Newspaper Page Text
;| \M).n 1‘lN^riMKH
**'iirl hnu I -
IIfill ' MilrliK III-
Litooni' evening a group '»!’ youm; *.nt*n
]i ,d tin* smoking room of tin III • 111n• ini
t!;d in thcmsi Ives. They sat in amrel.
r .iihl th< blazing fire, • hatting, laughing,
< mu* another anil bandying j* sts.
At length. during a momentary pause, mu
r r il <• party, who was lounging in an easy
chair with his legs dangling over mu* **f
1 , ms. ami his hat tilting over hi.* '-yes
it• 1 \ liink up a newspaper which wu. at
11.• 11<i. and read out from thi agonyeoh.inn
the r i Mewing advertiseiinnt :
,|.\< k Meit me at the Marl.le Areh lo
in. >v. Tuesday at !) p. m. !l is t In- last
fa OI I shall ever ask. ( mile, it' ymi love
b M/ViU!K,
nleV among
v men turn
isli!" r< turned ,Ja« k ( mister, sipping
Mills at his inn IT-,. ‘Mm hase u.-
herself lung aye. liesides. Maggie
'inn rk* <
“It's a plant, <
r . ’ now ingly.
“I’\e often wunh red/’ added another
n.iM-e ‘-erimn ly, *• u In t her announcements
i ‘ that kind are really genuine or not. I
fancy t hey generally have a veiled signifi-
Cailre. I’ve heen told that they oft» p have
ref. nice to con tom plated burglaries nr t he
dispos'dion of plunder.”
‘ fin re's a spei iid stalfof clerk- at Scot
land Yard who keep a close watch on mys
terious advcrUseiiients and are trained to
translate cyphers,” remarked Jack Can
“Ik-iiecd uninteresting and unprofitable
occupation, I should think,” rejoined the
holder of t he newspaper.
“1 know a man,” said young Ilafdett of
the f luards, “w ho was made a precious fool
by one of those appeals. It was Tom
CY iik. You know 'Tom, Jack?”
“Hold diggings," remarked Jack laconic
“Yes. I'm told lie is lining no good
tin re. This was years ago. before I joined,”
said llaslett, who had only seen some live
years military service. “1 o
„ %1%T was always
in dillieultieH, and an order w;us out against
him for committal of contempt; so lie was
in Hiding at the rooms of a friend of mine.
]le was awful spoons at that time. 1 for
got who the object ol hisatleetion was, hut
slu-would have nothing to say to him.
‘Well, lie was taken in by an advert isonit id
"which In* thought came Iroiu her. With
out saying a word to any one he attended
the appointment and was nabbed.”
“And unite deserved it,” said Jack Can
ister, “for being such an idiot. That is a
Very old dodge.
“1 never said it wasn't, did I?” retorti
the (oiurdsmun. rather nettled, “livery
cue knows t hat Turn was a fool, ami that’s
wliv he came to grief.”
“*l should like to know whether this ad
v* rtisi incut is genuine or not,” said one of
the youngest of the party, possessing him
self of the newspaper. “It would he ratli-
fim to investigate it. I'll go ifany one
‘What’s the good?” growlc d Jack Canis
ter * ontemptiunisly,
Nevcrt heless, a few of t he young men
halt jestingly, half in \rntst, agreed to
accompany t he proposer. and shortly after
wards tlw circle broke up and the friends
Si unrated.
The youngster who had suggested the
I'.I . <lii i.-II was a new ly-elected member of
tin club, w ho, even in his novitiate, had
contrived to establish a reputation for fast-
mss of which he was immensely proud.
He was universally liked on account of his
amiable disposition and his boyish frank
ness, and though he fondly imagined that
lie had attained the dignity of a notorious
man of pleasure, he was really regarded
an honest, foolish young fellow . w ho would
soon sober down inloa respeotalde member
of society.
When the-* next evening arrived young
T lino-ion, who was still detenu i lied to carry
out hU investigation, found that none of
his friends were disposed to fulfill their
promises of accompanying him. Tin ir
cmi w-it.v on tin* subject of the advivtise-
ineut had faded, and they all lailghinglv
mad* excuses. Thurston himself, to tell
the t rut h, was strongly inclined to x ield to
their i xample, hut xx il h churaet* ristie lum-
t sty, he did not like to draw hack from his
own proposal. Besides, it was only a mat
ter oi half an hour, and he had nothing
partieular to do. lie therefore start* d oil
to tlie trysting place alone in a hansom,
and arrived there at exactly the appoint* d
It had been a thoroughly wet day. and
the rain had ceased so recently that the
pavements were still shining, therefore
tin re were very few people about. Thurs
ton lit a cigarette, mentally dt ciding not
to waste more than five minutes, anil then
j'. g.m to look leisurely about him.
As he did so, he became conscious of the
figure of a woman standing close against
tli” railing, watching him intently. Sin*
adv anced straight up to him as his glance
met hers, and accosted him.
As he did so he became conscious of the
figure of a w oman standing close against
tlie railings, watching him intently. She
advanced straight to him as his glance met
In is, and accosted him.
“Are vou .lack?” slu- inquired, abruptly.
“Yes, 1 * replied Thurston, recklessly.
They vyere standing beneath a* street
lamp, the light from which fell upon his
fai e. while hers was in shadow . He could
Se< liowevt r. that she was a young woman
(piietlv and decently dressed. She s**rut* e-
i/eil him fora few minutes in silence, du
ring w hieli Thurston, unable to control his
x bit of blushing, turned uncomfortably
1 v. inst i net ively guessing that 1
dressing some other person.
“Maggie cannot eome.’’ said the young
Woman, short ly. “I am her sisli i- Helen,
follow me.”
'1’hurston, eompletlv taken complete
nb:ti k l»y this peremptory request, ,md
hardly leali/.ing what had happetnd. fol
lowed his companion without a word. He
Was naturally Disconcerted by this turn of
events. He had never designed to person
ate “.laek;’’ his response to t he girl’s qu< s-
tiouhadeonu almost involuntarily to his
lips. But having «>nee done so hi- resolved
to w: it and see \x hat would happen, im-
pyl’t d by an adventurous spirit and the de
sire of having a go* .*k story to relate at the
Inx\‘m a sill, sir
[Ilile e|ea I* to hi
(P eiunro In
• id"
•\ns tint
"*• I v agM'd i
He life (
lit II* VX :
A «nit!
s. Use of *» 11 HIM’ kept ili III silent
At I* ngth his guide turned .••‘■ide into a
m an and fuirrow and stop* d le-foie
o.’i" of the poorest 1ioil- ,, s. At the floor
Tlmr-h n 1 a last desperate e.Tnrt to
unburden himself, but tin girl sihme* <1
him by a *>■•:•* mptorx gi stun .and preceded
him t fi rough a narovx •utnnif* and up a
creaking flight of stairs. Thurston mifu-
mili.irwith tin- ions of th - poof,
forgot his embarrassment in uncomlor .d-
1 • i<• xx «mder and distrust.
\t lb*' top (if the- s» cond flight Hi*:
highest story in fact tie girl l.*id h< r
hand upon lie* liandh of tie *l*»orxvav, ar.d
paused. HI). lifted the candl** which die
eirri< <!. uni g /• d semf••ni/ing at Thuis-
“rMimmf a up y*iur eourr.g**, *
* 1*1 lv. V*‘t W it h .« inoekiug m
idee.’ “lb not afraid.’’
“1 mi i of iIreet “ said, *,ui
Tin girl • omiu* 1* d In: i iul*.
dsernbiv furnished loom, wth
oof. Or,.'- - ml .1 it was no-it,..; ,
A hieli
lier si
I'fl lilt
re lb I
11 O XV l
.‘I. which
trifle moi hid am,
eva I’tIm• 1. ss st rib
The tana
i heat rieal pi rhap* wa- m
iugly beaut it’ul a ml tone!ling.
Hour young Thur-ton u as appalled and
horrified. Ih was but a lad and had never
set n a p*TaUl. 'I’il*- sublime serellilv
of death slei p was ni ver more impiv ssi\«•-
ly manif* st tluin in tin motionless lace < f
t his dead girl. Ib gazed w it h a sort of ter
rified I'asi inat ion, and the spectacle, com
bined wit h the painful shock of smqirise,
made him turn white and faint.
Ilis companion the girl Helen mean
while si«>od gazing at him wi* It an expres
sion of relent less severity. The veins of
her hand, clutched at the curtain, stood
out, blue and livid, and her eyes glared
sp* i chess indigent i< >n.
‘That is why Maggie
■>aid at length, slowly.
ould not conic,”
“She is dead as
I was t<
add* <1
dernly; “this
It is your hist
you meant w hat
The girl :
lltlv led
• g 1 h*
•< i,t: hilt the 1»i*il!
•. .jlod that s!n v. ,
'I’llurston said nothing, luring «»vi reom*
b\ shame and horror at the j. t which In. 1
led to this tragic denonenu nt.
“It xvas by her wish that I brought you
here. She would not l< II me your name
and address, but made me advertise as di
Thurston opened his lips to speak, hut
could not find words to express his
thoughtless frivolity at such a moment.
“She told me to tell you,” continued the
girl, “that she loved you and forgave you.
Your letters are here, next her heart;* she
w ishes tinan to be buried with her.”
‘I h*-girl lovingly laid her hand on her
deud sister’s breast as she sjioke: then in
altered tone .and with a st art bug change of
at i ii ude and manner shcdivw a letter from
her pocket.
■ Xeept this.” sin
s to give back
letter. She (iid uni I
you said in it.”
Thurston's natural impulse was to r* fuse
the letter, hnt the girl pressed it almost
fiercely upon him, and he ca t mod it wiser
at tin moment to take it than t«> * xpl »in.
lb- Hurefbrc hurriedly tiiri t if into hi-;
“That is all,’’said 11..• girl, evidently
controlling herself l*y a grei! ••Il’ort T ii-
less you would like to kis*
“Nm. no," interrupt* d Thurston, in a
w hisper.
“I don't think tin* worse of you f*»r
t hat,” said t lie gir!. dr - > oping l lie curtail.,
wit h an air of reli« f; “of all lips, yours an
m*»l unworthy t( t* ueh her angel face.
But she hade me ask you.”
She turned aside as sin* spoke, and
Thurston began to edge toward the door.
“I promised I would not reproach you.”
saiil the girl, not attempting t*> hinder
him. “Bui U was a cruel, hearlless crime.
\Ye were alone, she and i my baby sister.
Times xv« re bud, and I had to .* avi her for
axvIdle- a little while, 1 thought she xvas
sale, hut you came by \*»u * tine, rich gen
tleman. Y*>u ruthlcsMy plii-*ked my poor
flower and then Hung it aside. Cion tbr-
give you!”
Thurston, xvlu> xvas at heart an honest
young fellow, was easily movd to genuine
emotion. Iniiocei-t as he was ot i his de
plorable atlair, he was nevert heless simple
and pan-minded enough to f- el gem rous
shame a.t the wrong that luui been done.
’1’hls, and. unaifeet’-d sympathy tor the grief
and dt Notation of the elder-aster, earned
Ids blm eyes to grow dim wit ii tears, whieli
t he girl noted.
“She honed you would go to her funer
al.” sh** added in a softer ton**, mentioning
the time and place. * and put some flowers
on her graved'
Thurston bowed his head and left the
room, lb* reached the street inn painful
ly agitated and bewildered *»tate of mind,
and walked blindly back toward clubland.
But he did not return to his club to tell the
the story, instead of that in* turned aside
into I lx de dark, and walked aimlessly and
absent lv west xv urd across the open .-.pace,
haring Tis head to the fresh night breezes.
It is needless to speculate what depth.-* of
the young man’s soul h.»d been stirred by
this tragic episode. It lakes very little
sometimes a falling leaf, a chance word
to suggest serious, and wholesome lvth v-
tions. Thurston's cogitations, whatever
their nature, kept him abroad till far into
the night, ami win n hr returned to his
chambers he suddenly remembered the
letters which the poor girl handed him.
lie had been wondering, in a confused
kind of way. hew he should set about clear
ing his character in tin* eyes of this girl.
Tin recollection of tin's letter Miggvsted
that it might lead to tin* dNeovery of tlu*
real culprit, with whom he could commun
icate. I ie drew the letter from t he envel
ope. and a single glyneeat t he handwriting
sudiced to reveal to him what he vvislu d to
know. Tin handwriting was unmistaka
bly that of M.mgrav** Vernon, the man *■!
all *.th* rs w ho*** career aod reputation he
bad most envied.
The discovery jarred unpleasantly upon
V' liug Tbilisi*.n's feelings. Most piople
Would hav* been less surprised than lu at
stall a lwi lit ion. Mr. Mangrave Yt rnon
was a man of fashion, a man *»f pleasinx
a social butt* rtlx. in fa* t : agre« ai*le. vv itty,
poli<la*d am! * ag* rlx siiught aftei by wom
en and youngsti is. |’,ut tiler** was a seamy
sidi* to ilis e ha racier w hi«h sh»*evvd pel’s*) ns
suspected and knowing oi<*«s had long ag->
found out. H** had treated 'fhi!vst*>n with
i**»nsi*leralion. for the young* fellow xv.i.s
rich and well eouneeted, and, t her* tor**,
th** lad. admiring his da/./ling qualities,
had secretly worshipped him and made
him his idol.
Kv eii in j res* iit rather ** vere mooil
Thurston xvas disposed to u
i use tor his friend s eondue
b* eii • a misuinlerstaiiiling.
could, pr* • I>:t 1 >!x giv
At all
Tluirsi *«
i n i t v
"ty o r t!":■ Co'iiinbuc Ivtai
factu: ii£ .Company,
I- / • iv i (I... r'i!
k ! ■■■•. vi:;.: ..
to be ; ;*• n 11 ►! < —' 11 > i • f ho|
j .< *xv. ! f, as I gat her, x o*
tin* yi.ung ladv
“Slu* is dear!.” i.etcrrii)
t<m sharntv.
•I>',.*i: n sli*.? Well
.or girl
i*». ! * and P*«»M> IkMlippett < nn*>,r
* - oo-.v. 'I OKMl'.n* xvitlr .
^It*' 1>s *»»<• b SHIM l»HH *»•
t!:*' otKalt loteliec* Itiwr. ,lnsi \ j M|< t>
H«<* of ('iiliiinl)iiv
/• rnon. »*nd».*'ivon* g to look eonoern
b hid. manif«^;ly reli*.vi*.i. •That b* ing
so. I »iont mind coni
uiipl* .isant rx ss wit h u In«
riouslv courting a hu
“ 11 **r fun*.t.’ I is to-iuovi-.
tin- v miu'
•i- d?
that, any
l am
. TIi'ii*- 1
> i
to pieturi-.i.M t
.. u .. . .... i*.a e .
t urbani
•«*. Tin’s ,,
red t*: t he *•!«!• > a
toil’s a ' t it 11(1. XV Is * e
N’. inon raHier pro
disci*•)i**n, a.1(1 he *t
of ( -i *j. ' y slinking
out .-••••king io nrolo
Y***mg Tl.'USnit, *,
it I urncii < *ut. sent a not
* i< 1 r• fi tlinu.vind
tii.- .ri:.’*ho> ;ib>i
It* * u* s U «• im* w il* rt tor:
a fid r • •*
hut if::
vile low
.* v fall
**v,” ititorp* **-*jd
: * '*th.
(iid th- v. ■ o'i''.n»i*k dries !
<I:< • v\'**nt 1
i**i is tu
•A lmt Hi- <!<:;.ft-
St- #.i • ! ..**•1 da ion ’a i
0 ’.* *.* r ;.
li \'. -iion n lit
suiip* t .p *• * npi-t in- f>
.s»_*r\ *• d '
b.*>: the
He r j. ii di-.
,,t 11" ii di.i- r - ir ,
' <1. Tlloiv
!■' nil iol- .."11 Wil
• t•■ *i< .11 1- l! 1, !nr i lll-.V ’VI
litlllii . ' II” li' ,
’ !i ,l<y ill -1 dull a ■
.V. ;»..'!
. he s,i• i
•t id oxi i.-i j,.ii.
i r. gi.niuitlls' *!i'J”
l •*!! ; t.: *
- yr i-jnoulal. d
, 1 lino, ir in- ivt
i-.s »»..hi
i liii.kiy.
i - o.„: tli.-rinir • r >1 ,
i. >1 ;*(••. x;
' a't.,' '
i i: -. iii■:">* it’lll sun- .
vvid h u
: * 1 ..
, Vi, i (!,.v After ; ■ .
yd:,;- t
1 i. • T ,
■■ -. 1.; in the r
.1 " ii 1 '
c J" . ..I|(| nj:
.ir. .-nt s'reiil-: .
■ •>; !.< r-
. . vil! i.i
this gciu-i.i:
II. . i.(s S( i |’_
.'•I i,i •'•(■!;i-ig . -..‘i- 1
• *v-l.vjif
g«‘ ! !<d
,!; r ■!,-
. o' Ill .11 -• I l-l- o-.-eo 1.
•ir.* and
' . * !'ltl
II. iko H i....: ■
.1- 1 h. -.Hi If! Il’ i’ll r. 1*
i is tin*! *
.Ml- II’
SOI* Mr. Yen -n
T'n uv.. „ ii
i: i;, 1‘'l\ 11
* .* !d’l'*Pg
a iiulv.
•ir 1 r* ” if us,
!” 1 ■ ! liitt V. 1 lit el
• •(*■ i'*;
‘•uui is*.*
fO i,. (-11; -■ 1 is-
o il ■ 'III n ,.1‘e. i 1. -11 r. t -. t
•' 1 »•* 11i* ]i
.-I xv“*ir
]..r-.1 mi ly ,ii (‘(ir-
1 he til is to III ' l.’jnst ’-.
• : *p. siiii
ri •«• 1 he
11 yining Thui's-
-1; . ■ e’l .’! . n ; in' .ve.,1
. i-> ft;'•(
•*> wild
i.yu’i’i'iiKivi' Mr.
r. ill J- r.e .0,1 !'■ .It-iws
: in r lu* c(
urse «*f
I’rcpnrf*'! wi*’-, rerml to heiiitk.
•*. n.ias li upon
ifdlested it upon t
• d </' 1 he room vx i
g lit • iulerview.
ecssnri: v
stating win r* hr was l*. !»*• .'bund the
day, and adding that
day aftf r lu*
propose*: to It »ve fvngi.ind, possibly for a
long period. Meanwhile, on tin* morrow
lu* was a spiel dor of a sad funeral in a
dreary London cemetery. There w»us**n'.y
mu mourner a poor young girl, who r.p-
•> o| xv hit .* vb ud .n a
•c*. iudie ile siiox*' or
Loads i! 'ik below the
U: v *:ig t *s., i* “i.j'. thev'. rain
s\>. ii. " id if. i:*; the morning,
"\* hanging, pa It brown, s moke-like
loUf'sar* doating fil»*;i:t.
■ (Kirin.
•IK'S. Ii:
peared too much overwhelmed with _*n* f
1«) imf ’ ’ *’
dice him. Young Thurston ling*’red.
in rat her a slianu-f;i«.*ed, embarrassed Way,
among th*- tombstones at u little distance,
until the mourner, at the conclusion of the
short service, looked up at him. Then lu*
came forward and east a wreath, of flow
ers into ’ h**’grave.
“I la lirve my angel was right, and that
y*»u really loved her,” murmured th** p >or
mouriK r, as she passed him. “Thank Hod
for that, at least! Perhaps now
shall learn to forgivi
London Truth.
. 1
■ she wished, ” -
Always remember that you are married
to a man and not a god; de prepared for
Once in a xvh’le let your husband have
til** last word; it will gratify him and be no
particular loss to you.
Do be reasonable; it i-. a great dual to ask
un l»*r some circumstances; reasonable wo
men are rare—be rare.
Anticipate the discovery by your hus
band that you are “only a woman;” if you»* not lie would not core about you.
T«.i littN from iIn l ***u.
Mr. Samuel Ii. iloopman, of Baltimore,
has in his possessif n tw*» winged bats pre-
-•rved in al**ohol which have a reinarka!)le
history. They were found sonn* tinn ago
imh**dded in bituminous coal at Sxvanton
mine, Burton. Allegha ny county, Md., by
Anthony hv* who says they vve-’v teken
by him from a solid lump of coal alive,
ami that they lived nine days after Huy
were release!I. lb-also says timi the im
pression ol tli bais v,as clearly !* nm*d in
tin coal. These stub m* nt** were made hy
the miner in wri'ing to Mr. !-b*(.p.i'
Mi Bees states also that n<* is? *»\ ill*, g to
make affidavit to th** same. He informs
Mr. H' op mao 1 ha* t h**r* w a- no e» evkv »*y
xvbieh tl.e hat's e add have cvpl into*' .'*
e(*al 0**1. and P ;«: plast* r easts of the im
pulsion were* nu’f.c at the time the l.* it.-
xvi*!’** released. I’hese easts Mr. *i'oopr.ian
> t r .••ng to ol-lain Th* siibj«.-m will !**•
le’ougiu I**• for** tin Mar* land Academy of
Sei n*ew **t \vhi'*lt Mr Hoopiuan was for
merly a m* nib r Cases have been from
time co time reported of toads being found
in coal In 1> w here it i-> supposed Huy
vvt-r** imp'-i-oned ibr ages. ’I bis is tin* first
timi Mr. Ihn pman bus ever heard of hats
under ».!.e sane- ciivumstiinees. A s.,n. ::f
Mr. Sii phen S. l.ei , om of the ov. i.* ••
the niin«*. is said to be ..•onverssM t with t he
facts in this ease as: stated ah*»v.». am* to
h<\es<eii th; hats alive and t h**ir impress
'r. the eo.d. which was unfomnt tl**lv per
mitted !)«• broken or disintegrate in the
open air. Baltiinor*. Sim. April J7.
Hemumbcr that servants art* tnade of the
same material us you arc; a little coarser .
grained, perhaps, lmt the same in essen- !
Let x*our husband read the newsnaper at
breakfait table; it is unsociable, nut then 1
it is only a trifle after all, and he likes it.
Bead something in tlie papers besides
fashion notes ami society columns; have ;
some knowledge of what is; going on in
for. ign com tries.
Try am 1 forget yourself; as to your hirs-
bnnrl forget that you married him end re
member that he married you; lie will then
probably do the reverse.
Be i companion t*> your husband if lie is
a wise man; tmi if he "is not, try ami make
him become your companion. his
standard: d ^ not let him lower yours.
Let ' ..ur husband know more than vou
do once in a while; it keeps up his self ro-
sp“et an»i you will be none the wore, for
.*(•' nitting T h *t y-*u are not actually infalli-
id s; j>re|*.iuices, re-
his relations, especially his m.dher—
she is not the h ilis mother because she
is yo,;:* mother in law; site loved him be-
v.*ight of i\n:*i • l
-1: ! f*a* strength
• an-
• to
M y f*
■ t" hear. < • iuither kind.
i infi.’mhics * f mind,
ii- md faltering w 11, and show
o p-.Uh wherein to go.
1 n*-i»>“**ii .• ; *c sphinx.
Jvxtracts ar»- published this evening in
the m w pa pi rs from a letter sent hy M.
Ma-.per * rr..i;i Boul.ik in lvgypt on the **th
inst.. giving an account of the excavations i
which he iue* made round the Sphiiux of
t«hiz*di. A first subscripti<m list voiieeled
here to ait• him in t in* undertaking a.nounis
to l'-’.ss.'f. lie says: “The efiect of tie*
suhserip*ions ha> been great on the minds
of the Lgyptians. Every fact which
A path where I may not mistake
bach >;* n. vvlieiv biieis will not make
My way inipass.dile to Thee;
A path wherein the eye may -;ee.
Where next the wandering feet shall be,
If Tbuu .i*»-*t h*\*r and unswti prayer—
Help me (> Lor*l„myseif to bear.
—Ai we Tuvnov.
IMS <■ OS' I.liT I’B-MbS. I*r i.i'*e has not ceased to lak*
an tutei’i '*. in tii. ir country it* *r**as»-- *i i.*•
inliu*:H*e among l hem. I went t. seethe
Sphinx veMei’day. Tile result is already
hey.'iul all tr.v hopes. Tin face, raised 15
nu tu^ above tin* Mirfanc. is becoming ex-
pres-ive. i:* Spile .-[ the lovs oftheeo-e.
’1'h** « \|*ri >sior. i* i.e am! enlm. The
breast has heft u g.•*ui deal injured, 1 Hit
the paws are almost inra. t. \Ye have
nearly r<*aeh**d the limit •»ftlu di^ging-of
,\ ii-ter'iiii.
It* laud. M
fir: t*.-A. *'.
iT.imctl letlc-is remaining in the Co-
. pos* oltice f«»r the v.-< *.*k ending May
•ailt* i f>r within thirty days will be 1
k*a*l better OH\**e:
Jinkii.s Miss A
; M
Mariett** and t/nviglia
going on is in beds of sand which have not
been disturbed the first centuries of
our era.’’ boi'.don Times.
Urasv. .] H
Her get* (
11.iv ing exp* rieiieed marked relief from
nasal catarrh ami hoarseness bv th** use of
Ely's (.'ream Balm. I recoin;! it to
singers, clergymen and others adliett»d.
Louis li. I'hillips. 1T_N N. Y. Ave.. X. W..
Washington, I). ( .
Ely’s ( ream Balm received. My head is
now liqoifxing; f ta am Bt*lm is sinq.l;,
dynamit* for ( atarrh in t 1- **h**a l. Its ap
plication is magical.- Thomas Land*-r,'.'u-
g list a. Ha. Collet: vv
i;!a* k\v. .. Pi
! rar l h It
drown Mrs K
Itrown. Miss.I
Hoiimr. D
Milt lor. 1>
(’• anmask
Mis< .
M d*d* brook. J
Cal lw*
apl>**;i. M:s-
rtri ;lu W IT
i’«.*ln*i*olvs. A col
.Vidor M .v
M*»rtjoinery, ('
Mitchcli. Miss W
'n.uivam. Mrs *'i
! . M
' 'iian;: *'. M is- !v
l»*‘.i-<m ! iM'iii.*!*.
“1 notice.” said the gentleman in sear* Ii
**f informal.ion to II* it Most. • *that anart h-
is’s He* * *• -*;riU*. Why is iliL?”
“Tliat,” said the gn at apostle of mouth
a-* a f*. b*r in social pr*»gr« s.s. vv itit mt.oh
dig*•. * is rasilv explain* d. N*> irtu tn-
•* \\
I‘ark. .*. -;
Patterson Miss L
I'm ill* . Mi> L *2
lit r f,A
er xv*u*k>.
Washington I latch- ^
l.ik* a blind -.piiuier in the sun
1 tread my ways;
1 know that ail my threads will tun
Appointcd ways.
— Helen Hunt.
I ;«untiM'N
! l.uvvrs. :
! ’i*a r k tin.
IP*!'.in. Mis> II
Ilohinson, Mrs T,
Pnhi-.>n. Miss b
Koeei s. Mrs Dr
s.iirix. Miss b
Scot * *n !! iii ii I si«nt of Pun- € «. I l.i>«r Oil.
Dr. W. L. ihmsoin. tlartinrii. Imb, says;
•*1 dial S.-utt's Emulsion an * xeellent rem
edy ir. lung tr*>uhk‘s. and *-sp. *• • i a! iv in
Strutr** .us ehildren. and a most valuable
remedy in chronic stages of A In•!* r.i In
fant uni,
Ha:". Mi- I.
Miss MW 'll
Mis- A
i. V. )
s. Mr- II
Do you want a imre, Mooih-
it*5» €oir.t)k\,!:>a J If so, a
it- w aiHiiioitioiis of Hagan’s
3LAGN ULJA b.AL.l will grat
ify you to your lu»art's eon-
i/uf. It does away with Sal*
lownoss, lusluess, Pimples,
Jitotehes, and all diseases and
impeviftctions of tlio skin. It
overcoMiestiioflushed appear-
aneo 'of lioat, fatigue unu ex-
fitement. It makes a lady of
THIltTV appear hut TWEN
TY ; and so nat oral, gradual,
and perfect are its ell'rcts,
float 11 is ini|>ossiblo to detect
its application.
Th« *>!;!_■ ilini R:.;t ll"unin«
r.i.1.. . ... . l(.'.f nurtbt.'M .mlt—!' a.
'.g eiifilM:, k
iil‘f by •!* *• v-ir'-t i rv -‘i*y ttor.n *«t for “Chirks.
s»*'* Vnu-ad/* Punt * 're* *»» *'U‘» TUt» -
AURAirri i
g c gy|r
C. F. STAD1CEH, Proprietor,
140 SC. FRONT ST., Phlladoiohla, Pa.
T obacco
tsj wa: r x~rmm
•*.: r •*- . Uh- ii.-yer I'.* ;)■•*! e> giv.
•1I15JW A '»/»
ftv vivtiu
:i- and *••>..»111it *i^
* * I«e* ’ b) : ill- untie* >'•;
A. lllges, truPtefs, i)
luring ( mu \ any. oi ,\
*»nJ'K * I t * Murt-h 1.
r vested b, u - „mi L .r ..
i cerinin *•,.•* U ,,f u'T
1: Ve •',
the (. olumhiis Mw.i,.
ii-e.igi.c ec.unlv. stni. .
k< y l, vx hereby tin- Sil ,
*.h Of til*.* | >1'* >J)(*I1 y,
u *'f its certuin i-suc /,*’
f;ou|»**ns thereof ns in said
i *•-■*•*j !•;;.
b‘ ( M. in the Clerk'
»'(<«' county.
!'>'• ( ) « *. ,
'«• «*f tlie l' M
. , j* \ |
(lire. t : r>i's •
< pa-F.-ul hv \ |j
!S,S.(. (,*., , . >,
l < f till
f I
< ’ohimlais. v|(j.,
of .
■*' > iv!*. 1 '(ing i lie *
i' -aid o'ty of (•,.
• Id .‘.host bithier. i*
f '*!'*
.-f la.
of the
Ai'llu ve k
'• lx inu and i*einj» n-
'n'c.' i' d *ye.ii niunln , tvu nt \ •,
■ 11 * * * * 1 1 hnif’i r.'Vucfi*>nnl -eetioii n*m/
ho '• v -,.Th in fractional t**wns|);} >
r h;*ei\ Ih . rang** number thirty .An .
v P'.cse.:. now bee county, stale **i
Also 11*, tollfiwing .ots lands ] v i*ig
an*! heil'g in t'>e cij.l'lh Mtlo *:is1 rict of .Mi
* -aiu; . Mate of (i( -*rvia. known ;>.s lots numbers
«-lci.ty-'i'.y WK and eiyhty-sewn i87* and the wc»t
I*f:P of lot ni!ra.t*(.»r sevumy-four 7I» and fractim/
numhered ninety-oue dr, ■ and ninety-iwo m>
and Island munher three «• in Chattahoochee
nvf r •'.ml a small em*l.>M:rc.* simated east of the
* res more
•nneiv. occnj);.*)! I>v J. Jb (*la|»p. used
, containing so*
said lands last
1- in I.o.j county Ahio.ii' a, containing cifht
huniirei* mid thirty .*I3U> ncre.- lucre or It-.-..
Also, nil of the st. id Cofunibns Maiju’iictnHne
Company’s buililmjrs on said land in Mnsi'n......
Coiir.ty. UunrK.n. operated as a Cotton I’acnorv,
and with all of the improvements in anv nmiiiur
npii.ndant and animitenant thereto, inelnsivi. of
arris, •pindies, looms, machinery and fIv
or every kind whatsoever contained in said
int;s: also, a!! and sinRUlar the other im
provements on ail of the lands af .rementioii' il
ail'd described; ulso.tlier mire water power own".)
an 1 omrollc-d t.y -aid Colmnlv.ts Maiinfhctnring
Company on and in said ChattahocH'liee river,
tii.if, tiler with nil ami singular the debts and
tVanehises by the said Colnmbus Manufaeturine
< r nipany held ami possessed therein under the
laws iif (deoiyia.
Tin' plant of said cotton factory consists nt
1 ;”r machinery, ad in good condition and pr<*-
fiucing good work. Present capacitv 7AOo * ards a
lay of heavy sheetings and shirtings, three yards.
to the pound.
The operatives’ houses and improvements gen
erally in excellent condition, labor abundant,
lands elevated and location of property unsur
passed for health, convei. once and economical
production free from the burden of municipal
taxes paid by nil the other Columbus mills, vet
within three miles of the city of Columbus and
three-ipnrters of a mile of Columbus ,*n<! dome
railroad. The water power is the finest in the*
south, controlling* aim embracing the whole* bed
of the • hattuhoocliee river for the distance of
about one mile along the lands of said company,
said muds extending along it* - , banks upon tlie
Only a
nfllirt munkind nro origin
loftl).* LIVER.
: ns Torpidity of
. Nerve is 1
•-mad pordon of the water power is required
utilized in running the* present mill. :*ml thena’-
u:*nI falls in the Hver render but a simple* inex
pensive dam of logs and plank necessary. 'I his
magnificent wut**r power i- t asily c*.»ntr died, and
has a fall of i*j'.. ifoily l\vo and a half feet within
: i thrte-*nuii*le"rsi *»f a mil**. With a compara
tively small i vjK*:iditure u|x*n a new dam I25,0o*.*
«*“.*. hundred and t w« iity-tive thousand sjdndles,
v. it)i looms in pro)tor. ion, cun he driven by this
waterpower. Capital for the erection of nddi-
ti( nal mills and utili'.a’.i* n of the immense
power now wasted is nil that is needed to make
tins pro peri v the site of a prosperous and popu
lous manufacturing vi'.kige. The persona) lii'pct -
tina of capitalists is invited. Full and satisfac-
• *ietaP-> will !>»* furnished upon apol'e:iti**n.
,1. : . H(>*dks hkdwm;.
A. lbb(MX
lency. Eructations and Burning <>f tlio Stomach
(sometimes called lleail'ourn) Miasma, Malaria,
Bio »dy Flux, Chills anc Forer, Break bone Fever,
Exhaustion before or after Fever'. Chronic Diar-
rh*fa. Loss .if Appetito, Headache, Foul Breath,
IrrestubirUies inoidon*.**
Fains Back- >
ache, Ac , Ac. ;
i« InvaluaSole. It is not».
nil diseases of the LIVER,
from a waxy, yellow
color. It entirely remover
It is one of the BEST AL
You Will Buy Now Without « Doubt.
Price $ i ,00 per bottle
$1000. Two quarter-acre Lois fronting on the Mid
12i 10. Four *.. acre Lots r.f-nrthe Midland depot.
1050. Six-room House, two-room kitchen, two-
romn servant bouse, on First avenue,
acre Lid, three-room house, ii: Cooley-
700. One it ere band, f« rents for H’h
in tiirard.
Four 1 .. acre bids in I3r.*'viKwi)le.
acre'bgt on Fourth avenue, four-room
t on First avenue, fronting
the market.
One Lot, six-room house .other out-houses,
one vacant lot, fronting Fifth avenue
feet, running back ISO feet, near union
1 , acre Lot, store house and shop, fronting
* i a: yios
r:«• n «*!’.
'•..* ll«‘l!*i
*>r*-iiipt rv!i<**
• -I da 'iV.t-r. V.;: Id.** !ii B n* * r 'iatx. Ring-
■•.'ns Paupc - ei *j. • i.^ B* it.-. I** • 5*J *|s
■ .’I Hi:- ‘Ml |? * . .*.!*>. I lire, ,r
v .;F,T, iv y'-,';
!;■ ■; .‘■'lifihj:,:'. V.\. !'. !' ■■■'
mcimmu vcsac ca fmm
drepnr**(! uo '*nlinc i»> live
*i pi.*s. • • 11** 1m i; i - i
X F FFM I * in;. ur*.D.
1 Pact Ft* - md •. > > • • .
*. p X'’<*ed • r (" ik«* i>: t •• Br* -i i 1. . ! hni * i'-kj
rrii ■ . . • : ii •. Ach*^ and
\n8 «hM8. fti*m '.o X - , v,
^“V'ii^.LLTru^A-’*;: *
•cd it i- invHi»;niihj. i'liee
w. *»r writ*- t'j the
1600. 20 acres Land, five-room house-a garden
farm iti Wynnton.
1200. 20 acres land in Beallwood, five-room
house and several out-houses.
1600. L, acre Lot, four-room house, near C legg s
mills. •
600. L, acre Land, three-room house, in Wynn
ton. t wr> miles from eity.
i 1100. 115 acres Land, four-room house anil other
out-houses, on Bull creek, three miles
fiom city; 50 or 6o acres wood land,
j 300 or uk* acres Land, two miles from city, on
Lumpkin road as fine land fm* farming as can be
found on the river lying in fork of Hull creek
and the river. Now rented |V*r eighteen bales **i
, cotton net. Will exchange for city property.
I A great deal of other property too tedious to
mention. Call and see me. I charge nothing tor
j answering questions or showing property.
KOI! 11 EXT.
$20 Per Month- One Store House on Tenth
street; tliree ro«inis up -lairs; two h.ouse-in Kao'
yard. Other large store houses foi
rooms for rent.
| I have a few thousand dollars to loan on first
mortgage city property at s per cent.
1 :
vj. o. REEDY,
Real Estate^ Agent, Twelfth..St.
Also when not selling- or renting would tnko 3
few tax returns.
% ?■;
’ fnr over 25 years with :
iann of Paris, New Y*>r*
eii-:, p “ 14 Ps,