Newspaper Page Text
Ooi.rviiVft A* Ap'il 7.18M.
JiOTtton and iMtarn d«m%ud pottos bills ran
Ssbssssk H of: Bsskt olipohl i os Now 7orkef«r
Muter H srouisa sod a Aotssssk si tar.
Mark* to-doj dslli IsikHor Mt ordlsory lot
•sod ordlsory, 6ftoi low middllsoa IN of aid*
fe* *de, food atddMngB
TH«r. To 8»te
t lilt?
OolombB»> ASd Wno torn railroad.-
Oolnsiboa osd lioiso rallro*d._..
ftbo rtT«r mm
a ot>i
11.4 «
■ostliwoeUrQ rollr
Golumicn und IVeotoro railroad
>«t by <Joiumbn« foRtorlM.. M . M .»..
Block od hood Adjust 3Ut, l.H0/V„ N
loooMod to-dny ___ ....
pro Yluoal j
To-dar. To I)*tr
44 2’0
THK til* U)U Cl'.
Ttt* R.*n)ar JlnUhl, Rritl>iH«ll LmI
MlEni—ATnatbiy Bsparlaaf , ffl era*Dl
l naafti :na, *l«.
...........84..78 -FH2.1
■took on band „ .... ft, IA
giotk Ana 31.t, 1P84, 282; saim. day, 82t
lotnl r/r/irlti, 7il>78; sblopwl day lit totJil
ahitnento 71,1(8. .took 3,123 sal/i, to. middling
Ben/lpte ot IItiltrtl HUtes ports tosdai. 7.2221 fort
darn, 2\<,402| exports to Groat Urllatu. 8M4Si rontl*
Bant, St 277i mock
United It tut/I Ports— Bcrelrts foi 6 (Ute 1,‘t"
asserts te Great Britain 7,tilt to continent )8,rtH
fkdri to (taw adearileaiaiau.
Meetlrg of SI Aldemar Comma d . ry
Flee Feiotiaud Bbeephead— Wm Tnum’’»
Annual M e log of iht Georgia Stale
Dar.lai StiolBiy
Choice Cu» li e lo erks—Atlanta A B-twi'i
Bock Beer E 8k W .l 1 It <x Co
The H timper ivaoa for ane—Henry Mo-
Agen'a Wanted-Blo* - A Do
Boltc* to i.ontrac orr F M Brt t ks,
Clerk CcmnrdstlcnerF' Court
At. Ph) Vkatth.
Tb» et ninoli;## of arrantement for the
coming »ut»r>*lt mant ara iqiesrd to
meev la the lector* to morrov (Frl,
Cay) warning *1 IB o’clock.
Dcatli ml mm Ulul,
Tbaln'Rtil eon c,f Mr nnd Mrs J CKoowJ**
Cl/d yeati iday at Hour hi to® ul %• outsells c>
Valley, Ala, after a lit gtr'Dg ill naof
©’erebUla- 'll;* cm* IB! W llvb* In tarred
In lha family bfryii’g grout d. (•
W V T o. ! {
♦be Woman’* Chrl/tt* Tempem- or O ’*'
Ion will meet .bis morning ... 11 o’otoox at-
Iba raaldai aa af Mr A M B-'inaou. I.will’
baobaeiva* Ibnt the h( nr of me*'lug h«r
bean obancad from id to 11 o’clock,
Beat Better# *»*■'*
It will bn eeeu by re'ereaoTi !o our Ryv»rv
llalr.g oo'ui-'t n to-day lha. Vtr K S Ht-ik’
and Mr H FI E tna hov* asaoclivei Ihspitv
aalvee together to do n ganeral real natal*
bnalnaai. They ara noth we 1 known tt
car oil’amp, having bean Idan Had with
lha oily for many yi’ara.
flie/y/r «e*.
Aflat the flat of in rnonih Co’nmbue
la to liny* rbi'nper light The gnn omr pairy
bndtclded lonvk ■.nine Ion >o p-lv«'e
eonanmem from (2 60 In 12 25 per !br naatid
feet. We alio cr dt rnivnd i Itat e redtio' 1 n
often per cent w'llbegly n >ha city on
lemp poaie proy'd/tl tin iMii>">e’ J of (be
light* be !•eirn-rrl trnrr l 0 'r l 0
p-eiti «i In Uir«<rr,
I)i R Border* t'lid »i bin r a t.n ee, eight
mllf* nor hcniit of Cull- nn, i f tr lli'ger-
Ing lllaeae (f s» v rel hr Thedicensrd
*ra*ar<m'«r prao lolt g pliya'olat n« weli
aa an t xleuvlvo und Mtocetclul larm/rof
Uovdoo ooonty np to il e lr- o of hlrtl/k-
nvaa. He owned neverkl One river farm*
an.’ leaver hla emlly In c. ay clicnm
ataiicee — Atlanta Con* 1 1’ullon,
Dr Brrdorr wan formurly - o’ aan of Har»
tin onuu’.', und we bell/ve ho resid'd in
thin piece e nhort time. He tail many
frlende In IP la te : lun who will rugre to
learn of h‘» death.
I.rt 8entftbln* Re l)eie.
The Colunibn” Gi«'d ’ mee 1 ig, wh'c v .
waatohuve btrn n»M mat right, ws/ p-gl.
po-iad until n x Monday At IP,*'
time, mili'ii and, 'lie c( mp .ny wl I
forrenlly d 1 abend anil the errue ai d uoc-n •
treaien'a Its returned 'o the »i ate,
II is * matter of daen retire* 'hat the
mvanbetH h ive dno’dtd on fh'aaonr/c hni
they ray ih“ oonrpatiy dom xolmeeMho
enoonrf.gctrenl It tle’trrvf a el' ’rum the
oli'*"ua or even lie mtmbe r a thrr S' v
I’. 18 hoped ihnt a.i ineibli s will bn d.irt* to
have the mailer : eon* auiei ■ d, as 1 wl'l he
dechle.lfy iig-ino' 'ho lmer'at of the o or
mm 1 y for i) l« lime bor oud orgt,i g lion
ty peilah In cur m:d«t,
flrvlluit el Bt In k/ ( Lur/li.
A aeilea o< r«l:ilme mac lu?« la bnlab
he'd «vn y tno.r! I g i;n;l af lehi ut s
Luke ebu oh, aoif will rootlnn* duilng iht
we k. There we/ quit* a In-g" cm a:*
tlnn preeeu I&st to ) < ar R-v Mr Mo
Cork lie in nil names worker and
preaohod a fotcU e stinion. which wn
llvtenad 'o with lnl*reai, The meeilrgR 8re
growing In ln’crcat end lha eongifgetlooR
1 oreta ng. S-verglo thv ui'nlR'ere In ibe
city were p».ei n> lent nlBh'., The pen or As
urg/nl In ho -rqncKt that the number
ah'p of ihe ebu oh abonld aiirrd there
Bee li gs, H i h o ti i nde b et rdla! we’,
coma to ev’ry one, Tht morrlrg eetvlo o
will begin et 10 o’clcck ai d laat cne bonr
There will bepreAohlng again to-c lght et
T:4S o'clock
Tk* oily oocncll me m l o’olook laat
night la monthly meatier, A fnll bov-rt
waa prgeent, moayt Alderman D alar and
Dllllngbaan, Tka mlnniea of lb* last mas'.
log ware rend ord rorA-mad.
oi aaima iurdn
The oi rrmluea nn brldgraand wharf re>
pmied that lha lower w/gan bridge won
allgbtiy dtmaged by the reabet and la now
bal g repulrad The o> mmlt'e* o*k*d for
anlhrrliy lo tpetid eiffl-lant mo-iay lo
h»ve ell recesaory repaid made which
we a g r*nt“d.
Tht commit'** on m-ukata and mrga<
Einen ri pnr /d he pa*B g« tar ugh the
rue kel icpxlr d
T e oommlliee on alree e end re wars r/o
ommended '.hat nelltlona for rewem lo ve
rlone part* of 'he oltj be grunted, end the
report war Adopted.
The otmral ea on atr«*te anl-ml led n
pk n ler n Rhco unuti which to breek rock,,
tu' aoilon on fhe me* er wrn defer e *,
W' KTUL7 It ro TS.
Tb« o erk of nihtke, reporttd ool eoi'ot K
of S.'i OS from w»gt.. a for tti* month o
The elm k o* con oil reported thatdnrltg
Much nit' *.sight par lai, were tried. iblr'y«
otghl flut’d, wen y tllrcherrcd ore
bound < ver The fl, ett etdbo td i m ti l ed
to 14!), and flv com io ’he cbelh gerg tr
J h ft r no 8; g’ - ’ gete of 103 diya.
The etty poyhioien reporieu hat < nrlnv
Mi.rob ihi §e pat'en’e were e.’mit'ad 'o l e
oily ht pltal, Ibree dUvhnrgcd end none
d <d it nr patlenta nmelr.ed In the bee
ptul on ibo lit < f April.
Tht olty r’Xlen reported ibnl dnrlr g il *
month of Match ihirtvr, 13 Inteimen'r
in iLt wl o cemetery, live o wcout were
uon«ret!deDie. Tl etc weir 18 Interment*
In the co'oretl to mcteiy, reven f whim
were noe-reitlUcnlH,
The marshal reported that drirlrq tho
muoth of Asrcb there we.- ZD hitiwvis of
bou'aal 'he wharf, front widen tlifi wei*
ool eoled »r pert dpe«.
TllKASUBl n'a IlKrO eT.
J M Barneti, Tren unr, in st- u t wl h
Mayor and Conner, froh. D.o,niber 1
184.0 to Maroh 1, 18.S.
lllneaM of seven weeks of the terrtbl* dls
easc-oanoer. ; r Stanford was ova of tht
mini suooavrfnl phyalolans of Ihl* ootmiy,
He itood blgti la hie prc'astlan and was a
most excel.ent man and s' g)n Hla death
la indeed n **d blow to hla obtldren and
ih* oommncliy la wbloh ha llvad, whar*
h* waa grMtily admired and tppraclklad
He (•* vea Rtvaral ehlldran, who aaoara
thalr great loaa, and on account *f their
bereavemaBt they have ihs a; mpathlt* at
all our people Ha wu bnrkx. Tuaaday at
lOc’c'oek, In Mou’ Z in oamatery. He waa
a gt i ■ slant member of the Metkndlrt
obu oh and dlnd with Ihe lull teaaraxteof
re ping l tie reward he a ■ d'llgen'ly laboied
fir Tiuly o good man hat fallen Peace ’o
hla ei.h a
L, To bulancr —
Public xhlbulone
K L l'ceoea
Lloe. f<‘ 18R4
bale* 18 \ -
K a E-t <e .‘886
B»(*' 1 85 ..
JLtceaa* 1886.,.. ,.......
Bi la r*c<iv ,ble
Hukiiarr cad p tlh .c.
• Bays.’*’ eaur'
Ew 1881
• Sark
dafta cod'god tea - ....
' m }'v&*
i etc 12
4. ill
6 J6C I«
84 7 8X
6 (10
18 3 6 66
4 76 83
4 417 75
41 75
181 10
127 CO
6 6 72
741 4<
32 ' 63
ll;6 30
7|- 75
1 223 411
28» 43
iJ-Th* river 1r new sb' Ul at Its nsna
— TL* oily court wilt pr b .oly ' J cm 'o*
- Tie wee'her for - bo p.*t ’wo c’rjh
hta \'t given mnuh r.v' of the presence
0 : r' tin
- Vtnlclea wl.l bo allowid to ptei ov.'-
the wet wrgoi! budge to-oty, for Ih*
Hr*’, ,1m* iilnou ill* frerh't.
-The E «. e aid Pom lx m 111 a ranm d
opt ra h r B ytalf tdr y In all its ui pur c on is
xcep. the wo: Irrj tordr mi l.
— There wuh an'ubfr s ight frostyes’.c ■
d«y mi tnlng. bnl li wes Ho right noi i uttl-
o'./ni .q niai. ilally dams go glowing vi get.«
1 loo
— B lie', or Grimes leceived it telegram
I'oui the no-isha cl Uhl ploy yesierday
flernoon, p king him io onme fo Ihtv!
' on c~• T’ 1 (■ esi bu lnoss.” Ae ihe olfy con"
la In session, he c uld no go, end It Is 11 t
knofn for vha, pnipote he was w nted
— 1 niioRilfius for siutc. A InntJo .g'a en ■
H"?h’iy warmer and frlr westhr) ; nlud»
bt'Oomln? VariRi ie pn cedia In nor hern
P”»M ». hy , or’hwever y wli da EislGuir
k! Full xnd ellgniiy warnicr weathc:/
vnrl b.o wl d«, geoeTiiliy shifting 1: s mtb>
1 A E UA1L l)Jii V11JTS.
Tho Cl>1e„ a o» Cow In* to 4 oluwbra -Tu*
Uoult <,t want,, I’lnieu Tnurdey.
A te eg anr. has beon rtcc'ved tr m Ihe
0 oago bnee ball club etklcg permission
In l o h e b/ae ball patk After U gil5 b of
April. PtiBlnli n bah been given ai d 'his
orxek cluo wi l i.o di.abt lcsok ,h* el y on
lha', date.
I BilUaiorc- ytaiardoy lbs B«lilm*rea
defeated the Waablrgtona by a ccoiecf 6
fo 4
Tue Chicago* dtfes'ed ibo Macons yes-
terc’-ty hr a /core ol 7 io 4
In Ptlladr’pbla yetleiday Ibo Atblellra
wsre drre*le.'x by tbe PhliaCelplilaa )y a
roueU 8 to 3.
By big di e* —
filoil g
Bawgrs —
Pul, lo Hem la .
Aop’o (lotion*
Oex# fry
H'-cbant* 4 M*aham e
Ba k
Ns 11.«’. Bn*k of (A, Inmbu'i
1 ilcrart
Mu'e feed—
Fire dr pm me >
I ol ten Is
400 I
3i 8:
4 600 '
1 49!>
II 79 1
8 7 9 ;
1 43(1 I
96 i
1 7 7 >
lb , U.w aid ai.lsAd.
Mr P P D kinaen, of N w York, lb*
QlurgAa k. d'k. d r o ur, rr-uei. ed the
city 1'iit night. H:r la acct mrcr ’ed by Mr
P It McL ugh. n, of O.lnm. ua, Ohio, who
aom s nr bt turpose rf Hkrg ihaoon-
’ri-.O’ for doing ihe innce! aid :ock v ork.
They wil' b«gln #* Ihl* opy fo-morr wand
g o v"Ihcvuire : u owl h Mrjn Greer*,
’he psief *n4l' 60" aflir w) loh work will tl very fhortDme, Th«
proo 1 *'are i pit for the beginning ofthe
vr • k, and ib* crmlrg of ihf coniinoloi is
hi, Hod wl’b dought.
DB 3|
83 8’8 2b
Tho olty ho tuntter of Jaa B
All* aik'ng ft r dupllcu c* of’out Mnb’le
and Glrar.1 strip, guv# It aa his opinioi
tha 1 oi uucll hud no right to Issue tbt
(lnpl'o»le , pb ibe, law provided for eti eb-
llshlng lost pepuis
In the rai"er ofth* fhnntRln for it* pub
lic pulk ih* ottmn*> give It rr hl» opt ,1 -r
tha’ tl • wntei workc cimpcuv muR. e/"ct
the fouuimln In ooropllano* wl'h h i* run*
mot. A motion by Alde-mun llilclier
wep Rdcp'fd nqnlrlrg tb« water worka
somra y to er«c. the't un'eln.
A pe'.lilou vis 'ecilvoU from !hpp- k ar 1
r. els Ion i k'tg lor Rr, «ppn pila’lcn fo-
he I»JBW1I of r r»rl ktipcr. 1 wns rs«
ferred it- he oi mml’le* o'- p trk.
Ah prP'i'Pne Ion of J2i.O viiaiif- 'or
'ho ban' fl: of the annual parade of li.c tire
depur n sol
A te lllou u king that K v B F B ow, in
eged Methodist minis or, bo ,11 wot *o
peddle wl’houl n license, w s rtfjr ad to
ih • mu’; or
V ,rl hr petlllona of no pub’lo lu'areni
wore reftr.ed tt' the spprop.i^ e ooramlt-
Tl e con m't’eg in police and got was In
sme .1 lo o«k hip gun company o ‘o:n 1 in
lull'll for fr.r'-l <hln« llsh' for the e > spl g
ye*r bv the v -x me* In*.
Couuoll then a J-urn. J,
Dr Bu'ta was exiled to Smlthvtlle Teea
day n'ghl to ate hla mollitr, who la **'<'
outlv 111
Mr Me". O'Brian he* ralurcad to the olty
from Mew Orleans
Mia M A K 1 patrlck will le°ve this morn,
lag for Anuta.on. Ala, to visit her drugb»
Mi* Lunrr Hellbrrn left yeatfrdry for
Pltli’ci', Fr. to vM> hrr dargbter
Mle.iE'i Rc'sill returned from Uonf-
gomsrs yoa e,d y
Mis.- Funnl, Epnlng hea returned fiom a
▼lilt to he/ sitter, Mrs Cecil Gabbelt, of
Mr Fr*4 A V ughn, cf ihe Cbewacla
11m# work", v hr In Uu ol’y yri errfey
A A I) xter E-q, le’l frr Pairy yetlerdcy
to atierd >i jurioo snye/tor ccnrt
Me ara M Wolfscn, H SFlitaxrd Geurg*
Ha)Hass, of Ilemiltcu, writ Ik the ally
Third m»v’» l’r rt««l if l!
lrnu Juo. Teller lR|ma
In ibe city tet urf jc. o.dtij the foil wing
o st w .in dl'P'iid of:
Ths H ale vs C'i,.s Gtef ; l£”ce?'r from
Ih ' house. F eu ol i ullty ai d nthlecccU :o
w>lv moo’ht. on li.* chal gnng
Tb“ - a,i v Gri rgl.' B iwn, la c-ny from
t’ehonse. V,id o, of gully and leultr.oed
ti a x n onius < n he • 1 all gf ug
TucBiaiev Y ocy Oi ar gc; iproepy Drm
the h. uae P.ett of gut, y sud eenlerc, d io
Mx months on the chain gang oi •:6 And
The Btale v» Gue Bin i sent larceny from
the ho' se Vsrd o of gul iy and een euced
to twelve moctha oa tbe chain ga- g or (25
and oojta
Tue Bate vs lira#! Greer j mlrderoeator.
Flea ol gnl t; and len'arced to tweiv*
mi>nt. a on the ebaln pa: g or |2fi ardent a
Tho Bt le va Albert Thoroae; laroepy from
houRn P./e of guiliy acd senlercel 'o
twelve months on ihe chain gang o. 150
and 0,-s'a
Tht 8."'* vr K lie Krceia; carcnll erd
buttery V.rJio of guilty and sentenced
to thirty dayn in fwl 1 cr f 10
The Stale vi W W Wells: ESrauK. Bot
The oourt icck a recaaR until nine o’clcck
this mortlDg
P-ath ot Or. U K atiafaM.
Wavemlt Hall, Aprl 7, 188d.—1 isquiB-
km Bus : D: It K 8 Rnfonl, ox Ibis piaoo
died ut ;he r*rldn.,ce of ha daughter on
Sunday night a , at II o'olook, aflax aa
rrlvul f tbs Bls/mirs liuiia Bars ena
Berth . L a
Tho steamer Amos Hays arrived at 6,
o’clock yesterday bringing 44 ba'es cf
Oii'iu uud a good miscellaneous
frti.giii. T ic oott ,n was oonslgned as
folio*"! Uurtii <fe B ailey, ?,$ bs'es;
Blnnolifii’d, Booth A Co, 14; Ji. klua <k
C 7
Fol o»'i."g !s a H*t of her p«esr,nger« t
D H D Pi:/ mac, Miss Minnie PiilKicn,
Frank W B ack, Ii'a, E Crooheor, Eu-
fau ! i-i W U Lvneaster, John Park.
John Max, O 1> LV.ham, May’s, G H
Noel, Bluff own.
Tho Bieemf r Births Lse arrived si 1
o’ol ck ytslerduy hf.ernoon. (She
brought no ootton. Follc wli g is a list
of bur pi'ssergf;es J G Smith, T, m
R'ddly, Win Mll'er, Aaron White,
Apa'.uohlno u; Bu k Maicrum Frark
Brown, Trion as J ,oka p, Tim Mo-
D r ugntd, OUaUahooch*’; R S Gr; vea
E I'sula.
HDIK6 ElliMV-hl.
E C Gnthmac., A'loui ; W F Mo-',
Tii, noRSTll.'e; l: W R c!j J he W Kelle v ,
Naahvl L j E O chiar, Nov Y ik;C L
Oavis, W im, S.incgsi A V Biliet.t, W
A Miller, P’HtdripMs; J b ciuy, Dr
1,’ibj , N ivi Y ;> V ; R I Grover, PliUn
Uelpbia, E li G'ecr, AlAbSD r; C I)
Winn, Maco’ ; li T Dive port O A
CcbemtiD, Auuorioii(.} I 1C. Lss ie. N,w
Yoj>; PP D.ckiDBi u, Now Y rk; R
R M L nghlln, Columbus, O; L W
Rudd, Alabama '■ ■ >
R VVatt, Chit ago; dchh batten, Merf
wo.her ooun ; Wl! am Kfmoerda'.e,
CflurloatC' ; W J Brve, M D, Waooo-
ohe«, A'r; W D Kj e, Opaiib,-; TH
Frierson, Bitie ; Fa Y -uuhap, Cho-
wro'.’; W R bbli.s, W S B-own,
Ta botloijA B Howard, New York; H
II Ransom, Siivasnsb; Frark Heun!s>
Junes Tepooty, Alubaine; T M Doyle,
Caffftrala Miaarsl W*(/r’
I have wliniaaed the uece nr d , ff.vit* of
ths C/tisber, Namrul Mineral Water In
New Orlsena dcil’g ihe two wlntaia past
and regard It a a water ol ex raordlr.ary
Hbd v*' y vxluebie prrperrlea, 'qualtoall
Ihut le c alired .or it And mere >i taken by
d rto Ions, I recommend 1: tolbeatten.
lion of all who at* stffcilng wl h kidney
or 1 vir dlsiaies erd ail uru ury cr b »dd«r
troub ea; r’bo us a n m. dy for rheumatism
and tea blond purifier I ihljkl hnsno
.equal. Db N J Bussey.
It Is f ir salsa' Bri nnon A Carsoh’a,
inu>28dlm ^ ^
vrw fal/aksa/i-as aa* 7*
89 la Gtc aurd’a i e* phone number at 1>1< stir*
on Bread street und No70 at hi* Planing,
Mil) end Lur* her Yard, corner of Troup
asd Beventh sinew, JaUUtf
W. AHrmtm- OseiM<*e.ra Vo, t. K. f
Meet al yogr this (Taurnduy)
evening at 7:30 o’clock K ,oh 8 r Kulgh
la nrgently n qseated lo l»a present.
By order of ih* B O.
A 0 CE430lt.Uk
AdtmaA Biwara for ail kinds of eliolu*
Coulee louarlea dll
FA* oal* ORtlffkl ■•*(.
Faat piaaaLger p eke., A d. wlL
leave ihl? (Th’ rsdn-) morning al 8 c 'o rck
for Apalachicola aad all p In b on
the river, Bvcorlt) (o p«.s*ei gei* and
freight, ca we cr y rt n dn.r!’ g dayilgn .
•p7 2 J*o F Fuiu-nor, p.»«' .
AU.-mr A B rwera
Or. feailoavii.s
or nil k'ndB of oil iqa
tr anted
Men to §*ll our goocle n Mteoig e aid
cdj lying crctt’eR Will pry* yrod’ini
aiy *7.d ail exper res Write for e mamd
ais'tRRlurj winie/., uni Co. ID-m
fuo'ortr;j, 2 1 Liw tgi* « , C ncu nail O i .
Ad»ir« A Bowern loi ul. kinde oi choice
Con e 'uoneile* del
A One lo;
due. U CS/TVG.
ii T icu an i Suef p .6 ol.
W m h m as
FV4eii(ieA4j>I.utlpc Km. ess, NnlpAf/ awd
i. atSiea o/ Uunar,
Kegn'a- mee ting thle (ThuisaMy) evening
u 7% o’clock.
By order oi Protecier,
M M Moohk
2d&lil,u 8*0re ury,
AUi.mi & B.wire (or al kinds of oh' lov
Ocn'eo ioue. ire d f
7g. 18!A iNiiu .1 Mre’faa
O’ the G 'O.g ... M at* D r. 9o."i iy i cu
D nt»l Ex<min1'g B vml’ wilt 6,
i.eid tu fd or.n, G , 11*h M v, | 86
/ D ' ARK EN T B a,
fj 8 h ae Bou'eiF. y
A.l-m» A Bowers or ul kinds of oh/lce
Uoufto.iuaerles dtt
2bee* il,>r.
A c,r loud ct th« Cbrhtaln
Mocrieln Bit wing Co’/ c iihrst.a Ikck
Beer Ju?t teoe'ved and for sal* at all oh.
loot. ■ in the city at/.' Bmwuevll e
a. 8 2 EM Y AL* H A Co, Agoata
Dfmbnrger Hand c neeae, Weinerwurs
anu B .ck Beer last received
£ i 8 2t EM WlL H A Oo
an.cid seed Cam,
I have a let oi Vo y cuoie-. Hess-1 Corn, a<*
laeisd from Ja'ge e,.r,>,*n«iud by uacd. and
•vary grain a lurge perfect gr*1u. AI>o
tweuiy five or thlj ly oairels Nortue.'ii
lrleh Pit aloes, veil flue.'ehegp.
»p6 d iw W J Watt
Gr-at liRVins ; y uaiug Arif,a* (.kill’s ,u
ouepennd packigEg By the herm.-iloalb
sealing he puie o' the o. fie? w er, tm a «c
th* strength la in alnea uuy leng.u o’ ttm/
When eocked it will pour t at oieui, P. lo-
six pouudi fur e dollar
sual ly hum M id,
8b..a* ’a Aromatic Dtarrl os i Cior Mai .a
the most pieisuni and sun s’.. e,mdy s ...
for curing i ll bowal t.ff o luna, such at
Dlarrlcee D>*«n ury, Colic, 0 oleia Mjr-
bni>, *’0* Traveling men wil find It lrdis
penaubie, a" ho obuugo oi .watsr so
ovuaos them *nch trouble!. T e.hlngo! ‘s
die quitk'y rtl nvad una .rare w ra mo h
ers given peace and rest by using’ho gtm
ol re nodisa, Bhuker >. A’omallo Dmr hte .
OotdlHl _ dtl
Flue Tobuoccs- Bpei-c..'* C.Ihoun, Bui: i-
vao’a But, Bul.ivur.’s Free und Busy, Ducj
hfiaruu, Lonuu u’u uk x, Dulllaru V. Hi. >•
out chewing HobfaBT B iis*,,r.
uugi -ay
DlffLAL UER xiuFasr,
$100,008 901 ,81.
Uu. OOjf.Cl .... U - ...UJL.
We shall aouu ve id tluae—
To m»ka >ue n. g.vot of .nsurauee T Q.iinc
An exo.edlugly nalcona o-inn I-Mlki do.
D F Wiulu X, Aqeir,
JanldU 71 Bioad 81
If you anfler from wtuk or sore lungs uit
P.clue, which quickly out a all lur g unr.
oheat ufli-.citons. d U
tttaiBAk BAlLttOmB OF VgCSSU
Hleey'at car ■/•Mwoilado*
(..ouu.ii nua. ui, Jul 26 1668
A Bleeper is at.brued to train No 2U ba
iwoeu Coiumbus bed Micoa, leaving 0 ■
lUrnbus tv. iy i.lga. i. 9 'ciook.
Beril-u cun he oi cured open sppUoatlo.
toC W iitjer, ilcatt ttiier, bniuuDeii
or lo oouduoiov ot tism,
W L, (, Ageni,
G A WHUEhEAh. G/h'l Pais. Ageuv.
Ia2« If
aid A c'ICiJM yt . 5 /ur Dole.
Those wuo want oid newsput urs lor pr, -
-lug under carpets ctin gel tnaiu ar thh
'thee as ou oeou-.. . v;r,u—u. -apA'i
Ueiecilve Kitilibl.
Parlle" h. vii g eictive <y ’ a are II vl'tt!
io oad und m.vt tx. ruined by iLfl
Opthblmusiplo es.t free tl i
*ptolr.c ti can l e of but fit they v ill Lt
tl'.le.i ut modc.'&'o price.
. J H L RAM U A Lh,
Wn ohm: kur. Jeweitr anr. Op lolan, 1U8
Broad street- ieu21 if
For Arena,
Store Hcuse No 69, on wcatsltle of Broad
Uriel, now occupied by James E CergUl
a dry goods stoie. Poasesaiou given Gelt
oer 1st, Apply to
Gold Watohas
Gold watehea
Gold Wetohea
Silver War*
Stivar War*
A C Bchomberg’e
Bl. «ei, Ooiumba.,
Go d Watch**
Gold Waloha*
Gold We’ ohea
Sliver War*
Silver Ware
J<’W dry
Jewelry Store, 106 Broau
Waler Manta.
Water rant* for thaaseond quarter of < hi*
year are dna and payabl* at th* office o
the oompar y, (9 Broad rtreel (up ataln),
.A dl’O’iunt r l flv* t e’ c nt will be allow-
ed t'pald before the 10 h rf April, and l
not pall by the 15.h me water will be cut
fitt, ejpl (UOs
J’EClNe / PIl’IM/ff Flaws! f f
A remidy ttiai bas bioome a household
word m this section. Ha* cured more bad
eases of ’broR', chis, and Jung troubles
than all o'her ULg lemsdle* oomb'.nad
Haoklig, irtiub.taim* and Irritating
oough* laid aal by magic to lt*looming
and bgnllng It flan;c*. Ido.hers can relieve
their infanta In ten minutes of Croup
Pbyslolaue endorsing lt lu Pneumonia
aad Wborptcg Cough. Oontumpllva pu
Uenis ahon'd uae l. by all mean*, a* lt
makes txiitcoralloc c>sy and sooth** and
bene the lu'.ga. Tho**. troubled with
Aalhm? should uae lt In large dote* and
nee what treat benefl: they will darlve
from li Hold by all d uggltls at 60 cent* a
bottle ila u to’nrri' i.y
d'f C i nmbus, Ga.
Writ* to y. L Urui*/4 far Awytbtng
You Waal la tbe Alma af Balder*
lldia-i m m ply sure ou Broad street
ud u.,lug mill and lunuer yard at Ihe
*ou h cud cf becl .y. It Is his aim to keep
on Land fanytiilng you msy want for your
L.i'ujs, MshUea of sil k i.d„, P.luts, Build-
«fi’ H iihWHie, P aster. Cement, Lime,
Bash, Doors and B inds, Iron Cresting, etc
s'o, He. cun furuloh Iron hlu mill and yard
illkihiiu ot Lumber, r a^h and dressed,
Floor Ok, Celling. e*o Uedoas all kinds ot
Mil, Woik, worm: Sawing, Turning, eto-amt
f per c: s. 03 jon wish anithlug ce has not
:):• Lur J, no m la ,’he nliy will put hlm-
aglftu mure licnblg to serve you thab T L
Grugvd. when yon visit the city call lu
und cue him ui 137 Brur.d slrce., stRnd late-
rsrt.n) tc till c« u t ,
Oiiolce Ohio Cream?r> Butler irvlsy at
25 os)).* p<" pcuud. Ai backin’* Arloss Cot*
t jU is e. l.-.’el.lbg and aiw .; s'nil weight.
Per so loo, Bt.leld’o B. uib n Wolsky, U la
a w<.a hta.,hful, al- Bye pure, it may not
produc'd ihu hl'tirl'.us f-ffsot some
Iqu. s d'7, bu i.i mcderutlon y u will fee.
be. ter uex morning Thu pr'oe ,s only one
dollar pai quart or four dollar* per, giFon
ftl , Crane’s
e.ugl dly
teufa/d Weed,
If ou fire in.fueled In thi fetdlrgoj
hor/e-!, cows rr p(-u"rj' 'l l* onr.ofirnn your
p ck..,, Hus F..«d Ojiupjidd of Corn,
Bul y uuu Oa's; Cow F«ed oumpoied ol
b r .j B.un and LO.tOu Bueo uuvai. Pout-
iry In d oompoaed of Corn. Ba’ ey and R -re
Hold by Rorski? a Ckans
The Frank 8 ddnli’. B:ep, toe oDly soap
that hfib ever been inr.d.- In the hletory of
'be wo*Id that Is ad pliulforall uses. Bend
ten eantsfor one c. ke or one dollar for ten
oak ea Robert B .Jaase
Arrived Ue.arday
Siimp'e* embrclcg all ihe Bytes, oolors
and quill lei of pieoe goods shown by one
of the largest Importing houses lu New
York. A U Caunoiliur ordered ihese 3.06 or
more samples tba h i pa ronaand the pub
lie generally may have aa opportunity oi
ce catlng from ns o k that oaunqt beaur-
ait (.1. Wnh tils loros of skilled J;urn y-
miD tallo-s he can flu all order* for fuiii
prjtnp ly, g man teeing peyf iotta ufae'.lon
in iveiy r/a,.sct Persona con omplattug
purou.-slug will flud lt greatly to their lu*
tc It 1 ' i x.imiue h i price and goods be-
ore pUolng an order. dlf
A. w Geodet Ann Omoda I t
Hvte.Coii re.C. IT, H iUdHercUlefs, Uae
dt' weat, Furnishing Pieoo Goods, e n, will
arrive Li...a ye k 8ae i.u» l-tLest slyiei al
Char oelto.'s, Hpunr’a old stand. dtt
Pr( « (Tail Mntaraat
You nn ?nlo, made to mea/ure by A C Chan,
ili'jr, Hs ohMlls’cgts !.<• rnsile, to pro
duo,, germ in.s e flic snd a< same prices as
'hote he is del veine ('. l.y, dtf
cm drug sruuE.
FUii 1 l*ar*, tl. w-1 and Garden Seeds,
Fkrs oru£B and Polite Attontiott
Flesh 1« neir 0 uu ,.i no litre more thin
during he bsimy tpi lug. I . Is fast /.p-
profaobi'ig, As'iioh la time cf en saves *
whole v ejk ul it-wln.r r.nd even o. e little
alle bean may eava a mou'h’s ausence
(Torn basice.(S und t. ul',as’,reus ducior’s bill,
T:yone Ifullo Lous don't reaoh your
c*«e, ten eml e: weh.. e a ways on hard
nil manner ulU 1 n On u. c.ugs fi>..d cli/m-
o.iis aim we pu .lau ce aomc of them will
brio? yen bp ir the turn e ounipslgn
The ohlefcs Ucuu y ol oui mtdiol. ea and
physic Is VLi.i v: os. »..d all is the puie
frei.f, nos’lu! ea . a.iiff.aLd preso.lp io i,
a.-e prepared Iroo; bun. in a net.., qu.,ko
e mbie and ixper m .uccr,
AsiprUig in -niter ue aeeson ofpUc’lci;
wearelul.y pepared in that ltua lo fur-
. . h a 1 , onef.p B" « suuds from wrloti will
31 rtug be.u rftt fl'«£'s, as well as those*
b 6’in dco ded y U7'>«e ea'lsfyiug herbs,
oomuionly kuuwn ■ g rdou uutk.
Wc puy iqUBiiy s uc. a. cotton to every
depurun6m in cur business and . ur
f, loudo in y leu i sfcured mat we’ll not. a -
low any lotinderoLUB In ollet so. pa, txs
'-.os, ulg sandal! n ner ur loirs kept lu
, hrs.-oiuss cs i.b.1: i ra-’tn. H da water bcou
Geo A Bradford.
dtf Mauugar,
PMC* 1 Uruiht Arickf
Contractors and emtre wanting Brick
vlH'. ow li lo call on the anuersigne io
prices. Now Is Iht lime to bulid while ma
ltrl»l If i<heap, Aro prerared to furnish
Brick la any quantity desired,
W tv A gko O Barry,
Telephone 89 .sioiv
|Or/u Be* r
And spent fer the. Gl vu Fitilr g Chart, 706
Becand aveuno. Couvcnle. t tt. «’.ree‘ cam
^9t:4 2n Mrs CF Fogarty
Operating Surgeon and Physician.
Residence, Stanford House; Telepnona
No. <6i Office. Carter's Drug Store.
Dried Peaches und A> pies at
feb7eod if Robert JnsTica’a, Agt
.Plane m a Bargain.
A flrst«cla«s bqaare Chlckerlng Plano In j
perfeol con llllon. Orlg nal coal f435, but [
owing to he fao’. ol Us havlcg been used a
abort time we ere offering lt at the ex
treme low price of 1250. Call md examine,
a; 4 a* wed ae J W Fxasb A Bon
Try my White Wine Vinegar. Guaraca
teed <o be the beat for pu tlrg un pickles.
mhi6 eadtf R' bert Justice, Agent.
Whan you visit or leave New York City
via Grand Ccu tral Depot save baggage *x«
preeaage nnd 13 carriage hire, and atop at
the Grand Union Hotel, opposite laid da*
Six hundred eltgant room*, fitted up at •
cost of one million dollar*, 81 and upwards
pgr day. unropean plan. Elevator a Res
taureut supplied with th* bast. Horst oari
lags* nnd elevated railroad to all depot*
Famine* can live better for len money at
the Grand CJclon Hotel than at any other
Slit clan* bout m th* olty, -jlt’ilj
Central Lino
O raUr of rffli'hf on The" OUaTahooeh^
Flint and Apalachicola livers wi. h. T
/ollows: * 0 ga
Fl^ur per barre' K<
Oouon aettl meal per ton ‘*”4 ^ ,
Com n per bale ""1' fi"‘ n "
0 her freight in pippcnion. ~' "‘ O00fl| i’
from Columbus in Apilaohln,
86 LO, Other piln y lu pri.pi.r l.:n 11
Steamer JNhiiad
Willie ve Columbus 'or Apa'sctljaiu ..,
Bilnhrdge evey / UE^DAY !U',rniu B T i‘
Laudiug ' ,e nl “ ln * VU Ua
Above schedule will be run, river
permltilbg, • ,0 )
Bhlppers will pieuac have their frekhi «•
boat b> 8am oa day of, a* “ n !«
will be received af er that. 1 our “ 00<
B im iBRarvts the right ”f r ot Inudlnc.'
any point when oousniertd dsuanouH >7,1
the coiumsndar, *
Hohi will nil 3to..Bi anypj'ntrioinmuc
1885*** 0( Umulugs 'urulshi d sblppi,,* i[
Our rerpmalblllly for freight cesrea ally
li bus been dlsiLiarged at h ULdicg whT
no P9"90U in ih’-r* ui receive h
GEO B WHITE IDE p re ,.,
Bey’y anc Tis ,f febllif
RUB. GA, “
JBEcm.RS'-S’wK tSmKdta
Atlantic a Guu <7 ug v,,.,.
OantrfcleoiB njlj'»7;i,.. . . 1J8 S, Jg .
Oolumuns and Kotue 1st 6S, on-
dori.e-i C it K , 8 j
CcivmbUB (.uu WcsiB'i. hi uoge
8.1, i-ndoryid by Cenlrei R .H... OiiUfflioi
Ohurione, Columbia aad Augus-
toi.lmtgr ,..’.16 ®117
OberioUa, uulumma und Ahgu„»
la 2d mtgc- 110 @112
Georgia 1* n ,u5
Georgia it li (,.“ tu
Mobile A Girard 2d mig# an-*
C H B..— - 109 dd.O
Moutgomaiy A Eufauiaisi uiige
68, end u li. It — - 8 £ nju
aouth Georgia A Florida 1-1, an- 73
•loroeu by Btate of Gernglr, 7
ptr cant...— — £ 20
t-uuth GiorgiaA O lorldi 2d,’, pr c. 12 @.13
Western B u Ala. 1st rolji an.
(UK — u9 eno
Wanvem Alaheme 2d xvi v rnd/. ill t,.i5
Atlanta 6s._ 105 @ 07
Atlunta 7( —•— 112 @!15
Anguui a 7a L.. H.8
AngufliaOs..- ,J 7 @iuti
Co,uu,bus 7s ...fi2 ©lie
Oolumbas 51 98 ©r(!
LaGrange 7s n.i ©lot
Maoon bs .. .. . .....110 © 2
Bavani ah 5a.... 99 ©loll
•uo*fr »»<R niooar*.
Atlanta and Weat l oin 101 $ .t!
Atlanta anu West holm 6 par
oentBorlp 106 @107
AUvuaw and Miineau uah 7 pr ot... iV'6 » '/
Central oomnrua ... 79 g it
CantralB B 6 pr a<un scrip. 99 . 1(9
Gac/gia 11 per oant 1a5 l ltd
7Mt:nw#*t#rn 7-|i7ot ; '(tiR.’’r.p.t*ei; .‘SI Slit
c *.'/'.» Mss*.
Ohatbshooeht’i Knioaa 110 pr ot»i76 &yt»i
.mAFCituntw A We.,uf«ni6* w or tifoi/S *. 90
'7*WiL‘<R AVbftrt*
Gourgu IX/t ©(7k.
iu-'TfilS .. ....^,.107 ©1
9or»rt* »«. igg* ns Sri
Geurgifa ia.iSS: ........._1 254*1:0
factory stocks
Mag;* i»Fheim
Colnmbtu, ufl 9, ..
’Wus'Cr.’-a,-.- 18 li 0
Geu. ilifa Home Inn Oo —,on ■. «;
0O£'5j'’’-v’«’ fr-ipcr Tforidf. .. I © 2
CMIftdrrate Banda Wial/C.
1 have an older (or 95o,ouuoi euy part,
For mate,
20 Share 1 . E .g’.e .id Fhenlx
825,600 Go rgla now !>4 per cen' 30 y'.fti
i5 Ghcrcs ol Columbus Gfb 1. gh tc
82 06 Ooiombu I on Woiks stock, pay*
lug 16 pur oout
Geirgli; 7 per cent gold Bonds due 1890
I can net sGiez 112J<
WbatBiii R it -a mortgbge 8 ^er ucn.
Binds, of 1899.
Cl y 0! ooiUnibns 6* bonds
esse me oaK’.re 4 ou buy ur sell. 1 .an *lh
way * do m weri, and mien ueveial P'uuw
better, ..nan anu one *1** ,,
^ . Cc7h«7“J»U8. GA Feb II, ituu
,N and *o*i Fob uai y 18 I8s6 , he oL,
’ rater of freh.hl on ihe ii„o
Airivsl Dfipa’-ture of all Trains
at Cuiambns tan jins Passe.'gn’s
I Hr Lttect Jauaan 1W3.
Md.11 t -Ik li win Uietuvulfc ^....10,01 \ m
Accomm: d‘*i lOH iron. ttre« r t?iil6~ bud p
Me*\l tnun li'/iu
Aoco.x modal lou from o:4it*U3
filtaii HuUlli Ul 1 ®
M ill • rain Irom A'landi*. o*»U-p
MulJ uai.i imr.. Tr.>> uQu viuutfc> M i-.Li p iD
Attiumj/OUttUu., //cm Troy md
hill itllf’ „!„■■■( ■ ... ■ &
AOCOli.’duL’u 11c:. Uuiun BprlLfct^U’.i7
Mall uni lo U.»f J. VItie ^ S
A n ucirm* ur.1 n Uneuil ••...■ n '
Mail tm. >ot moo. — — 'i".,, ,:
Acc ’ir to* flu Ion fur Mfi*’* ’ y.60 4 U
M ’ll a* t 101 Al HU ^ !“
Mvl] in In tor Mon’Roriery^. i\+' V 23
Mall -1 tu t*r *■ d juoLtg’y... 2-p P
Accd'u ;or l u y nut &
*ri*i 'tn rl <■ Hoi
Admmis 1 r£*trixs bul.*’
r Jt H*OWIiK5 * CO, tocllostf’’.
/ T EORGIk. ' UiO'GBk (ffUNTY-B Tinu/of
Or an truer ol uc 0. nn o' Orflinarr oi Urn
cooLtv. Georyis w, 11 bt sold at publr ontcrj t
fir, t Tuesday in Mar 1/xt, batyeen Ibe Ksei
cftae.ln irirtol ihe Here of * 61 hnt»K<»
at tbt c rner , f Frc»d slo Taath elreat'. In tbt cj f
of Golnmbns. asl’i c nnty asd alal', tk*
«L*» flWJl k “:T“ “* ^ ^ft.^oVn/r of Yiael
Cl it piuue a auu wu ua >uv bvhU) PW • ‘ * /« u. n n<
one hundred find two i 'DJ) on the coiner' « ,»
and Sixth (.for-nerly Enlyl atraeta, e« ,
Iront alraa* »» f**t 50.0 or U*». a-« '«
1 Lind
front street 82 feet were or 'T.jn.
sonar el back .act brm Front street *** W‘",,d
ebaa more or l/ss, vlih four 'J, 0 ™ tbs
L“,^{ n Vre^ r A^.«g^k ba '
“^Adimm.'tl’Eeut. wUSSfi&Sl ^
5?a^^^n , onVbre^ro t , , 'H n nibI)-T.
■iignlar ibo 1 u-di td muq . mithin tho tio**
*ri^my W tmci^*el“sn.lnr. F .h1.4^ o2 d,.«X
ftpB o*w4W —„«
^‘ r * .IHOI'I ro( d I-
dl/c'baraeu 1r< | Bi l.ia .sid » J “^ l 'g^, ,l I »o..'1sr «
Cairo lends o dlsmloeFu oo io/ n _j, 0( Kb
July. 1888 tidltarf.
a, 4 oewuw