Newspaper Page Text
PlIBM'l p U ». J IJKK « KIPSH*.
A F*w Ward* In F r tr at ih ■ Public
l<y,ih ‘bud m* Ibiidleft at tbo P^nck A.vo
Kmj'’1r R un : a pub'to park hBR
itooeu detti eii by- t» lancltoape gardener
unci garden arohltoot to be "a large en-
e. ouea p'eiiu i f ground in the vtcintij
cl < olty or town, par lv oovered
tieea and sfirabo, consisting of lawns
a (1 pleasure grounds, with 'h lr uaiul
d jiionlious, nnd provided with other
jij.inaa at.d appliance* lor the rocioatiue.
HjU amusement, of the inhabitants,”
11' then, the public park is to ba ”u
1 go enclosed piece ol ground” the
g. ,uod tl 'iw el by the oi y .o the
lht lee of the park association is poasi
Uycot large enough. A city is sup
posed os make grauta mt ouly to sup
joy the ptesoni, but also ilie wants of
the great iuture,
And w y should the ^aik be "a large
euoiusi u pluoo ol ground,” urnWb it io
f. ,r the purp ,»e cf keeping vioious and
dtMruc Ive anlma's out ol f
A pabllo park can be to pleasure
ground, as it Is lnletded to be, unless
a!! the r qntsi'e conditions are com
piled under the foregoin g d«flnit,Ion,
I respectfully dissent irom the Judg
ment el those who would keep the
jtauio of ilie pork cpen, II the gates
bio to be kipi open, in the naaeol
common sense, why have any lenoe at
all The ladies of it,e association did
not go to the greet expense rf buying
cedar prs's ami pu li g op wire fence
around abru' twenty tote? ol land,
cniy to se 11he yout g lions undsluubs
wu chthey bad woefully p a."ted out,
barbed end te'en down by c> ws ai d
cither aoiLnals. I mus- any that Ills
r ot acting in good leith towards the
ladles warn every i If. tt is not made
towards hequrg 'lem overcome the
natural cliff: cullies cf .belr eiluatioc.
Shame on he se fi htiees of these who
would keep the park gates open, only
that their cows may get pasturage; and
ske.noe on those lew who to eave them
seives the Inconvenience of riding
around one corner of the park, would
have the gate kept wide open and the
cows and other a iurals going and com
ing, and destroying every living plant
and shrub, An?, now some of you
have 'he hardihood to affirm that tho
U’dies have done uo'bing for the park.
Answer ff at, have you given them
the weight of your moral support In
this matte,? The ladies have felt “dis
couraged, but not hopeleea." Have
you Insisted upon tbelr keeping the
gales of the park shat, in order to pro
tect the growing plan it?
I have been assured by Mrs Gao W
Woodruff the president cf the associa
tion, that she has superintended the
planting of rnary trees and shrubs, but
tbat all tbe shrubs and many ol the
trees have been destroyed by cattle
Hot lesa than cne hundred of the trees
have been thus destroyed.
1 would not, critic se the parsimony
of that member of tbe city coudcI:
•who moved to disconiinne the ini .11
a lowacoc of fifteen do.lais per month
which had formerly been given to the
it t-yjolaii ; ; and lira - , too, when the city
has many theu at ds lying idle in the
banks. There ought to be an allows
a oe from year to year of one hundred
dollars or more per month provided
i r, ou, oi the ciiv iri aButy, f r the an
pu a expenses of keeping up and im»
proving thla pubiio psrk
And by the "public park” I do not tc be understood ee refeirlngto
any one of the several very pretty little
etciesurts in the micidleof onr streets
'las latter are virtually controlled by
the children of their vicinity as their
p ay grounds, ard are nothing m roor
it .a then such, But I refer to ti e iarg,
p-.ik near ilia suburb of Lianwood
and which is adm rably adapted fora
public p ensure ground. K oetter
Place could be'taii for picnics .ban this
spot i is well wooded, with a branch
oi cuuningwator a id easily acceosible
io ever* portion of the city. The R ..."
dolpfi street cars run towl.hin tv? j tm-
died yards ol the souineru ga e. I, is
an excc-hout piece lor a Sunday af.or-
noon stroll, Tuer6 the pate m h.vnlc
c n find healthful air and foe) ilie in
vigoratlng it ff :euoe ot the freshening
bre> z).
T. is weil that all who are capable
aid we ernnot tell how many these
m y bo, should have an opportnnity
to‘reap the harveat of lhe quiet eye,
it- scenes whic'. , if not Invested with
ali the wiidness cf hernial dlatricta l
have yet as much of the treasures of
vegetable farms and oolors as are ao>
ccssibie to the inhabitants of cities
without a considerable expense of time
and labor.”
I should be the pride of our oltl*
z.ns to foster by au ample appropria
tion at least one pubiio park,
Atlanta has two parks, aud we learn
that she expeots to have stills third.
The day wlil yet come, and I ven
ture to say is not far distant, when not
cniy a public pa.-k, but a pubiio libra
ry will be kept up, for the most part,
by yearly appropriations from the oily
treasury, W B ‘-lade
4 pit 1 klei.
J .plter is evening Htar broughent
the month of April Ha oomet into
view at the earliest moment when i' is
dark enough fur thb brightest s.ars to
pleroe the depths. Ho is tho first to
appear, and leads the starry h ist with
s.ately step HD position li a'.moHt
due cas*; arid observers who gla. oe at
the eae orn sky in tho early twilight
will need no directions for detecting
his presence. Mars is evening star,
His proximity to Jupiter affords sfine
pporonltv for a tidying the distil-
gnibbl g lemnres • f ho two planets-
Ma s is ruddy in buo, Jupiter Is the
color of pale gold Attention to tin
Murry curvy or arc. cor.Rif log of Rogu
las, Mars, J-.ipber and Kp’.ca I inn
now bo easily traced, and in tbr ear’y
evening seems to spun tho sky fr m
horik o t- z nth. Vm us is morning
s'ar She charmingly lu’fl is the dn'.le
of her preseot role, arc v 111 rewarc
he early rise r for the eff rt rt q tied
to behold her h.i, ht face. sn urn D
evening star H makes a drill an-
attp? aranse in tip 1 w stern sky, and
may bo f -ird snarly midway between
Ca» " r and P i tux on tbe t*or;boast
and B.te'gUf se on 'he sou Hi
will heiu c r|uuc Ion with tie siat
MuG miucrum, of the tillr '. ui q'U'-
tude, mi the b3 :, low tnihutf s ■■ •( r<
3 i’oi ck In .he m vnlng Tin A "i
moon full- ui. the Id h. 0 A. rli 3u,
sevon niltnms after tniouieh’., the
moon and V inns art) in olo»o oompan
ionship, the moon 19 degrees
south of tbe pianet The waning ores*
cent and the bright morning s'ar will
be near each other when they rise on
the morning ot the 30 h, and their
oourse oan be followed even itt the sun
hive by thosa^lrtod vlth good visual
P :>W r ’ - - «r—
Farther Parflo I n of Conni;
Mtc: rm
Smith Station, April I If mi irkb
Sun—Tuesday eve .ing about three
o’clock, a wind s ,:m ga' bored about
a mile west f f my homo. The dir; o
inn fiits northward and the wit) h
about one hundred yards. Slightd m
age was done io tho house of J.m
Smith, oolored, on W K L w h r’i.
plaoe, I. blew to pleats tho dwelling
of John J hnaon, colored, on V M
Johnson’s plaoe, destroying every ar-
tloioof furniture, scattering oorn, f d
der and other things and
prostrating trees. One child
wss slightly hart. A few hun
dred yards further on the heuae Of
Jack Bush, colored, living on Arthur
F ii r’s place, was b’cwri to piecep
and the contents scattered far and near
Jack wss bolding to a post with one of
his children In his arms Tbe wind tcre
one of hla legs ■ ff S ino of the neigh
bors in gathering up the plundo , found
he leg some hundred yards distant,
took it to the plaoe where the old man
wss, buckled It. on and he wap ail right
again, U being a wooden leg. Na o'her
person was hurt,
The smoko house and oarrlaj. e houBe
of Mrs Walker Jchnaon was also
blown down, w L
iioret, ibuiv iij.
C L. Davis, W ,rm Spring ; C i Wil
liams, AtierdF; H S roney, Cinoini.a i;
E N W se, V rgiui' j F Mollonhager,
New Y ‘.rkj M E Marcas, Ailants;
Lawrence Barrett and troop'; E B
F rreil, G esnviih; J L Beit, J hn
Lcvettn, C R W 1rfi| ip Atiants; B R
Nani'., Durham, N C; Pailllp Linden-
berg, 0<Jumbos, O; B L Bull, H H
Alurrlll, Eufsuia; A J €■ oper, J R
Simms, Opelika.
C Horace McCa.l. Buena V r ; T H
Frterso'., Builei; G B Smith, Marion
county; P J J hnson, Cha'tah to t.e
ouutiit; W E Taylor, Auit-rlcur; L VV
A kins, Muc, d; W A B ird, Smith’s
S.atioi ; F M Jankuis, Ta.botio ; D T
Cunnir.gliam Talbot Yailey; 1 H
Lumpkin, W H L iwe, Buen» V s «;
Miss May Bivins, Miss Annie W sot ,
Plncviile, Go; J H E wards, Oohesec
Fla; F P Morris, Meriwether o uoty;
J ft Ptrrsnaire, F ir6noe, C W Barris.
Waverly Ha'i; M n Johnson, J J Bad-
'ey, H miitor; J H Carior, W vorly
Hall; T H 8 ewart, Smz Alt-; W W
S <w«ri, Now Y rk; B H Hun', Chip-
ir.wo l> iddv «.
Ban Fran cioco, A uni 1 -T e
babese C'-r; u- case of T homer B 'd-
wic, antsttd by a U .iietl ti ales
marshal on tho- charge of iiavi g as
sifited in 'h' j espuiBiou of the C ii: e-e
fron: Nicholas, Cats, was dec.tied in
iht U .lied B sees court yest-relay.
The case was heard before Judges
Buwyer and Baliine Tt e { etl irn er
claimed tha ft the federal «u(h riii -
ii ad no junsiliction m the matter,
as the (.flense was aiswe'ahli
to lhe state atithorkies. Judge Saw
yer returned the dfeiaion. He euio
he charge was probably founded on
.a law contait.ed in stc tor: 5519 f ihe
revised statutes of Ihe U ited S ate>,
which imposes a heavy pena.ty on
persons engaging in a conspiracy o
deprive any peraon or class
of persons of equsl pro-
tec ion of the laws, anil added
that. If that section is valid, what, is
properly known ea ‘‘boycotting” i-
criaiinal, and the writ should b,
dirmiased and the petitioners re
manded. Judge Sabine dissented
and the prisoner was released on his
own rtc g' a no An apped will
be taken to the U ii ed S ales su
preme court.
Imbi JU Golu* «o Part* A§g In.
As things are a pin sent v.d red w<:
are to have j vial Q een I abtFa
agaiq res Jing among u H r d oigh-
iers me.n to q lit Spain, lenvl g tho
regi-nt to her f-te She, p or soul,
appears .at sea. Her obstinacy in ex
cluding Spanish doctor^ from her
household, arid her paliot atEulilia’.)
wed dng, have given ri. e to ltp.ris
;-uch as those wh cir ctrcula etl ir>
L’udon before lhe birth of he prt-
rttuuer. H-. r p isition is a sun o,.o ;
but any one who nowadays m unt*
ricke- y throne :s in the positioo of a
lightning rod in a thunder storm-
with, however, this diff teuce, Ural
he or she is certain to be knocked to
pieces.—Paris Letter to the London
Talourrupte lo Jbt .SR^wlror
riSANi I Its.
' on don A.prJl 1-4 p m >GonROls
• 05 0 -coona. f 0 %
Pkw York, ip i a—^ jun - Biooas
• 1 is criiiy huu ttiMjr, bion.y mny 4: 2(#
peir ceai. Kxo&PDgfl—1 jug 94 • tliori
i 'dvaie UordH oau. (jfoye>n«
urn. Poud* ’auU q
New Yohk April 1 — r CEoh»ngQ %i
vi ij* y V/£ >er o«iU UovQrncaeui tm tin
•j .i 1, JN ,iw tour per o'bj's UX'A\
• ?tre« pei cc 1 la id b;U, fcj'.ivte Ot/iuu
qa © .
.... iju 't 128; 45,000 s*:
•» 812,8'2 00
SIM’ YoUK, Ap’l 1. '"la** Hj.loWHut
quo'.aiouB ol tb#
r v it wftii-f
A l«
100 i M.init® * Ohm . mw, 13H
(.6 S T »nti>.llo x rhat.. . \i .
104 .'a NO, £ Art dr. i’gr* ... fi
liichamim a Aim. 5
...... . iiicLtUf.THi Jr JDkd 7 r
A Ohi. m | ttich’a a w.P. Tet 30V,
hic»fc • is Norti v- ’n Mi7»*; Hool. Irtimirt 136
flC .. . '8rf I rAUl .mm. H7S
• h t L c».awani4... tJhS p» 119
25H Bio-' ...
N«W Jo soy CflQt’tl
40H Eiwoan Pacific
-K.i POOL Ap"*' 1 N:*Oli V.OUOa ODfil-
f.xi ‘iA.-ubu!r g rn».es< mdd-irg
r\.-h J 15 18’, orivt.iv 5 i!
]2liX) JMPir-. pHCUtiGlOU <U)«i t-X)‘0. ''
1>V 0 ;
fuuutof s vj-av::
ft.'^owtr-s q ioi‘* v
A-P.'ll a.-
.Vdt-J: r o M^y
•it y a' c J >
J a', j
• r il A '. u
-Uvaiop, f>t Ui©
— 4 U 84^4 H0-6M
...A W 64 1
5 t 01’^ i -0'.»
2 04^6 li tvt 1
.....5 5 84 5 d‘-04d
6 3 64 i
■ t.lrtftrliu
Auji 160 u!
AkllgOtt. iXlAi
S'Difftnbvr ar»U Oj-obe-
'^nnt.'.urti jI ae>i v*nw. m
4800 i)I a*\y iii>0<4't,
2 00 p o/ tn* Uay include 9100
bail* -M Axn©rlOMn
utnief.: April delivery 4 60 Aid vain*;
April end May 4 60 64 : Value May and
lu ;c 4 6. 64d; June boo. July 6 1-64(1
-elier*.*; Jv. y and Aocnot 5 3 Old fcuyor*,
Angu. 1 *' and September 5 6 64 ' *ll#r*»; Sep
v,d Oot'Tbar .5 4.64(4 v *lne; Ojlober otnd
N':vembe" 5 1 - 64 Vrlue Bepie.vber 5 7 Wd
v iiue Fa Q'M nle*Ml
Colton acted uplALd 5i41, uplande
5'1, 'aw mldailn«B4 13 .'61. g * d ordleaty
l^d ordinary 4Vi'J: good T sa* 5 5 Ittd,
IcXtie 5 1-16 1, Tax».H low middling 4^ ,
i'uxa^good ordlnayl 11 16 !, Texaaordina.-y
raid-)Dug ortear\e 5 l 16:1 low inid-
dlt.-i; 4^’l, g'x>d ordinary 4 U- lttd. ordinary
4:0u p m—FnUii’JtfK: April de'»ve-7 4 59 Aid
buyer#: April and Mr,y 4 £9 34 t bayorn.
Hay ftfd Jaof 4 62-64'a sellers June and
Jalv 6 00 64d July and Au/ua*
5 2-»i4d buy© •; Aaguai and Sep err.ber
5 6 64 1 ae.itrs; September and
6 3v ! 4d severs.' O.i v*erand Ni v
5 : 644 v>j.lae BepUmboc 6 6 644 Va!U<4
F'duves closed *afly
.New York April 1 — Kvenlug—Oo-HJ
mx’i'lie' fl ui ; sales 187 baits: middling
upland' 0 3 *6., orleant?
Co-:eolViRied net. reoelpia 4699 baler •**•
ports Qreat Britalt- M), ooiutnent 6525,
Franc. 20
NEW ORLEANS, April 1 - S;50 P M —
Fa urw olue«t 1 quiet a/.«d stead/; gf.iei
13. 0. oaie. j , as io. owe:
hprn. 8 67-100® 8 69 100
v.ay - — d 80 IK-® 8 82 1 0
rnae 8 0i-ltU6» 8 06 100
9 8 100 i 9 i l'JJ
lucuit... 9 12 100 b« 4
Sep^sniber...,^. 8 87 lOO.c 8 89 10U
Oovobt'.r...v^-. 8 6)-l>0(^ 8 8 110
November 8 75 00 i 8 76 ICO
UecurobBr. 8 70• LOU
New Y JiA, April 1 — Ne’
•Hoelpv U) biles.. gro«p 24 21 tnl-«. Future 1
■a)ok:'. <juoui sWi;d/—..pien 73 JO :»alcs/A
fed ows :
Vi v?
i me
Aufew; ...
ep* mi)*.
O* bvr...
.. 0 13 d':)® 9 j 4s. Oo
... 9 yi-lUt-ti/.U 22 100
.92 Wv 9 3 s!»«
. 9 4 i 400 a 9 11 1'0
. V 49 lOOcc 9 :o 00
. H 34 9 36 :0.»
,9-1 100^ 9 22 1(0
. 9 lb-lli 't# 9 Vi) "(X 1
. 9 21 1 0 / 9 23 40.:
. 9 29 116± 9 3! 100
inwt el. iaoui
^«j*nabM ....a...
vlALV K8TON, ii. OVl. 1
t is., ui'. i lilti^: Sy A \ ic-’l r f*pcif>'H 960, -(* v
9.0; e-wif 18, iwoi 82 510 ezpor.t* Gc-irt’
Bella lb OO, coriUuorj,. 00
■ aj.f lk, A >r.11 C t .o.’i mark l e-o.dy
•nlddii: ge 8% i not reoe'pte 1635, (£/■ Hk
1535; 6 9 stock 4-,496 expo/ u >.*r r.u-
j3vJ ali: 0J. V) uatn i3*U
Baliimouk Aprli 1—O'cHoo mfttise q ie ;
iQlcldllhMfl ; net leomip'R 00 (?:•) i 4i-.; 00, .jffcie'N U opl;'. ere L’ ; / • cm 31 66*J:
porta io Greo.t Brlvxic oo, oout.1 em
B STO !*
'll l-
ma' k -t q * l 1
ut 63 0; Mpart©
I II. It’(4
1-' oU’jr:
o p‘
CO (*•«.■ ‘uunt (0
Philadklp tiA, Fa , Apri 1 — Lot
ini m . .Lu. 9 7 18 ; r ece‘.42 '<<*ob
12; .sale- 0u; d tk 18 573 ex-.ioru onublnen*
•Jr Hr.
.'• \ VAN N AII.
A 'il l—OoU<
r ©30l
37 7.3 aip.iriB
; (J ’ea
prill ur-T.
r -IP'S 5 0 grese
300 486 ■ xpot -- to
j 1M.IUC8 0J. con 1-
*» 85*
HU»l -00 cnr. Ur.(
New OhUlKB
•'-'■Mtn." 8^11
557; - COiW »*
Unlit.. CC
sni Oil
iaaik.T’, Anril l — lotto'., lnartiat qua:.
Elctdt'.-mo 8% ft racalpu 17, gr< ■ 19
It SO); uttfiM 36.8 9 oxparw (• r-.,«i B-Hzix
•lOKi aiB. Apru 1—...oti.oi markfi'8’eidj'-
inl<lilllm,'« 6^,., aot rwisiptt !27J; shli;
doit 557, a,.ii*s 19(10, a toco. 104/51, ap.a-
acm 00
AO’jusT*, April 1-UottnR market eul*r, i% rtoolptr 98 HklpmauU CO;
ml** 164 nt,...,k —
UBAUXSTOW, Ap 11 1 - Cello qillfh
m‘(i(t).lr.Be 1 ; 'eo*l;,ts 628, gre* ■
6.8, salt* 9li siflOh 49,818 ; *xporu to
.4 nat BrUf»h. 09 F a oo 00, continent 1?85
Atucbta, April 1 — Dolton—mldJ tngi
8% :■ reotlp e 61 bale*
i'hiidock ask ruerimosN
l'hicago A-p^U 1—F.oor onlel—Ronlhern
11 i'ji 84 40 n, 4 45 W ne&i o. ied *>.» a bon- -
rd-.y’a ft..are —Apr 16% -as% , Map 8i%
@8‘‘A" N" 2 still, g 7-;k.. 00 Dorn q ,et
oi 8 -N 2 • >.n Wy»n,;.S%n. Apr! S\%
-3•*>' 38R'<t3-% ■ 0 ‘ 8 aj«r- \)
ip i tr% '*■•} 3uJo@30/S ■ Mi", p. ,k '(<y
7;V,c ., wr a « at sa rty — p »b J Jls
IS') ii: 99 CUisO SO, v,>.> {y 3r Ja ,e
S.-A^iO L ;d «.p -U<a CHBi-r, a cl
»ea t.evtflar—c*»h nil A il'll 86 61 If®
5 90 ouy (Jo 90 5 95 B x -1 nte ita ritcaay —
j- ,8i!H d 8'io.ijcn:« $8 85s8 91 amrrt r, ->
‘.‘ft 86 2I_5 2214, ..iioc (: out i.lO-ii, 85 9
5 9 r ■ 9 7 eteani -81 11— bad-
t.,r • A t>',4 grane OJ-J :.
Mt. ILmjB.ii.
■it, uot it:, W ,,Apri 1 -K.o't’nnsbattget';
•S.L&.V 83 id J 35, .noios 83 8v 13 9u pat-n,
6 l 1 ici5 4'J n ueu ,f eub .nil of nod H'SiA
D .' w n aie.duy—No 2 red -.asb 88144, M>.y
8 54 : Oorn da I vnd l''werthan yes'ordiy
-Nj 2 mixed ca»h 33Hs»'i8I4', May 3lH»
3164 . Oa • tall and jaey—No 2 mixed
0M11 3tJ4d3«5io, April Waaekad, May —
Wltlslrv fl rr—810 p 0 : and
V . ’ quint; P„. k - anoy 810 ”0 lur fl -n~
5 '0, bilk to ill —0'X d ot'—loug u uftr
« ii 15 .’5 liort r b .Ide 1 - 5 15, silo' nlnur
8 d » 5 43 ! > lota- io >g oiu null., , 5 20
«n .rt ruts 5 85 abort clear md'u 5 50, b ;o in
(1 >i—vmg dear Bidet 85 75, eh "' 'ib "Idee
5 730',6 8 «bort al'»>- i'ea 86 8754 5 98:
b ,n a (1 m - 8 5C<V$li 60
I.nillt tile,
jjoniuv ttn■», Kv April 1-Oruin wo k
and du It W‘W , No 2 ,ed 80rf99e; d n ■ ,
new wh. e 875<",- u'ti, nrw M ■ 1 mix u
39540 Prctuisinne < eudy uno'iansedi l’>'6,
ui as at |lu 75* b e - cut rtl> -'•.'ri« <*•
86 86, oloal Hitler 6 00 s .uitl' ' 4 26 But
meaie oloar r b atn-a 5 25 0 ear ,xirt"« 5 66
in it (tori'4 tO "it "d 1 v« 9 MiCdll'O
Iaa-d, "b'uct ion 7 75#8 prim, steam a 1
56 !5
Wav -tt'.-t
.(.a*tv u, Apr., 1 U. 17 j in .1, fa t
i- minil-Tf , in otrgaes, oomin ni tc
oiim,. uS'Tlo*
wtlco 1* e n .'iy-LbUliitana, ordiuaev sc
prime 36466514,',
<U8»i q mu, h-j 11 in— ‘.nqlaltnn opri
Kect(«, ('trio y p diue <%< tuny :«lr - 0.
0 sum -n to g ;oi talr- -0, oonlrlfa^a s,
nlur, ntt n g 1, 0'ute,,: 6 3 1 0 cbolre x .lie
5J4o, obo oa yellow o' «ritla! 94^5340.
Af iloHries dal — L.iaiulauo upon ki".ttc—
a-,ml p 'Irn? .n einouy p nut' OA’,- aommy.,
20'l622c, (’.antrll g-ua, prime to a'rioily
piinie ldtul Oo,
ttilux rlvvea 41.,
OlKOlinaiAti A'rt 1 -iVht 1V1;;. q 'let at
81 10.
atoliou (*,ned «>*t
NSW OMUSAINa, API, 1- • •> too ••«»..! n 1
dun prime crude 21Jdffi22!<; sammor yul-
lute 2:@9ho,
•>'*» lotiS April 1—uOltn 1 bi;-22@
24c for orttne 29H@30c for : »fInM.
8ATAL »T»BWl. M»*.
Nsw York. Ap 1 1 -K-ialn uia-ket, dut —
tfCivert 8! 955$ 10. I’urpebiln* m.rb >1
u.t—40 i
Nsw Yob*;, iprt l-aitiat mark- q iie ;
#». aeaifcb V»» bdjivviv**., 46 ^liv
L^OUIKl: 0% Tft'aiM 1 SM<.*4. M ‘fJii
G-.U'.iXbfc, 10(4
N ff •*' V O R K« A p r i .1 vv iO I — TP -, r K f ■
qn!ei—-'.cit •i.v;.: iiv.-uh ’7 "36 , r exa.t —.
is M(&23-
k’nan, Ar.l l Llfv?
’.0 W v> pmv ’nttur- 7 01
a y A
('HARM*.ton * nv 1 Tn r’O’K (* ”l«ort ;
1 3)^0 li rjja btf x»aia»,-vl 9 j, fcou»i «tiiuiliti»\.
“1 00.
SAVANNAH A’-r-i 1 - Xa«*p©n41 n« firm-
3)J4 • Ol J; ej-€», 100 \.»A. q Mot—01 15(i.l 25.
iiuici! O', b vrreiB
fViLJwiNGTOn, April l-TvrpanULcqn ;
303 Lio*ii) flri W 82>|0; gooii ;7yic
l‘»z Area f.l U 15 Orudf. M».iponl»LrK fi . -
••iri n M) y»lU \- dip 02 00
gar i‘4 PI r A PKIZF. 070 (lOO-ll
Tleheiaoalj IL Sharw !■ pfop tr^i
LiHi ir.Dk stale L).teri l\m’j
" Wt do kertibj/ eorUrp that ms rupeTr-v the
ryanpeynenU fot all the Monthly
Quarterly Drawing* a' The i.«MU4a« a tju.te
Miteru vontliany, tu prrsuri nianapedtid
'.rvCrotUit Dramngt ‘heyneeleei and the
Time aril conducted with honesty, fairneis, nd
m good faith toward all paidtei, and v" u
thorite the Company to im this oeriitl ic
■otth fue-MsMias of mer xttaoh»- to
!! > adverii ievutUi"
W's the mudertigntd [tussles assd Ilasttser, uul ; /.
Prises draws In The Uosietussa tale huUmies wh*
mag be gresmt-d at our coselern
J. W. Hluintl II l J I'ftw In. aittl’l Km, t
at. H. KKNMKUT rrti.4inll.Xu,’l tfi
X. BALIKII8, I*fee. Mi 43. Nni’l Haul
f f. — 'iV ]tj,
faiit a?
G v »
.uoor^rwi-'oCJ iu lor ;:i joave u\
jy Ertacetlonu.! ni’dlJliarlsablfticctri)-
Ift! of $l,dCfi.000--lo wbloh r* maur 1
. i ha * ti'acl' j it' i'it.
'is &u • vo-whi’l 2 tio’tQiR- -(.{.. ’. ‘-f \ .....jf
e ifl «i!»4© i.\ yurt of M « iwri v’ >•/: •. . f
- r t 1 ^ i - 0
IT*' jnf*/ L<>U<vy /vl*4 itt iMifen*. -s‘ >» th
*( v>M' ti'd*
It Surnie. i’Cii oi* >■ 4 Posvros* .
If.» IMnffl* <«• rt nr» In v \r If ■.■/<] * 1 >> ,
•:u6r® irSanci ale? at . Hfid Jhu Ti xt: «.|
r.rawiMKS ruKalur’; eftr y '.nr^e ui itiin • n*»t
Serai AuntUftlJv it lotofore. Lhj/J ..nlrifc' .’Jarcl
WIN \ FoR*rr;N|r. FOURTH MHA . 1
D.-lAWiyCt \\Ah, c U. In 1 .. ' M. v '' n.
MDSIC NdL£A x :r •«'C v 7-1• . V V-. |*H 1
13 to, 1*M3~;91 » W0R\hlt Vr^virv;
l Appro A i/
0 Av v y )
'i A '
ndur'vvi. <-*HhT*i| j*?4>TJP4ii v 'r.tnro,ir-
Order*, or New Fork K'i iiixu.ic .a > all
rcrrMioy hy Kxjfuw -.u n« o / H'< »ro uvwarfi* .
>r.: ciwuiit'. »ddr
•r is, a, i>ir*'«4( ,
Mr Qfi 3.,
#*b P 0 Hum <‘r<tm punluV cst! %<
'irni titled Laierk to
'A! 0.® I
W v Ao)e k!h air Kvloli.
P. A. Petris A Co’s Pi«r Tlains
Braaklist Kacon, lh.-cf Tongues
anti Smoketj Beef.
rt b U 'jid LI N h
epa> ppm ;**A. I -pm ee§
\tjf i M V
138 Broad St, Columbus, Ga
w I** wtf t * n at. rttii 1ar.
£i J
-tilf X Uc A tJUil 7* m.110
•rtii.-A) ■••otL tnur* 7 *. t6M18
; 1 urittUu ixuii liomy Idt 6'k, «d-
dorNCd C K H I* 3 (81 1 4
Mvmbnfl and W©«iern If. miffs
6 »nduttrd by Comrbi K tt... Uj^(g).'0l
Jht»rioUe, \.X)luuxbiu and Aukum*
Ut. Oil 115 (tfVij'6
ObHrlott*. ooiumbUx muU Augu««
warfnwji) 110 #112
. M• Ii Ute.iM....... .••••.HMeM.JUb
i-vorulft F « 1' Hj<4 1 2
... • V*llH)fu iis rj'V:.», ‘.V
.vxy '► aiuiu-t
. Lw-
,J . 0
r mu
doreed by 81aUi of tfgorfclA, /
Oiil. wm*i .1-i.mi »h....li9 Im aii
a;3til 'JlboJ'gUiiE VUxr.’ e. DC cilia i-\ 13
*i» M- Ai«6. lf*t (riiy# unff
■ It’. 04
.105 ted 07
.... 112 {0116
... IVH* (
..1 7 f«0lu'
,. „ 98 «-hi(i
.. . IU. f(0lO
no <&. a
... 99 (wllHi
•i.u^ (It?
oonuubu U
0 i.rubuft 5i .
DHvirange 7s
lYUOOli t».s
Srtv»n.iuli 5h
, ««.4<ro»t-.
.illwutauad WostPoml 100 ^}101
sllHnta UDd W«si Folixi 6 p#r
coni Scrips 103 @105
•i;CUt«u* ..i;d tiskVttixcaU 7 pr 0%.....IV4 -Apiisfi
mlrai ottomou 70 80
•■H.rftI Ii & 6 v»r o«ui oorlp.. 99 ft HO
:)t) V.lR U p«I OH>lt 107 ^109
HI ^ w PT Si.U M :i:vrfMU6f*?.. 120 6.1181
iiiit-wfc at0CJs.
liKhoocii)ttm Nidlonai ID pr ot. 175 0JWO€
H .,.'.26 »}»0
' orgiv )w, 1896
■ 7k, 1800
r.fl a>>’7>4
107 ^108
~M l A ii>3
97 0 9b
co .: ni
08 K0
.Ji ,:4v
■ ■” ii\ li't Oo
I r t>r Main,
an S ■ nre- 1 E tgie nnd PUenlx
326,000 Georgia new 4>i per cent 30 yo»;
Pi Columbus G ; r L'»ht Co
GeoiffH* 7 ,x'r rent gold Bonds due 1890.
I mt u<ti Hiller 112^4
We^tyru v ’ H 2d inortgiige 8 ®® nt
K »udF, due 1890. jL
Cl y o f ColumlWp 5s bonde
rtes i»« before - ou buy or sell. 1 can all
• »yn Jo sb well, and often several point*
Qltvr. Loan snv ono «1»«,
Tins whi-ky vvmh ir.iiotl'in <1 (.r.L’iuully in tho \caf
1 y.\ :.ntl < «»ii-l<ui<:y mahiiij frirmlr*. ft l«
tlu* 1 rml lift«* I' flit imiHl ni’proxe.l pro..— of dwtHU
Ht .on, from o.'irrfiiiiy M-loclotl lirin^ houl uni*
formly in warolioi’sc until fnl y umt. tv.l l.y ji'je, in
jiiHtly oHfl>|-M!.‘(l for it-4 pm i>, .k v of Ihivot
Tnyito atlwntl.Jn to tho Httructivp prices at whiok
thil. .utiio soriiK Htock
Id b-ltiftr < fT’-ron.
AX MNSTKH4 f.on, «0 por >arti rpwurd
w 1 ! ToN from 1 7.t per yard upward
Vi I grumes from I tlft per jar upward
VK’.VKT8 fr .in I 3-V per lar 1 npward
Uob V IIKU ’SK. 8 fr » n .GO pet vunl up A-ard
TAi'KhTltr f:om .5 ' per ia> d upward
INUUAINS from .7 per yard tij.wurd
f’blN 1 VA’fTiNfl 0 ' fr nn .I-* per yard upward
0 l.i>0 pr>r p»ir upward
from 7ft er^alrno ard
TL it-. OVJAN ( DliTAINS w th haudaomc Da.lo^a
from 0ft OO per pair upward
ir .m 01.00 per yard upward
from .2ft per yard upward
WINDOW SHAI>K g • r..le on »l ort notice or rua
terialH (urulkhod.
Sarnnlen §eut whon dcaired aud prorap. attentiow
pal tc a l mail orders
Cormpvndeaoe Invited.
i» ir 1 tt 0 tt cirr,
GEE COUNTY, Muncoge*
Sr.peritir Court, November Ten*
lb , '5. Thomas & Poalmdv, afl
ininielrttlurs, vs ltov C P Ga-
liourv Unit' nisi, to foreclose
mortgage on Realty.
It appearing, to tho court by the
petition of G L Thom it, jr, and F
D Peaiiudy, administrators on th'
l liat (lalins Hr Victims by Tbo*-
Bnn's — 'ihe llor ora IJn arih.d
/mo'ig a Few of (he Unfortunate-
of klbinta, the Home of the Paint
Jterttcin - Van
AOemta CknuHMtm |
Atlanta, although in many ro-
spccts regarded as a healthy city, is 1> I’cantKiy, aanuntsirators on tn^
not unlike all other inhabitable I estate of J) N Gibson, deceased/
portions of the earth, in claiming I that U p v C P (laboury on the . rda
her share ol victims of the monarch j March, U'Mi, executed and deliver
of ai’ dreadc 1 ailments—blood ed toDN (iibson and J A Gubouij
i>u:s t A Constitution man was a mortgage on a tract,a lot, of land,
leh g. ted io investigate some of to wit; “ l he 'ollowing described
tin- most notable cases in Atlanta,
and in his rounds made the follow
ng appalling discoveries;
“M\ ti.'imc is Xlnvy Chapman,and
T live , t the cor; er of William mid
Cox streets I have b< on a dread
fu! sulVeier from icrofula and run
ning. eating scrofmous ulcrs for
• ix veal a. Have been waited upon
during tlu time by seven Atlanta
phjsicituiH, also used various adver
tis<I remedies, witbour, tlio least
benefit. Tlio eating sores on my
neck were a mass of conniption al
most down to the bones. Mv
tin out became so much affected
lint 1 could scarcely t-wallow, my
food lodging in a portion cf my
threat. I was reduced to , ()
pounds weight, la-ing a mere skua:
ten. In 1 ids condition I com | 01 l v 1 1
mem-ed the useol Idi B and found (1 ' ,hl '
great lulief in the llrst botde. | f ,: ’-bo'i
‘ Whon I had used live bottles' ' H
my laalth had so much improved^* 1 "' ^ - - -
lint the ttic-rs had all healed, the c ' l,ult ’ ,,r ll ‘ l “« x . t , u ' n “
swelling had subsided, my apiiotito ! fhercol, the piiec.p.d and interest
returned, my skin became active, | l ^ u .° l,n . H l '‘* note, ami the co..L of
mv strength retiuned and I gnineid Slu l- " r 111 delmnt thereol. the
■14 pounds of flesh. I am now , Colllt w . ,jl P roc,:ftl ,tB justice bltaU
healthy, fat and heartj', and um able \ appertain.
to do as much work as ani woman, I And it is 1 urtlier ordered that, this
riysituiited in above state
it i v, and in -I A * rah'.uiry's
voflhc James C Cook jildro,
. .], i ty being known as iota
ird C Lot A havingn n u' h
l.ii, , Ho-,i tm .at \ venue of 160
feet, an east line on Co k A venue of
2ijr fi el, a i <.ni It Hue on Magmiiia
Avenue of Kill !'■■, t, a west line of
g.jU f'-i.-t adjoin ng hits B C and IJ.
Lots if and hating a front on lhe
1 ui r-iad - H i d feet, an 1 ex-
tt mling hack 100 feet to lot A, all
u f hi-Cab.mry survey, ’for the pur-
po; c of sc tiring tee pavmemof a
certain promissory note foi too
sum "f ?il b.'l'i /■> inu<!(- by the Rev
(.’ P Cql.ourv 'll dm 7til of Match,
lb-:;, with nreius t al s per cent per
tu111tl111 Irom date and payable to
1 > N (, bs n tl'"! .J A (laliotiry, or
bearer, and due two years after
e; t d'
d w 11 i <
• of 1)
|,r ip-
li do
,’ C P
llien fore,
■v C IMi-b
i pay.
,r I on
,1 t sat tlio
urv pay into thi
and feel as hajipy as a lark."
Wall «'•<- eaii inert
Miss Minnie Wallace resides with
Mrs George Fickland, 41 MeAlice
rule lie jiublislied in the Enquirer-
Sun, a newspaper published in the
county of Muscogee, once a month
feu four months, or served on the
I said liev C P Gaboury, or kia
Sirs George r irk land, II McAflee • , ,
, e i i- ,, I stkici;'] agent or attorney, three
street, and trom hei own Inis tlio 1 n ,
, , i ii r n - 1 months previous to the next term
reporter learned the following an- , , . ‘ . , rr icrr i a
v- ... ° 1 of tins court, .1 f WILLIS,
pa mg s oiy . iy i agg. Judge S C C 0
Several months ago she became j Jli|( ,. h ,. r & re , lbo q^ Attorneys
almost totally blind and deaf Her
bone 5 became the seat of intense
pain, h'-r joints ware Sweden
and piinful, and eventually
her whole body and limbs became
covered with splotches arid small
sores. To the reporter she said:
“J I ad !> o al po;soli and rlicurna
tisin and bef uc one bott'o of B ft Ji
had been taken f began to see and
heal. When J had completed the
Us‘- of six In -tit ps mv eyesight and
hearing was fully restored, sen.-e ol
taster turneu, all ap niches disap
pi ata.- i, soreness all honied, and my
strength and flesh r- stoied”
Send to Blood Balm Co, Atlan
ta, Ga, for their Book of Wonders,
atliaw ac&w top ool DXt rd Uit
for Petitioners.
A (rue ex!lact from the minutes
of Mu.-
No vein
•'I! pci oi
mi 1 -~ o
ui,, r, ,
i.irf, at its
I; i tl' 1'jlh
Ui 'ND,
M G, Ga.
l 111 "W" r 1 q- ii t.
O FiCt AN 15 -u ip ;
Iiillingham Street, opposite South*
ern Plow Works.
'•k>36 O -lk