Newspaper Page Text
A SiS.Jr.S W 4 rllR.
On the bmkc of Alien Water
When :h<* sweet string iimodid fall,
Was the a tiler's daimliter
Fiireet of ihev> Nit.
For hlsbri-Je a tJtiie. sooglit her,
And a^nniug tongue bud he.
On the bank? of Allen Water
hone eo gay hb she
On the banka of Alien Water.
Wn«u brown autuiuu ?pr« ada lti store,
j htr. 1 saw the miller's dunghtcr.
Dm she smiled no in re.
For tho »uu>BiU-r grief hud hr-.ught her,
And tho soldier, f*Ue aa« he.
On the batiks of Allen Water
None eo sad ev who
Ou the baukv of Alien Water.
When the winter suow ell tae%
Btl’.l wai> see:' the miller'* d .ughter—
0. lli'tig tic «r the blast
But the* miller's lovely daughter
)i tli from co’d and cure \»au freet
0 « the bunks of All«n W.iter
Thor a corpse lay sw*!
-Old English Bong.
ttlugular t«<e of a Bub} When Moth
er gjyetl tu » M tnnnd Mouse.
New Yobk, Match 28.-The pho
t< graph Ki-ut 10 >ani ary headquarters
Sa unti.y by Dr Willa.uT Cuial, ol
N • 1U2 VVe-t Tniriy-fourth street, of
tbe b .oy born imsi Curintnias day in
the Nelson Dimly on Tuirty lihh
street, near Eleventh avenue, has
•eieatid a urem tUul of excitement in
medical circles
The child w»s horn vlvut abrain
and lived a lime over 24 hours after
birth. Di O'fat attended the (noth
er, and as sool as ! e sjw by ex-imi-
Ehtion ol the child ibut it was totaln
lv destitute of any btaiu matter, he
.'Setabcu to liar i why such an unu
sual 'bing shou d occur
By q lestlont g tl e father and
mother, F L and K zi Nelson, he
lean ed mat fir some lime previous
. to the birlh of the laby they had
lived in a “haun'e-i house" on West
Thii'iy-e-event street Bnd ihat the
mother had been greatly affected by
the repoitsof ib• prtsence oi a ghost.
Daring the spring of last year the
Nulsons lived in thi‘‘haunted hou-'e,”
.but Itfo after the ghost had knocked
at their door two or three times.
The Nelsons and a German family
named Me'.z took rooms in the house,
notwithstanding the stories that a
‘ woman in white” was in the habit
-of ina:e ir:g up and down stairs at
all bouts of the night..with a kuife
la her hand. O jo night Mrs Melz
met the ghost aud clubbed it with a
broomstick A few nights after the
"woman in whitt” knocked at the
•door of Nelson's rooms. She struck
terror to their hearls, and Mis Ncl»
eon was laid up with nervous excite-
ment sever: 1 days.
"The child was, with the exception
cl its htad, iudy developed,” said Dr
•Coral yesterday. “I. is the most ex
traordinary c-s.i I ever beard of.”
OkllSr.a’a r.u u< Satall !k«n.
t o much cannot ue said against
the cruelty of foreleg children's feet
luto ahor. aud nairow toed suoes A
man in a farge and Imhioi able shoe
B'ore said that he sometimes u ed all
bin strength, that of a well developed
ma.u, to force ian;e feet in o small
shoes for grown folks, but when be
wae requested by mothers to pui
shoes too •■mnll on childteu, be ob
jected Many children, before tney
are ten years old, havi incipient
corns, bunions and callouses, caus'd
!oy the foolish pride or carelessness on
the prrt of the mothers Many do
not Know that if a child's foot is al
lowed to develop naturally, when
fully developed it can Wear with
ase a much smaller shoe ih-vn when
crowded back and forced out of shape
While growing so fast. The foot is
part of the body that completes i s
growth early The Biz.* of toe feet of
,-s growing boy are sometimes notice
ably bug,; when the rest of his body
har ttulshed its gtowth the feel are
proportionate. If a growing foot is
crov.did into short shoes, the toes are
pushed had and become thick at
the ends. They, are i-re-sel up
against mu top ol the shoe auu corns
are made They are enlarged at the
gr°at and little toe j >lnts, omni'g
bun ions, which are more painful
than coins Narrow-toed shoes cause
lapping o' ihe toes, callouses, and
crus, e peciufly on the side
t.t ihe lavge Pie and under the widest
jmit of the lorn; irgrnwiug toe nails
are a s i produced. Corns cannot be
cureu so long as pressure is on them.
This must firs! be removed. A man
who tulieied terribiy with corns said
he would ilo anything ’o cure them.
His friend said, ‘ Y u are going up
luto the moun'aiij ; go barefooted
this rummer.” He did so, and his
feet were entirely oured Auolber
cut the tops of the shoes away, leav
ing the -oies and the leather back of
the toe pints aud toes.—Good House
common B«kio at Bonks.
O e of the advantages of a great
cuy is a certain independence which
weetj y. The rules of fts lion or
cusum me not so severe. Ii is only
yourg, in> x; erienced people who
leel that they must have the latest
style and nut of paper, and make
their side trimming into box plait-
ii gs, when mat is li e last mode. I a
fact, a itule charge from the prevail-
irg custom is c msidered original and
>i ;btr ai mired unless too outre. For
i, s iincc-, me other day, a friend of
n ine determined to see all her a«r
qnailitBi C's aud r pay many social
coils, Htie Bcco’du gly sent out tier
viciiir g c rd , with "O d-Famio id
'lea' 1 written under the e;igr<VH<i
name,4ud in tLe corner opposite i.he
adores-, ad-ha ' Four to
Sever,” It' me back parlor the ta
bic was simp y set with longue sand-
w c. e-, the moo delicious oruilers,
made riy her mother, who 1h fatuous
for that p rueuUr cake, cookies,
eqoa ry ueiic.-us, also nomemade
spurge cake, chipped heel *nd
cheese Two young relatives poured
tea and chocolate, and served the re
freshment ou old family ol.iua beat -
tilui luoiigb to 'orm the uujii us o' .i
m iSeom I needle-s to say that
every body come ai d w as d. lighted
There was neituer b .ke «lnp cm-
f.ctloi.ery nor dishes iur show but
all taeitd ».nd 'anted, agair and seal;
<x laimtng, “0)1, how goo 1 t s,” an
exclamation which your e rrespin
dent heartily echoed.—G.iod House
nut H LC.k'li .k It Ik 141A Hd.vtl,
The best Naive in the world tor Cmr„
Bruises, Sores, Ulcers,Halt Kbr-nn:-, Ve
ver Noroa, Totter,I'hspoed Bonds.rG-.
blame, Oorne ond all Skin Erapuo’n
•ud positively cure- Pitta, or no t *y
rec,i;trod. T' ia guaranteed to giv
perfect satisfaction, nv r tee rci’nn.'
ed Price 2l.c per t>f x F r -•> e ! v
Brannon .V I'vrar.
Fou, of 'be leading 'ona’C mnu
tBc or-ra f BsitinKir-, cr r o t g v ■.
1C30 .•• pie. hav vvurjo iy oi.eulsd
u their working p'Ol ie eigh' h v
ftr a day's w -r& i' s e d f '**••, witb-
out auy oorreap"' ding deem s- cl pa 1 ,
uiori’e F.niiwioa or pckik
Cod XlTnr Oil, wilt. H) i>u|>liu.-|iatl<‘-
Dr Hiram C dure l y ol Jockh mvillc,
Fla, says: "I lave for the ns‘ te>
months prouorib-u yonr Emulsion '•
patleuta si If irirg Irom lung ro,, Dies
end :bey see r< to be g be: efii d
i v its use.”
President Hold- n, of th ■ Ca' ; fr,r: ia
e'sto uDiversi'y, receive- a -niarv m
f5U(,0 *► preti ieui. and HOOtf js d.m' t ■
• 1 mi L ek obssrvatoi < this is . e
larues. sa r/ P-ld to any co.iegn pres
ident In n a ociin tv
111. wlec l', list!
lias been a lute nous and <.'■>«' y work,
but. the end Jusiitivi • tl O -
struction ia any imponan' chan
nel means disaiter Ubs:ruci:ons
In the organs of the human b .dy
bring IcevliaPle •'istasn Thev must
be cleared *w.j, or f.hysioal wreck
will follow K ep the liv r In • rder.
and tho pure blood oiui-e-
the bortv, oonvoylcg he-nu, siro;.». i
aud Ills : let If. become disordered and
ihe ohnpnoie are clogged wltd: 'm
purities, which resub 1 i;)so*se 'iul
death No other medicloe fq.i»ls Dr
Pleroe's “Golden M ilica Discr.vory”
for acting upon the live and purifyi. g
the blood.
Ten per oent of ihe pre-.rnt fresh
men class at Cornell arc girl-, and Prt f
James, of tha ! institution, is quof .
as saying that ihe average echo arehip
of the yunrg women is super! r to
that of the young men
■mi Buairkik •
In i s •.fl'eois, aud moat uce'ni in i s
appiloatUu. the fragrant SCZDDCKv T
has become the most p pulur Dei t »
frloe in existence, 'Tia used an i
praised by everybudy.
pA iady with her need oandaged m a
ha’ dk TOblef rushes into a dent's ’>■
fflee and pxo sm«: “Decor, lean’
stae-d |r sn- Ire g<T These false tf-e"
yon marie oanse mn the most 'errlt e
agouyt” ‘ Wall, mrdame, won d
you havtT I oouid nm imiiaie nature
sny bettei— Fron-h W'
Do you want- a pure, bloom
ing Complexion! If so, a
few applications of Hagan’s
ify you to your heart's con
tent. It does away with Sal
lowness, Redness, Pimples.
Blotches, and all diseases and
imperfections of the skin. It
overcomes the flushed appear-
nnco of heat, fatigue and ex
citement. It makes a lady of
THIRTY appear bnt TWEN
TY ; and so natural, gradual,
and perfect are its effects,
that it is impossible to detect
its application.
h(t il mi Bt ft Ftw
If bo they will find in our office
runny such letters ns the following,
hut none that are entitled to more
With uiv experience I pronounce
the best lung remedy made. Four
of i^iy brothers and sisters had
died with consumption, and about
three years ago T became so ex
hnusted by long continued cough,
accompanied with low fever and
night sweats, that I could barely
get about, and my friend- gave up
all liope. I coughed so incessantly
that 11 ould not sleep at all. After
trying sevci al lung medicines 1 be
gun ihe use ol’ DRE TVER'S LUNG
RESTORER and was greatly bun-
elited by the ilrsi boltle, gaining
flesh and strength and resuming
work. 1 continued to take it and
am as stout now as I ever was, rare
ly ever cough, nor do I suffer with
my lungs uuy more than if tin y had
never been effected,
I aim never without a bottle of it
in my house. During the winter 1
gave it to mv little children, even a
little fellow three years old for any
thing like eomrnor colds, or when
they slr-w any evidence of croup,
awi always with the n^st satisfac
tory results, Very truly - ,
liamesvtlle, Ga.
brewer - Lung Res orer.eontains
no opiates in any form.
The Steamer ELLIS wears the horns as the fastest steamer plying tho
Chattahoochee, Flint aud Apalachicola Rivers.
T \e stPHtu :X 1 LLl will rtia Up Aft «<m
oUt*c ai*'1 Aps*i40iiio ; li.vvih. WU ffid tu
A.pal obloi). i ». »ntl wit: u • inh t pll pu hi-
.1 .Cat80 .V'llfi. Prtl-HC'i. /•'b' • J'l N«W <
Oil ‘vtdRl^M 2’ U L iO .'Ti<
It is ordained by the City Coun
cil of tl e city of Columbus
First, That all tho business
houses and dwellings situated with
in the corporate limits of the city of
Columbus shall be numbered ac
cording to the plan or system here
inafter described.
Second Thu initial or star ing
lines shall be Jixod on Broad street
et'Vdr un iortniKM) yb ‘ hr OliAtluboo
v n trip** *», vjo k bftw Columbns nrt |
l»»-<'iou,,erfl t»y no trains o HLilfiMn!
w soLeia.o wi t be run, rlvjr, rev. co,
Ktreet and east
livoiid street, and
numlxMS to each
d wr*
Leave C lutubja Tim.i. -y ...
Lo *v E if>vuiH rnwHioy
ti ctv« Fort tl invn ru <i j
LAuVk> UO UMUii- T'Jibfc >
C ’AUHhoocho'i Wmlr*-?
H 0 f! A li
2 0 v i-
i Ad p ix
7 .40 p u
_ Jay a U0 * rr
Anive ApaLolnooiH .y.Jue >lny l 10 ru
L ‘ttve Apaaeh’oriri W*dnt'' dav 3M'p*n
ur&vc Ohait «hoooh«- i'barM * . ... 7 go h rii
Leave Colombia T urptlay. 10. p m
L?'* v^ K Tbursaa;- s OU ••• id
L AVit E . a 1 ' 1 . T'n*ft1«.y 12*0 \t
Le ve F orecoe F*J »y o 0 m
Arrive Od'umbnt F lany 1'him in
u wn
<t:v C’l'ntDMiM Huiird t »y
*4 yo En wnlft .Salui'any
live F U..ohq •'ftturaj.y
h'v « oiumb a Ha ur ,ay
vChiUHh o’ie< Huiidi.y...
live Ap&iROhlooib Miuicay....
^e. vti Ay ilaohlo mh ria uiny...,
uinvn jo*'iouiuooti«u Mi.»i dny M
e -v** OD.auiblR MohUa>
‘.-h. vt, F ir* U itned M tnilti.' ... ,
Le vo Eu'hu.a Mo' ilny^
Leave r’loreuoe M iiuiuy
Avriv. Uu\ujubub xudHtiay
... 7 10 m
... • .‘411> ni
... :i :t0 q u.
... tf 20 p ,
...' I M p ni
..i0 00 u ix
,..12 00 nr.
,. 3 00 k A OilH Q,
.. 8 00 p u
.. 7 00 p l
..’0 00 p DC
. M 9 00 k li
The Hi'ipmar E. is will ‘
Rtn^er« to ao I from -tl i inn
ireutbi for W .rehouse L taatPK H only, but will teku pae*
Arrive Balubrid^e auhdtu.y.
Ij vo B vlnbridgo feiurolAy.
L . v». Cd'miiiid'jjj^ *iu * a
Arrl vc A pa.'.ach tools M iu i
•4 n
-1* n
Arriv il -x-i l Dj urliuv .jf
6 8-J a in ; :,iiv - A u.achlooU luunaay2 60 p in
i L-a vo id.iiAUi>oobee Tuofld *y 9 00 tt m
,. u id v Bu'iurlda Tao*tJay ... p ai
i)».v BAlubruige Tu e Uy pru
,. p g jli v • In t ib oKJbdn fuenany 8 00 p m
, L . 7 a CotMnbU WetlucvadKy am.
, ' :k d jx. I i. v ’ ibut tula tV'j.injMd&y p m
l< voF imaooTltarwKy a uu
A 0<) t ” I . - v i {J.'lutu ud xhttrati <y pm
‘>‘,1 l*.it ■»<!, ft l aaki p v'ja >n ;ara*<'aly o
frii u .it -J.ititihwj’ioj,IFlorrdi,
Broker, Real Estate Jand Ins, Ag’t.
The Win C Pease Residence
north Third avenue, opposite Dr
Bussey’s. Mode n six room
Dwellii g and outhouses, in per
fect repair. Full quarter acre lot
Wuter works and drainage com
plele. For terms apply to
WANTED - Building Lots in
any portion of tbe_ city. Several
applications on tile.
8ping FhsUioj* P<ate8!
Jtr'XKilO ID • OOD8
Suits Mfvd« to Ordt>r.
CI.0TIIW0 !_JL0Tfll.M !
Come and give us your order.
Do not wait till you are pressed by
the season, and Ihen want a suit
made in a great hurry. We are
prepared, however, tc get up Suits
at very short notice. If you want
a S'iit quick, give us your order.
If you wmi a Suit in thirty days,
give us jeur order. If you want a
Suit in sixty days, give us your
Clothing Manufactur, r
eodtf (14 & GG Broad St.
Afoat of the ditifl/tseti which afflict mankind am origin 1
ally cauHod by a disordered condition <ii tb - LIV E R • '
For nil complaints of this kind, such as Torpidity of
the Liver, Biliousness, NVrvouH Dyspepsia. Indices- ,
i, Irregularity of tho Bovrels, Constipation, Flatu- j
iency, Eructations and Burning
(sometimes called Heartburn) Miasma. Malaria,
BltKidy Flux. Chills and Io-ver Bn-akbone Fever,
Exhaustion before or after Fever . Chronic Diar-
rhiea. Loss of Appetite. Il-adaeho. Foui Breath,
Irregularities in«*id»*ntjil t«> F^imle< B‘-aring-d-"Avn
is invaluable- It not - panacea for JiJldi.-.-ases
but ^ I E O C a;l dlscasee of th- LIVER,
"ill VUliN STOMACH and 80 W ELS.
It changes the complexion from a waxy, yellow
tinge, to a ruddy, healthy color. It entirely removes
low. gloomy spirits. It. is one of thr BEST AL
Feu sale by all DruggintH. Price $1,00 per bottle.
C. F. ST A DICER, Proprietor,
MO SO. FRONT ST., Philadelphia, Fa.
We beg *.o c&il aUid
\ Uon to he above Bait
N zz »” Syringe, superior
^ lr every respect It all
'' her Hv» la/es. In In*
fl mm a Mon or pain from
of bar o as«8, in which
hi* or coid water la de
sired. no other Byrlnge Is
bo 'rffectua! o couvf'nl*
er t aa the me of this, fir
wl h 1 e use water can be
etained at will for any
length o f tlrn^ No Byr
»qnrtJ« ihl^ for lh<
lnleotlon o' meniclca
so tlcnp, «n the in'dl
ci^es *?re nronght in oo •
tret with *»1! pn r ts. Nc
on . nyp'ct to »«» ly
roc •v- 17 ’ fr n vagina: o*
orlne 'ti8en* 3 .jg 7/1'hop
a» can h(r-
V '** /.' oughty c 9 'Hi he parU
6--iJ hr 1 g the m-.diclnt*
♦ n ron» B c». 7ri»h 9l hv dt e'tse' pnc»g C-»li
for ctro f ar r t J's b'*r n&" c»r i r s'ire*
F >r *<*\* hv «i’l itrn^^'e ?. 'r-Rtrn n.?r f d'-tl
nr ru' b«r »* re P hr B m* af*
rdl**'ir Syr’ ige P '’er.t non • ncj vi-o
afec’ared by Ci W LUTZ ti X)
Iljd iaAADG 1h, 1 ’i d,
1 HA nNON di CARO . 'V
V7n»H, ( y,;nrn bus, O » v ’2'Ti
Wouth Wash and Dentifrice
.•'lira nietdliir -jama, L'lnera.’Sore Moota,
ri.vcal, -'"-.ace-, .t-Te.'h %o1 Pnrlfle. th-V-- ‘b
C.aJ *■ ' recomnieoJ-:'! by leviiojr-leotMfc. icw by 1)»6 J?4WB Hotau, D«nti^a, SUooi
f}». For ul. fcy all drea.lrt. »o-1 a.oUeW, ud I.
■~-r- — BBA.TNO& t CAMSOK ui 11
r cod boo. Bhntewii
r •) iu-1 J x imo,ivUl» al
i o ai II 10 ^ in.
I .iisiruviile lit 4 p ra I.etT R
.v.-n.n Florida Bad W.» cru Ralirom!-Ar v-, I
4 01 p in L -vo. -or .»v»>.n»b tnd J '■ »»«•
F onda tts. w ,i -uilXniitiail.m 0 — Arrivi" ir .in
for J ,ck*':e hi II 0 -n,
P .mftooia and A'lan-Ip Kaliroa-1—A-ilVaii fro-n Veasaojla, Mootle nod New O.-.mub at
Ham L,lo. t'aanaoo.a. M 0: » and NaW O *1© ns al 4 14 p m.
TnrodO i r.ii,6-iO frelg-u i.nii i-iln ett-j -liro- 1 leSil from vlo'lifl Ha
vinno)-. F -d oi -v-.-ern Si.;»iv oil U 1.-1L . u i uuai, FI., lo Oimmbu (It F-OB
10 POUNDS i ! .8 FOLI/lWdi
Ulas--- 12 3 15 0 A U'JDEHF
30 : 30 24 22 U IS !') 10 14 13 ii 23 13
Jalnt i ales r>f Jrt-lph g WnR In-.n eff o M . on 25 1830 from N . * Tor*, Boston, Philadel
phia B lU-yors and P -M-lenee v he Snv.» .onJO F arid* uuil We iern BiiIIwhj- hj Oo*
•IV 41 30 28 33 30 26 4) 4T 60
1 1 -6
uu loa. of freight and p image lo all point* os
I iT-n win he a* follows:
..10 nenti
..26 oenW
..<1 26
.«1 26
...»1 *
96 0o. O her points In proportion. Bales
Sap roert- Tarlfl No :i.
On and m er Febran-i.t 0 1,380
ms Cba'taboocbee win 4p,.i.< -til"
Fiour per btrrel
nation per pule
Fertilise e par ion
Uotlon 8e«o Meal par urn
Salt par ton
Other frelfihlg In p-epo con.
Passage from C-mam.->n» I- Apa aohlco
BSblee* uohatigo wl'.li -nt no*lea.
Shipper* will pi* mo havn tliair freiqjli at b i»t, by 8 a in on day ol leaving,
aa acme will be reo lived after that ioar,
Boatrea-rvoa the /igli: of o i tn ii -g v aiy pint whensoulderad danger
ous by the pilot.
B-» will not stop «l any point not n mod In the published Hat of landiige 1
luralBbed shippers for 1838
Our responsibility f - * - frelrhr cnaei -do it Uts been die lha-ge l at a land
ing when nr, person Is 'here t'> rsoeive It.
Rate- ‘Ubjeot to ohaoge wi'hou-. no ies
T H. MOO R Tn, A.O“E]Isn?.
U* l'tli frmu > it
and west fiom
l ull'd, The even Min t r-rs f-lmll
In- put on tlie riglii side of the
ntruits and (lie odd nuuihers on
the left side of tin- streets allow
ing not more tliau (wcnlj five fret
to each number, and the figures
shall not be less ilmu two and a
quarter imdies high.
Fourth, It shall be the duty
of tho chief of police t-> see tlmt all
new buildings which miy hereafter
be erected or changes in the fronts
of buildings already erected shall
he supplied with the number or
numbers t > which they shall lit- en
title under thin ordinance by the
omici-f tie roof, ai c ia all cases the
figures shiil) correspond wuh ilie
plan or yslein herein contained.
Adopted in Council March Ad,
1 Stiff
CLIFF 13 GllfMES, Mayor,
M M MCOltE, Clerk Council.
StorelGcrers aowkeej it forSale
Many baking powders aro very porniciomi
lo lioulth. and while «*very one regards hit*
own, ia* siionld also have a enre for tlu> toii'iuc
out'e—tiio liuic cliiidi en.
si:a l oAM r
contains none of tin* hurl riualitiffl of hairing
r>»tvdcra- soda nr salerntiis. it cjmlwiui* ij^
liurUul iuprediontr—nu alum or aniinoaia.
All (’hernistfi who have analyzed Sea P'onm
►oimiu'iid it. Housekeepers win have used it
it 111 have no oilier. Cooks, whose liest etToHA
lnve failed with other powders, are jubilant
iverSoa Foam. Saves time, saves labor, savin
It is positively uuequnled. Absolutely pur*,
’sod hv tin* leading h**tefy and i• -UiiuauLa
n New V*>rk nt yfind t kr-»»arhoul tlie oounU’y.
for sale by ail tirnk-oluos icrocers.
GAM’}', joxr.s ,f f O„
J?i: liittnir S/., V. I r .
We already t-njoj an enviable reputation in this particular depu.t-
ineiit ol oiu fast giowiig business, 1 lit we are tint content.
S&A1 .4 i' I : -•
I ‘ K k \ T I
it, i » x I
\ E
We offer a pair of large KUCK TOWELS and one cake of goi d
TOILET SOAP for 4u cents; theToweis alone are worth 50c. Bnt
we bought a large quantity at a large quantity price, and propose giv
ing the profit to advertise out Linen business Tliis offer holds good for
one month, w hether you still see it in these columns or_ not We desire
to see everybody in cur stoic-and think we can induce a second visit,
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