Newspaper Page Text
tkf Hobf* Bmu»» *»»•«> *'*•> <»« «
rm 4r rutin*.
fcptrlt of tbe Timet.
The etipri cuacy of the English In
pigeon shooting f as cot been balfao
triBDifest of late yeais The Gr«Dd
piix de Cfelr' hep fallen to them hat
once Btcce 1880. Durh g that term
the Belgians «*i d the Itallaue have
each been successful twieo, the
Punch, the Hutgariars a d the
Kt glUhcrce This year t + e insular
ietreteulaiivt b mode a very poor
ahrw in point if numbers, How
ever, one fnirug'ht m, at Ires', shot
cpvrry well, and that wpp L id de
Coflord, who etar'fd ore of tne lees
fended for the big event, but who,
by ehootirg with ut questionable
pluck, cculd ml be d< uted eecontl
pltoo behind S gnor Guidioinl, the
great Italian pigeon si outer, who
has n< w been toe habitue of the
Monte Carlo Bhti d during the season
for ei vend win let 8 p st
8 ; gt or Gutdlcini e one of the rate
I aliens it has l ecu ruj good fortune
to kt ow. wiih truly si oiling in-
BtiLCte, He Is ..ree.ily a most • xtra-
oidlnary sho', a ‘ flrsUbarrel” man
a?, the the cognnectnli of Htirling-
ham w< i;l | u \ t; au<t, hn'e d, he is
perlec 1 cl ain 1 ghtnii'g wi.h the
right-laid 'ubc ol his, gtB Bing bird bird vi h a single do e of lea l
admit B'cnd with Incredible rapid
ity. No tine, however, could accuse
him of the unept rtnmn*bke trick of
“emotherb g" bis birds on the trap
He alb we bin bird a at flieieut rise
and then “tlnwtjo" i; wiiti a precis
ion that is. to btlhunl at scon to be«
come monotonous! The Qihl ei Prtx de
Casino, il is yea r , wbb h ct bp In
point. Starting ft in the beat fasb«,
ion the gient I siian gunner kept
steadily st the wo k of lowering the
“blue recks" whenever bis urn come
rout d, till, on the second day, to-
wlrd lbe cb se of the contest, he was
the only ore to poetess a 'ull score.
This, In spite of the < xdu merit Id-
separable in such cases, from a posi
tion ol premiership, he steadily
maintained and ultimately, by ao-
counting for a full score of 19 out of
19 he moat deservedly secur'd first
prize, a megn il cut ol.Jci (Part and
18.250:'. lu coin of the realm. An-
other triumph I" aha.
Beam U ihn flllk
The silk industry, in all probabili
ty, will receive quite a stimulus,
partly in cent q untoe of the deoree
which has gone n rlh from ' he head-
quarters of fashion. The Patterson
manufactory is < x ending its capacity,
and orly recently oue of the fluest
mills ever hi oled, with the Lest and
latest machinery, has been started.
There is every indlca' 'ou of a proa-
perms career for all the allk-making
interests A Patterson silk firm pro-
pxBfs to locate ao aun- x in Ei, P+,
and employ between three and four
hundred hands lmpr> vrmeatsar d
enlargeoteuis are the order of theday
among the siik manufacturers. A
new silk mill t» u* be erected at
Newton, Sussex county, and another
at StoatBburg Five thousand A wood
spindles have juet been started in a
new mill it) the latter ciiy.— Pbtl&»
de'phist Racoitl.
Pi- II -KBI-tiaa.
Oue of the most strongly marked
tendenci' b of modern Industry ia to
ward that Lrm of copartnership be
tween the capitalist ai d the worker
which is bri fly tie erlbed Bsprflt
shark g TLe p ubiio would be sur-
prl e 1 if wo oruld report the extent
to which this sort of arrangement
has already beeD Introduc'd in all
parts of this country. Its moatfx-
tersive apj licatiou Is doubt lees In
the scut b. There the payment of the
r egro leborer is now almost univer
sally mude in the form of a specified
abater f'he crop, which 1b sgr>et
upon beforehand betweeu the laborer
and the owner < f the plantation and
stock. T1 e plan works well, and
both owners and laborers prosper
under Its operation. There are no
strikes.—N Y 8nn.
fl w lti rvery contest for a nntnlra-
tlon Hits year. Even the candidates
for he givetnor-hip trill prob
ably st last be forced to show
their bards as pro Edmunds
or BDti Edmunds. What the effect
of a general anti-Edmunds campaign _
in the state may be upon the political but none that are entitled to more
fortunes of these various gentlemen | consideration;
Is not yet certain, but at present all
If «o they will find in our office
rmny Bitch letters as the following,
... - . _ , . - .. With my experience I. pronounce
Of them except Poland “f^unposed j BREWER’S LUNG RESTORER
- • ’ 1 the beet lung remedy made. r/ —
o-l Ido' will at last
New Y rk Bun.
be shattered.-
to he partisans of Senator El.-. , , „
Should the home opposition to El- , the beet lung remedy made, hour
munds oontlnus to grow as It, has In J of my brothers and sisters had
tb» past two months tt is altogether ,^ 01 J with consumption, and about
probable that Vermont's g/ea' potltl-1 three years ago I became so ex
; hansted by long continued cough,
accompanied with low fever and
a. ot.-oT-rj in ttiroon). night sweats, that I could barely
Two little tote aged perhaps five or ^et about, and my friends gave up
six ytaie, were s’andlng beside '- all hope. I coughed so incessantly
freut BBte » ft w ev*ii!ut»» Sain ,, i T L„u„ i„i ,n \u^L
oue, gi zlpg upws d: "W-a'tloyou that I could not sleep at all. '^fter
s’pese t! e p'a s nr- ?'> •'Will," euid , trying several lung medicines I bo-
the other, "I d ss they’e the sun’s gun the use of BREWER’S LUNG
chlcktc'. D 1 n’t you know papa fays J RESTORER and was greatly ben-
?’ Tin surg; s Ion pee m- oflfpd l, v flic first. bottle cnininc
the sun sett ?'
ed to i e satb f c ory, ss both ceesi d
their a-'ronomical observation® and
devote;! tl eir etteution to entertain
ing a smell bUok dog.— E mint Ga
etited by the first loot tie, gaining
flesh and strength and resuming
1 work. I continued to take it and
am as stout now as I ever was, rare
ly ever cough, nor do I suffer with
my lungs any more than if tht-y had
never been effected.
I am never without a bottle of it
in my house. During Iho winter I
gave it to my little children, even a
i Irrr rrl „ lld httle fellow three years old, for any-
i Westmorland's Calipat a Tor-lo, the j thing like common colds, or when
Great Southern Ketr- dy P -tent. ; they show anv evidence of croup,
P c-asaui, P pu ar. A Tonic free frem > and always with the most satisfac-
! tory results, Very truly.
lllff Duu’t IfPrt toy.
A <-'rtp rf country 2(0 miles h>riK
and 100 brood lying al(>ng ilie M s
souri river tn H kots, has a popula
tion of 14 0(10 and not a ruiiroad.
merdid by tpe mopt eminent phypi-
olana. Wesln oroland Bins, So o Alan
j nfsenrere and Proprietors, Gree' vi) e,
I 8onth Carolina
j This lnvaluab'e and succesafnl rtrnc-
i dy was placid upon the market less
than two yeats ogo. I. v,i,a lute'-d'd
CDly for cur local patroi.s, bo' so < fli -a-
clonu and wouderlul were the results
I of Its use that Its it me spietid all e ver
1 the southern atates, and the rapidly
| Increasing demand oruld l e supplied
> only !>v enlarging and re-eoiargiog
; our ex anatve laboratory until now wa
are tully prepared to meet the great
and ever Increasing d< maud from all
I part- of th« country
I Jtsfrl’a great popularity Is exceeded
oniv by 1 e greater men I
! Bold by Dtugglata everywhere at
9> CO a bottle. Bbanuon & Cakbon.
Wholesale Ag’ata, Uointubua, Ge.
J• _ i, ■ ap2dlw
Mental perspiration will oommenoe
at the Oonoord srhoot ol pblioaophy on
or about the 14 h of July.
A Wore lor A*»n»ll,
The afpbalt pavement around the
public bui du gs >iub now endurt d an
unn-ually hot summer and a very
cnlo winter, besides taking the burd n
of some of the h'avhst tr. flic in the
cl'y. Ils suface gives indications
that It wi 1 need tepairs in the near
fu'.ure, 1 ut a-) yet u is 'it good condi
tion, end is the best paveme nt in the
city for ai) kinds of vt hlclce—with
the possible . xceptinn of heavily-
loedi d ottauisrms. The ■ xpermeut
sh w that aaphalt !e the- best! avi' g
mdtrUrl jet intr.du :rd It savts
Loises, saves veblc'.ert, avos an im
mense nnv u' t of ne-is: j etid of dust,
and is easily cleaned Wny should
sspbalt no; ba adopted a® the fu ure
pavtii e t of tl e ci:y? Philadelphia
li quir r
Woe tins «f <h» *»■! Pi hmt» !«.
P pf;l’ f LC Pr«.b8
^G&tuloguss are IrcreBsirg in cost,
be; u y and ix; anslveresa. On* New
Y'-ik silver hi u eis payiim o it 9100,
000 for an edition of 7CJfO copies to
contain 400 pagos, or 4u00 words,
with steel engtaviogs, photographio
and lithogrupbic ske obes. This book
weighs fourteen pounds. The edi
tion consumed forty-five tons of the
finest and heaviest calendered paper,
twelve tone of cardboard, 3000 yards
of the finest silk doth for covers
The presB work for the 7000 ooples
cost 93000 Two hundred and ten
thousand sheets of gold leaf and
49,000 sheets of silver leaf were used
As many as fifteen tints have been
used In some of tbeee catalogue-;
three colors aie used on the covers.
imbli for EdmuSi.
We ere to have a nice little peck
01 political trouble la V rmont this
year, with tbe democrats pluying a
much more important part than they
have played at any time these many
years. Edmunds ai d anti-Edmunds
will be the rallying cries in every
republican caucus, and the E imuntls
and anti-Edmunds feeling will ovar-
lUMDutisaik m rau uamr WiKHt
j In August, 1881, It waa ellsoovereii
! that my son'a wife was in tbe last stages
; ol consumption. She was oougbirc
infxsMantly, ami at times would dis
charge quantities of pus from her
lungs, oould not sleep or retain ary-
! thing on her stomach, and we '.bough'
I It only a question of time when lift
would be compelled to give way
1 to the fell destroyer. After all other
| remedies had failed, we got, Brewer's
Lung Restorer and began it in verj.
smsU dost*, rs she was very weak, Shv
; soon began to improve; continued the
remedy and was restored to hie and
health, and is to-day better than nth®
has ever bet® before. 1 regard nor
reotorntion m nearly a miracle, for
i which she is indebted to Brower’s
! Lung Tiostoror, K W Powtvhb,
j d&wtf Ma-on
Water makes a tad break when it
w?shes swuy oar truck embank men ;s.
1 For Throat Ddeanes, Coughs, Colds,
etc, ' ff 0 ua 1 relief t» found in iben-e
of “V r u n’s Bkosohiai. Tn- OH1SS ”
Price 25 ceius. fold omy an hi xb
! The tall of man muse hsve ononrred
' In the fall of the year. Apples were
ripe at the time.
I Anvioit to MoTHBUh — Afxe Wins
low’s Hoothins Sirup should al ways
b6 used when children are catling
teeth. It relieves th- uu t suflererat
oncej it produoev rta ura., quiet sleep
by relieving the child from pain, and
the lit''e cherub awnkos as ‘'hrigbt as
a button.” It is very pinssan. to tnflfi-
I* 80O'''eR tbp child, softens the gums,
allays all pain, relieves wind, regulates
the bowoln, and is the beBt known
remedy for diari-bcsa. whether nrl-inc;
from teeth-uk or other causes. r i wen! j -
•vo certs a bottle.
"Kaep i ff tbe gnus,” a d “Dni't
touch ibe fi i-">rs,” are sem 0 of the
signs o' early epri 1 g
*'f^w rv^wcuaiArr- itJtr- nrt«na
Barnesjulle, Ga.
Brewer’s Lung Restorerjcontains
no opiates in any form.
ELY ’ S CatarsK
Tbm spiitfrd in.
f.otb« nostr'tf wt'l
be bbsorbfd, ef-
rertn».lly oleunj-
tng tho bsrd of
0® srrhrt vtrn*
0®,nelcg ’’•uliy ses
OrP'lOh*. I H.11MV
li fl m n ai 11 o
P'OteoU ihemem- af)
brace nf he nisilf ,
aassi-t' a f-wnt ad jaisv '
dtUoua. cm J "< '>.,<8’®.'
eompte'e y bt-n'e -‘OTy
he anr-e,-o'’ore-i' , 3i£Liiii4lC-.
ih« eens- e ut w)UI A.V'-PP’V/F K
and emeu. fa“■ * r *- v ® : ’IST
No' * Liquid or Snuff A Q,i!ck Retie
and PoxtUve Cure, A purtiCv II applied
into eneh noxtrt: and In aerrenbte to use
Price 6thi by xosli >r ot drnvgte'B Send for
otrodiar. I'.LY BROTHE.K •, DiUktfstr
Owean. N \ .f-.Tfi.nflwIvri*i,riimi
Ketti Estate Afcfnte
en o k: ia*u m.
11 .
FOtt *LB.
31500 Two nrw tonrm nt r.o»
Bw.Ii'b mtliM In beAi:b> looalliy
6-UOu Five tenement uouaea on Mulnira)
910U0 2J4 fiorfR. yaopnt !o*.» Ironilng Pari
uetf poli'jul boune
81000 \\ acre lo , lonr r«»om house on For*
$2260 Two T?ao^nt lots /rontiug on Oglf'
\\ or» Gi- n«r.; the marSel
82800 % i ere !o» fro’ nrg on lower Bro«c
st- Fivj* rm-m lK-u^e, 3 rourw kltoaet
Room tor 2 more honse* Good sa dun anc
vli e «rd rte Lgs : ; well o£ waier la ibi
o' y T«rmR to salt purrhausv Apply n
uo a
$1500 Five tsnerren images In Nor hfrr.
LlbertieE Kentr lor 84 00 per mo;.th Wii
soli s*fp^ra»e $1C (JO per moiilh
81 OJ S'x room house .^ T o 46 Oglo horpi
si, two room fcltcbea servant honue in very
good i opa'ir Tarmn «a«y
8I0':0 o^«h *4 ao ft lof. or Og elbrnp-s st.
$260 Tnree quarter aous and a roon
m o^b Uidgrfe oe Ori« m ie from oi f y
$70 O o bore land and 4 ht.tusH R«nt»
f r r $13 50 per m nth In Girard Term
MKKj Four room house and lot in iirowne*
$350 One acre iot and 3 room home li
G rani
Fit een vacant h hi GlrnpJ and lowuo
Villo «ud on R Hill O svp
811(0 003 hu?:d*eo a: d fifteen «cr*s o
1°r d 3 ar>lleR Irnm cl’y r *> P.uL i”8ek, in i
fl'ffcMn'n of cuulvatl'>.M, 60 r 50 creH 1 >
woods Timbe* enengh to p y f ' pmc
i o yon wts n oranc*- grov» t Doy»>:
WGii* h hon e either f< r yonrself ur (irnliy
I ho, Rnonrfc withont d<*:a> h d^ed «o bnlJd
it r Jo!, homo or orab^/d
H And
In ibe Land c l Ft
u6 (\
t hi
v nre spenip (or thu H
Jro '<i and L - c 1 Oirp*
nv p d »7,u ; rn’! A i ocd bom? con be h «
for 3,5 8 10 o 12 1 Mura
Rlt'Ct Y & CWTEN,
Real Ent^fs Agents and Hro««r/
e- mm mmmm> ?
TION on the market ior Pilaa. A HI KE C’LKK
for Itching Pile;]. Hm never tnllcd to give
ironni,'Pimple’e, Sores tucl Boil*. Price uOcta.
Wound*. Outs. Bmisee, SnrsinB. Erj^rela*. BoiTe,
Carbuncloe, Bune Felons, Lkcru, hores. Sore Eyes,
SoreTliroat Bunion Oorna, Neuralgia Piieumetibrn,
Orchitis, Gout. Rhenmatio Gout. Coles, Cot:«h9.
Bronchitis, Milk Le#. Snake end Dog Bite«. SunK"
of Insects. Ac. In fact allay* all local Irritation and
Inflammation from whatever cause. Price 2ft cln.
Prepared according to the muyt Ncientlflff
ri UFST si iMTivi:
INNRKIIlIvM K, comirounde l with the paremt
looacoo Flour, and ia apHcially rocomnjvridod for
Gro ip,Weed or Cake of the Brea?.t. and for that oiaaB
of imtanfc or inflammatory rntJaeliee. Achfcg and
ruinfi where, from too delicato a stuto of the s.vHtem,
tna pat'xmt ia unable to Ixmlt the stronger application
of ^lobaoco Cake. For Headache or otner Aclua
and it ib invaiuabla. i»ricft 1ft cts.
Aak your dmgeiat for thaee r^tbedlDB, ar write tc tho
OURHAM. -. C.. u. 9. A.
O*’ til Liquor C*o-iI# vi ly
Curod «iluiiii*»t« riiij; Ur.
JIa.’ it»s' (fioldtii Fjiccilic*.
7 t can ho given in a enpof cofTW ortoftwlth
0 at tho knowledge o» the person taking i*
absolutely harmless, an ' will effect a pern-1
Dent and speedy cure, wbctnrr the patient i;
a moderate drinker or an alcoholic wreck I*
baa been given in thousands of cases, and It
•very Instance a perfect cure bar, followed. K>
■ever faila. The system once Impregnate*
With the Specific, It becomes an utte-
blilty for tbe liquor appetite to ejis*
M. D. HOOD A 30 , Mstt,
93 Droad 8tro«t. rOLLMRES, fiJL
Call or write for pamphlet containing uua
dredsof testimonials from the best women aa
pysn from 'til parte o' -he oount v
elllThl, A dillltgOBlli^ A ^UHUli» il Mv
A.U emit - m ,uta .yet., ,at by em lr>.. . c scii. MriiiUsc irn..
BAV IKKAH, HA., JaDUBTy 14 ir.t
. and arur BUKUAV, Jar. 24 .b, 18S6, r.H.ucngsr trains on usm roads win ran as
U (oltPWR:
(,M n Lias
No. 1D.1
A oo.
No.08 •
Mo. hi,*
Fftss'g 1 1
finvaaiikkli nnCl At-
iH-UtR DlTlPlOMk.
No. aa.<
No 1M
6:40 pm
7 28 pm
8 46 pin
No. l.»
8.40 am
0:20 am
IU:26 am
11:01 HU
12 4' pm
8:10 pa,
9 £8 pm
11:08 pm
11:16 pm
1:17 Am
3 33 am
8 an tun
8:36 nnt
5 8 am
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7:32 in.
8 40 uui
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11 40 am
12:06 m
3 11 pm
8 27 pt\
4 .Opt:
5 -11/ ptl:
7 00 pm
7 19 -in
7 19 pm
9 36 p •
Ar Oliver Lv
Ar-,.. Milieu Lv
Id' MiJlen Ar
Vt .—Gordon—A i
Ar Macon Lv
Lv— Macon Ai
,-vr Jieinesvllle Lv
Jj/ Paruesvllle At
Ar.. ..Ufimn A
6r .. 4'lanta.. .'. ■
4 07 pa!
2 36 pep
l 30 pm
l 13 pat
ll 28 iu,
i 40 an.
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8 U2 .in
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7 31 am
5 00 • "
6 o) am
4:14 am
3 10 am
aou am
12 +4 am
11: 6 pm
it) 50 pm
10 40 put
li 03 pm
0 03 pm
3 9 pm
h 60 p’
8:06 am
«-vp am
6 23 am
No. 2.*
(1 25(10
4 53 pin
4 58 pin
4 18 pm
2 45p":
. | .No, 19 *
l 1 ! I |Pae>-V’r
f 1! H.-A-llffllMB
Nf. IS.*
IN O. SIU *, I
Pwiih’gil 1
3 id i.ri
5 16 ax.
1 8.' pm
8 »5 ni
Lv.... Mlben ....At 1
-1 ... At -:’tM .... Lv
1 1 15
9 .10 et 1
1:00 5>ni| 1 .......
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No 25 :
hcmvugevHlf A
P-m.oiiIom llr’ch.
No, Stoat
2m do
4 0 pt
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7 *lll 1"
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1 5 15 pi«.
1 ?. V H».i t.VHVlU^ At
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No. 11
5: Id yv i
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2 dpi*.
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lo 4 pm
12 63 (lit.
4 si tint
1 01 1 n-
At . KnT mla U 56 am
3 51 pm
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7 26 pm
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5 20 po
2 36 pm
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Nl> 5:
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L- '1^ i;— A Bbn
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No 64
l’ t-B g’
£«0. 3*
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P, n’u’r
7 62 pn.
Ar Fort Vel!e> Lv
5 f>8 m U
7 S2 i'D
IsV F<irt VfilPy Ar
(i 58 ti
9 40
Ai rtiY.1th\Ul* L
6 05 - L
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1 45 at
1 (i 66 nrn
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5 00
2 40 r ml
7 25 pm
3 6 at-
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.(145 i i?
Ar. .f it 1 -.
4 10 r
1 40 n 11
531 on.
No. 334 I
No. 211 |
^ W IK. li.—Per-|
No. 22+ I
N >. 241 I
H: at |
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5 |
■ *T 1
8 00 pb'lll 16 »m
Lv Fort Valley A)
6 15 &]>' |
. —• 1
* 45 Pkt '19 HI ml
61... Perry. Lv
Slid 1»1Y.'
tt v'.C r.r |
“ ' |
No. 25t
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No 25,
*y » v.eniiloM
, I
« 68 pm |
Ar. Hi- k ljt ...Lvl
No m
ti. IV K n —Fortl
No. 28* |
P *«.** Hruuch 1
At Fort Gaines Lv| 10 06 a 1
[noTBF i
kafnulA A DUy-I
No 80* |
son », It | t‘Miru'r|
..... I
3 ro .t,.|
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7 46 .m|
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I No 19*1
No 5*1
►' * H K-rcklnrn-l
,J .6*1
N' yo“
i A on 1
P0Hh’c’> 1
Ar Furl Val’eyAr
8 07.1 .
2 53 ID
828 am
‘J 15 err.
Ai nolnjahus Lv
11 'On
« 00 i no
the famous brand Op
This whisky \vm
1S52, and iM coii^l i
the product of the
introduced originally in the yd
ny luiiUii g new fncmls. ft l approved pro*-ess of distill-
atlon, ironi ciucMilly nclccicd Lriuiii, I’cing held uni
formly in warehouse until fully
Juslly cclcl.rnt.’d for iH p-rily, del., .u y of iLvor.
nml uniform (puditv. For s.-tlc, and ord* r-i noileitoc
by the uircnt, T. M. I’OI.IJV, (ipcm Iloune.
Cor llUli Street and lnl A venue, Coluiuburt, L>
imhkfi _i
It is ordained by the City Coun
cil of tl e city of Columbus,
First, That nil the business
housesttnd dwellings situated with
in the corporate limits of the city of
Columbus shall he numbered ao
| cordin” to the plan or system iiore-
inafter dnscrihed.
Second, '.I lie initial or star ing
lines shall ho fixed on Broad street
north from f irst si root ami oast
and west from Broad street, and
I allowing 1UU numbers to each
Third, The even numbers shall
bo put on tlie right side of tho
streets and Iho odd numbers on
the left side of ihe streets, allow
ing not more than twenty five feet
to each number, and the figures
shall not he less lliau two and s
quarter inches high.
Fourth, It shall he the dutj
of the chief of police to seo that all
now buildings which may herealtc:
he erected or changes in the fronts
of buildings already erected shall:
he supplied with tho number or
numbers to which they shall be en
titled under this ordinance by tho
owners thereof, at c ij all oases the
figures shall correspond with th®
plan or eystem herein contained.
Adopted in Council March 3d,
M M MOORE, Clerk Council.
ft 2M ill'
■lflfnnt )oc*l Sleeping Oam on night train* n* fo1D'\
t\nd M; between Seveuneh and Meoon, train* Nub. end M: hetweer Hevnar-b **nd Atlente
SI end 54,
Pollnnn finffett Care between Olnolnnetl *Dd ^rxHBonvnii end tbrnngh ulttlnv n».r between flhettMioo
end Jerkeonvllle.vle Atlnnte, dlbeny eycrr/ire. Tbroneh Palace Bloeplny Oar between Mont
»om»>ry and waveroei.
Tralrif marked than • rnn dallyi tralo* marked tbre t -nn dafir exo^tfinoday: ‘*’a1na mnrkad Abu trr >
'in «al« at Unto® )>*iot TI5Vr, Ditto# H ! infnut#* »rlfi
’.T MAN Tr»fe«* Manay^f* (t av«cntb
H S 1 ilm fcn Saw-, cousin-, jiun. Q \fjrajt
M03iLE£ glRASL fi. fl.Cflk
UBLUwr.e. Ga„ Nov. 16tb,l ata
rnn an follow# t
Wall TrulnNo. h -Molnk
' eav# Union Untot. ^ftinmiti.i ,—,— $;2oira
Leave Brmwl Street nolnn.bue 2:«Ji » L
1 rrlv/- et Ff.fouMVTlnBe 6:40 f®
GeHT») Dlikn tlprlufti: 7 40 r nt
trrl^' i r 4*o» ... Vl’Jpia
Anlve at Montgomery..--*—-. 7:fi> p J3L
Arrive at infanla.... W.W P »i
MAIL TKAj N NO 2 (l),
Cottve MoDtgoiuory..^... 1,30 am
•Oouve T?r>y..
\t live at F.’iif.; t- .-rlunH
(Grab Orchard Water:
A Homed y for till niRoa«en nfflio Live
Iiio.u, Nlouiaoli ikai<1 Iloarlk. A
• for Sick lie;
iKlIpatiou. Dub»‘, oiiu to two U'HspGoiiliJlfi.
( hard Sails in sonb’d pirktiges ut 10 and £■> «ms. No gonttlno g.tlfs sold In Im/IIl.
CRAB ORCHARD WATER CO., Prop’ra , MIM4IN N. JONI 8, Munua< r. I.ouIhvIIIc, Ky.
mmmaKmmmmmmmmm mmmaawmamt
TLe first- ( lass IHnct Kontn »o alt Ia‘-tem (Itiie , 8C8 Mil s Sho t' r to
New i; t k than via l.< oisvibe
Close conneotlon m»'‘e with Piedu.rnt Air Linn, Atlantlu Coast Lins, and
Clpotnra'! Sonthor-i, Only 87 onnrs and 2 f ) n ’> u'l)' r r- m Mon'frrtrir-y 'oNew
Y rk. and only 36 '"'tirr sr d 10 mirut■ “ in n: N' w Ynot to Mnnlyt tney.
J o.uarj 8, 1883.
Leave Akror.
” Marloi- -
Arrive Heln-a.—-—
Leave y«im n
A rri ve M--»"HI uner-
N. . IS.
Lbavo ai-c '«-■
Arrive CoWii-s.
” Chebaw
” N aanaiaa..
” ljoanhapi 1;
” Auburi
ArrjT,- Q n'ik-
.VI .i
irnva VVi
K ir
Via C lure
Leave Atiarua
” Hcajn..'.
V a iroo y III K II . a —
Leave Atlanta
Arrivo AuRUa'a
No 61.
No” 6
No. 8.
l’:nn a u.
i‘.’:00 a ut
l:t 0 p rn
3:00 p in
3 If, p II.
f in -. >,
6 09 a :n
(1 00 n in
7 :60 a un
1< :3(> a ni
10:15 v a.
2:16 ” rn h u
2;a6 | i
< .06 p o.
K; 63 s It
4 61 p II
9:01 p rn
9:11 r. n
6:86 p i
0:31 p m
P: ’7 n n
« 40 p l
10 10 p IT
9:37 >> it
7:16 j, t
ir.40 p u,
9.50 -t ll
7.50 p r.
11,00 p rn
It 1.03 * n
8 25 •’ i
1:80 n rr
It:24 ,
3:55 n rr
It 1.49 . i.
•i ut, r,
1:64 (i ,
10.05 a rn
2:45 n u
0:50 p nt
11:27 r> m
It); iO p no
0:0fl m
5 55 n m
9:i» -
9:l'f> a ii
Irrivoiu KafAula ln:iw»ni
(ri lve r,t Oolnmt.n* I2;ei pi
, I " i v t'.j: i, bauacy).
Coiiv. CnlnmtnH Unlf.Tj 8:0.0 r n
Ucn iJviiiii i.ii,. U.-oui Struct i'liput aai, p a
(rri • Ut u- —n Hprii, <; ..
tl):*lly Lxocpt BnaJuy)
Liny.. Cuiou HprlngB 7:00 p a
A-rlvn -t ()oIiiii,I,db._ -11:47 p n
i-e blLutlj’ I'.xcepl Munday;
\«#.TeOolrm! ve Union U-poS . 4*fifi«a,
((**•7# C’olCJLbur hi jail Birnet oioo r ■
irriot »t 11 ici. .Wring* fc03 » m
Cp»t« Union «.)■ log* 10.10a m
Arrive »t •rrov .u-# . B
Arrlvr at Knfunln lO-AOes*
N 0(1).- ’y ICxcspt Hcnrtsy)
beavti Tiop 4:(W«m
Arrlvr at C-ilot. M-irlnv,.... 6:'JA• m
irrivngt Atontgoianv , 7 40 a u)
Usrsbnto. Syrtns* ’
vrrlve»t I'rowl Street Uppot.Uojsnibni.... liuoaga
Union (oCaj!:, „il:n3*aa
„ „ , . . ... . W. b. Or.AKK.Bn, ,.
CULtiMkUk H. h-
OraLiKA, /.r.A.. De-emlio-fltb 10,05.
\6t r.nd fifing San.'tnj, I)er. 6th ant, th« trail
’ c Orta Till t,t mi- a lS fouewat
&o. 1,
Vlr, fi'Sdll ’t All Ltl: t.) N \ li
Le»ve Atlarna
Arrive Cba lotto
” Riobm-'-nd
’’ WushtntjlDin
” B.ltlnriorn .....
” Pbi aieipbia
*’ New Y >ir
A^ention, levators.
i OFFFR FOR PAL¥ half an a^ro on M*oaf»o
tarer*’ tAtb) -verm*, lvl»c between the 8a*h»
Do rard Blinc Factory of ' x IJli*tg'u D <k Oo and
tle8» ft *'anafaciarfug Co. Ko'bwlng railroad**
p% a the eroper 1 y Central fc outbw f >*tH , n
and Girard 1 olumbn* end \Ve«to*n. Colurubm aud
Rome, and t h e propoae r ronteo^lLe Oeoigl*. ftlld*
lend ia alan along blxth avena*. F r manafac*
tnrlug thli «ite is orunrpas?*- ! b? a ,y ir the cltr
Onrprloe It very kw. Iinv t If let and joo will
toon te b e to reallae a nr.r d*ca)« rrefit.
JOH« *tLa'!KM\R,
»• vd fr tt R'ftl KfftaU AgeuL, Uolucubot, Ga.
Fuiimau i $'(;Ce tarn 014 liaiitv 61 puj 63, .
Tvlilit ut. * liaise
Houtb B./uud Tial/js— I NoT BO
ew (:i ietuts to uibiiig'o'
Leave Atlanta
” Ootnmbus
” Opelika
” Anuum
” Losehapoka
” No'asulge
” Cbehaw
” Cowles
Arrive MnD'Koutery
Leave Montgomery
Arrive Hslnos
Leave Helme
Arrive Meridian
” GreeriBbore
” Akron
Leave Akroii..„^,„_
Arrive Meridian
” Vi ikubarg
” H'lr-'ven v*
1:10 p n
2:80 0 0
4:63 p r
6:05 p r
6:18 p n
6 28 p I)
6:48 p n
6:00 p B
6:65 p D
2;50 a u
No. 4
4:26 p d
2 67 a c
3:21 a rr
8 67 a D
4:18 a D
4:51 a n>
6:26 a w
7:25 a m
8:20 a m
12 00 a id
2:00 p to
4:12 p in
6:42 p m
6:45 p m
7 66 p ni
11.30 p (o
No 6.
10:16 a m
10:18 a m
11:22 a m
11:62 a m
J2:80 p uj
1:17 p m
8:40 p m
7 36 p m
10:06 p m
10:30 [i m
12:46 a m
1:09 a m
2:56 a m
3:22 a m
6:26 a m ]
12.40 p m |
11:10 n rn |
An lv- CVS:-; f.c
. 7 211 m 2,
., » 33 a cl
,, t 3« - sr.
4 5ft t W
.. 9 mi * n,
..12 46 p nr.
Tbe L.'glit tiuinu n
3 58 p ar
6 2» t in
> dieooLtJLrr 1 for tbe present
T li V> Il 1 T^ . r.niM ItMuag>
CoiiBlD? ai'i Bum Baiiiaj I'd.
Ofitich: G KrvKHAi, Mabaokh,
(’oi.rurRus, Ga. Jsn 17, 18S8. I
O N and a'ter j!»u 17, tbtO, td. sot^e
ale o' Mt ti Train will be as follows :
No 1—Going North Hally.
Leave Coltimbnn - 3 23 p a
Arrive nt Chtptey 4 3 pm
Arrive ai Greenville 5 45 p m
No 2—Coming Booth Dally.
Leave Greenville S60am
Arrlveut Chlplev 7 56am
Arrive »t Cc'ttmbns...- 10 04 am
No 8—Freight and Aeoommodatlon.
Lesve C'otnmhnt 0 30am
Arrive at Cblp!e^_ 9 10 a a
Arrive alGreenvlIle 10 37 a m
No 4— Fr-nght and Accommodation.
Leave GreonvlUe. It 30am
Arrive a! Cblpley 12 47 p m
Arrive a* Colnmbae 3 28 p ne
W L OLAHK, Gcn’i Manager,
T O S HOWAKD, Gert’l Ticket Ae’t.
>h24 rily
firyCOC I « LADSE and CDRB
EH I 11 COO by one who wee deal
twe-j y-oigbi yea's. Treated by Intel
of tbe nrted epeo’allste of the day with
no benefit Cured himself In three
broii«t Co&ob fitju Hm tpeincrj :o Mtndien, making only ono change, »“- d , ?iI°Vn??tn n Pi^J!hf -"11?™!!
cksbu-p and 6brev.po.-t. Trains 60 «nd 61 mvrrr.t at Cbfbew with Tub- 1 ^ome tr^fment Addr“« T g
' Railroad CRAB II CROMWELL. Gen’l Pass Agent. | PAGE, 123 East 3«th «t w-w York City
to Yickgb
CECIL GABbETT. G„bers. Manager.
dir |
mbit nib satlm