Columbus daily enquirer-sun. (Columbus, Ga.) 1877-1886, April 08, 1886, Image 2
DAILY ENQLIIlLIi-iSUN, COLUMUUS GEORGIA. THURS DAY MORNING, APRIL 8, 1886. GEORGIA NEWS. The Mein lro’n hrldge, In Franklin c uniy, has boon warned away by the tecent neav ralna. Towns county auiwrlor court wai In eosalon Inal week, N bu lueus of any Impor'nooe was traunacted The young rueu ol Aibnna are get ting up an aih'atie aanooia Ion, and an aoon na organlz d wl 1 open a gymna sium Madlion Day I a, late poatmaeter of Athena, since leaving .hr pout <ffl ie, has opened a real na u.e a-d luluill genoe cllloo. The leasaea of moorland Island pay Ool Banniey (MOOD yer yerr rental, with the prlvl eg" . buying iho prop irty at any uuij tor {2U Ooo Mr Martin, o’nrk f ,r R L Mobs, at. Tallulah, baa O' er*d suit egainH’. M>- Vt J) Y ut it fo'inerly oi tbe 'iu .unk hotel, for it 10 COO daniiagts for slander. Mr Arnold, ni Oe an Vhw, Biuus- wlok, ObUghl a -be other day, frcm which lm eztraced a l~aat twen ty gallor a of the very best machine oil Sinking M .untalii has beer, slnklny more this winter ibxn f. r several years, ard If li keeps rm at the pre out ra'e Ibere will only be a large bole loft when-Sinking Uoun alb onoe stood The Oconee onuniy giant was in Aibens S tuiday. He Is 6 feet 4J Inches In height, le 49 viarr old anu weighs 286 pounds, a. d l- Inara-.alng In weight ut the rate ol out q tarter a pound dully. A United Statca detective t ea been In B'nkaconn'y o King up seme per sons who have been drnw:u;, pensions after they worn dead There will prob ably be a cans iu the United S ales court about tt. Seven bents of the t.rr-s : !o to the brldg. over tbe On nee, on the main Hue near U wn™, Georgia road, are washed away, but passengers are tia.tlurred from iht Irani* on a band ear. wltb but IHtlod el ay, Johu Green, who lives on the Branch place, In Burko county, says tbe ra a are so ramsmtu I bis crib that when he shucks a bushel ba-ket of com and leaves b ovi r nlgin, they wlllshe.l half if It off the cob, Dtn Arnold, ol Muood, had hoarded 1700 In money in a bole near his house. When the fl od oame he waa caught, and de*o)ia a dlillgeut aearob, hla wealth fl ated away on the raging current, and he ie lei al moat a beggar. A new Industry Is soon to start op n C. ay ton In tbe thapeof n furniture lac- tory, under ibe management of Wil liam Donaldson. Mr Drualdson pro pose* *o use rum power, He baa hla •nglua np, and will begin opeia Iona hi a short time. Sunday Frank Whitehead, a while man, living near the llue of JttokaoB county, went to a negro's rouse and Wanted to wrestle with him; falling in tbla he got Into a reeffl , and finally drew hla Knife and cut .he negro tear tall*. The wounds were sowed up, hat It la doub lul If he will aver gat ever It. At Maoon there la a lady, seventy- cue yeaia olage, who has two homoa— one I- thr fl la and another on high ground, Baa- Macon. As soon as the water got low enough the other day ■he left the he me ou the hill, where ■he had sought temporary refuge, and returned to the fl .te where she ha: lived so long, and still prefers to live A ooloied b an of Hartwell got a young white gen"eman to write a let ter for him to the otj- ot of hlN adora tion, a dusky damsel in a neighbor!' g town. Inadverienlly he sig' ed his own name to the tend' r missive Instead of the oolored beau’s. N < doubt ibe young lady la elated over the unex pected insnh she bus made, anu will respond lavorab.y to (ho oyer.urea ol Cupid Mad dog • x 'Katrnnt la rife at Hart well, caus'd oy ■ be rsvsg.s of a rabid dog iu Smith’* district aud elsewhere Twelve or mote dogs bitten w.-re killed Ir that dlsirot Tbe aiud dog ran to Hartwell, b*t several dogs, h number ot which hnvu been shot and others ooi fi ed, end then passed on tc George Cleveland’s p ace, v'heiea bog waa bitten, Mr devalued succeeded lu killing tbe dog PtOl E C Pearce dropp’d dead uest E beccniet -reek. of hear; disease, Hatordaj. P ol Pearce was raised In Twiggs county. Completing hiH edu cation, he bsoaine a teacher u der Prof Z tiler, In Bibb c uniy. where bore n air ed thirteen yea's Two yearn ago lien moved o H uston oouuty, when- bo had s 11 urlshlrig scl o>>1 of six y pupils v/ on bu dl*d He married e l aughter of J bn J Al'en, who, willt ber four obi uren, aurrivts him. At Atlamu ,S tndav a cow fell into L V, D ily’a well on F.lrstr-et. A sh.:r white before durk the oow was release from the hp b e jud driven to the w ■! for some water. Af er drinking slit was hih to lemuln mote iu the yard I t walking at.tu: she eleppi-d upon the p 1 at form whlo covered th> well. Thepiarks ga e wav under it-1 weight, and the cow went dtwtt F t tunately there w>s ouly about two fe-t of water In tbe we l. and na the fall did not hurt htr, Mr Daily at once began trying to get h< r out. H pea were tied about her body, and tin attempt waa made to botst bet out, but without ■uooeBi. Then MrD.ily began fllllug the welt with shavings Item a mill near by. As one load another was dropped down tbe well tbe oow came nearer the surface. Bbe flr.a ly walked out of the top about midnight. nurposo of trying tobacco ouiture in L on ocunLy. Gronn 1 wua broken Wndne'tday r.e»r the broad gauge depot a- O da f r the lay 11 g ol the track for iheOoila ntret t railway. As soou an everythlt g is -villanla the enterprise will be pushed ahead until completed. There are two herds of floe J >rsov oowh uear r .lalka, one belonging to F A Garrison, at Palatks Heights, and tie other to A V in Hanton, near'the latter place. Mr V m Hauion b»s « on 1 1 whose grandfather sold fur $13 600 The artesian well at Greau C iv> dpi lug has bueusuuk to a depth oi 260 feet, and the ounuaHur Iu. osased :o wcuk lor a few days, until Hie prepara ; 1 n s "hall bo made for patting down in ,10 iron c.-.s.ii.g, which haste: m- noci'ssary b cause of the falling o. hb'd Into the boro tf ho well. 0 C Pearce, of L on county, 1“ satis- tied that bariey makes s splendid win er pasture for s.ooa Oi Hep.embei 10 he put in three aorta, wliioli lie h t Hilowed his own cows to run on oi>i .1 (be time aluci O ober 20 Now It .s nearly w«lat, high a u neadl: g on ftu-ly. B iloy m ikes a verv rupio growth, lasts longer than rye, s.icn are fond oi It and keep tat unit. Mi Peuroe is oonlideut his patch will yield - wenty bnabeis to ttio acre. U.j to fea urdsy $3173 have be n re ceived by the K y West ralitif oomuiU- lee appointed 10 look alter the nte.iy About 800 oper live" have !el f rOu t and other plioes to fl id work until the lao cries are r.built. There are 300 people sheltered iu the fort end bu> r-oks, and tents aud shinties are going up every where Buveiat cargoes .1 lumber have beeu ordered by itdegrap. lor bul'dlng purposes, and sumo of ill- cigar lauto'y men hav.i ordered sup plies of le.»f tobacco by wir-, a . a. to go their men a- work as soon as po-si ole. A prominent ynun^ gnotlemat named W 111 U Aidsrs au<. die 1 fr .ut tnt effects of 11 J ones at the fire, It i reported two oth'rs eimo have sue .‘Ota bed. Wbou the K ,y W at 0 l fl g-ali was at its height and the p^upie woi- anlc-atrlck^u with '.he fear that the whole uity was gon g to ha destroyed, the lit.le daughter ol D. J V Hurls, oolb otor of tbe port, hearirg a remark that the funds ot be B nkciK y VV'osi and other valuables were uemg Hen on the revenue steamer ’ D x” for safe ty, hsstllj gaiborsd np hertwownx do is wl h their wardrobe, and stone, through the blinding smoke an fl log cludeia, fl w down the ligh house wharf to wh re the D x was moored, and begged Oapt F ,uge" to proteot her darlings. I is needless ta say that bos# dolls oooupleo the post oi honor on that vessel, surrounded by bank notes and bags of grid, until all dangor had passed. Tested by Time. For Throat D.*- rases, Colds and Oougba, Bkowm’b Br" chail Tboohbs have proven >hel . ifl 1 toy by a teat of many years Price 26 oente, th sat se tuAw Alderman J tehuesays that If he saf- fere he mast have company. A brloe taker is generally a aoward. 80 Is a hoodlum murderer aud aub'raalor o perj lry. A loag felt wa it l* supplied by Red 3 ar C tugh Care, which contains neither mornbln nor opium, and efl 'ots a permanent cure in the woret oases Price twanty fl ve oaeta G'Od drinking, hard eating aid late bnnraare using up a number ot e'ates- m n in WistilHafo i. Fleria* ruu, The oity council of Cedar Key has purchased a lot ou whioh it will erect a city hall. The spring meeting of Florida prs.« bytery wtp beheld a Q Huey, b gin ning Toursday, April 16 PC Wager, oi Titusville, who was lost lu the woods hear test, place re cently, has been giver, up for dead. Oapt J W D uglas, ot Daytona, was kicked iu the small of the back by a bo so last wuck, bsiurdfly, so BLVorsly that it is Eubtful if Lo rtc ,V-',ra. John G Bjulun, of Green Cove Bprli g put into h’s tiwoillng ntpinr for burclug gas, aua ou March 10 h hs ligh.ed ihcestab.i hmont wi h rue first g\e ever u cd iu U too Cove. The boom in Jacksonville was cover greater than at the present time, and tue ihdu'uiions arc that iu tbl- resp.ot the o’mlng summ'r wl be annrusuaily lively one. J BKibrwr, an experience I to’--'" grower fri m U (no (star, P 1, at'c yoi peetlngi-the ia'lti’assi.e ooucti. leased the fair gr uad tract for nh. Most of the disciisPB which afflict ninnkind nre origin ally ctiuBod l>v n disordered ounditiou of tin; LIVER* Fur all complaints of this hind, such jib Torpidity of the Liver, liiliousm-ss. Nervous Dyspepsin, IndiKCS- tion, Irrenulnrity of tho HowoIh. Oonstipntion. Flntu* loncy. Eructations and Burning of tho Stomach (sometimes call'll Hoartlmrn) Miasma, Malaria, Bloody Flux, (’hills and Fever. Brcnkbono Fever. Exhaustion bofons «»r after Fever-. Chronic Diar rhea. Ltiss of Appotito, lie’tdacho, Foul Breath, Irre«ularities incidental to Females, B”Hriug-down STADIGER’S ftURANTII I* Invaluable It is not o puuace* for all diseases, but piinp ail diseases <>f the LIVER, will Vy.glB STOMACH and BOWELS. It chanKuu tho complexion from a waxy, yellow tinge, to a ruddy, healthy color. It entirely removes low. gloomy spirits. It is one of the BEST AL“ TERATIVES and PURIFIERS OF THE BLOOD, and Is A VALUABLE TONIC. STADICER’S AURANTII Ft* by All Druggist*. Price $ | .00 per bottle. C. F. 8TADICER, Proprietor, UO »0. FRONT 8T„ Phlladslphla, Pa. G* Absolately Pure ami Unndiiltcrated. HOSPITALS, CURATIVE INSTITUTIONS, INFIRMARIES. Ano PrcoCUiued or Physicians Everywhcre. CONSUMPTION, HEMORRHAGES And all Wasting Disrate* ; DYSPEPSIA, INDIGESTION, MALARIA. TUB ONLY PURE STIMULANT For the Sick, Invalids, CONVALESCING PATIENTS, AGED PEOPLE, Weak and Debilitated Women. For sale by Druggists, Grocers and Dealers. I*i ice, Ono Dollar per Bottle. r M l ^i.j In iMMlrd botllfo, *n.l notie pennlno ox- • l>lo • K..rky Mom ii In brttlf. can li-.v•» Jlulf Do/gn sent, In plain casu, mnnarketl,Kx- Ihe Dutfy Malt Whiskey Co., Baltimore,Md. RenrI 9-cr*t etnmp /or onr I'n/aHing Co»mtmvticm Form- unwitting principally «</ r„w beefsteak aud ovr tr/.M- kfj. KqimllV valuable for In ill put ion, Di/rpcpir'a.and recovery from all Wasting Mieaset. It can prepare* by a')'/ housekeeper. All inquiries concerning ft fi fe>rr'-'n a i el the tier of our uhiekry in any disease, will bs sAtsr- /iilly answer»<i by ovr Medical Department. SPRING GOODS! p ing Fasliwn Piatos! Pimoja aoo ds Suita Made to Ordor. (LOTBlSfl I Gome and give as jour order. Do not wait till you are pressed by the season, and ihen want a suit made in a great hurry. We are prepared, however, tc get up Suits at very short notice. If you want a Suit quick, give us your order. If yon want a Suit in thirty days, give us jeur order. If you want a Suit in sixty days, give us your order, G J PEACOCK Clothing Manufacturer, eodtf G4 A G6 Broad St. Ir si llamas Oitll EARLY ROSE. BEAUTY OF HEBRON, GOODRICH, BURBANKS Am ES, OflASUh , r >:ius Hi] Wholevqlo an* RotMt. F, A Ferris k Co.’s Pig Hamt Braakf ist Bacon, Beef Tougues aud Suioked Beef. x hULLUXNK FANCY AND FAMILY GROCERIES J. J. WOOD, 138 Broad St, Columbus, Ga. be hoa fully edminlitered teld Rotallue Kitnkcrlu#*' estate This Is therefore, to cite ail persons concerned htors and ere lU>ra, tosbiw cause. If -xny’ tn**v can why said administrator should not bo dischargee fr »m bis aduj’nlstratton and reotiTe Mto s of dts- mtsslon on the Monda’ la J * a# (SW. Witnees my offlotal signature thH Fe^rna^ 7 IS# febJT oaw^m, ; Ordinarr a dministrator’s Sale B Y yfrtne xn r^cr from tho ^'oort of Ordinary ol iluuG hvo cu-ntF, Oa, will bu told on th« ft it Tuea-Iav Id May text, l. 4 bfi n the c^ie of F *oad and Tenth streoti to fr nt of K *»t K. owlee A’ 's auction ro< m n tLt citv ol (Vmnbn;. bo tween thf lo;a' bours of B.xlo, to the highest bid er, th*« foil wjan ddscrii ed pr.ipert* to wit : Tho h uh and parts f l>u So» 1 aud M. fren ii'g ou Iht* O Iambus end W-sT’-Tr It t road t. 28 fuel and tnunlug b* -b fee', nm e «r less Tor*.^ c **h A LEX\N DKB T0LES Administrator o’ H W il lao »•. viovo .sod. apA o«iW4w C Y E<'BGl A. MUSCOGKK COD NTY. — Whereas, T lo« A l'ed.1 luak. e ar p ca Ion for :ho suar* ilai.shlp of tho mi .or cbi dreu (f B 8 Park do ceased Ti.eee are therefor** to cite all p'r*nr 6 courermd lo show e«nse If any they have althfn’hett epn* rcri v v»ed by ’aw, wb- said iF’m • f guardiantbip bh aid not bt itrau-.-i inid ai p I he'. YUl’ne’i my « fllclsl etgnsd re r* • l Hy *f April, IglA. r i& I1R ap5 oawftw Ordinary* R 0,1! HICK, RR .IIIKItIR «t lew this co«!. th. own*r knla* r«m*v*d from thscltr. New S' ) room Deoiling modern oonelrnctton «x- ,silent well. No d»oL No mmanltofo No d,;n. tor.*bl'ta N- n-eeoolti ol* «o*im>r trip Street oop, to city ererj N mlnitjo. Port ey.h. holoao on io.tnllmenla JOHN BI AOK XB wit fr tf ImI aw*to Afoot. Oolnmboo. Q -1KCTIGIX. MOSOOOM OOUNTT—Where*^ T JiiBM M D.rlt odmlntoirator of Rob.rt B D Tit, d.oefaed* repreeenu to th* conrt In hit oe'ttlon it"'. Sled ttmt h* h*a tnllr odmlnl- tertd Koborlt D.rt,.’* etute. Tnt. > tb.refor*, to oil# oil pertoni ooncerned. hell, ond creditor, to ihow coote. if »n»thei con wbt id O(l lutotrot*r >bo«k< not be dlochorjrod from hie administration aid rec*iye letters of die- mlmionon tbe first Monday la »pfi oawllw Ordtno'V n*OK(.Ta-MDSCOQKK OOONTV - Wb-rea . vT WllUKtr McGovern, 'irentor o' J tn MeOsrty, tlecewod. "i*ke. aoaltcatlon for leave 'o »«ll a part ol tbe leal eolate b looalnt tc Mid deciaseiii These a.o iberetero. to cfe all per.ons concerned to show cause, if attf they hare, within tho time prescribed by law. why leave to eol! saidprope.ty snonld not be granted to eaid applicant. Witness my ortictal sir nature this April ftth. U 6. up6 oa 1 V. SX. HUOO&ft. ^rdtiiR y MLScozee Sheriff Sale W Ky rn lUOWLEv, ineurassr. (LL b< sold GU th« fl Ht Tt-e day in Ma ui cf t> * anctlcu house ef F M Know M K Xt A 0 > ^ri al etrae* ci r of Columbu c uuty. (i ».rgla one hi useaud lot. to wit: Lo*, No ■-$ {,, mo cltv of C 1 lu ,t ” us Georg*’a known In p an of said city as u pa » of ’ot n reber a-i. to wit: \ giriv ft • t ot wide ou west of said lot an ' ran iug back 1*7 f-et rrrsorls i no tb*ard id tr# north Fide of Uryau street Let el ou a* tns property of Be bf rt Jiist t • to sattsf- a fl fa tn my *.an It In ftator of M J >Aerf ▼ Bohan J mice L ry made and re- ♦ nrr -'d !' a Li Ab t>J, L 0 g r, k«is J 3 BI BRUS Sheriff I AM NOW HAVING MANUFACTURED IN BROOKLYN, NEW YORK A COM PLETE ASSORTMENT OF SPRING AND SUMMER CLOTHING IT IS EXPRESS LY STIPULATED THAT NOTHING BUT THE BEST MATERIALS SHALL BE USED ANI) THAT EVERY SUIT SHALL BE MADE UP WITH SILK THREAD, AND THAT NOTHING SHALL BE CUT WITH A STEAM KNIFE BUT EACH GARMENT MUST BE CUT BY AN EXPERIENCED TAILOR AND ONLY TWO GARMENTS AT A TIME. THESE MINOR DETAILS MAY APPEAR OF LIT TLE CONSEQUENCE TO THE UNINITIATED BUT THEY ARE OF GREAT IM PORTANCE IN SECURING A WELL MADE PERFECT FITTING SUIT. MIL LICNS AND MILLIONS OF DOLLARS’ WORTH OF CLOTHING ARE ANNUALLY MADE IN THE MOST CARELESS WAY- CUT OUT BY STEAM KNIVES* TWEB TYHVE GARMENTS AT A TIME, MADE BY POOR WOMEN WHO MANAGE TO EARN FROM 20 CENTS TO 40 CENTS PER DAY. WHO NOT UNFRE QUEKTLY LIVE IN DENS OF THE MOST ABJECT POVERTY SURROUNDED BY A SCORE OF CHILDREN BSGGttG FOR BREAD AND CURSED BY A THING SHE CALI S HUSBAND WHOSE DAILY DRINK JS ONLY LIMITED BY THE NUMBER OF HOURS HE SLEEPS IN A DRUNKEN STUPOR. IS IT POSSIBLE FOR ANY ONE TO DO GOOD WORK UNDER SUCH CIRCUM STANCES ? I THINK NOT AND iCCORDTNGLY HAVE DETERMINED IN THE FUTURE TO HAVE ALL WORK DONE BY FIRMS WIIO EMPLOY MEN ONLY. I SHALL HAVE BEAUTIFUL SUITS AT *12 50 15 00, 17 50 18 50 20 00, 22 50 26 00 27 50 AND 30 00 EQUAL IN EVERY RESPECT TO THE BEST CUSTOM WORK I HAVE RECEIVED A FEW COATS ONLY IN ADVANCE AND WILL TAKE GREAT PLEASURE IN SHOWING THEM- O C JOHNS- ON, .... Red Star. Wilsonia Magnetic Power. 100 WILSONIA MAGNET POWER BELT. at' F M UfP' At c At* bt uTTuacrMokIjuanEy 3=,= ” = ’ ti J ”“ : * ” Kealciaiit DMulct, m N'l I, 6734 Broad *'.r**t, ay stain lOiiAKiuaa R. taUly •>ver WUttoti B C. X. OHBCRS, ' J M Mason.) D (Sneceaaor loDr J oat He nexi d >or to R^i. kIh Uhum. Bom •niranes a, Btclrlln’/i aaliery ootd fcy yyr r. tiqnSk ' DBNTiBI, TWalftk ntraat (formerly Banded, .treat). ■---* J*r ii D U. K. B. CiKIHUS. Office at T Baani & Ou a. Kealuenoo with Sf : Uiftsa, on J’hckRoc street fiiiaihdaci of ect toons* J»14 the roost successful appliance in the world for the treatment of Nervous Debility, Neuralgia, Rheumatism, Lum 1 ago. Sletplessness, Asthmn, Dyspipsia, Disease:: of Liver, ludnajs “and Digestive Organs, hick Headache, and ail troubles, arh !nj from insuTk’ient and impure blood. gll25 WILSONIA MAGNET POWER LADIES’ ABDOMINAL SUPPORTER for the dispersion of Fibroid and other tumors and en largeinents of the womb aud the ovaries Also gives grtat support and comfort and increased strength to tho walls of the abdomen in cases of abdominal enlargement without any particular disease. Tends also to decrease and prevent excessive accumulations of fat. WILSONIA MAGNETIC APPLIANCE CO, 826 Broadway, New York. Dr (J TER.tY Agent, Columbus, Georgia. u h2 dly cTlTtOR B E T T. ?tum\ I ard hmn\ Pirtc'0% I AM NOW I1KTTEH PBFPABKD than ever to famish Funerals at roost moderatr pr.ce< I trove the lsr£‘-Sf «* ,1 rnori crirr’e'a Iro- of ('ofTos, Oases e-dOaskefs ti hr ofr, from the cheeper' Pipe Oottlr. to the finest Woodoo acit Mem ic Canes anrt O fk 's rparnfhc'u ed. A 'oil lire ot I -d'e,’ Genie’ and < hlldren’* Bnriat Bobeafr-ro tl (,■ SS0, Ait modern percveaes uitrt in .ffibKii, iu(f'toe deed. Persona, ui.ten iinKlvei ’ pll F'-re-sln i;iC'rt in rnv epp-c'' Sp'ls'potlon'; annrenteed. Orders by telegraph TIP bv fll)«d lu fbir'yr-iipn ea I vnaranfe* all b,lck work at Cvmsiery to gtvs afttl*- .’ot'dr P'lnss re««o, nb.s # O L. TOHBETT, No. 66 Broad «t m B. P. COLEMAN, Jr. 5 TJNEUTAKEE, AND DEAI KR IS Patent Metalic Caskets, Wood Cases and Caskets, Children’s Glose White Cases and CasketB, Children’s Gloss White Metalic Caskets, BURIAL ROBES, ALL PRICES FROM- Sl.60 UP, Personal attention pvon all orders. Twelfth St eet, 4 Doors W-fctof Thos. GUbv-h’s P’intinir r. iq i- ’ S 1 WHOLESALE AND RF.TaIL DEALERS IN STFAM, G\3, WATER P t PE & FH TINGS FOR SALE: Gas Fixtures, Hose of all kinds, Sewer Pipe of all sizeB. Gas Fittiig and Flumbingfi romptly utterded to. Telephone No 9f rv O. 40 Xt MS Ct ptvill Bt !«! add a ■ THOM AS. JB. U B OHA Mm.IB riVHOMAS A chandleb. .1 _ AnorueyR-at-Law,. Offlo* lib Hro^C 6t Ccinaibmi, Ga. j Rcdoe ion of Price on Wynatfm H.. ion c . D Fl J M MA*on harlrff Jocatod permanently In ffteron inlends tell nv at ,uco his ifleont two story Wynnt^n Fe^bJono, anc 18 act** of frroond. Dw«Ulntf li btnd cm»:ly jaraLd re cently paii 'ed i t rytbi'is iu thorough order. Dr M ft sou wbbrs to soli white it i go and w*ll give a pirehaser a b rgaia If von aro loci iu; fo: a in** buib-tu ret»iJslcand insrccl this t uq will b- sure to bu?. II'ou o not with *o have* the efiy von will be teTptfd fo do ao after look ini' a: tbin • Is* Kant In-uie. feevsra 1 acre of w o . Let rue bbow tt to >cu. JOHN BliACKMAR. >e wd fr tf Real Estate A gout Col ambus Qa*ll Mascogee f: heriff 9aio ( Bj F. JI. KDIOWI JB* *< u. tnsi'n W l LL be sold ' n the first Tuesday in Vay next in f'ou of the auction bouse o F !U Know lea A 'Jo, Bread street, oi y of OolnmbQe. fuscogoo county. Georgia, lot ol land known as dty lot ! number ’PO In tbe p an ot tho city ot Qoluzwbua, t Mas? 1 *e-county Georgia, situated on the wwt I xide ol O^lethornp str et coutaluiug one balfeore, more or ies», with irarr"fpm> sti th<* r *on. l eviod 1 on a« tbe pre re ty f T K Wynneto s»tlrf> nfi fa b ‘ nu hi ndrtlu favor ot H " Kpriup# ex* cu ot of H W K wardr. ti auefer* **. \> nor- i lf ! « 'Jo. of whtc fl r * 'he said Tio» K yrme w *a m-tnrt r. und wa* t>e'«cually uprv u iu said action. r ot J fi Apr r » hich has u r i Uvriii bo s id fitlj cl to aid tin locwfw J O BC i fo t Hir'd, Administrator’s Sal'n. - Trom tho (Jonrt • ty of Oolombnp, G tv r lnh ireei^ A Tl7 8'V h! f of ... ty beoB«i*v to - t - .fogep’ Kb it, ifcceassd, co s . f buua-h'ld *’•1 'u rltrre on noflii.h’d pipe orgaa. 'np >Juai A Warn in urBa”, one t«-' a pent* ', nd ■vga:. but cot«’ tools, bc^ks. l«mes tron^ with do bing, oiusin. Ac K D E\BO r x, qpr 9 4 Teuip Ai^’r Joiepb Ebert* dvce^nod, GOLD MEDAL, PAMS, 18t BAKER’S _ Warranted absolnt*ly ptd Cocoa, from which the excewi Oil has been rtmioved. It has thfi timet the strength ot Cocoa mixaf with Starch, Arrowroot or Sagai and is therefore far more econo* icitl, costing lets than onseeni cup. It is delicious, nourishln| strengthening, easily digASte^ and admirably adapted for inval* Ids as well as for persona in heattlk- Sold by Grocers everywhere* I. BAKER & CO., Dore&esterjto Wynnifta R€8i*l*-MCti uud 25 ivies CN f UH OWN T ER V H. On 'liar'f ’■JLY *180 th ifl Place i lout vvefl Wl ’ #*:ubrtllp will Iw pleas':(l to shea f bi*. oi oth* r py-P-jr any appoint d iime. jOHN_BLA0f' ^ IKjiLlTi JV » *» perieaoe. Ramarkab'e aad qol<* Trial t .d S..WP r.r ».i,a