Columbus enquirer-sun. (Columbus, Ga.) 1886-1893, May 09, 1886, Image 7

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aKOllUIA. > TM) W '•<)!: \ NU. MAY !i, 1 n hum. ,,It , i>.i ' 'vi. X'ht in «■ 'I'i, >ii tii•:'' *1’ i' in’, 14:1 multipliu.l :i ini 1 ’■■'■ii fold, ~|; tut it ii~ tv nth; i.l -i'i it is tint many days . A,,'-, tif‘1 m.v ilarli:i< i:ue, so iiUlf »:• Jin' ways, il I neither cinlltfs lmr name. ,, ih. how ijlrnll) i siippliecl , |i my love for liim relied , , ,' it . my ..I l heart gltol; . niiidpa luvea Itis dear, wee ttuy , 1,it he Jin- ltroit-fin ne joy, .nil repay me 'A-li. SI X: > A A h.VJI Mil-Ill • S! >: I'Ol.l Mi’J s. I ti • Nlinn t(lie, - uo'-le H -.. It d'.'il t 111 irk to d -tw a i •tr:iwiit line nr Vyil 1*' si Lit 11] illft.d !ul-cr’lin<:-, 1 ni'i.i.1'!, 1",'.. W" prin* i' ’. i' 1 d 1"w tw,.i distil .s, 11: lor ihn v In TII, ."iid foui 1 I.l roiii'i'wm.'d. 1 TV. xv 11 ii-Ii is a innijiaral ivti.v in i tio)s. i\\t tiy li. l LT'iod old Uot'k-dii T'ol, Till. Th, no, in fact, arc th,,i'' j.isl H e llliKi>rs of on !.j,;u In 'iv aiii'iit rs v. ? Wily shouid :1 1" ti|i|inrvntly nie:t*ii tent, d 1 iv syiitiiol V? si'-ijily' ‘i„ 1 loe. ti . iitle hit .'ugh-iiliic- , le.'o: >• st)v,’.;, si.iodntu- f t- till f. unit -d. white , V1 . V , v , ,,,. ] i’o •■.vteioietl thninli. V. in fp, sv'oi':,ti".' *•; A,;.:'!,' : 1 i iim> U'hljl ii-," ', oil ti"t teotfs I'fhl ii Millv 1 roes' '•v.illlt! I.e «" 111,' ll, •le.str.iy. r. After ; tailed, we 0 1; live ill"' rein dv ■ 'l l,, an r er lie,a Im 11"e It'llll.e 1’ i Set-rant t•, vr .man at Mi S.. t! ar.t i walk up rial Ml!?«AF1IR. A Sodtliemi.w 1 Y a■ 1 k■ •. And C; federate So'c;:«•! Te'ts Wiial Jp, ‘ TAw :'ku>r{;ssH>\ vi, nihs, 1 )* ' ! -" A " i;l ,i:Adem „e:oia • '■ N '|- ” ”*'' •' »vn. 'U> M’li j v ;. ’ . v. nsuriiN. {•pjiinm* nofiiiNf mnm Ut thiliti It: 11 \Y n • ii Hrm iiptT i lit o : II A VII (• I ’ !•] N i: I) Til I'i l,.\IKiKST STOCK OF Pattern Hats and Bonnets It'S .ilnl 1 -Hi ll uric 11 >' 1 in I i 1111 ih- Will : I •r h ni\v 11 111 :1i!s SEES HfiM SKW m DEPSRTMENT, n.. 1 pe r I! i l Kl I'v , lilliL .'I' iTmli 1 ;. I! ■ :! hi i I.-. IT 1 j i 1-11 M . ,11 uI ill. 1 I|t!In-> ■ : :i i I ’1 il 11| nill-s. I ■ t i I IL! ill M ! I id lift . ii'. h|V I'l'-ilt'fi I ;! 1 , I I 1 ( l hirli kVF i ht r , fi 1 pi v._v« \j. x-i-. vti i*cu Kvm!tisa r.^Jaua v.m Kcria.Kcaiiafll raoiUiTiisf.v^.. .wa '( .0 r r Cl ^ "1 11 -W '1 i C'i Vi**/ r T fi 1 * tit! '•]» lit \ CorM.Me'il 'jr rk.roo. Will "At. Sr 1 ' 1 if s', :00. , 1 i tiii- 111 (■• Ilf' f"f f ait. i ti’iml,"- |j )• )*: A [ fen, s 1-2 I'Cllfts |,or foot, rs Mil'll. I'i fi'ltls I'l l' foot. 'I fttniisliO'l on i]'j'lit ntion. nffinris ottmi min pic n<nr rnuniuv ’if-dhuSS dliii" fifty bsw rlPt U)MrfiS!i •, 'Mi ir.i. in 1 w fi ri h . it.vnm* u : WMWuuMnumfkwm MEW COM DON, cos^rc I !•. '.Mil io.t ills. . tU ailu J. ; '.t'l 1 til tlK* fOJISi •, w 1,VO.- e. It . ..ijilntf ail t.K: lioii-UiOl i; t • -*ur Hume," "iW^ ior M'itu ueuutiiV.'ij mu!}tv c: tin, ixariii'. 1 iititcii ilciv,’ Li.illc-r, eic. Vt o live in a pi ital . 1 la Weary,*’ .mil the :1C(1 icKcmU**N,, last wee)- u!' a is >‘Vii raiupieil, wain no pi tiled nit < • ^j.iail si:; * vraj ped tip in paper. Th am- veil ia numerous* uises J; » Ji.a s m;» v,nic*i yave and mil soldier.-? dark.!,' ti.e last »w.r. Yh •1I-. 111 pea sol ip, .vnuYiiu, in 1 is pres- e«l in w;th the pea teller pe.i-smap J ae\er ' manliooil, .,]•:• ;i-e i-.\ <i :>nr iiilirm it:i- ntl injure.-I'm 3 i;. *j\, r\-ease wit c :i,, m ( i S i !»clli uel.H nit '5. , It iscs;. vi li! .d ipt P !.) w Pv .,no .1 -ii- e'th* reniak**-. Head wIre a ^ ad.ifpl «. n has to say; 1 Virginia T. ime'-a'- and (imiv 'h. h. oil ice of We-.le 1 n ayeiit. A’ iam;:, (rn., ,Jn!\’ In -iSol Messrs,. Wes .unv land H mi hers, , (.Ti’i'et:ville. .N. (\ (iei.ilt nu ll : My father, i wh" is i,t i lie eii* h(;.'secoad year oV hisa^e, has he; n I'l.ileriallv stren*.-:'honed and it iie\r i from sullenin: bv the use of ora- Bot tle y Calisnva Tonio. !*leasc- forward to his au'lress tjonarn Welsh, Hijrh I’oint. N. • six bottles of tin;- same, and send bill i for tii. amount to me. Very respectfully. M. M. \V}-r.sM. West. A'j'i. j Brannon <Sc (.'v^son, Wholesale Aerents. I Columbus, (la. ap«30 eilw Wl,) n Patriot mis [‘uric;..thI. ' A epjididate for ofbee rode up ro 1 1 , in dileid and asked for the head of'the ; family. “He's down in .he held,” said the 1 Jailer’s wife “burying our do/;'.'’ . “'Vha( killed the d.ogV” ask -d tin ollice • Me killed himself barking at . I ne enndidate r . U a'.M.v. :U- —-*, • «?«*•*< Ix-tA a\e a iluv, ergarden el)uily u> make the j !:asits:us -“All rigl t. my dear. I’ll dr. ]> into ri-nij'1.v'aieni elia.e iu tu vn this morning ami 1.11 them to send out a ehambennaiil.” And dodging the cotJje cup whien she hurled at ins head, he luislened around the comer, there t j await an inward car. hut They Won’t. Whenever you see two substantial citizens chinning together ua the corner these days you can wager that the conversation runs about as follows; “being away this .summer/” “Lf course. You going:*’ ‘•Certainly, doing a fishing/” ‘•Course. Kxpeet to catch anything?” “You bell Don’t you/*’ “1 should single; < ;■ ...T-iva-.*’ DOM-rvaiions <•/* I mm- i.itV. The Depanment of AgHciktnre, iu Its Forestry '!i:sion, prepared, a setivdule i'«.r «,b> ns.,i nee life; and acconijianying n, »f we.dh- ; '■••motions, 1..1 t*:i p-irpi.r-e of aiding a n n;,. i- •t :n loiev.r^ work; and t i arrive at certain re- explained on the sc iciluies. !t i.-> uesiraole, lluit these ukservati-ms slmuM yh«-dy interested ail; he '• -i-'ks, 10 the department* As p< 1 •b»ap; Still they com. 1 mid ail in the bight st pr.iiso. Ofliet Pietlmont .M J f”»^ C«>.. Piedm.*nt. *s. C.—Mess. Wesimoivdund Bros.: Nearly two years ago I contracted malaria into system, and suOcred greatly from time to time from if in various forms in which it developed. Sometimes had severe chills and fevers—-indigestion followed it. aim J was generally out of health. Last spring for move than two months I was greatly troubled with a disordered condition oft he bowels, which I believe was the result of the malaria still existing in my system. I visited two or three mineral springs cele brated for the cure of malaria] diseases, without the slightest benefit. It was also treated as the- different symptoms devel oped by the most skillful physicians, but was not relieved., About two months ago I concluded to try Caiisaya Tonic, prepared by XV esf m ore land Bros., but I must confess 1 had little confidence of being materially benefited by it. I have taken five or six bottles of the Tonic—from the beginning I felt relieved and continued to improve, until now 1 feel quite as well and in as per fect health as T ever did in my life, and be lli ve 1 am perfectly well. il. P. Ha.mmktt, President. The effects of malaria in the system is a hard t hing to eradicate, hut will promptly yield to {he \v mdcrful and sovereign rein- e*!v. Westmoreland's Caiisaya Tonic, 'fry if. Bn ANN->.n -,v C arson, Wholesale Xgcnts, iVoiiuniur*, (hi. dxwlm l>,m I'uiiHihno’1 11 in** 1'sii‘v. To coi',p '-mU f-»r 11n- In. k <;f !-; ain.^.tlie mone\ w i.- . ivc.i a tail 1J * at pru'-el v.ry e !j ‘.-(’.-I *.vakiVul* niylmV I! 1 lie noth- ib enlist B. •■ i. 1 .o.'kett. Tla- Mos- of ;• lutiml Mr. Du, ;ao ; '.rimb: .1 la Maw-,, b. • hi.-. In- dojnitai le energ\ soon ?••, .-no- ;*•.t• , 1 his »’.?• turn s, and the firm of I mi.lap A’ b lu r, fancy g'-o*ls ilcaK-r 4 --,'vas v.vll and w idciy hn.*\vn until they burned • it. Alh.-r ibis for a .short time, In* was hi be h at Borne, from wi.clT- la ea.cred into ihui f..r which he was intcudul by tiv--a . es- man. In this caj*acity he iias ln*« n con nected consUnliy v.ith sou,..* 1 f the »- st and MOST WlI-flbY KNOWN of the casttrn m-mi:fa« lurina !•«-,; s. in and ka ; •»ut n a n -'id-. n' ...f 1 Ins eit.v - in. **. Electing Idm on tin stnv! during the \M-i*k, tie- r-porter v.a> gr*«-ti-l with a liean.v handshake and i. iru'-st : ‘*1 Tow are yon. my i n! ”’ “Pretty well. Sam; lmw are you ?’’ “Sound as a dollar, iu t y h«.y; altlmegh ;i I had met you ten days ago I could not have said as much.’* “Why, how wn.s that -1 een sick?” “Well, you must know that for the past ten years i have been .sintering with kidney disease, which every now and again would grow bad and give me serious trouble. About two months ago I began to ham*one of my had spells, and for the past eight weeks I have been suffering sonic or most of the ‘TORTTKliS OF - DANTE'S INFERNO.’ “I have tried all the physic ians and medi cines that l could hoar or read of. and t heir name, as you know, is legion, but until a week since the disease has In Id undisputed ' sway. It is not a pleasant thing, my boy, to know that a disease which some of tie- most noted physicians of the country iar.c pronounced as the most fatal to humanity, has a mortgage upon y< ur vitals, I toll - on. II sv-rt o’ t ikes tie- good nun.or out of a >]>* •■.ircd in your behalf. Sam?” pic-ned l !; • ivpot ter. m< ri.igoi comimms'-nsc; ili:P's a li. About four y.-ars ago i I, i:l a s< • «-r- 1* I:.. U ■>! ’•’e-uoi.d Ism. wJiich •• ui pi« i»*!y ■ is.Pled u h« 1: !ea«t c.\ -»fM »•••!. ail' i"yb.f .-n«- up. A.M isch' 11la I IT. .• . - . 1 . ’ JU* ■ . V , ■ , J 7 0 i * u.: 1 f ||!| f T*r»« - (' j p! n «-,< n j ■ >j 0 UuiuiUliuO IPJ11 U'LMiV.) • 11 .• :Pi ail,! !K 1 -il !..•:■ i.> r. 'll '( ’. . •• “ 1 .ii I (w I' 11 '■* "■ ia.j.r. I 1 r, ; ||;& Tv y ..i-i mA-iotMlara.ilo jb' *'w.-l pi",><11 ices Inst clu?b samples. v’-V--.. A- g/ s ;u:i; or fimacut “ Vi •,:?*'*At ’* nt nnj n»*ccK-.idh* S,.-ud tor i't:ll •• ^ k clcsciipinfa and priru IimI. COU'.MlirS 111 <) V U’OilK’S. A -111 s. ( jiIiiiiiIhis, (la. j, „ HU H j | it P 1 Hpcf ppnSib UOOl a for sale or exchange IFOTTHSTID ;oi: 'Th ' If Real I.slat* Now Du-lil'nuc J'ul) V skod thi*' projM rty will iskovl tins preju rt.v will pay ten per < cut clear of , , , , .. , fUl JiHSllA N JllliIlN him 'nr i- Mir,. IllliX HI.ACK MAH. ' I I III III UlUbb V2L UUI1) ■'ifiiiiis ami Sin ij'i-tnis. ths PATENT MICE & B'JST .“HOOF pSaftourvi fianFSfi ft*t -7«*• ” - veu, H I LLiiil J •>»-.!■ A iv!y'*!Y-*-J-f;'■ ;•!’Jr: *• Fir/e Cabin-*’.?, Ac. •^-'4&-MSr’X• ; TVkCR DESK CO. k'* --.Ttf-.-M J,'.;s. FOBt \ me It \ IX.I A. Tii ke Jon lull ’b .luyou? Julep for Nervous lloud- Take .Ionian’s J«»« 1-Julep for Puiu/iii MciiHtni- at : .»n Take lor lui.N J.»ynu«* Idle,* f-.r ( *«»lic Take Joi.lini’*, .Inymih .I’ll*-p t*• lir.iee up Hu- i THo- Jo.-UauN Jii , ,'(.'.i.t Jul-p I’or all P: in. 1 'lake Jordan's Joyous Julep, n is ihe remedy for uruIgiu. | 11 lit tlllUl 111 til )IF.Iii!i\t lull ;ili.! ! )l>\fe Tivrc?!!;/ i'i IdfWH? .■ill ? Ui U i Ui i It t .i/T'.l I' IM LJ pholstery G-OOIDS. W.& J. Sloane Invite attcnti<in to the altractive prices nt which their entire spring slock is being offered. \ X M IN ST MRS, From fv <K) per vanl upivard WII.TdNS. from 1 7.A per yard upo-ini MD'/I MITES, tVoiu I V?'> peJ vard uji^vard VMIA'I.I’S. from 1 ;i r » per >ard upwaid ROD V lilt* *-SMI*S, f.*nn yo per yard upward I'APFSI’liY. from .Vi per >aid upward I N*f i I.VS. ‘from JO per yard upward <HIN\ MATTINOS i-< 01 in per vanl upward SWISS I.A< K < TUT A INS, e*" fJ '•» per pair up.vard MADR \S I,A« 'M ( l It I A i Ny, ^ \ N'I’P H I and rilFNHI L\(’M < 1 * R IA I NS, from ’-d ’>') per pair upward NUTi'i’ OIIAM FA* I. 'FIMA INS. ''''IP *:) M A N < Tin*. Ki-.'OWi 1 !iYi:i(|\i;», i.liome <i ' • I -ii ward rd ' ird 1 In !' liliilihll;! \\|i in , - ' • ' . ..i?, xLJi Bjik: :r's /• v V. ] iv. r *yh I * •:if Pf: r »p 7 ^ b!'unL:K)ibUuOl i : lit b-.ii 'V.-t/it . ’I ad,a,re v «.ui on three- thing?* hi «ii> yerc w« UL ‘ am our uird. 3.~I)v ''Vatera.e]\ an am ..ur fi r t *-' ; lack behind you. Al! ;.a Why shouldn't We •'?i | x.-k, sot down and oe a d nr K-usiuc '•T,■ i-ri, ii. ■■k i ii h (.1 - 1.1.1 1 ulwiiy.i write my ii.” Mi-ivit un.iophisi ically — •Am \\ in Hu- If I S’-« - p.siik. • Ail r !»«>. 1 1 | ,ul If the tbn.-its of this country nr.- not re- mud- will be forced to take cash, i.’isteadofw ood in payment for ‘■ubscriptioiif. « it ha < '.r«d me pretty siron.! Hao cstl.v . nd si.ic< n- verifv it in any manner. !< f-]y. Th;d v> .1 1 am prepan d te mho-dekw dm J; \ j * \ il ‘ j] :, • [ ■; * d? : . 1 1 1 ; ^ i l \ U h*iM If hit' - I J V i*. CITY ■( a: IT L -r . H A ; C ’' '• I" : ! i: n 'j. A, «; h/afp ?.v’j)i?es!cr. Mass. : i AI Vi O U a E Tii A U V Ott / ef K-\ r7>s /(v Ha.!". ^ ;.(* fe’"" < J*. ; QLD Kill ("Tl OLD iiTI I T. H. 1*01.1 , l 1 1 1 *■'a Ii 1 i(i-,*• ;.ad i«l ANciii.e,!?, 'i# i . .-<ii ,V~JC. VJMO i u ww^ ■