Columbus daily enquirer-sun. (Columbus, Ga.) 1877-1886, April 08, 1886, Image 4
4 DAILY ENQUIRED - SUN, COLUMBUS, GEORGIA, THURSDAY MORNIN I, APRIL 8, 1886 CoIimilJUsjCnjjium-Slut. 1JTABL1SHKD IS 182S...57 YB.\R OLD. VOBtJN KINO.Prop Bail} Wetklf and Sunday The KNOUiSUN In '■■nel »Tory day loop Moudiy. Tho Wechly is innuod on Tu ndaF The Dally (Including Rund*yl !■ dolly rod by arrier# in tho city or mailed, p >s*»go froo. o (inb* le p for 7Bo per manfi. B'4 00 for there- ttonthi. 4 00 for nix mon'b* or 87.00 n y'ftr ThoSumfai It delivered by oarrler ooya In theoity mailed to iubucrlbo-#, pjsUnfreo, at $1.00 ear The Weekly la t'lucd on TnosdftT !■ mailed to nbiorlbers, pOHtagt free, al 81.10 a year. Transient •dverti«em#c,t# aill bo fakoa for the Daily at $’ per (quare of 1C lines or Ins# for the firs bi' rtlon. and 50 ce-’t# for eaoh onbaeonont Inser • a, and for the Weekly at $1 f r each Insertion. All oommnnhatton* intended to eromot the pri- Tatr ends or lntereiti of corno-atlona. nocle'.ie# or BdlTldnala will be charged aa adyertiaenenta Bpxlal contracts mad for advertising by the year- Cbltoaries will be charged lor a' customary rates Hone bat solid metal enta nsed. All oommnuloatfonn should bn addressed et thr froprietor of the KNQrintn Pijn. Thr Grffl N-wh lg anxious for C ngreurman Hammond to enter tho race for governor. Oregon's state election which occurs June 7 Gil be the first elrc tlon oi the year which will excite popular interest. R .<■ de Island will cliocse its s’alo ( fil rs two months earlier, but the result there is a fore gone conclusion. The W*shiugtou Gi**tte givfs currency to the rumor that Mr T L Gantt, of the A heuB Banner-Watch man, is likely to enter the race fer congress from his district, and says that the decision reached will be an nounoed within thirty days. The Iowa assembly has passed a law prohibiting non-residents from acquiring a title to real sstate within that state. Where suoh a la v oper ates to prevent aliens, not resident within the U dted H a'es, from ac quiring large lauded interests it is undoubtedly bmeflolal, but the stat ute might be forced by injudioinae administration iuto an expression of the doctrine of state rights in its most objectionable form. The residents of ’F isoo could probably give the smartest “yankie” some points on “cuteness.” They asked the congressional commute 1 \vho recently escor'ed the remains of the late Senator Miller to the G >lden Gate to make an inspection of the city. The scions consented, and were thereupon drive i through China town, where the sights, sounds and odors combined to impress them with the Justice of tte howl against the swarming heathens. A great many youDg men are gro wii gun these days who will like ly have often to mention the honora ble pbces held by their acc‘store They seem to forget that honorable aucestry demand honorable succes sors, and thut any let down fu;ui the high murk ol ancestry is rightly charged up by the public as a dis grace. A man may not have the talent of his father or graudfa'her, hut he can always have the manhood and to orahle characteristics. A man may live In poverty and still be all a man in the best acceptation of the term Lyon county, Ky, las a fen a'’ candidate for superintendent of pub lic schools. 8 e declares that she i.g e "democrat in politics,” and holds liereell “subject to p*rty usages ” To th voters she write*: “I beg you will try me, not by the test of a cbiv»- alrio sentiment ofgillantry, which Is all well enough In Its place, but by the true s'atuUrd of merit and fi ness alone.” ‘This is a pretty char note for a woman to sound, and if women generally had a similar understand ing of the situation when they sought public offices they would not be so often failures aB public c ffliials, and there would not bn suoh an increas ing sentiment against giving them effl es. Tl*« Tlilrl SI.i r»T. O tecui hardly oouc ive the enor mous rni'iutU of money paid in Hie way of taxes Iu a le: gtby article upon the su'j c‘ of tax rtlon, the Courier-J urns! B‘ys the taxes paid ln'o the United Htates treasury amount at present to 43211 000 000 ptr annum, but this repris-nls only a pari of the cost of the national govs eminent. F *r Instance the customs c» ry to the Ireatury $ 135,000,000 every year, but the cost of ihe dutit s to tbX payers is prohably five-fold Hint amount, nr say $926,000 000. The t x payer, of course, uoi oury pays t .*, rimy on foreign merchandise Im posed, but also a similar addition to Hie real c< st of ibn f ir greater quan tity oftnercha dise produced at home He not only paid last year, for it.« Hiaricc, $0 72 per ton on 88 719 me of pig Iron imported, but also the tamo rale on 5 000,000 tons produced In tils country, thconly pretext for the $6 72 being that foreign iron ocu'.d be -old here that much cheaper than Amurican. The duties and oilier tax^s, dir»ct aid indirec', paid to the national government, cost the producers of the country more than a]thou<anu million d' liars per annum. The debts of 'be slates, countie-, cities ami towns am<u~.t to about $1 000,000,000 of which the state debts are $200 182 223 c* unty $125 - 621 555 city anti town $766 564,334, t vnsot p $31 9i 9 545 and school dis tricts $17 635 411 Hi'e, county, and mi .or sub- divHonp, pay In tuxes every year $302 200,094 The total ofBfste and federal taxa tlon is about $1 400,000,000 per sn> num. Omitting from the calculation the cost of the t»rfl to consumers of domts'io pioducls, there would re main of direct annual tax's paid to ihe tax gatherer $GG5 000.000 This is about the aggregate which reaches the public reservoirs, but tho amount which is taken from the pockets of olttzme, including the indirect or tariff tax, is about $1,400,000,000 Nearly all ol this debt was con tracted before the ancient relations of silver and gold had been disturbed and while gold was at its normal value. Tli* Civil Mrflt. M't.rn ISM. The C licago Iuter-Oo-au takes to tu<k Congressman C D W se, of Vir ginia, for expressing the desire that the affairs of the government should t e administered by democrats—that a democratic victory at the polls should miau demi catle t fibre-holders. No- b >dy la surprised that the I ' ter- Ojtan should differ with Mr Wise on this point. The I iter-O icao’s ideas ol civil servioe reform may change with changing events, but there never has been s time when it did not think the offices of this government should be filled by republicans. It says the faintest rays of the olvil service re form idea have never penetrated ti e sou b. We are frank to admit that ihe civil nervicc reform idea as held by our cotemporary has never found any sympathy here. Tiie southern inea is to ‘kick therasoals >ut,” and it is an idea that will do to act upon A democratic a'ministration run by republicans, is a political mix'ure that cunnot work well, only for tbs republics a. We are not surprised that this kind ol an anangement gives satisfaction to the Ii ter- Ocean. The republicans, In many instances, have fared a g eat deal better than they had a right to expect. Grant died more than eigi t mouths ago. The fund for raising a I is perfectly reuse,m-bie to assume that Greece has all along been so log ui d r Russian suggestion or dicta tion, and that in the defi mt attitude of (he diminutive G eek there lias Dot been wanting the assursnoe that, in the event of w»r with Turkey, R jrsia would neutralix the action of any towers that might arm in favor of the !a ter. Austria has no such in ti rest iu Greece as she possesses iu the Brikaa region, and would undoubt edly remain neutral, as she did in 1854 The action of Germ my and I aly would probably be limited to diplomatic romouslra ice, and F.ance lias too much trouble at home to fight ber neighbor’s buttles, If the G eek o;u>:cil should eleo‘ to go to war with Turkey, it is quite possible that the tension between E jgiai.d • nd It -eia would be restored to the critical strain of tbo spring of las' year The bittle-grouud, boweve , would ue shifted from Afghanistan to the shores of the Black sea and tbo H'llespnnt. The defiant a'lllud-of Prince A extruder, of BHgtria, to ward R issla greatly lucre see the chauoes of war, because a R issiau in vasion of southern Bipguria would be made a cams belli by E gland. r l he best evidence of the necessity of ending the strike in the mining regions is furnished by th fuc that e v-'ral E ycIleh vessels are now en rou e to'.bis country, bringing coal f-r the ue of'he great steamship: sailing out of N wY tk If urmine wners do not take warning and clui- promise wi'.b their employes, they may wake up some fl e morning aud fi d that they have driven a great arioy c nstimer*. to markets ou the other sidr of the A'lantio {TRADE PALACE STOLL WITHOUT A RIViL. to ItiMltW Hiilprim SCROFULOUS Sares aod O tndular S webinar Curpff by f uMcura, E mms botnton su w«hu«t -» *o tna.atya; "1 ftuv®be#» afflieUd fs>r oae ya^r aud nine montha «lth what tha dootora oallad ra* pi». I «aa takan with dreadful aina in the head and ’ odr. ar feat became a* awo'len that f vm perfectly naipUaa. aorei broke eut oa my body aad face mr appetite left me. I could act aleep »i*hta. !loetfl<«h. and aoor beeerae »o wretched that I 1 oared to le. Phvatctaoe failed to help me My dlaeaae ^ally grew wore* mr auff trlaor became ter rible Tne eruption Inoreaaed to *r*at bprrowlof, fonl'im lilac aor a, from vbioh a reddish matter roy bed. la tbia condition and b adtlo of « erl known ph'-elolan I befan to aaa the OHTICUHA BHM£ .‘lie, and In twelve weaka waa peif ctly cnr«d." NCRorCLOUe if^rKan. James B Rlcbardaou. Gnetona Hon e, New Or leans, oa arth aaye: "In T 8T^ Scrofole ■ U<oere broke eat on my body aatU l was a mae« of c rrnp« tlon. Kyerrthiag known to the medical facnU? wee tried in sain I became a me 1 a wreck. At times could uo*. lift mv hands to my head c old no f turn abet! t was in constant pai and looked ap life aa a$a N re'le.f or cure In t* t yeere In IH« I heard of the U I URA RKY!K< DIK3, nied tk ma<c waa perfectly ured " 8 worn to before U 1 Oom’rJ D r raw ford. B l D 81.800, wnBorU COPf, Inherited and O.'nt Klone Humor* with Los# of Hair. Qian nler RweUInjft. riceroas Petchee in the Throat aotl Rouih. A Lace* a ■'m, Tamore Oarhnnoles h Qo-’e- Henry” Wnstin? the KMne^a end Urinary O i/aoe D;-op#v Brmnla Debility Gbronia Uhenmat<e«a. OonMlpatit-n and Plies, nad m»«t di-oeasH arietnc fr m a a Impo*- or teapot > erishrd c *r'i : ‘ion o' tin B nre a^erdily cn-ml by ihe GimUU'A RK8ULVKNT, th n w Blood Ptiriier iune’-na’ly esenr <1 bv nnTICUR the ere at Skin Cir*. end rUTlt. UBk SOAP, an ex gni^ite Skin Beantlfl r ox'rmally- 8oM rvrywberA Price: OU^Tf^URV f* "enta « rUTICURt SO^P 26 centH ; rU^IUU - * RKSOi,. VKNT $> i o Prumred by POTTK^ 1)BUQ AND OH EM 10 uL GO.. Bo .toD. » end r*»* "How o f are «kln UDsmh* ” l> J PLKB!acWhei\d# ^kin Plemi-fhpa ai d Buhy lluonors use Gutioura -gap. ens, wSFm OB «MIV, OR iHVI'iR, **r Ht am, or '•necnlar WeeKneat, but yleida t.o thp new, original aud infallible piin al .■viating nronrrtlea of t’ e 'Iuti UR a Anti Pain »*l fl"Ra A curatlre wonder At huggioe 86c epSd3tw?t NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Will be let to the lowest bidder, on Saturday, the 3th day of May, 18S6, iu front of tha court house, Columbus Ga, between the hours mm.umem over bis tomb amounts 10 j 0 f kj o’clock a m and 12 m of that $120 000 “Hete wears,” says Ihe day, the building of iron steps in It is said that a number of senators voted for the B air bill confident tbfat it w utd be kille 1 iu the house L .ter the sena'e psssed another bill introduced by Mr Blair establishing a comnals-ion to report on the evils o' the liquor traffic, and appropri ating $10 000 for expetiBPS. It is stated that this bill was allowed to pass the senate because the senators were con- fliient it would never b heard of in the house. All this indicates that the senators d > not really understand the reason of the sxlstenoa of the senate. It It is not to serve rb a check on bti'y legislation; if it does not se cure for all measure:, a “sober second thought,” the proteuBe of two ohttu. hers could will be dlspcused with. New Y :k W uld, “eight mentis alter G tieral G am’u death, with tils bones lying under our own soil, a'd wliti au amount of money iu hie monument fu; d not half as lar^e a a N- w York millionaire would pay fora yaoht. Aud among the sub scribe rs to the fun 1 are the presiden front of the court bouse in saiil city of Columbus Ga ; said st< to bo 12 iuches in tread, riso 7 1-2 inches and length 15 feet the hand railing to bo set 14 feet from ceuter to center, nnd to be of the same pattern as those at the Georgia Home Insurance Co, except the faSiiUm Cures Rheumatism, Neuralgia. liaclinrli*. M3,■;i»3;i,■ t.<■, T-nllmche, Npraln*. ItruintMi. rtc.,ctc. l’rlcc, 1'iriy Cculs. A t JirugglstB and Dealers. THE CHARLES A V0CELEP CO., Sale Prop's. Uai.timuiie, AliE»L.o»u, O'.S. A. T ^jBroS Five Coid and Two Silver Medals. awarded in 1895 at the Expositions ot New Orleaus and Louisville, and the In ventioDS Exposition of London. The superiority of Ooraline over horn or whalebone ha.>! now been demonstrated by over live yeai s’ experience. It is mors durable, more pliable, more comfortable, and never bruikt. Avoid cheap imitations mode of varioi! kinds of cord. None are genuine unle» “Db. Wxrnbk’s Coraline” is prints on inside of steel cover. FOR SALE IV ALL LEAGINB MERCHANTS. WARNER BROTHERS, 353 Bro' dway, New York Ci8 i> a Kc. .tilde :o« Livr Cuatbiaiufaund illscausec oy a,l,.rnnm,l or torpid comic mo, of tho r.n-cr ok Ur. itopslu, C'iMi‘tii>atii*n, Hi!io»is«\* , *-s Tti'imlire, HeHdaoh«- |||L! jj w Jsgiifrf E2s_£ = j mb80 t '8ti of Mexico and the mikado of Japai ! lower cord, which is to be substi- Is inis honorable to the chy? tuted by cast iron. For full specia ls it just to the victorious oommaDder of the union armies'* Ttiose are words spoken in season. N*w York’s electioueering in the matter of securing the greet soldier’s grave was not pleasant. Now with the same coarse selfishness, she seems o care little for the proprieties ol conduct which ought to follow. That ciiy ought, without horn-blow ing and time wasting, raise a halt million dollars at iesst and build the monument. Tae country will never oouuilule to it for reasons which are very plain to everybody outside of N w Y rk. Acting n tire assumption that Mr G adstot e has his bands full, wi'h a disintegrating ministry and the un- se’tled Irish problem, R i?si» is play ing her old lire southeast of Europe Checkmated by Aus ria iu the effort to make politloal capital out of the B ,lkan trouble, the ezu’a counselors find a pretexi ready to .heir baud In the claims of Greece ficatioDB and plnn of said steps, call at the Ordinary’# office, where the same is open for inspection. The Commissioners reserve the right to reject any or all bids. By order of the County Com missioners. F M BROOKS. Clerk Com’r’s Court April 7,1886. 2tawtd FOR SALE. P ’ o f th* celebrated Btampfr P ce, uun'»W'rg cf twenty five hundred acr«B u th* Ch'j»?i»hGO('hr’'a rtv?r, lr OIrj ccuu- U, Thveo tmrvrvd t-e*es bottom Iwiut, i»bi'v« f.oatifei m«rA ; Dwe p.u i se^y’j. • eaemciii. Ucusee, iniaiUiy leea'l y, wel » Fo cl g In ordfir HlenDibosit t^rid- tog *:ad 8\n ni-8, w u Vi wa*8r or p nee. A irere HENRY Mo'%LPIN Nt* 'ni"Ai*y*Ml-L *w ( 1«6 *>ay Mi.r*e N "*uiUGh G ap8dlw wit pK-'RQIA, MU^COGEK COUNTY vj Jthn H Herd«r ou muk^a afplica^ n lor ’et« te of Tj ;cf Wherew, lor >et- iu« Au elDcular.»he klni r ««J an*t cr^d’ler*of *ai<_ to nbn« ceua® if any the?;htiT“*wttt>in the tim* yr*-- N3rlb>d b> law. why aaid le Ur# aboold not be ffHD' d tOBHill atplICALt. \s ltwaaa my offleia 1 tteuature thla April Mh. sac. r a BbDoift, ep’t wt«y i.t«U*.8n DR.RICE, 31 Court Place, LOUISViL E, KY, A regnUrly educated and lafallv qualified pbj ataa and t hi most iucceuful,ai hie pra*’ilce will prove. cSESWii? EASES. . . _ Spermatorrh** and Impoteaffjf ai the remit of self-abuse la /omh, ssxual exoeiMs In q* turer years, or ouher cause#, and producing tome of the ibl lowing effect*. Nervciisnew, Srmlna] Emiuioos (night einle •ions by dreams), Dlmueee of Sight. Defective Memory, Phy air a I Decay, P'mnle* ou Fere. Aversion m Society of Fetnalea, Contoslou of licax, L>»e o. Sexual lower, etc., rendering jcnrrisgd improper or unhappy, er# ti oroughly and perma netitly cured SYPHILIS BBdtlvely cured and e»* tlreiy eradiratod froui the lyztem. GoilOtThdil, UrchitH, Hernia (ar ^ up tare). jrtaln clae* of di.“‘ase», and treating thouunde l al’y, acquires m at ekilJ. Phyzlclan* luowingthls fact ©fte* rer"o:utrend person* io my rare. When Itlncorventent U visit the city for treatment, medlcinet tar '& «en* privately a* i »a.ely oy mai 1 jt exprea atiywbera. Cures Guaranteed t» nil Oust lcdartnlieu. C 'limitations, personally o: vj «»ttr iiu -»4 Invited Charge* reaaonable and roirctpondnece itricily cowtd«athJl a PRIVATE COUNSEIiOB Of WO p.o, Mnf to ,r* ttj; ctLU ftocul* 1— r..-’ t, \!3 v.£3o.k. mqWt.. Hz XLr.*-. u m »er.a .tutiiy-*ic:n S*» atta^ly a DDITT "lx (or rnlt'' i -, nrt ros tv-tr»« fv ecw: ly Lo of good* w* wit tj'ts- 1 - of -i*hv- -i o-<*xe aoora t' g.u aw*; MOiiUi' *l*i> ‘r 'hi: - '’ l l. »nv'miv. sws : th» *r*rke— a! lotr r: T*fa •nallirf t*«. tro* *'fvt Art# . M»tr tW-T FOR FINE AND RELIABLE DRY GOODS, KOriON-3 AND NOVKLT E3 i is tla T sll ! M)i AND QUALITY the TRUE TEST 8 OF OHB APNBS^. F^eh Pay Adds S w In I In Already Enviable Erpa^jili d Crlnn,b!is\ hwit FOR THE MIXT FEW DAYS WE WILL OFFER UNPARALLELED B rgair.s in MWm\ THIS IS A GREAT INVENTORY "SALE Qn account of just completing stock taking. It ia the cuatom of our three houses after taking stock to reduce goods 25 per cent, we w£H mention a few Eye-Openers: 60 Pieces 6 inch ORIENTAL LACE at 15c, worth 25c, 25 Piece# SHEER INDIA LAWN at 8 l-3c, worth It l-2e, 4 Pieces MIH ADO’SUITIN G. 27 inches, 6 1 4e, 5 Cases SPRING PRINTS. r.ew styles, 4c, 2 Cases WHITE GOODS at your own prices, 18 Pieces best 45c BLACK CASHMERE at 25c. Spsce will not permit us mentioning any more bargains, but an ex- animation of our goods will convince you that the TRADE PALACE is headquarters for DRY GOODS. And we believe the most satisfac tory way we can repay that sense of obligation is to assure them that we shall continue to deserve as great a share of their confidence in the future as we have in the past. O. P. GRAY & GO, OOILiTJIM: E3TTE 3 , GA., GRAY & O’BRIEN, Savannah. Ga. CHRISTOPHER GRAY & CO, Augusta, Ga ——f HONNICUTT’S RHEUMATIC CUBE. Infallible for Rheumatism AND ALL BLOOD AND KIDNEY TROUBLES Read two of our vexy strong certificates: CERTIFICATES OF CORES—RHEUMATISM. A short time ago I suffered terribly with rheumatism. It was im possible to walk even with crutches I could not put my foot to the floor. I found no relief from treatment or remedy until I tried Hunni- cutt’s Rheumatic Cure. Before I had finished taking one bottle I was abie to walk com for ably with my crutches. Before I had finished the second bottle my rheumatism was entirely gone I put my crutches aside and have never felt a twiuge of rheumatism since. I am well, and can say my cure iB perfect and permanent It is certainly a wonderful medicine. ALBERT HOWELL, Union Ticket Agent, Atlanta, Ga. FOR KIDNEY TR0ULES—THE BEST REMEDY UT THE WORLD- ATLANTA, GA., January 6, 18:6. - Messrs J M Hunnicutt & Co: I have been a sufferer with kidney troubles for seventeen years, and have been treated by prominent physicians of this state and Alabama. I have used large quantities of medieints advertised to cure blood and kidney diseases, without leteiving the slightest benefit. About six weeks ago I suffered such intense pain- -ccnrcely being able to breathe at times- 1 concluded to try "Hunnieutt’s Rheumatic Cure,’’and after 1 using one bottle was entirely and absolutt ly cured, and for the first time in seventeen yiars lam without the eligl test pain, and earnestly recom mend all who suffer to give your curt a trial. Yours truly, J C MiAKNOCK. 148 E Fair Street. RETAIL PRICE $1.00 PER BOTTLE. Sold at Retail by all the Druggists. At Wholesale by BRANNON & CARSON, M D HOOD k CO. and the CITY DRUG STORE, Co lumbus, Ga. J M PUNNICUtT & OO, At’anta, Ga. inh4 d w6m