Columbus daily enquirer-sun. (Columbus, Ga.) 1877-1886, March 09, 1886, Image 7
DAILY ENQUIRER. SUN, COLUMBUS, GEORGIA, TUESDAY MORNING. MAR HI 9 1886 PATTI IN PARIS. ■aih ran Fokr< it ike FI-trine fenlk «r« irikitnaf Bliti - Hag pr Ulnllnl pari. Letter. The ear of Paris is now as that of the deaf adder to the tiaialala style ot melody. Patti’s yoloe la as good aa ever, and In aome respects better than it was twenty years ago. Bat a young throat doea not poor it forth, aa ot old la it enhanced by the pouting pet nlance of a girl scarcely out t f her teens, elated with her astounding suc cess, and yet frank, unaffected, gay and easy>golng. R slna is now almost a match for Bartolo. She is deposits'd by the wear and tear and raoket 01 her rovtug life Haying liyed ao muob in England abe has ceased to be m tonob with Paris. Were any* thing wanted to prove this It was her dress, In whiob the roseate yellow of salmon’s & ah was combined with the staring red of a boiled lobater, gar nished with rich but heavy .'ace meet for a dowager, and any anoonnt of dia monda. Patti observed polite-ae des rois In coming with h-r secretary and her operatlo partner at the appointed moment. Her first care was to ask for her avone. This ejal gentleman 1, a devoted old friend, and one of the Tlohest men in Parlg. He was Instruct ed to finger for her, before she wanton the atage, the sum she was to peoket for singing three morceaux. Pas d'argent, pas de ohanttuse, has been the rale of Pa'.ti and Mme Nilsaon. The aap60t of the house from the wlnga was not exhilarating to a atar rt Pattl’a magnitude Except a few occu pants In stage bexva and front atallr the ladles were in walking dresses and bonnets and preparad to defy the rain. Patti waa taken abaok at the novelty -of the scene, and, use) though she Is to the stage, had to make an (Sort to ad vance from the wlnga The artistes who preceded her, as might be expeo*- ed, served as foils, and were listened to, poor things, with Impatience, There -was a young lady who seemed aa If wound np to smile ecstatically when .singing aa a mook la wound np to mark the hours, and who lifted her eyebrows to the roots of her hair in trying, to get ont higher notes, Patti did not notice how gape were fined with flowers from her politof vD w In the wlnga. If she had, she would have probably returned the money for which she bargained and gone home straight way, She was well reoeived, but the generation waa one that knew her not. Ber salmon and lobster dress set tongaes going in whispers lond enough to cause a brae However, there were cries of "bravo" when her nervour- ness was notioed. After singing the cavatina from Travata, she waa call ed and reoalled and then called again Each time she reappeared a company of footmen in liveries, which, being white, were mlsaken by the many for those ot the Austrian aroh- duke now here, carried in the bouquets prooeeslonally ny the right door, laid them for an metant before the diva and carried them ont by the left door. This '‘tribute of aemiration” dinged most faces in tbe house to wear an amased and sarcastic expression. It was so mechanical and ao palpably a part of the business. A nook was reserved in tbe wings and amid the agglomeration or bou quets for Nloollni. Happy Nloollni! <J THE STAR OF HEAVEN-’ The Swindles Operation! ot a Preret- ■lonol Fanatic. Wabkbnsbdroh, Mo, March 1 — Charlts U tSrnuu, who was arrested here on Iasi Friday, had succeeded by a well devised swindling toneme in defrauding the inhabitants of ad Joining counties to the amount of #20,000. His plan was as follows: He preieuded to have baen specially or datned by God to form a new ; etret order, from which was to grew a new and tbe only true religion. Accord ingly he began establishing the order of tbe *'8:ar ol Heaven." He would grant a charter to any six persons who applied for it, pro- viUet each paid into tbe common fund $26 Charter members pledged themselves not to take more than six members into a lodge, thus i Rowing only twelve members to a lodge. Then he had prophetic visions in whiob great avenues of wealth were opened np to him. Oa the basis of these visions he induced bis dupes to mort gage their farms to the order, and thus it became a sort of loan associa tion. The secretary had charge of the notes, deeds and mortgages of the ledge, whiob he turned over to the treasurer, who converted tbrm into cash. Smith was flnaroial manager of all tbe lodges, and he: e 1 where tbe swindle is. When the lodge was orgrn'zed the first duty of the financial agent wa- to purchase a plot near some town, divide it into town lots, which were purchased by members of the lodge irem the financial agent as follows : A member paid $50 for a lot—one- third cash, and a note for the balance bearing 10 per oent interest—and gave a mortgage on the lot. He then got $60 of tbe treasurer, gave it and his note for $100 to the financial agent and gave tbe treasurer a receipt for $60. The agent returned $50 to the treasurer, and tad the note fot $100. In this way each member got a ioi, and tbe agent many notes of from $100 to $500 eaoh. The notes were good. The agent sold them, and got rich in this manner. H s victims are numbered by tbe hundreds. A PtSiltr Who D..BSK! Prises. Tlje history of Ptlnce Torlooia, whose death was announced yester day, is a eer’p: of surprises. Tbe fem ily were of Frdnoh origiD, and ceme from Auvergne, the original name beirgnot Torlouitr, but Tourlngne. The founder of the g;eot bulking family was servant to Cardinal Aqua- viva, who in bis will left him a pro vision for the rest of his life The valet Invested the money In lace and needles, aud did a good trade With these small wures, and was able to educate and push forward his son, who early showed decided ability for flnanoe. He was patronized by Pius VI, and employed by him to carry outaser'e' of monetary operations, all of which ware brilliantly suooess ful Tbe name of Tourlogne was now abandoned, and G vaticl Tolonta fourdeda bank, and money multi plied witb him, O i his death In 1829 he left his son, Alexander TorloDla, a fortune of 40,- 000,000 Alexander Inherited not only his fa hei’s wealth, but also his capacity for business. Tht 40,000,000 Invested In the put chase of a monop oly of tobacco, stretch!) g ever thirty years, ircreased enormously, and Prince TortoDia found that while the other R man nobles were growing yearly more impoverished, money was fructifying In his c Hers He employed it in princely hospitality and In ventures of enormous mug til lude, aud both meihodc of Invest ment were prosperous. The drain ing of the Lake Fuoloo, a woik which several of the R iman emper ors had commenced aud abandoned, was successfully carried out at a cost of 85 000 000, and Vidor Enauu.l celebraud this great er-giu: ering achievement by present! g the prince with a gold tit dal specially stru:k for the ocoaeinn. The prince’s enor mous wealth paspes to his daughter, married to one of the Borghese fam 4 - Uy, who tufei s ihe Dame and title t.f Torlonia.—Pall Mall G zette. O H Holberg, Pastor Wocdbsven M E oburoh, S utb Woodhaven, Q sens O.i * N Y, states : "I heve mu All* oook’s Pias ers for thirty years. Never found them fall to corn weakness ol tbe oaok, spine and kidney d ffi nltles, They are very agreeable and strength ening. A short time age I got In a pro Inse perspiration while preaching.’Im prudently going home wltbout my overcoat, I lost the nee of my voice, and tbe nsxt day bad a violent oaln in my back, kidneys and chest I <‘ould hardly breathe Three Alio ck’s ters applied to my baok, chest and kid neys cured me completely in efx hours, I was astonished how qilok noy breathing became easy after applying.” eoddtw The Turks believe ibat a stroke will cure leprosy. What woul they think if they were struck by a book agent t AIMS! IB 11 NOW Many suffering people drag them* selves about with falling strength, feeling that they are steadily sinking into tbe grave, when by using Parket’s Tonic they would find a cure com mencing with tbe first dose, and vital ity and strength surely eomlng back to them. “I am 83 years old ; have been sick nearly all my life, and ought to know something about medicine by this time. I have need Parker’s Tonlo freely for more than a year, and con sider it the beet remedy I have ever known. In fact, I now find no other medicine necessary. For weakness, debility, rheumatism, aud that dis tressing aC-gnneneaa and pain frrm which I suffered so long, It bas no eqnal. Ido not tee bow any one can afford to do without ao valuable a med icine.”— Mtb Hattie N Graves, oorner Fast and F:"nt street:-, Providence, RI Porker’s Toole [Prepared by Hisocx A Co., NY] Hold by all Druggists iu large bot- luaat One Dollar. f tl7 tu frAwlm By carefully commoted experiments, Mr J O Arthur has demonstra'ed -ba- naoteria are tbe dlraot cause of the disease known aa pear blight. S-rp from the affected tree invariably pro duced the disease when Inoculated into a healthy tree Nervous, Debilitated Han, fou are allowed a free trial of thirty days of the use oi Dr Dye’s Celebrated Voltaic Belt witb Electric Suspensory Appliances, for the speedy rebel and permanent cure of Nervous Debility, !osa ot Vitality and Manhood, and oil kindred troubles. Also for msay oth er diseases. Complete restoration to health, vigor and manhood guaranteed, No risk is incurred. Illustrated pam phlet, with full Information, terms, oto, mailed free by addressing Voltaic Belt Co, Marshall, Mich. deol7 Robert Thompson of Effingham tr, Ga, last week killed a 400 pound beer. ELY-. £ ArABH H CRUM BILSj when applied In to the noitr'li will be absorbed ef (nctnslly oleana- Ing tbe head of oa arrnat vim*, oanslrg ‘•«»lty e s ore-lone I nllays i fl m m a 11 o *>, oro eote tlicaim.j,-, brace <-( 'be dcb pasengi s from mi -llt-onai Holds, lonop eie y he«IBIptii&W/ *\ v jjr,a, be eor'B. e-'ore- gaBewtl. .■>; — ,m.?i o —hay-fever No' * L'qnlrt or Snuff A Q, doit Ftel » ind P -iHlvo Cure. A P r'icls .s nppl'ed n o snob nost-ll anil in agr?eabl« to n-e, price 50o by mril or at dras-gls-.s Send for otronlnr. KLY BROTHERS Druggbte, •eso V V rw-v-: —r- -« n-l TUTTS PILLS 36 YEARS IN USE, The Greatest Medical Trinmph of the Ago! SYMPTOMS OF A TORPID LIVER. Lossofuppeiite, Bowels costive, Pain In the hend, with a dull sensation in tho hack part, Pain under tlio shoulder- blade, Fullness after eating, with adls- Inclination to exertion of body or mind, Irritability of temper, Low .spirits, with a feeling of havintr neglected some duty, Weariuess, Dizziness, Fluttering at tho Heart, Dots before tho eyes, Headache over tbe right rye, iteatlcssuess, with fitful dreams. Highly colored Urlue, aud CONSTIPATION. , TUTT’S PILL9 aro especially aclaptod to such cases, ono closo effect3 such a change of feel 111 pus to astonish the suireror. They Increase the Appetite,and cause the body to Take on I’ lenhjthus tho sJ. 8 *' ™ ‘if conrisheri, and bjrthelr Tonic Action on th£ I > i«es ti ve O r wall fl, I? ulur S to o is aro grbclucodj^Prlee^^r^S# jv! urrayStMjitY* TUTI’S EXIRiCT 8AHS&PA9ILIJI Renovates the body, maKen healthy tte^h. strengtlieus the weak, repairs the wastes or the system with pure blood an<l hard muscle; tones tlie nervous system, invigorates the train, and imparts the vigor of manhood. SI. Sold by druggists. _ _ OFFICE 44 Nlurray St.« New York* FK-OauE THE COIjE NEGLECTED ENDING IN ^^and C0NSU»^ xO r tm mM jS'c: COUGHS. CONSUMPTION. NOW, TAKE IN TIME TAYLOR’S CHEROKEE REMEDY K 5® ® ai MtUBS. The sweet gum, as gathered from iv tree of the 4am0 name, growing along the small streams of the Southern Stains,contains u stimulating expectorant principle that loosens the phlegm producing the earlv morning cough,<uicl stimu lates the child to throw oil* the false membrane in croup and whooping-cough. When combined with the healing mucilaginous principle in the mullein plant of the old Helds, presents in Tay lor’s t’H KWOK KK it KM KDY OK StVKKT (tT’M A N’D Mitt.i.kjs* the finest known remedy for CYwighs, Croup, Whooping Cough and Consumption; and so pulatabh , any child is pleased to take it. Ask vour flrwggist for it. 2.»c. and $1.00 nizpa. If he‘does not, keep it, we will pay. for one time only, express charges on large siw* bottles to any part of tlie T*. H., on receipt of $l.00t WALTER A. TAYLOR, Atlanta, Ga Hi EARLY ROSE, BEAUTY OF HEBRON GOODRICH, BURBANKS A PPL E“ < j , J t > , ffiblw, ”'u!i» 'M On Wholesale Hatal). F, A Ferris & Co.’s Piff Hami Broakfast Bacon, Beef Tongues and Smoked Beef. \ FULL LINK FANCY AND FAMILY GROCERIES J. J. WOOD, 138 Broad St, Columbus, Ga. C. A MISCHKE, 3VE ill - w right, OFFIOff AND SHOP: Dillingham Street, opposite South ern Plow Works. fpb20 ’& -Urn IfflGF* m FU SHIEST PluCRiAL PAPES ^WQRLQ. DEFENDER OF AMERICAN INDUSTRIES AND' LABOE SEND TEN CENTS FOR A^SAMPLE^COPr. Jits i/vDCF J^VBLISmm Co. FRANKLIN SQUARE,N.Y. e-iu O t M C SI r C C 1 ' E and CT P.i rAlfStiCN b > ore wfco who lea wen y-e.^ht yea « T-ea ed by most t *he 1 \S' a of the day wilt ro 0 r 'nred l/rase f In thre# mou»hi«, Mud tolnce then hundred* of other*’ by Rkme pr eesg A pi^tn, slnaple and •no* c©ipiai nerrif trtetnent Addrtei T PAGE, 121 Sfitft 70tb Hi, Yoik City. revS* tv tb ■HU CtiUlrai, jMiuuuveNiem dc « Kolaws 1. KQ* All Whin, of this tyitgm art rnn by Ogutrbl or Nth Marl Alan lima. Bavahwax, GA., January 14, IK A 1 \N and after dUNDAT, Jan 34'n, UbO pamMng.r train, on thwa road, win ran a. \J follows: Af-KKAD DOWN, CX.B.X’a Lime (Savannah and At lanta DtvUlona. 8WRRAD OP. No. x5.f A0«. No. 68 * Pogg'g’r No. il.* Pog,'g’i No. 63.* Uagg’g’r No.54.* Pogg’g'r NoIKf ▲00. :EEr: 5:40 pm 7 56 pm 8 45 pm No. I.» UasB’g’i 8:40 an 0:38 an U,"38 an 11:01 ar. 13 40 pu 8;10pm 9 58 pm U:0a pm 11:15 pm 1:17 am 3 88 am .4 30 atu 3:85 an S 8 am 5:18 am 513 am 7:83 um 8 40 am 19:35 am 11 40 am 13:00 m 3 10 pm 8 37 pm 4 <0 pm 6 40 pm 7 00 pm 7 19 pn, 7 10 pn 9 85 pm LvJStt?anuah„A Ar Oliver Lv Ar..._ MlU«n Lt Lv.... Milieu...... A) Lv ..TannUla... A, Ar,...Gorrton„...Ai Ar.... Maoon Lv Lv Maoon ....A Ar HHrne> vllle Lv Lr BaruwvlUv A Ar.. „G.'lfltu...... A Ar Allan lu,...Lv ti B 4L .ta.MM liraneii 4 07 pm 2 36 pm l 30 pn, 1.13 pm 1138 an, 10; 19 i-m 6 40 an :) 30 an e 03 an 8 03 an. 7 31 an 6 00 on No. 18.* iPaaa’g’i 8 09 am 4:14 am 3 10 am 300 am 12 54 am 11: 5 pm '0 50 pn, 10 40 pn, 9 03 pn. 9 03 pn, 8 :.9 pn 6 50 pn 8:06 am Ago am 613 am No. A* Pagg’c 1 6 25 pm 4 68 pm 4 58 pm 4 19 pm 2 46 pm |No, 13* iPags’g’i No 17.* Pass'g': NO. 20*. | FfUM’g'l‘1 1 1 1 o 10 till ....... 1 | 815 an lSUpmibv MJHho ... M Arili id nm 3 45 pn.| Ar...Auf:ar tw ... Lv| 9 HO am lsOOnmi 1 hbhw 9:80 pml | I No. 38. notllledfevltle *1 No. 38.7 IVass’g’: ll.tonivH Hr’<-ti.ll J ui>R'g'i ;:;E :E 2 55 pm 4 1 0 pn 8 0) pn 7 40 pr Lv fiuHCDb „.-Ai | 9 3»)« l» lv...Gordon...-..A' 8 10 an “\.r,MiJJ'eeviilc.A 6 3(’an ■.r...,Katorton...l^ | 5 16 nr j ££ — EE! I No. 35 + II ars's’l No, 33, *| Upson t'ouat j 1 No. 34,t| No. 80, Pana’g*: I Hnllrond | PftBB'g*r11 | ....__ i 5:11) pu 1 1 8 15 pn 10:80 am|Lv Kar-envilit Ari 7 &u ami 4 36 pm | , ....... 11 35 *m|ArThomasti)n Lv| «:60an ( 3*0 . m 1 1 ...._. 1 1 , a , + | * 1 So. IT] IPuas’g’il Mallrowd |Fags’g'r| •••****** ,::E 13:30 pm 8:13 pm 5:10 pm Lv Grlfiln „...Ar Ar...Newoau A, Ar.. Carrollton..Lv 9:40 am 8:58 an: 5:30 am £5 | Nc0 I aso jl | iNo i* iK W g g A M U»yl 2* 1 | Ago. 1 1 —Main Line, 1P br'k‘ N.i 62* Aco. No 10 iiiiiiiiii 8 (>2 nm 10 64 } >m 12 68 sin l 1< HD. 4 02 r.u 4 17 ao 7 (>5 an» 2 40 nm 8 19 un» 4 3l BUf 4 51 hu 6 06 &D 6 u« «» 7 30 S ix 10 00 am 11110 am 114 pm 1 34 pm 2 0 pu. 4 01 pm 4 (6 pn a 42 pn 3 42 pn 7 25 pt Lv Muesli..... Ar Ar Fort ValJay Ar Ar BmlthvlUe Lv Lv Bmllhvlli, At Ar...Cnlhb«r;.. Ar Ar ...Knfnuia ...Lv ov ...Enfanlii ..Ar '.r,Union Sp’gi I.v v.Cnion bp'gsA; r ...Monl*'y... 1. v 6 lopm 4 01 pm 1 44 prr 1 24 pm 11 69 am IP 55 am 10 50 ao- 9 ! 8 rur. 9 Ih nm 7 40 am 10 55 am 9 41pra 8 51 pm 8 51 pm 7 87 pm 7 87 pm 8 20 pn 118 nm 10)4 pm 9 08 pm r 88pm 8 00 pm b .7 nm 2 35pm ~~~ No 87 I No 6: PaBS’g IP44B8’ FKM'garib Vi B B—Alton-1 Nu. 4* , No 64 iNo84| No.F* 1 «»y Ltvie, 11'siisVerlPi Bs'g’r| Pall. | ;; ’:E 1 43 on. S ..5a» 10 fiSb’m 1' 48 pm 6 45 pn 7 63 pn. 7 62 pan 9 48 pn 0 46 pn 10 45 pm Lv Macon,....A) | Ar Fori Valley Lv Lv Fort Valley A Ar Bmllbvlll* L' LvBmlthvlUa A Ar.,..Albany.. L- 8; 10 an) 6 58 aa» 6 58 an. 6 06 anr 5 U6 an 410 an 2 40’nrul 7 35 pm l 16 »m| 51) pm No. 33t 1 No. 31+ in. W B. B.-H*r-| No. 337 1 No. 347 | PagB’g’i|Paas’g’i| ry Brnmb. lPiwa’g'riPttgg'8 1 :::r: 1::::::::::: 8 80 pm,11 15 auu, Lv Fort V»)l4iy A. , c 45 ,uai 6 45 am|._-. | -- 8 45 pn, 113(0 «n| r Perry.... Lv 1 8 oO pml 8 00 wut | —... 1 •——» 1 No. 35+ in W H Il-k-laho-l No. 38+ | |Faas’g"r| lj Katew.lon iPaw’g’M Lwhimm. I ? 46 ■inn 1 6 63 pm Lv... Albany .«Ai| Ar. Binknly . ,L\ 1 145 im 8 15 | No. 37+ in. W B. B.-rortl No. 387 I | P-ag. Ibalar. Hr.rth-IVWg’r 1 | |. | 8 i6voj|Lv...Oathbe.'t ..Ar»ll 28ami i i 1 1 1 4 RRpm|Ar‘Vo7t<4alcoMliv|!0 06ari 1 . ... |. 1 1 No. jtiafaulu dk Claj«) No 8Wt I (FMft'K'Ti (on B, B |Pft§B , g , x| | „.... | 4;4&pln|Lv... Enfttnia... A'l H58 :tu)i . i 1 !.... 1 | 8 90^m| •ir...ClaytOD... L' I 7 45»m| 1 1 1 No 1»*J No. 5 * In tv a B~€’oluus-| No. b * | Nc 26* i I Ago. iPf'M’g'' |l»ut IMaln K , ‘-1 Act j •;r If 15 pn 12 5'i.eiii 6 33 am 9 4', g» :f)F8 ■& 2 '5 pm Lv Ai(too:i„,- 5>-| 4 26 nr,| 6 20 »m Ar F- rt Vnl’gy Ar 8 07 r 2 63 am Ar Omni line l . Ill <0 a • 1 980 nm Trains N » 1® and *2U dally JBlegant local gleepiug Car* on night train* an follov s- Bntwoen Savannah aud Aufn*U, bralna Hoa. 51 and M; between Savannah and Maoon. tratnp Non M and 54: b«l«vnnr. SaT*-oyah and Mlenta, trama Hot, 5J and 64. ^ _ Pnllinan Hnfiott Oarn between Olnoinnati and Janknonviliv. and thronrh sitting oar between Cmattenoo* ga and JaokHcnviiie.\t6 Atlaute, Albany am Vayeroes- Throngh Falace Sleeping Oar between Mont* xomnry and Warorom Trains marked thno * ran daily; trains marked Ibns t tun dally axoeptQnnday: *>ralnn marked tbaa tnu daily excepf Monday. Tickets for all points and Bleeplvg Oar Dmrthv an *eIo ' <nlnn Depot T1okn> Office SO mlnates prlo, to leaving time of all trains. „ WILLIAM BOQI3KS Gon’l Snp’t flavannah, T. D. ffLIV®, Snp’t 8. W. n. B.. Muoon V. SfnuTd'MAN Traffic Manager. Savannah. <? A. * MTT1PHICAD Qen’l Pam, h T 0 T ATiK. OoirvTtbTJi Os, t Aili KO aD » f alaBAUA Tie Flrs ? -(lasis Dlrrct K’ntoio nil ta-i’e'n < I He , 808 Mil-s Sho-fir to New V-nkthan via L riisvll'e. Close eonneo ion me'« with Piedim-e’ Mr Linu. Ailai-'lo Coast Line, and Olnoinnati Sou'hrr.i, O ilv 37 b urc »r d 2 i r,■'• u c. fr ni Montfiomery loNuw Y rk, and only 36 hourn a: d 10 ai'r.ol'H f, n New Yoik to Moiit(£omey. J -nuary S lSSO N . f-3. N 1 51 No 5 No. 8. Ltave Akroc 5 00 a 11/ l’U'O a in ” Gteonsucro 0 00 ,1 in 12:00 a m ? :&0 a nu 1:4 9 p ra Arrive Selma. 10:30 a ti; 3:00 p m Leave Helma 10:46 a a' 3 16 p rn Arrive Mme v 2:16 n m H 10 ' TO L.avu go • - ie 2M '» il liOU •> iii 4:85 t* u ’ .00 ,» Oi Arrive Cow lea - 8:53 a n, 4 61 p n 9i (, l p m ” Chebsw.,.. 3 29 a D 9:11 a m 6:36 p D 9:31 p m ” Notaaaiga. 9: :7 a m 6:40 0 D 10:10 p m ” Lnachap'kr 9:37 a n. 7:16 p n io:40 p m ” Aoburr 9.50 a n 7:60 p n 11:0(1 p m Arrive O alike 4:16 a n 10:08 « n 8 26 n n 11:30 n m Anne 11:24 a u ” Maoon 3:66 n n ar.ivu Wan. R .nt 4:63 a n 10.49 . l J. 4u . ” Allan'., - 7:22 a n 1:6 i p r 10:05 a m ViaConirai R 1 ruoU— Leave Atlanta 2:45 d m 6:50 p m Arrive Mnoon 0:27 c m 10:40 p m ” S4-a"T,«b 0:00 a ip 6:55 a m V .a vw.p. iv.uiv. — Leave Atlanta 8:00 a 11 3:40 n n Arrive Aagua'a 3.35 p u 9:10 p n ” Cha n>« n>' 0:40 n u 0:29 a rr v.'. RiI’.Ui. A J Lilia . i> y a >11 &,nn> Leave Atlanta 8 10 a nr 0:10 p nr, Arrive Charlotte 0:10 p n 6:0 i a n ” Riobmond 700 e n 4:07 n n- ’ Washington 8:00 a r, 9:20 p n ” Bi'tlmore..™^. 9 85 a n 11:39 p rr, ” Ptiialelpbla 2:40 p n 8:30 a n ” N"W V rk 8:40 0 n 6:30 a it Fuubiuu cur, on 1 ruin, ol unn 63, few Lri.aus 10 r Mbluuiri v, , without • lull ye. Huuth Bound Train.— No. 50 No. 62 No. 4 No. 6. Leave Atlanta «... 1:10 p n 6 66 p D 4:26 p n ” Oiiumbus 2:30 n n ” Opelika 4:63 p n 1:02 a d 2 67 a a 10:16 a m ” Anburn 5:05 p c 3:21 a n 10:18 a m ” Lnaobapoka 5:18 p n 8:57 a n 11:22 a m ” Notaaufga 5.28 p n 4:18 a n 11:62 a m ” Chebaw 5:43 p n 1 46 a n 4:51 a n 12:80 p m ” Cowles 6:00 p d 5:26 a m 1:17 p m Arrive Montgomery 0:55 p d 2:50 a u 7:25 a m 8:40 n m Leave Montgomery 8:2/) a m 7:85 p m Arrive Selma 12 00 a nu 10:05 p m Leave Selma 2:00 p m 10:30 p m Arrive Meridian 4:12 p m 12:45 a m ” Greensboro 6:42 p nu 1:09 m ” Akron 0:45 p rn 2:65 a m Loave Akron 7 55 p nu 3:22 a rn Arrive M<rkllan 11:30 p Oi 6:26 a in ” VI ksbnrg 12.40 p rn ” Shre-veo'r< 11:10 n rn MOBILE! GIRARD R. R-CO. 0 Oolumiu., Oa., Hot. lath.) fSli H AKD AITXB THU DATZ TSA1BS WUl runs, foil swat ■mil Train No. 1—Going West (dally) Lav. Union Doyot. nai.sihn. j-.m n Lcov. BroodStrootDoyot,Oolsmbu. 2:41 rt Arrlv. ot UnlonSorlnsA. 0:40 r ■ Ltore Union S.rlnf. ..... 7 40 t ■ Arrlv. ot Tro, «l)p o Artiv. ot M —’r—*—y 7:aa p ■ Arrive ot Bnfonlo...— — 8:49 . ■ MAIL TRAIN MO 3 (Dally). Leove Mnntanmorv 7,80 0 to Loo,, Trio,.™. 7 26 0 a Arrlv,ot Union Sorton.. 9:10mm Lsovo Union Sorton....... «:?6 o n Arrive ot Xi-.fonio— io m.^ Arrive ot Unimnlino , l>i» p m MIGHT FKKIUHT A ACCOMMODATION (Dully Fxoept Humlaj). Loovo Oolnmbn. Union Depot... $:06 p n LeeveCnlnnibUi Brood Street Depot,. 8:)6 p p. Arriveot Union Spring*.™.. 1136 pi* NIOHT FREIGHT A ACCOMMODATION Mo 4 (Dally Except Mnmlay) Leeve Union Sprlngp «... ... ■ 7:r,» p a Arrive nt CohunliuH. 11:47 p a WAV FREIGHT A ACCOMMODATION Mo 5 (Dally Except Hominy) hoove Oolnmbne Union Depot.... . 4 65 o a hoove Oolumbn. Brood Street Depot,,......., A:05 o a Arrive ot Union Sprlnio. 9:03 o a I.eove Union Springe. — 10:33 „ a Arriveot Trov 12:28 p a Arrlvr ot Enfaute.— load 0 a WAY FREIGHT A ACCOMMODATION Mo 6 (Da ly Exoepl Hnnday) Leove Ti ov —...... 4:C5 o a Arrive et Union Serin. fi : o6 « a Arrive ot 7:40 o a hoove Union Spr inn 6:66 o a Arrive ot Brood Stroot Depot,Oolnaboe.... 10162 a a Arrive si Union Dapot, UolnmLoi__.,..__ll:o3 o a W. h. (, w. O. « WTirrAMR.a.T ». *?• COLUMBUS X WESTERN R. ft. OroLiso, Ala.. Deoemberltb, IBM, 0 H end after 8nndar, Dec. 6th, 1886, tho troll on thli rosd will bs run o*.follow.: NO. h Imr. Oolombn. 8 26 s a ArrlvOMllka...^ tSl • ■ NO. •, ■ 08 fi 01 sssss oeefseseeMesstesss. l.sps...see 11 Sfi 9 t» NO. t Luts Golnmbua^-^^* Arrlv* Opfillk*......... , 2 20 p | s 80 v m :no. 4« a it J 5 no. a. Leave Oolair 7 2f< a m Arrive Opelika..... 9 33 • m Arrive at Qoodwater^ r> sa w m NO. •. L«ave aood«fiter. MMMHH - H M M m. M ...... w ..n. 4 50 a a Arrive Opelika Arrive Oolambai..... M .... M .... M n 12 44 p m ^0 7 Leave Cola* baa 1 SO pa Arrive Oaeltka..; ...» t ll r m NON Leave Op*Ilka,..^» M «,.»^»»... M ^»» tUps Arrive Oalnabaa 5 39 p m Tbe night trains art dlsoontintia 1 for tbe preaent A FLIU ILUk. OenM Manasa ColMte aid Hew Bailiay Cl Orriox GKHUAh Manaoeb, Columbus. Ga. Jan 17,1W4. O N and after J&n 17, 18F6, tbs sobs*, nls of Mall Train will bs as follows: No 1—Going North Dally. Lsuve Ooinmbn»....„ ■■■■■— 3 38 p a Arrive at Ohlpley 4 8 6n m Arrive at Groan vllle„.. 5 45 p a No 3—Coming Bonlb Dally. Lsuve Greenville —* 50 a a Arrive at Ohlpley 7 55 a a Arrive nt Col nm bun. 10 04 • a No 8— Freight and AooommodatloD. Leave Colnmbne 6 30 a a Arrive at Ohlpley 9 10 a a Vrrlvs nt Green-Ills 10 37 a a Nr, 4— Freight and Aconmmndnllon. Leave (JrnBiivlUe. .11 SO a a Arrive atUhluley i‘J 47 p a Arrive nt Columbus ft '28 p no W L CLARK, Gen’l Manager. T 08 HOWARD. Gen’! Ticket Aif’t. ’Sh74 dly Five Cold and Two Silver Medals, awarded in 1885 at tho Kxpofiilions of New Orleans and Louisville, and the In ventions Exposition of London. The superiority of Coialine over horn or whalebone has now been demonstrated by over five years’ experience. It is more durable, more pliable, more comfortable, and never break*. Avoid cheap imitations made of variou# kinds of cord. None are genuine unity ‘‘Dit. Wakneu'b Cokaliku” is priuta on inside of steel cover. FDR SALE BY ALL LEADIIB MIRCNABTS. WARNER BROTHERS, 353 Broadway, New York Ci4- 00'A" 3 a NERVOUS DEBILITATED MEN. Y„u aro allowod afrre Irinl oflldrlu days of the ibroiiKh C.jech ftciu Montgcuierv to Mtridian, fnaxing only one onaiiKe to Yielfsburp and Shreveport. Tralm 50 and 7,1 conmof at. C'bebaw witbTua- kegoo K-iilroad CHAN il CKOM5\ ELL, Gen’l Pass Agent. CECIL GtRCETT, Oonnrnl Manaycr dtf SiilTSM Mil BOFTCi; WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN STEAM, GAS, WAT*)*? * J 'PS & FITTINGS. FOE SALE: Gas Fixtures, Hose of all kinds, Sewer Pipe of all sizes. Gas Fitting and Plumbing promptly attended to. Telephone No 99 No, 40 Fiatndololi *Bt. Ipb7 .ally e, in-.,Mi. Vi-" nm] ull klmlr i«l Mnnh* iphlul In .'doled •nvtlune i»nll“*l froi\ J»v adflrwlng VOLTAIC BELT CO., Marshall, Mica. N .'ie- !••■ If-blot n Kuo UrMlUOl* f \ V.ORGIA - Y IM "OO * K C USTY -• All VJT "fh- n« hev^iii; u im >« K^uuet b# . »« of 8y V 8 'iciforu 1 ’i' * nf nuid c<»au- i,v de<ei» d, are b«r* bv no fl‘ d to pref»eiii them t’> me uul? certified within the Mme prefic»"ib»*d by law and «il p«*ro"»DS iudeb’% ed to »ald dece n i*e(l re required to immediate payment to me.? JOHN LU^CAN, >* of Ualwa MlanfoPri fihA rifl