Columbus daily enquirer-sun. (Columbus, Ga.) 1877-1886, May 08, 1886, Image 1

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COLUMBUS. GEORGIA, SATURDAY MORNING, MAY 8 1886 TRICE FIVE CENTS V 0L. XXTI1I—NO 110 OCT AGAIN The ill) iter Zellons- Mak s Reappears*: ce Its fiirnvfcBt IM livitirid iivt St'll In tb* fc i prrJi* to i'p cntlit M'.autiou »tt CbirsKO tt d El ifwhere. Special to Erqulrcr-am* Chicago. May 7.~ Win Stable bn*, c-tif, president of the cabinet makers’ uiiicn, and also a profeaBion*- pi lipuatnr, wbb arrested st an early hour tbi- on r warrant is- nued by Jn°'>ce Brayton 8 alh- bcefh 1 : ie accused of irifimidaiirg wnkmen Tbs arrest was made i por the lu.Ui o •• f: be accused, and the private derec’ive who < fleeted it gf,ya the prisoner tried to cut tim with a Pi,He. Sifclf kw-cht lies incurred tin- enmdyot the furniture uiaeufactur- cih’aasceiattcn by inciting the strife- oh prd preventing - he mien from enuferring with their employers. It is alleged that he ) articipahd in Tuesday uigfcn.’s demonstration at H.y Msifeet. THE IK CBLE CONTINUES Tribble »i the jut'tio'b. slice- cress ing of the WkS'ern Indiana railroad company continues. This morning a number of trains are [-topped at that point, the switch ten dors and crcs?in(fM'U/;»T(i" refusing to the rnad.4 in opening up the lines. A great crowd Blands about watching the peeve, but the Iowa rf Lake police esy there ! s no disorder. MOVING FREIGHT Ti e western railways ere resuming operations this morning on nearly tin- same basis prior to tbs strike Oa ell the reads freight trains are being pent out with! u* molestation. In aii of the freight houses incre s^d farces of men art- at work ami tbs quarni y if freight being offered and bandied is very largely incuaeed ovc-r that of any former day. The ftl tiaia of the Burlington road this morning notified Us old employes to return to work or take their discharge from the com pany’s em pi y. THE AKBEITER ZETTUNG The Arbeitei Z Hung makes its appearance this morning, though in a very reduced form. Toe old paper was a large, prosperous-looking folio sheet, wi.iie to- day’s l»3ue is a ten by twelve hand-bill. The leading article to-day is addr* sied to tne working uieu ot Chicago, and after relating the difficulties tney bad iu publish- ir.g the paper, owing to the arrestef all the primers arid editors, the article says: “These twenty-two printe-swere arrestee on the ridicu lous eaargo of munifr. They were people who did nothing but work, aud for wbicu they were paid. Bail was refused them O -. fcli sides there was a systematic at tempt to matte the ronppearance or the paper impossible, You see men. working men, that the ruling class UJHleiHiauoM better than vou the value oi a labor organ. We will show ycu then, although the reckless ness oi sortie may temporarily con fuse, it car,not disrupt our working men's party. We, iherelore, appeal to ycu, workingmen. 'You will see tnat a workingmen’s movement with cut an organ is impossible, We shall continue the fight for freedom aed right That this paper has al ways conducted, forward and uribes- iiatiugly forward in spite of the ohi» canwy of the ruling oIbshcs Again, workingmen, do your duty. We will do ours.” In auotLer pari of the paper is an article which indirectly ciiarges that the dynamite which the police found iu their budding was brought there by the officers themsoivs They say: “After the police had arrested the editors they carefully searched the buiiGiijig, but found no.huig. A short time alter they reap peered and arrested ni> connected with the papei, sou oehoi.-l Th.-y also toiled oyiiauiib 1 luty ate also saui to have >m;d a lev.-lvt-r and an •olj file. United, ibis ,s dteHd’ui, and tb s find i.- su.u to prove that the priiiu-rs axe murderer-- ” live writer ibeL- g. to on t-- s-.y that the whole iiimg la a coiu-pintk.y to suppress ilie paper n-mt-r. FiUdlu, 'ce ■; curded Iv glisbuuu, how un dcr arrest, was ireaftd by a dxeior tbis morning. The doctor states that from the course of the bullet, Fieldiu evidently stiot tumself wtiue cirry- iug ills revoiver, GENERAL gossip The blockade of trie 40 lb streei crossing of the Western Indiana railroad was ra s.d at 10:30 this morning. Up to that hour eight engines atm two trains had been stopped. Bpecial officer Ballard, of the Wabash road, sam down fifty Bpeciai officers and soon trained them to throw the switohes, thus starting the trains. No work whatever it being done at Pullman, 111, toaday, all the men re maining out. McCormick’s faotcry is filled with hanus to-day. Nearly the entire foroe of 1.500 went to work. The ’busses which brought -the north tide contingent made their appear ance for the fixBt time eiune the riot ing bei-an, A sergeant and thirty- five c fficers guarded tte gate, and there wt s no nttemp-t at Interference by the strikers as the men filed In with their lunch pails dtcgirng by theit aides. Armour's glue factory, at Thirty- nltheif tel and fiver, wa: ; s‘t in opera* at 9 o’clock to-day. The emplyes, numbering several hundred, were gU-d to get buck to work on the old terms, natnelj : ten hours for ten hours pay. Officers were present to curb any violent demonstrations, but nom. was made. The lumbermen, it Is believed, arr getting ready to resume operations on Monday, It is said that tbe cx-o- utlve commute of the lumbermen’s excharge will iisue orders to tha: er.d. While no further violence is bi present tbren'ened, n rr«i'rve police force is still relained at Hit mar mil 12 h street station. The police ar est* ei a snspecled dynamiter named Wm S'.edger on the north pier th's fore noon, and Hfierwerds search'd his room ot 442 SdCgewick street. Here was found s larce quantity of dynamite, two guns arc a large quantity of cartridges. The fear ex hibited by the man when taken into [he central pnliees'adon about root, was almost painful Kis face had a dead'y pallor and he could bi.rd'y keep from falling, What evidence the police possess againsi him is not stR'ed. hundred brick makers return ed to tbe yerds at L-fee View this morning and began to work, but h oewd of three hundred strikers from he city, mary cf them excited with liquor, entered tbe yards and dfove them out. The large Rotschlld furniture fie* tory resumed operations to-day with aitnah f< rce of their old men who returned to thc:ir benches. The lum ber dealers of the city have subscrib ed five •housard dollars to the poller- fund, Tbo subscription now bide fair to reai h f60 000, if not more FORTY NINTH CONGRESS. A BrUf tlcislon In llie Oouoo Y«ttcrtf*.y. rc-lled with ‘w > prO s's ar-d then been figuratively scalped by Bishop Bor- gees. Hedoes not do and lias not done <1 e ibcu at d and one things claimed c.ineernlng him. He ! tu been in D troit tlncc last June, and he has been absent from congress that ponion of tbe interim hat boly has been in session. His brslncss iicie he has s'eadlly maintained was his own budness, and as to his absence from Wseblngtot he Las said that o’her s»:nstore have been absent much 1. ncer wl h ut comment. Hutidreits of allered Mitcrvi'w-i !:avc been trimed with him. He 1 a* bud Jqst one intervii w n all this time, ai.d that was publish'd in tic Fret P.-ess, Senator Jones says notidng of die newspaper attacks made upon him, but maintalna quiet dignity. Mr J "os is waiting about hie return to Wt shir-gun un til the sersationa! pro s has oeesed its attacks, that it li.s.y ro be said he was driven back to »Jh C''|itini. Nothing has disturb ed him in this ides, not even the at tempt of political enemies a- home to unseat him DEMOCRATS GO FISHING. The CHURCH CHAT- fluithern Bsp.tist Convention Meets in JSiintgouicry. Washington, May 7—After a preliminary contest for precedence of business, t.he house went irno a com mittee of the whole on the private calendar. The bill which gave rise to the most interesting discussion was one paying $200 to F W Haldeman. The report stales that during tbe war Halacman, then a boy of 12 years of ago, desired to join an Ohio regiment, but was refused muster on account of hts age and s zs. He, however, jjui- cl a-ad a uniform and served in the regiment a year, acting as bugler and performing ream duties. He is said to have performed a gallant service. Bragg, of Wisoonelu, in a sircastic speech, opposed the bill. He ridiculed the Idea of a boy too young to be mustered in fuifilling scout duty aim doing galiant service. Johnson,ot Indiana, and Weaver, of Iowa, defended the bill and com batted Brngg’s proposition that, a boy of the age of this one could not ren der valuable service in war. J ffineoii maintained ibat there hud been many inscanci s where boys had been as valuable ta men. Jouusou anu Bragg became Involved m a wrangle over war reminiscences, into which Wolford, of Kentucky, was also urawn. Finally a vote was taken on the amendment to the mil, but a Dumber of its opponen s refrained Irom vis ing, and the committee being left: without 8 quorum, rose. The house then took a reeetB till 7:30, the evening stweion to he for pension tolls, Tbe house, at its evening ssssiou, passed fifiy-flve pension bills, and at 9:50 o’clock adjourned until to morrow. FOREIGN FLASHES. Warl'Ke -feigns In Uic Relfihborliood o: ©re?«e—0.'lnn>b*s i lAln OiTe* fiotlret K<c London, May 7 —Iu the house oi commoufa last night, Cnumbt-rlam gave notice tnat be would move a re jection of tne ianu purenase tin, HUKKYINO TKMOPS TO THE FROM', Athens, May 7 —THe goveatiuen-. ban tern, a gunooat u> to take away from ihw Turkish c‘if;i- ;al iU Gonouriou, Gitvk uan a «i. Gieek uooi s t-re hen g hurried toon front with ah possuue .-'nt--d THE MINISTERS EMBARKED. ATHENS, Maj 7 — All J lelgu Uiiil- istera, exuepuug the ll-irsian, na vt emhaikeu on me veeoeia of tncir iv* sjHCtive cation4 to depart from Greece. Tut Russian minister hat not yet received hi- Instructions, Tut powers have given orders to tbfcu fleets to oiockaue the Greek ports, A FEW FACTS Upon u BabJ«ct Caai'f rniani \\ Fen 'Hat* Mincm rnbllfa^ac;«. Detroit Free Fre«d of April 23. For three months the papers of the country, big bju iLtie.nuve coutsineu dczdtis of items pertaining to the visitof senator Charles W Jones, of Florida, to Detroit. Thousands of columns of fiotion and slander have been circulated about him, and some highly spiced reasous for his stay have been given. These have been picked up, expanded, spun out and rewoven until they bore no resem blance even to the original rumor, much less to the existing facts. Tuts species of American literature is now cl siippearlng by sitter natural decay and the items have grown few and far between. A few days since the New York Journal contained a column purporting to be a Djiroit dispatch, which had in It but the one tru'b that Senator Jones was in D.-trott, And that 'e Just all there has t een to tbe whole matter. He has not now and has not heretofore had a frantic love affair—he has not been sending bushels of flowers—he has not quar- Th. otiln KI'S.III Id' VVlitimi n «n arum hr ‘top l>l«AK)p«Mt*Anoe oK TwRBijr fflU-uufer r*. Columbus, O. May 7—Esrly ihis morning every demrcnitic s-nator left the city, To any that the repub licans are trad bu' feeh:y expresses their itclii gs. At 10 o’clock the senate met, but no quorum was present, ami the senate took a recess of one hour. At 11 o'clock the senate was again called to order, the cham ber being filled with visiting repub licans, who had come to rejoice over the unieating of tbe four democratic senators from Cincinnati, and the seating of the four defeated republi can candidates. Scuutor Conrad mo veil that as ibis was ihe hour set forth*? hearingof the contested elec tion cft°ee, a call of 'Lis senate be had. Clerk Vallar’digbam oaiied the roll, whicn showed seventeen republicans present and twenty, democrats ab- sent. Mr Kennedy, the piesidiug i ffioer, then said: “The sergeant'at arms wtU des- paten messengers after absentees, and I o:di hts atteatiau to the tac: that Senators Van Clef, Critcs, and Lawrence are iu the city, and I will hold bUu responsible if he does not bring them before 'he bar of the sen ate. The ufiwepaj er? say that the rest of the democratic senators have gone to Canada fidilng. Ha need not go there after then ; the proper place lor a democrat is In Canada, anyhow ” [Cries of “Rvh! ’ and loud applause ] A*e slant seigeants at arms were s'-Li. r'Ut, I. in after a two hours’ se uch reported tbst they were unable to find acy of ihe absentees. Then, on moUm, the senate adjourned till to morrow nuoiuingat Id o’clock. A iilspaf n w, s received from Ciitv cirnatl a’ 2 p m,eaying ;bat a uumoer of the democratic s-.-ua-ors had ju-t left that city for Cbattanoogai Teun Mr Kennedy s iys that If the sergeant at arms cannot find and bring in a couple of the absentees he wiil place warrantsla the bands cf Sheriff Bir- iiee of this county, and he will get them here in sborijoraer. Chattanooga, May 7 —Fourteen of the twenty democratic members of the Ohio stale senate arrived In the city to-day In a special car, and are occupying a car which now stand i in the Cincinnati 8 ijtbem railway yard. They left Columbus, Ohio, se cretly l'u.suay night, met a Coving- 'on, Kentucky, wnere they ock ac«r tor Cuauauooga. They left the elate of Ohio in order to gc-t beyond the jurisdiction of tbe process that might be issued to the sergeant-at- arms of the senate Tuey state that they are merely standing by their oonstitu.iotiiil rights, and have no intention or disp< sitlon to obstruct legn-laiioL ; that ihe aj/propriutiob Dili has been pas ed, and ad impor Paul, measures die, oaeu of, ami they now Have the w a e to pitserv) tbe cousin ufiofc Oi 1 h*.is's-te, atm defeat ihe plain: of seneming pi.litlclabs They ate fi-m m tneir determinutiou u to yleiu an inch, si.<i will remain until a comprt rubs is fleeted, >11'-»i»r i n-rni>vyr to 5G ooo ff«B» iLoniu* Till ». Washington May 7 •— The uena'e c:: mm Kite on po&ff ffioes ai.d post r^tids lias agreed to up'.rt favorably upon the nomination oi Mrs Tb imp- «ju, the posunistrfs;i at Louisville, over wtioc-e appointment there lias been bo much controversy. The com- miltf.e is unanimous In her favor, and there is no doubt of her coi firm- ation, although Senator B ackourn will make a fighi against in the senate. The only objections to Mrs Thompson are that she Isa woman, when ihe office is wanted by men; it for eight years, when there ar- 50,- 000 democrats in L -uievilie who have never held an office; that she was ap pointed und reappointed under a re publican administration, contributed money towards the election of Bluine, and a.ked the clerks in her (llice to do likewise. Mot* f«r a iiebearlnff dp54l*l to Enqalrer^Hun. Richmond V t a , May 7 — Counsel for T J Ciuveriua, convioted of the murder of Faunie Lillian Madison, entered a motion in the supreme court of appeals 'o-day for a rehearing of tbs c: 89 decided yesterday, In which the judgment of the low.‘r court was fully affirmed. No re hearing will be allowod unless one of the jarges who ooDourred In the decision 1b diseatitfied with it and 1 desires a rehearing, I Hbtt linn Rff'n A onjpi h^dl In I'cil; Yaam—Tbo SouiL.Mi-tKMkriiM f Ottferci<ir*» af Blfll'iuiMiil- r be C<' lorpil 3Iollia(>l!ii, Kff a p « c 1A1»t o E f • q n *. l k r. fe u n. Richmond Va, May 0 -Iu tbo third day of the A1 Ks iu li conn.rente, after tbe osus 1 devotlonnl oeremonles and the reading cf yesterday’s rclnuies, tbo oonfeicnoeconoluded the consider alien ol the rules of order for the gov eminent of the body. The organs-- ,ioi) of various comrnltteea was ai,- n-'-unoed and additional special com • mu tees were uppoimed. Dr M' Feirlu, publislili. g agenr, snt- milted his own report and that of !h«. bu.'iinesa manager and bock oonamiu tee D: Y iuug, secretary of the board r f inlsslous, submitted ihe fourth annua report of the bor-rd. The center ary oonforecoa oommlt- lea, which nnderto-'k to raloe$2 COO 0(0 fur various church purposes, maos a most asH'tac'o v report. It tne re nelvei II 382 Alt and ihete are in flue toes a. work which will result in :ut: collection f an even larger huui first mentioned, a nntnbpi of largo bequests ware mado Dr VV E frown, ol MaH>e, hss given 000 c* *hp "hurob ovd Dr M-iaos W Raym J25 000 to the P-yco institute, of Geor gia, Ttie niuritier oi other b-quests range lrom iflO 000 tc $20 000. D' MtFerran, publiai/ing agent, re ported a unuiler of n querns to be pre sented through him Vo the oburon, re gardiiiB the alaposition i f these fundc, They were referred to the finance committee and to a special committee of five, The following are the chairmen of '.he standing committees ati l»r as or gan'zed: O i Episcopacy—Dr A G Bay-good, of GnorgiH. Itinerancy—Samuel Rogers, of Bal Baltimore, Conference Publishing Interests— Dsvid Martin, of LiutsvlHe. Conference .Education—A 8 Andrews of Alabama, Mlasiene—Josopb 8 Key, of Georgia Church Exieusion—Dr D C Kelly, of TeunoRSuo Boundaries- R H Mahone, of Ton nessee. The special comralUeeu and their chairmen as follows: On Temperance—P H Whisner, of Marylanu, Oa Fraternal Correspondence—W W Bonriort, o; Virginia, Dlooese—B F Tarver, of Tennessee On Quarterly Review—Samuel A Weber, of South Carolina Ictioduotlon—C E Wiley, of Vir ginia, O*j Hymn Hooka—J JH Carlisle, of South Carolina, O; Plan for Defraying Expenses of Duiegatfe? - .1 W Tucker, ot F.,,,r:da O-i the B hie Cease—C W Carter, of Louisiana. Dr R Young, o< Tennessee, present ed a memorial of tl e woman’s board r! mi stuns in regard to changing the onns'itniien oi :h« board. Adjourned. V«i»l«ra».y’n PrefwJInji of thn B«rll,l € oiivpntllbii IdONK3''MHii.Y. Ala , May 7 -The southern B .p,i»t cunvenuon mot «■ 1J o’clock. R*v Dr Moll wan electee prtsident. W tU '.bn f.xoeptlcn ofoigb' years he has been president since 1833 The fohowl g vies presidents »«;■<- eHc'ed: Revs H Manly of Kentucky, J B Hawthorne of Georgia, G B Taj lor ef Virginia and JO Tamer of South Csrohun Secretaries — Kivs L Bu-.- r-wo, of Georgia, and O F Gregory, oi Bsoffiae-re. The devotional meeting was then conducted try Gsv Dr Ellis, of Balti more, anr Dr bora, of Missouri. Riv M. Was" o ;,; .istor of tl t Fas. B ptis’ chiirob, wo'oomed aonvec- ?( m a lUirouuoed Ex-Governor Tims H WwMs wtio deliveted an elo- qienf, nuoress of welcome. He ssio . ce source o' regret was that there wat- ar.y dlsse/.mou. He hoped thore Wuuu: b-; soon oue Baptist convention of the United S’, Fifteen states are rep resemed by over 509 delegates. Mis sionaries from Cnii.a,Mexico und l.a;y arc also present, Rsv Dr Baltimore, respond e-.i, making a giitcd address. Many ooma'iueos van uppoiu c. Tho hours of meed I! v #ii 9 1 3 '.( 6 and &t nigh;, irom 8 lu Bjj 'Urn a n cssuro The oniy decirtuou in she oi nrn is HStar, with a crescent tunglr-j; nvc it. The centre rf ihe star has ;b- iittti'B T OB, and on the prints Afri China, India, Italy, i z i, Mexico and Abis. Tbo gaborlos wero cr w-dbo to day Vrith spectators, a large Miuiusi of them tieii g ladies. At the af.<,i.,ooii zesuiop Dr Tycbuei. secretary of toe homo missloii board, read the report of.tdat bou.-d It open., with the stHitmeot that firty years ago the board made its first annual report to the convention, which then met In Richmond, From thut polui the history of the board was stmpiy reviewed to tha present. Nearly every ohnroh of Importance south of the Potomac has been nursea iu its infancy by this hoard. It has borne the gospex toflthe very verge of cur advancing civilization, bat muoti remains to be done. Forty years ago the south had a population of 2,090 000 New there are more than threetlrma as many. Tnen there were l 000 000 professed Ohrlsdans, To day there are 4 0011,000, and yet the work Is three fold greater than then, IAst year the work has been extended beyono any of Us paHt history. There ha*, been In the employ of tne board 225 missionaries during tne past year, of thi'oe one has been aostalued In Ala bama. since the ;ast mauling of the convention Rsv W P Blake has retired imm thesei vioe oi mo board and Rev William McCombs has beeu made gen eral nalasionary among the Creek Indians. The board Is endeavoring to make me Indian churches as far as posslb.e self-ausiaining. as only by this eourstloan their Christian manhood be developed. The learning manual school is In n flourishing oon- <11 Ion. The rosuli" of Gifs eohool are molt gratifying. The board continues Its co-op-ration with the conventions of western Norih Carol::-i, Florida, ArltanmiB and tho Kenerul aseoclntion and i taie conventlen of Texas. Tho H me M asiuu society of New York has withdrawn from co-c-pcration wltn tho Texas con vention in mis ion work, <x er>t among the Germans. A consolidation of all ibe great demo: Irrational bodies cl 'Jfxuh into one convention, has been agreed upon mid «'tu aoon be consum mated. Washington nuy has appealed io cur board lor Uaiji. Arrange ments have been made to grant tbo rfqnest. Hatlsfaotorv nr-avgrraontB have been made for the publication of nine Sat day school papers, Iu addition to tbe papers, qnarterllca rf dllierent ervden will bt published, icgeihar with a mug.zine for t» sellers. JH B Cabaniss, of AttRiits, Georgia, has beeu uclect- -:.(1 t.s publisher. In church building more has been done ■ban ever before F .rty-nioo churchn- hsve been built upon mi->sioti fields, in addition to V i wnoe street church, New Orleans, The work iu New O - H mi a end in Wsshthgton is only an indioalion ot’whai can be done in many o'ties, clrrady Memphis aori S' L dlls are making nppem« :ur help- Aid ought to bo rendered to these brethren who are endeavorimt to establish se.f sustaining interests in these Iw-^o cities The hoard appeals for JO' 0 OOO from tbo several srutheri Hts <-s with whlcb to prosecute the wojk 'Thn board desires ioent 'rge its work among the colored pe ple aid needs old in this direction. Tneuon- trlbnttona wore SDJ 522. Dr H H Tup| er i-m the report oi foreign mlesions. After UneedHcaaes. nsys Ihe report, tbe conventlf n niee's again In Montgomery. the etrta* n made during that period have b-sn maiveious. Dr J L 3FCarry, Pros!*, rent of t.he board, reslgred T’'i< No vember ta go to H; alii, und Dr St H Harris has been appointed In his piece T’uej receipts cf the foreign mission j nrnal during i!;« pC'M’. year hiwr- been jfl()82 and expondUnrea H<i32 Dr Jfctiaer, a geuerom- b tp'.lst <>f M* • viund. hr-s donated in truet to tho executive board oi tbe Bm-' tat union ttsaccintinn of 'hat stem ?20 CfrO Tor inisalonary pur- p'See The Auiufican Baptist puoii- t-attori nocioty lias made a donation oi $2525 for the circulation o‘ tlie scrip urea ill foreign landH The total it - ealute rf tho board for I,ho year were $133 398, A lance uumbe. r f mlasioc - urice are sustained io China, Br* zii, Mexico, Afrioa and D.aiy, AdJ.iurnod to meet Saturday moru- log, Thn Otlorfd rletborilni*. Auguhqa, Ga, May 7 -The fifth gmj oral tinloionoe of the colored Moiho dial Eoisoopal church c>f America, I- now asiiembled iti tbia city, Biabop W H Milos, of Loniiivtlie, Ky, presldir g There are pr, ont a an B shops J a B boe, ot Wa \bingf.ou, Not ..lx Caro, iu Jxi."ro Lap?, o/ Jackson, Teuu, and L H Halsey, of Augusta, Ga, togotbt; with dniegstes lrom fit o s:n*es, rap- r aentlng Blxtoerx conference j. The fii .it genoral oonference waa organ- ■zed b* Jiickscn, Teuu, in 1878, and tha fourth at Washington, O U, u. 1832 Much work < f i' portancu was traukactoxl a: these conferences and th' present ouo will Iasi three woekF Alabfma, Arkansas, Geo rgla. Indian Territory, Tennessee, Taxes. Virgil in aud We<x Virginia are repreaauted it. tbe CPuferenoe Standing c mmit'sei, iitxve oeen appoiuud «u.i i.ho rt-aciu.g of :ho quadriecnlul reporte of the omhops began to day. RAIN AND HAIL. Verrlllo atarms P«u TOrwacU niiaourl sad Hnnaas 8u»nla! to Ec<iu:rr-i«au. WiisHINQTON, Mav 7 —Dispatches frr in various pointa In iVHsaonri omi K'.xusiu report rainarkable storms ot iat.r sod hail yesterday. A r OaageOtt> is began about 11 a ui and continued frr teirty uxlnuiea, U'ltll tbe groui a was covered wun hall kioxxes, and ix, armoy places were plied up several .riches tlo-a, Eighty per cent ol a i ere expos* d window guisr on tbem.-r'l side of the honijtjix w-ro broken. TIk ui rin cainn fxo.r. Dxi ixcr xiciioi aud did not ( x’iiixd more tlx on a mx.tx west of Santa Fe, at this poll". At Emporia, Kinsan, a water-spou punted down Jacob’s crock. A farm-..- 'lamed Jan.xba row the sU.rm on Iv., at o gathered uu wife end two youu; children and hi- brother Charles to : w.-g-'U and star-exl to tl o, out !u(v wore overthkijii o.y the torrent-whic, *T. e,)t i-way the vUxto.le m u ooeupauts Mrs Jaooos and tbe v- oeger obi d wer- d row nod, while J scobs nearly perished in endcRVortrt; to save then. Too ororuar auveu hlmae.f and tho othex cliud. A r Fort Scott. Linux’* ire dam broke cud tho immi lire body water unit ing wl:h tbe already swollen Dunk run, ru.-hed uown .he vauey, a Lou e oocupled by Haraix Brown, a widow, was airuok txy the torrent and awep-. about 100 yards down the a.ream where It lodged among the ireea. Mrs Brown ana four ol her children were in it at the time. The water rose rapidly around it to the depth of Heverai feet. The mother held her little alx months’ old infant In her arms above the water, leaving her older children to care tor tbemselvea. She suddenly noticed that her five-year old boy was drown ing, and In attempting to save him, the infant slipped Horn her arms and waa drowned oeforo aid could reaoh It, The remainder of the family were res cued. At Springfield, Mo, damage of all aorta ta estimated above $126 000, No life was lost, tint tblrty-nvo or forty famines were tl >oded out,. Home ol hem were kakeu to high ground on horse back, Ill>Mi ol Jndffe UmtIiI DRTli. Bloomington. Ill , May 6 —The friends of ex-Vioe F-ealdenl Divld Davis ara gn xtiy tuarmed over the presout ooudltlou of IiIb health. A bou , a week ago Mr Davis noticed a aore- oeas on Ida left shoulder, which at firat had the appearance oniy cf a small pimple, and he gave it little thought. In a day or no It rapidly di veloped into what be thought to be a large boll, He pulled In hit fimlly phyaician, who on making an examination pronounoed the aoreneaa a ourbunoie, »nd at. once took stops to check ltu grr w‘h To-day thee mptoinaare urn.encouraging,and Hr 1> ivia hlmaelt 1" much alarmed, ard his friends terr tb-tt tinlcsi itio d - valcpment of (he carbuncle can be ar- i».<=-:e-.' wjibin n day or ao his pfe will he e- d-r go-ed. Mr DrvIh haa bait one cxnerierre with a carbuncle and has rt-BHon to dread thia one In the year 1864 a very largo oorbuueld developed on the beck of hl« bend, low down on tho neck, end ihe sear iff by It 1h plain to-oity. The ourbunoie oimw uear coat ing him his life. Mr Davis' (tenoral health hna not been f mcd for eome months. He hsa tieen gradually f sll- Ieg aim has become greatly reductd In 11 -ah, and txla frleu**e tear (hat on ac count i f his reduced condition tho car- nuuole may be more novero. CHATHAM CENTENNIAL V lie ia Crr-I-T Urlll UiA HrL’iital IVatnrr fwii'n(*j. Rpeolat to '.hr ENQUiKKB-knN. S'.van vam . M'.y 7—l b' interatate cavalry urui waa me pnuciyal teeture to day at the eucnmpntwnt.. Squnda fr :n 'be following leama ran in the order n irao:' : Char’oiton T ight Dm- gonna.,Efiibgbnu in) f.i"RB'*ra l .Liberty (11 ) Gntrits, Go>ki-i8 Hmasrs f Ma’- vnuunh, B-iattfort (8 Cl) D'Slriot Trrnp, G-nrgta Huseara Teem No 2, Liberty (G •) Independent Troop, two teams The w zi probably Iter between the Charleston Light Dragoon tearr. N" 1 of tho Gem pin Hussars and lettu* N l ot lie h oertv ItutspHnUent troop The average af.almd wns not as high as usually attained, A drib by the Georgia Uuaaara the crack cavitry oompnny ol live sunti, wr-s followed by c. ti'ie exhibition battalion drill i.’y tux citadel Oj-.bis, ol (Jharleston, 8 C To mgnt bou«, bat.quota and ft j- llvittes are to progress at all the armortca and many private residences iu the city. Governor McDtniel ceuscl lo be promuIgt'di to-oay an order cougiaiula.icg xuo CiimhAm Artillex-y on the Btiooess of tbe encampment and oantenniiii, an«J oompl'mooting tho military on their fine drill it: K Mr Divis, F.x..Gov MrDmlel and other xiisunguisne^ gt oh:.» vlflttd the oiicnmpuient during tho ditv Davla 'eaves to morrow morning a' 9 o'clock for Albany, Ga, where un wax remain until Sunday morning. To-morrow the pr'z•> wirmors wll! bo irxbotinoed and the enoampment otoaed. TURF NEWS- Tk> m«M nl Ibrxtaelon Special to itnaalrer-Bnu Lexington. May 7 —The weather was xair thi tr'clc heavy toe ateand- unco and the batting good. Firct race, one rt:Hr; H won by ten lengths, Btovel 2 I. Failx 3 tl n 1:5ti Seoortd ta'C, fivi furxmxg ; Boxen won, D .prod 2 >; Mulligan 31: tune 1:118 Third race, ouo mil.; M»!v» K won, Nevab 2 time 1:5 1 Fourth raoo, m.... and n furlong; Wnukraha won, Muy L’id.y 2 ; time 2:08, THE MKMPI1I . RACKS Memphis, May 7, — iu . -veu'her wn» vrarm alter a ram during the ulglii, me track a.ow and the attendance ^Fr*t. race f ml'c; Mina Daly wou, Jim Nave 2 t, V loin. 2i; time 1x204 (Second race i mx t) Mo Bue.aory won, Red Buck 2.1, F ruoea« 3J; time 1|20J. Toird race, 11 rntlc; Modesty won, Punka 2d, EitU/i 31; iuuc2 12j Fourth race, 1 1-lH nrilK; U ..xnaturn won, Llwai 2 ,'lcpa,' 31; tixixe 1.542 Fifth rate, burdie race, about l i-lS milf; Judge Jackaor won, Hlixoum tx, I ABooxiii 2 ); tlm r 2:0H;i lavcwtrh Wltn xlir Hlurh Veil. Baltimore Mx> May 5— Oju ycu: >.ig > Mira C->ub-ttuc«: Lugar, step- daugmer of Col Jerome L.mujJttiiti, anxi preai-VT'ab'ffipugiii.fei of lixuiei Webster, tm.-K me white van «t the Conveul of Hie ViaUauo.x, iu uxxa city. T 8.(ay sue to. k me black veil and h li*i*l v<>as under me uaaio ef 8 M-ry dc mm* Tue CM.-moxiy vc:x pex-furu.-td . 8 o’clt-eU tins tuorix- „-,gn jic o uiv.cnapfi, by Aicli- fn-';.o(. (j-.x.bPixs, iu me I'les.Loe of .'ncilti.L r. libd i.'ULnaud j c.'W ol lue r ietiv-a and iiiOLUa ot x-t nuix.iy. Tee • : chins! i op «’ri* k-bimeu uy lue V-ry K V xVlpo■■•uno Mirg- nicd, rtup-rror < t ni M-rry s .itiinjury; H-v V L Crta|'|»eiie, of W<t>bineitou, *i"i K?v C .« Gc-aob, cf S. Fraucix- X-xvier’a, Lilumofe. The aruiibialiopcelebrate 1 * nigh uj aai, during wixicli the mu#o Was model- cd by 'lie choir or aiaterw anil a umiii berof the iiupiis nttendiug ttie siwi-. easy ot Visitation. After ih« tuaaa llxe novice advanoed to the f°°I ot the Bitar, whereahe subscribed to the rules of the order aud made the per** pelual vows of poverty, chastity a ,lJ obedleaoe. Hbe theu prostrated her self at full length on tha floor, and waa covered with a pall to signify that she waa henceforth dead to tue world. Luring the proatratlou the nuns sui g “De profundla.” At the con clusion of tbe ceremony a crown of llowera waa plaoed oil her head by the arcl'tdahop. Mias Edgar Is about twenty years old, and waa much admired In fash ionable circles in Baltimore, Wt'sh» iugton, New York and Bxstou. Her fa tlx* r died iu New York, aud xxer mother afterward married Colonel Jerome Bonaparte. C'oiouel Jerome Bonaparte and his wife, together with Jerome aud Louite, the brother and sister of the young nun, came over from Washington this morning to attend the ceremony. There were also present Cl arles J Bonapurle aud wife, of Baltimore, and Mrs Day, from Boston, the mother of Mrs Charles J Bouapart.