Columbus daily enquirer-sun. (Columbus, Ga.) 1877-1886, May 08, 1886, Image 7

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DULY ENQUIRER - SUN, COLUMBUS, GEORGIA, SATURDAY MORNING, MAY S, 1886. CURRENT COMMENT. To roHfUV CIJS Plcmr. •Kbr-rK OemnuTCU-l G'ls'td, Ti,6 New York Evening Poet says t v, s i "tlie Biaiut crowd arr r- u j D ed to run their man iu 1388 " Ii , oe8 look a good deal that way, arid ff,, crowd is bo big that republicans -etwrHlly may have to move along ^itb it in order to be in the procea* mod. the perverse planter. ^nunBU* Chrc lols. Por twenty years or more we have written an annual article, about this puiP, advising farmirs to go slow on ,j,(1.01,, plant food crops, live wi tnu fl erustivtS), raise live stock, take care .,i (bt-lr implements, save the grass, c , c eic. All other s 1 uthern editors htve written about the same way ■fiut the majority of farmers, who “, 8 ,j and, in wort's, approve this coiinrel, go right along in the oppo site’ direction. iL j, right for twenty years, iptlujfleid Reputi.ln«r.ifo) Jtftsrson Davis likes his ovation jo well that neie going to keep it up This increases the probability that the old gentleman and fool trieuuo will exhibit themselves in a way to ■provoke northern retort and heat. The meeting at Albany is a sample 0 f what may be expected. It appears nr 1: to have occurred to the 200 gen tit men who gathered In the New York assembly chamber that the old dig fairly encompassed the Mon g rufy festivities. ‘Our beloved country” is. all right, and bus been for these twenty years. GOOD FOR ENGLISHMEN, .rbU'.’e piilr, Rauorii, Un<ter our wretched tariff system English merchant nay establish s-.n agency in this country, storing his merchandise for au indefinite pe rl rd in the bonded warehouses of bis own country, where he la not puu- Ubed for d:ntig business or made to pay axes on stirinkage or w aste. He can sell ids bonded goods lit re and deliverthtm iu fourteen days, taking advantage of the favorable changes n our markets, and obtaining au ob vious bet tflt denied to our mer- chants. England is by her wise pol icy made a great storehouse of the wcrld’a merchandise. Her ware houses art filled, while ours are emp ly, and our trade is choked and be- ..tiled by two-penny legislation. If lire Morrison tariff bill pass's thert will be an end of ihis blundering. THE ALBANY ANTICS. 'A'BffclD* on SWr. Jtftsrson Dtvis’ remarks on his present tour show that he is ss v. roDg-headed as ever; but they are scarcely important enough to be made the subject of resolutions by a aiu-'R meeting held many hundreds ot mites away from the spot where they were uttered. It a rattier mourn ful to learn that 200 adult persons could actually join Id sir ging, “We’ll hang J ft Divis on a sour apple 'ree” tweeny years alter the United States gover: ineni had made up its mind hot to hang Davis on any king F r- tuuately, the Albany gathering will doubtless be accepied at the south with the same good-tempered indif ference i s :hat with which the north frtats the talk of a feible, garrulous old man who has not even a coun try Le can call his own. THOMPSON’S CAREER A Brave Ulrl Who Din Valaiblc War Mervloe, Another chapter of the romantic history of' Frank Thompson,” other wise the woman soldier, has jut,; ci me to light ‘Frank Thompson,” otherwise M si Sarah Emma Ed mends, now Mrs Leelye, eolis ed as a private in company F, Second Michigan infauiry, iu May, 1861 She had, as she says, "no other motive in enlisting lhan love to God and l ve for euflerlng humanity ” She drilled and did all the duties of & sole er, though, on acciunt of hei slight build, see was often detailed for h< pdial duty. Hae w s in the lar ks brr.uirhout the first baule or Sul.' Ran. A'.erws-ds she was de tailed >s mail carrier. "Du ■•ng the-e>ge of Yirktown,” she ta} to u Co \e!tu d Pr si man, "I can -.d the iiiad r-n hors back for the 1 rij :<!e liom Fortress Monroe n the true s in trout ot Yorktow , let tere, paj ers and package- averaging, I think, from two to ihi*?., bo-dx-l- each trip, *b<* o'stai ce ab ut 25 or 3d miles. I- «a? rep m-d tbac . e bushwhackers had murd- red a mim carrier on sfact row and r ibbed ti. mail, and there se-ined to be evident; of the fact, 'or in me most ioneij spot, of all the road the grmnu was “till atf wn wish (rrgm> n's of leiters and papers, over winch T of en pas-e-i when it was so dark that I onl.v <tnrw of it by the rustic of the letter.- untler my horse’s feet While the union treors lay iu front of R e 1 - tnond, il e li .ods frequently carried away the Gnicahomit.y bridge», ami I w as more than once obliged to swim my hone across tl e switt ruo Ding stre-m in going back and forth With the mail, Those cold baths ii lb Chickahnminy river fastened ttie chills and ft ,- er upon me, which eventually drove me (mm (he army, sitting drenched in the saddle for hours, sometimes nil night, shivering by the roadside, watching for the daylight, to pick tny way through the dangerous mudtwles.’’ At her own request "Fiaok Th-mfson” acted as orderly for Geo O M Poe at the b-oOe of Frederick-■ burg. In Mvch, 1SG3, she went witn her company v K ntu. ky. Thert she became dtbilitut.d by ehill.-i amt fever contrscied in the Penin-ul* campaign She applied f. r Rave o' absence, which wa- refused Fearing discovery of her sox, she left itie army lu April, 1863 This action "‘•technically desertion, ride went V Uberiin, O no, and hers wrote her ! iamous book, "The Nurse and Spy,” 1 entire proceeds of rhesus of j wtnch she gave *o soldiers’ aid as^o. i ciauons. In 1866 she wae married to 1 R H Leelye, and she lives now with her husband and children at Fort Scott, Kansas. There is a bill now on the Itor.s i calendar, introduced by Gen Cucch- eon, representative from Michigan, to remove the oharge of desertion from the record of "Frank Thumps sou” and pay to Mrs Leelye the bounty, back pay and allowances due her at the time of her desertion. Au tfl >rt will also be made to secure a pension for her. Will Pnv, For Nn.vclll.-t. Papier maobc r i ftius are the latest. Peas lhe sia • ef a pit’s head were $2 a half peck in New York lea; week. A woman took out her first na'us rs' zation paj ers at Fail Rver last week. Au Italian clair: a to have invent ed u luminous printing ink which will make it possible io read news- papers or books in lhe duik. A red fog settled down on Bloom ington Illinois, Wednesday night. Persons abroad in the ainets were covered with it, and nppeared to be clothed in reu flannel. A dense fog, only a few yards iu breadth, settled down upon one of the w liorves ol New Haven at noon one day lately, and remained in that isolated position for two hours or more, while the tun shone briiiaaily elsewhere in that vicinity. "Ti e Pilgrim’s Progress" has been published in Canton in Chinese cuar- actus, ana illustrated by Chinese art ists. A’l the characters ore Chine -e The scene is Said in Coma, and Apollyon is as fine a specimen of a Chinese dreg' n as one. could wish to see. "Speaking of extravagance in dr si," wriloB a correspondent, “'he most xpensively dressed man I ever saw was an. African chief on the Gold Coast. His wives had anointed him thoroughly with palm oil, and then powdered i -m from head to foot with gold dust.” «CO!~r , K mwius OF FlIUE Cod l!«r Dll ollli UrpoFliMTIiltci In Pulmonary -SboiIods and Scrota- ion Diseases, Dr Ira M Ling, New York, says; ‘T hove prescrtouil Scon’s Emulsion and used it in my tans) -, and am greatly pneased with It. Have found it very serviceable io ecrofu . ua disease* and pulmonary iffocticns.” T'-£Z.ZZ\<Z Trass COXa3=> NEGLECTED , ENDING IN '^PandCONSUHfl^ V// - 'v'..t.l COLDS. EMM ■/ f y W: .s SV CROUP. “Local Iiueliigence” sc-ems tc be ao unnecessary heeodneloi a newspaper, If It is simply ;(.ca., drop the '‘Intelli gence ” If it. is really required knowl edge give credit tor Its origin, Change of climate and water often afieot ,tas actio.': of the bo wels One or two Brandretb’s Pilit, token every night are a perfect remedy In such oases, they ulsc prevent malaria and are r, protection against typhus fever, or diseases arising trom bod sewerage, eodtkw COl’GHS. Jy Mi stwmgM " " ‘ h LhA«b'Mr>.aHZ«EKn CONSUMPTION. OP 1 SUCCESS TBU IS CUE MOTTO, AND EVER HAS BEEN. UPON THIS PRINCIPLE \YE HATE BUILT OUR PROSPEROUS BUSINESS. Don’t be Deceived. By so-called low prices named in boastful advertisements, but see tlio goods 8s they are priced, and be sure you get what you buy. Out' stock was never so complete and goods were never so cheap, All we ask of a discriminating public is an examination of our stock before buying. All say Kiiven's is a good place It. trade. 1.1. KlfiVBN k CO. The L-.nlsviho Courier-Journal re mark).: "The dfmocra'lo parly still lives” This Is oomfortl-g consldei- lug bat paper had a car.didste and a policy (or the party ttiat was cot adopted, NOW, TAKE IN TIKE TAYLOR’S CHEROKEE REMEDY of sra os ai n IMPO RTANT! The most important’event of the season will be the Great Special Sale of SILKS and DRESS GOODS at [The New York Store, Ely’s Cream B.vtm has completely cured me of long standing case of oatsii'h. I have never yet seen Its equal as a erne for colda in the head and headache result,iug from such colds. I. is ■; remedy of sterling merit. — El L CroNtdy, N ishvllle, Tenu. I find E CreRm Balm good tor oa'arrh ot tong standing —M F Lane , 1934 vv "stChostont St., Louisville. Ky, e &w Henry Y,l;ar • writen trom Germany that he t j-tijdo to ioturn to this o.,un try ve y »>oon axci embark It, so ive rsi’roi.d cp.j'atl .ns again, He , ai g to E»s: 8; Louts, »nd have operations t'.s aotivt; as no plea-es ll.u* Suui'Dvrn Stai hrrp«i from ft iroo of tbo iotiK iL.o huiai! Hearns ,routnins a sUm\iP.‘ting hat lo<.tl.-f pblojmi mint;cuujih.nuil ntlnm- Comnjcncing Monday Mornintr, May 3d, and continuing uniil closed. The sale will include our entire- stock of Spring and Sum mer Worsteds, Combination Suit . Embroidered Suits, Etomines, Canvas Cloths, B< urotz. and nil novelties in DRESS GOODS. Also all SPRING AND SUMMER SILKS. The reduction in the price of these goods is made early in the season with a deter mination not to curl} them over. Avail yourselves of this oppor- tunit' to secure bargains in choice new goods. hiV tin*, id tvl «»oj>;r i aline muciuunnoiiR iiriuripM in m« riu 11 oi!i I'liint of tlio eld fields, i-rr*«<?Rts in T ay- .ipIlB, od tu tft‘. :noK EE H EM Mullein the finest km.wn remedy Croup, Whooping Cough and rind palatable, anv ' hild isjilea***” Il he’dot'S not keep it. wo will pay. for one ime <,iil t*. i*y pros-» < bar?*' «• f>ii hu «>- 5i7i* bv.*uh;s to any curt uft’.ie C. ^ . <•■-' receipt of v!.00. WA1-TKU A. TAYLOR, Atlanta, Da IMS The qulckost, time on reiorU 1 Neu- raig a uf the worst t*r# -ured bv one ooseoi SMITH’S BIT.E BE NS ia from one to tour Hours, ue msuy won have tried It cru losttfy, Ii does seem strange that sensible people wit! seff-r wirh thla terrible disease When speedy redo! can suro-.y be found In this sim ple, safe and inexpensive romsciv. 25 cents. For sae by all druggls.s and dealers in mt-dlci e, nr sent a-ywnert- on receipt of price if s amrs "(24 6'!'!*' lm rr*ei»bl« liPrrlrt, Some of ihig.-" s rawbenier sc u a Florida tihvt jtisf been grown upon the truck farm i- Jidge 0>. ; ua, a short d.stance fri m Gai; esviili* l ory arc known s 't.e Gbarl .ndoti vart<- y, iatrtj five or will fid a quad measure - F or’tla letter. DiiMsiv Goods. Inyite afh r.tion t ‘ thp attrtirCvt« p-ic^s hi • hkdi 'lrl- *n ire ‘■p.’lr.p H r '»'.'k ii l-dhR . JT#»r* «i *.X M IN r -Ty,Hi i' or. ,<)•') rm* ::•' npwfti u ' T ’ N ' fron* I . r.’ 1 , ; 'ik: . y- til’KITES fro r n*- .nr.l YKi V|. s fretn 1 i l { ’ : Y I’ M:-v K r S fr.- .i 4 »U • ) •.:> t \pi. i ii* r--*m , j • J iiv 0 •< Al -• ••» fr>. ID .!■' " • .* r '-IN A 17 A Ti VOS fr ,-n t ■■ r • - ' .pnv-l . g tv- L \. j, ' CiTAlN- M MM1* K URTAJN.- I I mc-rit, it Bbow.-’s ! ’r ' equiV- f.'.r lu. ,::!S, CMOS, Ru-t *>. :!: 'y iu o r:-- b sat -i, tn.'s'c ,s TUTT'S Pgg Iha Greatest Medical I •inr./.h of the Age! EYWFTOMS OF A TORPID LIVER. Lo«n of nppetlfCf liowuls cn-it i vf, Ruin in tho head, with a dull sensation in the back part, l'a3n uudor the ehouldf*r» blatiei Fnllncss aft or oatiiiH, with a dis inclination to cxciilnn of body or mind, IrrJfabilifvof? oinpvr, Low spirits, with a feeling- o< fcinvuicr ?:e2'l»»c!rd somr? duty, Weariness, Dizzivc ii. Flultering at :hn Heart, Dots before the cy- n. lleadachn over the right » . • opi • esnursn. with fitful dreams, FT t colcrc.I ? rltie» and COPJSYI7-ATIOW. TTOT’8 PIUS .’f adapted ' to such Ctl3I.Ill; •’ change of fecltn >? as)..• c. Il’.cy Iiu-.rt-ftac tbc A; lit roily to T.l I,-, inr. i'l. -li. • • • nourl-licd, n- .u ) y tlioir 'fl'nii: tho- IHf.rer.UvcGrurtns.ilJ.. ti cjoi..-..), ?•: t-- aa-. 4 t :■* ;u _ j '.. Hi IT’S LAi R,i3T U .;-i iu jyyj Ren vatt '. i .i 'ily. make.- I.eaitiiy desh. Btren^i'.-ns t .f- w.-ak. r- imrs uif wnsies of the syst ‘iii with pare blood ai ; i ( s .*«i fiii.scle; toi.Y- t’i .-* nervous system. Jiivi^ jrates the h-aiLi, ar.d i-r.ports t!;e vip. r of niaiiootL ri, So!T by C T * , :/? , isfs. OFFICE 4-1 iflurray St M New \ <»iK« AN" iQl'KiF t' FliENV ii V • • or v>;r, ;,(t NO r TIN U11 i; * LAC ii ’ U Iii _N T U fi‘ () *1 ' N i DIIT i I Nrf •'• M > IND i'v OK“ tt.h , u . r. r . t.'.c-h . - « Sadl.nltd j” t !*en denlr ,J >.i j, * : • pc s:. 11. ‘.ai: nil d dl (•• k. I o rr< r.p iDta>nop J t‘» - .J. Bonw.v m is 'H srKf.n. ’(xS n wan o.: f y v, fpb2e >\T”n NOTICE TO TAX PAYERS, The Tnx Digest for .State and C- unty Tr.xos is now open at my olllcc on Twelfth stri ct. •I 0 REEDY, spl eoi!w3n R T I t h O f" J^tt<tj|'3 ti '■); t.„. , '■ , "OrtiC Id E H, T E r. 3 L ., G...: f—i. • j " ‘t« < a ... <!,• I »in*S Ot? I- ( JUST RECEIVED: Bdiintifnl New Ginghams, Seersuckers. Satteins, Laces, Gloves, Handkerchiefs, Hosiery. Rara-ols, etc, etc. J. FI. CAEGILL, Agent LU nil’ll? IllfUU Uil, Of CvTov-c TSTo:» K. (EstabllHhod 1?’t4), Cask Crpilsl, • ■ $3.000 000 Cash issats, • • $? 618,116 Insures ngainst ioss or damage by Fire, Lightning and Tornado, at rates guaroiitced as low rs offer ed by any reliable stock company. The Lightning clause will bo in serted in Dwelling policies without extra charge L H. CHIPPELL, WANTED IN COLUMBUS. An enorgotir bnuinei# »oBJHn to so licit and t^kc orders for THE ■ tUAMR <mi«WOLn Pal n*t Ktblri Vuaporllnt Cor • *<«• Thorto rorsets htwo been »'X- tensfvely ad^erdsed and sold hr lady canvaarturH the past ten years, which* v-lih r^ets'lr nuprrls iij lias meat<kl a I arse «t ■ niuud ’or them thr- ui/hoat the United Hta’.ea, one any lady who liiven her tltno and energy to canvassing 'or them can woon Imlld np a pcrnikorot. Ann pr- il«*vM#' f umIiii n*i They are* not hold hy luerchantB. and »e glrr ' *elint «ve rrrrHiiry, thereby girlng the agent entire control of these tor e#M' •« !(' the tmlrorr »Ril«ne<J her, \V« havo a Iatro uunther cf iwjents who are making a j, r 'ii)• I gnceeBB polling Ihcw** goods, am? we «*ohI"u *neh In every town ‘il ln sB, .tt M I* P. 'W<*|.|> »V CO- U2U H’wny, Wpw Y®tk, mnr22w m Pin’s CarminaiiYs, THE BEST MEDICINE ON EARTH FOR CHILDREN- An infallible ‘■pccifc foi Flatu lent Colic, Diarrhoea, Coughs, Teething, Cholera Infantum, Chol era Morbus, and all diseases inci dent. to children Give it a trial. 25 cents per bottle. For 6nle at CITY DRUG STORE. I-bill If NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Will be lot to the lowest bidder, on Saturday, the 8th day of May, 1886, in front of the court house, Columbus, Ga, between the hours of 10 o’clock a m and 12 m of that day, the building of iron steps in front of the court house in said city of Columbus. Ga : said steps to bo 12 inches in tread, rise 7 l-'2 inches anil length 15 feet ttie hand j railing to be set 14 ti et from center j to center, and to lie of the same ’ pattern as those at ii>e Georgia Home Co, except tha lower cold, which is to lie substi tuted by east u\m. For full speci fications nnd plan of s id steps, call at the Ordinal\ h office, where the B. F. GOLUMAJN, TJ IS! ID E1T&T-A.;s: JZIJ&, I onkr c " uut -- Com ' l£jSDSS3SRJMIW2UftBE8K9!iSik!iBJ&in(if'SiEIBiIinCMil2HK£B!MtEav: AND LBALER IN Rateut Metalic Caskets, Wood Cases and Caskets, Children’s Gloss White Cases and Caskets, Children's Gloss White Metalic Caskets, BUEJtAL R0EE8, ALL PRICES FROM *1.50 UP, Persona! attention given all orders, 'jt'v'-f e kt 4 i'ti t few i-' i,| '.i'in!n, g;hu>.''.V- Frintinir fiffi'e missioners, F M BROOKS. ('lerk Com’r’s Court, April 7, ISMi. 2tawtd vmwrwar.a'if 1 .r r»y—<r-rvr-. w-.--.v v-t - »rA*aRTq.yvw« 'T0jiAX*~.~\mnncrtji XOv*A t - oo^bs mmm Y'ftlU'*.' la Up T -W-. Far 8 I •; C V \j Proper iy :f'jir.hjp \m\ L\| ip | I i *.i ili !iJ a\l Ii v ui iiy 1 •.* tU | i ; OJK b X QH A. IS G fc». : e-I ' (lm I -VI Iii ? II OF CITY OF CO . Ol«>,VUlj Ijroul.! ..lid ytlh/U ir-JH',1- • . ■ • r '.’DiiMrfe' 1 lBnd« ttUiier h ivv!K A. dCA-imu nr Klcrlda. ?U ,<> U V * »• t * : « , J. ■. . ( A > '.“'rot v: t-.v:*)' •y.l/. • : F ria lu KUa’aU nouniy, l-.ilt-r !?rr-. 1 (Anted lu H ycBT for t i p;*ce in h Kood flv»j ro’)ir ; w; . 1 •»• s i ont-buuuinifp, 81 1*8 7 . ■ viul ’ mtiyri-d CELEIIRATQ) V /'V- \\ 1 tf R fe ii. l rai riy -IIe u r v ^ $0,570, Vt 11 M'.w At,300. • M. ! c and nwAi idUiod fur Co* ri LA K ’ Uifi-/S CBAWFOBD •ilcotf *i. Hudsoa, .N. i by DrrgcriM*. jSCGI fi.T t* ?T ft V J» • V I .1 :;vV- A*I V.-erJ n .\*y C 'rCOIglt 0!l« h ,8,>( , o . ■ laid il jr /- i * 1 • :. ck H feel -1. t e ,*r y e; iff Stain ii lot. to wit. Lu Jif i G *or/ a tfucwrj In o i. wlrri^l t: wit: f faid lot ad s rnuniAfr _ . tbvurd Ml tJje uorlb ii •taring ( bn* Sale, e I if Kau-.'l.rt ’-Jilty, G-; rgia, to li -t Tai.atU, iu . u. l*/e o,plt,*| -to f :lE uf tl-e 11-bfrt'Inflt'J-.-o .’.iti.fv-ti 3 fa'u my bftn.U I-/f^vor I oouuty, tlece-fta^l, M B* SHIPP of Jo,opt. y. B ,barl Ju.lioe I.t vv mat, au.l :tr- I J K 11 -lillPP u rnv i ti OLAbtey.I.C kx Centura of W W Shipp, (liowaaetl. p6 oiari# J j IiLltiiJd SheiliT. I apjfiwii tar# iloavlm awarded in 18 1, '5 fit the T'xp f 'f j ilinaa of New Orleans and 1, uisville, m.d the Id» 1 vent.ioas r.x'|m-i!i .u of l.oiaioa. j Tlie snp-ri -city .f Corniinc over horn or wlialeli up has now been demonstrated by-.ver live yocs ixjariente. Jlisn. -e I duralile, n - n I'iiable. more comfi-rtalilu, j ami >n ,-rr /,>•• //I-.;-. | Avoid cb< ?i|. iinitations mad" / t vari ?if ; kinds of cord. ,Y. no are genu11.. ;n 1 -s' ! " Ra. Waiiseh's Cohauxk" i.i prii.'flt ' on insid" uf r-1< • I t ov, r. FOR SALE BV ALL UADi.fG ffiERCUAMTS, WARNER BROTHERS, 353 Broadway, New York C tjk anrt flab* ilM cur out pain. I. if t.,ir- dcufars sell: ^KCR, B. M. WOOLI£Y, IA- D, At luma, i«ii. 65,S WliiieUuil atrteu