Newspaper Page Text
I Frntil«aii-I I. t.liK Hit Owlj Ob*
BBilr.lT Kltfeiai H.ttrailtu.
Cleveland Lt»u..
President Cleveland la the only
president in oar hietory who seems
to have no an u-etnents, whatsoever,
Cb-m-ge Washington w»s noted for
hie mu-cti.'ar development. He v a
fond ot lumping, and to the laid day
of his life kept a pack of hounds for
banting. He could dance upon occa-
alon, and he was ou refill enough of
his health to go to bed tv> ry rught at
10 o’ohck. Jtfhrsou was a great
horse bat k rider, and he rode through
out the country about Washington
daily during his presidency. Hi
usually spent two hours In the sad^
die, and be was fond of m xit g with
his fellows. At ids home at Monti
cello be paid great at'eutlon to farm
Ing, and l e otten walked about the
streets of Washington while In the
white house.
When Cleveland wi-s inaugurated
the ptees was full of wonder at hi
getting up for breakfast at 8 o’clock
In the morning, aud the whole nation
pathd him on the back f >r It, aa it
were. H ill Washington got up at
daybreak, and J Ur sou crawled out
as soon ns the light struck bis cham-
b*r J ihn Adams, who wa* ns fat
proportionately at Cleveland h, used
to lake a walk from the whi'e house
around ihe caid ol before bis break
fast, which, by the way, he took as
early at C evelattd, aud his son, John
Q, liticv Adams, was won’t to goduwn
to the pun mac aud take a swim be-
fjte his iu truing meal.
it >lla ot the Adamses were grea'
waikers, and while J >hu Q tlncy
A lums was president he tis tl to walk
out to the race course, two miles from
here, and back again whenever any
great sport was on laud. Attktew
Jaclsta was a hard wotker, hut lie
was a democratic fellow, aud tie liked
horse racing, <nck fighting, and a
good social smoke. He of eu attend
ed the cock fights on the Washing
ton Heights, amove Sixteenth street,
aud at one of the great r*c s of the
days of bla [.residency he had ahorse
of his own admitted in the
name of his larva's secretary.
M J it DotielBon. President Harrison
was a great walker, and he did much
of his own marketing during his
•hotl stay in the whi'e house. He
woukj get up and go to market be-
'+f>ro ( bre.-.kfttat, aud, though he was
an old man, ho often went about
without an overcoat. Frank Pierce
was another great hors* back rider,
and lie was uocustomod to gallop
thrnggh the streets ol Washington at
midnight ou a fine-blooded steed.
Buchanan was a great beau socially,
and 'be dlJ some walking. Lin
coln drove about somewhat, aud
it was not uucooimou to see
him on the slte-ts here’ He
liked the the a re, aud a box was
always reserved for him. Grant
walked up and down the broad pave
ment iu front of the wnlte house
for an hour or two every moruiug,
and liis love of horses and driving
amounted to u passion. Hs was not
averse to having fellows call upon
him In the e-e ting And he partook
of much social e/ j lyment. Arth' r
kepi nis house filled »iih guests, uud
took a lot g drive into the country
d vly.
*—*—• - .
having to drink a glass nf whiskey, T
should say bring on the dog, for 1
believe more men are poisoned by
liquor—a hundred to oue— than ere
ever the worse for a dog bite.”
i Bis lamp.
Ol lljdropbobl
Util tf n b Du
Ni»ti fi’iio l(*i Ron
• it Ouoil ■*!»>»* Tim's.
OitTDlftiid L«*d«r.
When Washington was a y ung
man, in traveling along the ui per
Potomso, he stopped at an inn one
day and Itqulrcd Ihe news Trie
landlord told him the serration of
the day whs a jumping match for a
wife on the estate of one of tl e rlcl >*
cut planteis near by. On beb e told
that it watt open to a’l comers, Wash*
|i gton s'arted for the place end e.r
rived there Just as the lumping was
about completed. Ho noticed that
the young lady In question was
highly pleased with me successful
Jumping < f one of the enmpe’lt ore,
who bed nu'd'stsnced all othf rs. A'
the close Washington asked If he
might try b s chane<;he wee told to
go ahead and made by
far the best Jump of tbe day. A
he returned to tbe crowd be noliostl
that llieyoung lady’s face liar) fallen, |
ao<| he went lip to tier aud riinaked :
" Y u would have preferred 1 had not
been the one to excel the other.” Tin-
lady candidly said this was so
'‘Then,” said W. shing’ou, "I give
my chance to him,” and he re urm-d
as unknown as he came. Toward be
close of the revolution this yo u g
lady, now the wife of a c ilonel ot
mliitla, met Waiblrigton, a il on
telling her husband that the bud met
him before, he doubted the Ir e', and
he two went to Washington to r'e-,
Citie it. * YeB," replied G;ii Wash*
ng'on, "I saw y> ur wife at tbe jump
ug match before she v *a um-ried,
and I believ I won her.”
Rtorltis ol An I mala.
The lat s' curiosities in i,a ural
history cap u,id liy California hunt j
e s are a while beaver, a white dee r |
anil a white mud hen. ,
A iliac,k parrot from Madagascar |
lived lu the Z >ol( gical Gardens, L e> .
don, fir fifty four years. |
Soa lions l ocupyli g the I ays and
coast near Ban Francisco iu count
less thousands are said todiBioyj
hundreds of thousands of pounds or;
edible fish dally. Tne fl.Leru eu de
clare that their business Is ruptdly
demining from this c u e. j
OsorRe Cornwall, of Ohio Cre< k !
Col, kept fifty-nine cho re fowls in a t
very stout hen house, hut a wild-|
oat climbed to the top ol the
chimr ey, and scrainbii) g down Into
tho house kil'el everyone of the
chickens. It gorpel to such an ex
rent that It oculdn’t climb b ck up.
the ohlmi ey, and Mi C .rn wail killed j
it with a shotgun. ,
Jonas Hougbton,livlrg near Scrau-1
ton. Pa, while walking through aj
hilly traotof forest In Monroe o* unty, I
was chased into a tree by a bear. His 1
only companion, a largo dug, sat and I
barked at ttie bei.r, which was trying !
to force ttB way through the bvnuoh I
a after the man. Another hear camel
up and se'zsd ihe dog from behind. I
The bear In the tiee got down aud 1
also attack* d the d g, which was s on J
bllbd. While the two bears were,
quarreling ever the dead dog the >
man hastened down from ttie trtej
and ran away.
Frank L vmgstone, the gymnast,
acrobat atm Hgtu uud heavy uuluhesr,
claims to oairy ou h.s [lersou tbe
murks of the leeth of no le'-s than
thirty etgUl dogs. The number of
limes he has been bicn-u, howeve r ,
grt-ady * xe-eds. this, lor Home of the
dogs have feasted on hit U sh more
times ihati oue. L' vines.oue is the
man who had the polios cr zy, a few
days after O dam's fatal .eap from
Ills Bro ktyn bridge, by declaring
that he wouid utteuipt ths same
He win playing an etigagt men. lu
tuisuny, aid made the reS
maik ‘,0 'iit di g-bius to a ropresen-
ta'ive of the M lit aud Express
"This scare aitout hydrophobia is
all bosh,” hmIiI L vingston. “Wueu
1 worked for Hory Hill, in the early
part of my professional career, I used
to get bitten every night. Waj? Bo
as to get a free drink As soon as
Harry saw the blood lie would order
brandy or wlil-kv at once. He was
dreadfully alratd 1 would gel ihe hys
dropbobiu l have been biuen tu
Hill’s place upward of tlf.y t itles. A
Jew years ttgo 1 bad c-batge if ttie
hounds with B mtum’s shows. Wmle
ac mg in Ihia capici y a sort of a
W'hip[ier iu—I vac bitten aeverai
times, i nee veiy badiy. 1 had occa
sion loo mod 'Wu wjih.ttio lash on
tbe leader. XI i was ugly, uiul w-.iutd
not [leiiuit utty of ihe pack to
emu lo the ring aud eat
As soon us 1 suucu him thi
entire lot—tl eta wet*- ii'ly iwodigs
in all—turned ou ms ami I had lo
rut.* for; my life I was bdteu in ihe
aims, it.e hip', ihe bands and tbe
lace, ami ye sutlsted uo tur.hcr mat
an ii.tjtoid idleness of a couple of
ve.-ks. This siiuws wuat a mend
man has iu the vb g. Iu protecting
the pack from i s Itader’s curse iuesa,
I nearly losi my life. Thiswislu
1S75, and I have never experienced
tho slightest trouble from any of the
bites, uud with one exception never
did anything for the wounds exospt
to wst-h them well with hot water
ami cas'.iUeoap. This was in Harry
H it’s. 1 was bitten by a bull pup.
He was a fighter, and when he hit
me, Jrhuoy IVuoh, the comic
sieger, uo w dead, had Just
finished his turn and entered ihe
drvsritig room A** soon ar he heard
wlit.: had happened hepui his mouth
to the bi e aud sucked i>, unlil he
paid ail tbs,poi»ot) wasoulofit. Then
I fiiltd in ou whiskey and did my
turn as u-ual.n i-have uever be-n
able to de-ermine whether (he action
0‘ R ach or 'Le wuiskey savfd my
life. If'I were to have my choice
to-day of being biilen by a dog or
K.«-p ou Urn U. lliu’i Uliilll llilf, |
Y is a good thi g to
keep ‘«n the right side of yi ur dol'ar. i
I makeH a gr.-at dift-rocos In your
ciiinf n and prosperity whether you
spend 95 per oeut or 100 per cent of
it, 'u it Is a per'eot insult to the I
dollar to spend 105 per cent of it |
You will be eotry enough for it when
the dollar gets a fair grip upon you
A dollar resents a nior’gtge upon it- 1
belt. I•• will never serve you cheer
fully If you dispose of It before you
get it. Always wait till you get your
d dlar btfore you spend It Then j
d o.’t wink it to fullest capacity, and I
the d.dhtr will be your friend—!
Bprlogfl-ld Union. j
What Ba^iijg powder £hall We Oge?
Bread, biscuit and cake, now generally made by the aid
of baking powder, enter so largely into our daily food that
their debasement by the introduction of any injurious or
deteriorating substance is a matter of serious concern to
the public health. What baking powder shall we use to
avoid the lime and alum now found in so many leavening
agents, and to insure pure, sweet and wholesome bread, is
a question, therefore, of direct importance to every indi- 1
It is an undisputable fact that all baking powders with
the single exception of the “ Royal ” contain one or the 1
other of these adulterants—lime or alum—in quantities 1
from five to twenty per cent. This reduces their strength,
not only, but (even if not directly injurious to the system)
by debasing our most prominent articles of food with use-
less substances robs them of a portion of their nutritious ■
qualities, thereby depriving our bodies of the full sustenance '
necessary to maintain that bodily vigor requisite to protect
us from disease. , j
The importance of this matter in its bearing upon the
life and health of the public is much more fully realized in
England, where, under stringent laws severe punishments -
for the manufacture and sale of articles adulterated with
lime and alum are of frequent occurrence. j
The “ Royal ” has been determined by the Government
chemists and the most prominent food analysts after nu-J
merous exhaustive tests to be the only baking powder made
that is entirely free from lime, alum and earth, and abso- 1
lutcly pure. It is made from cream of tartar specially re- I
fined and prepared for its use by patent processes by which '
the tartrate of lime is totally eliminated. No other baking
powder manufacturer uses chemically pure cream of tartar, 1
and hence the adulteration of all other brands. The
“ Royal ” is, accordingly, the only baking powder that will
produce perfectly pure bread, biscuit, cake, pastry, etc.; and
these articles are now pronounced more wholesome when
raised by the “ Royal ” than when leavened by any other
agent. All physicians will testify to this fact.
It is particularly a question of health, therefore, what
baking powder we shall use; and those who appreciate the
miseries of dyspepsia and other ailments that follow the
use of impure food will not hesitate to select the “ Royal,”
IlWjjjjT COOllS.
Inyite attention to the ettraefire price* at which
their entire M>rlr g stock
i« beliifr < ff«r d.
i^r M *n/ N *T TKfl * i r °* * 9 00 pftr upward
m/ QUKTTE8 from ! »? r- r »td np-.r
BODY nuu
rA*»fr f/TK 1
fr°r» ** .AO per pul
1 *5 per jar” upward
1 3 v p-r var;i npwnro
.00 vor jard np*aid
.3'*/ per ’ aid upward
.ft 1 per jard ui ward
•lo yer yard upward
A X T1Q l'K ,u„t r .1K Ntjrf ,,W “ r '
NorriNoiiAM npWMd
T - PX3TEV OOVXWNO? ** °° ' >0 ‘ M ' r " PW “ rd
11KT0N^ K OOyKt I NO s' *' °° " er ,Krd “ ,W ‘ r ' :
frriu ,«5 per yard upwaid
WINDOW SPADES r - ade on r.l ort notice or m*
tertwla inrnlfhed.
Sam riles cor.t wltn desired end prompt uttentiot
pel • L ad rr all orders
Cerropredieec Ii.Tlted.
♦ I »f’ FO O ftk (Jiff,
Engle and Phenix[Mnmifaciuring
Co Stock; 6 per cent dividend
payable JulyJanuary
Merchants and^Mechfinics’^Baiik
Stock £lms paid 10 |per cenC an
nually for seven years
Muscogee Oil Co’s Stock; has
paid o5 per cent in £ast four yeara
| ^Muscogee Mutual Building ami
Loan Stock; ^installments r paid
Broker, Real Estate and Ins Agent,
gresfl. Button and Lure.
If you cannot get these
shoes from dealers, send
address on postal card
to W, L. Douglatt. Brocks
Hon, Mass. ^
I have bsc-n botbeicd with oatarrh
for abc-u , iwatity j oars I had lost, my
aine 1 sntlroly for the last fifteen -ctes,
r avui I b"-’ a most lost tnv hnarli g. My
eyes wore xsttlng so vliin I hsrl to yu
s-.tiie one to thresfi rav needln N w I
t.ave my beartny a* w*'ll ss l ever htui,!
and 1 oh'i boo to thr, ail as fi ts a n*"il!'« j
i>vei I did. Mv sense -.1 sir.e t t-i {
par ly reatored ; It seetre to be tm j
provl g all the litre I tt.ti.k there is j
nothi n like E'y’n Cieaui It tl m f>rl
"M »r rli —Mrs E E Or! in os, K i drlii, I
Pmry Oo, Otil r. eodAw
pa f.BrcM
litn’R wtrfelrg men hrxvo ecu ft- j
1” T -on* i
y-vURH Biliousness; Stck Headache In Four hours.
\G) Oue ddso relieves Monralpia. They cure and
prevent Chills Fever, Sour Slot .acii S..d
Broath. Clear tho Skin, Tone ihe Nerves, and fllvo
Life Vigor to the sysiom. i>oso: ONTC Ith
Try them once and you will never bo without utem.
Prlco, 25 cents nor bottio. Sold bv Dr;; -y -iru;
(Vledtclne Dealers Generally. Sent on i.'ccipt
prico in stamps, postpuid, to any address,
«l. F. SMI IT I «» CO., #
Manufacturers and Sole Props., ST. LOUIS, HO.
■BSS2SE? ! ‘ cz:m
Tho Grfatost Modical Tt-iamplt of tlio Ago!
Irons ol iippctitc* UovTolu ooMti ve, lhuu ia
fhc head, with u (lull Bcni.-mtion lu tho
hack party lTi'm muter (tio Blmuhlcr-
Made, 1 ulloera after ^atiiii:, Uh adis-
IncliitatioQ to exertion of body ormirti.
Irritability of temper* l.ovr spirit n. with
n feeling of having neclccted eoitte duty,
Weariuesn, Dizrlur^s, Fluttering at tho
Heart, Dots before tho eyes, Ileadachs
over tho right eve, H>«tles*nosfl, with
fitful dream*, Highly colored Uriue, uud
TUTT’S 1*1 LI.8 are especially adapted
So such cases, one dose ctTects such a
change of feeling ns to astonish Uio sutTerer.
They Inereiuie the A i»l>et lte,and cause tha
body to Take on Fleali.thu* the system is
nont iMlied, and by their Tonic Action oa
the IMp;esiivcOrcranR.ltet{tilar Stools are
^rodured. Frlfa*J5c. 4# Murray St..W.Y,
olublePacific Guano
Renovates the body, inalcos healthy ttesh.
strengthens the weak. r«‘piirsthe wastes of
the system with pure blood uud hard muscle;
tones the nervous system, invigorates tho
b’ain, ar-i imparts tne vigor of mauhood,
S I, Sold hy druggists.
ITICI II II nrrnvS».. VA H York.
Almost. Given Away.
Dwelllrg. Location t:
ai?r#» five room
._ _ c^edlrgiT bral li>« Pr'oe
onlr $<0 p*'«td«* I d • nIi bdarco five yea s'
time. The wDera live in PotuwIhm and must usiL
Y n g« t a $300u phoe for I (>>"
The only one of tho
That is still in the field under flie same name
Manufactured by the
Pacific G uano Comp’y
Works at Wood's Hal!, Mass, and Charleston,
S C, Capital,
— o
The undersigned, who, since 1865, have empplied
thousands of dealers and planters with this popular
and reliable Fei-tilizer, are prepared to take their
!5^-; orders another season for Soluble Pacific Guano
^ * and Dissolved Bone Phosphate, which is a high
I-** grade of Acid Phosphate made by tbe Pacific
Guano Company. J O MA1HEWSON A CO,
General Agmts .’ac-ificGuano Co, Augusta, Ga
For Georgia, Brrth Otr.'irr A'f IU! h, f * rt f "' tt Vitrlu][[), Ourtrpvfl
ir(f t gerte are F> erk pj-iVtr't, M r-A i'< j F f G* id* r, tr iuir' Uf; DBM al^ue,
VaioE; CJ Doabpr, f rxrBttvbi B A' eitf v si j, ^rgrf'ft, Ga, For Ml. by
l»nl» dWim
COLOJBUS..GA.J JArdJdealers elsevhere.
For sale only by
Mo 112 Broad Si
J=>.1R *n '3m
, “r.*
bsiw.-en N-jvt turn G,(.rgtK Far •
ds, AicLfiao, U>* Sov'.b ana Sentimetu
PastfCbgej Ai'.t;n!iiioC*jt.K‘i
Cabin Ps**8g« Stiff.
.-lu) 535. t)i«srasc ,l!i
i tive.Oor iron oi ;i.
Coaop ny ar» ippetnUd lo (iftO fr* -
tior-'r r . y«., I'Uni'xcay at S p ni; and fret
yoLi.sti no follow,)
(Btsndaro Mm,)
I1Y OF MAt ON, TUnrsary April 16, d
3:30 p m
OA'iK OilY, TUar'dey, Apri: 22 at 9:00 p
OITT OF MACON, Thursday, April 29, a
2:3o p m
OA 1 K * 11 Y, Thursday, May 6. *1 7 80 p s
il l OF iviALON, Thuriday, Mry 3, ai
2:1 U p m
QATii CITY, Thursday, M»y 20, at 7.8hpm
I'; Y ' F MACON, Thursday. May .7, a
i:'0p m
OAI E CITY, Thursday, Jen* 3, a! 6:30p tt
CITY OF .MACON, Thursday, June 10. at
i2:M p IP
GA1 K CITY, Thursday, June IT, »t 8:3t
0ITY°OF MAOON, Thursday, June U, •>
11.00 am
SATE CITY, Thursday, July 1, utSiM pa
Through bills of lading given to Net
Xnglaua manudaeturing point, and to Llt
arpooi. ^ .. _
The Company’* wharve* in both Sava),
uah and lioBtou are oounnot«t with ml
roeda landing out ol the two ortlas.
Ageuia, Bavimnah, Ga
Agent Central Kallroad, Columhue, O
Notice t>) Drbtois uiuigCtHiUorp
p.tlM ha hav'Dg n maids agalnat .b.
t*uate of By 'Vft 8 auford, late of said coun
ty, dtreaesd, e-e hcrafcy noMQtd to present
them to me ueIj certified within lb* Mm.
rresoribed by law, and all persons indtbt.
ed to said decessed ure required to mek.
immediate payment to me
«qe doawtiw Adus’r el 8»lt* bianruri
Beal Estate Agent..
A place of twenty aoree, large and com
randlous Home with every oouventeuce
perfeoi. order, fruit, .hade, »e-iu
' m,n “'re*' in oue ol the moat dsslro-,
He localities adjacent to the city, x/u*.
0 * ,,hQI1 ' * foP city property
i 160 10.*H Borer* ter cl 8 mhea cast. 0 t 0o»
lumtUH, partly ttm'.ierad and uudac*
160 Desirable vacant lot in Nor:hern
Liberties. Wli. sell on instalment:.
If dmliod
2)86 260* : o.-as of flno Umbered land in
Liberty oounty, Florida. Tblsls
rnre cibance ror suw rni'l men
1800 fte.-.u'lful]y looted lot on north*
Juekeou street* fun y t ,, 0 i e » n ct
mx: to corner
93500 Five room dwelling, Jtch.
fol an 1 aizleenlh streets
1800 Five smull bullcrings In one bioeft
G:orgl# Midland railroad depot
1200 tore in oar* blook Georgia Mid .
.trad railroad
1250 X - on licit cl, rtwift maun sotnrln*:,
company ou north Mcrrser street
SiOCO Viic.m Let, Fourteenth street b*>
tween Jacfesu.-i nudOglethorpe
800 »• Ixl* five acre Fsrm-4 room Dwely.
Ing, Lea ecnmy, Ala, sevanmit®}
iTom the city one mile from stailoTt
ou Gaud WB8
2200 Two story K. elciecos on Warren ei-
intcrseotlon of Broad
10L0 160acre farm— room dwelling ana
all neoesBury ontbul dings— wel
watered, 5 ml'es from olty In Kassel:
county Ala,
Daisy Farm for Hal**.
412J{ Aores—dssirab e investment, 2W
ini ^a be elly Enough timber on,
piece to p*y ft r pn-periy four times. Thtt
fatm ia situated in Ls« epunty, Aiabtima
tU3X Jcrs» ol vsdnable land 2U mllsr
north of he ot y, ws'l w.-.-ersdaud lmber-
*d, under leut-e. Commbu, and R-me
rqaii pareea litrcmoh pisos. This leone n-f
he most dastrabte trsc* of land In ihie*
eoof iou. Teims vary and long lima
1950 Three mom Dwelling cn North,
Mclnt- sh strsrt, c ue birck union OepoU
Kean well Gnolce h.voetmenl Termt
Bose 11 Properti
I have 40 desirable building lot*,
on Rose Hill which will be sold on
installments of not lesstl an $5 per
month, and as mu h more as parties!
may wish to pay; or $10 a year fear
three yeai s, 1%lauc.e fourth and fifth
year. Rebate adowed of 10 pey
cent if lots are improved witfiin 12
months frt m date of sale.
Real Estate Agent,
15 North Broad Street,
c5l0jvt/U *ue bc.B..ue Gl.-Uid i»*(i aslstTi
ojLcc.oi.g* or Mmbcied isnai cither in
(icoigiu. A hoaniu ur Florida.
61C.OCO Worth of Improved City R«»l H*"
etetr to 11it B ecks and Fords
J260U Two c-oiy Dwslllrg near Broad
Dlrtec tr tzchRUge for Block* and Honda
82100 310 Acre I«in; in Stswait «c uniFt-
uuosr lorcc. b.,r,L.d chit, jtwr ti'i 8ie balee
cctiun. on ia d gted fiv., rotm
Iiweiiirg {.no rtcestb;> cul-buhdfngs,
wen wet,.red and umueicd
FlcriJa Lani'e.
Ssverdl Ibi-ncand acres timbered lends for
fif-hsi ye for C'-'nm» os ot y p'rperiy. Saw
mill men wt'i flon It *n tt elr jnteiest .to
,ie me in rc-garu to chtc tract
Real Eetfiic- Agent.
16 l-'or'h Broad Berest
A'ee'Ins? of 'be li<n hob ors of lie
(oh.n.biiSt 3!ni,uf..c<uriug lun*
ilain df©»l ol
' r . it *a!n"u tic < Man-
r r«V■ o'xtly cruel*' It Wft-ch. Ib8l. tot
R vm '« 1 . ,»t« rn d,< i) <-1 tboudi
* DUTVO e Of; id Laving received
I olf’t if cl fc» io boi dn
f r ;ltd io a> iLe Idg rest
bonds wl.» n
«Id C
i poi.
ar.a tlint
.. di pa d for ibe
tos LticioL io. benby
cl t Hid l cLilt* ai d
fp.tcto»«lx roijitcuuvc:
bnrmorgl-, h k ,! S»'lmc»V a tbe 3.1h h *sj “l
lFW*’at 11 OC*. ck a u. St lbs meting lot-twins
Ind ?on‘lllo. s of lb. s.'e.f lb. proeo-'y vhich
wusccnvn cdo, be- In » ,c» by I6ld O-nipaby by
?*id eed otr net alii b. dele-in bed br »u,-j rlty
it -f ths bon h- Ider. present at sale Korun*,
a. prcldoJ in sa'o d.-d^
AILIGK8. * 702
Oolnnbns. Ga A ill 24, lfW, *P3 M
mend your (< or the
remedy known to us faf
Poncrrhea and Gleet.
’.7 have sold consi^
erible, snd in every eaa#
U hao given sati»lacUo*»
Alcott te LI»k*
Hudson, If. Yv
Sold by Drug#** "
VbS olv
For gtle or rxihange
■55cfi otf«rCtn r.<7" r7tateT EtFrk» - cI B
F ifew T welMng (nil )< acre lot Cn price i
It L
’ of
Hrt fr It Real I»tale * aenl Cclin bua, Ga.