Columbus enquirer-sun. (Columbus, Ga.) 1886-1893, October 27, 1886, Image 2
DAILY ENQUIRER - SUN : COLUMBUS, GEORGIA, WEDNESDAY MORNING OCTOBER 27, 1*86. A Sea Captain's Story of the Terrible Upheaval. Thrilling Kipcrlonfr nf the Ntesm«hl|> Ansrl, Nulling in Totnl l>nrhn™» Through ('Inuil* of Anhon rrom Kraknlon'n ( rnlrr—Tamed on thi Crest of s TMnl Wave 300 Foot lllgh-Thc In vulflnuof AiO**r. H avail rial] News. To-morrow there will be due in port n steamship which has hud one of the most remarkable earthquake experiences ever told. Friday’s two shocks revived the ilaaitinif interest in seismic disturbances and started afresh stories of unusual ex periences. But one more wonderful than nny that lias yet been published is con nected with the history of the steamship Anerly. Three years ago the ship was command ed by Captain Btrachan, who is now in the ship brokerage business on the liny. In August, 1883, he was at Foo Chow and Hong Knng in China after tea. When the cargo was aboard lie steamed down to Singapore. Having taken on water, coal ami passengers lie cleared thence on Sat urday, August 25. Running down along the east coast of Sumatra he ontered Banco strait. At 10 o’clock the next morning a noise like distant thunder was heard, nnd by noon it sounded like terrific cannonad ing far off to the southwest. The sky be came overcast, and night seemed to bo settling down before midday was past. IN A SHOWEH OF ASHES. Some 300 Chinese were aboard ns pas sengers, and they were seen holding their garments in much the same position that a woman would hold her apron If she was trying to catch it full of snow. The Chi nese cook was asked what his countrymen were doing;, and he replied “thut they were catching ashes,” which, he declared, •‘tlnsted likee hellee.” The ship was in truth passing through a light shower bf ashes. As the vessel' sped on the cannon ading grew louder nnd the ashes fell thicker. At sunset the air was hazy, and objects a short distance off could not lie made out. A little later a dense black cloud spread itself over the heavens, ex cept from the zenith down almost to the horizon on the southwest. A lightship, which should have been seen twenty miles off on a clear night, glimmered but feebly when passed half a mile under the ship's lee. At 4 o’clock in the morning Captain Btrachan turned in. leaving instructions to bo called at 5. Half an hour later the first oiliccr sent for him to come on deck and see a wonderful phenomenon. THE HEAVENS ON FIHE. As ho steppod out ofiiis cabin lie saw Hash alter flash shoot across the heavens, nnd with hardly im interval. They showed every color of the prism and dissolved from one hue to another with impercepti ble rapidity. Meanwhile tins reports, now louder than any cannonading ever heard, seemed almost continuous.. Now and then there would be n moment when the explosions would die away for a mo ment, only to hurst forth again in a tre mendous peal, which would be succeeded by others so rapidly that it sounded like the roil of Titanic thunder. The country was a volcanic one, and the cause of the explosions and the flashes of light were attributed to a volcanic eruption. When day should have broke not a ray was to be soen. Still the ship was kepi on her course through a heavy shower of ashes. A strong breeze was blowing from the southwest, and at every atmospheric wave the barometers fluctuated an inch and a halt, IN TOTAL DARKNESS. One man could not tell who was stand ing alongside of him except by his voice. Finally, when out in the Java .,en and within an hour or two’s run of Ardor, the sulphurous smell became so oppressive nnd tho hot ashes and cinders fell so thickly that the captain decided to turn and run back. Tills he did and anchored within hailing distance of the North Watcher, the northernmost of the Thousand islands, In eleven fathoms of water. He was then some sixty c.dles from Krakatoa, tiie vol cano which was in a state of eruption. While lying at anchor there about 1 o’clock Monday afternoon there suddenly came a heavy swell from the southwest, striking the ship oil her fore quarter and knocking tier half around. It seemed as if every timber would be torn loose. She quivered from bow ‘o “tern and croaked in every joint. The shock could scarcely have been harder had she struck a bank with u full lend of steam on. She strained at her anchor until it seemed reudy to part. The crew was ordered to pay out more cable, but it took a run on them and spun out to tho last foot. TOSSED HY THE WAVES. Wave followed wave and threatened to batter the vessel to pieces. In a short time the heavy seas subsided, and the ship swung around and around by her cable. There had been an immense tidal wave, and when it passed the sea seouied all lu a swirl. By 1 o’clock the darkness had part ly cleared, tiie terrific explosions had ceased mid the ashes no longer fell. The next morning. Tuesday, the Anerly steamed over toward Anjer. As the main land was approached hardly a familiar ob ject was to lie seen. Where once there had been a low coast nothing was visible except l he sea and treo tops protruding above the water. The ocean was covered with floating pumice, debris and dead bodies. Anjer itself was completely gone. Not a steeple, telegraph pole, or even I lie big tree which was known in all that part of the world was to lie seen. The whole country hud been swept have by the tre mendous flood, and not a soul was spared to tell tiie tale. THE MOUNTAIN HALF SUNK. Krakatoa, which rose up 28U0 feet out of the sea. had split open, and one-half laid toppled over and disappeared. The pumice covered the sea ten feet deep, and the ship’s speed was cut down from twelve knots to live an hour. Two orthree islands had disappeared, and twenty-seven had raised their heads. Not a living person was to be found. One hundred thousand souls were buried beneath volcanic debris or swept oil'the face of the land by the vol canic wave. A steep wooded cliff, 300 feet high, showed that the water hna raised two-thirds of its height. At the least cal culation the wave was200 feet high. Tiie cataclysm was the most stupendous on record. Four thousand natives, who were working in a quarry on an island near Anjer, were swallowed up iu an in stant. AN ISLAND SPRANG UP. Tho floor of the ocean over a wide area to the southeast of Sumatra was raised into a plain above tho waters, and the effects of the general upheaval were felt as far as the American coast of the Pacific, 9000 miles away. Thirty-six hundred miles away the wave was distinctly seen and felt. When the Anerly dually passed out of the sea of pumice,after three days’ sailing, her bottom was tound to be as bright as polished steel. The first explosions were heard on board the steamer when she was 290 miles north east of Krakatoa. W&naCcrdial C U It E S DYSPEPSIA, INDIGESTION, WEAKNESS, CHILLS AND FEVERS, MALARIA, LIVER COMPLAINT, KIDNEY TROUBLES, NEURALGIA AND RHEUMATISM* JT is Invigerat ing end De. TT gives NEW 1 LIFE to ths lightful to take, I whole SYSTEM nnd of g r eat value , by Strengthening B3 a Medicine for the Muscles, Ton- weak end Ailing ing the NERVES, Women and Chil- and complctelyDi- dren. I gcating the food. no hu rtful Minerals, is com posed of carefully selected Vegeta ble Medicine's, combined skill fully, making a Safe and Fleuuant Remedy. le by *11 Prngglirtd *n1 Oroccr". Should tin* dwkler m you not kwp VOLINA i OHIMAL, rcuilt il.OO. »u4 * full aiu) loltlu will bu ■uni, ciiurKi-x paid. Volina Drug and Chemical Company, UALTniOItE, no., 1. H. 1. to treat dis eases at HOME, mailed, together with a set of hand some cards by new Heliotype process, on receipt of xo c. Duffy’s Pui*e Malt V. uiskey ■nd Duffy’s Formula. 3 For Consumption. Hklt.kfo*ta , n*, O., March 30, 188fl. 77><* rni.fry Malt Whitley Co., Uallimore, Md. My Dear Sirs-Your Duffy's Pure Malt Whls- kt y has actually cured my wife of her lnng trouble (thought to be consumption in its first stag*;). She was unable to do anything, welch- lug Just 111 pounds when commencing using your Whiskey, and to-day, Inst three months from Its use, she weighs 136 pounds, looks better, feels better and is better than she has been for two years. I believe her entirely cured and thank you most heartily for the trouble you took in prescribing the Duffy's Formula and other favors from your excel- lent corps of physicians, I shall praise it to all that I think can he benefited by It, as It him saved me an enormous doctor’s hill and an Invalid’s care. K L. IlAKRINCiKK, l’rop. Excelsior Steam Prlmiug Works. 5J71 Sack Err Sr., Brooklyn, N. Y. (Jentiemen-I was stricken down with con- gesilon of the I tings,, nnd though having tho best medical attendance 1 did not improve. 1 hud a cough that seemed to contract my chest to half Ms natural hi/e. Wats unable to teat day or night, except upon my back, and to make the least exertion bv reason of my breathing being so qulc* and short. I coin- menced the u«e of y„ur Dully’* Pure .Malt whiskey and Dairy’s Formula,and it has done more good than is claimed lor them. Lung trouble has entirely disappeared, appetite ex cellent, breathing natural as ever, cough gone. 1 feel like a new man all over. Your remedies are certainly the ne plus ultra of lung curatives. M. <). COR NOK. (Je led . Ualtim ompa , Md. value vour Dully .. , have been very 111: m\ friends all thought I must die with Consumption. Your whiskey has certainly benellfied me very much. 1 was so wick and weak that thev hud to hold me. up the Malt Whiskey. Mv doctor to give me two tcaspoonlulsevery “ * ~ ’ then. told th four lo.urs In when I began » much > lin pr ve, I must take it thr can get it. 1 hop »vm> huiiur may hear of It and he ocnennodas 1 have been. Mns. ANNIE M. tiRIMES. H7 6th AV«„ Pittsburg, Pa. Dear Slrs-I would very thankfully Bavin be- hail or iny friend, Mr. Chn«. Whittaker, that, he hiiH ho much unproved in health and spirits since, using your Duffy’s Pure Malt Whfskoy and Duffy’s Formula that he Is completely re stored. At the time of taking it first lie was depressed in energy and spirits, characteristic of that dread disease, hut now he has gained so much in weight, strength and general vigor lie 1h actively attending to business. JOHN H. HULT8. TIIE DUFFY MALT WHISKEY CXi- BaltiMono, MB. •yDvn Witiskbt ib Sold Only in Sualkd iJO’rrLKs, Nkveu in Bulk. old CATARRH CURE PILE OINTMENT 1 Of Druggists or by Mail. 26 Cts. OLD . BALTIMORE, MD. Ml E LD'S FEMALE REGULATOR Mont happily meets the demand of the age for woman’s peculiar afflictions. It is a remedy for WOMAN ONLY, and for one special class of her discuses. It is a specific for certain diseased con ditions of the womb, and so controls the Menstrual organs as to regulate all derangements and irregularities of her Monthly Sickness. The proprietors claim for this remedy no other medi cal property. It is strictly a Vegetable Com pound, tiie studied proscription of a learned phy sician whose specialty was Female Diseases, and whose fame became enviable because of his success in the treatment and cure of feiuule com plaints. Buffering woman, it will relieve you of nearly all complaints peculiar to your sex. Bradpield Regulator Co., Atlanta, (la. Catarrh mnirr’s More Money for Your Work If you improve good opportunities. Hal- lett & Co., Portland, Maine, will mail free full information showing how you can make from $5 to $25 and upwards a day and live at home wherever you are locatea. Better write; some have made over $50 in a day; all new. No capital required; started free. Both sexes; all ages. Suc cess for every worker. Seud address and see for yourself. oc26 d6m ’.old in Head, CATARRH, FEVER. Yota Liquid, Snuff or ’owder. Free from HAY-FEVfcR ,& 8 odoT au “ A particle is applied into each nostril and is agreeable. Price 50 cents at Druggists ; by mail, registered 50 cts. Circulars free. ELY BROS., Druggists, Owego, N. Y. aug3 eod&wtf urm FOR SALE. *3000 Georgia 4‘s' perceut Bonds. $5000 Marietta and North Georgia Railroad first mortgage Bonds. $7000 Americua, Preston and Luuipkin Railroad first mortgage 7 per cent Bonds. Merchants and Mechanics’ Bank Stock. WANTED. Dwelling Houses for sale and rent. Various styles and prices. SOULE REDD & CO.. Brokers and Real Fstate Hgents. Telephone No. 35. octlTdly . ihrillltig border heroes with Indians, outlaws and wild*., beast*, from the earliest time to this. Lives Md famous l_ ploit" of DoSoto, L. Salle, Stand ish, Boone, Htnton, I .Tidy, Crockett. How ie, Houston, Carton, Custer, Wild Bill, Buffalo J. Illustrated WlohZJ.*'. fiijceiiijmv* Low pric’d and beets til to sell '5 .Philadelphia or fc>L LOU* UNPRECEDENTED stock: ok Piece Goods NOW READY For Fall, 1886. Clothing Made to Order, Variety tlnparnllHed. Price* ReaMiitalile. SatiNfiu fiou Viiarnntcetl. GOODS selected now will be made ready foi delivery at any date desired. Call and favor ue with an order. G. J. PEACOCK, Clothing Mnnnfnctnror, 1200 A ISOS Broiu Street. ColninbuM On. COLUMBUS Iron Works OOMPA1TT, Columbus, ------ Georgia. FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS. Printing. Bool-Binding ANDI Paper Boxes OF EVERY DESCRIPTION AT LOWEST PRICES, _ eluding Letter, Packet and Note Heads, BU' Heads, statements, always on hand. Also En velopes, Cards, «fcc., printed at short notice Paper Boxes of any size or description not kep< in stock made at short notice. TJX ON. GILBERT, tf 42 Randolph Street, opposite Post Office. Auction Sale Valuable City Lots! Directly Opposite the Eagle and Phenix Mills, TX T ILL BE SOLD, on the First Tuesday in No ’ v veniber next, in front of the Auction House of F. M. KNOWLES & Co., corner of Broad and Tenth Streets, in the City of Columbus, at 11 o’clock a. m., tho Valuable Lots fronting the Eagle Factory Buildings, on Front street, in the City of Columbus, Georgia, and next adjoining the Alston Warehouse, and near offices of the Georgia Midland Railroad, beginning' on enstside of Front street, at the North Wall of the “Alston Warehouse,” running east along said wall 127 feet 0 inches, thence north 150 feet, more or less, to the line of the lot occupied by less to the beginning point. This property, im mediately fronting the Eagle Factory, is admira bly adapted as budding lots for Dwellings, attires or Warehouse purposes; contains now a well- built, commodious, two story Brick Stable. Titles perfect. Can be examined, with plot of the property, at the law office of McNeill & Levy. Terms of sale-one-third cash on day of purchase, balance, one, two and three years, equal amounts, with 7 per cent, interest, secured by the property. MARY B. HANSERD. oct3 tu&se4w FAST. ‘ t! Bill, Gen. Crook, and others. Ill as TOBACCOS is rapidly increasing, and we take pleasure in bringing the following revised list of such dealen to your kind notice: D. A. Andrews, J. K. Giddeus, D. A. Anglin J. R. & II. F. Garrett, Averett A Porter, C. E. liochstrasser, R. J. Auglin, L. H. Kaufman & Co., J. Adams, G. W. Lewis, C. Bata stein, C. II. Markham, R. Broda, P .McArdle, Bennett & Co., T. E. Middlebroobs, T. A. Cantrell, Martin & Chalmers,J V. R. Cantrell & Co., Tobe Newman, R. S. Crane, W. R. Newsome, F. Conti, J. H. Rumsey, M. E. Edwards, Rothschilds Bros., A. Simons, T. J. Stone. of Ricliiuoii<l, Virginia, Manufacturers of Fanny Edel and L. Road To baccos. KERN A 1.0 I'll arc our Sole Agents for tills territory. my2 se6m THE PATENT MICE & DU8T PROOF JYLERDESK Bookcases,Tallies, Offlct Chairs, Letter Presses, Fine Cabinets, &c. TYLER DESK CO. 500 N. Fourth st„ S’r. Louis. Send for 40 dp. Catalogs* €5 has taken the lead ta the sales of *hat class of feme,lies, and has given almost universal J ~\us&o bun, MURPHY BROS,, Paris, T«* G has won the favor • the public and new ran among the leading Me dues of the oildom. A. L. SMITH. Bradford. gold by Druggists. Price DEALERS IN Lime, Shingles, Dressed and Matched Ceiling and Flooring and other Lumber. Specialty made of Dress ing Lumber for other parties. AGENTS FOR Royal Pumps, Judson Governors, Eberman Feeders, Standard Iniectors, Hancock Inspirators and BROWN COTTON GINS MANUFACTURERS OF Stratton’s Improved Absorption Ice Machines, Saw Mills, Pumps, Hollow Ware, Syrup Kettles, STEAM ENGINES, 'CASE MILLS, POWER COTTON PRESSES, G-OLDE1T COTTOUST PRESSES, AND . ’ The Improved Calender Roll ers, Tiie aboVe cut represents the Improved Calender Rollers, so much admired and extensively used by Cotton Manufac turers of the present day. They consist principally of five Rollers, six inches in diameter, 40 inches long: two of them hollow, being a receptacle for steam. They are furnished with all necessary pipe and valves, fitted up ready to be at tached to a Boiler; has all the latest improvements on same, including the Selvage Rollers ane Cloth Yard Folder ; a taut and loose Pulley, 20 inches in diameter, 4 inches face, all ready to be connected to a line of Shafting. It only requires a trial to demonstrate their indispensibility. }e20 wed.Be&wflm ESTABLISHED 1S6S. G.GUNBY JORDAN Fire Insurance Agent, Pioneer Building, Front Street. Telephone No. 104. REPRESENTING AMERICAN FIRE INSURANCE Ca, of Philadelphia. Honestly paid every loss since 1810. NIAGARA FIRE INSURANCE CO., of New York. Every policy issued under New York Safety Fund law. SUN FIRE OFFICE, of London. Established 1710. Always successful. Policies issued on all classes of insurable property. Representative Companies. Courteous Treatment. Fair Adjustments. Prompt Payments. A share of your business solicited. sepl2 se tu&th tf WILLIAMS & POU, Successors to J. A. WALKER. Carriages, Buggies, Road Carts, Wagons, ZHZAN-ECItTIEiSS S-A. ID ID ILHELLT, Plow Gear, Lap Robes, Etc. WE CARRY THE LARGEST STOCK EVER KEPT IN COLUMBUS, and will take great pleas ure tu showing any one through our stock. It costs nothing to look. Call and see those BEAUTIFUL COLUMBUS BUGGIES, For which we are Sole Agents. SOS. 931) k 941 BROAD STREET, NEXT TO WEBSTER WAREHOUSE. PROFEMIOXAL CAKIII, IIT F. TIGNER, M • Dentist, K5Vo TwellVh street (formerly Randolph street,; L Columbus, Ga., September 19,188$. O N and after this date PasseuKer Trains will run as follows. Tains * dally; + daily ex cept Sunday. The standard time by which these Trains run is the same as Columbus city time. Leave Columbus.. Arrive Macon “ Atlanta Monte Montgomery.. Eufaula *12 00 m[t 8 50 p in * 4 38pm,f 540am * 9 35 p nil* 135pm * T 99 n '23pm * 3 68 p m ! 11 10 pm * 2 45 p m 8 00am* 113pm “ Augusta 1* Glfiam* 3 45pm “ Savannah I * 5 55 a m I * 4 07 p m Passengers for Sylvania, Sanderville, Wrighta- ville, Milledgeville and Eatonton, Thomaston Carrollton. Perry, Fort Gaines, Taibotton, Buena Vista, B.akely and Clayton should take 8 50 p m train. 1 10 00 a m * 8 30 p ih 1 6 00amj* 3 10 pm “ Eufaula “ Albany “ Millen “ Augusta “ Savannah.. Arrive Columbus.. * 5 40 a 111 * 11 00 p m * 8 20pm * 2 25 p m 10 a m * 10 55 a m * 12 00 m * 12 00 m * 9 30 a m * 8 40 a m * 5 20 a m Sleeping Cars on all night trains between Co lumbus and Macon, Macon and Savannah, Ma con and Atlanta, Savannah and Macon, and Sa vannah and Atlanta. Tickets for all points and Sleeping Car Berths on sale at Depot Ticket Office G. A. WHITEHEAD, Gen’l Pass. Agent. C. W. MEYER, Ticket Agent. augl tf Opelika-, Ala., September 14th, 1886. / \N and after Sunday, September 14th, 1886, the L' trains on this road will be run as follows: Xo. 1. Leave Columbus 8 22 a m Arrive Opelika 9 52 a m Xo. 2. Leave Opelika 10 05 a m Arrive Columbus 11 20 a m No. 3. Leave Columbus 2 28 p m Arrive Opelika 3 58 p m No. I. Leave Opelika 6 18 p m Arrive Columbus 6 43 p m No. 5. Leave Columbus 7 10 a m Arrive Opelika 9 23 a m Arrive Good water 6 50 p in No. O. Leave Goodwater 6 20 a in Arrive Opelika 9 46 a m Arrive Columbus 12 56 p m No. 7. Leave Columbus 145 p m Arrive Opelika 3 38 p in No. 8. Leave Opelika i 1.3 p m Arrive Columbus 5 54 p m The night trains are discontinued for the pres ent. A. FLEWELLEN, dtf General Manager T Office General Manager, Columbus, Ga., September 12th, 1886. O N and after Sunday, September 12. 1886, the schedule of Mail Train will be as follows: No. 1—Going North Daily. Leave Columbus 2 29 p m Arrive at Chiplcy 4 32 p m Arrive at Greenville 6 37 p m No. 2—Coming South Daily. Leave Greenville 7 10 a m Arrive at Chipley 8 11 a m Arrive at Columbus 10 21 a m No. 3—Freight and Accommodation—North. Leave Columbus 6 00 a m Arrive at Chipley 8 14 a m Arrive at Greenville 9 25 a m No. 4—Freight and Accommodation—South. Leave Greenville 10 22 a m Arrive at Chipley ll 38 a ra Arrive at Columbus 211 p m W. L. CLARK. Gen’l Manager. T. C. S. HOWARD, Gen’l Ticket Agent. feb24 dly THE FAMOUS BRAND OF OLD MILL PURE OLD RYE This whisky was introduced originally in the year 1852, and is constantly making new friends. It I j the product of the most approved process of distill ation from carefully selected grain, being held uni formly in warehouse until fully matured oy age, is justly celebrated for its purity, delicacy of flavor and uniform quality. For sale, and orders solicited by the agent, T. JW. FOLEY, Opera House, * Cor 10th Street and 1st Avenue, Columbus, Ga» New S2800 Residence. T OCATED in excellent neighborhood, on quar- Aj ter acre lot. Large shade trees in front. Five rooms; high ceiling; gus; good well. No nut grass on the premises. Rented for the year end ing October 1st, 1887, to good tenant. JOHN BLACKMAR, Real Estate Agent, Columbus, Ga. se wed&fri tf BALL’S CORSETS l The ON LY 4 ORSE1 made that can be retumu by its purchaser after three weeks* wea? • .3Qt found f PERFECTLY SATISFACTORY .r* every respect, and its price refunded by»e!i* Marie t.i a variety i t styles and prrccs. Beware pi iv ort T .less imitations. None genuine without BaP*" CHICAGO CORSET CO 13 Licpenard St., New York. *40 <1 'W? 5?>"-oa Sf Chieaoa. tttt- REMOVAL of LAW OFFICE. J. L. WILLIS Has removed his Office to up stairs over R. Crane’s store. oc7 lm