Columbus daily enquirer-sun. (Columbus, Ga.) 1877-1886, April 02, 1886, Image 8
8 JDAILI EKQCTRER - BTJN, COLUMBUS, GEORGIA, FRIDAY MORNING, APRIL 2. 1836, OAII.T t?€>TTON UTATP flKMT. Cotmum, (U April 1,1SD6 OOTTOB BIU/C* ■ f 10BT Hortb^a tiid *Mit«ru «;rn<hnu lottoii Mila i»r (•vtumfth * oiiI. B»iika checiti « uu York over Am ctuaUr J» prMuiuni and \ Savajuakh ft! par ('•Mon, H«rk*t to4*7 du111 iLffrloi 00, ordlkaty ftci food Oldman. lh l lev mld#llii»4i« tiJtci uuid- ■«§ Afcc. gooo nitddllLpv kveSc. BPCB1TB0. To-day. To l>at* | Bp fioolboMtararailroad,. r Mol lie and Uirard rail road 0 ■ Oolonit/UH »ua Wtatorn railroad.. 0 r Oolnmbua and Horn* railroad.*•> ■ lb* o waioDx 41 iSOfft W 116 a.«i Total H4 27 >» K3.663 nairMKhTii. By tcvthwfifrUri laJIna'^^.. .... ■y (’oli.u « vi »td V> ')Wl» ri. railittid ■y ibe rtT*r.^. M ......... Takro by Commie* taoion©*-........... KUnVkNT. Stock cl band Ao«c..tMs(, ivW.., w . Bacoivcd l(Hitty M ..» . H ».. ..... previously .* ........ To-day. To l>atc 43 '54 INSIDE ITS BANKS AG IN. The Chattehoi chee Hbcr at This Point tirsdn »*ly F«lllo*. no H. If rant aiib.r ik.i Haava-lTki Brtdm mill Hin-JItwi trmm Oitoer flaikH Dhirliii* 114 S&, 6» 83.813 84,231 avs ..........76 «• 7-7ft 862 •took on bund —— n -17 8totl Auk aim. mu. 382; rbi'ilTiid H'liiit -lay, • o, Ictni receipts, 77,701; shUr'd S hltiut all- 7r,t«o noth 3,393; *»K. ltd'll ft. til Culti.l .Stutnn port, to'day ./.9; for 6 ,1.7:1, ,'O.i.l; I'Xpotle to Or rot Urttiuu. 6.6 V. contt* a.Ut. 2b.Mi, stork Ur.ttiMt Ports— firccipt# tot 6 :!»j ft 37 638 ..ports to (»n*a, kirlUttt St.fiM; to oocttiiont 4,662 Stock—■ ■ r.<Iti so K.« *«.rrtii»»r»«i HitEtd-Ha labor} A Un-w. C ...*o meedug ol Columbian Lodge Marsha, bole-Jcbu H B lrae), idtirbal Taniicfiaee B.vf u il El k~J D Bu.llh i& Bra, Ktor-ewnll Boao Co No 4-G E.t llur B". Bcc’y, WVHA.MA.l4 kOJMVM. Tit. friends and acqa-tlnta. cas tf Mr ai.d Mis D WolVn ate t B. COtrn yt . quelle-. to taittiud lt« fnuerM of ooir it. laot sen, CitKL (torn the Kaiikln House, al Mu ojotoca ml- morning Enal.eei M Kg,. Utsd. Engineer J J Bridget, wlto dud L ■ ’rg broken In the too.dent on the C n ubU 1 . and Wssleru rallrotd at the 'JC-Uapoost. liver bridge Monday Llgt (, dteu irt tit bt> Irjasle. at 1 » -ome lg U mtlwiuer Wednt.- di.y irlg'ut. bt wsu a f libiu and 1H leu englneer.aLd h n deeUi lnutd oi ly t -gr« - ted b7 toe i 111 tote end eitopioyes ol the roea, wlf k . wliiin petr.onttl. Cep'ulb Bell, eon ool'-r on the W?ole:n rtl'roed ol A abtiiu., e me down (mruooe- llkn to tvltoe... L* w.»ro Barrett In JKloh elleu last nigh'. Mr Ctiae L D vis ol Warm Pp ln^s, l, in tbs otty Mr H l. Hull o’ Fiofeuli, lit lu ibeoitr Mr k K Mnrpbcy ol U mlllnn, wan In Ibe •liy yes erday FaMelt 1 ol tin U.Hfeir. Tbe *stt a e of Sis itiouiHt D Wolf reat litd btie (tom UiiatUtboocbeu oonuty yesterdny t.flerucon 0" It 2 i train, Tbry vrereitisl a' tint depot by a on miter of frl.u . and t ken linti'.illaiety to the eomet.iy for Inform t 1. Tbe fm e ftl sort Vlc.s we,e ono'lno.ed liy KjvHH H trrle, piu'.or of tbe f ist Bo >-lttt. ohu ob. Too follnwlitji penTuruon were the p ll-bertrer.: J Marlon K'fr, J AP- rt K rven, M r ■Wootten, M J h f Fioerett a.d W. It-in lttad s'. They Utinri/ Tlinnbs Tho inrti» t e!8 of tno t rpbto a.ylnm re turn thnnkH < o Mr nail Mr' J iti; U , ok'air for Pit elttiint llatJi: give., o', rw deroo oil the 28 b to be roe ran neT chil dren ot tbs orphan rpyinra, aonelptlng of tu key, f/ul e lies, tee t earn, nod In f»e ; all the dtilcaolet . I b* ss -t.ou. Toe ll’lle orpnens ppn clela »t i « J y itaolt fteoaklnue. How p'enutnl .tt'oe J yttStte It Is In give pl.isn - U> oilier*, knob cbhd ca i.avlnr wn« pro ent'd tvl 6 3 big o' frallH rnd ojnf.e e , LWlb lob-VKIf*. —The Utelr in ..I lh- -Tut' h’ ui.s werr ye.'Bi 'ay by a son a -Tin P -.burg'- ,1c terd »y by a ru > 0 7 —Tie tiltt. e . hoid tbeli tegu.i.t b'gal •-1 illoat'.rtr.ii for t 1 F U. we mer was- Hu. to f i t. n ; Wat nitr, a n.r-.e' .y 1 — J’ue iu; e ai if pi .ce frr m tl 9 ' nit Ir up n 1 rest yta! id sue .Ud by ;; la te - Te periy o' gen: is67 B.tiuitl -y troll , 1 _*iic tn boot 1 to tS ts t‘ by ri .1d by piiveio 0 uvey. > will bo . by is vaoitph Tt a Cbalt.booebec river 1. again wl bln pr banks it ibis elty snd Is gradnally tal.s 1 g Tb. a.l which began j ev mug ua* . eadtty 0 .utlnned and last night tbe river w,1 flvr or six :e,l lowjt than It wait on Wednmday ttiuf.lif wnsn It war 41 '«*’ eb 'Ve lower wi.ter rtsook TUB JIIQ rsT KVKU 1 B’.CHttD UKFOHK w 88F. e t. 1 e bat k.urtt now at .earn UO l««t far Iter pm than they were the , m.d they are dfi) fee' far her apnrt tkar. '.hey were i«l tbe b. glonlr g of the prsoen frtsbft. Tue b-t k on this side ban beet badty wanbet', an, J iHt back of 'be wire, bens'a .ho o'reel ban been oannlderablj nn> or a:b«d upon. Tue water Has re e e<t from TUB Br,UI,B AMI tHK' IB M ILIA but there are several lnoUee t ilt on the gronn< fl >i»ra bet w'l> have o be p .mpet out I wbl be tteven.1 doya y ■ t oelrri .b se ml. Boat.' resume operation 1 ', as Iht m. nUluejy will b ve .0 be o'ennel t;p ud pu l a 'nnotrui oviliir T to r vsr haa efi THBQA Wf ; KH high bttl ml dry, the ot 1 ,r anil he male pipot. yt 0 B led with witter p >n'e tl ..., uuo It. will L > sr.metltno o«'lay before '.he tv nk oa.. be pul la good dondt lea. TUB WABl'B CBIMaND IR N WORKS st.ll' nbow rig. b 1 n.ivlug beet fl odef, ba tbe only water -.bou' thoca Is want Is ief BtHbrtlng In low pi era I willt keoo'p.- llt le 'line or eveiythlug to dry £1 9x31 Utn dumnge w I no* bn g eat, TUE Bill’O'a fit ...d tg lnnt all ' Aurctr.lltm a. d have b'li’D, so lor hb nan be J idged, but si g'ttlj il ranged. The p 'Tf-enger tr.ilri patsed ver the CoihiribriB aud Wsateru brldgn yeater- dry afternoon and It was fun. d lobea. right, THE O BN KRAI. EFP ' CT of the rr.sbst < u the farm lat u« 1b reported .8 qa'e dtintglng. All hi lower riv> r p'nn aliotis ais suhn.erg.d slid ihe. np lands try badly w a ltd. Ia Borne lnstauc b corn will bany to 00 replanted at d more f.rtl * ■ ttaed Tho rat 1, w«re not ui< severe B 'ntb of us as they were le ihea .au ry sb.vo ba. piauta'.loun aiorg 'hurirnr are rcoeivutglhe lull b». eflt of ho water wlt'oh ’*U 'hove, Ft'. M OTIIL'R BKOTI NS The follewiug o'iss Indurate tha' the r -It’d hnv» beeu even heavier In other uee'lonB o' the 0 ubtry than th y were bare : IN VIRlIINIA l lit,iL»Hr n, Vi Va a.prl l-The tO'.vy rtlnti Ute p'it three deya .a'nodtUr K mo wsh nne It s river. t> 38 feat, and tbey are R!Ill rising. Few railroad trains a e ran bi g, au't at 0 i, oi matisra look gloomy, as at is.ibi, oite'Ualf lbs olty a nndar water ttad many dwellings osoaplml uy pout pe ,- p aanumetgid Tbe Uaiou wires atemulot wa er from hers to Point P eas- >31, a tip mlb*. Tin N.y river Is report ed falling at Hln’.ou » the rate of four laohs. an bonr, but tbe Ktuawnh la rising here ot Ihe rate n five li.ohss anbenr Lynchburg Va, April 1,-Tut U 1 d at .bis p flat me.i»ur«a v« feet a 7 a m In the Oarty morning'i rapid rise took p,ace an I the d nirtga in'he lower part o tbe cl y Is heavy At ibis boa', 1 p m, the r'.ver la f-.lUK, Fully , ns-tblrd of lb* Rob mind ir d \i,eg>i«ny raluoal from ibis nonrt to Hji-Iih. «n. forty rules, Is submerged at d » 1 'll. tiealllDg huo hi en wished w y, No eatlib. ta nf the mui go am be ubiil.ied T g- ph.e O'mmUL.niHlttn aloi g tbs line htt bisu d«'ed and the p i.n, yt a d 0.1 ■ Taunton Va, Atari 1 —The wu « g .at. bon.-, ,mug .'tea illy ah day, N "in r,ve. It blgher ib in evsr k > twa, anil o het lur gt r nt'e-me are uvi fl wbg their bark’. Tito destnioll a of pr* per’y !« great, home S'ar r n os are praotlo tuy aba, dot:,yd. and alt ilia Je ..yau Oc;- Ricuti >0 April 1 The James river at it pjtr . hm hue 1 rial' g s’eonlly all dav. ,d .it tbt boor (0 p nt) ueariy ail 'he p tu nf .be nty known tut - R rk.tti, ’ tn t> merged to ft epth of 'tght tn tea fee - , no vti'et hua alstt livaded ill* nts'e's .'•nt tue./’ol m ke , bo'.wseu F f eentb. d ITi b ee.i n r ots, cutting 1 fl m nu losflnn be wea t th" upper ar.d b Wot p it elt'.exo tp by bus's ot by gtlrg ». In g :a u a »r'and oward t.h' north sir«, t ~t uu onty 8" fit' down us the S'. Charltn nr: c .r «■ F tie" h and Main 1 wt ■* {.-» «i- v run t fl :g fit Ibereteofilx loiifii 1 nr hour, hi d 1’ iBixiec'e' 1 will t v b ite : o 'o *10 until i or 6 r’clot'k to* . if. w mi ruing, P.i'caatlOM 1 kotby tt p:v p'.e genanlty In fbe'Irtcu enad die to r a vert vh g goods lo piscatt of n it* y ih b -0 > tie dii .irgs down 1, Oil ,pern ve ,v • tu II fl in's', i.fn.iy poor fem’lfa v. : lu t ft 8 1 from li re k Fbtl .1 t' dloa'.tri' '" ulr tu b ve me j at. r 1, '. who e, hi ft ,d will lit tl id t fi ll. b 1 tUR • h it 1;'Ai- v 1 . have 1 Ti (IIU Iti tl. 1:KLS3, Harr* 1 1'Ujr by 1; nifn Wft luy! gttt Ageln lint night .ui li > v us left In d ,rk* »sf'. It w b no Isu» , hi iY, ve., of ,h« tib el*'B of 1 f■ 0 I an com, They did ell li. Muir p iwer to miu'.tn p,a», un 110 utduot b» one, bup rln cudoT j.v k’as sa e gags! wi It a foie o b n.'s a 1 ouy yes e - day and art nlgnt, pcmidug Wafer ratot tbe wnike netted sutnuent gas Blond i bav. farr.lBUeij light to the c prre bnttu.' d tpl.e every , thin be w»t kntib'sin get hi v»',.r Tu'jUb mt.ln ptpre In lime to turn in ittou> fur thi ptrb rtn. •ne.' I o-itk q (*tOr uf iblb Ml BaiiStl bud to p »v hv 1p .p u, At, lNq' iRitR us retailor vl.l.fd 'hs BP.swnk.lBt.ti b trd found vr Jot k'- r with e lot "e of h puniplr g awt.y, try ing to, M rlil o, r t v. t»or u • tslti: "Websve rs„r pout'llg » 1 dty a-.d r» lj!;b' nudve irrne r»rr ib>. ngi, yet 1 ■ t»dl3h Ugui •tiOep 'hr It > 1 e c-l'-gr P -d AI U-’Sg have btru il -:..g ,ry 1 lor t e B.roe 6 at u •an'1 b* do. n • r >’ tgbtid u; "ju a, be- '•>* 10 g» .ft ..tu b ■ th '•..nk night, Kir, A I ’ \ e l fir it ,U Ml 11. -L 1.' gbe.if ulbMi g can b* be J ihbh r!v.n ivt cbbo g. Nr i on that road D' pnc.KSl'ono Clf on r pr c R b ve Li r chi urg f'e-i te tel It g rapid y. p 11 1 Too Wh e. nl 11 w s v t bin ' w; l.el 01 h.< t o b’ingc Bci't su the liver. No ae ro arc en'ertBltn d for lire safe y o et Ide r -8 crossing the river here m Uh are dsi'.ytd and (.utt nrr s.nrped «itog» hsr. Ow'tglo tbe track ol tue Klcuiuuiid, Frtd .hksuurg at d Pops mtto road be'.r g snltmerg-d at Rulhergiene Bhoat 30 miles f ont Lie in nd.all Main 0 l ihi. rosJ t.* tvmporarl y B epped 1 la 1 gp"0t,d that tbsy will tssume to- m r(.ii*. Tf a itlchm tpd and Dtrvl l-> Irwins ar» plso lrterrup’e.; by 'he swollen ot dttlon if the Sicu'en river. Mrl.'s f ora bat- eo'.le'i coma vIt P teisbnrg T, 0 only fftiallty .vponoo bere to-d»y wa> tbe d owulng if w 1 rgro in he lo'- e pet i of the o. y. While dtlvl-g inti ngb a fl>od(d a :»ct hi team wen; down an embank- tnevi, " •' J''Vrr wt* 'brown Into deep kbimO. 6 ttvs ’.tiiK rp «sln • • Ilk TBafSFSSNB (:i,', t A Pill 1- The Traresnes rlv.rl -tow fur'v-i»v«n iee'and rlilng iWo l^cbi-3 a" b> u T in ft .1 t.-'u rot O' mtne'.ce Nf'r 1 vc. "3 nc *- j Us er are liming, list. Y.i.Lg Apib 1.—The Uomoerlard rlvor le rlst g in luoh pei b. ur here A' noon 1' was 1 ch'a kb. va tbs danger ins 1 will rise e.owty Mil losuiorrow Kaportr fi tin tna np , vsr 00 .Una* 10 tell ol great dam g s to it e farms h HATTAN r ou A April 1-To-olgbt at 8 o’clock the Tauesa-ee river al ibis point mint) forty eight feet six Inobes an the gauge at d It rising at tbe r«teof two Inobes p«r uonr. Adv on to tbe D illy News from hb„v:' JisMfy tbe prediction that the tide will reach Ally feet, bare .IwlllrMOb lie 0 lmsx lo-m-irtow Nj damage bee yet ov :mrr«u u-re, but sevara! hundred fanalilaa buvs b.'on removed from tl t lowiaude To* greateet. Inoonvenieuce Is from tbe total slopping of trelri. tn )y one train hat ontored be ol 7 Mince Monday night. Thi. train Was on t. e dnclnun'l 8 ra'hern rati o d wbioh .nit tigBil t. gat thinUath. I: wt» f.nty-elght lion a onltjc.nud and b , mit 200 paBB.i gert., tna' y of whom wore on th oat. since M ntlr,y I la not though 'hit fny truln will leave ui eater tho cl y tutors daud y, A upto'ul to the Tim ■ from Oharlt» on .aye ba Htawiacee w«e tbrfis Inches b'gler than evat before kncwJ I is row faliltg G'eat da «»ge was done tbrungbont that itiofljn. A 6Pto ai to t ie TimsB liom Glafaden B*yn ,hat hr c.'l e ocntitry liar bceu d v.itsled by tb, fl d», acd he' ouau.y (j.otte win be tuffyrer for to my tboavand d illare, Tun f. e het'.hl(t ol 'y le now • x;t. rlcnotrig is doe to .he. mom »*tra- Ordinary till of a rt ever knt wu hi e Alt ’beirul'f In h, o.ty. except two (t three, A K c.oaod V -nay, IN KARILtNC CU MB ' ItL VN1> Apt i. —due K06UI tCHVJ ra't.- ukvc itunt.eil 'he ?oa h brauoh o< thi Po omvo river to rise lo a greater heigh ban fur nil e jettra p a', an ■ the Baltimore and Ohio r llroad, as t.el u« ihe tele- g'apn wilts, are tabmergad Nt Uttio h vo breu able .0 get 'hrongh Inci e.tly ibis morning ar.d ccmucu- tv-fii hor vtlih hat teeth lit I the tommy bordering on )be itvarlf en.lrtly cm fl Tne m> P* are all water h; uud, and t..e iiatu igj by ti e freshet la bei.eved io bt ve-y Le vy, though 1',a -x eat otano’. be et'lr.ia'.oU. I b: repo, ted .hat farmers aud m'llers cove suflored gre. tty and iha' BjV. er '1 b'lrtgi b nave been swap,, awry. (H.tTTANc GA April 1 —A tpeaUl to the Oatiy Timas from Q . Isdon, repor a l e O.iosw river higher 'ban for many esare, the fl ind In places a euamg fur miles Tae water la In ibi engine room of tbe (J, o>aa fit n.oa H uses, lata, famine and all kin a of are conetautiy p g fag down 1 he a ruam. 8»w mills have been w shed >wac, Toe river onntldmss to rise U tdfidjn has »r.fl--tr8d terribly and ids loss f property t.i larg-. The warebonBea arc teu . ui to fl.staway There Is no railroad 0 mmaaloailun A '«.*■ m'.untew after lbs receipt ol the abovs alapatcbfe the telo- !lne< bcaka and '07a'nanlea ion *1 It Q .dsden U now ent fl IN AL HIM A riaaiNGH .M Ala, April 1 — Spsolals to the Age rom he rlrsr towns of north Al t bumtt ah' w that the off o'a of tbe freaue are woise cveulUan lelegrophtd yeetsrdav, G tdsdea reparts the Coosa river at in high*.I mark aid still rising, with alarm. In;; ,eitor s from i.bovs All rabroad brt Iges 0 1 the brer. 0) rosd be'weon AMalla and G td-den are nwept uWHy, and a number cl washouts on ih« Al hem* Great g juthurn a e repor ud ou boM. sld .i of Attalla. Tbe mill aud inmttor In teres s a Gadsden aaf- srad lmmettBi damage. Tbe Tenaest e rlvjr la reported out ol Ua banka at several polnla. Fiom Tosoa- 00a-, on the Warrior, river adviaot, aro sclnna, ,h u,.h It la tie]li ved the wurel b spH-s.'d Mary hoasce on el .her aide oj tberlvor U ve been afia.ictur.ed hod he wale-Is ruanlr.g thr ugo he dooro ana wind 's* S mu c tipy the upper a orlenol dwa.lingu at d skills »n fl , b.tB'e are and tor ruo pjfiulun, T e vl lage o' Nort .porl aor ob 'h» diver irotn T. s ■> Ioobb. 1 subma gBii now t,nd iho iron brtdgi coaaeo tng tho two plaoe- a n tder water al, both onus a d 'uure aie en ter,ala id lor It" Bnleiy The wa et isn fo t ■loop !u vhs Ta’oa.ooaa ootton Usury and svoik had tu be >,b.inducted Jh*t uoi n, da;fc the wreok ol a sma lt house pissed dow 1 ttie rlvor and b ive-al pttrsiia* wer* ubservtt'l o.U'glrg -t me ilmbsin, Rtcnltig part lea In 1 kldE attir ed out. In pursuit trotn the Tiaji lo .ea sh tte aud were rapid y bjit.e out of sight by the cur ie if, M sy parsot3 t.vlig o? the lew ‘audit belj v itisii-iouja h d to te le oui d from horn, s la ektff-. No osIouim Iol o.n yet be ros e 0, the tm not 01 diliilto ihn lartnt. g Interests, to Hie r»l 1 d . iiii otbe. t gLiwaye From ev-.ry p, ,oe w 1 a itlegisputo ii-ouKles. 0 at. too Httuti por.t, u. l..: r-lti'J and no m t.s Hluon .dunit y nighl. T a- ga‘-r tra'i.ho t-iiiro d cen 1 ertuy he--. u>y« been dl‘<oun- tt'.uei ,1,1 luttutr oidt a »no ho w it 1 u i^g din" uj iuskihim, y’ltmpiiiyt', ti 0 ,, 1 rep 1.u and 01.i„. u; ion, UJta, e reio:, he.c u; loss of lilu lu .he G o,.t rivet v -1 ey. AT MONTG ME .Y ONTO M UY ALA a p ' 1 Toe WUtC! CHS-" ,i> 11.0 ti. in., e y it.lfi a! e ,.oon, at or re;-c:. g hr 1, gbcit poln. ever k v "wu. Ore thi u-auI yi. j I-, most, v 0M- ' fit, ht»il to ‘tive Lbol" i.rtnts to avlui d ,w I if- BatnorH nf p« bub ollrgl’ g to, ihe to f 0 Lu uues cornu from nloi g the rlv ", eu.l iOM-utt par,let v. 1 h non s b vu u on bunging In s IT .era ail dsy, Tue rival hi b ft,lien ailgbty. A« ur THE llsm.NS. ugs ro l>|ti Ilka fill Ul’ftld. The piaierger Ir 111 went lutoughto Oprllkn yee'srd.ty aftetxcon arid returncfl ■ est right 1 r Iht Aral Ume alitor Tneiday. Tha v e ' v.Hit ouud In go d oondl lon, ana the bridge ever tie liver was crossed wlthna: ucl'lent. Trains wete tun on tbe Mobile aud Gi rard rallrosd veateidRy fiom Troy to Seale, No tr- In evat tun to till olty, na Ibe ten k »• Foutnoj’it la SUM under wrier, Ills probable that 'be legnlsr passer g«r train will go out over the reed from ibis olty hie aPet-noc". No trains are llkalv tn be mu between Opelika snl AtlkhtiO O.e’.'k* and Mont gomery nulll Mot.dHyi.rTr. a'ay of next week The Wee'.ern tsllioad le bndly Wiifibed In etvernl p'.sesi, and It will tsk> fhre» or lent days in repair the damage. In 'be meenllrat travel between 'hid ettyanfl Atlanta wl 1 h ve to be dene vis Macon. No mail from the wtsl baa been reeMvtd b ere alvoa Tuesday. v.rifo ■ mi* aretjwyrm t*r stale. Those who Want utd Lewspaper" tor nu> ling nuder csrpe's oan get them a', thi- dfllca it i.U ticntv a handled eopjaw It if U1LUU. Lawreecfi Barrel! le Hie Fmerlle Bcls Thera fa bat ont Barrett, end of legiti mate dramatlo art be standa U a unobnl- leagad oblef exponent at bis Umo. I’ was one of tbe targett and e- oea of tbe ■seeon that wilnsised bis R ouetfru at Springer open, bouse last night. While It wae for tb'Orel two tic * prvamtei nnd«r eerlona d fflaui: et there being no get, end oil l»mpe eaneiltalad, the au leuce Wse ewayed by the la tensity and e-tmes-r,e»r o' big eotlng I wit n-t nnt'l ibe end of the eerond no: that gas wfifi amcred,'.hough the intih 'gar h"d been asmreii that bo eed make nr piepaisUOi.a or lights. Weaui.u botthdarttke to orl'.lclsfi Mr B'rret e rei dltlor of R'chelico from a critical Blanclpolnl, bu nter. iy erggiat the lmpreailom- msclc. I -tceara to n« hsl hr w»s Krettrer In ihe ia-i, two uole ihsa In >h o her three. The t of agt.niilavur, ri exdtev-eni ana uueaaialne'i ty a, y ; s tmciott, la nt t » theme uyi n whob bl‘ gauihfi thunv. Tite or-'-.fty dlplontalu. lu- voided In expeotant tronb e-, with ...b n- fl"dailies moreappe e .[hanhla shtM «• anti Ocorc Mb b'nod wu c tried tu.o hs f Ot:r a reaped tu responsive Ion. w -a p , hipa a c mm npl oe char .otvr. wbioh th’ BJ'rh nloul training of tbs s "ite might scoi mp Ult nieces fatty wl heu the • .area on of light, power Bat when h perm., of the evuiv.,- ineut of .be plot hi... p ssil, whec h- aoci mes ' f bln ercnc lee rc .he w isr r.kti t f, lends dtrat®'! be "cafe atientlon u Wb,- 0- .rdln.U, M: B.t'iru’s Ci.utepllon mi ren ill Ion of the chatao «" p ,ce him iu iha f on' r-i ka of all 1 vuv ao'urt, N 1 hlt;g o.tu d snt p»7S ,l.e i.bso 0 « thrl.lin<in- 1- tl'J uf bit v„lce cor he 'ynr.pi he ic gestnrs «:t-l m,0,1 which msuken th. most p*!f o. preasntstlfin 1 R ohe 1 usnm upon on buords. Du ihg thi feut b f.nd Huh 1 o s Ibe : udt«r.ce vc u cou plcteiy cpvll-bound by i-J ms, ve.itU" power .'i d omrlid bla bea tff.r',3 by their con' pi o'« appteolH.lbh of hta an Tn at scenes per- Uaua co itaiu more lo dessiv? the hl-he. power- of au toior than he nlheiB, ai d «' Mr Barren's naadM tl.ey meet with tb- highest ability. Iu ha:, portion ol iht t-nrth ent whire tho onrilnal, bared t f letnpural power, ignored by ihe klagcrd almost derided by the p oliere, la foroed ,t, ottll on the reserve uf ihe powers of B- me o p'Ctteo' Jttlle, wLl-e weak, trembling and 'olleri g item '.he jo. ne of his fl at rebuff from the k’rg, the en fie tutemti y of Mr Barrs i’s e.o ihg placed him beyond osv.l to any ro or on the stage, Wher with a qnlverlng band hs raises tbe magle ol;ole o the chu-cn aronid her form and w th fl'.-hl. g eye and potential voloe wevss t ff (ho too - of tbe king,the antllt-nce breathlcs', with emotlc n. brake forth In georiouc, bear y applause. Tbt uuiVatawi v» d:Ci upo . tbe pluy was that tt was ei.llrcly as'laftoory and that wbatfver might b* the wth’ of otre Id tbe earlier p.ita of ibe p ay, the t-eme wu most completely redeen. ed by Mr Berre.1’1 anperb aclinv In the teller pr-rla. The ui'nor char&o’era cf -be play w re rendor- c. ■t IBilently well to give It smo hutw-u Tuere was none the o h*, g but who osr» rled out their ro: s w-11, bn< psikHpt Mi Mualty, as Advteh L M a "*i and Mr N.;,ringer, an Count I, Baradns. dose’ vc «pt otul msntion, SlllTilt cl ,a« kid Tb a aamer Aid «r: iv. d a trty yeaterd iy morning She brnr,gh f. ur bilen of tto 'on oo.tslgns'l le Blt-d* A E Uerndge. Follows la a lie', of her p s ingni«. J H Car er F »> ue' W U P wc.l. F z s gcrabt's. J' btt We-t W H Wee , Jumeh Wnt thorn i.ou’a i'.te A d re cued E t'anln befit.e [he lust rise, orpbe w.tu'.d xrot t. ve b*< u able to post nr.der .h« 1 'iiiao i f ft ll (ri Aft Infant Carl, the Infant son 1 i Mr stud MD Wjtfsnii, died yeslerdiiy morn it fj a' 8:30 o’clock. He wis taken lh tbe night previous hb ut tntdi iirbt, Tbe luucrr.l will ‘ake i lace a 9,3d ,’itlrot this mf-r-’ing from the Ri ikln house Tne bereeved parents '-avo l"e 3j rnpa- thy of niauy friends iu me less of (heir il; tie duriirg fftc Ivl-plta *~ dO LiMd 70 89 is Gr' ztird'atr. ' phone cumber st bhist ir. >r vt .n .v,i 70 «' hit Fb-.nlit7 Mi l aud L 1 -it 0 . Yard, oorner of l'rntti *0,1 tSSWllto tti.u: 'H‘r4d bdffltic TlEklBllt Pci tier hi vtrg e-: tve 1} «■ rtltvl'ti: ti 08,1 R.uil lev* tb-il tx u-lnsd by the Dp'munition pic ee. Lit it ii-me <noll •>pec:• .t bb cap Ve < f L1 r. fl they Ill b- fl-lsi! y moderate pr.c J li Ira Mil ALL Wf- cli 117 kt-.r. mu. O lutau 108 Broatl t-treet' It! 1.21 U Dr. SETI! N. JORDAN, OPF.HATINO St ltOKON AN1> PllYSKlAN Residence, Stanford House. Telephone i\o. «} t Ollio,-,. Carte., ’& Hrup Store- I rail p-a t WbM you vlJll.-vt !»>-vv New fork (jttj Via Grand Oslrai P-not wtvo baggage tut, p-twaag* end S3 canlfiitc h'-e, .ad ctop « IV'-Grand Union Hotel, opp sits said de pot. Nix 1 > ndred clagcnt »< ob-a, fitted np hi t .sist of on j niliiiou. deijars, 41 and upwavti' pc: day. EoroptaL > ied. I'levotore. Ns wnrutt supplied with th* beat, Hors* car rwtgcrt raid eievatcd jRinoad lo all depot. Tcouiiick fan Uye beast tor (wm< money a 7lj» Grand Cnlos HTr.,Wi tliau al on? olho - ri* cit‘«» hot'* ' " ' W101U Cal«/orM4a ffuurel FTaler* I have wlUKScrd ibe u. ra and ff- ots of the CtctHlIsn Naicrul Mlntrsl Water lu New Orlcaus dnzlt g hs two wlmets pest end regard It a - a water of ex rnordlnary aud vet y valuable proper 1 lea, iqnultoalt that Is claimed tor it and utere U takeu by direellona, I recommend il to ti e alien. tloe of all who are at ff-irlng with kidney or 1 ver dlstste" and el! nrluary or biaddei tionbleat also as n ram' dy ter rhenmatlam a-td-sa blood puilflbi I 'blrk f but or equal. I’K N J Busset. I. U for sale at Bn-nnou A Carsun’e. murJSdlm (*•»-<( ftiA. it yon are lcieitsted rath* fsedltgoi homei, 00W8 or poultry 'tie cortctree yont puoEet- Horse Feed e nipoaed of Corn Barley and Oat"; Cow Fied ooir p srd o> B*r'*y Bran and Co iou 8*eo meal; Prnl try fend somposed 01 Com, Bu: ey au : Rye a®Id by Hoiut B t. KAwr aogi ly LOCAL NOTICES. JfesoNfo Hmtirm. Colamblan Lodgr N.t 7 F and ▲ M, will hold • te'led commanlceilou -his ;Frldey) svealng a' 7:30 o’clock lor w.rk In the FO degree. By order 01 the W M R J Htrrvxa, Acting Bee*/. Cfkefee Vesstmc See/ end Far* We yesterday teeelved another oar o»d 01 line Tenniejce Beef and Pork. This meat la very choice, and onr pitroi e and the public general y wl 1 do wall 'o oall or sene oa ' their orders Early. We a S3 have n ban' fire nil-perk 8-nnegi, Bickbone, ■tparfl R'ba, t o RI :p n-' up Onr ta'e* pucihe is No 124 .■ X); MiTH A Ebo. Fine Mul 0 Pali bur: A CBi w BtriAsi rf*. One b’s k cow ar t a Red me spotted boar Impoon'lel el B -anv’a st“b'pa, and wll be oil M-indt y, April 5 1888 1/ nut called for by 1 wiur John H Palmer aj'J 3 c ty Msisbel, tfrw.eere e/ Eras w I flott Its. Vo 4 a. isn,' d) 111 to-uigb e bo'eloik By or. der o' • * Foretmt. . G Fo "URKt’S 8-tt’y. F- ?Rti 8hui 8A’ ISBin Y & Cm w Dried P >i bes r-rt At plea at *:b"0"-i tt HKUT ' UBTIOB'a Agt Fine O-ppeea Appwk. w 6 i*.iin s and 1 t-at:at Jus- e: tve 1 bv iloBB TjutmcK Agent. f«.ti7 vr-dtf Tn t ueeSasse A vno “ Mole 0- 11 gi-nt.o 'irolly Horae n:hi'l*odfit A- pi* Ir Kkkn A Lokb Bafrr BS*nt*. W-'or rc-ti a lor ,te *, 0 md q Tartar of thin ysir »•« duv tod pa-able >t ihaofflea o tlra r mpanv, 69 Broad st-et’ (up a’.Rli 1 ) A dl'oonui ’ t B.vo i e on witl be allcw- Sit 1 paid before th. 10 b t f April, and H do 1 pul,: by tb* 16 h tne water will bo out ofl. 8pI a1 ®' F'esh Goods r-o ' veil oons'antlv mu 13 tt ATiAk.e A UoWkbb •aluMidiita U Bar Promptly. Our ,ill-art lavs rrlved. Can dellvtr 'nllsprorrp ly it s wtek. Leave your or, ter with A C C'hanooUor B s' w .rkman- t-hlp, per.eel flts aud satis aotlob gu rer.s teei. (w if Try my White Win* Viuegar. Guarar* lead'che the bra* for put.lrg up pickles, mbit eotHf K best Jus'-icb, j gent. TJ'Arrive thi* We«k, Twenty e'ogam UhUing, fifteen d. z a lota Shlrta, Draws Siokt-ai d FurrlBhlnga. d-W tf • A G llHANO-tLL B Jcarneyiueu Tailors Wailed, Two skilled coai.mi.keiB can get r eady work at A C Chancellor's. Spent's old stand dll The Frank 8 ddall’s Soap, the only soap 1 hat hat ever been mede In the liletory of the world tha’ la adapted for al: nsec. Send ter. cents for one cake or on« dutiar for ten oakea Robert S Crank loaMlbliis W*itk Ktiewles. Y a can eavu 20 pat ooni on a salt by placing your orde- wl ti A C Chancellor— Hpea. old a "r.d dw tf Ad. a A Bjwe s are selling the best Fraud! O-i.dy a 40--’ mhl3 tf Adar a ,t 3 )were are sailing Chryslal * d Frnl a a' 75: mblS tf Air.m- a Bpwrrahave the n'o.’st Contcc* lottery tatao a meut In Ctlnmou-. nu 13 tf msvrvAt vtyp rtsvuan. p/os,00s out SI. Oat object .11 bli time We shall acoleve u time— To tu ke he n- gU’Otof tuenmnoe » crime Vn exote-llugly hellions cum I -Mikado. D F WlLt.O x, Agent, |»’,1 dtt 71 B.-oad St OH.ViB.4lj 4(4i6Sfi*0 ».* 0ffOB0M Vfirji'RS f nr . «iti:m'ftodiit'f0H COLUMBUS GA J’ili 28 1866 A is at.auieo vo train No 2U be- vem OoiumboB and M coy, t'uwtng 0-.• itmbusevttj eight at fl. ‘Ctook. B.r-ra or.’J tie a, cured open appllcatloi 'oGW Major, itekt-t eel er, Cr.lcL Depot ;r to eondtio or of train. W L Clack Age.u', G A Whxtiiukad Gtu’t i'u,ts. Agent. *a20 tf 1 you sufler ft'.ra it 3 ..-r soto tmua ufie t’lctne, which quickly our a nil lu: g a no "ii-Ht wft.0 ions. d tf «I *t in Hie Ui itppllr ,» t.ufply fct.r* ot. B oad streel ud a p'» Ling mill sod lu-uter yard at iht aon h and of ihe oity. I. te his tin to ke. r on i- nd anything you may want for you Home, MistjCa of sli k j.ds, P-luts, Bnlid tt*' HI I..WU8, P-atutr. C\ nram. Lime ■ 'p’.b Doors r,nd Btlntla, Iron CttsUng, eti , to. He o»n furnlrh flora his mill and yatt -ill kinds of Lumber, r. u. h and diensed, Flooring. Oellliig. do Hu doae all t- luds o ill: Woik, Bori'll Qaw ng, Turning, uiO.ant- • t pri daiioe you wish anything he has not -: 1 nai ti, no man Ut the ol-y will pu- him* rjif lemurs ticnble tOBtrvo yon thar T L Gri zo.’d When yon vlBll Ihe oily cull lb and see him at 187 Broad street, slt ud lets* (ccupUta (■ y il* Geld WatcooB Gild w iloUss Gold W "tchea Diamonds Diamonds 1 Dtaino. ds Silver Ware 81' ver Wurs Clocks Clocks FlyegUPses Ey'.'Blueses Eycglitasee Jewelry Jewelry At (' Hohcmbe'k’s Street,<, •t to Uj d Watuhes Gold Wniches Gold We'ches Diamonds Diamonds D atnohds Bliver Ware Silver Ware Clooks Clocks Spectacles Sped "dee Bpectecles Jewury Jawelvy Jewelry Store, US Broad G» U TVr V«M, Store House No 98, on wnat. side of Brood Tt'.roe', now Moupled by James E Cargill it dry goods store. Pocaeaglon given Octo b«r lav. Apply in 'Vl8 l< 1 -curs t Gabbabp Grant ei’Vlng by nsing ArioseCeffeeIn one pennd patk gce By the hermetically sealing tbB pr.,e. of the ooffee when rocetsd the ilrergth la re alncd any length 0*11™“ Tfiier vu .k'f. i:rill pj: - :'tilt cletr, P;lv sly poui ds for ore Collar •agl U Robsjlt 6 C SANA MHtnmttf nr rieiHI/// A remedy tba> hu: b-ctmoa houashok’ word In this S'dlon, Has cured mert buct caees of ihrob', cbm and ln-.g l/oabi t[ then all o ber .nbg tenosdlis combimtj Uacklrg, trcnblcaome and irriteiipc. coughs : laid ns if by magic to Itnsoothing and btellng li flnence. Mo hera can relieve their Infants In ten mlnntes of Croun Physicians endorsing It in Pneumonia end Whooping Cough. Consumptive PR . tlsnis should use 1. by all means, c a i t makes expectoration e .sy and soothes aud heats the Ittrgs. Thoce tronble.t wth Asthma should use It In large dorea aud see what great benafl 'hey will derive from H Bold by all drugakla ot B'l ce- tt a bottle. Ma. u'votnrec only r,y J hs P Tuknkb A Tbi. dlf Ou’uhibua, Gu, UITV DRUH I^SyuE. Fine i l|»n, rlow-r-k»i< U.irdrn 8ei da Pare Druss and l’olltv Attention ' Fieeta Is heir tu IIP cl 110 litre morn thtiu. during the ba'my sprl-g, I i s fa Bt Br l proachlng, A slltoh In time >1/ en ...van 0 whole settk of iiewl'17 and oven 0: e little bile bean may eitve a m n'h’i aDisu-.} from bnstre<a and a disastrous d ...roi’s bin” Try one I.ulle baaue tluu’l reaoa your, rente tn he: we ha e a w ytt on hanii ail niRuner art! kludr oldruge «• d cb ml. o-ila and we gutran-ee aonte of '.hem will brioe yon np for the tumble otrap.ig; Theohlefis beau y ot on medio t.ea anj Phyelcls tbit eaan r.od a'l !•> u; 3 pnr j fresh, unaduiietatei. a tiff, aid pre- ciption, are prepared from hem in a neat, quicks, e lubte and ixp'r mincer, As sprlrg Is also the tnasoa of planting we are rally p efurvd .n that Hue to fu:- ni hatoaesp a-cs seeds from wnloh will aj.rlng besu l'a fl were, as welt at .uose» bt e bu- dec dad y more oominonly wu s g -rden Du k We pay (qu uly .ivtloi at.entl j u to every, deptrtmenl In cur budnsss end int ft leads m: y res astm-ed (hut w-.'a no' al» low tiny to undfir-'Oll us In toilet so -ca, tn ttao a, olg s-rtdall other u'l >'st, kepun • first-class estub lN'im'-m. Bids, a jon Geo A Bradford. dtf Man ger. 1 Line in Tow,., Haudki rotile s Col't s. Ot IT trad Neck, wear. P-'0»1 right, at A C CLnuo-l 0,’i— Sptai s u d siaad, dw ,f Choice Ohio Creamery Bat’or lis l-.y at 26 ocr.'s per pound. Arbock’“'p Ailosc Cof fee la eel-ralilbK and ttlw»: s nil weight PerfeoUou, Mhleld’s Btrarb. n Whisky, It le iwtji healthful, always pure, it meynot produce the hllarlouK eff,.-ot some othet llqnl s d", bat ip m-'ilerailon y n win frei belter rex' mfltnlrig The pr'ce la01 ly ons dollar per quart or four dollars per gi’llo.h at Crane’s augluly Shake!’s Aromatio Dlerr: oet Cordial It the most pie 8 :ci at-d at i'si e-netly stld for curing all bowel f ff odors such ns Dlarrl o» i Dystn ery, Coi 0, 0 olara Mor bus, etc Traviltng meu wll find It indlsu pen sable, an hcohargeuf watnr ao ot'nt Ofinass them inch troubles. T e hlugoh ls lret qalckly relieved an 1 care wurn mo'h- ore gtven peeoe and tv si by using Ihe gem ot remedies, Shaker a Aiomatlo Dlarrl oe- Coidlal dtf Fine Tcbtio"n*-fc»net)cei’* Cslbonn, 8u;.t» Vtih’s BcK’ Bui Ivan’a Flee and Echj.Luoj Hinton, I/ rilia d’s f.’llm x LatUlaru’sfine ont ehewug Robert r. gkanb- augi uly Jtrief!/ MtrieUt Stick 1 OuuirLctu: , and oiUtru w.’.ming Brick will 20 well to oni: tar Lit uudnrelgae.. ic- prlruB NowIb !h- t'nie lo balld while m» Urtal 1" cheep Are pr«> Mf4 10 ftr.nlr.fc Brlok lo aiiy quaulty i.'enrgd. W W .V GKO G liFIUlY, T o ■■ <• sv „in 1 (*-:-’.1 'uaunTr.-v:^>-1>.1i.r'7. . J .‘rvaraii—**;r.iw w* THt RJV£R *..TS£^fiaERi, OF BOATS. THE OU) RELIABLE CCLUMMLc, liA 1\ l:'i86 4 nd ft 0 b’'O.’ui.y 13, 16-0 .n« * / iai»‘k or trfu ti*. .i idu Ou hor oh*», wr,d ApeifrOblc )a rivers wui d-j 8; bft) r<p' O i'fAlW ur jp O'jti* n fotv> met Couca - a* baj' t O nor Jrf'lgon i><- !•.•»»• j— , . . . , ii-uuj uuiu*jj«>vi3 u Ap'OaubicolA ^6 ’(). O ner p Faa: In p. p t i* n. fc ti m a’ F- i iad O-t I ■ '■ Lu V y UE'DAl Vi I 1 lit V t- B.ilunr ilgs . _ 6 u’oteck, te u17-,ilVjr Lu ohiiis-j-.-J, hauling Abovs schedule WU be ruu, rive", t c, peimtitlig. 8blppe-« wt" P > h v ‘ 'L ircigh. « boat by 8am oi T.y / 1‘ v i', ui'i'i will be rtoeiveii -t t" , o on- Bjbi i6s«rv,H it •< /-..l.i f (» •-■•‘-if «■* any point whoa c.-iu..ii«uii —.......a the eel. mabdst. Bv « 111 III’, -top »< 9 yp 'lh- U. L'Bifc.l In net ol lanelugs nu-le -.d Bbiyp'-B '«* Our rerponelblll y fo: frekh . ‘ v alter Il b■:n p.etu dlBt'ho. i d a - no pa--.ou la ib-rs : whara . , It ’i 4 Win I GKO B WIiriK I1U. Bs:. 'y mi 'i’-' f It E. .’t. PiUilNIiTii OFJHAhS, ArriYdl »ftil Depaitnre ot ali Trains ai Culnflibua t ar- j luj? Dnsse 3- r;j In Affect Jaanitri 17 h, 1889. arrivals, COLUMBUS AND K‘ MB RAILWAY. Mall T sin fioin GlcravilU’ l'J04 a n> Aeoommr-datlou t/ou- GtouL vtile— JtU P “* SOUTHWiSTBRN RA1LUOAD Mall train frum fiiaujn...™— {i-S P m Aoenmmodstton from giao’. cs.Jj a m OOLUIt BUS AND WHSTESN RAILWAY Mall tram Horn Montgc-meiF u„S Mall trnlu from A tenia— b. spin MOBIL* AM) GIKABD S' Grf J*®. _ __ Mall tram uoo. 1Toy tu- P “ Aeoomu-Odatloh tn af Troy aL gpog H m Aoooni’d*t’b'fioi* Un'on H-./ratt—Ht 41 pin E EP& BiUilE. COLUMBUS AND ROflEt RAILWAY AcctmmcdavUn TuGracuVl.u —. *' m Mall IreOT^T^—Vj5S OOHJR.RCB AND WESTERN *AILWAY Mall train mr At. an'ft.... 8A1 c A Mall train for inontgun vrr— r ™ MuBILIC ANVI L* RD 0 VJI “ J. *, Mali .Gik.i* .roy -I* _