Newspaper Page Text
m» irrllM ■ i«ll» tone rnlaa nil At-
IIHAt T**ar4 lb# linllroitd l iiumli-
be HOoep>d bv me as binding up u
tu led;\riaij•» 1 Judgment ami ac'i >n, ]
Y uro veryfrnlv,
A O Bacon
Mr Dor B bn received ihe foliovr-
iug letter from M.Jor A 0 Bacon, iu
reply to one aukitiir blot for a stale-
merit of L1b position ou (he questions
which are answered below;
Macon. March £7. 1880, - D maid
M Bun, E q, Atlanta—My D ar Sir:
I sui iu receipt of your ucle of the 1
27 h inst, in wblob you ask me to
state for publication my p»o,i ion rel- j
alive to the rsilr'ad c uimUsiou in
this stale My recogn z d re ation- I
ship at this time to Hie public makes !
ti proper that I h ;u d reply pr mpt- •
iy to your iiqulry. I would la/ej
preferred to pos p ine this publication i
unttl alaterday, wbeD my position !
upon this and other public questions I
will be s ated with n: ro elanora'i in. !
There are., however, s rue con-idea ■ I
ti or: e which suggest lie p-opriety o) j
a present reply, which will prevent i
hereafter any unintentional mis •
B'a'emcnts by any oueof my position i
on tiii- important q e- 1 li.
1. I was a m : inner of the 'egisla |
ture when the law was enac : ed which j
created he preje t commission, and
favored and asiistsd in the enact- I
mpjjt of the same. I have beeu ever
sines in fever of the c -aUnuauce of
the comiubsiou.
2 Theie is no good re-son why
theresb >uid be atilagon sue or bitier-
nes-s between the public and the rail-
read lu I crest To prevent such ant-g >
nisms and to s ’cure and m jinialn h rr-
monioas re a ions between the pub
lic and the railroad <, there is no bet
ter agency than a o mmission which
realiz a the great reap msibtliiy rs.»i-
iug upon it, and w'.nch is animated
by a Sincere desire to accomplish this
most important .emit I i tnis es
sential work u wiseard conservative
commiss o:t ‘s no less impor ant to
tbo railroads than to the public
3 The oomml-siou shoutd not be
the partisan etther of the public or
the railroad interest It should be
as nearly as possible a thoroughly
impar'ial tribunal to Judge between
them, to do exact jus ics to each, and
to do it Justice to net her. It should
guard the public agates' any op
pression by tbe railroads. I should
also be car*fnl to avoid anything
which will unDtCfcSsarliy ii fl ot in
jury on the railroads. I is me high
duty of government to pioteot and
const-, ve all interests; public, perso
na! and corporate.
4 The railroad companies shall not
he allowed to charge exo ssive rates
of freight or passenger tar:tt. It is
proper, h' wever, that they should be
allowed such rates asw-11, wlthcire-
ful nd economical management, en
able them to ke- p 'heir road bud and
equipment in a condition safe and
court triable to rbw public and at the
same time make i.t prac icable to give j
reasonable dividends to their stock-
holders, and to pay liberal wages to I
their employ es commeusurate with!
the danger and diffle ilty of the ser- [
vices they rend-r. I i the content J
muni, •: ffioionoy eud fi lelt.y of the-e 1
employes e>'ery cl'lzsu of tue state i
ha* a pertonai in erest.
/ft. I regard the continuance of trio ;
railroad commission as the settl'd ■
policy of ihe s'aie, fou ded In the I
deep conv c ions of ou/ people as to j
Its propriety and neces-i y P.rma-i
nor: us i' prom'sen to ; e it is of the J
highest importance th it it should be ;
util z das the promettrand conser
vator of harmoni ,us re a:io s be*
tween the public and tne railroads
Ii should not be perverted into a
measure by which to lometit discord
Had to create division among our
No more deplorable could;
befell us that* to have political lines !
drawn on this issue, wnli e.acu side
co >tend>,,.g hlderiy for t-.em.s.ery
over -.he cm or. Such a co once ;
lnaugu a eu would be c iu .nu t wnu j
varying succtss from year to yesr. ;
Hea't.d sod angered by stu.gilc the '
euec-ssful sl'te would doubtless op
press and misuse the other Wo ether
the one nr tbe other a e victorious
the result would be disastrous to
puh.ic a"d private iuteroEa I’is
certaiii'y ibe part f patrio ism for
all good cii z os of wha'sotvor con»
fl cling opinion, to p event this di
vision aud stnie aurl to uahe in the
conservative til rt to maintaib the j
couimis uo'n as a thrroug- 1* no - j
pp.-tisan tribunal, w.’s I/s riving for;
the g ot ah nod cvrtfu >y avoid.t-g !
the i Jury of •*•...y.
7 Upon the vital qu-stiou aa to the
P'npr:e‘y of ami; g ihe rou
E.tB:d'<u wi h powers u<ces?ar,, for
its efficiency, there i-t;Mie or no di
vision among the people of thi.-i s'aie
D fl ‘ter css which fX'V. as to matters
of detail 'he democratic convention,
w hen it a::-i rubles, will be wue 1
enough o deal with ai d asttle with- :
out division. It will te the duty of:
an members of the pury to accept [
aud he governed by the declaiou of i
thf convention ou these quep lone.
F •( six'eea years the wriole people j
of Uooigi- havo maintained crn'rol
of the stale government by adhering
teths nemocra.ic organ z.tlon, and
by settling among themselves all the
difference? as to men and measures.
The result has been a restored pros
perity and a public and private credit
which onmruands the admiration of
tbe whole country. It will be a fatal
day when there shall be no longer
left among us the wisdom con
servatism nee s-ary to prevent divis
ion and discord iu tbe party upon
this or any other question of
state policy. The preservation 1
of d«no-crattc unity and orgaui- ‘
z’.tlouin 'ilia state s essential to the
maintenance of good governm n\ 1
Bel'eviug thin I have mvariably ;
yielded protr.ptly to the decisions of !
the oa.fy t po king through its con- j
veuiions. I shill pursue the ssnu ,
course tu the future, and the priuoi- ,
p'.ee and iitc policy arm iu iced by the
Oouvaodon bc-co to Assemble, relative
f* ■ ", rahr ad commission as well as
to outer ;_ai;«n» of s.ate concern, will
• UlSBisnU Nncb aa Tkl# isrr# Welch!
In August, 1881, U WM Ulsoovei tu f
that my son’s wile was In the last stages
of consumption. Hbe was oougbieg
incessantly, and at times would dla-
charge quftiritJos of pas from her
lanes, could not sleep or retain any
thing on her stomach, and we thought
It only a question of time when life j
would bo compelled to *lve wey
to the fet! destroyer. After a'.l otbei
remedies bad falf«d. we got Brewer's
hung Restorer and began it It. very
•mail doses, as she <vas very woak. «no
so-n began to improve; continued too
intiedy .vid wss restored to Ute sit:J
it Altbi sod Is to-day better than she
h«s aycr beeu before. I regard fur
ro-toratioc se nearly a tui/ecle, tor
•-hJcb ’-he is indebted to Brower’s
..ling Vtrr/toror R Vt Bonnsv
'-'as o. Its
CbtOJgoiotoi Ojcan i Ktve Fii Id s
i!;uMiiuirg Mi imotiim *dth « uteri-;■
ojIloiHiiii New York I T inje.sieo
the i dn.uari cl z = h are it I u&. rtv i n tg
tt with a ■.iho’gi'c,
The E'gheh le; gusgo tg tan o
aynonv ros. or w -ids, esotiof w! on in'.
the same meaning, K ir i-xauapi“, o
name ot S. Jacob- O is a «y <n n - u.
fur ibeooi quer, r ol pain, the nt y cure
tor rhenniAilsoa. heahh aud happino a,
freed->in hum naura via, and iu i:,ct
many o her w. ids wnich signify ser •
ous bodi r ailments.
Cuof/rui* fruit growers are talking i
o tianana ca'tnre as a mat.l.i r of >:x
Vrvi sum, li»blliiai#tl Men,
You are ahnweif a free rat of thirty ,
day* of ihe use -#l l)i Dye’s Ce'.ebraieil
Voltaic Belt with Rivoatle fSuepomxii>
AppUarju-es, for the speeuy /eiicl a,.-.:
f ormaraut cure oi Nervous Debility,
loss uf Vitadty and Munlim and .h
kindred trooble* Also for many otb I
ar diseases, Complete restoration '.o j
health, vigor and raftti!ic n d guurantoed, i
No risk Is Irourred Imat,rated pam- I
phtet, with ful! Information, terncm,
etc, mailed free bv addreeBlng Vutr.ajc
Bait Co, Marauslt, Mien.
tft«Ural t ftufltl2we8i«rii <& ’l»hn^uukr»)i« ft»mboi & ***
All trtoii4 oi tiiitiy*i*n. .kit ra. tv CwoliA. or HOija .v«riMn>»< nu«>»
bAVAMMAti. Wa., jMiiuary 24, .c tt
* W anti afUrHUNDAl, Jau 24 Q, itttttt ini Hit or thffin* ri)rd>9 v n hal ai
KJ follow*:
€sBsS.«WMii Maw..
11:16 pii3 U:0U m
1:17 »m 2 U pm
2 83 aid J 8 2~ pit.
8 2U am | 4 >.0 piu
3:35 am I 5 4t pm
5 8 an 7 00 pm
5:18 ami 7 19 pm
5 i-3 am 7 19 pn
7:82 am I 9 85 pm
No. 19 * |No 17 * |
.Ml Ilf a...
Ten uuu..
... Muuod ,.,
No. 52,
-Ar I 07 pi.i
• Lv| 2 'Aj pm
.Lv ) .10 put
,Ar l 18 oru
.,A. ,il 2* i-.
.A * 110.19 MW
.Lv i i -i"
..A. I x 10 Ai-
U2 u
Ar Harue vliie L
lj j War cnvlJiA a
i U--i tflii
• ._A ' la ‘ ' •
41 H'l'-.i nyui''-'. i\'7. *i<
Ii bC A i) UP.
No 5.'..*
F»»e*g r
4*14 an
;i 10 i<m
8 00 v> r,,
10 Id pill
n o.i ru.
xio, 2.*
‘ w\’
H 26 \ in
‘ 6.8 pu-
i frier, |
* • 11 i>h. |
I : U! 1
I I : ’
i !• .-‘I
... . ’ • , • ’
I I 8 10 Altl
i W pm
Lv ....•: iuii Ar
ll ,5 1 ., 1
1 ) h 16
8 45 , • .
Ar... \rv,1. 1
».w- • I i--'t :-n 1 |
No 2tt. •
Pupr’;: *
FataiiiuM Itr’tfl*.
Ffc-ou 1. I 1
Lv A. I'U.n A
no f.i
I v ...Gc*rdoD A
h Ul 1)1
r,M!l Levi If,. A
«ao i*i | ] -
• ™ I MM
? OJ )•'
Khl( )'■.•■.. . \
1 N-i. % 1
■■N ». J'J.I
li-'os't T
ha? 1
i -- , 6:10 pn
0 1 •
1 v Brti * V111 At
1 I * '• l*m | ; -*—
1 I til:; 1/W
ll -If) i..
. T': • < ■ E
*: "2J I.:' *!':. J. __ J
Five Cold av;c! Two Siivor Medals.
awarded in is <.i ;,t tl.o i;
New ijrii.;i;is mid l.i.uirn hie
ventious K\,ki-i! „>n ,,f ,1 ,
The siipi riuruy i f t.,,ialii
or wluiit.-ilull, ini- mu li.-.f.,.
\7«risi;';on8 of
and tile lu-
i.i uvi-/ horn
"Mi. us,rated
. It is mure
comfui table,
a i -1111 i
a units
A irolt fsrui managed bv aw'imn.i,
at Sim Jose, California, nets her 1*40^ 0
Simmons’ Iron Cordial send* rod
blood to the cheeks of the sickly one
and strength to ihe muscles, by giving
an B[.!'6‘i’.e, aiding digestion and build
ing up the system. AI! sickly wo
men who need a never-falllng Fam-le
Regulator will be deligh ed with its
prompt action.
Fur sale by J >hn P Turner, Ooium
bos Gr _ eod&w
Despite the Eimunds resoiutlons,
euch senstors bs Mr Hoar expect that
the seriate will confirm all of the oreM-
deni’s aopoiotmeota which are worthy.
cream mm
whin cpplifld
to the no*:! 1 ’? yjT.I
be ef*
fer t an JI v cleans**
Idr !ho U^)4 <
cnuroR vim
)i;i Ik •
d ;n mall o •,>«'
p» O’ cots humem A
br^'^e t beios' y-t*
GA8P.' *> 8 from HfJ’
/o^ime v° °he d
m *' am. * . V , * M *KAY“FK ¥ &
No L’qalfi or Siuff j j Q, itok Hrlte
•’id P ; ! lv? Du**, A p.rMoR- h cppiietj
hi •> Lech nf>«tvK ami li> Rgri««ble to ur.e
P t”OD : . bjr ’na'! nr At drupKlala. 3end fot
clrouitt*. >,LY BHOTUERS DrngtjIh**,
(iWCfff' n n/.rrK rri'lw’v r»wr» n~‘
by over live yi-ms i-xp.'i
duratilc, ninri. pliuhic, n
and never bnn/,3.
Avoid clu ap niiitnnC'ii
kinds of cord. Nunn „.
“Dr. Warm,,n's Ciuiu;
ou of sled cover.
353 Bco’ dw-ay, New York Cili
' - 3 ■
. ISi;
... 112:30 v*.u>
1 l.v . ,G. ifMu ... i* 1 i
Ar...No«y« a/.„ . « i
9:40 *.4M’
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N o. 231
Nil. ‘Ft ,
0. VI It. ax..—i*«r-|
NO. M\ |
iN <». a 1 j
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8 00 pm ill 16 ui/j
l v Fori Va:'vy A
46 : rn
tt 45 ,*y .
.... -
8 45 pii.-112 11) n.
Per r; Lv
8ooi ml tt io
No. 26t
v W ti li—ft l»ki
IN- . 2«v>
l*f; HH’k
fij Y*U"D*»«m
c'\ :
2 4o pr)
Lv... AI •ui.y ...Ar!
1 4S«U .
tt 58 pn
li Bl»lri 1 j
8 i 5 •« x' 1
Nu 27+
s. W tt. tt. -fortl
I’lV 2S| 1
Bat«rs hrsM’h 1
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3 i6;*» i|
,v...Unu.oe*.t 2K.iml
‘ I
4 8ripu,IAr Korn “UnenDvl
l. 04 rd l
-♦ -Mv.
NO. 2U| |
KULiUlt «» HUT-1
Nu. a,, i
ion u. u. ll’uK/s: 1
4.4f)Bin|Dv... Eulkam... 3 i
8 58 '...HI 1
h OOpLaj
A# Clay*c•a... Lv|
7 45 .A<)i|
.. 1
| No IK*|
No 5 * |
No. b *
' U dF
I Ace. 1
D«8U’({ ’ J
bus iVaku Uuj .
11. 15pf„
9 1 • Ii i
J. V iluui a. .. A
4 26 .aIj -
HU D,'
12 ■vi.1,1.1
iOc-8 m
Ar Fort VuVty t ■
2 63 arr-
#28 am
2 16 r-mi
9 00 rn:
N” 19 »uu 2o tuuiy
KaOgiiUt local Sleeping Cars on night trains m IoIIovyb; l)otwj»«u 8«vi. ,/;aL im*'. T-.*Onf.« I’loa,
And M: between datAunab »nd Macon, treinn Fob. 51 aud M, betw*Y>-. -a;.aail» wa vtu.l. -t-h’
vj aud 54.
Pullman Buffett Oars between Cincinnati and Jactuwuvll*.:. and tbror^L car
s\ ,*ud Jiufeeonvllle, Yla Atlanta, AUia.i^ ana War ore** TUrougti Paiac. bie* p‘m
Komrr} auti vVaycrosa.
iinlH hi UdIou «)•>
Bead wliftt Die f>rea . Melbodist i)i-
v;ue aim tuiipiut L’hjfi-
ciav s- j'i of
']*» licBulikfci’ rt*
alia loi'iiff. i . •;-[
ally rHCurninerul t* »<i ail w*,.
.tut k> or any Dis-'fl***'cnt.--d ’»
f the Liver. W. U Pi? UN \ l;l)
0 YOU WANT G0(!0^ } f* ^
1 suffered iutcnfply 3,^64^^ '*
» 1, J, BKADF1'I D’S
Tirki'Wi for an points and Sleeping Ct«rtb»
a ituuufi. v.ue oi all ;rb*liia.
*\2u IKK-liLliU. Gen’l tiup’l Savannah.
» •- H \.<<n AN.Traffic Mana*er, bataanati.
’> • <) r a UK
WE^TJfjW.I'i i).AtX.-RO.iiA> Li* 1
lie iir.s-Class Dirtct Route to all Fn«»enu * (tie ,
New York titan via i. uli-vil c
Cioae connection ma'*e wlui Vied..
Cli cii 1 iati Southern, O ,!y 37 hi ur- •
Y k ' Stih'',., nn; to li
Li avo Akio
’’ G:
11 IViunu’?
A-rrivc Sounrt —
ughvo Se.m
• r r • Vf* • flftimfi
Vrrlve Ci’WiCf-
” (-hobnw
N .lapuign ....
’ Ijoaeh»poli> .
” Auburr
, ..;u« oia kail ihai \ x r «
kfre <KT.c*:
1,’tap'tf V
ijutec l
W(ittlLF I BIR4RP P. fLCQ,
OPTM-frre <)». Nor I6tb,i as#
ran M foll.w.i
■all Train Bio. 1—Being Meat (daily)
Leave Union Depot, tinlwmima.— kx rt
LeaYe Droad dtreet Depot. OolnniboB 2:41 r n,
.irrlte at UolouHprlnca 5:4# f
Leave Cnlou Sprlnce 7 40 a m
Arrive et Troy ,,,,,,, y 19 p m
Ariivo at Montooinary.. — 7:26 p m
Arrive at If n fen la d:4» p a
MAIL TRAIN NO 2 (Daily),
Leavo Montgomery. 7fit) a »
Leave Trot 7:2Ba-ft
Arrive at Union Hprlnrs yjio ,y
Lertte Union Hfrlnre 9:26 a rt
Arrive et Bnfaula...^ wvfto t% «
Arrive at Oolnmbus.M^.^- 12:46 >n
(Dn) I v Kxcep: Hunday).
Leave ('oluuituH L'uicu Depot , 8,05 9 A
LeaveUolntnbue UrOHil Street 1)npot. M a
Arrive at Uulon ttnrlrtffB. 11:35 p a
No4(lJHtly Except Rumiay)
Leave Union Springs 7*5* p M
\rriv at (Joluuibus ll;47 p n
No 5 (D»iMy Except Hunday)
i cavedolumlmr Uuiou 4-5f< h v>
l eave Uolmubne Uroed Street Deinn 6:05 im
Arrive at Unlor Sprlnr , i...w 9:03 a n*.
Leuve Union Sprlugn.. jo:22a ai
Arrive n» ^rov 12:28 r tc
Arrlv« at Juifanla .10:00 a n
Nt tt (Da ly Except Hunday)
L'ttve TB^oy.^...«,^....„. 4:05 a re
Arrive tu 7-40 a n>.
Leave U11 lor Sprint** ... 6:56 a xu
’.nlve *t Broad Street Dope: <;olimibun..., 10*62 a .%
» ilvce; Culon ; jI;uol.ue M —11:011 a jp.
A. L.
C0L0«UU8 i JtJilERW fl. ft.
Perembe-6th, 1085.
r v i (x 1. A1 a .
, dumli
on Ihh i'titt! v?SI
Arrive Opellf a.,
WO. A*
lj«avr Uye’J.Ya ...
A.rrl-'N Oobimbai ...
wo a
Arrive at duodvater
i.eave Oood water,
Arrive OrelII*
Arrive Columbna.
The nlxiit tralus are discontiunrl for the preeeirt
F7.TVSr.LLL Get. 1 Manoee
Office Gknerai. Manager,
O-JI UtiBUH. «a. J *t* 17, 1W6»
O N and ati.or Jan 17, 18fc'6, t/ic eohatL
Ult MflIJTiMn vTll L« im follows :
No I—GuiUgf North Dally,
baaru Columhun 2 23 p xe
Arrive at C’h!pl«y 4 8 p a»
Arrive nt OremvlHe 5 45 p ot
No 2—Com!ni: Month Dally.
!<•«¥« Gr»r vvine tt 50 a m
Arrlvfl UCblploy 7 55 a w
A;*rlva f! Cninmbiu*...,. 10 04 ana
No3-~EroiKht and A room rowJ ation.
Loo ve CX^ionibuB. «... (i 80 a zca
Arrive atfjhlploy 9 It* a n»
Arrive »\Oraon^lMe 10 87 a re
No 4— Fr**Kbt «»m Ancommodalloiu.
Leave Gcoenvlile I! 8(1 a tj
Arrive aA Oblpley ^.....^...12 17 p ui
Arrive 0,1 vJolmnbna 8 28 p m
W L Cl .A UK, Gen’l Manager,
T (J « HOW ADD ’! Ticket Ak*1.
'•■M rljy
t'# A :vj A
Atlanta, Oa-. F«*brnary 20 18.^4, .
D 1 : .1 BriAnm.LD T)< ar Sir— Some fifteen oi»r*
ajfo I fxairinod the r».cip“ '.>f Feni’i'e H gnlator,
raiefullr stu ii:d anihoritfe* iu regard to It
comp ’ncbti* and then (aa well ati uow, pr >no nc«d
t to be the uioat scientific .n:l skillful cotuhi- ation
of the ready reliable retnodln* ve^otaMo ai/eut^
kuovii to Bcief-Ci>, :o act dinctl. on tin? vouib an
aterlue oryans, ana the oivaus and parU* mo
pa hlziu^ direct I • with those; aud. the; • Lre, pro*
vidint a specific einedy for till diseaHOB of tht
wo'i.b, aud of the adjacent o. - Kan and parts.
Yours truly. Jifi 130lif NO Ai D, D l>.
Tbo count y it* flooded with qua k nostrums, con
truniut? IliON and other injerioas iuuredicuta
which c aim to euro ever»thina*— eroi. Fenial- Com*
laiuts W* saytoyoa. if you value your life, Be-
wai 0 of all such |
Brtufi Til’s Fern It* Kfgalutor
is a nurfcly Vfige'able compoaud, and ii only intend
ed for tbe K1-.MALK SEX, For their peculiar die
doses it in an absa ute
Sold by all drugtfsts. Send for our treatise on th?
Qeaitk aud Happiness of Woman, moiled free,
which fives all particulare.
Tux Uaxnrixu) Bxqulatoii Oo-
Box Jti. Ation te, Qu.
(2) ee tu tbAw (nxt rd mt)
H. ZEILIDI & C.7., Philadelphia, Pa.
Muscogee Sheriff Sale
By r n KNOW1.EI A CO. iMtloeoerti
J Thornton av a clothing Ht”re, th'* . ,
er y. to-wit: All of th* n *ods, wares, and merchan
di ;e c mprislag toe itD:k of ^oo1s now contained
in Bt-rehoa»p known a* Woe RS and 85 on the we«t
side oi Broad strict, iu tho 'itr of Oo umbus Mas-
coieo coa 1 tv Go tho r.. ii to k Cui.niUing of Men's
an t Boys'Olotuing. Huti, ^hirts, Drawers, 3ocks
Oollarn (Juifi. Oiav,it<. Glovia. Uub'^er Goods,
Piece G 'O'ls. Merchant Tailoring Goodi an Mate
rlaD, Gsntlrmea's FurnDbin Goods, Sa'cfir 1 -
Gaut-s Umbrellas. Motions and Fan r y Goods, a t
a a > all D 4^s. Office Furniture, Mirror , nhe vine
Counters. Tables. Flxtu*-^, Sewing Moohlnes an 1
Tailors’T>ols i 9»id stors house Allleviel
H J Thornton,
H J Thirnton Jaob K AodI* 1 ' Ii J Thornton
Jacob K Appier t-ustee vs U J Tliorato . L v Gar'
r rd r« liJ Thorutoa, J G BUBBU8.
mbVoa-Mw Shorltf.
v jf : V t
w p.r,u.
: 1 10 - :
do ", u
VI r,.
,'..’n (r» i R : re ml —
i 3:15 T*. 1
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Arriv .
•V3 Hfton
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i i■ 1 : IU [, -i.
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8:00 • r
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a up iuii,
3 35 ■ •
010 u -
Olh ■ S*. i
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on 1 . Air l.l'.e III Is i tt .
4.4" 4 - U
Ai nr.’lit
.. ft 10 .
*>:’:) ■,» n
Ar. iv<,
(!/,a. ’.ol• ,
.... li. Up r
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7*0 ;l
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V». (i Lii-gtoi:
8 UO A !
!).::0 .. n
B f! r tv'rr
ft 75 h i-
i l 30 » ij.
ID: a tnlr.l ■
2.10 :. M
? 3 •
N»v Y rb
.... 3:40 n ,
(■/■Ol .
Hjbest tam
For 8ale only bv
>’o 112 BromIJSt
Tfjk Newi-if.. Ill'Mirat'd CutalOKlHtt
FhJ|fnlltbf«v fhiP/t t?ver rint* no/' read)
.... -or > -w,Origl
mtl >ty Iuh of 1 *tf.t-ii & Librar
Desks, Tables, Chairs
1 Book Cases, Lounges
Letter Presses, Cabinet!
Ladie3 Fancy Desks. &•
I im*t Good* and LowoW
'iaarentood. Gaiwla
*viMxr* S^ u<
WiJK-jjMTY «.,i r. .l: SffSIf* l: (
A life r.|ifri. - • Vurtiuni i x fir-« • r ri >/*«S
Ofca. bend Sti inp for »ckl*-1 * trtciNkt . An1r*i*«
Or, WARD # CO. aa
• muii .
t.L 1',' Uiiu Tu
I,, H’"' AHartfl
” Ou t.mtm-...
” Ope 1 ki>
” Autmrn
” L'mctiHpoka
” NotBHI'lgo
” Ohefiaw
” Oowjpp
Arrive Montgomery. Moi-tgomery
Arrive H-lrn»
Loeve He!rr,e M
Arrive Meridian
” Greeneboro..
” Akron
Leave Akron...........
Arrive Meri<ii»D
” VI k»hurg....
” MHr<‘vep' n...
EaKTK for children
ill ii,inllihlc rprcitic foi Fliltu-
Ittii Cu'.c, Dial j'lioeii, C.ouu-lis,
J < <: ii,»i'< Cliol- rn liiiujitimi, t.'liol-
i;lM uili"s, ai.iI all (liaeaat-H ilici-
(l< tif 1 u (i;iid. 111 (, \u it a Irini.
V" co.jIs pc; lioit’o. l or bale a.
Ti~A _ v" ¥ »C :
'■ ■/, V)Vj !: ‘ -- .T /
t H V
A.#*- '//'.‘L-l/'V -xVja
8:20 a n
I2 i 0 11 n-
2:00 p m 1 hi,HO
4:i‘H 11 m| 12i4,'>
5:42 p r. r 1:09
6:45 p :ri
7 65 p u
11:20 p in
Thruigb C «*ob tn.M Mouigcrnery to Meridian, making un!y or.o ro.p,i;go
to Viel-ibnrg and fclbrevi port, Tretn^ 60 and 51 non: n hi f'bebRW wrtbTua-
kegne Ra’lroad CHAN H ChOM A LLL, Gen’l Paaa Age it,
( Et II. GABBKTT. Gnner«t M-n-pn- of
>1) fillI.* i XI 1 si
Gas Fixtures, Hoso of all kinds, Sewer Pipe of ail sizes.
Ga» Filtir.g and rinn.Lii.g prcniid.Jy attet-Icd to. , . t .
No. 40 ZlanciolpU Mt. .u,’ ,:,u
■ rd St., Nctv Yo-k.
vf Chivc.uit, //A;
CA' AK and CCED&
uj« who wh« daaf
rn.-tr ' l / mo«J
' '.a n-t'.lip-oAiliti ol tbe day with
b*r-0 V 'id himr«'» In tbras,.
of uihairv
*r i~d mo-
Addr a I S
Yrrk Oily,
a ’.n ut Im.