Columbus daily enquirer-sun. (Columbus, Ga.) 1877-1886, April 08, 1886, Image 5

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w t (j ~,H !. or l*r»*o <* »• Do-The l»*ll Kiowa Irlifk Pbll"»«D!iir
mill « 11 ** ■■•U-tMikirM »»• Dovirriaai m noalhlj I». »i»
raii«ltM > ililib^ Dli-l.
the Ailaut. Ux , Ocnill n' Moron
3y aurIo Aui« lovi Ua*> as jjJ7
L nd N, April 1 ^b^biT'iTo? ' K w Orlhako, La M*ro>i 17 -
4 y« a ifisperaie luurj f ai ttj»ay »l [. , 14l c , rr ,ep.)i deuo ]
VtHterdi.y' meeting of the cabinet to f( ■* O tm » for i I . msu many
prevent a iifirup'ion amt iiiat the ef- itm*, aud «t >veiy visit resolved that
furl sucoteil'd, Gli<l lone consenting 1 wrtmd wi uuos tb» UrWItig of ilieinr
to eHtuliiate tile pioprB»l to yield the ! man a Louisum Hu*u- L • ry, and lt,-
cio'rol of ouitoina to the Irish par- : variably u*es 1 t r re ner and grentcr
lianjen*. ; auiuoilous, Y .oulay, huwsver, ivus
. PRANOED for a POSTPONEMENT. 1 ““*••»> 8tul a ** !• “ n 6i ; vl * M5-
V irii Ua wtilps have airaim il witu i " 1 ; e eib0 AH., 14 1 1 a-oded into .he
v “i ‘ , " _ ”, r ,, „ I Academy of Mn-io and ut Jaai saw he
tbt tmuabeis of thii^ iaroe- fn_ » * fI1 ., rtu8 J por( , , u ,
K owing 1,11 re nrethousa; da ot < r ,ur
r,. s'pout men t uu’il F. nioy of nil
q.vb'loij* wlitoh were lo have hepn
Moii j t np in Ihehcui" of unn 1 u#
I., tuirrow, Except those of m at
mussing impor'ance. In ihia cur-
i h 11 i, g of (tie business of lie house
tuaueis v,no WuuJd itl»u,.o ssc 1 . i, m
ino absence or 1 ’'«nr ebony nr be pres
ent, orucludmi mu an to u I it, nn
dean t.y utf, w uid t o Ljuireslu n r: aj.
Ids. L i. th ; ’endar eiuot ..oh mu i,m.
HI oilstone will he enabled to begin | Academy of Music, » large tueatre o
T — *• '8 Charles street E her li or the 8
hisepeeoo iuixplaud'.inu ofhia Insh , . .
Lome ur'e -chi me ».t ab u- bail past V J “ ru T 7 t)B<lrl : “ f u ' ,,d lh0 ' 8
7 ‘ rn „ iiani.i ihe adtnlssiou is of oourse on
[ ur hi be ht'-eiho io, Tb® ubuuI Ui1(1 c0 „ Btlt(n , Xh ., paiq .„ )U0 l8 a;rt! „ u> .
b dy of P 1 | lc ® 8,a, * 0l,t .f®' 10Ut ’*l e I crowded, ao we’ii go up In the dits.ij
pHrilen.cut buildings will b** strong* • llt0 ; e _ u e 0 fl d u pretty crowded
iy it toforoed lofinorrow, Thlaptesl
ftiution will be taken tosuppress any
demonstration tbatn.ay be attempt
ed outside of the building.
Berlin, 7. — Tub lower
louse of the Prussian laud tag fo day
by a vote of 214 to 210 adopted the
b 11 exj ropiiatiug the lai d of the
j? Us in Posen and coloniz.r g the
province with Uffiuars The. P ■ lieh
deputies pointed tu that tiiey hsd
refia tied frolu b-kiog auy part in
the bi.l and recoided their votes in
protest against the pass ge of a nicas-
ure whicti they des. rtnet as n vl >li-
liuU of thu fundiimeioal laws of the
s'ite and contrary to the dictates ot
humanity and to all international
PARrs April 7. —The third mem-
b- r of me party ot wolf-bitteu Rus
eiaus who came to Paris to b.i treated
bv Pasteur, has died llhe ‘he others
Hj showed symptoms ol hydropho
bia. _
A •SUO.BOO Firs.
3p«olsl >o the Kkquibbr-iiu».
Quincy III, April 7 — The G m
Cuy mills, the largest fl nr mins in
thia Beotlon, were entirely burned
last night. The total loss is nearly
f200,000 The buildlr gs were owned
by a stock company of Q >>ncy men
and cost $125,000 Taylor Brothers,
lessees, took possession last winter.
Th-’y bad 15,000 huAbeii of wheat
fend 1000 barrels ot fl ur in the ware
house elevator Their loss is about
$31,000. Nordyke & Co, ol Indian
apolis, had |list refl. ed the mills on
contract acid the machinery had not
h»en accepted, Their loss will be
Waal«la» M’rmunmt.
(t> -ia! t» JSMWrtr-SM.
St Louis. April 7 —The cily elec
tion in East St L uis ju-Hterday for
members of the city o uccil reeulted
in the Knights of L Dor carrying
two wards and the administration
parly the other two. Cuy elections
have been held throughout this state
and dispatches froru numerous points
show Uat the tabor pavy has carried
several pi >ces. The ou.ztuo’ ticks s
have been successful at other points,
aud thaf strict party liDes have been
drawn in some p r ecyi, in a m*j nty
of which the democrats have been
4 Boiler KkpIoa*! n.
^§p»e1ftl to E q a Ire rotten.
Wilmifoton, NC , A rll 7 —The
h tier of me British steamer E i-
cl an trees, heretofore reported as here
on Frying P~.n shoals, exploded last
night Tnrt-e wreckers were badly
scalded, one dangeroii’lv. Their
names are no' known. O o of the
'wrecking stsamers, with tue Injured
ai ,u, is expected here 'o-Dighl.
fhf Boftlle
lo Entmrhr-tnni».
Fort Bowie A biz , March 7 —
T .e A[ -cii es w o surrendered to
General Crock «-u Marc: 29 r.d who
arrived here April 1 in cb'itfe of
Li-u M rrs, w-H be sent to F .rl
M.-kiion, K’ Augus'lim, Fla., as
prisoners of w r. The captives gave
a g aud dance Iasi n gnt at ipsir
c cop, as a (a i w.- il to General Crook
W ills, Vl 1 tk. «li,.idi Ball >»r.
S -fluil iii ifinquimr*'Siiiis
New York Apiil 7 -Alderman
D, L oy cabboc be found, and 1! is
rum nc-d that tie left the ci ty Hu "day
ni^hl with the intention of remain
ing awuy until the clouds roll by.
fltt'iilr antf Miiikij.
to Enqulrer-*ion
Lynchburg Va April 7 -Moody
ana Hankey arrived here to-day and
preached in the opera bouse to an
Immense crowd. Hundreds of peo
ple were turned away. They remain
here until Ha urday.
OIJ-.ilii (• BaropeMi Ala*.
California newspapers are begin
ning to kick against the large lcfl ix
of I aliacs who have been imported
by vlnyardists
Siriv' Kacaa,
Bpeo’wl lo Ei^qiitrar-Hou.
New Orobans, Apill 7 - -The ‘ra>:k
Bt he J eky oiub’e course was in good
C'.iidi’.hsn, and the weather c ea r and
c ot.
K rst isos, all agne, three q .av'er
n. t; 9tt’1e H won, A mo 21, Hop
81 3 Time, 1:194
H-ieond race, -eiUDg allow i 'oes,
u ul ooDdtttoos, seven fu long-;
Jo la W woo, O'anSe Braonon 2i,
H u 3 1 time, 1:34
Third raoe, sellir.g allowanoes, one
milt; Legion -von, Breve: 2 1, O roO »
3 Time, 1:464
Fourth race, tor three year olds, al
lowance, three-qoar'.er mil*; L <l». L
won, G i!d 8 .. r 2 Miss C e rslaad 3 .
Time, 1:184
rill rsoord
by the f'Hlrersfx .md their etooria
Ou the sugn we see, to the *lght cf
the audience, a lai go wr.eol about five
cut In diumetei; he sices me piatt.
glass, and as ciean and char at only
puts glass can oe genua, Tuey arc
j ihi emp.ykig In great bag-, out of
which roll nine tin hexes or uade; in
Uiee* are the hum her*; the., neml
bait 11 i the linmro-e wheel. All this
iaw.-tohedb, a commission, Gon.iai
Jnbal A E.rly, Wi ll s.ooplng shou
uers and long while, ha, thia
wheel In charge, anti w.-tuber every
thing and everybody on the at, ‘gn
o nseiy
O i e left of tie near the
fo,.'.tights Is a smvlltr wheel, wi h
gus «id<« Into trill they are empty
:ng iaige bags fi ed W:ih t n uib-s
aooui the •bicknubK"! a large Isad h8'.-
otl and h>i:f as lei g 1 %r» if,ere
p alcer, as I wan on Unit eid of the
house. (iou BesurnganJ supBiirjteBdt
la,s ’-’be 1, and Wutohes It bso n«ely ee
“Old JoD«” does wtee: No 1 or tri
etch ul these tin tubes is a ca d oesri g
'he amount ol' thu pr;z Everything
b: ing bow in readiness, ino door of
eath wheel is shut, two neprueH take
bold of tho cranks on wtieul N 1 and
turn It round two or three ..lines aud
than reverse the roll; mean
while General Beauregard nlinsstf
turns the smaller wlise 1 back and
forth. The tiokota and pria is hsl g
now well rnlxitd, two boys ar« blind
folded by Generals Early and Beaure
gard. Gariarala E irly and B-auregard
then unlock the door, the boy takes
apo-l ioa Dear It Gereral Et-lynex'
to one and General Beaaret;iiid sex'
to the other, bat at opposite sides of
the stage, and the d)ff rent gentlemsn
of the committee, cierks, etc., take
their plaotra, and ail is ready.
Mow they are about to begin Ho
lead pencils and memorandum cards
are gotten out by the 1 nterse.ed. who
cannot well for publication of evening
papers. 8 my of them have their
tickets In their hands, and sc each
number Is oalled, ’efer to them to “teu
tf L’a my number,’ N ,w for the pro
B iy puts his band In wheel No 1
aad pulls ont a small tin oisu; r-ai.du It
to General Early. N 2 who opens L,
drops the cash g into a b ,x a; h.s feet,
aad oalia out ir> « weak voloe ibe
her—we’ 1 eay 1 67 564 ” He hen hsnd .
tttoN. 3 it out iii a very
loud voioe While this Is being do e,
boyatwhee No 2 i ends a smsn tin
tube to G ineral besutsga:d Toe gan
era- opens it, drops tube In a box a* hie
fee 1 , oa ta cut the prl* — aay “one hua
drea d ,':us”-then hand, it to No 3
who agilu calls ii lou lly B
his nine N 3 right end
No 3 lea of chair lu centre of mug*.
( !■ wn'ch No 4 s sei od) har d .h •
-icket auu the priz''o N 4, who roll^
tlin two lognhtr tn a tin tnoe a d
brows tbern into a box at l.b fe-,t
Tola oontluuf s o the clcae, thn on’v
vuria.ion hoi ig In nnmi.sra and
amount of prizs?, $100 f20u, $30u |5rt0
a d $1(100 nre coolly oolitHi ou.witL- .;n
iudlflure^oe worthy r 1 a hotel o ark
when he tens you “Y nr bill lh $41 80
for s day and a ball.” So it, go*.; .mi
mix'd in w’ h beae amounts nre $6000
flO.COO, $20 CtO, $25 000 $50 000,
»od wa wonder when the
oipltal pr>zj will come—the pi.o in
the prlzo wheel Is diminishing ■>»
■>r three fon u. es have been g v.,n uway
1 watch General B suregsrd’s face s?
he mon'R’Iy so .ns the nnio iers, to se
if I a >e!l when h- fi at sues the
or z ; hot bis face Is as pose ve at
w. t n he g'.vi- ilia oruur wlnou routed
he feds at B .11 R iu, and I forget al
ibont thu p iz uu'll n:y care #r
wiar'lfd by bearing h.ra oan 'onebui *
d'edflVv ’.boasKnd;’' hen No 8 takes
rid calls . ut “*,rn. hundred nr d
fir y thousand dol’aia”
The omy van'l l . .mdeistha' 'hey
wat' its iuirg ■ c •ide-i, «"d atanna;
ut “ ickel 73 040 wins $150 000. ’
i>u/k ■.« il no, are w« ii/.g ; i s rue
<>! e to go up and get I out. of their
way, Tue res. of the c.dl In mnnnton.
••is, md the r.u'k -if the crowd lu ,y,
1 i» I ed I'.t-ti th<> as' number was
'tilled I’ drew $1 000 vnd-io ended
the .irswing of Inure: 16, 86
'Twee fnpny to bf.ur ..oe ooinmnn'Rl
‘•I'm cl! O K G .. a hundred.” “I;
Johnny I I got da 'prox mat'en ”
“WHi, 1 m ahead,” eto Thou every
body rnebed off to lunch, for’twas uear
8 o’o eck and we’d been sitting there
since 11 S me eat turkey, and some
eat crackers; some drank Cham Hague,
and some diank water; some won,
some lost—but all resolve to ‘‘try It
again,” and among the latter v«<
“Y 'ira truoiy,” Matt O'B.
A new paper h ar'td in th? Missls-
eippi ootton region is oalled the P oke?.
lly T.hvrMt to rki ravsli'.r.Sui
I ondcn. Apr” 7 1 p m Cim»o!»
HO -eC'iUUvi I 0 Jl-10
NEW Turk money kabeut,
New Soak, Ap u 7-Nvon - Hines*
aru q ilm -nd itvad>. M^my easy at
p cent. Rxenvuge—1 leg MiOJq -li. .
<88 B-ite bauds negi'is'e.!, cull tsovsrn-
m i>i «‘s»Jy ar.'' fl m
Mff our Apr 1 7 • • Uzoiiarga $4 85t<
.'I - y \'A <S v'Oi .i Go eiumeuiiiu .t
U'l t j u i-. v*. N-w 'ou per oeo's iaij<
liree w. oeuls .101 01*1, a.ate Pu j
vj'y 'CM,
•r i
!8»;w YOKE BTIICH uttm
ill w VoBK, Ap l 1 7 Tb^ lollowlnu
wr. i.eoiu«iu<: qiiQ(i»ilo»u ol tip. mock
i rob*! uo:
WO Mot.J Is A Obi. 12k
mi Until * ,t (Jbst 45-,
i(0>, N'O I'lUlltc I'll, . , 42JS
Hi; 6 V ijoctrul ,113k
N.irLlii A c »ref\l .. ;7'»
22 -iorttic.u Crtwibc., '*5
. II j Jo uridorro.!.,
u, t). brown oon&o'R.lOU j l'aclflr; >t*]l......
Teunonoefr 65 Usi.tto*
t Uviol.i 6'» 44 Uhliuiond A All.
r'o re ul,)’. 66 md.i,iouil A ht
..T owtrcak*- A OUu 1*7* Ulcli’d A W. P. 1
Mess' 't Nn*ths-'i.l0''i4| - : tk Is.sud ,, W1
dc un 'crretl. ..„..Ubi’, 5.'? Past
Dos L ckswsna .'26t- do preferred .
■:.rl> !6S '>»»« Pstlfli'.Mv
Kssi Tons Ji B 2> “BlOn P»ol«o ...
I*k«Bhor»... a k » H * J* n>r Orat- I 48lt
Oi.levme A huh ink UllMourl Fsclflo 103 a
A'sm A Chsrlwitoi' U 1 D vi-srs, 46S
Ala clave . *c .
.1- naar B fl’o,. ,
IU«orgl.t 6’a
'')v*w*g ' e. incrr...
.s' Caiohna, old,
do new
Mill. 4,
Wf lv»,
LJVBitPCKlL Ap il 7-- N'.OU UoUpb m r
b fl * ipd lu g id (Ienur'di m.Id
pi -mi* 6 l 16 i, middling Orleans tH
■ . rr rrciH) halo— peonlnU'.m n il <x,.or
neviii'V*. 2.,ton l-.ak.a~21 800 -vius,,. ...
q in.
Ap 1
P'"ed q’
(I J
M ay
ct he f fowl 'g
4 !* 61 l
j H8 04 , a Oil 640
. 5 2 Ul
5 8 04.15 4 64*1
..0 5 on
.6 . 64 ’)S 8 * 4 '
..5 5 64 !
..& 8 641 6 8-6
Tune UO Jn y
Ja v »t*4l A' u
Auguvi ar il tJeptwnb*' ..
» 'i4 l nnbsr •’hot O' >be
'"cn-m.iiol ..ellvprlsri <ci lo-elv.- 'r. oi>w*;.wB
fOO -'Sinn at I.-.W toolret, *r 5"l haiee r.
‘A00 ,i m—Bi .ter "if tbt day include 10 COO
ntmn ot American
S'Dturts: Ap>'|i delivery 4 66 6ld bnyt •;
April ar.-i May 4 68 64 nyirr M-v au«
Jn <5 1 (HI cellar?,* June and July S 8 64-: ; Jn y 'in-? Aucnot 6 *.«iit's;
Angm*. w»dBoptoinbe* 5 7 U4 r BflUtrn, Stp
ned Oi't'ib*" ft 5-64-' S. lew O.tnh*** ah
N .Viratier 5 8 64 reiltrv; Bepdrruber 51 64d
so' ion aul
4.60 p no- Knlurtu: April dniive-j 4 II 64d
bu^srt: A^rll **nd M«y 4 68 44*' buyer*
May ssd Java S 1-S4P other* Java mas
Jbit 6 3 t.4'5 ic ier*; Jury and An tu
5 4 644* ba.eit; Augait sad gtpieurbct
i 7 64 ’ tvilora; B*p ember and Orobe
6’*t;4d. t*ll«rt.‘ Oj'omer and N. v nolle
5 2 44 2 onyer* 8cpUmbar 6 I 64J te Itr*
Futi.voa e.ohtd dull
New Ynax, April 7 — Evening— U»it*»
msrke fl m ; rnstth 81 bales; middling
upland 9J4’. urlenn* t 7 :6s
(JotBolUatth ns' CMCipta 7,393 bales; tx-
_ it 1,191,
N KW OBLBAM8, Apill 7 — 3;5d P M —
Fa urn utvatd aitadyi talet 33,209 ba te,
at to laws:
April — 1s* 8 T5 1M
N»ir Yr ij.K, April 7 L.;ouA4Af* •• lu
receli'i* ^05 bnlw, grose 10 7 Falarc'
••lufifl i quiwt, firm—80 SCO bnl*-, ft$t foJ
Jnty ....
€pt» j .mher
• UV1AUV9 • iVC
, 0 ’0 lOOif* 0 ]« 11)0
0 -9 llXKd • w 100
8 0i 100fe> 8 80 100
8 S 1(«
8 M 0C» 8 1(H.
8 86 100(# 8 17 t00
8 97 10 >.i$ 8 f i 17X
0 17-100(2; 9 lls'00
0 x7 i’S J*
fi :<9 101® 0 40s K 0
0 48 ! 00 . » 49 l'C
9 M 100 . 0 67 00
fi 41 !00$ 9 il 10
9 <1 UAH& 9 28 I t
9 a4 9 2d (Ki
9 'ib 1 0, 9 3j i0
0 8*> l«8d 9 i0*
G r 6i A Tr»dlTjgcon laned mod
«*i.t ex !«»■©»> drill ».o .
%n d«y wr ii u>.e gtrgvje-# -cf ou ■ t o i^r
q u»< '.o*!ab‘* s H <mi w^s wu) e li-*M
■ *»v<f' l’iK -aad livllt- « •c nes. tx )j.*e^Ar
fl jAiiy iHttt - ooyei fwg, wnidJa Jed v. -
vhIh of i*».'re^ *o fon p d o'ps^cI
qnl'.n oie t.'v «'n »»•*■» ti-. Ktr. , ’--v:
vm«M qmte 9. pr at Pin 'no
will ci - *• fill, g i UUOUUU.Y M
» « i,» i fTeoii in io ue'-ti the p (Mtr ujr- nnd
1CMU «</ 111* pl- Lpv 4$OkaUWJe '2IBPU& >jI
^Meog 1 1'.tfJJiug i('.n*J«noio>
Oalv itiiTOif, A» f l! 7— Couod mRiice
rt in. • V/i •; 7ii -
716 **1»* 809, «}^ofe 89 001; exporu Gr#»
Brl . alu 00* ooutlnerAt 00
;• O F LK, A' rK 7~0>toov rnrerkn' «‘6'*.«fy
,mi.mi k 9 *iet r$xr»4‘.pt« 88?, gn re
«S8, «vx ,,: 4» 16 i. Jtook 35,^08; oi.-ortu Hm
Brl'.*tr. 0 6-> )'«en’ (M)
Haliimohk \prl. 7—4.>iUon nis v e:e fl
.rii»! jn j^/3s6 * "ef. rtucv^o r 8 -rr ^ .
, /.*■* . i>p.v* er^ 1125i 3 752:
f to Gr^» Britain w, o.iatl.
-Lli'pu ram* q • 1 $»*
; iix* **on$’ , *pt 4 J fl i‘ ’• »■
.wofc 68 U; exp rU* >,.• Grc$<
The history of thts ye»r
many striking events.
»*Tli« Peeper study at Mankind it Mun *
8a ;a the ll’iisrlius P pe. It be b. d
tco uded woman ic ihu list, he >vou d
h ve bee" nearer ibe truth, if bo
poe’io’’-! Dr K Y Pierce ni-;,!*'
them bo h« ’l 1 " u u*l>, eBp'daliv w *, Rud thu p cibi-ji der&ugea.f nta to
which hur db.icn^, sys'em fs liable
M *ny women la ilie land who me
acquainted whti D' Pier*." only
through his “Favorite Prescription,’’
bli'*:* Mm wi h all their hta'r’s for he
ba-i brou^lp ihtm : he pa*.eo-.,a for el
those chrot.lo allmenth neonllar to thul*
a* x, such as ieucoirl a> proiapaui end
other disr>', oementSjU oe-ntiou, “.ater
OAl fuver." bloatltig, 'er.dnuci to inter
na' oa’iour, and other si men’s P,ioe
reiuc dto one dollar, By drugglsie.
Military ormpanics do best when
set oat In drliia.
*vn, (NO C’N A ,r> ' 7-.OUOIJ J3M il
6, *mdciilui4>. 8> 4 <5‘ »0’>i(> ,a ^48
%■: ms ?48. 7» i e» no • 3403- fTpi aG.«..
^rl’s^oOO omtlcnni v0
^'HILADBI.P’TTA AprH 7 — r «*
tl Ci -Aft i«.c 0 7‘‘I6 Jfiv 168, .»(>•’
j8 ; alp- 00; 18 4*0J cxruirtn co- *t • *•
:nj; Greft ttilUl U0
8AT4N8AB* ^A. A;t tt 7-0- q >'
•••ihM 1 *'gJ4 8^ ryec.-ov 671 g. -
H71 *».'•- 8r .MCk 81 140 exp'irL .: « v
B l'oi>. Oj coni!veil- U)
N*W Ghl-xanb, April 7 O' M '*1 fl iv;
m’ \ t'.it* • fittv • '■ r i * 1768 vfr »r
1981' Alw. frMI; w 1 •*< 269 171 ip*r.« to
Wrrvda 00. to Of, oon‘l-
A jfll 7—-jolioi* moF^-a fl>in
MjcSiilinyF 8^ w ; 80, *iw.
89 .stdt-n 0J kloox 86,014, «xpti.<.i> t>i<sa*
‘irlttdD CO
glif, April 7—• JeUon msrke’flrrr*
middling* 8J£c\ n» f ^FOAipU 600 »bip
m.t.t.f$. 2681 *$i,iar 8450, pteefc 07,4/0 ,^:u»
xrr- 0'
jkouABtH, April 7 Oot Tr *n marjr«i d.u?;—
/nlddXwE* %% r«OT»lpt'( 263 uiiipr»oai.: 00;
salts 821: 3Lo4jx
Uai*7 xit.aaTOf* ap 117 Jour .no'h tujdo
l g: midc.;>•«?« Y%r, .**4 l(6i, .
16V2: Afe.-** 0 r > rfl rC3 *x : v is t
(ire''*' Bv ! Biu 220) *T a c« 00, ooutlneii* 00
April 7 - 0:110 »— m'.Ud
8% ;fcO' ipi>'195 b% <ss
lP3i«I>U1 Itt JlW $> V *. » 10N*.
ft' ,\l
CHICAGO, r Ap M 7~ F < nr
S iu tui -i i4 40'f’4 15 W ^
w r - Ap* > 73 V PA j Ti% rn%
2 8pfi v. 7 ;y5> 4’'
(??8 99 pi’PiJi o l 04 40. VVlMii xvtuh ■••(]
% L 'OW UiAF V«9 Mf'l y—N 1 2 '•Ml ciuh
M y 8Vi!'6>ij<\ Cor t'o- b'.i
Ot iftin a > »» «• d ky’** prictju—N 2in x a
«• «b M%', Ms588K 84 O '- nu Imrun.i-
No 2 ralx*U o » u U \1 y 29U W/'isky
f) 10 P ‘Vlntoua s;o. d : B6ik#10 00 lard
flrnr —5 0, b *’K nauuvi flnu-oux d pih-
loog%tftr *!d • —— ihori rib aides —
iinqvt o«ar u lea 5 02)%; lnoa* IoIb-Iopk
gltai aid » |6 85 abort rlit# 35 45 •bo» , t oloar
• clif 06 09, »t u'fca q lot bat fl tu—long
cu*ar a^diH 96 Ho «b p, b I'.ia- f 05 •bor’
«. v riot * 06 1 *-6 12V4; ban a fl in- 98 5C«
11 00
Ch'kfiti av«a«.
LfPOWn wr, Ky. April 7 — muky
tlnllt 'W. *v . No A rad 89(d)90oi oi •»>,
re n> m if 38 l /t&37 ; *»• ><\ *:< W N * '> tn z
82^^ P' ov^.onn a • vd * : PorK, sil. •«$■
9U 5 t b — Lev** rlo ret 'j* ft 9o
alftnj ailiMf lb l*H» • • »n.d t' 94 37>4 tto
tsert^n- r'f \ 6 6 8C oioar anins 6 56
rhGU-dor* 4 CO ’titt * •* btnas 9 * r t(<(ffl'0 i.\
*•■ ?b • ■.» a»At 7 70#8 Cl; pr m < ;j a -v
10 !6
M t»w ”.r$*; * n.»v^
'(XV* lui-u-tWR, Apr) 7 O IT .»
Tbt, tu Offgoaw, ooraraon »o prime*
*«« k*« da)i - Lonimauu. o r d\Ptt'
it* pit rt*>
mugar ni t k >; ;la'’— ’ puImI.d • :
Imtue, Jy p -rue 4%^ (lime 4%-
a.'ixni -.n to good Mir -C; o . irllu
ol^u All :o g nu .-.He-' 0 .8 lie. cliob’o anl e
7o (.bo o* y- lCtw o u »0 3 16
Mt’lanfces du 1-1$ ulM v 'Mft open kvttl —
croud prime la atuo*)y p !mr 32c; cmiiiulii
20(^22o « gam, pi'ltue io iUlotb
■>rliner 1040 0o
0»rr alsitwrkls
OiPCtP-rATi, April 7 <Vblaky acMv 1 *
und fl na—fl la
•1 Aihi/i? neet: 41/47..
;.-4aW 0*LttATM&, April 7 - U ■ <*.•
dull prim* oro-ia. o'e’iverod, 2iH02a‘*i''
BUouraa' yalbiv 2 ^01/^^,
Mint yonj April 7— •» we»
q*i e\.- 32^24. orijrxi'ltf* for iduu- i
»TOWfW* «(’•
JMK-3T Yokk Apri 7 again Biarktl fitcadj ;
urrefl. f)' 17 <i$ to. Trupftr.iine Unll—
Vn?:F, i c V. 7 raaris i qu e
— is * y> ‘ i" vrieais* a* *.. u 45 '.-ip
U OOUX.Ur fit^ ii 10: 'PaFfM* V-s tx, 6( .. I
•v 10i*iUM,r.
•J)iW \oiK, April 7.— Wno — qutet n>*<
«v ‘jaJy*- U* **»j.»nL. 'a ft*' twis • 7 p8o , bi tf 04922
yi-mr Ap il 7 rr-.i»r«t 10 L-vei
pciAJ a .cue y • 0 nu l p<*« 7-61 3jg*i-
b% .
( habi/toh l ';irt! 7 inrrtortl. • q i’ei
98Ue IVjjike- aki Ainad 90 good elialitet
9)0^11 00
nxYAisNArf An: 7 Tu
(ft*x> 91 Vr'^iTil 2t uaiaa 20*) oh-j reP,
Wti*mi5«*ig jAoni 7—Tntr-" • * d 1
at 40a final a* Arm nr a /.*ed 80 ynoo N 0
Te- fl 1 10.- nd * '■^TV-<*r.’ \> fl'a..-
>«f 10 y • '!•»(«'die ■ < { 00 O'*
Deaib M\m Dirts.
That Clain:; it* Tietime by Th-«-
srnts — lhe Horror* Unoertlird
among » lew of the I nforfunsfc
of Atlanta, the Hume of the l'«t* nt
Medicine Man.
Vet'*?*' hn wenk' N j’-ish 8
SW A;.r W/ R WAX MsyS7^ J'l • 37v,
m,'l- % ■ O • ass.iv*! bn' we **•—oishVH,
Apu 35^'i)26<,?, M*y W%Vi\iy. Mt*.
P t .15 •*.« y O 'x* '"! .8 ' —
0 *h J’fS Msy IS 8 UUl9 55 J l'vs $9 4i
8 L d—OJ <b 15 9v. B.'X I me.*'./'
Rhiidy - dr;, .a!'*- ' sh i r ; a ;.'6 S-l 15 h r
rl*' chio* H6 8’.J^i0i5 8> *hor c ih- j,.!.* $5 66
01170. u tsxy siaaiv-01 H 3tt*a.— uiun
davd A *ranul«ts 6>i\
• >. LMll.
BT. Lotus. Ho, Aprl’ 7-Flour itu’.I amt
micaa gs '-fksaiy 88 30^8 86, chouse 18 tu
Atlanta, although in many re
speets reoarded us a healthy city, is
not unlike all other inhabitable
portions of the earth, in claiming
her share ol victims of the nuinim h
of ali dreadoij ailments—blood
poison A Constitution man was
delegated lo investigate Home of
the most notable cases in Atlanta
and in his rounds made the follow
,ng appalling discovers s;
"My name is Mary Chapman,and
I live nt tlie cor: er of William and
Cox streets I have been a dread
iul sufferer from scrofula and run
ning, eating serotinous ulcus for
ix years Have been waited upon
during thu time by seven Atlanta
physicians, ulbo used various udver
tised remedies, without the least
benefit. The eating sores on my
neck were a mass of co. ruption ul
most down to the li n: s. My
throat became so much afl’ectud
that I coulu sc ireely swallow, my
food lodging 'n a portion cf my
litre at. I was reduced to hf)
pounds weight being a met <• .skole
tun. In this condition f com
inenced the use of iili H and fi mi l
ereat relief in the fir.-t but le
“When I bad ut-ed five buttes
my health hid so much improved
that the ulcers had all healed, lhe
s selling had subsided, iny appetite
eturned, my skin became active,
my strength returned arid I gained
•vl pounds of flesh. 1 am now
healthy, fat and hearty, and am aide
to do as much work, as an ; woman,
and feel as happy as a lark "
"Inj \\ 'It Q vrtiicn '
Mias Minnie Wallace resides with
Mrs George Pick land, dl McAffee
street, and from her own lips tho
reporter learned the following ap
palling story:
Several mo”ths ago she becamo
almost totally blind and deaf. Ilor
bone > became the feat of intense
pain, her joints W're swo’lon
and p 'infill, :md eventually
her whole ho ly and limbs became
covered with splotches and small
seres. To the reporter she said;
”1 had b ood poison and rlnurna
tism au l buf in; one bottle of fiHJJ
had been taken I begun to see and
bear. 'When 1 had completed the
use of six bothes niy eyesight and
hearing was fully restored, sense of
taste retim e i. all sp'otches disap
peared, horci.e s all hc. led, and my
strength and flesh ia stolid”
8en*l to iilood Balm C >, At.l ui
tu, Ga, for their iiook of Wondt re,
dika v r«Aw top ool nxt rd mt
/fk. «*XJX*.X0J : XX3
Frill P o(!o'* c r an I 'lyttic.
II ir t h WrnwA’ftvt !
I tmk foui bottles Guinn’s
Pioneer arm gained lfi jioundB in
flesh Mr appetite has boon re
stored 1 have protuied a lot fur
use in my family.
You! s leaped fully,
00 Humphries St. Atlanta, On
1 am Ot* 1 years ol age, and regard
Guinn’s Pioneer n iiuu tonic for the
feeble. By its use my strength lias
been restored and my weight iD
creased ten pounds.
Gotton Gin Maker.
Macon, Ga, Fob ]K, 1886
A crippled Confederate says;
“I only weighed 128 pounds when
I commenced Guilin’s Pioneer, and
now weigh 147 pounds I could
hardly walk with a stick to sup
port me, and cau now walk long
distances without help Its bene
fit to me is beyond calculation.
Muc-on, Ga. Cotton Buyer.
ware Merchant of Forsytli, Ga,
writes. ’It acted like a charm on
my general health. I consider it a
flue I* nic j weigh more than I
have for 25 years.”
lh Epectfullv,
Mi W F JONES, Macon, Ga,
says; “My vifo has regained her
strength and increased ten oeunds
in weight We recommend Guinn’s
Pioneer us tho bust tonic. ’
lanta, Ga, writes of Guinn’s Pio
neer. "Guinn’s Pioneer Blood Bo
newer has been used for years with
unprecedented success. It is eu
tirely vegetable and di es the ays
!em Po harm. Improves the appe
tile, digestion and blood-making,
stimulating invigorating and ton
;ng up all the functions aid tissues
of the system, and thus becomes the
great blood renewer and health r«
- torei' ”
RENEWER cures all B'ood and
Skin Diseases, Rheumatism, Scrof
ul;., Old Sores A perfect Spring
Medicine. It not it. your market
t will he forwarded on receipt of
price Small bottles $1 (’(); large
bolt”, s SI 75
Ess-.y on Blood’ and Skin Da.
use mai ’ed free.
iVfi/ton, Georgia.
A 3BL3E3
Ti e only sui o and infallible
rein t'ly
Neuralgia is pain in 't 10 nerve,
and nil pains are essentiv lly nerv
ous. Neuralgia is a seric llH ^‘ h *
ease, liable to attack tlie viv ‘1 or
gans, and il not taking jit 1 oS
j suddenly, leads to a train of uni °t ( I
] evils on suffering But, you no* ’’A
net incur the suffering or the rist* c
if you will bike Jordan h Joyou*.
Julep. It instantly relieves and is v
an infallible cure, Nothing like it
on earth for the immediate relief of
pain however severe oi long stand
ing the case.
Read one of the hundreds of tcs«
tiinonials we rociivo regarding its
LUMPKIN, GA, Feb 16,1886,
Dr J L Jordan; I suffered two
days from the worst attack of Neu-
ralgi i a man cv' r had. I called in
your house for something to relieve
it Y, u gave me some Jordan’s
Joyi us Julep and instantly it was
relieved, und I have not had it
since. I lecommend Jordan’s Joy
ous Julep to anybody who suffers
with Neuralgia,
An infallible ppeoific foi Flatu
lent Colic, Diarrhoea, Coughs,
Teething, Cholera Infantum, Chol
era Alorbus, and all diseases inci
dent, to children Give it a trial.
25 cents per bottle. For sale at
\\ I IKK 11Y USlN<i
You Will Always Have It Good.
It ; '*ni! 10r. in stumps for n rornplfto set ol
tjevt i lug’s N«*w (':ir<|s ((>(> original rhvignfl;.
tn i> i< •!***«*■
Are now prepared to furnish al
kinds of
And to Dress Lumber for the pul
lie. and solicit nat.ronatre.
n a T- il fl pH ft
’fit Rs* It TH
u v ii Lt jy X 0
OD - f'*I trnri«* t nat r
Superior Court, November Tara
lss5. Thomas & Peahodv, ad
niinistrators, vs Rev C P Ga-
bonry. Rule nisi, to foreclose
mortgage on Realty
Il appearing to the court by the
petition of G .K Thomas, jr, and F
D 1’eaiKidy, administrators on the
eetjite of 1) N Gibson, deceased,
that R'-v C P Gahoury on the 7tk
March, 188.T oxecuts.d iuxl deliver
ed to l> X Gibson and J A Gaboury
a im-i ’ gage on a tract, a lot, of land,’ "Tim (il’mvi’.c dfscribed
pi (,|cv' v sit iint«■< i in aOove stale
aiul cun is and in J A Gabmuy’s
hui of 11*■ lames C Co..1: place,
I said iuopeily buinp known as lot*
A 1, hi *1 C Lot A l.avjng'ii north
liix on IJosernoiit Avenue of ii»0
feet, 'in oust, line on Cui.i* Avenue of
25C f. «■ t. a : oiit 11 line «.n Magnolia
Avenue of I Ct i feet, a. west line of
250 Let, adjoining hits B C und D.
Li.fs B and C having a front on IJie
id am dt m road -fl 1 •'* fuet, und ex
tending back 1IIU feet, to lot A, all
n the < laboury survey, for the pur
I pose of securing the pa'inentof a
j ct-rhun promissory note for tho
I‘•ign,T yi.dld 1 -ih. made by the Uev
| Cl’ (lubonrv on 1h<- 7lh of March,
181-fi with m ere -t at H per cent per
annul" from date, and payable to
D X Gibs n and ,T A G.-.boury, or
bt-nrer, and due tno years after
date,, wlii h aid note's flic prop-
ci tv u f the e. tate of UN Gibson, de
ceased, aud which the said Ituv C P
(laboury refuse- to pay.
It is, therefore, ordered that the
said R, v C P Gaboury pay into tfiia
court, on or before the next term
thereof, the principal and interest
due on s ,id noLe, and the eost of
this suit, or in default thereof, tha
court w’ll proceed as justice shall
And il is furtlier ordered that this
rule be published in the Enquirer-
Nun a newspaper published in tho
county of Muscogee, once a month
for four months, or served on the
said liev C P Gaboury, or Iris
special agent or attorney, tlnee
months previous to the next term
of this c urt. J T WILLIS,
Dee l'J, 1-85. Judge S CC C
Tlat her A Peabody, Attarm-ys
for Petitioners.
A true extinct from the minutes
of Muscope» Superior Lour 1 , at its
JN'oveiu! er «• nn, 1 <m the 1‘Jtb
pay of Lecunhar. b-N’.
Curk S C Vl C, Ga.
i T!" r ■ p r p. !> > I
IX, Lispenard St., New York.
4fiU « 2-t2 Utr-~o» St. Uueagu,
r. Vi IV. POT & Mil
Viijdfi nw and Saig oas.
mH« tteuior of t e firm wut dCTOftfl
1 uHoiai mifnvi n o FeniRlo Uliinajii
Oflick oTsr F aier dt D')iJ«r’» lor Km>
nance at Lmdaay plftpfl. r* rtoNrt
Lroo^o r«$itd*no* on Bom BUI *• il