Newspaper Page Text
Sl'NDAV RXtjlTKEK - SEX: ('i)U'MlU’S. GKO HU I A. SON DAY Moil Nl NO. MAY «.* D"<1.
3 i'*l
tapper will cornu oil at
< •.■ms will bo charged l<
U i prise should receive
< uunt> ISilth-;.
On the 20th of this month u beat meeting will
I v held in Browne\ilJe to c.lcct delegates to the
l 'limy convention which meets June 2d. ’hie
J'.'llowing gentlemen have bo.:i named us suitable
delegates tf> represent beat 10, in which Brown t-
viile in situated, to-wit: .). T. Abney, U. H.
.Smith, J. M. Payne, AY. >S. Lawrence, John Byrd.
Tin* GirMn-o I'use.
Mr Lem Ogle tree reached home late Friday ,
night, he having been released on a bond
]Ii» case being the only one for next week, his
i.'iie tin- piace of me high-standing
have been choking tiie dudes so long.
Hntire.suit", the coat a suck, of small black uj
wnitc, or black and gray check, are to be t
thing in the “parade of well-dresSed males.”
eriiig ' stripes and inconspicuo
Pi uds uolaijj among those who keep up with ;
iashion pr. .•cession, even if it takes u leg !
’ brim, round, high-crown, muv
the newest Derbj hat, It givis tile wearer sou
thing of the appearance ot a foreigner.
Homespun will be material in high favor for | Ifirit
>uiis mr summer wear. The l.ishioimble tailor j Contractors an
"••ll tell you it imiKCH up very stylish and condor- j WL .j! • <■ ca u „ n t p
table. j i s iiH. TimH to mil
While gaiters and “earthquake plaids,*’ too, are
the thing over the Oxford shoes,orlow-cnt patent,
leather. They arc only warranted lor pleasant
Colored shirts and white collars and cuffs, or
reverse, are allected by the “tired” youths,
who wear high hats on the buck of tiieir head and 1 '**• * • Milling- d.- < e., Tliiniliers und «i«afv
totter with huge canes. | line vs,
c junsol and friends asko<i;f 0 r u n continuance, and j L „ LYtYme'Ume^are7,1treduetdYTu‘" 1 ' 20H hvo f T '" eml1 aa *
l' r -iice his release The case will come up at the • 1 , , Thiitcemh, are prepared to do Job AS 01 k and take
* 'wt in?i icit-aw.. on uim u, ' uc u i ,auui side ol the Atlantic by gentlemen who, at the I . , , ,
(.lil term. On yesterday, accompanied by Ins i at ,iiio, u .bk clubs, are recognized as leaders. Commct:. on reasonable terms, and solicit a sliave
Lit her and another friend, he went to Fort Mitch- | Kclb rring ;o coats an authority on men s lash- I °
e'J on one of the morning trains and returned at ion says : “The nattiest garment that has come ' ^’ ron, l )l > Fill!ii'u 1 work and satisfaction guur-
11 o’clock. The object of the visit was to estab- into vogue in recent years is the cutaway, which , antceu in all cases, try us. myd-2w
Lsh some points of evidence. avoids currying urouuu any superfluous tabnc,
a clever compromise between dignity and
1 liurrli A iMimiiicwncuts.
Rev..}. W. Wilson will bold monthly services
at the Baptist church. The church conference
will follow the morning sermon. |
Rev. J, M. Osborne ivill preach at Trinity morn- New York Fashion Exchange,
ing and night. Forenoon sermon will be de- Nuns veiling is fast superseding crape for
signed especially for the young. At night ti c mourning, it isn't because it is much cheaper,
Goe.l Templars and Knights of Labor are invited bt*t because it makes grid and sorrow more coni-
to be present.
Rev. J. B. Cuniniing will preach at Girard M. E
church morning and night. • .. . . , ......
np, crack and split’ at the slightest provocation,
ili,,I u (mod Time. | There is no deformity equal to that of the ex- I
Messrs. M. T. Lynn, John Kinnett and J. J. ! cessive bustle, especially when attached to what
Goins represented Browuville at the Savannah are known as ‘stout little women.”
centennial. They returned Friday, and report Progressive euchre invitations are now sent
having a good time.
For Male.
At reasonable price two i2» Building Lots in a
healthy and most desirable location cf the city,
within one block of the street cars and conven
ient to water and gas supplies.
For particulars apply to
F. Reich a or
my‘2-dlin C. Sc hum m ao.
To-Morrow and Tuesday, !
Picked Up Oo
( Mir scmiid In-iivy shipment
i»f ,M j I i 11 ui\ lini'ds will he
■) 11< lii d dill i: i :j Mu' nil Iv pall
nl I In' i• 11111 i11•_* w M'k. W'f are
I ■'! I ’ 11 i 11 i 11 • • I •! 1 • 111 11 In have a
l>U)er W i in is ill Xe\V
York i \<‘r\ week during sea-
-•in. I «•« 1 iito' as-mvil hy I lie
i:i.il11ii inI,■ nl mil' IUi' iilass
II •! • . \\ r ij|~l I'llrlei! llilll In I>iIV
ii, ijuiiiililii's il' lit* cmi|iI Imy
I a price, (>11r in\ niccs are
I n'i'i , a in I \v i • lii ii I llial lie Inis
■ilcd in pickinu up sniiie
c\! ram diiiai N harpnins hv
ill! \ , 1 io il, larpi' ij muddies.
\\ llilll III sc u i • ■ Ills III c lecei veil
W c prn| ■( ,‘Sc In i 111 • I' hcl I l'L‘
c, , els a I |i iw , r prices I hail
i ii • i \ • r i i i• 11 ,iHi rcii heliire
il: I ills <'d Y. ( )Ii | IH'W ( .ui ills
will lie marked lilily ::■> per
i e| i i !"ss ! ill'll llic nil I prices,
e '.impose In mark W'liill
■•e Inis't Ii II of mir nripimil
slni-k 11 n S', Il In prices M IIII will
, cnrrespnml will) I he new ponds.
We lins e jnslIs i ni m il I lie
1 repuliiI mu lAr lining llic liliest
clii'S nf s\ i«rk linin' here, and
inns we .-h;i!l certainly prove
lo the people I lull W'c call llllllie
Hie li'SS'csl prices. We me.ill
| j n.-i w lint ur say, and llic peo
ple ss'il i Ii ml il mil il I hey will
‘ala the Irniihh' In ins'cslig;11e
llic m.iller nc.\l week.
lirownmillL* Briefs.
Browneville was unusually quiet yesterday.
The merchants are having leisure for an after- j ingly clever and interesting study,
noon nap.
The town was about depopulated yesterday on 1 silk long cloth, and is wider than pongee,
account of the two picnics.
An infant of Mr. Ben Lloyd died on Tuesday. |
A nice shower fell Frida v and a few more of the
fort a hie. i Just arrived—Barrel Pickles und Boston Beans,
Ladies are saying that imported kid gloves are i ft ^ Kojikiit Justice’s, Agent,
hy no means as durable as they used to he, and j eodtf
Cheap second-hand Safe wanted. Apply at
j post office box 261. my5-eod3t
■turn I Ilrirk fer Sale.
Cal) on Jepsou & Andrews. np28-lm
• out on a card on which is the jack, the uce, queen, I
I etc., in clever miniature. Shaker’s Aromatic Diarrhoea Cordial is the most
I The arrangement oi the back hair on the fash- pleasant and safest remedy sold for curing all
j ionable woman’s head nowadays, is an exceed- j bowel affections, such as Diarrhoea, Dysentery,
2<i() Dozen Colpi.h *-
il i 111 i s. 4 I mi! Ics in mu
all !<,r 25c, every b* 11io u
k'lvnt oilin'.
I ’ •!'■
I il i.N
100 HoIk'S, only limilcd
(jUiinlily, same n> sold licic-
iolove for 0<)c. (kill early if
you want lo secure ;uiv.
Beautiful Persian Lawns
AOOO yards at ir»o., regular pric <• JAc.
AOou yards at 20c., regular prio* din .
5000 yards at 25c. ami -10c., regtdai price 35c. and
iidipiiirli'i's I'm'
I'.li I r; 1111 i' Mil'o
iiw’s SI ore.
KK) Pieces celebraled brand i
S. S. Sheer India Linen for i«<i .i
gular 50c. goods, at 15c. anil 20c., worth
Colic, Cholera Morbus, etc. Traveling men will j
A new material oi the pongee variety is called | dial it indispensable, as the change of water so
k long cloth, and is wider than pongee, ! often causes them such troubles. Teething eh il- ! Solll CVCl'Y \V I ICl’C iul' 1*>V*. \' W I \ A* \ r T I VI' ri'l'NS
A pink tullo ball ilress lately made iu Paris fur <lren , |llickly rel ie V ed, anil care-worn n.iithurs I ’ ‘ Vl.imoi.^ W t
a young bride, is tnmnied with silver oats.
same 3orl would be acceptable.
“Squeezable” is wiiat Detroit calls some of the
, woolen materials which will be woru tins sum-
given peace and rest by using the gem of reuie*
dies, Shaker’s Aromatic Diarrhoea Cordial.
Browneville has two brick stores but not a Jew.
Large or small, long or short, whatever style
\Tt'' V 7» ‘ .... you deciue on for a wrap, it must he close fitting. >
n. J. t. Noolcs, ol Kcsaca, Ga., is visiting her exquisite tea gown is of changeable peacock
mother, Mrs. J. AY'. Norris. . biue plush over a silk skirt of reddish tan color.
Sickness is reported to he slightly on the in- j Violet and paie green combine with exquisite 1
Cieime, hut there are not many ■serious cases. I effects in silk lor scarf embroideries und for sin.ill I
T-’ie ice house on .Smnmcigill block reports do- hangings,
Rig a freezing business for several days of the Xow that colors are fully in the market, il is
p.ot »eek. fair to presume tiiai brown will be the most fa- I
-Mrs. Allen aud Mrs. Kelley have been serious- vored color lbr costumes.
V ill, but have taken a turn for the better.
1 or Ureal.
Pcimlifiil Kbmiiiio (lanvn:
Clolbs in liulf linen plaids am
Store IIouso No. 60,oli wusl .-idenf stix-i't. I'l l <,, 'ks. ill 40l' |)L'i' fill'd, glill'is P n ‘-
w occupied by James E. Cargill as a dry goods v,'()]' i i l 7'"d‘
Apply to |
]landsoinc new I)rcss GmsIs
IP st, largest and cheapest st-.c k.
Cheapest all Linen Towel ill lbr.
F.xqiusRe 'fwo-Toucwl Evru Robes at $l.U0, i
r f r ».:»(i goods.
Iiiels of all son*- big ollering-, lo
Am now ree'-iviug the finest Strawberries, aud
shall keep t hem all tile season.
.ore. Possession given Oftube
jyis if Lot-
Ask for “Time and Tide" and "Mas
hey are the most popular in the city
up] J llc-OWlMl.
’ Cigars.
IumI Jacket.
Cherokee Indian A’egetuble Pills are tlie best in
Inc market; single box 15c., two boxes 25c.
T utt s PilL, two boxes 25c.; Smith’s Bile Beans,
t fiv.ttlus 2.5c.; Adcock’s Plasters, two for 25c.;
»-ui miens' Liver ltegiftator, 10c., two jmekages
and everything in the drug line fur half the
h'Ce charged in Columbus. Call at Dr. Mc-
Cutohe.m’s “Lively Drug More,” Lively, Ala.
E’u Mibart) iim Pi i.-ju rily JoitieJ at Ily-
,n ‘‘i* s Gtar—( liunT, si»« in! and Other Nntev.
Girard is not. and can never expect to be a «( Columbus, bn*, when Columbus swarms.
l -> - l >« bound to do, Girard will catch the surplus
P ’I’, and furnish pleasant homes to tlie*
.Suit vests of crinkled Japanese crape arc very
stylish with any silk costume, and may be cither
in white or delicate color.
Cowslips and buucrcups are to the front in
general favor, and with the inclination to cluck
will prove an clleelive addition.
Very small rosary bead buttons are use 1 to
triin und edge jackets that are fastened with
big thit or medium-sized bull buttons.
"Cowboy wraps’’ are what they call the bath-
rubis and (lre&sing-gowns for men. made out of
Mexican and other blankets of Joseph’s coat
KOI A •]# 'I fit! >
SoulL\\ esi mi h
Fred! Ohio
3'J pounds bei
Creamery Butter
t Pearl Grits IL
Mice 61.00. Cusl.
151 M
i Tire I ■
ami nil ini' im\
hi woolcii (niii'irs, jii-l
:ii hy Sul li n lay's ex-
will .'-■ell von (IoIjiiI"'.-
A .t« Is, Bimrdii
•.uppiii<! a! Mu
H i R T 3 !
ill u*, io\v
R.'iin! TripTi
!l who desire t<
1 the highest point of advance,
is I.i mild to dou'.lt during tin n<
mnic for the laboring man the t
tli :il,
‘ubriotis, its water und air pure and h
:<1 3.s educational u.k! i.toval status ttnexcep-
bhablo. Tasty cottages will soon dot all fi-se
’•auntie hills, as its claims are understood and
•predated, it is safe to say that no town in
ntneni Alabama with equal population is so
Awiiitui aud more exempt from crime of all
,|,ts * 'Rah ( .bard.
(’lurch s.,vhddi>.
One wus held at the M. K. fliurch last Tuesday
l ®"*' ’( '"'se who attended say it was a i.leasunt
O enjoyable ail'mr. Il was gotten up by the
{; j- the purjiose of getting the church mem-
4inted with each other, and with the
t ue lltli, gooil to um
tound Trip Tickets.
»e desiring C• attend
ivumion, May 12, 13,
liAfifUSlOA fit V It ;
ini’ih. Mi iin^unm
‘rip Ticl.vts limn ( ••Itm
. ml tiic i ml id in Art :11c
liuiiiai .’1
I I i I ■-J i; 11! till' | H'li'i ‘ I X; i < : !y
iini!.' ;i.m! ilry points .■'ho'is.
)() i-*ii •.'('> ,S-4 Ailn i n 3 Mi
1111: ! 1.1 N i . 5)0 i III'I M'S Will**,
40' IM•!• jiii'cc. i'imiirs. 5:: I
Ii ir iiirn' ni' 4 V nl'tls.
lU'IIS. \\ 11 i I • '
liu no i.o' Ii.
IP' I'D W'i‘11
I iial 1 ■ v owIn uly
, j ii:4 I i'i pic 11
:-!vi"S IIS Hi 11
\ Il !■
1 lit
i ts into \ n» s rs? i.
I t M
\ ft-: ».-11 nit'l i»i'|.m-t
III < 11111 SSI fill ■ ( HIT
III l.H. i l ’t . i J. I -
VI! I' rn ins
id the 111
cket Age
A. AVhitkhxap.
May tins! ti. ■ >1 ti
the iiiuikIi of minimi'
3i i 1 )
4 Vies
I Si il i *
ill IO
■I V will
prices at Ch.n
•to p,
a,n °ng members of the flock. It was a new
ufca 11 Girard, and not a bad one, either.
s.lioiil .Mutters,
le Public schools will continue through the
lot's, and to this end 1
prices £20,000 worth of
iiiviings. it will pay t
sections and trade with Cha
;2U reduced to .f 12. liarl 4 ‘,
cunts each: Cull'" ;15 cents. 1
sacriiice i-j close at •once. L
a line trade. His prices are
Series ( Iiut^dioorii
ItOtiit Assoeiati
public to come Ir«
.ncelior in enj jying
•gb.t; they .-uit tne
i^iilditug and
. , c Hustees held a business meeting last Books of subscription for above series now open
Ul ^ nt ’ at office of Yonge vY: Grimes.
t fev, days ago Mr. E. G. Bennett received a ' Cliff B. Guimes, Sec'y and Treas.
\ote for trustee, he having previously been 1 mv9tf
ot beuctit tlu.-y tliev will be tilled at himIumi.
price. J. H . BilA.MMALL,
AA’atchmak.T, Jew. ler and Optician.
New number, 11IV Broad street west -mU >.
Old number, lu.‘J Broad street (West "31c G«j
lumbus, Ga. feh^ltf
I'rvsli Oranges and Bananas
just received by lPjiiEicr Jutti k,
myodtf Agent,
Low Prices.
Ma I t«
Mail ti
.11:15 p. m,
. s.54 a. m.
. 2: J.s m. m.
Midi train tLrTroy 2:30 p. m.
.Him- •• iiiti«*n torTniy and Eufatila . 1:55 a. m.
Ac •••mill'>dalion for I’nion Springs aud
Montgomery 5:50 p. UJ. {