Columbus daily enquirer-sun. (Columbus, Ga.) 1877-1886, May 08, 1886, Image 6

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c DAILY ENQUIRED -.SUN, COLUMBUS, GEORGIA, SATURDAY MORNING, MAY S, 1886. SLOVENLY STATESMEN Many of Our Lawmikers Who Are Anything but Tory, ydrops ).i U«iFt>or io>| la L*f*-Tk( W«», O rfu I l b»i« ( upl4.ll** M»*» la ill *rpt*r*nfc-Judi« U**B*a *ul HI* Lillie iirlui. is, .may •» -The average observer in Washington sees such cjueer sights. UoigreHamea are sup posed to uover.v prupcr ereaturo*, but tome cl hem have some very bad hab its, 1 you walk through ihe corridors of the oapltol, or nit ui the gaUmles, you will be surprised to bee tho per- ’ ual peculiarities which some of the mum llluHtrlou* stateemeu develop, 1 ,ike a walk through the house alter tho suasion has ended, and tbo lirst thing you wi .1 uee tho brigade < f ,-m- juoyes do is to set to work currying out the load after ioad ol spittoons. They do not atop wllti dt z .ob of tnetn. or scores, but kar p piling them up un til they number hundreds. The details oi the scene that follow are f ir from in teresting. Bn lu the gallery any d >y and yon vr 1. wonder If there are no handkerchluls In handkerchief elt.resalu Washington. It bus been the rate of your correspondent to witness u cotqreBsman, who represents one of tho wealthiest states lu .he west, ait In uia chair and compel bis unfortunate t gere to do duty as a handkerchief, wining them couly or. the leg of hla i sntaioon# with the utmost cotup.a- auicy and without apparent embai- ressment, (let close to some cl ihe moot prominent members ol the house and senate, too, lot that manor, and you will find their clothes evidently ns guhtle»s ol ihe use ol tho brush as the average outdoor workt r of an avtiruge degree of Intelligence. J here are large numbers ol colored employed shout the oapltol, especially lu the c.oak ruomu, whose especial bu- is to attend to the personal wsnta of me members, yet alter these gentry have fliurished their blooms about all day, you are liable to soo numbers of ihe nuemborn gui: g home with tiiolr shoulders and coat conats loaded with dandiull IF YOU SIT IN TUB aALLBKIHB, vlheh are filled witu ladles, and look down upon the house whloh is In ses sion, yoj will find inembcie with feet p. rchtd upon desks,or lying sprawled it; on sofas In the most reckless disre gard of proprieties, net to nay deceu- cies. Take a walk through tbo restau rants of the bouse arid senate and you will sea some sights that will surprise you, o iy the other d«jr your oories- poudonl »aw a scua.ur, a hose name only « few days age was in t he mouths of the nation, ior ho took a most lm portant part In one of the moat Import' act political events trauspirlug this session, standing at Uia lunch counter ;u me senate rts.aur.uit am! eoaoUtig a BC.e<ie whloh, to aoy the ioabi, was very strungs. lie had given Ills “order” and was waiting )or It to bo lined, While doing bo he amused himmif by sampling the various articles which W f, re spread about on the counter, ami from which ihu waiters ware now anil thou, filling orders for ouo- tomers in their restauraul. He reached gently over and wl h t.i. fi.-gers poksu an Indian i uddlng which v as resting in a dish Jasl at his left, iiavlng evl- oeutly arrived at the conclusion ihut 1 v, vs guild to oat, ho pulled ell wnh thtbo limit fingers a pit oo ol pudding and trariuforiod it to his mouth. Thou he investigated oorne other dishew near him, but turned aw »f without sam pling Item, at tl i It • I) g tuor, tie- ilberatelj loci' tut si r u with whlou !l wat- being eorved to us ,na us ei tho customers, aud taking « generous spoonful from the oemmondtsh, iritns- lerred it lo his capacious, tobaooo- atained mouth, <i tiatly putting the spoon bock into l4.u dish to bo used in fiuicg the next order ol the lucky ouaiomtr who might desire to obtain a senatorlaf 11 vor with his lunch. HJi “WANT! THAT LITTLB, I.ONO ” Keprtsentu.lve .Long cl Massa chusetts, a to marry next mouth to a yuung > choc* mucher, at his home In Ulugurau. Anyone woo watches hia uroveuiCiMs m the be. usd could nattily toil that acme matter of a lu.salut uft.ure ccoi.piod bit* mind, He w&ika about with wtr o! abstraction, pays Utile aue.tlion to tho procsutlngu nud olien indulge In wh t t.ppnar to t,,o cay Ircatus. At such times ho t’-lth Ilia chah b..cli .’.i.’ is o' •' .Wen Is: away expression, A bright ttinUo Jlghis i... ii eu in i. wbtit; then utO'.ds o! prot i ocuvo earo hover over htu brow aim finally hut expression change « Into one or earuesv ilbsotveio have -i l ■» « U a marked olmiige In hla. t n . ■ i o vttuiiu the pest month or two. bio u.ed lo ap» piarouthe Hour every day in u boy- bu y iu>. sack t-ttiv, vsnlcn w«s any* i..iag but Lee . tiling to a man who has boon g,.v erttor ol Massachusetts, I Hit 18 now .1, ine* Straight loud lu tfio U h.o.e: souic.e. Now ho wears a tacgimt \ ■ rit nock coat and trcuo- c;b Uia. ciiind nut have been made out- side ef Now York, His thin, sandy ha-.r has t so it,ken a new shape, huU poara to have tho exctuslvo alton- tiou ol at least one barber. Ho bas always been a man of smiles, but late ly he In often !n a perfectly hilarious mood, shaking hat.da with everybody he meets, and beaming even m tbo bootblsoka and newsuoya. The gov ernor geos up homo every week to see hlB Intended. He leave* here regular ly on Friday evening aud returns on Monday, 1. cannot bo said that he is a Jjhte in the matter of lcvumsking, but certain it is that he la ouc of tho most attentive and uiluotlonaie of lovers. kkaoan's string. There wits an amusing Incident In the house tho other uay. While Judge Reagan was playing with the string which he is .Iways toying with and making in o f»niastlo figures after the manner ol cm ol boys, m eonstltuiloa- ai 4m.8ti.rn came up. O. course the judge im-:. 1 dhiiely sprang to his feet 10 take- p-.i. ' tb- debate, lu Ihe mid dle of one of bln longest sentences the suing fen ..utol bis hand. With il all inspiration seemt-.l to have departed, for he stopped abruptly, stooping down to the 11 *or, ct turner.ced search ing lor h.ts piuything. As it bad be come entangled in the leg* of the desk he oou.d not find ). for fuily half a minuto. Tee iult iu the proceedings drtw the attention of ait ihs members to the judge arm wtun ns came to the surface holding up triumphantly the nalaslDg strlLg, he was greeted with a round ct applause, Adviok to Moth was—Mas Wins low's Soothing Sykvti’should always be used when children are cutting teeth, Il relieves the little sufferer at onoet It produces natural, quiet oioop by relieving tho ohlld from pain, and the little ohe.-ub awakes an “blight as a button,” It Is very pleasant to taste, It soothed the ohlld, softens tho gums, allays all pain, relieves wind, regulates the bowels, and Is the boat known remedy for diarrhoea, whether arising from teething or other oausec Twenty- ive cents a oottia. Roalna Yokes bas She Is playing in ■•Time Will Tell.” new wrinkio, comedy aal ocf SAMAKITAN NERVINE THE GREAT NERVE CuNQUEROP NEVER FAILS, Mluuuitui 1 Irmi yunlltti Young tudv, aic.yott crosa, nervous and fretful ? Have yvu s;>o.;s t-f tuul- ancholy, or are yon wakeful nights? How is yeur memory, and dn you teei Thu er.b iiuo»a hr Kpiiuotto Fit*, vigorous? Are you pale, (■ f .« m.l ! ^'D lnaotivo ? it HO, UW0O/Jt) (il t' ’» I L*0pi l*.H } U/ uonc lu <)(;'i. Itim of lover, of tho Himinors’n Iron Cordial; 1 wlili n*nt».ri*«»*erDnof 'iw^m ntui uiokoeM, restore you to perfect nsa'th m every Cat0 , w M , s{nbborn Moo4 aore ,, partlCUiai, ani luttko you 1 cel • • ■ft'Qt, I Quicke-J* »|u«?fBb clrcnlatiOD, buoyHr«l RinJ bnppVt POUdrw ! ^tirhonclaa and Sennit I l’cr • Ptljr Pl«nij of t'lurlitH Urrtaui.n, * The crop of VHetitian oranges this year is said to be very good and eon stderabiy larger than for ixmuy >’tint past. Tue arnouut avaiiaoJe fut eft (tort is expicted to reach if.ooii ow) boxes, aggregating no lest lltv; 1X10,000 oraugf h. - Florida letter. Kill, Scrofula »ul itvt), tn-in brothtrs. ei br. >,th to stood) removing - . tiro It to .'bduinche tike the wind. ■ p.ate foils di«ordfMs NllBft<>niCli|0 NlM'U lid Till* t.'HVI’.T iVnlflllt | In Augnst, 181,1, 't wns alaor. vered i that iny son’s wife was In . he l v t, c •; of consumption. -<bti v/;t: I lucessnrtJj, and »•, ihuos v/ot.i i ... ■ J charge quantities of ;.ntft rr ■ t hui j lungs, could not sleep or iati,.j:i anv-j thing on her stomaoh, aud • might J It only a pieslln; :i .ao..- i D.o would br/ tii).jj)i-il .1 give .ray to tho fell dfctilroyei, Al.oi remedies had failed, wo ,r’: Lung Restorer and began It Ir. vary small doses, si, -he wiw vv-y weal'. k is BOOM bCk'UU it'll- (HO- o; j - i b J r.nj reuiotiy aud was rostoibd to :'■> /..d health, and la to-dny belter than she hns ever been l.oi■■-(., i regard her routorauou as nearly a mil's, lo, for which she Is Indebted »o Ui ewer's Hung Restorer. ,K VY ilONNita, dAwif .u . do. TTls sold a glase uf cold wa;si-laltou every maf-tg before oreakfaet win keep the stomach In order. The fl’nl- nont nidi w to ■ h *t U)cat tf u! . ;• .ti « menl begin .’I.j a ocktail, T o:t take i Utt: g ass .»f wat- r Ivnracill.. shy, and the break las; •.» not. ti ns it i.-> rt sjy WlKimons’ lino C -rcial vitalizes ths j nerves, dispols low sotri-.-i and nervous iioprosst n eotiikw ■ ■mi in m* iiai. nrjixii u-ii.Mi. u. 1 ' .Tlftl'ji* uo tlrft-llc cBtlJartici or :>riat&), ; ’romrtly w . rntaimiitNi" l y rotiihiti It. . it ..l"i hi 11 f tflvfur pr.jfcrtl - to tiie Mood, 1 t r e-nrsMtrin] to oorn »ll tic I Itillfihlu -a ! 1 aviRor»r>n tbo body. pci-y .-ifnrj li il, i:i-r fifty tntmtftind If sfr.-sbo* tho toiuil *• ■ Dy 'to .,]!*, ir k- , . lu writ!,,. , ■ A. #>., D *8 'ErCJEEKA. , '.I 1 iiJ * 8 Ot 1 pm ill 05 aai.Lv Port Valley At i 45 pm B 15 iml. K 45 pea'll 50 an-| .r„ . Perry hvl SOOpn,' B uO urn| . Mi* ■ fir. r ; ''..' » (PI jd JSfljH ivijt an ^ htYvM i «, J ’A 'V' • } ii Now that spring is hero and you ' fed tho need of a medicine to tone j up your system, invigorate your | liver, rtht.vo your dull headache, constipation and give you good , digestion, just get a bottle of • HOOD b EURIjK \ and use it. ti is of all inodicinetj the most efficient :.itd stUibfitctory in its action and jtisl, ihe medicine that your bad feelings, induced by the season, in- ideate. Taking a teaspoonful after , uicli meal for a few days will as ' touisli you most happily. It ia, pleasant, agreeable and w it U rful and renewed energy to «i";f the system, especially at this sea son, Hundreds attest this fact who have used it and no other Liver TK-liciae for yu.irs. It i--prepaied now in the dry shape, If j o u do - Hire to use m this way and feel in r.ny doubt as to its virtue, call and we will give you a sample package 1 Ko, .®I IS w M H— nlmUc-l No, 2Bt I jPt.BS Is- KxMstlo*. iPtida'ii’rl 1 45 i-tl! |L-r SiullltVitiv A) ;jlo cm Albany Ar I @53pmlAr.. Hlakely ...Lv 110 pai 12 BO Hi B UO .-.u. I Mu. art |a. W- B.H.-rort, No. 281 I I l 1 -HU, matin* IPaS'r’i ' ,> uu . i.w... euiui iu i ...jsruL « anil. 4 S’t jiu|.a.r Fort O-.lnen nv|lB 05atul . 1 No. 2Ut IlSatfikoI* cfc4tl«y.j No. BBt | p.'-.i.^ n’rl ion a. a. j 1'aaayij I 4:16pm|Lv.. I B 00 ,nr. | r.. Eu10u.Ir.„ Art B5B nn’.| Clayi.oc...nvl 7 4b nu| i Nr. 19*| No. 5 * |s, V) ii B~c«lua.| No. ti ♦ t AUD. IF’aBH'K’i'lbat Iti.ali* kilnc.lFasa’g’ll 7 '0 pm 9 35 pal 5? 86 am 9 tt i nn JO 4fl am ? )8 pm Gv liftoon Ar Ar Fort Vtii'.y Ay Ar Colnnl.nt I.v 4 26 pm 3 07 pm 11:40 art., 7 10 nm 4 5*3 am i l J5 pm Tralut Nr. 18»mli9 Inlly bxcbpI- B**.o -Bay. I-* wi'! JackMuivIla.yl* Atf.lit*. AIL*,:; »n.J. W*:'oro*e, ’/brrucb Kortitry Wuycroia. Tratiui murhuu thns * mo daily; Iraki* m*rkvfi ten* 1 nn Ball? «xs»»»fianCtn Irafr* msrkMI line .lull)- oxii-pt Muadoy. Tlck«t* fui nil riolDt* »nfi snsvist 0»t r»rtb*or. i»l»*‘. Calon l>»»ot'£lok«t Ofiti**0tolnnt**Drlo. to loftTtnff tiro* of nil triiiu*. WiliLl. 1 . li aOCUCBS, CIim.'IHuv’i ijMMiasil. T. n. KllStl, Bnv’tB. W. U. It-, U*«»B V. f. BttVbfiKAN.Trifllc ..ion:-,, Bivtinrsii. O. A. WHIITllHKiD. O.lV I'm. I W 4, « 1 - t. 0 . A ."..'Ti Onln-ohr- Oa ' mir.vxuwH S.Mir i u inn— ■sun iii—uu ■■ i i auitrtiwm*iwnnanMaMnMHWMHMniaMHnMnMM Al. d of tin- nlly. k!m1 Dyspt'phifi. libl'Kt'« !-• V.» ■•■ui ■ ■ • i ; -...I - LfVEr?.. For ill confinin' tlio Jhut, Hilim.i tion, Irri*Kiilfiri f > li'Ui-y. Eruulftioua u l v.f tue Stomach (htmiotimoH o.’illff Il-vtitlMim) Vtl^riT, ^ r.lomly Flux, t ’hills nuvi Fever. Hr.* JGivrr. < ExlmnHtiou bof 'io or ifD*r l : ->v. r-, i'V'n.ii' lli'ir- ] rltfi'/t JmHs of Appetite, !•* .»*1 Tv.finth, 1 lr.cp ilfint.■ s i'liutioni il to Fomales, Ht'annu-down STftniGE^’^ ftUHtWH i” Invnlunhto. )| mnot/11'lin.'uv.i: ”• ,il!ttiH.*nucu. '".a CUt-VF* ’ 1 •* ''•" •'W ' '' t- ''CP, ftill t.'i-. 5 rOMftCH •!" I BO A, .'.l.s, 3* ch:l:'.'.;:, t: t. . ....1, "M, 11 lruui a ivtiry. yi liu.v tingo. to » nuMy, lie.ili’g, ouior. £t «.nri:»*:* .• la-'vce lo"-. KliNBny -;>irit -. li 1, i.f t!.,- B cS !' AL TERATIVES arid r -U,' 1FIERS OF THE BLOOD, mid ,s A ,AI. J AS- .; feme. Iicinoiuber, Ni. mnhr'ii, t il uUS -I U LED, f.tilibio, ivl I) HOOD iV C.'O, Columbus, Ga, 1 Manuftieturors, l gold' i-itBAL, i.:, lal“ EAIIEF.’S WESTERN RAILROAD OF ALABAMA 808 Milts Shorter to i xu.e First Class Direct Route to a.U £ astern title-, also, if you !:avo Jiew FoiktSian via LoniSTilte. j JORDAN’S JOT- Close oimnectlon tceils with Fledmou^ Air Line, Atlantic Coast Line, and it is iiidtuntand in- ClQcSurft'.i Bouthorti. Only 87 hours and 20 mittutoa from Motitgcmtry to Mew V tit, and only 36 aouni ond_10 aitoutea from New York to Montgomey, _ r RfMwTJ ‘."1 Ml ti ST AD! CUP : l'LT title by ttL'. D.'uIL'kd: AUciANTli nr. SI. 00 Uuitlo. C. F, STAOICiiiJ, Proprietor, Wt SO. FRONT ST., Philadelphia, Pa. &1381 ar W'trir.iiUu nbsolut«iy pxt( Cocoa, from which thnexcosai Oil) an Rt enryrov. il.itliivHfAA tiuu.? t. ’/e .«Wen : f .h of Coccu mixa with rit arch, Atruwi ouLoi Sa^a; ntul 1m thervfore far rnot^econoir. th ! ■•it . Tt in SoM *>y ‘ Adminifttifttor’ii *AA, 1. BAKER S, 30., Borciiester, Mass, Urpua 11 tf(in. d ivi» ■ *itv are ilna « tv'r - tu t iir t *ib'*w muse, il ‘ ili*. \ i tiv refilled by law* why loav.* ah nld id t tie K r *nted to rM. Wiinetsauiy l BtiiHul. loai’H 9t\l! : u tipHciiii re tl’is Muy Oth* J.-tnuatj li, 1S8i>, No. f3. No, 61. No 5. No. 8. Lrave ” Arrive li&fiYO Arrive Akron OteBUBbor,’ .... Mori on ... Eelraa.—..... be .1 iu u Montgomery.. 5 00 a in 6.00 n no 7:50 & tn 10:30 a in i0:45 a m 2:15 p p 11:00 a m 12:00 a nt 1:09 p ru 3:00 p m 3:16 p m 6-10 0 in Heave Arrlv e Moulroqaer 7... a nu & in 7:66 a us 8:63 a na 9:11 u m 9:27 a m 9:37 a m 9:60 u D: 40:03 it D, 2:85 p u 461 p tt: 6:86 p n 6:40 p c 7:16 p n 7:60 p 11 8 25 p 1 7;U5 p ut 9:01 p m 9:31 p m ;0:10 p w t0:40 p m lliOti p m *: 30 p utt Chehaw Hoiaatuga 3:29 a 11 ” Arrlv." O. t'libti 4:16 a u AaiVt ” DHIUUI.jU? Mmmk... 11:21 ^ w 8:65 p 0 ! Al’l AVb VYcau P iul ALia.TiH I;58 ti it 7l‘J2 11 d 40:49 u c 1:52 p r ^ ‘10 IS, 111 10:06 a rii v"ta g L: ftV< Arrive 1Ailr.11 It i.t tv A 11H . • ‘■i. . IS TV U: Mf J — 2:45 p m 6:27 p ni 0:0i) a m 6:50 1* ia 10:40 p rti . r »;yo H lit V.»4 GrODt^i-t lAavtj A &lr.ii La ; 3:00 a n 3:35 p r: 0:40 p n 3:40 y. n 9:10 p n 6:29 ,1 1 n Ctia.-IrfttM V,,i i’ • Arrive tfj'i A if. i*.: At in. ]-it Oita K'.ehtm 0 ‘ Wjhi.mBiot N it a •! *V»fcH 8:40 a a. 6:10 p d 7 00 a m 8:00 a v 6:10 p m 5:00 a m 4:07 p a 9; 20 p in 11:39 0 in 11 Pni.a ’ t'lph!*?... New Y -it 2:40 p in 1 3:40 p a 3:30 3 in 6:80 a to OtamJ, Soattiwesiera & Moatgomeri & lutwn 1 i’tfs , All iralr.o ol tbl* «y»tvm art ran by Osntral or Wth Mirldlas *l«r» MaVAJTNAiH, Oil, MhY 2, JJ&6 , AN and all*: 3GNRAY, May 24, i8ba. pttrslrn on Dims roadr. ▼*Hi nrv. a* follow*: AarHAAD JJOWiV ( etna bavamftv j.lU Al LUvUions. . «r bead up. No e:>* l No, 16.- AOC. Nu. 53 • PftBf'g 1 Nc. 51.* FaM'g’i No. 62. Paau'i’ N0.64.» Pa,'’((i No 18.1 ACC. No 80 9 -0 to LU li IdOtoLfl La 50 p ru 1 16 pm 3 id p ru 5 19 p no Q oU p •x i ii-.iij pa 7 *5 pn b 15 pn Nc. l.« Pata’g’l 8:40 [ttt. . .:V8 on 10:26 air 11:01 an. 12.10 pn 8PG pH 9 Ji pa il:b3 pn 11:16 pit 1; i # an i dtW o 20 £UU i 8:33 t.-j} :> it an i;lb aw 5 . r ;3 Ltiii | 7:82 HU 8 40 an 10:2c tkin 11 40 ml. )2:00 EL 2 il pa 3 ll plLi 4 x0 pEL o ‘ju pm 7 00 pL 7 JP p2?, 7 lu pr.G ■ l..v.J:Iavemnah^A A: OilvorM..vLi Ai'....Mlliea_..„l.T Lv...- Mlll6u„._,A LV —T*tiaUlS».-A Unrdoii-.. A At Macon In Lv-,.. Macon ...-A* At naviivs v.i'.e La Li Can. -tviilt Ac ,r tirilfin-.-.L At Atlanta... Li 4 07 pn 2 35 pno 1 30 ptr 1 13 pit 1128 mz 10:18 an l 40 an 6 80 an 3 08 nm 302 irr 7 51 A71. ft 01) -tt 6 00 an 4:14 air 3 10 an 3 00 ar. 12 64 an 11: fi pm 10 50 pm 10 4ii pm 3 0'J :■ n 0 08 pm It ill pm ti 6t pm 3:06 an 1:22 Alt 6.00 ft a Nc, 8,* Pass' 1 0 2511 o 1 -58 pit. 4 18.pit 1 y p.. 6 00pm 2 51 pm 10 05 pm 1-. 4 : m 8 60 am t Oi am 7 uu am iNit, 1J.» lir'sw 'tg’y No, 17.' I© Hi. At,-AaKU»la,No. lo,' ■fas# K - i Rrara«2i. Il’aag Vi • jo. :*u *'« r| J W'ZW 1 s lu urn j b 15 AU. liupmiLv vilu«u ArilUS aoii itOOttini i > lo pm| Ar,„AU(t'.iBt.n ... 1) 80 am| 8:80pin 1 | No. 2b. “jMMtd&wvilie* Al No, 26,41 U’aBs’g'rll-'.Mitouuiik itr’ciia.Il'aHB'j; ;| EE :E 2 85 plu 1 - 0 i'U I- 01 pn J.40.PC Lv Mari n,„„Ar Lv-tiordel....—Al .r.Mlli’i, tiViile.Ai t.-.Euu.. ton...Lv 8 oil ,ln 8 10 PIS 8 3Uac. •i 15 ftb EE 1. am ^’ r \...d3.n th»»on s caaiy 1 No. 84,t| No. 86.1 i'L.-fd’y i 1 , |P«kfMVT|l ■'“™ | ”■•—" j J® Hi:80 ;m|CvHorn*.;-!l.fcAr| 760 486pm | Ill OvunlAr ThOB.?,-.'m r., | 8:50tirc| 880 , is. 1 I 1 I^O. ‘lift h.U.An.A. 1 -Nr., 1T| IrflBf.’jtr’yj itaihoad (FAfift'g'ri ;; : E • : :!E 1 )3:3o pmlLv linuiit at t 4:1-4 pml.’Lr., New.,t,r.. ):U'. prr.| ... C>.. ' | y-10 am 0:58 an: :i.-80 »Zu ~~~ ( .1»G y i rto j!• j Nu 1* |M to HU «t JbL’> , No '/* ; N'.‘ 52*1 No X0 1 Aoo. ! Pa'H'gf 1 "-.TV-totl* »aIui«, |, ttft'K* : 1 A.CC* 1 8 02 pm 0 54 ,-m £ 55 ft in t ii 4 02 am 4 17 a u. J 05 -,ru 2 28 am 8 1U .• cu 4 U. m 4 iu a d. H / ‘.M2, ti 22 .Hi U ^nr» 9 60 t-'u U M) .»co 1 (-2 m 124 pin 2 52 pH. 8 r.hj rr i 01 i n. 0 it pn 6 41 j n 1 23 V-D. -v Mao.-u At aldpiti \r Fort ValJcy At- 4'1 pin Ar Smitfivllle Lv 144,m. -V i-jiaitp.vUl* ah 1 24 ,".n: Ar-.Ctithbjirt... Arlll 69hii Ar .-Kufoula ...LvIlO 56 are .V ... LaLilii. 10 60 air. -r,Union (Jp’gnLv 3 18 air, v,Union Sp’ttSAi 0 lb an. Lv| 7 l 01 ana i - A ODD U.'-j .... 1, 3 i J 04 yW 9 Oi pm 7 80 pu. 116 un G i 4 pm 9 0t* pm b 8« pai but) pn 5 c7 m 2 35 pM rzz I No do j Nu oi li tobL’^torib Vt H 4u--Afib»-»-, No. 4* i No o4 iWo 34 \ J Pa.JhvU lir’. 11 J No, o'M ny line, iRHtis'K^rlPhBb'B'rl I’asa. \ l 30 lilt: 3 86 tt/G 1 Ui AUi ! 1 57 HD. 1 6 45 pm I Lv... ,6iacoc.«...Ar| 7 52 pn-1 isT Ft rt Valley Lv 7 62 pm ii:,v Furl Vituc.y At l) 4ti pml Ar BralUiviU* Ia D 40 pm luv Smitavlll* Al li 40 ;•»! | At. Alba 11-7.... 1. 8:10 am 6 5h am i 58 btLL j 05 HIT 5 05 t»m 1 10 DLL 2 28 am 1 7 20 pm 1 35 -in 5 3. pn | L IS-.;. 23f i No. 211 w- W. B.-P®r-| No. I No. ^41 j 's^WC'rji- mh g‘rl ry enraAeb. iFags'lj'rjFfiiifi'g | THE FAMOUS BRAND Q j i '-v-UmiUx FOR BALE BY M. D. HOOD & JO , S3 Rromi Street. COW MBl’l i cc l ari, 00 Trains 61 68, Sew CrIeans J .to Ti'ashiusrtoo, wit hunt i haage Admini s' r a t or *s 2 &l<g F Jfl UlVHll I.Lfi t\ iO, a uviMituria. B )iioil \ liU-iJ'ia: A. U 4 »U5JT¥—Uy Tirttifl Ol • it >rit»r jl uui Court ol Oaiiuary t». couuty. Geotvfim, nh ;U l«t wold At rut h. •dtsy iu ul«\y Lext, t>etwteu lb tb.o couuty dm Ti . lruLt of iLt alert- .f ? M Klov.Ks i at tin comer of I'roa i Aim Tenth atreetn, io t».. <• of Coitmibiirt. fiuld Ciiutv At.d ttatv, tb<* vaIjaM* city propnvt ktu wi'. uu the u-jiitb puit - f city lot No one LuiulretJ ald tun , ou thr- ccrutr of Flout and mxUj vformerly £a 1)> atreete, rrcntiUM on Front street J2 feet more t less. nu nlug Si*aatcL tactvAat itciu 1 . yui atteet * a! Iw. bun* cnee more ur leen» with lour room dwelling aud improvement* th*r* vD. >vul tu ihe property of the ectatc of Fraud* A bini.h dec<a«od. 'or Ji• tnDu• tk Im Teruii cttth IiC».M K . I • Ml' ll. Admit. tiAtcr Khiai-* fraucia \ : ; u it»i. Joc'eU api na*4w W. I or ■ In-ds n * Hautb B uu.', T:a. ;s-- No. 50. 1 ^ | Oj i 1 to! No. 4. No. 6. Leave Atlanta ” C'lumliu: 1:10 p w 2.SO p n 9:55 p n 4:26 p rr. 4:53 p n 1:02 a n 2:57 a n 10:16 a m ” Auburn 5:06 p n 8:21 a n 10:18 a na ” Loachopoka 5:18 p m 8:67 a nc 11:22 a m ” NetaRuf^a 6.28 p a 4:18 a rr 11:62 a na ” Cbefiaw 6:43 p ir. 1-46 a nr. 4:61 a n: 12:80 p at ” Cov. ! OH 6:00 p ir 5:26 a m 1:17 p m Arrive Montgomers Leave Monttfomerv Arrive Selma Leave Salma Arrive Meridian ” Greensboro ” Akron Leave Akron Arrive Meridian ” Vicksburg ” Sbrrvepr.rt 6i55 p tr 2;50 a m 7:26 a no 8:20 a m 12:00 a na 2:00 p in 4:12 p m 6:42 p na 6:45 p m 7.65 p na 11:30 p na 8:40 p m 7:85 p m 10:05 p na 10:30 p na 12:46 a m 1:09 a na 2:56 a m 8:22 a m 6:26 a m 12:40 p m 11:10 p m Mascogco idisriff lly r. Tl * UNOii ILU.H * 4 v luci'n \\r ILL be sold r. tl f* rV.--t Tdts’r.i iu Moy nest f in iron, ot the nu; '.’ ju acu.’o t ll Kc.uvkea A (lo, Bread fitrtet, ci y o ColuuiLUri. \useogoe a untj . Georgi * lot oi ;»d know a u . ; Uu.t'H iuU it ; .e p At. >t me U •' 'u"vbua Mnac-yee ccn'j .p ntcatiMi u .n' •ide of Oglethorp« :>tr et couusiuiug uu«: half acre, more or iess, witli icipr*v t ., ;-.t ff ;S. t Levied u hr the prope»ty t T K Wynne to sati»fv >» ti fit • my bnudkin laver ol Li ti Rppiuf;* execn or oi ti W MOXCE Nerve Food, tlic^only haruilces and’tili'octivc Nerve Food known wiiicb leaves no after-effects, and is without stimu lant or alcohol. It is a delicious be . 11-if.t '" u - positht ly rt.over Coach Item Moutguuiery to Murldiau, making only one onangu i^nun and Now »us rjXDilustiou, do- | to Yickdburg and Shreveport. Trains 60 and 61 connect aft Chehaw withTus* 6tr-»v thirst for a'coliolio drinks kegue Rnilroad. CHA8 H CROMWELL, Qen’l Pass Agent, OEClIi GABBETT, General Manager. dtf *Ucb meir\)fr, and Thibprrnet y if favor of J K Appltr. v l.;ch ?.h.« i am it wi-• be 8. Id tul jc a;^ uw«w UiwJbl'o, iAorill. lvsloro the appetite, cure Dyspep sia, give refreshing sleep and im mediate relief to any trouble arising from nervousness. A single l ott.e will prove its virtue. Manufactured by MOXIE COM PANY, AtUnta, Ga. For sale by Johu P Turner & Fro, and G k. Fnulford, City Drug Store, Colum bus, Ga._^uO cents out it bottle. uplB rl> ext rU ml ILLS A Remedy for all Diseases of the Liver. Kfd- Ineyi, Stomaeli and Bowels. A positive cure for Ilyspepaia, Slefe Headnehe, _ Constipation. Dose, one to tw8 tcaspoonfuls. chard Salts in sealed packapes at 10 and ii cti. Vo genuine Halts uuld in bulk*. * “ Prop’rs. SIMON N. JONEt Manner, LuilAylllr, Ky.'j mkit tCHidk w6m OLD MILL PURE OLD R¥£ Til.6 wlil-ky was o*i - '..illy - th«. ;,n ;' p,-. r : „. tli' 1 lirfultp't of j!h vno-t ji111eiiv#ji| pro ,r v ^ od if rail 4. i < until Lil'v u -it.ii»-.f},'* urou, tmm fonniy in wareli j.i«tly < ( k-i rnM-i. .. s t ami imilc-nn quality. For -oilami <V, by tin- a.'i-ut, T. M. l-'OI.M\ . i n„. r!l n, Our iuth Street aud 1st Avenue, Columb roh25 i, cl »,-A. COLUMBUS 5 JESTER* R, R. r\lt aud »?t«: 8ncdyy* L Jfay yJ f>ti this road will o* rnn sr follows! i<0, viRfcjiiCo'nirbuc Ooiumbnr Gta*a Oi»«liks. MM , rim Oolumbua, Leave Ocluirbua. Arrive Opelika.... dJTive at Qoodwstor, !..eaveGood R'ator, Arrive Opelika Arrive Oolumbus NO 7 Leave Coln’r pvia. Arrive Opelika, i 64 p If The Light truino are dfarcattaua 1 fer the- presea A FLglVgLLlh.OenM h!ar,&<,•■ Cointo aM iiliwia Offick tip.KXB.Ai. Manager, Columbus,Ua,, April u, 1 m, O N and altar BuLasy, April 11, 1886, ttl sohsculsol Mai! Train will b« a, lu >WB i No 1—Going No/th Hally, l,*ftvl* Coiumbti6_„^„„..,2 2't p —i Arrive a; Oitipiey 4 3a d tt Arrive at Gre»nvlli,_ 5 42 p ir No i—Coaling SiMltli Dally. n«uvo Ureenvlile 7 0ua m Atrlveat Chiploy.„.._ 8 05a ri Arrive nt 1013 a u No 8— Fralght anfi AooommoUatlon. l.eave Colnuibna 5 5.5 a m Arrive a: Ohlpley 9 28 a iro Arrive atOraonvll ie.. _„ 05 a ri No 4— Freight and Aooommodatlon, Yiftve Greenville 1 gi p -- Arrive al Chlpley ... s ue p » Arrive at Colninbns 5 r6 p 13 W L CI.AHK, Gen’) Manager, !{* C 8 HOWARD, tinu’i Xlevel AgU. '•S34 aly UlLEH&l^RQ R.H C0, Column,, Oa., Mar 2, lit AHU Aiprun THia dati tbahSb V1 1 t-T rua »* follow* 1 Mtil Triifit NOo 1—9oing West (dhUf) Leave Union Depot, Oolumbne. Lesve Broad Street Depot. Columbus., •irrivesh Hnioafeprlngs... Leave Union.‘tpringe., Ajrfve ax Tror Arrive it Alonigotr Arrive at Fnfaula— * MAIL TWAIN NO 2 (Daily), Leave Montgomery 7;40 a » I,**** Tror. 7:25 * n Arrive at Ur.ior. Siiiugu y;iu a ii Ti<>ave Union 3yrlago.,9;2. r >ti a Arrive at Kufau]o.„.««*.^. r rirrf ,„ r ...Tn:-y> u ai Arrive at ColninbcH.-.^. 12:31 i>» NIGHT FREIGHT A ACtOMiiODATION fDally Except 8uuda>'), Leave OoJ umbus Union Depot H-.4( v Leave Colnmbus Bread Street Depol... ,5:5ii t n 1 Arrive at Ur. Dm Springs.....,, .. *j:1' p& Arrive Kufaala... p in Anive Montgomery ^*.. l 2 i0axi NIGHT FREIGHT A ACX'OMMODATIOI> (Dally Except Sunday) Leave Muntgunurr , 3 30 p it Arrive l oion Springn-.^, ■ rT -, r - 6 .0 p rr. Lciuvfc Union bprlngu ; '5p.*;. Arrive at(JolmnbaH..^,..„ w ..„^^..., w . M ^^io &4 p in WAY FREIGHT A ACCOMMODATION Afo 5 (Daily Except Bunday) LoavoOol.nmbtn Union repot..., . 4:;V. a X Leave L'oinmFor Br »adasrset Deyot,..^ 3:05 a it Arrive at Union Sprlngg...^^..^....^,*. 9:03 a w Leave Union. Springs *...10:3.’ s w Anive at Ttov 12:3c. p m Arrive at Kufanla w WAY FREIGHT A ACCOMMODATION No b ( Except. Qonday) Leave Troy...^. , 4:06 n> & arrive wt Un^on Bprlnfs^^..^,.^ 6:id r* n» Arrive at a:C0 a ;m Leave Unf r S.vrfn.v? fi:55 a at ArriTo a r ILoaa Depot,Coirmbm lns52 a nt Arrive at Union D^poi. Oolnmbno^.^ a .» W. L. OLAItK.Sup’t- Am now receiving Ike fines5 StiTisvborries, and bLuli keep (Fern all the season, PICNIC PARTIES, Hole's. Boarding House - and Fam ilies will be supplied at short no tice with the cleanest and best flavored berries that come to our market. There is no waste; all are fine, large fruit, free from sand, grit and trash. 100 TO S00 QUAHTS PER DAY. Place your orders now for the days] and quantity wanted and I will deliver them in time. Re member I guarantee the finest and at as low prices as inferior ones are sold for. J. J. WOOD, 138 Broad Street. eofiif G KOIlQIi. MUSCO, SB CCUNTF-WhereM. James M Darla, admlniali a ter of Bobert B Divia, dfceased, reprcBeniB f > iho cenrt in hi* petiticn dnly filed Uia* fce has lull 1 avirulnistereu Bcbort B Davift’i eatati*. . Thla i* therefore, to fife oil puraone ooncercea, heir* and creditors, to ebow ci»v<so» if any they can. why eaid adminlBirdiv-r should not be discharged from his administration and receive letters of ul*« miseionon the tint Monday In ap6oawl2w*Ordinal .v- G KOBGIA, MCSCOUEB COUNTY-Whercai B L Wells, administrator B Wells, dectaaiu, represents to the court in hi* petition only filed, that he has fully administered Jt Weils’ estate* This is therefore to cit“ ail oereens corcerned» heirs and creditors, to show cause, if any they can. why said administrator should not do dbcharged from his said administration and re ceive letters ot diuuloiioe on the flrit Monday July, ISM V il EBOUKS- *2< Mill* _ j<. .Ordto*n.