Columbus daily enquirer-sun. (Columbus, Ga.) 1877-1886, May 08, 1886, Image 2

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DAILY LNQUIRLR-bUN, CJOLUMiiUS GEORGIA, SATURDAY MORNING, MAY S, 16b6. GEORGIA Mofi'A i'»»U()*n«v(ft I’k’HM NImU* Ei rtannip** AMI) A T, AH A IVT A i u “w more witnf ir lire lakBH am? tl4t J W00 d 8 u f that Bootlon than ar, any time lilirinp; th r - pant two yearn, Th Kev Woet Dcimoerat says fbat “hall lell to the depth of wevraral Inches In the Interior ol Cuba last week and remained on the ground several day". It la reported the' several people ai d cuttle were killed.” Drum fishing has been especially fl ie this year in the waters around Pernandlna and Amelia Island Ot Tuesday last oyoi ICO were caught In Amelia r.ver, opposite For 1 Clinch, by the fir hermen of 0 ! (1 and Now Town, W' rk lias been resumed on th( San ford and Lake Kuatla railroad, which Is to extend from Hanford to Tavares. l'lorlon Fact*, Martow wants an loe factory. Orlando Is to have large three-story brick hotel. Orlando has now a fully oigaulzed gas and electric light company. Keceut rainfalls have benefited the vegetable oropa in Alachua county, Biiuwberilus are raised near Gaines ville, of which ihlrtv-ttve fill a quart- hex An orango tree at Fort Meade has grown a sprout elghtec leet long since last sonnucr, The measles, which were almost c p- idernle at Tallahassee, havo almost en« tlrely abated, A school house lu Wakulla cauntv, near the Lson line, waB burned last week. The fire was Uoendiary, One hundred and fifteen passengers leu Fernundlna fer New York on the Mallory Bteemehip Han Antonio last Thursday. The Presbyterian church at Orlando ralaeel f2Q0 lu one day reoently for tho purpose of having a metallic roof put on the church. The Orlando Sentinel says there is OBoltOIA. K A No (Tout, of Barnesvllle, has killed eighteen moccasins up to date, Heoluded whisky bottles are plavlng havoc wnta picnic parties lu Pike oounty. J L McLuorr, of Fayetto county, Is only eiglnoeii years o>d, out la of mas sive build and soyon feet tall. Tho state dental association will meet In Macon on th' 11th of May, The sos- Rlon will last fiur days. Mr Thomas Camp, of Covington, wrote thirteen letters to northern cup’,- tB'lsts one day 'sst week in the Inter sat of marnfactoring In the south, All the religious denominations of Qainesvl le will unite In a series cf services (o br^in Muy 10 TbeHo meet- legs will bo held in the court houso. John Williams, a negro man work ing nesr Grlllto, killed a rattlesnake that measimd nine feet In length, and had twenty-three rattles and a button on it. Among tho veterans who went from Jonesboro to Atlanta Saturday was Leroy Lowe, who wbs with Gen Lae as a servant at the time of his surren der at Appomattox. Jim Hnuimerford, of Sumter county, while watching for a wild lurkey saw % possum He killed a tweuly pound gobbler nud, then shot the possum, which weighed seven pounds, Mr J M Rogers, who lives four miles from Jonesboro on Camp creek, has twonty five acres of Iho finest oats ever coon In that soc'lon. Ho nor fi- Jently experts a yield ol 750 bushels from the twenty five acres, At Douglasvllle Tuesday Col P 1L Mynatt, of Atlanta, adcreasod a larze crowd In favor of electing won to the next legislature who would not modi fy tho powers of the railroad connate- BlOU. At Lexington the court house com- imttoo has set apart a day for the lay ing of the corner ate.or; which will re cur on May 16, The Hun Joel A Bil lups, of Madr on, has been chosen as the orator of the day. Two e,r throe nights ago an inoetidlary fire at Ben Hill destroyed the steam saw mill, gin and other machinery of Mr Janif H Barrett, Tho loss was ^HCOO, with no Insurance. The mill was do ing the grinding for miles around, and. as all Hie mills were washed away recently, the loss Is aeverely felt. J P Adair, of Camcsvllle, accident ally shot himself through the hand Saturday evening last, li Hiding an ugly though not serious wound. He was working on the gun, hud dis charged one barrol sud thought the other one empty. When ho stuck a hotlronto the lube It went rtf at.d shot him, muoh to h!a astonlehment. Key Z N Glenn, the pastor ol tho Harlweli circuit Methodist Episcopal ohuroh, has bean ooi fined to his room ifor several weeks, suffering Intensely with a neuralgic if'Ctlon of the head. About tho time the physicians arrested it, aud his Meeds i xpected convales cence, his hea t became effected, aud he Is now In quite a critical condition Wash Htovaii, a colored workman ou t* farm a few miles east of Marietta, was engaged Monday morning In ch-urlcg out a place under some trees, when a lltub wbioh had been hanging loose fur years, fell aud atrnck him on tho head and killed him. Noono was working :ln the field with him at the time, and as ho did not oomo up, some ur easiness was fell. He a search was Instituted, and hls.budv found with the limb 'ay* lug aom-s him, The elegant chair In which President Jiflfrrsuo Drvlo sat on the platfoi m, during tho delivery of the address on the occasion of the unveiling of the statue of Ben Hill was furnished by Mrs E H S.ewart of Washington seminary, and Mr Z D Harrison, of' Atlanta, a d l- now me highly prlz.’l property of Oapt Robert E Park, of Msoon. Several attempts to purchase It was made, hut a Macon gentleman Is its owner. The chair In which Mr Davis sat In Montgomery during his public reception tt.ors has bten ordered appropriately Inscribed by Mayor Reese, aud preserved among the val uable relics In the splendid City Hall Marshal Fox, of Jacksonville, ar rived In Macon Tuesday, having In charge a young man named J B Hord, who was being carried to the asylum at Mllledgovlllo. Mr Hord baa, by trading, accumulated a snug sum or rnouey. L tat yoar when tho baae ball on s i whs at Its,highest pilch hie mind b6came If e ed, and over since he has been considered •- f unsound mind. He has been comparatively harmless up to 'es' Saturday night, when tie at tacked liis laid lady, Mrs Wilkinson, with it knife, aud pro! ably would have done serious damage but for tho inter ference e) people who rushed to bur rescue He was Ibeii tried ou a wri: of luuHoy aud adjudged iusaup, lu order to bring h'm quietly, Marshal Fox promised to a low him to come fo Macon to stio a ubluo ol base ball. This Inducement brought him to Maoon without trouble He was alh wed to go about where he pleased, tln-ugh the maishal kept• watohful eye on him. He went Into the barber shop at Brown’s hotel and sat still while be ing shaved. At 3 o’clock he was In duced to go on ihe train with the Idea that ibe game was to be played else where, UBEAM The road had prevlonsly been grud to within three miles of Horrent between that point and Tavares four htr tired hands are now St work. Track Inving has been resumed the extension of the Florida B. either! railway from Bartow to Charlotte bur, alter a suspension ol work lor about two months. About thlr of track remains to be laid, whion Mr U:>ld, tho contractor, says will be com p!et<- ( ] Jn six weeks. Mr C R Howoll has growing on his place, two miles southwest f Gaines vllle, a now variety ol tomato, called the Jr.rum. lie procured (be seed from N< w York, at.d Is trying thorn it Fior Ida to test their aaapabUlty to our soil. They are satd to be the color of tho A'-mo and muoh larger Id k:*c Tney aro growing cicely and H Is thought they will in Lime supersede other va rlotles raised throughout the state— Gainesville News. Nearly a nolle and a htfif of side tracks have been built recent y at the machine shops of the company it Fercacd'na, to aoc mmodate the roll ing stock of Ihe Florida Railway an. Navigation Company, preparatory ti changing the system to 'he standard gauge, which will lake tlfjct on Jane 1st. Cap! Rose, cf Kissimmee, started two KHiigt- of men last week dltohing. and draining sec Ion eight, at ihe mouth of Eaat Like Canal. The captain Kill pul in tbout twenty miles of ditches, (borongb y draining the whole eeclon and when this - work is cumulated the ground will b* broken up, ants his fall the whole 010 acres set emit in sugar oann, Nearly a thousand littlecrange seed lings six to ten Inches high in (he nun nery of Mr Wright Welch of this ohy, bloomed during the e.-triy spring, ac j a great many of them uow are show ing perfectly formed fruit that so far ns can be judged Is doing hn well a- that on the iurge *reoa. One of the yearling treos In this nur-nry ma'tircd an orange last season, —Fort Meade Pioneer. HCVHLtH'* ABM1CA HALVE. The best Halve In the world for Cut* BruiHes, Horen, Ulcere,Halt Rheum, Fi ver Bores, Totter,Chapped Hands,Chi! blalns, Corns ana ali idfein Eruptions, acd positively cures Piles, or uo pay required. It la guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refund ed. Price aso per box. For sale ! J Brannon <fr Carson. 1e24 eod&wly Herr Meat h s gone where he eau get most boor. An land to lion* nornplu?, Edward Hhepberd, of Harrisburg, 111, sayn i '‘Having received so much beat fit from E eot lc Bluets, I feel It my duty to lot at tiering humanity know it. Have bad a running sore cm tny leg for eight y ar-; nay doctors told me I would have to havo the bm# soraped or leg amputated I used, Instead, three bottles < f Electric B;l tem and seven boxes Bui kleu’e Amies Halve, and my log Is now soned end well.” Electric Bitters aro sold at 60 cents a boulo, and Buckleu’s Arnica N«:ve at 25r per b x by Brannon it Carson, eod.&w There Is danger for the Independent voter when it appeals that he is look ing for th* candidate who will p.iy best Instead of for one who will best fi il the < ffloe that, Is vacant. CLINGMAN’S r OBACCO REMEDIES 4% is*, -il VA U 1 Da, Vf 1. 4 rV MOST PERFECT MADE N o Ammonia, Lime or Alum. ■V* y. fi f- 1 hA Lx/' \Vi '/Ot w f ;/tl ;-3^yL id u’%: 1 - vtx . r.y t • 1 \ •#*' /// THE CLIKGMAN TOBACCO OINTMENT >IO^ Till THIN r<n (cuiiiu Pi lu Wil ci S'l* IP-, ii ilt'il 1 ’ urn. Aid «< Doh, K THE CUNGWAN TOSACci) CAK^ MTITIPS OWN Itl >11 Wounds. Cuts. Bruit*'*. ^i»;i,ns KriMituifu., JJoi ITivlmnolt's. Horn- I . loi.s, V . .•>. N r.-* S Kyt Sort* Throat Bunion-. p.iniH N .rrtl«ir. Or- hitis Ulionui-tio l.out. Ool is. Cou<rl aP l. the" olutiB, Nliik I t •mi fro In • nil*. i.i D L Htatioi JLINGM&N TOBACCO PLASTER ruil lU'uoriliniT io xho hum sru . /If>c >KOJlTl VI V If II ',1*. llUXOtit I..L m.’T.i.ql for • d f"l 1 hilt Cl MB* I'i.iu::iii:nt*. T .lMV,, K h,rl L, ( r, up.Wi'.'ii ,« l i.WBf.1 nfIhe To »nd Pa.; Ankyo o I uartln-t-t* np For Uoadnohat • (IniirRist fur t host remodi 3«, or w rifo to tbfi ClllC’ilSfl TOSftGCO CURE CD. OURMfcM, **, C.r U. S A BKHBCPA L ATTltKWS VS J K 0 SHKK- Wl t P. Bill for Rrll.f, Ac., in Muwaij- o ve rier L'‘’'.rt NovembT Tt-r.n, At Chain* brrs, March 6. .p;6 It appearin* from tho return < f the niierlff thnl - ofendant is not o l>e fouud in Idnsooiree comity, an it furtiu r appr*- rii g that Haiti J K u rit:* woo ! rostdaaoni oftMp state, it is ordered by the court t at service he perfected t>> publication 1 thiH or- Jer »wjc« % uiou h for two mouth* iu ombac Enquibbr*M‘N. calPng upon fnl' J R 0 bUpvwood to l»*» sad fipp< ar at May Term, of Muacogee Superior Court, then and thereto make autwer to such matters at> aro charged in aaid bill, and io sbo» canne why the relief aud other matter* prnyod for. ahould not ba urauted J T WILLIS. March 6, ;s6« Jud«:e c V C 0 A tree extact from *b‘ —*— ... perior Court at ColumC S', e b atufwrttamiiu '3 mi,, m lM&<m !r 7^*y ‘HP SC<Pip -Vi ' ■ in France XZfejOATHERJNC. &RAPES FOR MAKING CRCASf or TARTAR’ Or Phicu’sCream BAJUNfiBwoffl People’s Lme of Lewvg o i'nmbtu< t»v LtuV*> ApaiROLilCL l t iCLUAY \ «►—1: ■relRr. lu tin*. O f hcrT freiK'ht. PwMHAge in n *kf‘b own bh i B.w. 81 .ion. B irti v rishpd Our re*y .o’ Karfs* c. fflr llippnrs (' ■ I- D, OWEN i rh' pi ’lou. Thr poinu ■ ny ol H, MOOBE, . • r t. r •• Atlanta (Q».) FAST PASSENGER SCHEDULE OF THE •WJVT JD ELLIS Tlie Steamer ELLIS wears the horns as the fastest steamer plying the Chattahoochee, Flint and Apalachicola Rivers. ACCOMMODATIONS FIRST-CLASS IN EACH PARTICULAR The Bieairitr Ellin in now mu ring tb* fuj eu scn«(?ul*> ever un-iferiuke*? »-n •'be hottalioooheo «idj .Apn.!eohl ol& H.vere, rnnkinK • irlns a wv.-lc b^t-^ovn v?.v>unfiho* e»)d ArMlnchicrlR trio fnrt is rng rwold tr-inwit tip i-ar>f.r ngore 'rum i-evanr'-ila, Jockaon tii.b > nd Penfiaoo t «l* points on ihe i'bft'.l«ho. - vU;r Apfti-ohlcoia ;-1ve;*8, On nud ultor Maroh 27* ti, 1888, t*.e fclluwihij, »chedal(< wih be run, rlvei, og, e?c, permitting Steamer ELLIS leaves Columbus Tuea lay at S a m and Saturdays at 7;-i0 a m for Apalachicola. Leaves Apalachicola Wednesdays at 3 p m and Sundays at 12 in, Tht. Elite will ifEe ire’jbt for Warsbouer. LanatUR- only, bui will take pat’* t*iH to and from nil •> marts SCHEDULE OF THE STEAMER MILTON II SMITH, as follows* iii&'<{. Vi-? Bh 11- bridge, ns vlto Baintiruttfo i c rn ^ c < • h • i oo . i i> t C o. o Ur loop bee r feveninu- , t»nd « t.i t» kt ps f»*8 only on Ur l'.- p» Arrival aud Departure of Trains at ^Chattahoochee, fFlorida. tnotu. Florida uod Wtaieru iiailroa,S~ Arrive.: frc-u SAvannau and Juekaonvllis at 4 04 p m. Let.v,e (or -«va-mah nc< Jaeknouvnla at ; t 10 » -vj. rio:• H-»llway i»r d N' i t-Arr.vea r in Jecka. uvo.le at 4 p m Leaves ini Jacks.)i. vllle ai 11 ,0 » m. PenmooiR n»d AUando ltAiirrKd—Anlvee rmm t'ereacola. Mobile and New Orleans a: llaui Leave to-Feusacoia. M bl e and New O-’eaua a" 4 14 r u*. This solieduie Is eabmol 'o wunoM --nMcc Freight and Passenger Rates, On he«.1 af ©r Februunr.v b. )«Hu, tn© iooa :a- -u 01 :ieiy.i t tu ptwng* -o f*Jl polntn 01 ih«? OhR*tabocoh«e non rhicoia r)v»rt wi.ibe h fellows* Flour per barrel ....^....10 Cbnti ’olton per b ie 25 cerUi Fertlll*© n per me 81 25 on Hoed Meal per uv* .... 81 25 He mlnu!«* of Mugrog©* i 6th o»v ot March tiK ) Y P.)l), Clerk fi O M C li fl HILL & LAW WILL OPEN ON MONDAY N ir Argfle Glreliw ?. At-rapiive Fiteiis NEW EMBR0IBERED FLOUNCES, NEW LACE FLOUNCES, FRESH SBliffirM CF WHITE G00SD PL AID LAW NS AND MAESALIAR, Ni tv Gauze Jersty Tests, the vtry garment for He summer ctason. Our CORSET at £0 cents is the Nader; see it and be convinced. We keep the celebrated ‘ Iron Si doe” Corset; ckn‘t fail to t-s: mine it • price 95 cents. New 10 4 Linen Sheeting just opened; New Pillow Case We offer from this date our entire stock of TRUNKS i.t less than cost to close them out. Come at 01 ce and yet the choices! of them. We have implicated on our 5 Button KID GLOVE at Toe. We can shew tL.m in all the attractive shades and in all numbers. Our stock c'f Summer Underwear is complete. Our Vest at 50c is the cheapest in the mtrket. SOULi sSfc liAW, Something About the Ups aud Downs Ol Her Inhabitants. out ill’s a wav iLivr, Atlanta papers are giving tho public some curious and wonderful I cases that are quite interesting, It | .seems a young lady of Atlanta had ! been reported as dead, but it came I to the ears of the Constitution re | porter that she was still alive, and being on the alert for news, called I at her residence to learn all the facts. .Miss Dunaway, who hied been pronounced dead, said; "For four years rheumatism and neuralgia have resisted pliys’cians and all other treatment My mus cles seemed to dry up, my flesh shrank away, my joints were swol len, painful and large, lost toy appe tite, was reduced to 60 pounds in weight and for months was ex pected to die. I commenced th use of B B B and the action of one half bottle convinced my friends that it would cure me. Its effect J was like magic. It gave me anap | petite, gave me strength, relieved | all my plains and aches, added flesh I to mv bones, and when live bottles | had- been used I had gained 50 I pounds in flesh and am to day ! sounel and well. »I!J P P.VH OF WEVT riT). AVhat Mr J P Davis,of West End, said: "I have only a few words to say, which are to state that I have been confined t,o my bed for two moiulis with what was called nervous rheu matism or scial ic- . I was only enabled to hobble about occasionally by the use of crutches,and in this condition I commenced the use of B B B, four bottles of which enabled me to discard the use of my crutches and attend to business. I had previ ously used all well recommended metlieines without relief, It has been over one year since using B B B, and I consider myself a paer- manently cured man.” nkiiir ;noo«f , TuinMitr «■> n a makes a statemeu t; “My wife has been a great suffer er from Catarrh Several physi cians and various patent medicines were resorted to, yet the disease continued unabated, nothing ap> pieariug to mike any imporession upon it. Her constitution finally became implicated, the poison be ing in her blood. ”1 secured a bottle of B BB and placed her upon its use, and to our surprise the improvement began at once, and her recovery was rap)id and complete. No other pirepiara tion ever produced such a wonder ful change, and for all forms of blood diseases I cheerfully recoin mend B B B as a superior blood purifier. - ’ <12'f.w p'V-*- !o" ""l "T* r <l ml DR. RICE, For 15 years at ^7 Court Place, now at A regular^ educated and legally qualified physician and thff must 3iioce.*sful, m his p ractice will prove. Ouros nil forms of PRIVATE, CHRONIC and SEXUAL DIS EASES. , , T Siiei'uiatorrnoa and Impotency, s>; YFH1L IS ■ Gonorrhea, PWHFE8MOl"' AL CAftO# D R viEO McLT.Ha.STkTy, ===> KerilU*iH Dwitlst, Hoorn N. 2, Brood street, up ,t»t~ 3V«r WlMloh 4K1USO B. JalSw D R. c.r. OS BURN, ~—— Utn( lit. (Snooeenor toDrJ M Mason,) Ollloe next door to Runkln Hons*. S»nr enlranoe as Riddle’* Rellory OQMly w F, TIGNER, DENTIST, 36H! Twelfth str*et (formerlj Handol; «ire*tp. j,7 ij' a K THOMAS, JB, e k CHANoIV riiHOMAH a Chandler. *om,. n,.- ,V'° ,r "-r!r L ‘’.! SMITHS BEAMS /^Vuro Biliousness; Sick Headache In 4 hours One dose relieves Mouralgla. They cure anj prevent Chills Fever, Sou r StomachBau Breath. Clear the Skin, Tone tho Nerves, and alve Life and Vigor to the system. Oor,e : ONE BEAN T ry them once and you will never bo without them' Price, 2o cts nor bottle. Sold b« Drupqlsfs and Medicine Dealers generally. Serif on recelol ol price in stamps, postpaid, to any addres* J. F. .SMITH & CO., Manufacturers and Sole Props,, 6T, LOUIS. MO, PRINTING, it O O P ,1N C A W U KVBSCS DBV.tBLP»IO», AT L O W F. * T PHHCKS I) LARGE HtOCX Otallk n A> of FAPSk ..4. larlwdlB-r,'M, Paospaf. aud Nofi Heade Hill .dc <di', ‘Slatsearn U islnyays or i*ud, Alec Eu"u!pp»s, Oai-dc, *o, t orlutm W abort i.ouo*. Pspar Bor. •» of any alar ■r dssorlpll'.'-o. 00*, ’igpt In dock mads e rhori notfc* riRTveiCi, 4,fjrr..BBI8T, IP Hw o rlolrw s<, rini'^vivit* °o*eri *r, MM1MM NERVOUS DEBILITATED MEN. You are allowed a free trial of thirty days of the Uro of Dr. Dye's Celebrated Voltaic Belt with Electric Su?r**nsory Appliances, for the ppeedy relief and permanent cure of Nervous Debility, lost ot Vitality and Manhood, and all kindred troubles. Also for many other diseases. Complete restora tion to Health, Vigor and Manhood guaranteed. No risk is incurred. Illustrated pamphlet in*tfate<i mxKlope mailed free, by addressing VOLTAIC BEIT CO., Mar shall, Mich. DON’T YOU USE kerns 0 find stop worrying e muy over a poor GROCERS SELL IT. mr Send 1 Oc. in stamps fnr a complete set ol Levering’' New Cards (<>0 original designs). E. LEVERING & CO.. BALTIMORE. MIX . C ft. MISCHKE, Tvr ill -w rlgH t. OFFICE AND BHOP: Dillingham Street, opposite South ern Plow Works. Cures Guaranteed :‘.n ail Cases tmilerfakua. • • . -r«»*nallv or bv letter free an l ir vi-ol. Charges L-i.r-rai :«r an 1 c'orr- ?f ...u-Itnc • atriot'.y c.nflloL-xaL PRIVATE COUNSELOR cr :or. , . MS. s.-nt to any luMrcn, securely re: > 1. for thirty Sh ilJ * • reail 1 v all. ar: - ■-•i OQioc fiourd from -A. M. to 9 P M. Suaiuja, 2 to 4 P. At HSTftLLIWENT PLAN S8 Hiil Pnpurty ON LINE OF ^ ho Georgia Midland. 40- BESltmg VidliT LOTS L >ts fronting ou Hamilton and Tulbotton roads, Hill, Linwood and North streets aud Rose Hill avenue. All lots are full quarter acre. Call early secure a de sirable lot, as prices will be ad vanced within the next thirty days TOOMBS CRAWFORP, Real Estate Agent 15 North Breaii street ; ADVERTISERS j Can learn the exact cost 1 of any proposed line of | advertising in American ; Papers by addressing Geo. P. Rowell A Co., Newspaper Advertising Bureau, IO Spruce St., New York. Send lOets for lOO-page P.mphU* THE COLUMBUS Are now prepared toHurnish a kinds of ROUGH & DRESSED,LUMBE' Ami to Dress Lumber for the pul lie, and solicit patronage. O s* h rv r«*c 1‘ CAUSE 4n<i CURB tArrSthioy 0Dt tweuij-4ign. yea-*. T/«a td by of 1 f)o r, ’Pd nowo ».tu;« of Hie e.iy wim DO benefit Cwiv i ’ .ai’SHif to 'fin;* moJthB, ur .1 y’vck thta : .1 - el.’ of o iv 9 oy Home pp oes’, A p dr. simple and oessfv.. uouii 'rsAcaeti f » PAGE l« nf ')9!U y. York Lily rn b 14 ,b »«!■»<■•■ Rooms, O nice s, Hail Or STGB13S For Rent, In the Webster BnUcrcgs. Apply to JOEIN EhiCKMAB,