; G P SPiidler, S Paris, OU1-;
J A Colson, Florid ; C J F Bane, Cln-
einneti; G A Lvms, Opelika; W A
Allen, Savanna!-; J W Harris, Mem
phis, 0 K Mookton, S. Louie; J R Wil
liams, Augusta; J W Smith, Ailaute;
John MoGough, Gienavlllr; W A Bel
lamy and wife, Seale; T Goodmad,
Louisville; J Blvay, Manor; J A Mo
Drury, Geneve; J 0 MoDonald, Dairoit;
G H Hall, Chlosg'; 5V W Fitijersld,
Florence; J W Jackson, Alabama W
M Jourson, Brnnswlok
Biter Mfwrj.
The steamer N iiad arrived on Sm*
da?. She brought a lair miscellaneous
freight, but no ootton. F Plowing ie a
list of her passengers : J A Colson,
Chattahooohoe; A F ut, Haywoode;
Thomas Sawyer, GPS eldler, C K uf-
matt, Fort Glint" ; J D Collins, Miss
Mattie Morris, Bifauls; B F Lokey,
Miss Like", Lokey’s landing; W G
Mshoun, G Heal, Bluff or-; MIbs
Stern, Miss D ila Strauss, Miss Amelia
Strauis, Fxorenoe, G ; nine on deuk,
The steamer Milton H Smith arrived
yesterday evening, bringing 75 bales
of ootton and a small miscellaneous
freight. The ootton waa consigned es
follows; Carter A Bradley 65 bales,
Ergle A Poenix ’4 B anobard A Bur
ras 4. Slade <fe E.heredgo 1
■•••M l From Xnrlnf Trslsa.
Chicago, M-iroh 5 O train No
9 of the Chicago, Milwaukee and St
Paul road, leaving Chicago for Mil
waukee at 3 o’clock yesterday after*
noon, the first ex; oilment was made
in the way of receiving messages on
a regular express train in rapid mo
tion from the various stations aloi g
the hue of road 8.. ecial trains, with
peculiar appliances for accomplishing
this result, have on eastern t ab suc
cessfully made experiments of the
kind. This was the fl f.t case, how
ever, in whioh a regular passenger
train not specially fquipped for the
purp’se was in onus ant telegraphic
communication with all the st-ttio: s
on the read F r tbe purpose f the
experiment the me allio roif of
the car wrs oharged with tl e
electric current, and a wire run from
the car roof to a table in the car on
which the usual instrument resell.
George C MoGr-gor, manager of the
ruilway telegraph and telephone
company,supervised 'he work, whioh
was performed by Messrs D ..gleand
Rudd, electricians of the company.
Communication was kept up with
all the statii us on the lino as ta lly
as if a wire had been s retched direct
ir m the train. The electrio current
in use for messages on the train is
oonduc'ed through the air, leaping
from the roof ol the car to the wires
beside the road, and carrying the
message sent. Operators along tho
line did not notice the antios of ihls
stranger on the wires. The inveu-
•ion, when perfected, will permit
trains moving in all directions to
communicate with eaob other. At
present trains can only communicate
On ’€Ii»d|0,
special to E^qulrer'Sca.
New York, March 8-The week
opened a. thu stock exchange with a
continuation of iiulli.ess .which was
such a prominent feature during be
latter part of the past week There
wf s continued activity, however, in
Rending, which wbb also strong ear
ly, but closed with only a gain oi J
Tue remainder of the market opened
irregular, but was Arm dur
ing the forenoon, resulting In slight
gains, yielded slowly after midday
and somewhat more decidedly in the
lest hour, but closed firm on a small
reaction at prices generally i ' ■ J bet
ter than the lowest figure and firm at
quotatlona. L uisvllle and Nashville
was the exception, closing with a
net advance o’ '* There Is muoh
more favorable tai k on the street re
garding this property than for along
time past, due to the late reports of
earnings, showing much smaller
losses than a few months ago. Erie
is down i >n a the reported strike
of the road’s employes. The report
was afterwards denied. Western
Union and Nuw Y rk Central each
are down IJ lower. The remainder
of the active list it J tc J over, ex
cept Puc fi„ mail, wnich is i higher.
Sales 331.000 uhures.
ItoreaMd Tlielr P»y.
Spec,ft- to E quire* Buu. ^
Hartf rd Conn, March 8 —The
New Y rk and New H'Vsn railroad
company has, without solici'atlou,
decided io raise the pay of the labor
ers on all divisions of tneir road from
It 35 ‘o 01.50 per day, beginning
April 1
*i »,» —
Tk« War r»x or ’Ol
Should oingress conduce to gqua e
up the direct war tax of 18C1 in whit
is doubtless the readiest and most
equitable plan, by remitting its de
linquent balances and refunding the
1 payments that have been made, the
Dt-ilrict of Column h wpl be eutitled
| to a refund of 049 437 33 The ac-
I count against ia sbows an sp-
I potllonmetit in thatsta’.eof 0729 071
ar d an uncollected balance of 0213
601, M-rvlaud’s share in the levy
i wa 0438 823, wtileti was paid in full,
I Cnaigi'S are sia .ding sgainst the
people of A'i'.batna and their property
for 0620 821; G-org a still ow e on
this extraoidma levy 0512 959, M s*
siBHinpi, 0335 342; Tennessee, 0281,-
775; Texts, 0225 098 Ttie nortusru
sift'es generally paid up in full, Col
orado being an ixcrptloa, not paying
anyihing. Dakota and U ah are in
the . amo eatagory. California, wl h
an apportionment o’0214 338 is short
Tue states whioh were in arms
against the government at the time
the lax was laid, a c naturally lu
ll ind, though several of them through
voluo’a y payments or compulsory
colho’i'ias were enabled to score sub
stantial cruli s Arkrnsas, out of a
levy of 0281 000, tu-md li *184,000;
Tennessee, out of 0669 000. relumed
0387.000 Even 8 uth C .rolina was
sqnei z'-ii to tier lull amount of 0363,
670 K-ntuuky si o vs a clear bal
ance saeel. L -oiBiana only owes
0117,371 out of 0385 888
8 muid congr. i-s decide that this
lax, amoun log to about 020 000 000
in the sggregote must be paid up in
full, tr e pioplc ol all the stales against
which bs a toesappear,will, of a-U“P ,
be liable, snd the d ill: queuoles art
oollec able thr ug \ the machinery of
the federal lax gatherer.
To nearly all tbe stales in arrears,
however, such a proceeding would
prove as rl. ss nordsbip. Tue states
from which the si; al est portion cf
this tax was derived were the great
est si fl rers by tbe war W.; can . ee
no reason for enforcing collections
that wi uM simply and to their bur
dens and reinid their proaperi.y.
Under the clrcums acces it w old bn
such a irespass upon the limits of
s- und public policy as w -uld net no
oom; e sating bene fl. to the govern*
c e:t.
I is now prr poeeil in the house that
so much of the tax as Is delinquent
be remitted and so much as was pa d
re’unle'; In other words that the
paymeu'S n a e ,n the levy be o m-
siceind as in the nature of voluntary
contributions to tbe government in
its time of need and re'arued to the
contributors now that tbe emergency
is over and the union permanently
reetoied. Tl: s will erd an old con
troversy about claims and set-offs
and end it with wisdom and mag*
nanimi'.y.—Wr sliingion Critic.
There were 227 failures in the
United 8'ates reported to Bredstraet’s
this week, against 208 as week, 222
in the first wei b in Morob, 1885, 211
in 1884, 208 in 1883 ,.nd 152 in 1882.
Ca .uda uad 35 his week, against 27
last week, and 38 ost year. The total
number of failures 1 u the United
8. it< s this yi ar to M a;ch 5 :s 2528,
against 2977 i i a lik»i ponion of 1885,
a docli-ie ol 449 :.i nine we ks, or an
average of an u’ 50 per w ek since
J i.uary 1 I i « i k - portion of 1884
me toial was 2507, >r 21 less than in
1886; in 1883 . was 2371 *ud in 188 2
1582 .
H >w ofien Is the light of the boese-
tiold otoudid by signs of melanoholy
"» ini abi.lly ru ’he part of tbe isdies.
Y i, ibey are no: to bn blamed, for ihev
are the results rf ailments peculiar to
inat ScX, wbiofi men know not of. But
i.he oautr, may be removed and |oy re
stored by ’.iio use of I) P.wrce’H ‘’Fa
vorite P»eHorlpitotj,” wli ch, as a tonic
aud nervine for debilitated women,
ia oortam, aa'e and pleasant. It is
beyond all compare the great healer ol
8ho—Whai a ram you are, George
lways in-King fou of the ladies’ taper
waists, Hi And what should I do
with a taper but make light of i’7
vacMis mmcvaiTMm*.
Mmitoom* BtmMi
Aldan tin a Unit is __ail »1K
jimraiaou nug«7s —...,_.il2 y»iil
Oolambaa and Rome let 6’», en
dorsed O R R — 100 @101
Darloue, iJo.uuioiu ,iuu Augus
ta 1st mtgu 1J1 @114)4
Uaarlolte, i.oiuaun i and Augus
ta 'id mt('« 108 @104
. jorgla rt it U— w ru*
Georgia A a. os B 110
-oblie <h Girard ad mtge end
U li Ji 108 @*09
iuoigouiniy os diiuuaia isi mtge
.iB, mud u J.i li ..i: 7 _ 10*
duu-u Georgia dt B'londu 1.... eu-
Joraed oj Grate u; Georgia, 7
par oeat...~— D @.20
i lain Miurgiap* Fiuriaaad.v or otaa @i!3
./Mtirr. -tl - Aio. Lev rntga eua
Ca,i - - .silo
Vssssru A.abw Ju jiu., .nrt8ill4 ^ 116
Atlanta 8s.«... -. ......
Atlanta 7e „
Angnsia7s ...... ~
Com ir, baa 7« ....
Oolnmbas 6i
LaGrange 7s
Maoon 6s
Savannah &*
106 @ 07
■ Hr is) 16
n.8 @aa
.1 7 @10S
i.a @ii6
96 @ 87R
M .... lou @10.
.. »....109 @111
9* @10*
jettreii- ween.
Atlanta and West Toini„.„„ 80 @ 17
Atlanta and West Point 0 per
cent Bcrlp... ...10* @101
Augusta and Bavannah 7 pr ot...,J?4 @178
Central common .. 78 @ 74
JentralB B 6 pr oeni scrip. .99 @100
Georgia 11 per oent 168 $166
donthwestern 7 pruL.guar-nteed.JlU @1*1
Hank Blank.
Chattahooonee National 10 pr ot.175 @*00
MsroharUk i» ilecnanlos’ lu pr ot.I.O A *6
OtaOn (•««•**
Georglc 4)4'....—-.— 8)4®xC6
Georgia —, — — 107 @lua
Georgia 7s, 1896 123 @1*8
Georgia 7e. IKRO 13 31'4
d,sg .s A Pheu!x.....«*—— — 93 . *5
OolunibttS — Wl * ’*•
S)l»SiX)l/,<l«' 90 95
(isorgla Rome 'd»Co, *80 35
arnriofti i MtwrvMN
° or ‘oo'T> HrM'ii*. l 2
Ckn/sacrar^ Hunan tfusiiil.
I have an order for 85-.OUO or any p«ra
ffnr Mram.
Wpnela! lot-10 i-Uures Eigie end PbeuU
nnbar rr.v-k) to elJeof q’’oi ealo
8500 Colutntms bond due W.8
8 Shares Merchants aud Me'-banlo?
Bat k H oct
825,000 Georgia new 4)4 per cen’ M ycai
Western K R -d morlgege 8 ner oent
B Itids, one 181KJ I nan r,e' ..eiler ll. Q J4
ci v b( Columbus 5s bunds
dee me before you buy or sell. I can ou
ways do as well, and often several points
better, than s>ui one else-
better, man ».u, o jqhj( BIl4CKJtABi
«r Telccrsst to ike ■■■■trer-aas
t ondun March 8-4 p m-Oensols
Itl i-lB, eonnnt 101 818
Btw York, Maioh 8 — Noon - itoer s
ar* uuu mod steady. Money *a«y at 1U@
1 P*r reat. Exchange— long 14 r7)g sn u r,
14 88!4 Bte'e Saida,neglected, Unvernsaeai
bonus sleabv and fl m.
Niw Took Marob 8—liohange *4 17)4
Mosey 1@8 ,,er eent, Gorsrnmeaioo a-i
.all, Nusr tonr per aeali 127).:
■ bree per eeaU 180)4 bid. State bourn,
aoit vs
Gold in aab-Treuaary si8i,4 6,000 , 9mr>
rsaey *14.4-0,COO •
4vw York. March 8 Tbs followlnt
were me oloslng quolailoni of the jioct
Ala class a non.... 100), MoblisA Ohio 14
ds class B.S’s IDO Naihrille.t Uhst... 47a
tUaorglt 6*a 100 NO Paclflo 1’ ‘
Usorgis /’s, mortg. lOi
N Oaioliua, oiil..., So
t co new SO
tlo fnadlnx >0
». O. browr»M
trSDBSUOC -’a ....... 0)
tVIrglnls S’s il
Mo coasolt to
Ihewapssks A Ohio luSi
‘ Ihiosgo A Northw’blOV)*
dc prsfsrred 141
lie's J L okawaDS...I>4
arle 7 V
4lt Teun it B.
lakt Short.......
.. Y Ceotrsl 103H
Norfolk A W frerd... Belt
do noferrsd. uv
Paolflo Mall 91 a
Rsadlui :oi
Rlohmond A Alio.. 9
Ktohmond A l)an.. IS
Uioh’d A W.P. Tor lift
Hook Island m
Si Panl sjjj
do Preferred.—., laa
Texas Paclflo....... ug
' nlon Paolflo. ,uu
(8 <4
LiVESPeoi., March 8-Nnon - Coues bnsl
naas go r d a' hardening rates; mid-
< “Willing orleaKf
4 15-184,* sales 12 no# bales—ipeenintkm and
oxptu-i 2000 bales
rtecelpiu 6,COO bales— 4910 .marinas
Potnrer fl m . t ndvanoe, at Ihu followlnt
quotations :
aaroh and Ap*ll„_„ 4 5S-A4J
April and May 4 i0 54,1
W,y and June 4 61 84 * 5 82 84d
Joae and Jnly 5 0 '-64v 5 1 q
July and Angnal . 5 S-«4i@5 4-84 4
August and September .8 6 84@5 7 64d
renders of dell Tories for to*dnv’a oiearias-
::oo bales ai new docket, ant' 450 bales 0
2:90 P m—Bales of the day include 10,5(0
ss'es ol American
U.) auds 4 15 161, orleaua 6d
■ ntareu: Maro 1 delivery 4 80 flld s ’lers
daroh end April 4 8 : 64u seller* April an<-
May 4 82-644 sellers, May and Jane 8 80 840
s-l rrs; June and Joly 5 2 81J bnye s
July ana An mat 5 5-84d buyers; Angns
ead Beptember 5 8-044 ssllers Bspn m osr
aad Octobers 7 8to aellcrs. Fn'nrec fl m
8:00 9 nt — Future.: Marsh dellvem
4 82 64u sellers, Marsh and April 4 62 61c
soiiere; April snd May 5 00 841 a,n s
May aad Jans 6 2-84 4 sollsre Jane ant’
July 5 6 64J sailers; Jnly and Anris.
5 7-848 buyers; August aad September
5 11164 1 sellers: Suplombtr and O r uber
6 8v'4 t vnyers Futures olosud fl m.
Niw York, March 8 -Evening—Getter
mnvket fl m, sales 947 bales; apland-
I 3 '6 Orleans 9)(J
Cunsolldaied uei reoelpts 15 641 bales, *1
berte Great Britain 7888; eonUntn' 6896
Franer 03
Naw CRLkAWb, March 8- 818 FM-
Fa'ares closed s esdy; sales 67 too bales, ss
Marob -—
April -
July —
Niw Yokb, Murch
, I 76 ICO
. 8 86 -100^ 8 88 10
- 8 99 1- U® 9 111 ICO
. 9 18 lie* 9 4 ]»,
. 9 va leow 9 27- nw
9 19 1.0® 9 8 1 ICt
. 9 114 10«M 9 0 i 100
- 8 91 h OM 8 16 . 0
8 90 00x4 8 92 ICO
. 8 9* 10t@ 8 93 0<'
reoeipi" 9 bxiei., gros 510 bales. Folnr
olo»eU Oral—pales were 198 ICO bales, d
ful uws:
March... 9 2 Ittifi 8 3 T
April.— 9 89-:W4s 9’Oo
May 9 41 100 9 42 0C
Jane — 9 61-100 - 9 = . si'c
July 9 69 lOOifV 9 8 10
Augnsi 9 7 10U@ H 08 llO
eptemhur ........ 8 60 ux.® 9 51 io
Oeirbsr — 9 31 locgc 9 5 i 0
Novembi r„„„„ 9 ’.8 10 @ u 0i-
i...comber 9 8. 1 0.9 03 10'
J Abu'* y 9 33 10u® 0 10 1.0
Gai.vrbton. diiroh 8 ■ C"i Urn
middlings ■; del inr- ou 1609 ■ ru,
160); selur 1681 slock 63 182. exp ms Gras
Brualc CO, ooailnen: 8665
So I u.M iro' a o " un rna kn’s'osiy
mlddil- gs 6^1. nu r.uelpls 918, grot
943 .» as 471 siuek 36 8:0 expuri* Gres
Brllalr 80 coc lloent 00
Baltimore, M rch 8 — Cotton fl ;n:
■ulde.i.bS Yu i uei reueipls 500. gro s 2128;
rules —, sales .u spinners -; luek 38<:3u. te Gres) Britain lO, eon.l ,eu
Bcstoh, March 8 - Ootton marks' quiet;
mikdiiagt 9 1-16 •; net receipt’ 1916 grow
804 2 sales 00, suiek 6810; expurts to Gres
Britain 1829
WiLriNaToN, Msroh 8 -.ottea mriket
Arm; uaiddllngs 8%t net reeslpts 158,
gross 158; islet 08 muck 7818, exports Ore*;
Rrltsi;. 00 osnilaenl M
Fbii.adbi.pwia. Pa, Mareu 8 — Ootton
dale miseung net receipts 8 gros"
6; sales 00; stock 18,298: exports eontlnen
80; Gres' Brltal. 00
BA VARNA H, March 8-Ootton steady:
middlings Ol 8% I ne>, receipts 1678 gross
1660 sales 25 s'oek 8:179 exports V
Great Brllai. 10, oontlr.aa 8528
Niw Orleans. M»rob 8 <-uod n- a rli''i
Him; a idsumgs 8)4o; us. -scstp-.s 4357
gross 495) :.a:4r 610), bl-.ici 861 685 xpoi
to Greu. Britain u0, to Frsuoe 00, oua 1
sen: 00
Momi-a. Msroh 8— Cotter market flam-
sulddllngi V/n bei rsn.-mn 1190 rrn*
1190; ne ‘« 5eu, stcok 46,116 .xpoi.t Vret
rrltsi* ‘.693
-MBMPniB, March 8 Cotion Arm-
middlings 8% «#1 receipt)* 2419, ehlp
me-’s 2849 suias 1400, stool 188 7 9b, apl?»
cars 00
ADUUSXA, March 8—Cottas quiet, fl rn:
m’ddllnge *9ic reoslptr 114 shlpm-ot'
6 : sale* 747 sw>ok
CRAELISTOR, Marob 8 Cot'.on Ortr;
middlings 854c nei reeslpts 555, trot
665; salsa 50 itMk 69 20*: exports to
Great Britain 00, Fra* ee 00, continent 00
PBOOVCI arm r HO via lots a,
Ckioado Maroh 8-Flu nr unchanged—
sonihern U;ur 14 40®4 45. Wheat etroog
early, closed % unuer Malnrday— March
H^@81%8, bk> 86^®8€)4o: N? 2 sprlr g80X@
8ik Corn fl *. early, closed wr’k—c*S )
97‘4@78o, March 37)4 May 404@4' % : On
qaie< but firm—cssh 294.', Match it) , May
82)4@&2% ’ Mess pork advance! 6fct7)4c. bn-.
Bellied oack ^1 1 @ 7)4. and closed sleaily—
ca>b aod Msrcc Jlo 20@10 26 May 10 30 '.)
1152)4. I.ird t.'rcly o’srdv—cisb and March
te 1)5, N ay £6 C7)4<g0 12)4 . B x»il meats
htsedy — dry saueu sh n!d«rs 53 W)@4 0
short rib sides F3 S7X4f8 40, »hon, cieai
side. 7094.76 WhUlxj e.eady a. 8) 18 Hugm
nnohangsd— B’.andurd A !%c, grsnuls’e
m x.unle
;Sy. E.OUI3, M .rch 8-Ftonr umhanged—
feraiy 53 25 ,3 35. lauey 53 25 g 4 Wl IV beat
no iv'i HU* :o»er—Ne 5 led oast 91)4), Ma ■
91)4^9:y, Ci rn firm aod higher—No 2
mixia ..r«ii 3'-J4'5t36c, Vlsy 38)4@37 Oslr
v :y OUT d«. n gbe — Ne 2 mlx"d ossh
H'!4@5 K May 0. Wnlsky itoady-8110
Pipvi6i»*fs dn'i, Mnea pO' K steady al 510 5
lAtr/1 c s 1—56 9' Balk meats dull aud
nnabaugsd—louse lois — long oiesi side.
5 88 abort rib sides 5 40, shun, dear 5 8)
boxed lots—lo.g 0 ear 85 87)4, ihon. rib
8 , f-hnr clear 6 00, Baonu so.lye-'nng
clear S'de 55 77@) 8# shor' r'b side. $5 85@
“ 5 93, short eisar .10es 16 95; har ■ 9>4a
Em5s villa.
LoravTlLl. Kr March 8-Graln Arm
Wheat, No 2 tea 95:; corn, new mix id
88)40. new wl) 1 . e 39 ; duLh, now No 2
inixsi. 83c Provisions llrmfr; p.-ik—mess
119 75rtfc11 *0 bn'on—clesr rlbuldee 5 85,clear
u4e« 6 15 s>v aiders 4 50 Hulk moms clear
r b slbss 6 45. clear sidcsS 70, shun liters 4 00.
Aug*)-cured ham. 9 60@10 00. LarV, choice
lea' 7 75«8 00.
Jlew orlssas
Naw UKLKAR8, Maroh 8 O' five In good
ilem , d nnd usbnde nlgher— Klo, In oar-
gosa.eAmman to prime 5)4«;!))4s
Riot, market flrm-Luatetana, ordinary
in prime 8@5)4e.
Hager duu — L,onlslaaa open kettle,
tirle.iy prims Ee, fully 'ah iKt oommen to
rood tnlr 4)40; laferlor M'O^o; centrifugals,
I IT while 10 oho sc 6n*)4 prime yeTlaw
e.nrlfled J4o
U1 iiisssr s'e» y— Lonleiane open kettle
giod prims 20 21',• eentrlf gals, primate
r pirns l$4b29o, commou to good
cnmmsn 13c
JltfgnniAn, March 8-Whisky quiet at
II 10.
Cotsois StsS OH.
S*W OaLRAWK, March 8 • lottov i«nJ set);
prime eruuv 21@28s. snmuser yelluw 2714
'26o: mnrkcl dull,
Yuuk, M»r 0 l 8 -Oot'.pr. *««d ell—
l'025c for crudr 3U40 fur rjflned.
.U711 «Ten:». me.
flaw Yoke,Maroh 8 Rosin Nteedy; nrala-
«' 51560:10, Turpentine market, quiet—
50)4*61 .
naw York, Maroh 5 - tides era steady—
*ei saliei* New Orleans selectee 46 end
50 pound: 5)4*100; Texnr selected, 55 and Cl
"tends 10)4
Nfw Ton, March 8 Wool market quiet
aud Arm- bunestlo Hesse J7.’86 ■, Texas —c,
- tiles 11028 .
Niv YORK. Mere! 8 Freights tn Diver*
, jc steady c'iton per steamer 7*64 whsol
,er ste-.ninr 2)4 ’.
(’'I’un, Maroh 8 -Turpentli.r firm;
46o sxrd. R'isin .strained 85, geod slrelnee
BAVAKRAH March 8-Turp*uMne qn'v'i
49.40; humid steady— II 6001 05, sales 640
■. irrels
Wilminotow, March 8 -Turuantlae firm!
48s. WosiD tl' 'i~ strained 80s; good 15'.
sr Iris nt ft 15 Crndt tu» pen fine flrni,
"•*) • 26 rftllow dip and virgin IN 15
1' x cutor’a Sale
B Y virtue of un o T der from tbo Court of Ordtanrr
of MuHcoRoe CGQQiy und Htato of GaortMa, will
bs soid on Hutnrday iMarcti 2>tb, fa fr<>ut of F M
Know lo'A Co’t AucM>n H-jusp* tho plnoe of legal
■ til or all the pnrirthuble property and tbs household
sud kitchen farnitare bsloDKing to ibe ei*st« of
Michaol WoUtthev, dec used. T rm j cu^h.
m*rV ltd Ei000tor Mlchaol rdcUsfcey, deceMed.
VY Al' xander Toles udministrator of the osiate of
R W W.f fanis dooca-ed, makes apnlicatlco for
leave to spiI a part of tbe real estate l> lonsrlug to
th^ Huid R W Wi Ha’rs. consisting of the ( astern
h If of tho «onth part ol lot f-e , and tbs eastern
vart of lot No H v in tho northern ilbbrtlei of tho
c ty ' f Co umbns, Ga.
The« aro ihorp( >rs, to ci*o all por«ons concerned,
heirs and creditors to show cause if an* they have,
within tho time profleribod by law, why leave to sell
•aid propotty should not be granted to said appli
Given under my official signature this Fubrnary
17. IB 6 F. If. BROOKS,
febir oawtw Ordinary.
X Hourv T FcrUon makes •pp'.icntlrn for letteis
of a ministration on the estate of Thomas D Fort*
n, late of said count drcsa*ed,
Those sro. theref”re to cite all and singn'ar. the
kindred and cr&lltoni of nit'd deceased, fo show
cause if auy they have. *liy lottors of (duiinlsfa
ticn si) ul<t not he g/antod to said op’ llcant on the
flm M”ndaj in April mat
Wit- osi my ■ ffleial signature this Marc). 3d, 18 6,
mh3 ouwtk ^ ___ Ordinary.
vX N N Curtis ai'miuistrator of tho fstate ct
lionam *t Uiinki rhi**, d-ci-afled. ropro-aut? to the
Cdirt in his . ctl lou duty tiled, lhat he has fa ly
mi in Inisterid »aid UoQ.lin li i durfun' esrato.
This ir fherefore to citu a I persons concerned,
biers and ere It 1 rs, to show cause* If *ny they cau
wiiy j„id aduiinlntrutur should noi bo diJ.chargoJ
fr iu 1 Is adui nlHtratlnn and r* ceive lotto h ot oIh*
n i/tfli.n on tho Af t Mondat in J no ’886.
Wltnoos nif oltloiai t)*mutnre Uii” Fobrnarv 7 f<J6
f h27 nan’Hffi Ordinary.
/ y KOHG! \
IT li - T l i .i
l II
•'plication fo
> all porsonset nc *r ed
j < d an* 1 o o itor«. to »ihow ranee *f any t v ev
•» iiv leave to soil s»id pi- peitj should uot b«
nted to “aid applicant.
> iluPHs my ( Hirin' •tpnotore thin Mf»r< h 3d, '886,
r BROOK a.
■ Ul'Ni
/ i Ki ItM A M U 'LOG ’ E
VI r -inn V 7 Hfi • guaritU) fr George II
Wluprted. iiHvi■ n uppli’d .n tr«- Conrt of f»rdiu»ry
< I-an! con > fo a t'lM'.h-iiwe irom his i aid guar-
<i*ati drip. )e tliPM fore to cite all |> i **•»«« concern#d to
h ct* cara tv y tho sah’ Thoi»«n W T ho .rd
d nid gT/irdiamihip f George
eive tut) muni it itorn of dia
net Lt; din . Isved lr >
odor my hand aud « fll~
al Hifriatore fkl»
8 A
A M Branm n, aciuintsirator of the estat« of
1 iu WrUht, repttseiitN to the ccart in his
neCdon dniy Mod that he has folly udmtnleteced
ssid estate
This s thf roforo, to cite all persons eonceraed,
heirs and cre*)itors. to show cauao. If any the* have
wby hm d ad rinistruter sbonlo not he dlscharirec
from his adncnlstratlon and rective letters of die
mlHHionou tbe flr*t Monday in April, 88 , ‘>.
WitmHs my official signature this Jan nary Mb
18*6, r Al BROORH.
Jniige 8OU0
Inntis nf Mnscogee
G KOUUlA. ilLSOcGlfiit COUNTk - Wbaroan,
Goorge II Nuiil. guardian for Joburle B Lind*
ay baviug applied to the Coart ci Ordinary of
► aid co’ nti for a diec^arge fr m hU suit] Kuardlan
sli 4 p
'1 his Ih therefore, to cite all pernors concerned
t i Khow iiiim eh iht raid Go tgc II Nt-iH moluI
not he iviu ssed bin i uardian’ Irp of Johnbic
li (iindiay und receive tbe uncel letters of diamls*
(iiven nn.lor m v hand aud - flicial digt alnre this
Ft.brtjery V l-‘86 F M Bit' OK' f
iebi7 aowtw _ ordii ary
IET1KOO* L %> A rT HEWS V3 J K 0 9HR W -
W * I) Rill ‘ rM f. Ac, in *"iJconpi-
|rrU urt Noverei r Torm, ’885 At (hair*
b rn March 6, r (j
It apoe .ring from tbe letnrn of :)>• sheriff that
defendant is not o bo fouu-1 in Mu°cog7je c nnty.
and't furtlur arpei ring u at nald J K O She-wood
real es otu of this Htati 'i in ».Mi«r«ii n> rhe rourf
f a H(-Tvlcf) be P’.rfoiteci by publioi;' i-n • t this ct •
or wires m >u h ft r two month* Io Cofumhne
K* g i .Kttot N cad ng np n sal J K O Sherwood
to be and a|>P' ar a: May Term, '886. of Mmrcgee
rupsri'jr Court, then and thereto make answer to
■ach matters aa are charred In nuid blh aad io
Mb » causo why tbe relief and otiur matters p ayed
for, should not be granted
Maich 6,
A true ut act f-on »k
8 i peri or Court at Columt 1
A 6 i run u,
ma 9*.am2ui ierk SUMO GA
Sealed proposals aro invited for
furnisLiiii- the cit^ for venr 1880
with terra cotta drain pipe, in car
load lots, sizes 8 to i!4 inches
Place of deposit to be provided for
pipe until used
Pills to ho handed to either of
the strict Comn.iitoo by Monday,
loth inst., 12 o clock M.
\ .M Ei.LEDCiE,
Comiuitiee oit Streets and Sewers
TYIERBESK CO- ST -^ Uig Si.ylHtsnf OI’m h I .»•*.*rj
i Leaks, Tables. Chairs
'* Book Cases, Lounges.
Letter Presses, Cabinet a
Ladies’ Fancy Desks, &c
Finest Goodn and Low»*h|
I ritxjM Gnarantaed. Cditalog
tie* totsta
" M’s Bo lisrety etrlifk that Me impervite tl
urrangmnenU for ciU tha Monthly as
Quarterly Drawing! 0/ The Louitiara Sid
ijousry company, and <n per ion manage at
nnnlr ol the Draivingt thenuelvei, and thr. <1
lamr are cenduclrd with hnneliy, /a<m««s, it
•n gouti faith toward all partite, and ws m
0tortte the Oenvany to utt Ihlt osr((Arq|
leifh fae-iimllei of ow Hgnalnret attache'■!
I' We lie eedentgerrl Banie nnd Danker, irltl my •
Prise* /iroim tn The Lonieiana Male LeUerie* whle
may he presented al onr oonnter*.
* H. llul'IMnr, Pres. La. Nnt’l Rank
H. II. HKKICDY, Pres, niul* Wai’l B’k
A. II1LDWIN, Pres. X. o. Nan Rank
Louisiana State Lottery Comp’y
incorporated la i860 for 16 years bp th*Legislator
for riiduoatlonal andCharltahlspnrposss—wltha oaf
Ital of $l,000,000~to whioh a rssarvt fnnu of otat
|6MiibOU has sinos been added.
By an ovsrwholmlug popular tots Its fianchiM
wan made a part of ths prsssntBtatsOonstltotloB
aduptod Desemher Id, A. I). 1879.
Ata Mr and Htn*l« Rambsr Draatug
will tako place monthly, Itnsver scales or pys
pouoh. Look at ths following distribution.
FtOOIh Ursml Montbljr.
Is tbe irsdrmi of Munir, New Orleans,
Tuesday, Merck 10, 1880.
Under the personal supervision aud management
Gen. G. T. BEAUREGARD, of L4
Gen. JUBAL a"°EARLY, of Vl
Capital Prize $160,000.
fOTICM—nektls are Ten Delia!
•Mly. Halve#, 51. Ft ft he. $». Tnntha. $
1 CAPITAL 1’UIZE OF 5156,000...5150,17
1 GRAND PRIZE OF 60,000... 50000.
1 GRAND PRIZE OF 20,000- 20,000
2 LARGE PRIZEH OF 10,000- 20 0U0
4 LARUE PRIZEH OF 5,000... 20,000
20 PRIZED OF 1,000- 21) 000
50 " 500 - 25,000
100 *• 8*0... 80.000
200 ” 200... 40 000
600 “ 100... 80 000
I,GOO “ 50- 50.000
100 Approximation Prises of 8200— 520,000
100 " •• 100- 10 000
IPO ” " 75... 7,500
5,279 Prises, amoonUng to 5522 500
Vor further information write olserlr, living ft-1
vddrasH. PONT el. NOTES, Vxersis money
>)rdnrs, or New York Mxcbsnso In ordinary letter
'srrftucr hr Kspruss (all sums of 55 end upwards M
"ir expense) wdartesed
_ Maw Orleans, !■»
or M.4. DACPHX,
•Vashlnktau, D. 4).
Kill" F 0, I toe} Orders payable »id id
dress Vey utercd LttUn t#
iVeK.tmn ratio?
Real Estate Ag’t, Coliunbus, Ga.
biiiliiing Lois
From $’250 to ?19<)0
From If*SOU to ?(] 000. Terms $10
per month or all oaHh,
Farms anil Suburban Residences,
Conn tery Lots I will be pleased
to show kliem any time.
Broad 8treet Stores paying 10
per eent a year
FOU RENT- Dwellings from
$3 to $20. Stores on Broad street
from $15 to $86.
Kelt to Telegraph Olliee.
It is ordained by the City Conn
oil of ti e city of Columbus,
First, That all the business
houses and dwellings situated with
in the corporate limits of t.iie city of
Columbus shall be numbered ac
cording to the plan or system here
inafter describeiL
Second, The initial or star ing
lines shall be fixed on Broad street
n< rth from First Btrcet and east
and west from Broad street, and
allowing 1UU numbers to each
Third, Tho even numbers shall
be put on the right side of tli <i
streets and the odd numbers on
the left side of the streets, allow
ing not more than twenty five fee t
to each number, and the figure s
shall not be loss than two and u
quarter inches high
Fourth, fl. shall he the duty
of the chief of police to see that all
iiO'V buildings which nny hereafter
be erecti"! or changes in the fron ts
of buildings already erected shall
he supplied with the number or
I ' umbers to which they shall be on
t,' (• under this ordinance by the
! owner.- thereof, ai c in all cases the
I figures stall correspond tvuh the
I piaii or system herein contained.
| Adopted in Council March Jd,
■ 188(1.
, AI AI .VIOORE, Clerk Council.
I tuba lif