Newspaper Page Text
OoirMitK, Ua.i IfArcb 6, !AM.
jlMrttwp Ml SmUtd demand eotlon bilk H ofll
lotion tifht h ofl; Bavamiab h off: Bank* ok%ek-
Iai ob Bern York onr tfco ooonlor M proaiMB tad
m taTanaak at par.
Market io«da? Aral inferior Am oHtoary 7of
•toi ardiaary, 7*OT*c| low bM4Ub«o mld-
dktai c>io, geou immMUbft
To-dap. To Dato
HI 3«*
* ,oU.wwwm nhlmad e
_cr. In .ml tkraru railroad...—.. I
_ olalubuj huu WMMtU railroad.. 14
, Othuml.u* «uu( railroad—.. 64
J Ult' 1 ..... -II 4,
By .... ...—• 14
Br toon
VldBjnaTainaad Wei Idlle Benuae
• I IB a O. ara Haul la MluM-
By UvalLaovtarn railroad——. —
toy Culuiiii ub una W smteiL ntliroiui
B&L f> CUiUliiL/UBlaOtOllfiPu*******.'
filuck OL Ltotlil ALfcUbUlkt, 1006.
■ttciwu lo-attj———...
Block Ob baud —
Stock ALg klat, loM. 2112; rcoalyail aatue day, iJi
total [tciiyhi, 14,710, uliippw aatue uay 20, tola;
ililUL.tnu 70,007, .teak «,00u, .alia On wrddm a
bacnvti at liuitad Ntotaa porta to-day, 13,6.11 foi 3
cay, la,.,'3; oaporu to 0,1 oat llrltala, lt.iOo, coutla
a«st, o.iOOi Block—
Ubitoo otaitB rctta-liicaltta lor 1 day 27,3*7
axrarta to oioat Brluib 0 304, Ic continent ltd*,
lu«c> to Beta aaianlioutuu.
Musoogei Bhtr.fl Balt-J U Burrua,Sheriff
Lxicuiot’n bum-Win Lcli.verB, Exeuu.
\Mleonl* Malar, PoWei Bolt
Cm korj — Utu W Alien
K (iui.'i, t'0Lcih\e ui Bt Aldsmar Com
l .no Hast J F Uglntrte
ISt.oi P.g-Bifc Mot 1041
lalcy oU Wanted—F C Bake
Tukoknkitiug ui cnattebouehte Lodge
bpaciuolea Lorn—Idea N-tlee
Executor's Bale— Klohard Delgnan, Exuo-
HorU.ww.tein Main*. Llfj 1-aurnEO# Go
x. a. «. a.
This evening mere win La a mealing lor
young man only al the rooms on B.ottd
ciraai, to. ginning at 7 45. AH ara lnvitad.
The k. U. 1. V.
The lad lea will bear In mind ihe mealing
ol W C 1 U, wbloh.ytUl taka plage r.ex
Tnoraday morning ai U o’oluek al Ibe red
dened ol Mr K H Bwlit.
Ik. lead or Hope.
There win be a meeting ul the Band ol I
Hope in Ibe leomre room cl Bt Lake
church on nekl Friday allernoon at 8:30 '
Teal af rire Alorua Ur-xee,
Cblel E glnaar Burros will ui all tba
fir*alarm bexca Vbla altainoon between 3
an,. 4 o'clock Bbon'd ycu bear tbo b«ll
don’t become ala-mod.
Martial, aa Enadny.
At the bon e ol the bride In tb 8 slty, on
Bnndey alls: boon x 3 o'olcok, At J..: ea
1 111 j and Mias Barab Courao.. ware unl» 1
tad in marrli ge, Tbs oertmony « . a peri
Icrmcd by Kev „ W H.ward,
Dehlk al Hr.. Mat ah T aratr,
Mis Bata,. Tomer, ag, u tu yeera, died al
her borne c. Front meet at 10 o’oioex Bal-
nrday ulgbt alter an 111m. a jl two weeks of
poeomonlu, 6 he waa a memoir of the Meth-
odlat cbmeb anu wee a sood wuinau. Tbe
bnrbtl lot k place at 10 o’olcok yeaterday
moiuiLK and be lervloea v>e e conduotad
by Htv W A Hnoiabee Her remain! were
lulerrad U tbe city oemetery.
Tbe: a wbo deelre to tee and bear acme-
tblng aij yjble abouid ho to tbe opere
bonaelo-nigbt. Tbe "womenbe” and tbe
• -naenne” alngari • will all wear ibelr eerie
beat alomae," end a pletuant time la antici
pated. Bat we propoee to let the ‘O d
Fc.kee” tell it lor tbarnu v i and tbl
wbav tbey ray:
TliiH nvsix
old bymn tnnea and wutidlle aongee will
be anoK ul ye Oldc Fo ken Couoeue In ye
big bail oallcd je opera borne I'nrailay. ye
nlntb day ol Vlarob, MDOCt IXXXXI. Y
money winch aban be taken In win be lo
ye library . B olallon, Ye go< de lowt e
( be an u geu to bo In ihtlr elate by eight
of i e clock e,
YE rn h'l JIAL.KE,
1 J runalero, my Uiorlno . II ,me—All ye
Menna A Womenoe Blngera
. la n y Love—Worldlit Brnge, Ab?l
3 Bllver Btreamlet- Worldlle Konr-paiti
Boi. ge. All 3 cBlogcre
i Mow alienee Keep- Beienede, Four
Ujode men Blngera
6 I K:iow a Bunk- Wrrldlle Tw-sparte-
Bongs, Mre I’allenoi U.dd A Mr, Cornelia
Cn: pepper
0 Mew Durham—All yeBlogera
7 Hnutora’ Horn—Worldilo Bouge, Mra
Dorothy Deane
8 Feu.->parie Hongr—Sweet and Ltw,
Font Goode Singers
0 Uramlma’e Advloe—Urac: Utcdwill
lo Men of HaiIeoh—All ye Singers
M B—Here there will be a pease, botb for
ye singers to gains good breath, andforye
town lolke to talk with Ibelr friends
N S3.- I yeandlence griatle do.Ire lo
bear acme ol ihe tones two times, ye may
clap yonre haudea
M £ 3d—Mo teieecopis mail be leveled at
ye soloists, aa some of them are 1 mid
1 Strike ye cymbal, All ye Menu# aad
Womonne singers
2 Ye Experience Ola Bashful Mon, Nar
rated by M Z bedet Goednougb
8 Woildlle Bunge-Watoblcg, Gillab
i On Fotkcaat Heme— World\'c Songe,
Ail ye Blrgete (but Aim Dorothy Diana
w 11 carry ye alt gle par . )
6 Bongi—Fly Forth, fc Gentle D .ye, Y
Mu. 11.we Bisters
8 Wordly Bor ge-loan not alng yt
Bongea, Mrs P„ a oe Dodd
7 Varle Wcrldlle Fonr-parte Bjnge-
D ime Durden, Font Goode Blngera
3 Triumphal Cborns, tiom Damascus, All
ye Blngera
V Worldlle Bong—An o Laurie, Mrs
Emblem Byrd
10 Auld Dang By ne—All ye 8 ngers
All ; e goodc peop.e in ye endleuce will
pleate rise In inilr eeates and sing ye lMt
verse of y t Goodc Bye Bongs:
Bnf when wo’vo crossed the sea of life,
And reached Ibe beavenly shore,
We alng tbe tonga onr fatheiL sing,
Transcending those of yore;
We'll meet to alng diviner alralns
Than thoseo. Anid Dang Syncs
Immortal song ol praise unknown
In days ol An d Lang Syne.
Mole- Y .ur ge menne may sit by their
sweet hearts If tbey do so without levltla,
The Acnuttl Meeting uf ibe Iliekuld-
ere of the Hu.cent* Huunfaelurlnit
Tbe stockholders of ihe . ! uu,,o gee llano-
facinrl g compa. y held tliolr annual mee *
lng yes.erday A mrjorlty ol Ihe slock waa
represented. T e annual riport of me
president shows the net earnings or tba
past yoar to have been ID.OUO.oi 14 per oent
Tniier al ml AS. Jar a M allsa.
Tho innerar of Major A M Allen look
p. ace from Bt Paul ohmea Sunday mors lng the capital stock A divider d ol 8 per cent*
al 11 o’clock and waa attended by a Urge payable 8 per eent Apill 1 and 3 per oent
number ol Itleuda and acqualntanoaa, Tne Ootobirl, waa declared on.', ol the earning*
seivloe* were eondnotad by Bav Dr j s ! »nd tbe balance pa: a:d to the ampins fundi
Key, w, ala lad ty Rev Walker Lewis. The I The old board ol u lectors waa re. eleoied
following genii,men were tbe pall be- rer>: M follow*:
L G Bowete, DrM J Bcgrey,Amory Dexter. I <»«org* P Swift, J Rhode* Browne, A
C A Bedd, Hesse Crawford j B GyrreU, W II1 ***' u u >PP )E ( »nd George P Swift, Jr.
D Ciark and D: M P Banka.
ranernl oi Prafmar kkirl,
Tbe fnueral ol l'refeaser J .aepn Ebert
toek place irom bla late residence on npper
Ogletboipestree. Bnndey allernoon a. 8:10
o'clock. The servloae were eoadneted at
the residents by Bjv W O Hnnter, after
which tbe remains were taken in obarge
by tbe Masons a: d lmtrraa with M/uonlo
honors Tbep^U.bearer* ware H G Browne,
X D Pollard, U L Johnson, F U Downing,
Chula* Hey mu,. D R B *j, Robert Duvla
a: d E L Wells.
LeelwreiilT MCA. Hatll.
lt*v R H Harris dillysred a lietare be
fore the Young Ms.’s Christian Associa
tion last night on the snt jrol of “Tne Pc s
aonal Devil,” wblcb was deeply lmprenslve
and Instructive Tne speaker noiloed tbe
various forms oi error Into which Ihoae
who oppose this doctrine have fallen and
showed what a wily, orafty personality tb*
great entaayu mankind waa, and bow no
plao* was free from blipraaaao*. Taaonly
successful way of co; quarlng blm was as
clearly abown. Thate waa no armor for
tho CUrletlau.’bick, and U we would oo* -
qaer we mutt laee the loe. The only bop*
of flu&l iscapa was f»nb U J-aua Christ
through whom we oan oateln salvation
The audience maulfaeud 1U appreciation
by deip end earnest attrnilon to the spesks
er and disparted reeling that tbey bad lis
tened to timely warnings and had received
new strength and Ideas for their use in
C-. Grorga P Swift waa i*«eiao(*d presi
dent, and W A Bwlft secretary and treas
Tb* mill are now doing a fine bnalnaaa,
the order* being abend of tb* p rodao Ion.
fhetbleaga BlaiiBtatk tka Clip.
Baalb af Mr M M BMaaktir.
Mr R R Bidanbonr died at his bom*
naar Donation, Hnnt county. Taxes, at 4
o’clock yesterday morning, after an lllnem
of three weak* of typbold fever, He was
about twenty-five year* old and laav; a a
wlf* and qns child. H* was married to
Mla* Emma Bartlett, daughter of Mr and
Mrs D D Bartlett, ol Brawns villa. Ale,
about three years ago He la the brother o t
Mr John R.deuhcur.of this elty.and of
Mr Mil Rldonhonr, who Uvea abunt four
and a half mliea east of th* oily. Mr Rldena
bom was a lcoal preeebvr In tne ME
chnroh. Ht left Columbna to mskebu
home in T.x.a only abiu; flve weekaagr.
He was a man greatly beloved by all wbo
knew blm. He lei.vsa a large number of
friends In ai d aionnd Columbus wbadaap.
ly rympsiblzs wlin the grief-stricken wife
In ihis BA-. iffli.- l- r, Bt- tusgine will be
Lulled in Texas,
The C.lumbuB smell boy was Jubilant
when U* awoke Bnnday morning and
lonod that tbe Chief go Bines bad reaohed
the city. The Brown houae, wLe e hey ar*
stopping, waa besieged early and late by
orowda anx-cns o gel a look at tne playars,
Manager Harrington brought twelve men
with blm. T. ey are aa loilowa :
Hogan, right Balder
Foetar, Ural bote
Boaeb, abort stop
Books, let! Balder
Williams, pltoher and Odder
B ap etoa, aeoond base
Bock ott'oner
Cady, pllcbar
Gulllgan, third baaa
Bu’olltle, os char
Ruatoa, ea cner and Oelder
Glraeou, baa-man
Atkinson and Javn* did not oom*. Man-
agar Harrington lays ha doss not care lo
bring A kit,am down an tie be oan gat
Into tb* laegua, aa be 1» an expaua va man .
J«vn* has been s gned by some other dub
Manager Harrington slate* that tala club
oan down anything In tte southern le.gue
and will bold their own with tbo nortb-
weatarn and western olaba. Tb* teem wea
down prao'lo'.ng yesterday and abowad np
aa wall a- aoold bava been ixpicted under
th* ciraamataacea. Hogan, wno will head
tbe batting Us’, played with Memphis laa<
seaaoa and la a oorkar. Soalsr also llnaa
them out In flu* alyl*, and Gslllgan bei
already caught th* crowd by the way la
whtoh be oovert third and geta ihem down
toflia ,
The player* are all genteel In tbalr ap
pearance and orderly In ibelr manners.
Manager Harrlngfon has tcpeolally made
a favorable Impression nj cn tboae who
have mat blm.
Tb* Blnaa will play Ibali flrat gam* next
Monday with the Dalrolia, Tbe manager
thinks b* will also b* ab e to err ngedataa
wltb tb* Obloigoa and tbe Philadelphia*.
He is alio «: x'cua to meet the B n'.htrj
Xtagne olube,
—Tb* p y train want np tb* Oolnmbue
and Bom* yesterday.
—CJlomboawa* wall r.preaenteitat tb*
dene* In Maoon last mgbt
—Tb* work of ra-ova tag th* interior cj
Bt Paul abn.oh baa been began.
- Praaober Romiay, of tho Flrat Afrloaa
BaptUt ohnub. bap 1 aid twenty ccnvarts
In th* rlvor Bnnday afternoon.
—Indication* for tb* eoatb Atlantic
asm: V .rlable winds, stationary tem
pera nr* and fair weather
—Talbot anperlor conri oo vened yester
day, and moat of Ihe members of tbe Oc-
lumbaa bar are In attar,dance,
-Nomole oi tbe prlionera vbo etceped
J ill a Beai* bad mean arrealed at last ac
— A orbln on b* turpentine farm of Fort
A Co, near Bt X Spring, w a bnrufd Friday
nigh and two negroes ocoupylug It t ar
rowly weared death
-Mr M M li-annnn hus severed bla oon-
necilon wun .ho K .lie Pn aim c mpaoy,
(ind la now manager for the “D'xlea,”
whlou la m oo-cart company.
-The Athletic oma gave a danoe u Villa
Reich last night complimentary lo Mr and
Mrs lt K Mun i. U waa a .argely a tended
and meat dallgbdal entertainment
—Mr W Banian Bum ugh-, oi B.uui .
wick, whose aule waa bnrglerliid a few
days ago, waa In tba oily yesterday giving
a description of tba i.tilau article, to Jewel
era and pawn brokers, to ibat If any of
ibem were i fferad for sale hero they might
know them,
—Rev W A Huckabee preac *d at Broad
B.raet oburab Sunday nlgbf on tb*
Kolgl a of lotbor.” Ha dd not oppose
the order, but advised 1U members not lo
-dopl. ht.. h measures and urged upon
them tbe impi rtanoe of rtiog. z ag the
oloie rsleilo j which oapltal and lt.bor bear
lo aaoh other. Hi said that what li Jurid
ih* ol* was compelled loir jure tb* other
B.lara *1 Praildaul JarStaa anal Ultf
Esglaaii tirasn fican At* link.
Mr G Gunby Jordan, p *a dent of tbe
Gesrgia Midland and Gmf railroad, and
Major W B.Graeua, oblaf engineer, rsioro.
ed from Hew Tjfk laat Bight A. Er.
qi iBBB-Eufs reporter called upon Mr Jor.
oan at bla residence 1V«. nlgbt and asked
him II be oould give tbe public be result
of bla trip u H-w Yj,k.
"Yon may *ay,”r*plltd Mr Joidnn, “(bar
I bav* ratnrnad at tb* request of a aliong
syndicate of oapltallats who bnvemadea
pro pcaltlon to tulld the road, for th* pur
pose of sabmltllog lttotb* directors at a
meeting tosmorrow. If tbay approvatb*
proposition, ns I o, tba work will begin In
a very short time 1 weus ealiad upon by
Mr Harle, of Atlanta, wh e in
New Y jrk, who aald bis olty desired to
submit a prt poeltlon wblob be would eead
to me af.e. I returned home. .1 do not
knew what It Is. bn'. I aeppea* It will b*
received In a few days.’’
‘ le there anything alee that yon deelre
to make pnb.i T” arked tb* r.porter,
’Hot at prereat You ean say, h .waver,
tbet tb* road will b* bull, beyond a doubt.”
M e .eB iudie Bart e/. and Mary Lave
Lowe went over to Macon Bnnday
Mlu Verna Hartmann left for Hew Cr.
ieana on Bnnday.
Mines Mamie Peabody and Emmie KVe
Williams left lot Maoon yesterday.
Miss Hilt maun, ol Cleveland. Ohio, wbo
ha* beau visiting relatives In tbe ol'y, left
for Maoon Sunday.
V s a P B Patterson, A A Wlllaox, Tim
Salisbury, Will WlUUmaand Arthur Bat
tle went over to Maoon yaaterday.
Miss Susie Top*,of Eumn'.a, :* visiting
frleuda In tbe olty
Mr Otuiriaa L Duvla, ol tb* Warm
Bprlnga, :■ In tb* olty
Mlaa Maggie Cork want np to Hamlltao
yesterday to spend several uaya with bar
brother, Mr C H Oook
Col W 8 Wallaoa, of Bailer, waa lh the
olty yesterday
Oapt B M Henry, of Beal*, la In th* city
Mn B Williams, of Hamilton, la In th*
Mia- K ddoo, of Cuthbort, wha has been
vtailing i: a olty, tbe guest of Mra Dr Bates
lift for boms yesterday
Mr Ed Hon - -, of Maeon, spent Bnnday In
tbit olty
Mr W A B-llamy and lady, ot Beale, are
in tboeity
Mr Ben*, ol Cincinnati, la In tb* olty
Mlaa Mortimer Cleekley, ol Charleston, Is
visiting ber unole, Dr Phil Bobley
la Bamming np , be discussion on ' diver
sions” in ibs school loom yesterday at the
normal dais, one of tbe tsecher* remarked
that tloy were "the dlijuaetlv* cir.Jano-
Hone In the complex compound senteuoe
ot edneo Ion—tb* oltber, or, nor. neither
and but, keeping rp '.be eonnsotlone, yet,
marking tbe dlallneilons ”
E ther—while leaching amusing,
Or-by ttaohlag amailag,
H or—tba pnpll oonfusing
Neither—palleno* e’er abn-lng,
But- keep constantly Infusing.
Now, this remind! ns by way of diver
sion, that tbe 'Olds Poke's Oonearte”
oomes off‘.c-nlght and It la hoped that—
Evo-ybody will be obooelng,
And no mice ot propriety abusing,
to oontrlbnt* something to one of ih* pets
ot lb* olty—the pabllo library.
kariSol gal*.
One black barrow, with both tars crop
ped, and a white sow with no mark, hive
br oa taken op and will be sold at tb* olty
pennd next Tnocday, unless sailed for,
Joxn H Puna a a,
mhfl gt Marshal,
Tb* Magnolia Ham la tb* perfection of a
sugar cared Ham—eared In lbs most eolens
tlflo manner, Tesy do not pretend to oom.
pet* with tb* obeap Hume oalled sugar
enrod. If you bav* not tried tbem send
yonr orders to Rcbert S Oran*. Butlafeo-
lion gnaranlaed In avary raapeot. Every
Hum guaranteed. Prlo* Uo par lb.
angl dly
Xtsi faSasno,
Bpenoar’s Calhoun, B tlllvm’s Bast, Sal-
Uvan’a Pra* and Kaey, Dorlllard’a Climax,
LarlUard’e Pin* Onr, Biaekwell’a Durham,
Dnke’a Durham, Lorlllard and Railroad
Snuff three boxes or 10 eante at
angl ly Konnnr B Ckanb’s.
Coughs and O Id* yield at If by magic to
the ntu. ng lu nenoe c: P :lne. tbe king
of oougb ramadl a tf
Beading Lawyers. Do* ere, ■arehanls.
Banker, and MlnlaletsItian.nd In lha
Borikwaalarn Bntnal Alls Inanran.a
Tb.'a oomp nj has been doing bnilnaas In
Gsoigia for elgLteco yeera end nnmbeia
among Its policy bcidrre many ol the lead
ing c. a ue of ihe ata e, m of whom ape a
of then experience «1 h Ibis company In
hlghuit leima of apptcval. I s lurg. iar,
piu . splendid dividends and nueurpa.seii,
otcurules, tcgeiher with 1 a wuilern ra’e ,
oflr. erest, have made it a decided lavorlie
with lie po ley holders, amorg whom ne
flndihe loliowlug prominent to.umi l x-
Mayor J W Etgllsh and Mayoi G surge
lllllyer, ol Allanta, fcenaior A H Co qultt.
Mr H I Kimball, Mr 8 M Ittmai, Mae
rrmtuier Hardeman, Mr W A Ha'g .od,
Mr J W Hu l«,Mi Then as M Oiarxe, Ui
K M Clarks, Hon W J Wlun, Mr
Pnul Rome, e, Mr W C Bandera. Mr T u
Meador, Mr D R C(Ok, VIr W A Htmphli:,
Mr H W Grcdy, Mr J H ttmker, D. John
GPidl..e. Dr R B Ridley, Judge H wam
VAh Epps. Judge R H C.a k Judge A B
Era lo, Rev 0 A Event. Rev M B Wharton,
rt. v Geo T Goeiohiue, Bav W A Candler,
Rev U 0 Wliilame, Rev Bint lories, R.v Dr
J T Leltwlcb, Rev G A Normally Rev
Hsnry McDonald.R.v D: A T Spa.dlDg.Kev
J W Let,Col G J Fo: acre,Co: RA krrdersoL-
Hon M A Candier, Mr W B Thomson, M
Hsnry Lewis, Mr M nse, Metso
Ulrica Brut. Mr A W Hill, Mr Bt. J U HI ,
Jr, Mr T P Branch ana hnndredaor other,'
Tue late Bena.or Ben Ul 1 left a* ihe besi
port ot his estate a ten in usaud dollar pol
icy In this oompai y.
It aeema qulie remark! b e, bnt ntvtrtbe-
iete It’s trne.lhot the 1l, e cal receipts alone
of the North western Ue ail h.»ve < xcseded
Its entire dlsburssmenie lor death loai*9
since its organ. s.iiloa oy over flve and ons-
ualfmllilona dollars.L,atyea, lts.death loss
oe were one mlltlc n and Its Interest recelp a
on* million three hundred thousand dol
lar*. This la a wonderin’, sonroe ofaavlcg
and preflt to lta policy holders, W* bops
this company may do a goo: business In
B Id win's Proteo Ion- tbe best 5c cigar In
Coinmbaa tf
rkeeklglslaa */ Chur!<>*••: Iter Lease
Th Grand L.dge of Q U O of c F of tae
United States, .quires that everj lodgo
ande In- Ja. siu.lju, shall devote one
Saudi y during tbe year lo thanksgiving
and prayer. O t last Sunday the members
of Onattabooeue* Lange Ho 23 4 G U O oi
O F, mat al tbslr lodge room ana we., t a* a
body oSt Jobncbaioh, where the Bev J
D,v.s preached a feellrg and tffeo.lvc
thai.k*gtvii g sermon to a large congrega
I. la pioper for ua at all Lima* brethren to
give thanks to A migtny G id lor the many
bltsslngs and privileges we have enloyed:
knowing i hat wlhontHlaald no organi
sation, bewever wisely it may be govirnad,
oan prosper Tb*rt:ore, we oall upon ail
members to Invoke His guidance end bice-
slugs upon our deliberations another yea:
—ta the end that we may labor barmool.
0U ''y tcgeiher, not as strangers, tut as
brethren of tbe same family; that wc may
be governed by a spirit ol 8ro horty love
ard unity er purpose, wblob will bring
wltdom io guide us in our councils, and
oomlnutd pe. e and good will In onr
midst, thereby strengthening onr beloved
order. Oxyickne and Miibiis
of Chattabooohe* Lo 'ge UHOofOF
Baldwin’s Protection—ihe bee 5a cigar In
Columbus tf
at. AM talar dsetmasdire mo. a. JC. V.
Attend regular ooaoUvs tain ( Tuesday)
afternoon at 5 o’o'.oek. Fa.igu* uatiorm
By order of G W McElbaney, E O
A Car isad
Of Fine Kansas Cuy Beef and Mellon Just
reoe.ved, and will bo kept oonslantly on
band. Bend u* yonr orders If yon want tb*
J J Pb.ob Agent
Baldwin’s ProUctlon—tbe best 53 olgar in
Oolnmbua tf
•ira« Fig.
A stray pig. w.tb sandy adored bead and
wblt* stteak aoross tba baok, has bean at
tbe Planters Warehouse since Batnrday
Owi ar can recover is me by proving prop ■
arty and pa> lug charges
Baldwin’s P.otaoilon— ih* bts 6c cigar In
Columbus ^ if
SysetaslM Jtaif,
Bnnday morolsg, between tbe Railroad
Croeelng on Troup f treot and Presbyterian
church, a pair of Cellalcld Eye Glaeeea.
Finder will be rewarded by leaving tbem
U this afflee
Baldwin’s ProtaeiiLu tf
■«mc(N Jfwlwssl n*m xsessisfleN,
The 40th lnstallmeht to ihls association Is
dne and payable on Wednesday, the lOvb
instant, at tbe offloe of D F Wllloox, Money
will be sold at 7:00 o’oiook p m.
mt7 at J B Willoox, Trsas’r.
Baldwin's Protection
Jlsgslis ITsstid.
One 48 Inch and on* 6: Inch-botb second
band. F C Duke,
mait It Mountain Hill, Ga
Baldwin's Proteo:Ion U
W Boxes obolee Florida Orange* at
angl dly | CKAKB’g
Plain# lead* all remedies ai a enra In
Pnsnmonut. U
•M lesesw*»»re for Owl*.
Those wbo want old nawspapar* lor pat
ting under ear pets can gat tnam at tbl’
afllea at *8 oante » “w^rfred eapIMl
Faney Ohio Oreamery Butter 35* par lb.
My enstomar* pronounce Arbuekie’a Arris
oat Ccffe# tbo beet they hey* ever used
Iiy on* pound at ,0c or 8 pounds for 50o
angl ly Robust id Cbajsb,
Hava you tried tba Fiaak Biddall Bo ad
for: diet t It will please you. Three boxes
Railroad Bnuff 10 eante, al Crane’s
augl dly
Store Hons# Ho Mg on wastald* ol Brood
elraat, now ooeaplad by James R Cargill ne
a dry goods (tore Poaeosalon given Oeto-
oer lei. Apply tc
jyU u LOBJt* • aaaaaat
ffsana Ike Far Was*
Comae tbe demand lot that great lnng
remedy Plelue. It le not only known and
approbated at borne, bnt It Is gaining n
reparation all over tbe union, W* nr* con
tinually receiving telegrams like th* on*
fan Antonio, Texas, Feb 18,1883
John P Iulnib a Bb j, Colds bus, Ga—
Bend first express a: sen Plolne, Can’t do
without it, Habky L Sohlesinoxb
ebtl tl
Writ* ta V. A. gtaasid tor Anything
Ten Wnnt In the Lina ml Bn.ldars
He baa a aupply store on Broad street
and e. plaining mill and lumber yard at tba
eon n end ol the city. I: Is his aim to keep
on band anything yon may want for your
borne, Mantles of all k uds. Paint", Build
ers' Hardware. P.ailer. Omeui, Lime,
Baeb, D.iore and Blinds, Iron Cresting, eto
ito, Ho oan tnrulsb from his mill and yard
oil kinds of Lumber, rrugh and dressed.
Flooring, Celling, elo He doal all kinds ot
MU: Work, Beroll Sawing, Taming, eto.and
if per obanoB you wish anything be has not
on hand, no man In the ct’y will put hlm>
self to more tionble lo serve you than T L
GrniMd. When you visit the city oall In
and see blm at 187 Broad street, stand late*
ueonpled oy the Pioneer Co. dtf
pros,cos ne> si.
Our objael rll sublime
We ebal! achieve In time—
Tomeknibenrgleotof Insurance a dime,
An exceedingly helnoni orlrn 1-Mikado,
D F Willo x, Agent,
Janldtl 71 B.oad Bt
~ tf
Baldwin’s Protection
Residence, Stanford House; Telephone
No. 4 j Office, Carter b Drug Store.
I' you s-fler Irom week or sore,lunge ute
Piolne, which quickly our. s all dung and
ohest eflioHons, d tf
If you want pure Whisky get Shield’s
Bourbon at Crane’s. He is sole sgent lor
Georgia and Alab. ms augl dly
Gold Watebea
Gold Watches
Gold Wetohei
Bllver Ware
Silver War*
At C Sohomberg’s
Stree', Oolumbn»,
Go d Watches
Gold Watohea
Gold Wetebea
Bllver Ware
Silver Ware
Jewelry Store, 105 Broad
Ga tf
Wl.sear gjerfa. e trdoa Seed*, Dlaswanrt
Owl, gsM II443ft.
We bav* Just received a large loto 11 wer !
■teds. Tneae seeds are warranted fresh :
and have always given sallelietlon We
ask th* attention ot the ladles to this as>
sor ment, A full sleek of garden seed on
hand Onr line of Toilet Goods Is complete
In every respeot Twenty d.fforent brands
of Face Powd.r, A', Diamond and
Gold. Dust, Cold Oreums, IV,llot Witters and
Washer We o rry the largest Uneofflue
Toilet Bocps In this city, ounniit b surpasia
ed In tbs state The best Tooth Brash ever
sold lor 35 oent*,
We pay special attention to our Drug and
Prescription Department, buying the beat
only Oar patrons oan rely upon the parity
of all goods ofl-red, and strict and oareful
attention paid all prcsorlp ion work.
We know, and w* have the aeiurano* of
tba bast ludgos in tbe ol.y, that w* have
tb* best o'gar in lb* city Try It,
Tba weather f-r Lbe past two weeks ad-
moxlaha* u* that Soda and Mineral Wate:a
will soon ba in demand We sue l doublt'
oui efforts to pleas* this season and sustain
onr. repatallen of ’'drawing lbe best s-d*
lntbason h” Remember ui Always
to see you.
Geo A B&adfoed,
dtf < Manager,
Dcfccllva KyselskS.
Partlsa having, eisetlve syi* ara invited
to call and have them examined by tbe
Opthalmasoplo last free ol skarga, and 11
-peotaoles oan be of bsntflt (hey will be
Ailed at moderate prle*.
J H Bsambau.
Watebmeker, Jeweler stud op lolan, 108
Broad street- ieb31 tf
Plelne will positively core Croup in a
’*w minutes
When you visit or leave Haw York City
via Grand Oaatral Depot save baggage ex,
prasaag* and 88 carriage hire, and atop at
th* Grand Union Hotel, opposite said do
Six hundred elegant rooms, fitted np at a
cost ot on* million dollnn, 81 and upwards
per day. European plan. Elevators. Res*
taurant supplied wltb th* beat. Hors* oars
stages and elevated railroad ta all depots
famine* oan live better lor Isas money at
ibs Grand Ualon Hotel than at any otha
am alas* bou* in tb* cut*. lylOdlv
lltsflai Mr JsssaimstfsilsN.
Columbus, Ga, Jan II, 18M
A Bleep*! Is atlaabad to train Ho 10 be
tween Columbna and Maoon, leaving Oo-
iambus every night at 8 o’alook.
Barths oan b* aacurtd upon appllaatlon
to O W Mayor, tlaket sailer, Union Depot
or to eaudustor ol train,
W It Claus, Agent,
G A Wbituhead Gsu'l fan. Agent,
1*88 U
Mow rskaksass-M S4M It.
81 la Grvaard’a tslspbon* number at bla ator*
on Broad street and No 70 at bis Flanlng
Mill and Limber Yard, oornar of Troup
and Seventh strseta. lalMlf
Baldwin’s Protsotlon
Contractors and otbars wanting Brlok
will do wall to call on tb* nndsrsignad fo
prlo**. How la tb* tlm* to build wbll* ma
tsrlal la ebaap. Ar* prepared to funiah
Brlok In any quantity desired.
W W A Gao O Bunnr,
Teiawhaes 80 )«l01y
Baldwin’s Fro'.aetlon tf
People’s Line
iUintf Va. I, lllii. fluatr Ibrinlmh
■laauaar mum H, krilru. ^
All lha boats of this Un* oa:ry fr*i,.ht
anu p sarngera at the tame ra s, - i
The fcllowl) g Is the passenger aid msl
schedule ol tbe ,
Steamer Wm. D. Elliar,
The lastesl, Bteumer plying the Otia'ta.
hooohee Flint and ADaUobleol* rivsrV
acoo , modal! ne flrsuelsss. Will ba
mn be'wieu Columbna, Balubrldsn
and At'ulccnioolM, making oonn>eilon at
(.ba.tahooobeu with trains to BDd from
Bavannah. J ickaonvllle. Fans. oula. Mobl,,
and Nan O ieana on Sunday going duwn
On j-'uisuMys ocming no she oocnacii!
wltb all passenger > rains golcg to Bavac>,
nah, Jacksonv.lle, Pensacola, Mobile and
Naw Orleans.
LenV'.' Orlumbus B.-tuu-y 805a m
Le»v Ejlmla 8« uru»y 4 30 pm
Leave For: Gaines Balurday 7 80 c m
La.ivu Columbia Balnrd"y li (jo o m
Laavr Cuaitubooche- Sunday8 08 a m
Arrive Balnbrl'ige Sunday 12NK) d m
Leave Balnbridge bundey 300 d m
Arriva OhavUboo hei. Bun-»y 8 IK) pm
Arrive ApnlBehloola M-.ncay 800 u m
Leave ApalaoblcMa Monday 6 00 pm
Arrive Chattahcoohee 00 a m
Lotye Cn*lt*bonobo“ Tuesday_...n 00 * m
Leave Columbia Tuesday 8 80 r. nr
Leave For Galues Wsrtueeday 1 00 a m
Le vu Eu'auis Wedne itey_..soo a m
Leave Florouce Wediesday....^. 800 a nr
Arrive Uolumbn? Wadneadsy a 00 p m
Cn aid after Febrna,.-. 8 libs .he above
sebednle will be run, river fog, eto, per»
Bavannah, Florida ai.d Wis'srn Railroad—
Arrives Irom Hsvr imh :iud Jacksonville
at 4 04 p m. Leavts fur savannah and
Jacksonville at u lu a m.
Florida Railway and Navigation Oo—
Arrives from Jftcksuuvllla at 4 p in.
Lsav.a for Jacksonville at 1120 s m.
Pensaoolaand A’l«n lo Kalircad—
Arrives from Pensae ,1a at 11 a m Lsaveo
for Pensaeola at 414 p m,
On and af er Fsbruaary 6,1886, tbe local
rales ol freight arid p .saage 10 ail points on
tbe Cba’tahooohee and Apalaehloola rivers
will be as follows;
Flour per barrel „10 sent*
Cetton per b le _....„.„..™...„_,25 cento
Fertlllusrs per ton _,.ji 35
Cotton Bead Meal per ton II 36
Balt per ton....—. —— 81 35
Other freights in p-oportlon.
Passage frum Columbus to Apalaehleolb
85 DC. O.ber points lu proportion,
Bblppars will please have their freight a3
boat by 8 a m on day ol leaving, aa none
will ba received atfer that hour.
Boat reserves tbe right of not landing a$
any point when ooualdered dangerous by
tbe pilot.
Boat will not slop at nny point not named
In tbe published Hat of landings tarnished
shippers for 1886,
Onr reaponaiolllty lor freight eeoaes ufta
It b a bean discharged at a landing wb*D
no person la there <0 receive It,
Rates subjeet to change without notice,
T H Moose,
deo37 tf Agent,
Central Line
Columhcs. GA, Feb 11, 1886
O N .and Bhe-Fehrnaiy 18 1886, the local
rata’ of freight on ihe Uuattahonolice,
Flint and Apalaehloola rivers will br an
Flonr per barrel 5 cent*
Cotton teed meal per ton „ 4 > cent*
Cotton per b;lr... .—.—...'.5 cants
O nerlrelgbtin proportion.
P-ssage Irom Columbus to Apalaebleola
(6 CO. Otner p. lm a In proportion.
Steamer Naiad
Wl'l leave Columbus for Apalaokloola via
Balnbr dge every 3 UESDAY morning at
8 o’olock, re nrnlng via Ho ohlcson’a
Above sohedule will be run, river,(eto,
Bblppars will please have tbslr freight at
boat by 8am on day of leaving, as none
will be received af er that hour
B iat reserves the right of 1 ot landing at
any point when oonsidered dangerous by
tbe oommandar. ,
Boat will not stop at any point not named
lc list of landings lurnlahsd shipper• for
Onr responsibility for freight ceases after
II baa been dlaobarged at a lauding wbei*’
no person Is there to receive It
Bey'y ana Train tsblflr
ArriT-l ind Departure of ail Train#
at Columbus tarrying Paaieagcrs
la EBeet Isaaarr ITtk, IMS.
MallTialn from Ui*eavui*_.™_~10.04 » n»
Aeeommcdation from Greouvine— 6:33 s> <*>
Mall train from Maoon 3:15 p m
Aooommodation freoi Maoaa 8:38 am
Mall train from Monigomory—.1L'8» * ™
Mall train from A'lsota lilt P m
MsU train from Trey sno afonigy-13:45 p ra
Accommodation from Troy and
Hi® » “
Aeoom’dat’n fror. Union Springe—lll47 pm
Man tri in lor GrasnvlH#.- —. *28 p m
Aseommodatlon for Green Tills—.. *80 am
Mall trala for M»oon„ 11:40 a m
Aseommodatlon for Mason..—.- 0:00 p ra
Mall trala, for AUania 8:15 ■ m
Mall train for Montgomery——. *30pm
Mall train for Troy and Moatg'y- *■ P “
Aood’u lor Troy sad Rutaula—. - AM • m
AWommodt’B ter Union Bprlngs. *05 P m
Extra Mosasd Bloalsr. Macksrcl in 1
pound palls, Pleklod Columbia Blvar Sal
mon, Five seats per dtssn boxes lor Sul
phur Malobe*
augl ly Robbby S chan*
Fine Oranges, Apples, Coooanut* *nd
ananas Just 1 snivel by
Robblt Juiticu, Agent,
fsbT sodtf
««r Deaaf.
Store next door to poet cfBse. Foeaeealon
given Immediately. Inquire of
Jal8 oodtf O A Kuux.
c*7im Hag.
Oar load select A Ho 1 ilmotby Hay for
sale a* A'ston Warehouse.
mn&eoott Flournoy * km*e>