Newspaper Page Text
IfhB' b' 1 iTuvKu^il'o mirt ind prr dcG e
jt* t <\u fr'ttmit Wa# • ait tn.
3'g on Record
Washington May 1 —Yesterday
a Mrt.-SttCijUo'cUS gentleman, well
iccwu ue sii imk-pe-nden.. ami civil
-<rvice reformer, bad a tslk with the
president at the white brig;. 7 he
ItiUrvlew whs interesting, for Mr
Cleve aui.t toi k the opp; rtuniiy to
txpreee bis vlev a upon ibe relations
r f the independents *o the sdmiufs-
trs'ion. Hs stated vvy dearly ilia:
pe is r.ot pleased with 'he w:.y the I
iliiii t ,'--nder ; g me -leiulUg oloi. He |
m d that It "e tried to him th- tin j -r-
iiy of them ere more a' xi< its lobiame
(Pan tc cotmtier.d him. and hat • t;i-..
p-.u’t s -Ptu to ppprecmte the d ffl;u i
io“iti*-n in wh:oD he is place ), ueee.
■,v met who are determined in 'oree
him put if bta purponta. The white
heuse. he said, is tided wttli hundreds
of prominent men representing
conHUiuei'CicB and nil ir<*
*e"t in securing Hires fir
tJ...ena-' Ives and krlen.K They
ere always at woik and determined
*o succeed. Ttie reformers dr co*.
ootnenea.; their iLfJuei'OS is not ex-
sit' d uu II alter the appointments
arc made, and then they rush in to
criticise and complain. Ol course he
d e.< not [pretend, ce added, tba,
si! his appointments are good ones,
No one c iiid teeomplle-h that, nut he
ciu.meri that he bad toces iy iried to
do the l ea i e can, and then n seem*
bard to he attHcbed in the house or
i it fiuiids. If he bed .nut come to
■WLshtegtor. with a firm purpose vi
Hihi ic to reform ;ders, sunporten b\
} is experience In New Y.-rk s'ate
tiluir-, be would prubah-y. he ;aio,
1,: v-.r uccuis bed *«. u-.c • files se-ekt-l-
l..,ng (.(it, for he has net received from
outside hat generous endorsement
aid e.rei.m;gf mu.t in hie firs
which he ' xptend, e'P’cially it, n.
the is dependents 'li t prrsis en*.
makes no conceelment bis disap
Ti v Brice ut neb of Henry Ward
Beecher uti the dtmeera io party, ana
'lit recent letter ir. the 8pm.-> fieid
Republican closely fcilnwlrg the
■visit (t Mr Bowles to this cl y and
his interview at the white to use are
insiamna given by Mr Cleveland
showing hat the independents *i>-
not standing by him u~: they »hou d;
on the contrary, pui'inK b:m in »
position wuere he is breed by his
parly friends *o admit that ihc'inde
pendents siv desirous not so much of
helping h>« adaiinic-iration, but of
criticising it, because in every re-,
epict i! does not c me up to their
meats. The disappointment (xpreas-
ed l.y Curl Bobu z with the president
epemy talked, but not given cut in
print,lbs rta- hed the latter’s earsann
caused him uneasiness. * He takes it
bb another indication of the discon
tenttl'a' is growing in the indepen
deni quarter, ut d iw the more vexed
because he Is so sharply reproached
b s 'li ni' eralic advisers for Lie con*
cessions to :he independents, which
they have told him ai! the time was
tsd pulley, and which tie h'giaa to
tbir.k is tb<- c«e“. Already t, s mind
.is piacucally made up to pay lea* de
ference to tiie opinions cl the it,de
fender 's and rely for whatever be
ibmk* advisable m the way of civil
t-ervice reform upon bis uwu ideas,
vitnou; much regard to ttum
It ins tnus far be'-u k*-pt a pr »
f "ui d M-crer, t ut y: u r c >rresponden •
rv learn,d that ias: Wednesday a
cm'ere:, o.. the leadis g civil s'-tvi.-e
xtit rmers, rep resenting ihe assncia-
'ions nr Cambridge, Bos tor., 5 »
Y rk, PMladelp h a, Bui icut» vi a.-
I:.d'.Bi.r.p:uis, wo« held in Nt-v. Y .rfe
It V':6 'lie ( utgrowth of the pt*.7ui>
ing discoutent in iud«pet e a circi s
at Uje w«v the edmiuistration is
gol. « on, OpinteuE were sxcbnrgeu
end a line of eoiion prcp'.seil, toe
general opinion being that w.’.d e
Mr Cieve'andlirtends to promroe tin
came- iit reform, yei many of bis
recent appointin'-n’e have no: be.:;
in the' l.i.e, r ! n.- guji.leme~ ttier,
assembled also repcrte>i t i each ntber
J tier on Davis have been receivid
oy a large portion of the northern
O ,r esteemed coutemp raries seem
to forget tbar this Is a free country,
at d that Mr Divta Is no longer sub-,
jtot to arrest, or trial, but en) 'ys the
most perfect rght to express freely
and fully Ills Ideas and emotions on
all public questions, both of the pres
ent and of the past. Whatever he
copy say is open to be critic sed and
oouiroverted. Other reasoning may
bo r-pposed to his. O'her views may
be advocated, and o her sentiments
may be preferred, but at tne ;;iuu.-
'.luie, he- is etU'h -1 io u beariug, uud
ali the m< re to » patient, respectful,
f-,ml attentive luarlnv, because of his
debat ami the overthrow of hia
cause. What ho «f.y« is sure to be
worthy of e-nsHlevu 1 i* ' ; aid the
proper answer o ij« c u-ie io n is the
am wtr of leascniug, ana not the
am-werof putsio.; orprijudice.
For our own part, we Hull with
VT'-'f urn! a» iefaciou the fact tiiai Mr
D vie, the leader of the defeated lu
me greatest of civil wars, not only
remains in his ns live land and among
hits own people, who followed him
with unexampled enthusiasm and
devotion throughout tt at mlgliiy
struggle, but that he remains uti-
barnud, enjoying his property and
his triends, protected by ihe laws,
free to go and come as he pleases, and
to speak wherever men are willing
to hear him. It sec-ms to us that, if
there a anything sublime in recent
bistory, it is ibis fact that no ven-
gem; e ; sheet: taken by the victo
ri< us people of the United S.ates
upon ‘.lie Isas for'unaie pe-ep'e of the
south, nor any prohibitions .moused
upon them against debating the issue-'
oi li e great conns: i ot oi ly as in:;;-
ec of history and philosophy, out
also as n at-er oi snu noeui a, d feci•
,<-g. As mere was never any other
evil contest that equalled ibis one ii.
hr u agtmude, its s' crflcrs and it,
h< rc;ir m. not or'y on one side but on
both, so there never was arty ouier
lost cause where Uie losers were held
fret If m ail vtngefoi reta'iation uf'ei
It was over, and the victory*
We‘rust Mr D-vis may iive long
and enjoy the efl-ction and respeci
: f his fedow-ci z us, We hold tnat
he and they—aud not more than
they—c- mini lied au em ramus mis-
but we uevertiieless respect
proio-ULdiy the purity of his chir-
seer, thetporiees recoidof his per
sonal history, oml tne ability ami
si: cerity which he applied, and still
applies, to hie work.
Moreover, we congratulate the
whole people of the United Stales in
the wisdom they nave txnioited in
bis question. I is in ou: judgment
an tnmenst v ublic ben'fit that tbe
topics of the civil war can still he
freely discussed by Mr D vis and
other participants in it, as they arc
now discust-ed in the south as well 8l
in the north. Where free spueh is
held scored, discontent cannot - xist.
L-’-t the si fe'y valves he kept open,
iiii-J lot ( flection h r tne union in
crease us a warm and pi-wing h>ve
for the free country of which we are
all, in tne n -mi a; d in the south,
alike members!
to n
T e- ;
t r- v
politicians seen..
d- ll.ll- <1W!1 Wav
S-'-r.irc: w
,/y COLD
. ijj ^ \ \ /■if- \
7- U ^j vu|
Of Mow Yos lx.
(Established 1S54),
v- T>\
Vdb: i'A
fft Ae*d Hade Slronu.
Westmoreland’e Cal'-saya Tonic can
bn used bv the most .eoutr 1. hint, by
aiioare tusuuoou, or bv ibo aged and
infirm wiinont : Jury, and iu every
June with the most bouelicial resu a
I: is. -specla iy aiapted to wank uud
:is- we remalcs.
Raid whs t. doubiiul son has ;o saj i
Vlruiula, Teuntsaoue and G o:giaK
R, ffle- c i -vtat-.r ageiih A ,aii «, O -.
Je.ii 18 !83l—Meter, W-s'DQ,.,rei»M.
Hr-.-, Uro-1. cli 13, S If.—cteruh in-' :
Mv fs uer w- o is m the eivbty*suoo( c.
year f hi- ego. has been mo'oriiilij'
strengthen, d a- ri rellcyrd from sultor-
lng by the use of c:;o bottle of your
; alisaya T.-rdc P rase forward to bis
.l.:r(J’n, High I’cir:t, f*
Cj. six b.iUiesoi the same, and sa-ad till!
( r ; - .‘.mount to ms.
V .-ry rerpeotlully,
,V ii IVku-h. West. Agt
BkaMIo:- dt rAiiSON, W l’.01(,“oir
Ai- •Ccoru Dm-, (i <, S 30 (tlw
Hi Ij ;.an a .ys thu. the ravi :gb of
: it guesUM -e croughi u 1- eou-
-. (! ■ r;- k . ! .n al-o-'s He f>- fi | cc
> i.iic a revu-sion of popular feel* I ■
X 4
w —• • LaL'I' V. J':'. * J *
V, - i
ut ra 6Ki ui Sira
d'jUfiii^ ill* •*;i! , l U l * * r I, u: (TUlRh.fUUl .-ti 11 li
es tli«- to thro'r •■iT'hofalse mombranp
i-r' ipiinH u ’mopinR-uf WliPn cf'iV.biiHvl
itij.n liiuui’.aziiiouri priiirij-n* u. thrt
w.:.i ,u*- iMUui.iisiiii'Urt priiirij ,i* u, ins
n:tt*loin f iuiit (<! tho ,,1f l n^Jci.* 2 , prospnis in Ta y-
L'R.'S ( ii i:r,OK El" ii EM KJ >Y OK SVVKF.T liflf A ND
M ui.i.j-. i x i!to tiitost known rt*m?fly for < onuiis,
(,’roi p. Who. ping Conph Riirt f 'oHMinipti -n;
and so inilalahh*. a;o* child is plnusoti to :akf ir.
.Asic vdiir lir ijr^Ni jor ii. 2f)u. and %\. < sl/.f-s.
If he ci- '-s noi keep H. wr will j ay. for • .no lime
hu ge , e i7e bullied iO &UJ
i 'oiT\i«‘ r. s , on receipt of f 1.00.
Vv ALTiiH S» TAI LOSI. Atiama, «a
Uphelsl8.iv GooL
,c i>
to r X ! • 1 tl.St If -n lbs- tit 11 n *0 ■ .<
ti.-* reft mors on n>d him, ns well a*
to hesr wbat they have to scy upoc
his Retion-s as regards civil service re
form. He i - not feeling very well
pU-aa«d wi'h theimh.p-v dents rd :h:s
time, H - is u cord dea! discouraged
ever the su!'s of his t fforts to lead
tbe democratic parly into the ranks
of civil service reform, and inarfu;
that even n's partial adherence to
that doctrine has done him too much
harm i s'f-gards hia relations to his
p'jrty to be easily re*
laired. I j short, ti e" presi
dent is in a bad s a‘e cf m'nd, and
the clearc fttic politicians know i:
&"d gloat over it. They claim that
cf late he Ir s begun to see hie folly
< f trying to keep in with ir ‘h them
and tbe independen's arid that v ry
Econ the Ist'fr wilt receive decidedly
the cold -ii nicer T'da utt.'icrs'aud-
* r k i* prevalent in c r g e.iMtinai
t ree-'. :-,:d is e r c urage'i ny r-
i e.nhf s . f
Parasol Bargains,
kvimuarriaanifieimitiKMiaiMwawisintf jiujv-iiai,vji(i>i.iinaM'«Hii«v.wnatnia
31, ■ ■
KsH fsssis, - - $7 618,116
Insures against loss or dauiaga
bj’ Fire, Ligbtn ng ami l oruado,
at rates guaranteed us low ns offer
ed by any r* liable stock company.
The Lightning clause will be in
serted in Dwelling policies without
extra charge
I7sf*(l tor ovor 2o yoarfi with Kirnt flucr»*»wby t 1 •'
pl)f8ioUmfl of Fur in, Now Y<»rii luitl Loudon,J
BUporior tii ull otluTrt f«-r the prompt cure ot .X
mvsah, rocont or of loru* ptai P. v.r 1'nhr,) niilv ip
(Waw HottlcHcontaining *>4 t 'Hp-ulcMcurh. n;Jt ti
ClvNIs, MARI Nil 1 lil.M lUJi UlK.u i.-:I
Prwpttreil by
The most importa: t event of the sea-on will be the Great Special
Salt of MLKS tihd DRESS GOODS ut
jTlie New York Store,]
Commencing Alenoay li.’, May 3d, i,nd continuing until
closed. The sale will include our entire stock of Spring and Sum
mer Worsteds, Caubin a im Suit-, Embroidered Suits, Etomines,
Canvas Cloths, L- un-tr.. and all nuve.ties in liRESS GOODS.
Also all SPRING AND SUMMER SILAS The reduction in
the price of tho.-.e goo Is is early in the i-casun with a deter-
minatii-n not to tarn then. over. Avail yourselves of this oppor
tunity to secure barga.n in el: .'ice a, w goods
JloT R IlGli IV ED:
Bei.utifu! New G u,.-.- ■ S, ersucker.i, Sittecns, Laces, Gloves,
Uandkerciiief.-, ii-j-n-r* t'..ra-oIs, etc, etc.
J. >«l OAiiGii...L, Agent.
u Qn .RV^lrn
F. OGl.iiiLMii.iM, Jr..
An infallible specific foi Flatu
lent Colic, Diarrhoea, Coughs,
Teething, Cholera Infantum, Chol
era Morbus, and all diseases inci
dent to children Give it a trial.
25 cents per bottle.! (For 6ale at
Citfial I ml!
4Sk-t PAZZ
Comm solng May 3,
Candl C omost.
PK ' Z -' - St400
rpiiE Band ('o.TteBi wll. Lui/,’o at li o'clock Mou*
A • av »ftr-- oon V ro»* f. r a i whli® band* A bo
Z >r -VK EX ' ] MlTH»N DR1L G Adiuisaiou to
»a.jd tR<nt«.it and Z u:ave Drill liflc. Grand
t*t *nrt lDc N • ■ roh»' vod »• atn
TUI>D• Y —.-oiid UlMf lofautry Drill | co.u-
iijttactt m ! (| » iu.
vVRDNr. I>.\¥-FlritUjflfl 1 • fun try Drill; comi
'£ HDBSDAY- Ar-Mr-iy hd<» Z :!»»*• P: z:j Drill
ini'* 0« 1) i 1, (• • Ml- tc . nr u iu.
AND PYIPjTEC INI A: l>fSl J 1 AY at night
id Cavalry T u Mointui;
• ru«
N • Admiu«*i
'! let
' ll. ami In order
Latent Metalic Caskets. Wocii Cases and Caskets, CUidren's Gios.-t
3 U E). A L R 0 E E S A L L P R ICES F R 0 ffi * 1450 UP,
huvu h FIFTY ' K NT PI BCE.
T«irr» ttKtlr.uti ot tB« Grim3 ^tuod aunfier oi,
( n .MONDAY on’ lY Miniiaai.iD * HI be i& cente
-tiniiKvrp viHlttns iii" cl*- *md <4l In* to «rt
>•, t ; 'nodutlont hi olth'-r of the i tel*, by apt )ing
Mr J Civhw, C n.lsir ot, wll' Lf »c oiuiuo*«
(i„t>»d. A <' HARMON,
Mrs h Ohtf’ •-«** * cm ' itteq t
rirut WfahlG'f f?nl»-
•Ut .■:».ii* "jbi'ui >■' t'-ftr-
m ’ «• i« r w y? k ward, I
J?' " ra..v got* i.rorind Hbnct ifce in j window shade
cell few*-cl. se for d Hummer vacaMcm, ! terininfur-isi.R'i
t any
th' u
,y mad:: by t
1 io i ho fl i
'fun! has in- i,
e-ik-ng with his
ru-rs, he hi' f
- f. ■ r :n • i ah.
ir way of e h.i
>e.ween b.m-cl
in a' the .usk
The Greatest WedienlTnuiuph of the Agol
Losh <il appetite, Jiowels costive, Fain in
the head, with a dull aensatitm in the
bach part 9 i’niu under Hie ahouhier-
b!a»!e, FullneKS after entina, with
inclination io exertion of body or ;nlmi,'
Irritabilil y of temper? Low npirUn, with
o. lot l: :, r of ’inrlofr ncglecteil non:a duty,
We.irin.v-J9, Di/ j.i Flittierluv at 11:«
X'tnort, lii.ts IjgI'.uc iho cyen, Ilea:!ache
cincv the riuht ev r- , r-rniles*.nesw, viith
KUful ilrvamo, 21 iw ”/y eoloie.! {.rlne, and
TJrrrs r’i.i.sp-j .- adaptois
to ouch ,v.3 e:r c-ts such a
I h-
'Ur J II rrrnn O-.T'.*.
V’ln sua
We wish to en:er our proles,
agviast the manne-r iu which the re
cent appearances and speeches of M:
TinYS UXMl Shiii.aPiiHiLLii
lL!."V't‘us ;:i.Ii i*lv. ir.uKi s .p-il;nv x llt-dU.
is .. !Vj Airs tj>* w»isr*;.i of
tbf syt'-i.i ivirn pure L’.-h 1 an ! hard muscle:
tones -.hf* r.*»r.*ous sysrer.i. invito rates the
train, and imparts the vitfor munhood.
^ 1 • Sold bv dno'j'ists.
OFFIC E 44 Murray St., New York*
••M'; of BryaD !.«•▼.hj .n .*• .cs ^ror-wrij ■? i P' P rif 1 ^ -'✓.t, - ■, a.o^of • u« ■ a- .jc.iO<
H.dfrt to a fl fu \u my Miuda i . f»v y K‘-Olcj , UcCon-i T j |f .(jii'P
of M v» Robert Justice L 1 vf o-aP «d. r>- „ J K l» 4 IIFF
turned b G L Abiey, L C i Eitcat jra of *V VV ablpp, aioond-d,
p« oaw4w J G BCBKJS abirifl. j w* » ’l huiu
r:n sau fy au LEAOittc merchahts.
353 Bro'dwety, New York CdSk.