Newspaper Page Text
Dai!}. Wefklj and Snudny
Tbe KMQUinn,K NUN Id '•soe‘1 «very day xcep
Monday. The Weekly in Issued on Ttusdav.
The Dally (Including Monday) In dellTtred by
arrlen In tho olty or matlod, pjHtoge freo, o snb-
t»e » for 75e per in anti, fa.00 for there
»oi:tha. 4 OO for nix men h». or 07.00 n y^ar
TheSnnda- Is dell "sr«*d by carrier corn In Hie c ity
mailed co subscribe «i. p >atttio froo, at f Iri>Q
J ear
The Wee kly Inijnuod on Tuesday and Ih mailed to
nbscrlbetl. pobtugt free »t f ?.10 a year. advertisements will he taken fur tbe
fVNtily at $\ per > quaro of 10 linen or less for the firm
'Qserticn and AO co ta for each snbBeottont laser
at, and for the Weekly a* |l f >r each Insertion*
cornmunl- atlonn intended to Droiuot tlm pri
vate ends or lutoreiti of corporations societies or
n'Mvldoals oc ill he ebargod as aovertiseuaenta.
Special contracts made for advertising by tbe yeur-
Qbitnarles v III be edarged tor at customary rates
None but solid meta’ ents used.
411 oommanlcatloni shonld be addressed to tho
proprietor of tho KaQi iaaB ttVN.
The Augusta Curonicle, la speak-
1 t>K of gill cri)»t( r : H' candidates, pay.:
Tlie tide iB strongly in favor of Hou
A O ILoon for governor. TLe mill-
catiotB are that he will easily dln-
taoce any of his competitors In the
race. Our txebangee report Major
B con as the fuvorile of the people.
He will give the 'stale a clean and
vigorous administration. HU ability,
Integrity and capacity tminently
qualify him for a faithful and i ffi-
cient discharge of the duties flhe
office of governor.
There are still more than forty-
one thousand republican postmasters,
exclusive of presidential appointees,
holding fourth-class < ffl es. And
yet the republican spoilsmen olaitu
that they have been treated harshly
by the administration. It la confi
dently expected, however, that there
will be a good many charges during
tbe next year. The republicans who
are in ifllce and want to get out so as
to pose as political martyrs, and the
democrats who are out of i flice and
want to get In as a reward fer politic
cal services, will all be gratifhd in
lime. Tb<y must give the prtsideut
a chanoe.
Last .rammer and fall, In anticipa
tion of tbe presence of cholera on this
side of the Atlautic., sanitary prtcau
tions of the most stringent character
were adopted. The result was that
there was unusual exemption from
diseases of tvery kind incident to the
warm season. A few days ago wu
heard of a pretty clearly defined case
of cholera away out in the northwest,
where the thermometer still marks
chilly figures There may have bten,
and doubtless was error in the
diagnosis of the cas'; but the fact that
stmething akin to the plague has
made its appearance at this unusual
season, and in such a locality as a
Michigan lumber r. mp, is, to say the
least, ve y suggestive. L i us have a
clean city at all events.
T he Grunt funeral i xpeneo- ate all
jaidixcept abi ul $9010 included in a
bill of tlj'' New Y uk militia for
music. Kj olher state has presented
any bill for music, aLd it is not clear
why the Empire state should. On
anysulj ot less solemn than a fun-
«:al the figure cut by Now Y rk in
this Grant aflair would pass for a
screaming fares, provided only that
the hero’s remains were interred in
that city the cit z-.-ne w uld donate
the choicest she iu Central paik,
would erect i. $1 000.000 monument,
e c , etc. The $1 000,000 fund has
stopped short, at a little more than
$100,COO, laigely begged from out
siders, and now the New Yorkers
nave been haggling with oongre s
over a charge ol $9000 for funeral
There Lias ..ten, according to ail
accounts, a serious decline in the eh
fleitney of the British navy during
ibe past few years. The service
seems to have become demoraliz 'd,
more or less, royal favoritism being
one of the most potent evils affecting
It. London Truth speaks oflbeap-
pointment of the duke of Edinburgh
to be commander of the Medlterra 1
nean fquadron as ’’a monstrous and
eeandahus jch.” He wbb taken
'‘over the heads of several compe
tent rflicers,” who deserve
good treatment from the
government, The duke’s qualifica
tions and experience, a an (filter cf
atari, e-, are about on a par with
Jjuose of B.r Joseph P uter, K C B
He knows a porthole (torn a in zz u-
mss', without second thought. But
that the duke is considered deficient
on some points appears fr. in the oir-
efu instance that B.r H nry K ppel
was recently Bent to tne Mediterra
nean as “dry nurse” to Edinburgh.
The disgust of old officers is easily
The New Y irk Hun asserts Ihui the
senator who called for the number
of fourth-class postimste s appointed
during th< r s year with the object
of gaining an expected point fir the
republicans, made a wa'er haul on'y
In sus 'jinii g thi. assertion the Bun
goes on to sa} :
“There are oV'r fl'ty tlmisar d
postmasters of this denomination,
and only eight thousand six hundr d
changes have been Made, or ab iu !
one six’h of the aggregate. I i other
wo ds, there are still in .fil e over
fori.v-one thom-aml republican no.- a
masters, * xi lu ive - f presidential ap~
pulntments, Tl.ey ix-tci&e more
p cltioal iifluence, and come more
directly in c no c wi h the people a
1 »rgo, than any other class uf eflire-
“I! anv o mplaint is to to be made
it might Justly come from ihu cesuo.
crats, who see partisans of the most
offensive stamp enj iitig the trus s
to which they a;e lairly entitled
These republican postmasters are the
men' efficient agents of the party iu
alltberurd districts. Their (Alices
are the centres of attraC ion, and
they art used openly to put in mo-,
t ' ) the machinery for carrying elec
tions. They will be important fao-
tors in tbe e< mug coi gross elt oilons,
und no matter what tentimental or
ders may be issued fr< m Washing
ton. tin y will do tht-ir best, it retain-
ed in - like, lo elect republican rep re
We arc not of tin se who i-< uich
out p ret - x a bj which o fl.d Mult
w li the administration, nor do we
believe ibat to decapitate republican
office holders would injure the tffiui-s
cy of tie public s We have
nustaineil the administration btcause
we believe the results will prove an
honest reform in ail the departments
This cannot be done in a day, in a
week or within a year, but It is possi
ble for Mr Cl eveland to tffeot It and
we believe he will. He can never do
so with republicans filling the federal
offices or even a rnub rlty of them
The administration cannot and will
not be sustain: d by the democratic
party if republicans are given as
much deflerence as members of the
jarty iu power. If this oourse is
pursued It will be the death knell of
ihe dear craiic party, t.s they d >1 not
vote to ‘‘turn the rascals out” with
out (relieving that their votes had a
While the president has labored
under very serious disadvantages in
bringing about the reform indicated
lu all his utterances, his course hes
not been as aggressive a. might be
desired. Many of his uppoinimerits
have been such as to bring no cur ti-
denoe to the party, but we.submit
that this has been owing more to the
reacbery and bad faith of those who
should have beeu true lo their coun
try at d constituencies. When
tors and representatives in c ugie-s
undertake to mislead and deceive the
president in order to further tuetr
own personal e ids, it is Indeed a st d
commentary upon the exercise of
that le’orui which the democrat c
party promised and the president in
We are not disposed; to quarrel
with the president or with his met'’»
ods. His ecu se has not been al;o-
getlitr to out liking, or the country
would be filled with democrats hold
ing lethral Bit we stand
re. dy to await lurlber di vcl , meats.
Huuii'cred by a republican senate,
piudtuiee w u'l dictate a couserva*
ttve course, but no man can lead the
deim erode parly to success who be
ll, v h hiuieesf to be “a man oi desti
Tho i;«lm ia4i. Umolailv jh
Tue object of all the speeches made
by tho republican senators duriug
the det.ate ;h»: ended wi.h ihe ad rp-
tlon of he Ed uu ds re-olutious, h s
b^eu to show that the prts lent a .d
bis advisors iu the cubiuent have
been untrue to their professions.
They have undertaken to show that
the republican ofllje holders
were efficient have h.en turned ou
and democrats appointed who were
sometimes disreputable and who
lacked the necessary knowledge to
be efficient.
This hue ended in a farce and a
failure. It wa< a degredallon for the
parly, as Edmunds only succeeded lu
a barren v.ctory by the dexterous us
of the pariy lash, aud the vote was
strictly tl a‘ of a parly one. The
News and C mTer, m discus-dug this
feature of Ihe result, has the follow-,
iug timely comment:
“And, after til, what does it mea t,
a d what will it amount ti ? I
meat s that 8 uators H< ar and E^-
ar.s atid olher republicans, who had
been couspk-u u-ly silent duriug the
progress of the debate, were co im
pelled by political necessity to. go
with Mr Edmunds at th last mo
ment, and to raise tl.cir voices snd
cast their votes in a desperate at»
tempt to ‘avt> to their pariy its last
hold upon theguverument. 11 mean
{that they uviUitd ii.e saiva.i,.(i o'
tlietr party of higher moment than
constitutional provisions audsta ul •
ry enic'oientB, of greaur value
hsn historical precedents, att'l
m ire bindlrgupon their consciences
Ibun their osihs of rffl e It means
also, that these men believui tha!
thee untry had already made up Us
verdlo - , and that the (avenge of the
resolutions would not in any way
uff-C' the (durinlstratlon ol the gov
ernment or deter tbe president fit.m
the xercise of the prerogatives con
ferred upon him by the constitution
“Tne adoption of the resolutions
will not have any efi.o upon the id-
ministration. The president will
e mhi u to remove incompetent
and dishonest public offi lals mod
tppoint competent and honest !
men to take their places. Tne i
(-enato will either confirm or rej ct j
.he men whom be may uomina e. I
it rejects them ihe president w ill ap
point other competent aod honest
men as their successors, and will uot
go outside tbe democratic party to
make his selections. The democratic
party Is full of c' mpetent and h >uest
men, and, having thrown down the
glove and forced ILe issue upon par
tisan lines, the republican s.nators,
and not the president, must suffer
the contequenoes. Mr Edmunds ha-,
perhaps, triumphed over Mr B tine,
hut he lias not to celled Pe.-td ut
Ce velanu’a oosition.”
The New Y >;k Tribune o tmp’aiiTs
thal ou' of seventy-seven persons ap
pointed under the c vil service law,
by C uiUHSHiouer B uck, to places In
'he pension bureuu, seventy-two
happen to t.e lent norats The Tribune
evidently overlooks the fact that this
disproportion In the uumbsr of new
appointments from the two political
parties is neoessary to place the deal-
oerats more nearly on an tqual Toot
ing with tbe republicans who now
fill the department.
Kt rf»f * sirs i
Absolutely Pure anti I midulterated.
And PRE&CRI3R0 oy F j hvS'C!ANS EvtKYTVHtRE.
And all Witstlny Diseases;
For the Sick, Invalids,
Weak and Debilitated Women.
1* or sale by JJr'ut.i.-t.-v, Grocers ana L’mlcrs.
rrlt-p, Olio I>olSar por BollR*.
The Duffy Malt Whiskey Co., Baltimore, Md.
tbe MiiilfiiM Mprlers
Hole Pr«|»rbti>r«.
Writs 3M Mflcifa ts’ M
»pl lw A O BLA K A AR O^flh'.er,
T obacco
TION on the market for Pilet,. A SCK E Cl It
for ltrhliitf PiloM. Hau never faii«Ml to
prompt relief. Will cnrt» \nal Ulcer*. AbpocuB,
fihtula, Tetter, Salt Kliemn. Barber's Itch, Riu^r
jrormB, Piniptoe, Sores and Boils. Price oOoC*.
NATrilK’.N OWN RK.MKDY, lnrr» »t!
Wounds. Cunt. Bruises, Sprains. Erysipelas. Boils.
UaH>unolee. Bone Felons, Ulcers, Sores. Sore Eyo«.
Sore Tliroat.Bunions,Corns. Neuralgia Rheumatism
Orchitis (lout. Rheumatic Goat: Colds. Coti|rtif
Prepared ncoordiiiKto the iuonI ncientitic
pritieiplee* of the PUREST SEOATIVK
1 .Nti UEIME.NTS, compounded with the purest
Tobacco Flour, and »8 specially recommended for
Croup.Weed or Cako of the Breast, ami for that class
of irritant or inflammatory maladies. Aches and
Pains where, from too delicate a state of the system,
the patient is unable to bear the stronger application
of the Tobacco Cake. For Headache or other Aches
ami Pains, it is invaluable. Price lo eta.
Ask your drufftfist for these reined, jh, or w rite to th©
DURHAM * r... H 5 «
W C'D Bill f. r ‘'ellif, Ac , in Muscoffce upe-
lRrCiurt Novemb r Term, i6S6 At Chain*
bets, March 6, S6
It apo6'.ring from th.t tetarn .f the sh. rift that
defend tut Is not o be found in Mnseouee c.nnty.
aud U further aopei-rii.* that saUl J K 0 she wood
resides ou of this stat*. It is o» d* rid by the court
t a* service be pcrf.'i ted b> publicativn t this or
'er wice a mon h ft r two motitbs In Colnmbur
£NQrm*E*Sux call uK up n tab* J K O Sherwood
to b- ud apD. ar at May Term, ’886, of Mus oree
Superior Cofrt. then and thereto make answer to
such matt*rs as are charged in said bib. ai d to
■ho cause why the relief aud other matt»r* ayod
for. ahou'd not be granted J T WILLIS
March 6, 1886 Judge S C C 0
A trne ‘•x*. act from lha mlnn^sa of Muscogee
S neiior Coart at Oolamtui on 6 h day o* March
1886 G*C Y PO D.
aatBUm2m Clark SUM C.NQA
reliof au<l pormnnentcure of Nervous Debility, loag
of Vitality and Manhood, and all kindred troubles.
Also for many other diseases. Complete restora
tion to Health, Vigor and Manhood guaranteed.
No risk is ineurred. Illustrated pamphlet In sealed
envelope mailed free, by addressing
VOLTAIC 3ELT CO., Marshall, Mich
I - a Reliable Retnr.V o l.iv-r Cunip<aitit*innd ilHraur.«
>v :t deriutc ’ -m of tim Liver, as Ii.a
neusia, f.MHiM-H'i .It, B i..u"».-s. .bor, iro, Hiutdncha
Si ilr.r'a,Kl;-;u.i. .Dr 'nl:.f.-s tl,.* Xrv -..r-ur.
*4N l invalvai.».B fa:t r
IsMa Real hm
$15:000 r*™ OF OF <JO
$lt) UUU in HibiiB.YLd Girard rea: KSt^U
■ oicca.'ige or timbered land& either Jr
Genrsia, A sl)»m? or Florida.
SK’.OjO Wirlb <v (raofov d Ouy Raal Ks-
-• ■I*- *0 czobang” f »’ 8 luk” and Honda
92500 Two a ory Dweidug near Broad
;| tr**« to exchange for StockH ami Binds
82.00 HdO Aim F-7IXJ lu vmn'T,
r.otier leuu, Hen • d -h *- y a r fc»i balet
(jn piece iH’*i *ood flv roitn
O M*f Hi: < n t '©ce w sv.v ;ut-DuUding u ,
1 vratf red anu timbered
Flarila Lann;?.
Rr'’pr,' t^onaaod p.crt H ulmbtr^d lands f(ti
ge for iambus cHy p
■nlll men w-’i 'ft it ■ ‘
eir la*©rest
* Jn regard to ;Ld
Beal Ent' ! e \sent,
15 North Brnuh Ktr..v
T HE obeve reward will be paid lor lb*
o«.pmr« end delivery to tbe J-dler. or
overseer of the chain gang, o Co qaltt
Hartman, a negro whn fstaped 'rom the
chain gang on Frldav, h- 2t).h (net Hart,
man 1, a bon' 6 fee' 7 Inches hleb, ^etghB
about 150 pounds, aud ts nearly clack, hne
a d-'wnwarrt took whll- t-'klug,
mh27dlw Musoncee County, Qa
Gonorrhea and Gleet.
V have sold consid*
e: nlilo, and in every ens#
it has, jpvcu satisfaction*
Alcott & Lisk«
Hudson, N. V*
Sold by GruRtdst**
Reduc io 1 t.i Price on VVynntoa
Re i 'or c ,
D U J ii MA&ON having located permanently in
Macon IsteudH sell up at once his ruagriticent
two ston Wynntcn liebidence, anc 18 acres of
ground. Dwelling is bend cmtly pa;ered at d re
cently painted t. v ty thing iu thorough order. Dr
filasou wishes to sell while it i oo si.d will give a
pcichai'T a bargain it -on are lcokiKc for a f n*
bar ban rffridei c- aud inarect this yon will be sore
to boy. It\ouco rot wish ‘o l*aye tbs city yon
will v e tempted fo do so after looking ar this ele*
gant home. Several aerss of wooo. Let ut« show
it to ioil JOHN BLACKM^R,
t e a d fr if Beal K«Uta Agent, Columbus, Ga,
bOTiONi A " 0 NOVSLT1.E*
if is ^ T td
CF :ohea i^isrs-3 -,
Efidi M] Atl4s S ft* luorflH to Air^dy Enviable
Sri jMi Hi n 4 f limbus^ F jont
B:naifis in 1 Dfont Depafiiits.
Qn account of just completing stock taking. It is the custom of our
three houses after taking stock to reduce goods 25 per cent, we will
mention a few Eye-Openers:
50 Pieces 6 inch ORIENTAL LACE at 15c, worth 25c,
26 Pieces SHEER INDIA LAWN at 8 1 3c, worth 12 l-2c,
4 Pieces MIKADO ISUITIN G, 27 inches, 6 1 4c,
5 Cases SPRING PRINTS, new styles, 4c,
2 Cases WHITE GOODS at your own prices,
IS Pieces best 45c BLACK CASHMERE at 25c.
Space will not permit us mentioning any more bargains, but an ex
amination of our goods will convince you that the TRADE PALACE
is headquarters for DRY GOODS. And we believe the most satisfac-
toiy way we can repay that sense of obligation is to assure them that
we shall continue to deserve as great a share of their confidence in the
future as we have in the past. •
0. P. GRAY & GO,,
Savannah, Ga.
Augusta, Ga
TUDrr^n i
S3 QjttZlg ffiWBffif SpM SICK HEADACHE, H Q| ■ ^SB|
III HvL feawi Wtim CONST|PA TioN t g mmm fcwii^faai
»dy foruR Diseases of th** Liver, Kid*
nejN, Niomtich and ItmreU. A positive
cure for I>j*p«‘paia, SivU Headarhe,
Conutipation. Dose, one to two teaspoonluis.
at 10 itiiil 2.) fits. >o goti
C. L. T O R B E T T,
Nffk*! I’llo9k-r sol Hmoul Hirreor.
pp.’cav I Lave it© Rrp *-- ard r-
rpep* P'r r «'< <B'
o!’y. from
C' • k ninroL t d A r"- M r ^ r t ? rd e ’ Ger ta 't-
?.l t- 130. Ali nrirdml |T« c svpy- t;»fd ir cn h»,i/iT k b>
n all For©r©k' piaefd 'r. itt cbrrg' &*■•’}$• t:c*J'V> rr-rr—"<r. R’a^rs cy rcicgrnpu
a7)i> h)> flll«d In ♦Mrly T»lr u os Ip,cr.* r fti , Re all brick work a» O rr'-tery 1o piv©
action. Priei;* reaiooab e
i 1 ri’ Wreritp rrf'*’' Tfod^rat#
f ' <-$)«••*< nvr’ rnflm'P 'Tt
V* nd«*ti Wfetahc Cn a 6t> »nd
.d bildrej.’h Uurlai Ruhtsfr'in
P*r.f '.ot’en Jur glv«n
O’d^rg by telegraph
0. I . TCPBF’tt Wo. 56 Broad St
The only one of the
That is still in the field under the seme name.
Manufactured by the
Pacific Guano Comp’y
Works at Wood’s Hall, Mass, and Charleston,
S C, Capital,
The undersigned, who, since 1865, have supplied
thousands of dealers and planters with this popular
and reliable Fertilizer, are prepared to take their
orders anotbei season for Soluble Puc’fic Guano
and Dissolved Lone Phosphate, which is a high
grade of Acid Phosphate made by tbe Pacific
Cciufil Agents aeif’tGuano Co,Augusta, Ga
For Georgia, Sn it- Curt in A f t n f. F-< t ic ti st t. W iyv t-
it g i gents s e Fvnr k 6 I < V> l’. Ke»>-. j I B G< jdrp, Cr.nmfcos; p B Malone,
Mncot j P A Dun tpt, S t v*r r 11 ; Ji B Wt tl-ev sc i, A ugosti,. Ga, Bor sals by
CCIIMI Ufc, Gi. A tel’dealers elsewhere,
I an IS dw8m:
Guano Company