Columbus daily enquirer-sun. (Columbus, Ga.) 1877-1886, April 02, 1886, Image 6

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TOLEN BY THE FAIRIES 1 cure her ol wandering around after
*—~~ Ii ie nald they preceded her down
a N*r«riii'» mon Henna- the rniid indisgu a sod wsi'ed for her
in« w*ci—cpiriia i»n> on n T>»i lu the woods,from which they sprang
«>iri ii torn im E/c* ui Mer k<it> upon h r M elm was They
. dragtfi d her Into the woods, It is said,
and there they found that she had
beoorne unconscious with fright.
They then carried her home, but she
lias been in a dazed state of ini' d a!>
most constantly ever sinoe Hite
H me years j itnps and screams with fright at ev
st v unusual noise, and It is deenn d
duubifui that sbo will ever recover
h< r former health Her father and
uncle are said to bn very much de
greased and heartily ashamed of theii
attetupt to corr cl her wayward
Dihiqub, Ia, Match 28 -Audy
Cr.iwt- is a veil known and prospe.*
ous lattner, living in Cen rr town
Bhtp, Dubuque oi uuty
ago he hi d a daughter, me sole re
iiiainU'g mt in her of his fiiun y, Jiv
ing at home. The gut, Jo ap'.
proach 1 tig womanhood, w.t i ill led
with a Htrunge milady U at o 111 i
the skill of physicia..s. He li mey
coiiulu led to iaK- mt gnl io Father
Bernaru, of the new Miliaiy moui s-
ttry, who, on account of his well
known pieiy ai d seif am.cgh'ion,
Lad tsiumitLed ijuiie a nq.u.uboi ,
fur aid with, as “ restorer
to health of peisoua HI mt-d with
physical oi Uunti-i dibcaeeii. The
Nothing, we am told, suooeeds ilk'
success. But there can be no substan*
tul siiooess without merit. 8. Jacob
On is an ixamplo of this time. Ii
eueq .ore pain, and people in evert
counity know lie merits and use it.
FILE l£.AN.s.! Whsi a fuune
good lati tr prayed fervent.y ovir U e j name lor » me ttoint I Neveittieless i
viri, and prtsertbed n ed cll'i'b for la very significant as applied to thi
her cure On tier w :y, hon.e from article. Bile, ac.cordi g to Webster, h
the limmasUiy it e gin nod her father | yellowish bitter, viscid naine us
Dial all lhat wee done ior i er by
ti aid, secreted bv the liver ’ 1 Whenev
er i bo does uu'. soi prupeny ') i
H dd is ro sietd in the blood ai.d
poisons the whole sy Jem, arid sa'iow
ness erd nii-ery is Ibe r. su!'.
SMITH’S BtHH! BEANS is a sure cure
for bniousnof s aid liver onnip aim.
Price 25 cents psr bottle.
m) 24 ec<!<fe» lm
j’oiher B rtiaid would not htlp her
in tLe least and that she would go
away In a year tu rn • nal -mue luhve
with mo a rite. Her iuthtr pu;d no
atieniiiu lo v. bat ’he gill sail'; in
fact, he i< rgos all eh ut it un .ii jud a
year from that nigot lie Wt he up in
Hit morning urd found his iIi.ukliter
gone A candle was burning in tier
room, and all her elm lies were left
I elilnd except one calico drOBB O.i
je rtii g disappearance ai d
wnat me girl imd lold him, Ujc
ne'glibors I etame very suepici os,
u id clanged the old man witn me.hi ' ”*»• Prmpwrsiwiij ui MkdIiIi d t» w»n,’
leg way wilt, her. The neighboring | Says the Ulus rloua Pope It he had
1 ■ • ■ I included woman In i ho list, be won d
A man wbo tattooed some nntld en
in Alitgbf-ny, Pa, baa been aeut u
prison by tie bumttne sncjeiy. The
mother who /(quested him to d ■ the
work si ill has charge of the little non,
Stic ought to Inivts a guardian,
creek wue d egged fur her body, ana
the wo Ms and fit Ids eubj :ted lo u
close bear oh, but no trace > - f (lit m s
mg girl was found 1 In just a year
fn in bci di-uppeatanoo she retur; e.i
h< me and reiateu a w.iut’eiful tale
regarding her absence. Hi.-e said she
had been oil with ilie iairies, wl*h
wbom she Lad lived iu the most
splendid style. They had everything
that beatt could de«ire, aud
spent most of ihrlr time lu iraveliug
incog, over tLiu country. Hhe had
traveled with Hum and rode in u.e
cats, Invisible to un.rtal eyet. They
heard ot the suspicious auaohlDg to
her father on accou t of her disap
pearance, aud, at their command,
she hid relurued hi me to clour up
the old gentleman. A grand feed
whr lielu in honor of her return,
wh cb was attended by all the neigh-
bots, lo wbom she related her won-
d.atul experience. Two days Inter
she esme to Dubuque to visit hir
sister, who lb married to a man
named J ,mes Hayes, a teamster,
reeding on T lrteeulh street.
jO •. the tlurd day after coining
to Dubnqae she came d.wrr-.
B'airs and iutoitned Mrs Hayes
that she hud lo go, that two t f the
fairies had come for her and thut
tl ey were now up siairs vai iug for
her. Mrs Hayes foil wed the girl
up stalls, and ihcie, to her am z •
Hunt, she saw iw uueor looking no-
logs rasfctnhiing men i r s ed in au-
t q a ed bii.i k i s turns, aid with
tlu111 lie mil hit (be n u n. Mrs
Hayes t l,.,wt U inum i>> the dour a. d
waiO'iud ih< m go up t.e stuel, wiioa
af 11 gou g half a O'uck a.l thr. es.ul
del 1 dl.- appeal) d > .1 llie air, s;nc.'
which no bn g nun ever been lu.ard
of tin mn hii■ g eu,. id mn is the story
that ha- t;ei 11 itq e..« ,1 y toitJ by Aa-
dy Cm we, always wi-.b e.r.ui eyes
ai d ,iu(ahsioi tj vol e msi most, or ■
h s utiglniors, ina' y of wnmu srs I
well pus ed tu tire bgtntlary •.-.ksie j
guiding ,i.e luiries iu Irela. d. iiu ■(
pucnly tioinvc the same, I
ie 11
hbvo tieon rissrer the #ulb, if not so
poetical. Dr It V P.oice tins made
them both a Ins study, especially wo
man, and the p cuftar Jrr.ingeriients tc
wtilah her do ioate is liable
Many women in Ibe Isnd wbo uri
atquRh.tod with D' Pleroe only
through his "Favorite Prescription,’’
bless him with all their hearis for be
has brought them the panacea for ail
those chronic ailments ueoullur to iheii
: ex, such as lencorrf ce prolapsus and
other disn!Kaements,uiaeraiiou, “inter
rial fever," bloating, tendeuev to inter
1 a! oancsr, ant) ottier al meats Price,
reduced to one dollar. By druggists.
Chicago Isle; Ocean: S ruwoorrle
are In the market lor $2.60 per quur..
The boxes are spring -bottomed as
ubuei.and the itirifiy .•'nrohaset should
hoy bj weight if he wi thes to approx *
mate toward the quantity of a quart.
Advice to Moth bus — Mbs Wins
low’s Southing wykijp snoultl always
be used when children are cutting
teeth It relieves the little so deter at
once) it produces natural, quiet sleep
by relieving the child from pain, mid
the little cherub uwukes as “bright w,
n nntton.” It Is very pleasant to taste
It soothes the child, softens the gums,
allays all pain, reltev™ wind regulate*
the bowels, n:.a is the beat known
remedy lor dlurriiues, Whether t»rlstii|,(
from teething or other causes. Twenty’-
ve ;enta a tvottle
D-awlcg .ha lint-: First sodalin —
‘•Lu ’» plunder uumu buildii g:” Bt -
oi’t) socialist-“Ait riifb ; bora’s a
bui d" g right hero ” "Oh, go ’ion) ;
•hire’s non I g we want, there ’“What
Is i ?" "Why, mao, it's a b»tU iiouss ’’
- thr.capo Nows
lew II, .
)'■• uas'.cru
ii 6t 0 geete
IVl.uii, uu
ItliIt Te Of
0 in ubt ut
or. ct u ‘ty,
"11. I J lu-
hau two
ut’ bom!,
(•!•. wi. of ft «r-
iuni tbo luiic-
. , o i-uoO pi 1
1 a k on
Webatei C' y
possvsfsor tu 1. t to ibut r
a bisj"ut voturjldi'ii 0 lor.
A goo-o farm
shore ut Vi. li'inn A .a u,
or« aiu run tl u.y lifidora
srva ol 3000 M’us flic
the g is. hiv t utkt.i ut f
elx w.’tks
Fltti U Via Cb, ol Hkli p
Or., rt cem ly found a t
loraitti | g 111 ' s u.t.
hodit s ui d t ig b 1. U's«
uod util i . lit g t ui > pvv
to lisv. It twill 111' 1 .
W UivUi C imu 1 , ii 1
Hum’s dit u w io> ti.s
eli'l b:a,1, Ti m Tbuu.
Ii ciiort, m irsiuit-g a 1
for i x 'iibi.iuu ibopi
1 y 1 tie an t ii y, will
its ku* is, v !.! /. h a|
nun tmis, rt 1 r i.pou 11 a tiiml hg-. ^0 I
ttin ugh u scrut' 11 1 igli i upt..u«,
poisii g, Uiow.i g—tv.iy tin g 1 t.c ,
tlia> is do:a i> u i.ors , ail tbb liU’ | guided I’j b n tidi-r, the men I
A D R biy was ptuiit.gtt. chick
en cc-p in'e, N O, tie other!
day hd oid t.cii mi" up rt ...rriuie d'.tik • •
In g and comiu.iioed bea iug sgatiial 1
the sis 1 ui -.In c ■ p tin Wligs. |
I> R b y in >rce idem 11 d bir tt»
his ffcV-;:io’’Lddily,” a 101. that liaa j
been isiseu with nis fan Uy until a 1
few d&ys 1 go, when slit ui' a.erb us y I
diBuppuirtO. H r J iy ut ceitug bur
old muster ui ivnl me h "its ot a’l,
amt the groceiymau at crue tianu il
to catch the party who tiad Bii.len j
1* iur t 4»li J «<( Yt irnii rCu«.
It wee repor’ui three weeks ago in
Pir.ii flcli! that Rebates Riobaids, u
girl id fifiei u >,ars t Hd bienss-
eBUited 111 .he v u diy o. he father’s
hrusoby two Btitttg rs, who way
laid i t*r in a !t lie y purl r.f the road,
Bhe stud tht y v ,k young mm rclhct
will diesctd no .i, cud that unr ot
thtiri Leeched htr dov; u ai d oe
Other choked fcc> 8'i. tl eu nioame
.Uncut scions, atm did not ka. w What
huptCuH' iniiu she tecoyeitd .u hei
fatLvi’s tu use A sen’ h » .amadui
for toe cuipri.» y b.huo’ b* utwa.'aibT |
tht tif oiir wiv> a p r o!t u.ul m\t etv 1
Her". 4j 4'rlund
W«atmore an.i’a Usiissys Topic, ib
tjltosb Bt.iuuoru Kanicdy Poieot,
P "ssrtnt. P pules, A Totito free t'r' rr
■id deleterious ir.i.rfii’.enis R-.-oon -
mendid tiy '.be n: s cuuneiu ph> -
oi u.s, Westmoretand Bros. 80'e M e -
ulsoturers aud Ptoprietois, Graei vil e,
a u;n Carolina
I Turn invaluable sud -nocesat'ul reme
dy was placed upon the marke it«s
tlisu ' wo years ego I was Inter dud
'■lav Tur .ur locai patrons, but an tlh s-
ihu proud j c!"ns and woods: I ut ware Um rasulu
ys eggs of jtf i s use that u.h fume spread :>U ovet
I'he sou' hern s ; «t«s. nr.d ihu rspitilv
t..oroa«lug oues-iud cuulct be aoppiisa
only by eudirgbig e,.d re emurgieg
our ex nnv'yo Inoura."ry until n.••»•• we
aro luiiy prepared to meet the nr. s'
and t v rr inoreasiu* d mu.d from ail
pu •' i ' he. oooutry.
pit"I s grain pcpniarltv is ex ’Ofdod
0 . y 1 a greater mer. !
S' id by Diaakisui uvery Whore «t
?' it) s 1.,’ne. Biusit n A Cauuom.
Wtuuoisaie Agents, C. 'ambus, tu .
»•. 2 il Iw
Th ‘itviS;co in It !gl>im »re usisiim!! y
j a very durt.torous and nlm. si rtvo u
I lior.aiy astovt. Tut appeaiam-e m
jBilgiuiu, »imjtia!,"..ualy wuu the
stril 1 et-, of l.uso ndiiibera cf Gornian
scaiallsts 10 a t■ m..:« • tra at'eru. a <>
, 1I.0 C .nine >', espi c a'iy i.
; 0 ni.eoiiou vi.htle p. title#■ ac.lvii;
«d .be Fienoh laiticsls ami iha on-
apl u urs encjuriigt'Dionl wblcn thrj
.- c let ding to the strlistrs In northern
F .illCO.
r,«.,t a a;., l td.
kins, Chiut i f Poitet. .Ku x-
. 0, v.ii 0 : "biy lauiliy iu.u I
tiil-rles af your omst txoe.
It. t o -—.loi". . 1) K r.p,’c New Li cuv
"ft fi)* C. O ntutdliL ! having found )
to be A. ha j n ch ina ’>u i , dseire a tv. t’s vi- t." My Bleeds ii
wi'om 1 have rep-.mmet.dud it praise it
. f' ' rv opp ruud v ”
D: Kiug’a N.w Dn-ouvery for Cont
fniiipiim gniirimteed 10 our? Coughs.
Cuif.H, Bronotuiia, A-. h.aa, Croup aim
• v«i> «il«ot .tn i f Throat, Chest »i d
V.iog*. t'rial B Itma ires at Brannon
A ( arson’s Ding S ure. Ia pe 1 z
♦1 ut). ecu. Aw
J J '
it 't.ul
Iks Greatest Medical Triamph of the Agt!
laosMofappriicof DontcUcostive. Pain in
the head, with a dull Kcniailon In tho
back pnrt, Pain under tho ehoulder*
blo.dof Fullnosa nflcr on ting, with adle-
Inclimnion to exertion of body or mind,
Irritability of tempi r, Irow Kpirite, with
n ferling of hnvintt neglected no me duty,
Wcariliens, 2)17.7.1 noun, I'lutterlng at the
lloart. Dots before tho eyej. Headache
ever tho right eye, fte^tie’irtnesii, with
fitful drru no*, flit lily colored Urine, and
TltTTT’S PIIaTjS ure especially adapted
to such ea«*o9, o»io dope oTact3 such a
change of iccuuga.-Jtouaionisa U10. sufTorcr.
They Jtnc.rea.Kri c lie Si ppctltc.atiii cauue th\>
body to nn KlrRh. thus tho system ifl
nourished, an l by their Tonic Action on
tli<* It iy:ei»1 * e guns. inr tools aro
prod act’d. V. i.-r tfifje. •* ; Sm rn*.v Nt.,If.Y.
the b'klv.
ffhens th
the system with pure I
tones the nervous sy
t Ttin, aud imparts i*h
^ I. Sc.M i)v .irmr'/is*s
bl^r.’ r l 4 is .1 rr
htiiy flesh.
. pairs the waste* of
'!. ' hard musele;
•m. inv;/ rates tlic
vigor of manhood.
St.. New York.
Beal Edtktf’ Afurnt,
.'F’ O EZ 3 .A. X, X
A yiace of tw*nty aores, largo and cm
modlonn H"n t with sv -ry conv>ntenee, li ord?-, fruit, .'hsitu, dic-1^ ml!»
rum Broad strev In one of the mtim d*!«lr»'
ids IochII' ! es sill scout to he city, Jr d*
I'-et.’ wonld axohsn ? U otty property
t 150 J0?y, icros land 8 aotlee ean ot 0t
I nmrtne, partly llmhered and under
Jen oe
150 Desirable vacant lot In Northern
les, Win sell on lmtatimenti
If oeelred
8585 8685 acres ol tint. Umbered lend In
Liberty oonuty, Florida, This It
rare tibsnce tor »«w mf'l men
1800 Be-nJfuilj located lot on north
J tchaon street’ /nil hi sere and
next to corner
88500 F ye roov dwelling, oorcer Jaok
son «u 1 Blxiecnth ntreeia
1500 Five am I bnlldtags In on» block
Georgia Midland railroad depot
1200 hi acre In one blook Georgia Mld>
land ralur-ad
1250 X "ore north Bwlft manutactarlni
cninpauyon north M«ro»r -rreet
JltlOO Vacant Lot, Fonrtoen'h a (rear b*
tween Jackson and Oglethorpe
800 nix•> Jlv acre Farm —4 room Dwel..
ing, Lee or.cnty Ala, seven mile
from the city, one mile from statloi
cnCandWB B
,!200 let H'ory Residence on Warren 81-
in'ernsotlun ol Brond
loot 160 acre larrn— room dwelling an,
fill nrceesary tmtbnl dings— wel
wrte-eo. 5 mtlee from city tn Kusho
coo i y Ala y Fifni f t £i«Ie.
K2H Ao*8b—cIssilrBh.e iiiV^tmeD^, 2)*
)H irK f on) ibe elly. Enruu'i 1". her ul
.7 rc« im\ fnr pr••per'.y four tlmep. Tb)*-
rttiu ii>r Ui T • 7 Alabiiiua
of vaiiiahij* land milci-
•tomi of t\' nl ,Tr , w i wa ct^iI and 'imher*
hg, under if-oce. Co umbutt Hiit! K m*
rofiif p i‘neR through elf on. Tbi« us»-ne
b« most iHFilrab'.e nf land In 1b!
Sfc’0V”n. Teims Iodyt lime
’930 Th -es roou& D ceiling on Norvt
'•u’luufl: ttivfct., j rui b'Hek union i‘ept/1.
lid is woU L-^lcc Tern.f
ur ay
s? 1 o to.
m .fik Xz
I have -10 desirable building lots
on Roso Hill which will be sold on
installments of not losstl an f,5 pel
month, and us nint h more as parties
may wish to pay. or Sf.tO a year for
three • eai s,! alanee fourth and fifth
year. Rebate allowed of 10 tier
cent if lots are improved within 12
mouths fr. nr date id sale.
Real Esial e nt,
15 North Broad Street,
A big raid was iurIo In Baltlm' re
F-tiiav iasc cn drummers Irom Now
Y rk and elsewhere, who wero t n*
goged iu se. liog 8 ,,ocls sample with
out not nt,c.
-v ■ ■» « L- r <
jCrtLqitd by tier hii-ier nml ut
An 4> A Uiilri Ilf,
Mt J li Niril.", uti old resideut if
Rome, U, , says t’.T he 1 ad tiu-t. bud
ly ’.roubiHi wl.’i Kiduey Oun.ploiLt
fcT a g• ch r. ety jph. i aud with B z»
n,.' nr :Lu-e >uus, at timoa cculi'
•carceiy wti k, ai.d bid tried mar.y
TOmad'ea wi ',-n' b—i.-d’, nntil be b«-
gan aslug K en no Hitlere e. d
“.notuttag )d» bands -,jU 'rt. an.
Picklou’s -ittive. lots treat-
uieti* > iTordt d b n g>e •, • r .f h ; je
■ rr a -'y rr. .rim n, ., r , BUlati
lo -.1 y.*“' '...rt r -'.b K Jney C m
tlntr; .«• »« - .. Pui'flcr. So’c
bj Branu^t a. . . . , 6 ddtw
Nofke tv Deht'i-r' a «<>. * t
; In v * v m 'h 'ht
.’IHUr of V . » -A HOlO, Li!.’ ^)! BLiict OOUt'-
dereiS 'd, aruhernb? roCA ci to r).•fc^©u•
vt»ro to me oxnj owtiflad the *)nhc
’**:• oribed by mw end ell pc-rsona iucleb ^
Hd n baM tlerr-M* \ r# to UQplM
Irmned »*tr ptivinnu' to ili*
( KOIOJI4, MU?< ( GEK '■Ol NTV-Wbf'HftS
1.1 N N t’ur'i* i»( luiinhtrator tf tho of
Uoval'M- K iLh. rfTH’, <*. tv.siS’A rcr-re or ts to tho
court In hln »ti'init t*u y filed h hi be h»u folly
bOmujiNtercd -oit’ Jl *-Jiu. liti Tt-rlui>b enuhto
This is there! re to cite a I rGreorif? /■ouoerned.
iiiora and ore tt\rn toshou c»ut»e, if t»n\ lliei cett
why anil aiiiuinisl'etor elu uld nt'I be dfeharew
fr» ui his udmtuWru'ion aud receive letto a ol dia*
n?h*tlcn on the 4 Aio* (1h\ Ir> J. no. '8S6.
WitueeHiU' offleia 1 si*nature tht' PeLrnarv 7.1881
f»b37 oaw3m OTdinarr
Fu KrIc nr yxchsaftn
F OR other Citi Be* Estate. Stocka ct Bent 1 a
How Iwei inn loJi > 4 «cr» Jot (r» j*ric# aekad
tLh rrepr y vill ji»j «e r^r «<uf c>r >of
tarea W v keep ynui money 1n Stocks ac«i Bond
thi-t * iel 'ittle interest aid often fails to pay diTi*
detaiit? Better bu y li«f l 'atUeand vour iocome 1#
steady. JOHN RL&CKMAB.
ae wd fr tf Real Iitate ' neat (k-lniubos. Qa.
Iron forte CoiojaD?
Are now props red to furnish bi
kunls of
And to Dress Lumber for the pul
lie, ai d solicit patronage.
l ot rt
Drop in and See Me
And I
CX O. JOHNSON, Red Star Store,
the most successful appliance in the world for the treatment of
Nervous Debility, Neuraigia, 1>he mart ism. Lumbago. Slot p’esbness,
Asthma, Dyspi psia, Diseasei of Liv r, Kidneys anti Digestive Organs,
hick Headache, and all troubles, arifing from insufficient and impure
Power i A% ' £ * c,jE * j55m:o
* FHb P oi'o^r Tonif,
H j ar th* Wi'www !
IO to 20 foundlw 3
I tock four bottles GuinnV
Pioneer ana gained 15 pounds in
flesh My appetite has been re
stored. 1 have procured a lot for
use in my family.
Touts respectfully,
GO Humphries St, Ailanta, Ga.
I am 68 years of age, and regard
Guinn's Pioneer a fine tonic for the
feeble. By its use my strength bar-
been restored and my weight in
creased ton pounds.
Gotten Gin Maker.
Macon, Ga, Feb l.S, 1SSG,
SUPPORTER ioi the di-pcfsion of Hi raid and other tumors and en
largements of the womb and the oviuics Al.-o gives gnat suppoit
and comfort and increased s trong tb to the w»lls of the abdomen in cases
of abdominal enlargement without am disease. Tends also
to decrease and prevent excessive accumulatit m of fat.
New York. Dr (..'TER 1 !}. Agent, CoJimibn« Georgia, n h2 dly_.
Sms 1 h &
H i Ili 1 ^
Skidi/ 111 I
/^-'URE Biliousness: Heartache InFcntrhours.
US) One dose relieves MeuraiCjia. They euro and
prevent Chills v Fever, Sour Stomach Bad
Oreath. Clear tho Skin. Tone tho Nerves, and Qfva
Life ^ Vigor to the system. Dost*: OX/•: IJEA X.
Try them once ana you v.ili never be without them.
Price. 25 cents per bottle. Sold by Druggists and
Medicine Dealers generally. Sent cn receipt of
price in stamps, postpaid, to any address,
Manufacturers and Sole Props., ST. LOUIS, M0.
Improved FLY FANS only $2 50 each,
PEERLESS ICE CREAM I EEE ZEES, 3 quarte $2 25; 4 quafts
J2 76; 6 quarts $3 76,
WATER COOLERS fiorn 75c up. Fluting Machines $2 and $2 50.
25 Dozen assorted sizes FEATHER DUSTERS below cost,
Special -job lots to merchants of Glass Ware, Tin Ware, Brooms,
Ltuupa, Plates.and Teas.
feblG dtf
■. ~rn
ii'ii Broad btreetc
A crippled Confederate save;
“I only weighed 128 pounds, when
I commenced Guinn’s Pioneer, and
now weigh 117 pounds I could
hardly walk with a stick to sup
port me, ami can row walk loi.g
distances without help. Its bene
fit lo me is beyond calcalation
M aeon, Ga. Cotton Buyer.
ware Merchant of ForsytJi, Ga,
writes; ’It acted like a charm on
my general health. I cot-sit’ 1 or it a
fine tonic. 1 weigh more Ilian A
have for 25 years.’’
lie spin tfullv,
Mi W F JONES, Macon, Ga,
says; “My wife bus regained her
strength and increased ten ocunda
in weight. Wc i ecouimeud Guinn 1 ;:
Pioneer as the be. t tot.ic
Dr G \Y DELBB1DGE, of At
lanta, Ga, writes of Guinn’s Pio
neer, “Guinn’s Pioneer Blood lie
newer has been used for years with
unprecedented success. It is en
tirely vegetable and d< es the sys
tem no harm. Improves the appe
tite, digestion and blood-making,
stimulating, invigorating and ton
ing up all the functions ur d tissues
of the system, aud thus becomes the
great blood renewer and health re
storer ”
RENEWER cures all Blood and
fcikin Diseases, Rheumatism, Scrof
ula, Old Sores. A perfect Spring
Medicine. II not in your market
it will be forwarded on receipt of
price. Small bottles $1 00; large
bottles $175.
Essay on Blood and Ekm Eh* 1 *
eases mailed free.
Macon, Georgia.
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