Columbus enquirer-sun. (Columbus, Ga.) 1886-1893, May 09, 1886, Image 3
, U'NH. i.N(;rui K P'Knimi \ si'Vi.U M()ii \I vi Soil'll I'li MP sacrifice or a nosle me/* WOMAN. •** n*‘. rs \\n u* **arl\ •• ".I'.-.iw Kn-ls W -II. • • ()jh of tne nobh;*:*t i.un ] ever know." Aunt Maria subl sadly, fnldiny aw iy tlK* ( i»' s)v bad worn to In » I ;• »ih* r-in-1 n\ V funeral, and ihtn coming; sit Reside me and C n\s c my hand. j w as orphaned in jny cdiild|u.i\l. .n i i ■■ mother’s sister had educated nv . i\d c.; . d to me in the pine-.* <»t moih.-r it jhiivl ] 'un, h ri:.i*t«*en years, Uwle Ro* f-rt.niy f' l,» ,» it*r. had written 'u nn ;ii’ten v.i.* (r,r i'.iirt village, and paid us hr!-f ’ ( .,n few year,. Hut f :-ad bn ,wr. j. • i iltih when thai l.;M visit c.v.d b r.t; ( ]•: v I’pneiunonia which it v [ . .\-w • ’ i.Miea r in nv'wT we saw :\ ing at the nver htiiK w the fo*u of Irdcn. <\> t. in.i '-p, j- n,.Hr.'s \» ive in ‘hr h ■</ h i, I*n ing 1 . because • ‘Mir word 1, ua -.d. And J«n 1 laela. r in dm,ih. rifem u.WmM' Ob. >u so long. J tried ’ : wt\ t fur a kind \m< la : i . • la« 1 was a sndn w I*. 1 M ‘ • •. . Hr 1 know she Aunt Mari ‘a story. fli v “Wln u your nuilher was hu: siviohen ( vv hither died, leaving uui*pr r w:tyb: the if iiis partner, your Or.,;.' • :t • • * r • g- dim The drill was a wealthy one. and, Undo Robert and your father. K.ayi n.nd Ogden, were with Hum in business. *•1 was ten and my sister's senior, m i Robert Ogden was as many yens older than his brother, As was hut n dural, the families were very ini illicit-.. and when Ki be and I came to this quiet, country vil lage to live, our guardian and sons were our frequent guests. Our mother presided over t he household,and for sever..1 months there was no break in the happy though uneventful life we led. “Then the first of a series of (.alamiti j? 1 befell us. Raymond Ogden disgraced his 1 father's name by being out* of a ['arty of j men arrested in a gambling house. T do ■ not wish to shake your father s memory, j and I believe the youthful wrong was sin-’ ccrely repented and atoned for in later life, but the fact remains the sane. His father, a stern man of strict integrity, who ’ abhorred all games ot cords direct inven tions of the father of evn, gave Ids son , warning that a second oik use of Ihia kind , would cost him his inheritance and his 1 home. “I do not know the particulars of that second offense. Raymond said it w;i* only a payment of debts of honor led months before: but a second offense chore, was, and Mr. Ogden tamed Ms x.m front; his house with a sufficient .-uni uuimms to start in business for hims.,11. “Eilie grieved sorely, a id I began then • to suspect, that Raymond had won her love; but we never spoke of that, and mother never said she object;>d to ft!-- j..t- ter-i passed betw-en lii-y.noiid and' my sister. I think she was sorry for the handsome, impulsive boy who nad been almost like a son to i.ev since hi*. \e y in- faucy, and that Hie looked, upon both the young folks ar nieie < lbidr« n. “But your Uncle Robert even the began, to hml Elbe’s sweet haa, tin* fair. st in iho w<:i‘l(1, her clear \uKe the j'/mst musical. : tjii fm CIV lovely sw..ft yr.mig si^tu’. and l.‘ litM.. oyer 30, and heart-whole, till she fill ed his idea of gentle wo nannood. “He was all that a man should wish to be—-child, all! Noble in ev* ry impulse, bip.v , true, a Christian in the hfg.'*e-.t sense, ageiitleiria:. in every '.void m. : ac- ' tion. Not so liancso 1 nt: as Raymond, gravel and more reserved, but a man to honor. And in J lie did n speed, pint, did re alise tl.ot he was a man «*f a thousand, hut she did not love him. It was* k* strange? Robert Ogden, los ing with all the pure, noble strength of his heart, and such love, , faiting upon an irresponsive heart, that could look calmly upon, him and bring , only a respectful esteem to meet his devo tion. “But tin re was r»o though. I of all these, heart-histories until Mr. <»•»•, «-n died sud- 1 His \yill was in Robert s handa, I and the day after the funeral, before it was opened he came lo our cot Luge and had a long interview with mother. \W knew then for the first time that my father had left a letter of trusi in his partner’s nanus requesting Elbe, w hen she came of age to Robert < >gden. “The love of the young merchant had been revealed to our father before hia death but, by it until slu was old enough to un derstand bis own requrst Elbe was to know nothing of the jm-anij.g of the love he of fered her. “Tins was one letter, and Mr. Ogden’s, will strengthen commands. Robert was left to inherit all Uk property but irb.'wxi left to Raymond: and his father beg ged him to win Ellie for his wife, and comply with bis father’** request. I think, dear, your grandfather wished to keep our patrimony in the firm, that had existed ’ through three generatirms, and Ellie, as Robert’s wife, should have the same inter ests. ‘ She was but a child at 20, and she sin- cert ly liked Robert. Do not blame her that she mistook this quiet esteem for the affection her-lover craved, and con.?t ntvd to lie his wife. All the preparations for the wedding went forward for a year. We did the sewing at home—mother and 1 Pitching a* tire dainty linen ami cambric, embroidering and ruffling, and filling a great closet with our finest needlework. “Raymond had vanished after his fath er’s death, h aving ^ven the pitiful b g.icy and we knew nothing of hi- whereabouts. Elbe sorrowed, as if a brother wandered in disgrace and poverty, the sre»vt of her own heart even then a sealed book to her self. “Robert was a most devoted lover, with that rare delicacy of wooing that never startled Ellie by buisis of eloquence or any sudden spasms of lov<-n< that enuid contribute to cry thoughtful attention • Word was offered so gvntl that he never startled tlie \ ) v <*oed so fondly and vc h*vc to thr cottage iii.s ow n low “There was no infbienc<. your mother. It was hu throughout and we did 1 error. It was but natural she should be Mu- and reticent, and slu was qiti' t and ru. s-.ed t he tic* j,;u. e and it ;*-Aeg down ii» .1 lit of •The.1 Robert reh ised me and w.dked quii.tly into the arbor. •Ra.Vinond.’ he said, in hi*, grave voice. ‘wh ( > Lnivt' you hidden from me?' “ Why does a beggar bide from the mil lionaire spending hi; ii.ln rii.ineeV' “You .are no beggar. Raymond. Your folher’s Vv iii was ivurned a.* soon as the leg acies that vwre entrusted to me were paid. Your half of his estate lies in your manu al. the. banker’s. i have advertised l'or yon.’ “T have seen the advertisineent. I kept away because—and Raymond’s voiw fal tered—“I loved your promised wife. » am not altogether a* scoundrel, Robert. I kept aw ay while 1 believed Ellie loved you, VIj*•’ 1 have been nearer offerer than she ever snppo.-ed. But to-day I saw her from the river, sitting here so listless, so unlike a happy bride, that the temptation to probe her heart was irresistible. Robert, marry her if you will, her heart i* mine.’ “ Ellie!' the grave voice asked, ‘dots 1113’ brother speak the truth?’ “'flic eh ar, searching eyes rested mourn fully upon t he llushed, downcast face, but EliiV lifted it bravely. “•I never meant to deceive you, Robert, Sim said softly. ‘I thought I loved you un til Raymond came.’ • * And now “Ilis lone was bitter and his face like that of a ma,i lacing death. “ - I will be faithful to you,’ Ellie said, •and T will try to forget.’ • * fry to forget? Child! child! will any mfti: take to Lis heart a wife trying to for get! Ih.aven fobid I should so wrong you or my .elf. Raymond, you have won what i would give my live to possess. May God “He was gone before we could speak,and for ten years we never looked again upon Robert Ogden\*i face. Raymond found his jioni'.u, a.- li- had bi-en told be would, but it w.i * a y^-.'.r later before Ellie bteame his w i!'. . E\.rv maidenly impulse cried out ag-dusi any haste iu the wedding and they wi if. abroad for three years. “But Robert raver looked again upon 1 llu until he came to a funeral where in.--fair young lace rested against the enf- lin pidt w«. I stood ’oeside him while he cut « of the golden curls from the clus ters around the still white face, and press ed hi.- ) I j »s to the one that had exiled him for ten long v ears. “Yesterday when I put flowers on your Un .le Robert’s breast. I saw a lino gold chain around his neck. I)o not blame me that 1 drew it out to see what rested upon hi-'heart, and tounda locket enclosing the lock of golden Lair he cut from Elbe's head when she lay in her coffin fifteen There was a long silence in the room, and my aunt then arose srtftly and with- diew. Bui never again was lifted from her gri,lie. disfigured face the shadow that fell there when she looked for the last time upon the face of my IJnole Robert. Vr ii.d C:.n ItM.ks I*o> What can bonks do for us? Dr. John son, the least pedantic of men, put the whole matter into a nutshell <acoeoanut shell, if you will—heaven forbid that I should seek to compress the great doctor within any narrower limits than my meta phor requires', whin he wrote that a book 1 should teach us either to enjoy life or to . endure it. “Give us enjoyment!*’ “Teach us endurance!" Hearken to the ceaseless demand and the perpetual prayer of an ever unsatisfied and an always suffe ring humanity! Ilovv is a hook to answer the ceaseless demand? Self-forgotfulni ss is of tlie essence of enjoyment, and the author who would confer pleasure must possess the. art or know the trick of destroying for the time the reader’s own personality. Undoubtedly the easiest way of doing this is by the creation of a host of rival per sonalities—hence the number and popu larity of novels. Whenever a novelist fails, his bool: is said to flag; that is, the reader suddenly as in skating comes’ bump down upon his own personality, arid curses the unskillful author. No lack of characters and continual motion is tin easiest recipe fur a novel, which, like .1 beggar, should a 1 wavs lie kept “moving on." Nobody knew this l.ettoi than Kieidirg. whose novels, like most g« <«1 ores, are full of inn-. Macmillan's Mega- 1 i n k \ ! rui: nr 1 n \ 1. ting. Every act r [nippiness, ev- every courteous ly. so tenderly, young heart he 1 tv time he came wn mistake suspect the •ranee <>1 the night, nl. a b-t ih light: yum tr heart’s her lover's ca * it tie re.q compi,-,ion i. Jewels In- ,,-. lv lh-Wits forth apathy vvl. - . |' / <•., •' I y Vr Yi ■ I; , >* y; , : A \ V» r II: 0 i' tiff a « i, vh’/i: ooo. a >:> biOii inpo 1 f> ib il!cu:(llk'& uu! n pfjiWqJ 1 *• .5. *w*»ores ill |n*o|Mirli«n r'iK 'pTffPlV I KM (>v 'IT.' N t !l; K. ' tlufc; i 1 U l •■! f 'J ■ ’ ! ,! Oe »M| AMERICAN INDIAN. Tlio old tui ' 1 Vi t .1 "f tin ii« been a SOei'.ilnir i')i;toii-i. T: 1 • i\v unis - hlcoi r coil liver on for ' «o • 1:1 union. Viiv;.y’s '.her- Louisiara Slat*. Lottery Comp y. ■ I*’ tl>> ‘i . ’’I/ tii'il ir< s u}n , r<'it<P tin’ nr- , .•>. /• ,,/,■ • - 1 >ui t: M iiit>■ Ifi mid (juni'torl)/ /I.-Vfi/* Ii'l-I I'll, I.II i-simin dt'itr l.oftoi7/ Cnm- 1 in 11 ii, II" I 01 I'iison .Itmunir mi l control the I'nn'.n , • U 1 'ns. i,ri! ,‘hitl Ihi .smm (trr con* ■hi •t‘ , d mill !"H,'ii' riii 'ix, mid In good faith hn -.i.d nl' /’ii 'ti< . nnd ire million*' Ihi Conijxniy to nsi \i<, ‘.vfyo it’, ndli fnc-smilcn of oin ni(J- • (Jons 1 if;. C ri'iip L XS1TI —1 " til’ /, t/'' / r.« i u _ .. ■... r P /DV'/'P j : o p t i. 5 j,,y iUj: '■! I ? i i j !• ®* 5 '- M Q X i £ C 0 MP A NY. A t antn, G a. MB ■ • -tol NEW HOLLANDER AV. Australia) M’he 1 Id pri.Ji* 1»o«»1 In >’ in jli-. Taylor i f ... "ifft coivriF-AJisrir, still llroadu u,t, >eu YnrU. Dr. C. TERRY, Agent, Columbus, Ga. n:h.! dly Ore ... . tlucing (Ii , ]ftl-“j tlit* chil-1 to throw o*l 0.1* in <Toni»uiwl wlmopinK o*-uu!i. wiilitho lieulnu; n .leiiauin-ms mullein plant < f the old In-ids, J.Oll’M l - If 1.IIOK :KHi:.M!-.I)V 01 Ml M 1 1.1.1:1 n 1 li«* lines! know n r« im*d\ for CotiLffn, Croup. Wlioopimr Conuh ami Consumption; iiml >0 paluiiihlo. unv child Is pleased to take It, AsiC vour driirOtist. for it. :V)u. and P.oj -t/es. If ho does not keep it. we will pay.for one time only, express charcfes or inru<* .-dvr bottles to any pur t of tin- L'. s.,oli receipt offrlav. WALTER X. TAYLOR, Atlanta, Ga O^T EARTH IS STJEJECT TO ■ StSTk ClilSdreti to CROUP 4 WHQDPiNS COUGH, and should keep at hand that Invaluable Remedy, TAYLOR’S } T ive Co'd and Two Silver nwanlcd in 1 s•<.'> nt l)n; Ex[osUion9 o: Nr:w Orlciins (in.I I.nuifvilli’, mid llm In ventions Kxi'n.ailion of L( The aupcrioriiy < f Condim: over Jioni or vvhai► >m• ims now !>e«n demonsirnted by over rive yefniT oxpcritnoc. It. is more durable, more pliable, more comfortable, and Hiucr .lrr>ulc). Avoid cheap imitations made of vurioia kinu-i of cord. None are j>eimine linies “In:. Waksbr’b’ 1 in prinlo on inaiile of steel cover. FDR SALE EV ALL LEA0IR6 ftHERGMANfit, WARNER BROTHERS, 353 Broadway, New York CitJ TOOMBS CRAWFORD. Real Estate Agent. •*» .\nill: Mi'nad Sliv: I. ill'ill. »i mmiihkhmei'H. .B. O'J at; l.«. >*lt k . I'nn*. in. Nnfl ttiuili. .1. H . It. 3 H.CtVU T C3 P»rc*.. Stale '%--«{*! II k. t fct ^ f fv\1 F '•.. )»»•<-. >.c>. 7i.ll! (tank. In-..11*. .*« d in ' .i •* t. i J M .tr.*. by the lA-gisla- .... I n. -d ■ .If < Imbt. 1 '• 1 i.rpeM'- - / /.. *././»/ » ■//; •« - rohd ml nr ’ endowed by If M \ l i: -*( \ l.l.S (>1! I'OSTPONKS. 11^ (rriaiil Sin;, u* Nimh?m*ii- 3»»•»i (>«{»«• |i5*n <• >lutrl Ii 13 . ;m ! tin l \t i:i*'n ry l Miiwinv-. i«■ lvm1:11 ly cvi r> time in*.ntb->, l‘* 'i, nun.a 1 ! . *-In I' t*.tbit. beginning .March, i Mali, * SI*M.\iHI» OITOKTI "*l'( V TO WIN A IclIiTI NK. l-’l |.~rn I.H'.NII DHAW- I Mi. t I. v-s I.. IN I Hi: Ar AilK.MY <H' MI'MC, ni:\v (iiMr.ANN rn;sii.\Y. *11.1 nsii ? iss! lUgiS M-mtlil.' Drawing. 4 trim BDfi/.i; mt.i.immi. Itlll.lMlu IicIiHh ill l iic Mol In i s l!nell. I'nii'l ion** in b'MIlnsin proporl ion. list «»r fiuzi'.s. 1 CAPITA I. PUI/.K $7R,000 1 11• > (h. 25,000 \ do do 10.000 2 PR1/KS < )V fthKiO 12,000 6 dn 2iHM) 10.000 It) (In moil 10.000 •20 dn ,00 10,000 100 (In 200 20,000 :ioo dn mo no.000 (In .,0 25,000 ,1000 do 25 25.000 AITHOXI.MATION PKIZKS. , 0 Appr*•Mio it i**11 Pri/c.s of 5750 0,750 0 \ inn Prizes nf 500 4.500 | *.» ppn•xiinatimi I’ri/esof 2.40 2,250 10(57 Prizes, nni.e.mtiiiK to $265,500 ■ Application for rates to clubs should be made nnl\ tn the < Mliei ofUn.( oinpun> in New Orleans. rbr 'bitIn r infnvm.itinn v*nle eleatlv. giving full .uldres*.. 1-OSl U. VH’I.S. Kxpress Mnnet ( uders. or New V» rU Bxcluinge in ordi nary'let ter. rtmcnoY be Kxpress at our ex pense addressed >1. %. MAI 1*111*. >n» Orl. tuiH, La. m- M. a. m \ i rm \. Vi u-ihiiia Ion. I*. C. Kidic I*. <>. *tuirn Orders pn> nlile ! nnd addre'ei Itruisti red hellers to \ \ \\ OKU % NS N A HON \ I. HA Mi . jipll-ued sc\”.5t >'e» Orleans, l,a. W. S. G-IRCEIEISr, RRAI, KsTATK A UK XT. rolt SAI.K I v.'.5')d. N( v llv‘‘*)i*(.pi lInline on lower Bioad hall acre l‘ t. Ver;. h sirable b-.ine. $i:5u. I'iii<•(•■ r>mui II*nt,*,i mid iwnnoom kitch en nn 1 i; -1 a*. n!ii.e. one bl «e‘; beinw M. A: (J. li. li f-iz.e nf lot, 15 t.-.-t »mnt bv M7 back. In very d.-siM.ble r e tliiy. .■fsoo. Tlirei-n.mii bouse and full <)tmi1ei-ticro lut Oil |. wn! .Jack -ml St *■(•*,. vimu ! i\i• t I us.*-, ami 1 . acre lot mi Inwci Melnt..:*!) sc. . • l(. nt*- i c ]i, per cent, on ,»n« c. i l'.M r.Pi',!. i\|l TOBACCOS ii i I 1m. i tli. . it’ll..* teiideuth be merit in these good*., or th. ri(-u- i’obaceos Imi dled l>v the did -rei.t de .k in tied line. !•'t»r i licit partieiilai pleasnnt tas»“ an I llnvoi :.i •; n *rt 1. nf W. •• ■ in mib-nr.d On ■ a, ! i ■ • i! s i. T . Uo.e : , fnr ! i :nmi I- iii'ii I, phn-e'b.d roil till'12 per cent, on fj'iKi. I ..1.1 ic-.v I *• us< * pniu Sv. iIVs miffs that r« i t Ibr 1 i «»• •••,.t. n„ p.iee. *•: I. It,'ll > i :■:;<! nn sinith < )j»lc* horpe " 07 .. U N Oiive'i '*.! Home n|. h-Wt-r Knisytll *7e: o,.e'.c n ••i ii’.ii*! Mnd’nor hnuses in Cil ia d ff, "i* ! i Vi : j.ei i • nib. #7'»'i J nui-r.-npi |, u*i mi in lth Jackson •i <_•< l. lien: - ,>• ,*« i :n i ih. $s7o(t l ull! Hn - n: pmw nevilh Kents for f 10 |, • l.'lnli I,. flOiib. .V u M*-r.i'i,n I 1 n.-e .'l lippc* Mellltosh \\. s. rc i i v. J'« »ii K*.!ale Agent. CAUCASIAN. Tn there am - - im in :t t is wlait till prudent men usk Lef-ret. !dms liold "f any m weiiter- prlse. Tnvlnr’s ('ll- IM n-; r. i.icily of Sweet Rum and Mullein has umu Pi it and t!.*- fhn <t ht i uiiilut iuic priin*tp!(» kunv. u. it cures Coughs* Colds amt Con&umpi ion. Louisville, Kj Cures all forms of PRIVATE, CHRONIC and SEXUAL DIS EASES. Spornmtorrhoa and Im potency, !!lU IlLfiLHi JXTTG- GOODS! Fashion Plales, Valuable Real [state FOR EXCHANGE. <1TJH it I "•V’.vJCT '’TJiLC bCCCJ: I-., •• ., r • i, n i:-.o- ei: In a in (leorgiu, itv Rea! Delate to SYPHILIS i Gonorrhea, PRIVATE COUNSELOR ADVERTISERS Can Lam the exact cest cf c.::~ r preoex... 1 line cf PIECE GOODS! Suits Made to Order, CLOTHING! mb. »r«». A hi., with 11 un* boro, Ala. TOOMBS CRAWFORD, r; a I 1> I • fl'. .\| .r.NT, 15 North Proud Street. G. J. PEACOCK Cloth H*U *r Mini *;« < M . • . ■, i C>- :ra