Columbus daily enquirer-sun. (Columbus, Ga.) 1877-1886, April 08, 1886, Image 7

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TflK < |A> ED HOC*®,
It sUndi with KJ»Hhutfnil liko tboia
Which o’tr theor«aw«*r Bey s doclcae ;
iXJpou tb* front the stortn* huvo bent.
The vitrdf huv l coretrenti
Tb* sea ht»i sobbed and B2 - etied | the id jw
Through every or«v:ce seiks to go -
To break tbetgiulreleM ealm seems tel a,
Or wake that house to life again,
Aud yet some d sy, soma heavenly dar f
When etortus are spn-t ai.d *(ndt away,
When thafl st dandelica - ball bring
A-'tnr nee if aooth' r spriog.
Ah I then Its eon! uKvo will be;
lho» Hdn up’.ifteo vrenhedt see
At win lows, sweet with sin an l air,
A hilt's fact framed in yi How huir.
[ (1 niton Ttavscript.
Fr> ai’hi r Wn« lu K xcl In* Waib*
jivfl.oR. hi Ilia Mru'.ailoaal frajers,
.yftMhlDg’on P e ',.
R v Dr Milburu, the blind chap
lain of tl.e bouse of representatives,
wboBt: piayera ate ju ,1 now creatii g
a '«ns»tion, 1b a remarkable man iu
more tbau one respect. Fir'y fl ,’e
years ago be was told by eminent
-deotDis that be would betitad witbiu
slit mouths, and since that lime he
has traveled, by aciual compulation,
a million and a bait of tubes iu li;s
vocation. He L now physically, al
though iu hie sixty-feurih year, as
strong and robust as most men of
thirty, ard hie luiebtcl is of more
thau common power. Ha cun give
more accurate descriptions of West*
minster Abbey, Cologne cui.edtui,
iNotre Dune sud U.u o.d world
monuments h< had visited ihan cau
the maj .tity of those p-zv.ons who
have not been dependent on
otmr people’s eyes and on tiielr sense
of touch. Ho cau d’ scribe • he reeky
outlines and m nutbiiu us dec'ivities
cf the Sierras slid ol the Ricky
Mountains and 'h'S niotuesque beaua
ties ot the H ue R.hge wun a fores
and vigor combimd with acurscy
jarelv equaled, even by writers, who
still retain their s ght, while he has
been blind sines he was five years
old. It is his wondeiful power of thus
describing in simple language the
concrete things of life .hat render-
his sermons and prays so forceful
and attracts to tbemeuoh w.despread
attention. Hie fi st invocation to
attract notice io the hcu;e was a vig*
orous denunciation of stock gamb
ling, but one day last weak he cast
all previous utterances in the shade
by referring to the present labor
troubles in such a manner as to oall
forth from a representative the re
ntal k that It was “an incendiary
A reporter found Dr Milbnrn en
Joying the delight c-f a long-stemmed
pipe At the reporter’s entrance,
the doctor arose, and, in a heuny
voioe, said he was “glad to see" him.
"Tbe reverend gentlemen is of tall
and commanding presence. B.oad-
.chested and Inoliued to stnu ness, he
is the picture of health A full, uo»
(trimmed gray beard tl >ais way down
his vest, while uis black hair,
Mireaktd with silver, is brushed back
from bis high forehead, auu hangs
la bushy upon the collar
ol his clerical com. His strongly
marked features bear a kindly ex*
pression, and die every now and theu
lit up by a pleasant emtle. Wniie
talking he flx-s his eyes upon the
person whom i e is addr asiug, and
the sightless cube a:,pear to look
•straight into tbe soui "f ins listener.
He is a m ist entertaining '.uther, and
one of bis favorite ho 1 . b:es ie thesu')-
j< ot of health and ns p/ moiion. He
'.s a very Jaw iu the u Lotion of hie
Cod, positively eschewing all hog
meats, and he trsa s tmnaelf io a,
r-gular oourse of euriy comb anu
rough towel, cold waver, oil and sun
baths every morning A< he him
self says, ho L one of the nest groom
«d men in the ciuntry
Ef Uangaiw,.
8wi i rlaod is sii :U! to regulate Uv
Jew rho nniount ol corset pressure
the l’ di 1 s may pu upon themselves.
Tnere m a woman living in C r
King, N Y, who weighs over 400
pounds, and measures 03 incuts
around tbe waist hoc 30 inches across
the shoulders.
The wife of one f the clergymen
of 8araij»o, M on, supplements net
husband’s meager salary by driving
a wugon andptdlllug (rim
door to dohr
A C dumbia (3 (J) lady k.epa n
peuuy box • n her dmtug tains, and
when menu bets if the iiunily speak
ill of any person she n quires them to
courrlbuie to the b x.
Eliza R jarby, a rich woman of
New O.leans, left two-thirds of nei
eeta'e to another Woman on condi
tion that she takes cure of a trtledng
belonging to the d oea ied.
I is claimed tbof a lady in 0,h-
kosh, Wis, hi s a c ffl i for a b> dstead,
and every night lies down to reitln
it wltn as much serenity as those
who retire in the conventional mans
The young ladles in a Connecticut
female seminary hi. ve written sealed
letters to each oilier undor the solemn
pledge that they are not to be opened
until the recipient ia married.
Ten per cent of the pie ent fresh
man class at Cornell are girls, and
Professor J ones, ol that institution,
says the average scholarship of the
young women is superior to that ol
the young men.
liie Origin*! II t*wa>ssp.
Tbo original and b is-r mugwump
has recently died and been burled iu
Massiichueetis. Over his grave he
ordered a slab to tie erected wit i the
inscription: "H re lias buri-d the
body of J nu M.-L-an H.ywar i, s
man who never voted O'such is
the kingdom of heaven.” Tue pecu
liar self-assertion of this crank, the
calm aid co; s rious ar,og*..(on to
Liuieelf of supetiority on account of
his particular .vhiizi, ail siam)>s
him as a mugwump.pure aud simple
He whs too g od to vote, and he
male a Hale party all Dy himself,
and enjoyed his little aelLea Ufl ;d
inlship all alone by his IlHle self.
H- mi,s have b en the original
mugwump, a.though his u;.worthy
followers cannot approach t ,: m in
anything but svlt-s ffl deucy, pride
and lofty contemn' for their fell iw-
mortals.ft. They are his iq ials there,
hut do no follow ou‘. to i's cm sis en
and i xc'usive conclusion ti e ft elb g
which nr nip's 'hem to constantly
thank Gcd tha' 'hey am not as other
men are —B 'dgenort Sraudiird.
Loalmllt It* H«m>‘ el
The srU'lictn association of Spirit*
ualisis ie li'ldii g h convention A
L luisvlll'. T ie - l'.otlon of iha'
city Is most appropriate, fo> L u>
ville is wrl! k iowii »' the home of
spirits. T ie e southern Spitiiualirts
seem to (\sv tie ghos's well lu in tid,
for one uieii u i sui g un unpr-.v- e>!
so, g, on a si, J C s;i|!i>. - ed t>y tin-
audiehc,, whd' u d i ui" i li ■ e.
of a spirit. Wr are not n.i imeu
what the song was, <>r even i tie tun
J c , but the fact that i tie spirits a re
commencing to com nose poetry, n ni
make tunes is h very serious oin.
The living people who do i to s
tiling- have long been the su'j c. of
adverse c t'tciem, but if tl.-ey are in
continue to do so after a Bulbing a
ghostly form, wuat cm be done ? It
is alaics enough -o m- kr ul! news
paper men be ic.nie prohlbi’.inuists,
and join in Ike cy shat ‘'Hpiriis
must go ’’—Pittsburg Chroniol'aTei-
No blog, wo aro lo ci, mooeeds ilk-
auccois. But there o«n be no snlis'an-
ttal success without "s J i ub-
O : is «u ixsuiple of tins tin t. I'
eorq iers pain, a d people in ever-,
country know he tan.rim ano u.h it.
PILE I'EAN 11 Whi! k f'aottv
name for a u.o ticihe I N • v thbibNe u
Is V:;y Sfgr.ifl ant ns -pp ted i < me
sriloie. Bile, stcordi g to Wi aim, u
“a yellowlsu hil'.or, vl-.-id n»nv. u •
fluid, sooreted by tbo over.” Whi ut v
or the liver dona nut so. pioeorty i i-
fl i'd Is re nined in '.ho oIoikJ s.,d
poisons the whut» ayneiti, and sallow
ne»* cd misery i> the r un 1,
S ViIX'B’S BILE BEAMS ie a ure cm-
n.r hniousueis sod liver ouuip autl
Price 26 oonls par botiie
ml 24 son A win
Qreeoe is brave, hut she oituno. bor
row money enough no go snd whip
Turkey on.
K«rn», sskinuiiwi a«s,
fou are allowed a free .rial ol tinny
days of tho ase of Di Dye's Oelebiaiod
Yoltalo Belt with Electric Suspecsoiy
Appliances, fot tbe speedy relief ano
oermaDam onro of Nervous DebilUy.
loss of Yitallty and Man ho d, snd nl)
kindred troubles. Also for many oth
er diseases. Cotnpieie restoration u.
health, vigor and manhood guaranteed.
No rlak is lnonrr(-d. Illustrated pure
pbJet, with fall Information, term-,
etc, mailed tree by addressing Volta!.
Belt Oo, Marshall, Mich.
oenl7 a«i.*aoiwlv
The naan who stnu to be 'a leader
mast go ahead.
■•>> BiasmkK
In Ub (•ff.-uis, aud inosi ussf'il tn \\>
apptlos'.too, tbe fragrant SOZODO-S 1
use become >he mtmt p. puiti U-nti-
frios In existence ’Tta need bdo
praised by everybody.
*» ,»r..l.U,it & f
"Proferied aiools" io thut which |)h,k
a dividend
Is Trtsklr io swallow
D. Pierce’s “Panels'' (.ha original “lit.
He over pills”) and no pain ,,r grip'i g
Care s ck or bilious headaolit-, tour
ntnmsali, a"d oieansa me system ard
b we.'s. 26 at-i a v sl
I is oard to ge n 'lung Weil do;:',
especially iu egg bo i n ',
Frcoo the P a or o ihc O .ve Bm
tlst cliureb, P.niadeiphis, P>; wj - so
troubled wi ti 01 Rfli I e j om ly
fl oted my voice O e b - lr, ol El ’
Ornsui Balm did th work oiy v tiefc
.8 tally restored —B P Leipsner
sod 5 w
The wee'her d ... not u> attain o
throw co.u w.iet on fern e base Uk I
I have received groat boned frou,
ft C aim Bilna for Cs’arrh I
not express the stiff ring I Pave or -
In sd 'be [ftst yetr fu m Nt ai Cb-
'.arrh C E K -mii.s, C t awm V (>, I
tta idt.lpn C > N 0 ( A tv j
Niw Y ark
tltilging m a-i
eamu is to ga.
w.'noul cm it
* tf
Do you want a pure, bloom
ing Complexion? If so, a
few applications of Hagan’s
ify you to your heart’s con
tent. It does away with Sal- 2
lowness, Redness, Pimples,®
Blotches, and all diseases and
imperfections of the skin. It
overcomes the fl ashed appear
ance of heat, fatigue and ex
citement. It makes a lady of
THIRTY appear but TWEN
TY ; aud so natural, gradual,
and perfect aro its effects,
that it is impossible to detect
its application.
nw^ Vjf' pitii'L 5t ■! L*i :j t* C‘
b»l”So a oriiist il aanrssv
TIi«* O' Or.l.v H' iHfiRC
F&zi&a 'rxr££j
, tlNDlNG IN
W'it sry.
‘f-t/'k- (a in.',;. *>,V 'WM§
W- W£ S M<
or >• •> • -y:U.V*.\ 1,' ,/ m
' tt i 'I •*.. ..-.y-M) fill \
•• // ' ' ■■ -V -'t'.fkj
A \ . w., 1 ... Itii '
H |Yit •
' 1 , SpiAr*
, kV'v
V -..)
Line of Simmers!
Tbe Stcnuitr ELLIS vveurs tbe burns ns <lie fastest stenmer plying the
| Cbiittiiboocbco, P'liiit utiil Apitltulticoln Rivers. 1
T v >'e-.mi l it 1 LI - will ru.i li•>'s I nolituU e aval mivo.ifaksn uu ihoUtiuUithou
| cues an' Ac mot,to . Hiv> r». Mb will lai la wo "ir> f Jb k tolwcvu Onluuibns , n<l
I rypai. (.iitcu. i.'.ml wt.. ,u rspla .ra tail a. > p'orangeis oy tltu irslnn >o utallr lu
1 J .OkkOitViKe, PcUhocIio. Mi.ri .-a. Moot' O,
t, ut 'on. tv ti;» t.o'v win bo ru.t. river, fog, o o.
of the- Soutlt^in nintes,i"iitnins a niiimilutinK
exppotorant priivi^ln that t)io pliR-gm
protiui’jf.g tho e»r!v morning couzb.fuut sthnu-
l&tos tho rliiltl to tnro’.v ofl'i!»*• fills** nit mlraii"
in croup a nil whoopinc-cotuR. When cnmhiorwi
with the Ik-aline; mm llasfinoiiR principiv in tho
mu I loin plait t <>f tho old fields, nrcMfntH in Ta y-
LOK’N < 'll k'ROK KK n ICMKItY .'K SlVKKT til'M AND
Muli.k.i n the Hn«i»st k nown ronn-dy for CouKhs,
Croup, Wiioopii'K CotiKh < onsuni}>tion -
and so pRln'alHo. any child is plPH»of| *o take i(.
Ask: your ilrtiggist for it. . and Sl.00 H'zc?.
If i»w*doi*.s not K"t p x\" will pay, for •■no timf
on! v. express rhargos on largo si;-, bottli m to an>
Dart oftne C.s.. on receipt oi'aI.'XA
M.TK!t A. T.VV5 Of! Vtmmn. O*
Stureleepers now keep it for Sale
<t • fi o. ,\S •• o 2* h,
' • h H
U "
K .
L IV r G * 1 lu'i m. 11“' ...
4VJ V OlLlOiH TvUJm* *>'
L • Ct mi i. « cue* Wednw*
ArrlV 1 Aon: oD.ooin W«duc
L uvi A pk a tilo VYfilnt* d»v 3(0 p »•
w?'.' Oho t. h-:o'-boo Thai "j ... 7 D a u
L'iavo GoiumuiH i nuntui v fOJ p m
L»’V V G lUtfl ThtUBilf;,' Mill, io
L >v. El- ti Tiiuoday...^ i210 V-L
L*b vt f.ora A"' i ’. h> .... 0 m
A:r vo Oo nnibv-K F tasy I0i0> m
ll WN
| 'j h v V > utobU'i ei u’ljyy
1 v En.mJ't iMHiia «y
ij *• v M G ‘i..j • nturdrv
v f'i uiub i Hu ur
la It Lii l lail'A ou«. Ha tUUuy... A|uil,cLiioo'U sanuiiy.,.,
i jO> vn Apjlftotilo 'If* tta ;day
Lo *v • 1 u .f Hbin'obce Mu..Ua>
e v • 'J-' cimi'l'i M mu' '
oiv" Eor G’tQon M 'Ditty
Jj»i w . K'b.iu u Moi
i^bvk Florence Monday
U-oUHibub i u,rtdHy.........
.. 8 60 () tn
.. 0 lU |) .n
.. 11 30 p ui
...UOd a ix
..13 00 t\
. H 00 A 1L
.11 Oj li Dll
. 8 00 p DD
,. 7 00 P nu
.*0 00 p in
« 0U0 A U.
II! ' R*i:
I A. 1
r,h; tor W rtshenoe EiuJlt'gs or. ly. bnt wilt 1 k.i
A)• loeh)i< 1 •doudny «
V ",ra.^... r U tt VMtb’ H .<
U ’tu? d”'t'i Hn duv < vc« I a d
tt • rttt; -► wmi n w 'i ia • k ir^Jgn
twee. l * »|pr*nclKD »1. a *. ym« me.
■ a)>5«.vcnioo > via natnbridge.
»• v u ui«is via B dDorluge
r o cut. mttu • Ltlb do «l Al CUattahocoliee
ii- ni y bvoutug.
i , wi ll wi t Hk t p wseugerH only bes
e .. I»el;loola ami Cfo nmhno
Arrival anti Departure of l’r inis at Ch'itfcahoochoo, EloruLi.
i i)i i> u» JL i t . .Viiab ill
H Hl*m • tt-sMVP-vj t)>'d .‘inusynt luo u A
for J icAfco. vi i c . Ll .0 r .
('lib prM.atind A’ 1.• n. v t\'* r tg— \ rl ,r
v . »« ttav inDti'.i and rfuoiiHOuvilU ti
fcjn'i Die mil 10 » ui
u m licksmvulo at 1 p m Lieavib
1 f't-■•-«« Ih. Mobile Aud New Oa.eAUfl At
i a n i.,> .v* i ". r-.-.i »c«> j >\ 01 i h .r :*t .t, <'• o • *1 • 4 i4 p iu
0„ r-: .-f <•'.} h' ’ m-7 0 tti- *;••••« f ird'' e».o p ««age to *11 ptdtiM 0»
: L* 'DH. Chtf ' ! t’ . >u tv , WD' »e -tt AUliOWk;
. »M.on SbtJ uer c ”!!.!!!..!’*V*fc
Otbf.i .reiybib ie p t po. lion. ** ******* ^
P. A4i.;..e t.. ta thiiuu u» .ip'-Rebic S6 0 O hvr prinin In proportion, Tbrcn^b
ii’ktt e Gan i>» shiAirjed by ibln iri« 10 H vaunt, n. J cktanvllle And all poinla In JfA«l
F or u « chb' per ’ baa auy other run *1
Shippers will pleoso have thsir ut boat by 8 » m on aay ol lssvlng,
s ova will bs roc lv.ti «u«r thsa hour.
B .1 rtk.rve* ahs i Ighi ol' o , until g •» any point when oo Wilder sal danger-
» • i’y the tHot
B 's; wlil not stop •* ' v .101at not ri tu ths published list of landiugs
urntebrd »hlpp*rs fot 1SS6
Our reipottslblllly P. lroitu ot.set «f »■ tt laws baen dieohargwl eta land
ing whe t nn person Is hereto rocciv* it.
Kates sohjeot ta obangs wt iiou. no ioe
T* H IvdO )R BJ, A0B1TT.
mmiiiiii. iinnii & uni
Choice Novelties
Combination Suitings, in Ginvtt«, Clot! u. Ettiminps etc. Novoltios
(the most elaborate into of Hat oh Setts in Embroideries
Egyptian Laces, in Plain, Uoi*e un i I wo Tones ever shown in Co
, prices that are un hoard of in this put of tho country,
I We have search* d Now York thoroughly for de»in.b!e goods at
, desireble prices, and now exteud t, cordial invitation to all to inspect our
; stock without fear ot boil g uiged to Imy, Goodb shown with pleasure.
Tho onh kuowu !%*«««<c for Kpfopt'i Flti.
Alio forapainifl an . Fttlilng 0'cKdcm.
No r Y<>ub wc'Kncds «iwlcklt ih icvod hndourod.
Elion I oil bv iioui. iu ilt'li iniu of mfor.
W . Jia risen guriud of iIIhousoa and Hickiimm*
Kir,, H In n chartulug aud Loalll.fut Aimrittnl,
Killf Horofuls M).l Klrig’k Kvil* twin hrotliors,
C hung 'P Lad h tu in «u'>d| nluoviug etuie.
11,-iiln Il.lGi g.'u'M and rh‘0r ft plot i . u.
U nrinl .g i« H' Iront and maidilw 'axotlve.',
It dn^e.i blck . .oftd. cu«f like the wuid.
Oontali.n uo drantic o • tf a tire or oiuaivs,
Pr- rn tly cur-" rf eumatl ui l-y routing It.
K’atoros hfo giving oiopertl h to tho l)lood.
If gUrttuiiteod co euro ail norvou* diHuroor*. when all opiates fail.
Kudo nod iu '» bv over fifty tUousaDd
Leadh g pb»flltiaua In l T S ui:d Kur po
Le-'dliiH clergy tn«u lu U S ami Kurop*.
IMrsmoh of the bio »d own ll a couqueror.
Foi sale by all loading binggisto. |1 50,
CJ) <1wl J
Sir. Lutz’s Bulk Nizzl; SjriPi;,
Wo beg to c&Jl a'(«a
H i. to 'bo Hoove Batb
N zb o hyriogG, f-aptnior
h* eveiy itopfol t) all
# > b«)r toyilugiii. Ia lu
ll intr.ft'l ’V o/ pain from
g' li6 r c u°<h, in sh eb
ta’H t r coitl WLier la do-
Nlred. do other My rli go in
ho i ITfomisl o coi<V ‘ula
er t ub site u*« of ibis, I >r
wi!b 1 » uho wafer cwn b«
’GlRlio.d Kt wld for any
of tliuo iMc* Wyr-
in|jo rqurlN i tilr- tor ih*
lnRcti'io o' medloluiU
m Mih n” t hb tbe rnaiiu
clniFvre brr ughiln con-
t. ot wl.b all parts. No
1 oily can exprci 1,o
recover froiu VHglnal or
j uierlne dlseHHsa wllboat
* Hyrluge lhai c»a Ibar-
ouKbly cl*jrs> .he parts
sud brir.g the medlolnss
In oon«f»ol with ft)* dlHMwfed pails Call
for o’ron'arM or Its of her unch al -:rng aloreig
F^r sale bv a’l drnK«i*‘»» l Juslrnmsul de»U-
tra or rohbar store P Iceihes ma msdj
ordinary Myrlogo P-itonl pending Man-
afetc aridbv Q W LUTZ % CO.
Indiuu-ooilH, lad
A tret's.«Vilaaabsa G» fablB a tb ant
Pmwr Boxef
0» BY it BY DauGKIfTiCa.
a LA 301' “TOOK OJ Ail kbidl of PAl'HH/
*1 'nnlndtng, Xattsr, Vsckrt and finks
Tca'ls, Bill Hsods. BtatsmsnU always aa
utvtni, Alsc Knvsiopss, OsrJu, *c., prlntod
‘ ktinrt nnttck. I’upsr Basts of my slot
,i tlss-sriotlnn »at kapt to floi'k mads s4
..... t fH'OS. tULBKBX,
Cun leant the cvuct coat of ;itiy
propiised lino of Advertising in
American Pnjiora by tiddrcssing
Geo P Rowell A, Co’s Newspaper
Advertising Rureaii, 10 Sjtruce
New York. Send 10 cents for 100
page Pamphlet, dwtf
Murty baking pmvde
to lu-alth, anil wliiln < „ .
own, he should nl«o h ivo a caro for the tondor
ouea—Ute litllo childioa.
cry ppmieJoua
•cry otio r>/ardu li La
c^nt-nlnsnnn« of tho had qualities of baking
powders—soda or sah ratiis. it, contains no
uurti’al ingrtxlieut—no alum or animouia.
All rbomists who have analyzed 6oa Fonm
commend it. IIousek(M»nf*rs who have used it
will have no other. Cooks, whose host cfYtjrtB
have failed with other powders, tire jubilant
over Sea Foam. Saves time, saves luUrr, Rove*
It is positively ttnequaWI. Absolutely pure.
Used by the loading hotels and restauraut*
in New York city and throughout the country.
For sale by all ILrst-cUusa grocers.
170 Duane St., N. Y.
m 15 wed* <v3m
KErtBOG A L VA^TitK' 1
\V ‘ I) Rill f r rip
d» f 1
and •> r
r Hide-**
r.n^ from ; h.
ia nut j hf f
b'-r ■ii’if ? 1
t ef this f * 'ft
n ^ rnc >£H ^ -upe
nrA At Chare
f thr- ..It ri.f that
V \j f.; C C Dl’tY
•' » K O sh« w.»od
•ftt-t I y the fourt
;• 'i u f J in or
M i ch
5,000 Yards 4 4 Fine BROWN SEA ISLAND CO I’TON u con Ls,
5,000 Yitob Undrfc>BtU Snii Emi.-ln d BLEACHED COTTON 5 cents,
5 000 Ynulh Beautiful LLESS PBINT'SJ, new spring styles, 5 cents,
5 00' i Yards Ceauiitul JjL.LSS PltlNTED LAW NS t 2 cents,
2,5' 0 Yards Luiul tnl SHIRTING BROCADElJ, choice designs
especially fur chiluien s waisla, Luc,
5.000 l’urds SHEER INDIA LINEN, can’t be matched for lens
than 12 1-2 tents, only o cents,
1.000 Pairb Chi'drens Heavy Ribbed LISLE HOSE 25 cents. You
wonid think tiiem cheap for double tho price
2,500 Yards Ulus unu Red Checked LINEN CRASH, ail Linen—for
how much do you suppose{ Only H cents
150 Dozen Alt Linen (’becked and Fringed DOYLIES 60 cents a
dozen They are worth fci per dozen or nothing
100 Dozen TOWELS io bo t-old Aionday ut iO cents Don’t fail to
see those
ICC Lines Beautiful ,Ginphams, bfersuckejs and Toils Dnnordes
just opened Ct me early for bargains
1H I H
/ msua> tr,.r ktra
', M A KiMI T 11 KM TliJi 1 H I A
IN j lit, MaUKKT.
Yon aro allowed afrer. tri/il of thirty dny$ of th«
QUA of I*r. Iiyc’s Ol«*i»rHtcil Vclfafc Holt wit*
Electric Ku-frenrory AppliancoH, for th« ^pe»-dy
rel'cf and permanent euro of Mrn'ovn JJeMliti/.lcmk
of Vitality un<l Hfnnhne'l, and till l.indred iroubles.
Also for many other disrascH. Complete re8tor*»
tlon t«» Health, Vigor unit Manhood KU;irante«fi
No risk Ih ln<-urrerl. IlluHtmirrl jarriphlot Inseal«4
ynuUopr. mailed free. Ly addressing
VOLTAIO B£XT CO., Marshall, Kloh.
C I.
1VE ill w r J q- U t.
ot Kioa a >’ o Mrtup-
Dilliiighiun Stri-i oprodte South*
adi poi,,« b l c 'loT ADIES. r.L ■ l»r„.*l
"< hlrhi'MiT« Kiigliiili'' tn ! i,, r |,
jiuunpkjlo us ur |af.i:'ii;ir- i-, Sv return inun
NAME PAPER. < UlnbeKtei* ( iutmleiil < o-,
2o 1 8 VfttfMkuo >qattre, Phiindu,. Ptt
«.ld br irr..«I.U .TMTikow. A., ft, "< klrk«
■— —“- 1 '' Puwma in* iu.,*.
rpYj Y! T ?35S?-T^. HQ *T.tcu«
. , - -. -'(lie f A l.l*IDL-
l«52*ri. 1 atilei. Chairk
iici lv . tees, Lcnaget
fjetier Prt ^jes,Cabinet*
ta;lie» rraacyDeatu,**
1'i ut* l Guodn Hud ium.
Vrtc« '7U>i--ux-t«d, CI.fc.Jlk
(nn » ,n. i *• k. nataT
Improved FLY FANS only JJ 50 e u'h,
LKEliLESi 1GE CREAM I KEEZEKS, 0 quarts $2 25; 4’qcr rU | ,&
$2 75 ; C quarts $d 75, COOLERS 75- up. I lufm^ M u-nines $ ; and $2 50. ; D
2-5 Dozen assorted s zes fHAl'nl.l! DUS 1 JbllS Omo.v cost, |
Sjteeial job I*its to mcixiiunts of Giuis \Wirc, iiu \Vare, Brooms, i-r
Lamps, l’iaten and 1 ets.
Or M O- W. JL lu Xj J£i .
era Flow Works.
Tlli Ls»Trt»Od *H -S«|b.
'a of a,
il. fl
feblti dtf
143 B,v*d Streetg|
m t. »lt: 0,ll
• »mi ed a d •• x I*.# \rrp- t ‘• »n.i, uju r - or lt>H'«.
!>l k ad o» t”r cf:> * (* ilcrnb - an 1 known nod
<*«ac:lled h o’trt -f l »te ma^ty tbrre, nln«ty.dri
»n ! n.v t- ni* In - he n» rv ; of stt d coaniy.
Sold tb** yrnpurt" of K li To
Apri.A'b IO06.
fl H T BOB If TON,
Adaiini* j’ttlor.
»D7 ottw*w