Columbus enquirer-sun. (Columbus, Ga.) 1886-1893, November 02, 1886, Image 7
DAILY ENQUIRER -SUN; COLUMBUS, GEORGIA, TUESDAY MORNING. NOVEMBER 2, 1886. TILDEN HARD TO INTERVIEW. An A«lrei»t»ri> that n Journellnt llnil With the NI,\ Old Talker. Philadelphia Times. Samuel J. Tilileu was a very bard man V.t interview. If be had anything to say to the public he preferred to be hisovvn juii^i of the time utid manner of saying it. When Gen. Tom Ewing was a candidate for gov ernor of Ohio, the Paiues, Utumtys, Kurds Hoadlys and the Heemelins, who renri ’ seated the hard money win ofthe deitioo- racy, gave him but scant support, and it was whispered about that their action was not objectionable to Mr. Tilde, 1. t wan sent to New York to try and get an ex pression from him favorable to Ewing,and a time I had tn guttl .g it. He kept r.v Alternating between Uramerev Park and Greystono for four or live days before giving me an audience. At last I got him to talk in his library at Greystotie. I could get nothing definite from him, and, sick at heart at the non-success of my mission, 1 petulantly, and guess u little bitterly, blurted out: “This confirms in my mind what old Bill Allen said about you.” • “What was that'.'” he asked in a whis per. “He told me that he felt in his bones,” said I, “that when he was a candidate for re-election to the governorship of ■ Ohio that you were not only lukewarm but averse to him, and that, knowing whoever would bo the victor in that contest would be the candidate of his party for the pres idency. you were not sorry to see him de feated.” “When, where and to whom did he say this?” he asked with a greater show of in terest than he generally evinced. “The day that Brigham Young- died,” 1 responded, “at his homo outside of Chilli- cothe, and to me.” He mused a moment and then answered: “Gov. Allen was mistaken. The bitterness of his defeat made him do me unintentional injustice. I have never desired or hoped for the de feat of the democracy in my life.” “Then why not say that you favor the election of Gen. Ewing?” I argued. “The hard money democrats of Ohio are not f iving him hearty support, it is reported hat they are holding aloof because they have reason to think that you do not want him elected. Let me tell them that they are mistaken. I will write the interview right here and you can read it before it goe3 on the wire and see that I do not put a word in your mouth that you do not utter.” This caught the old fox. He said : “ Write out the questions you wish me to answer.” I did so, aud half an hour later X left Greystone the happiest scribe in America. I had obtained the first inter view fx'om Tilden that had been had with him for a year, and none but a newspaper man who has had a ‘beat’ of the kind can fully appreciate my feelings. The next day my interview appeared in the west, but it ■did not elect Ewing. There were too many republicans in Ohio and it wasn’t an “off” year. “ROUGH OX I'lI.KN.” Why suffer Piles ? Immediate relief and •complete cure guaranteed. Ask for Rough on Piles.” Sure cure for itching, protruding, bleeding, or any form of Piles. 50c. Al Druggists or mailed. SKIXNV MEN. Wells’ “Health Renewer” restores health and vigor, cures Dyspepsia, Impotence, Nervous Debility. For Weak Men, Deli cate Women, $1. WEI,I,S’ HAIR BALSAM. If gray, restores to original color. An elegant dressing, softens and beautifies. No oil nor grease. A Tonic Restorative. -Stops hair coming out; strengthens, cleanses, heals scalp. 50c. d&wtf Took It. ’ A man unfamiliar with the ways of Cy press Swamp township had a bartender ar rested. “ Make your statement,” said the mag istrate. “ Well, your honor, I went into this fel low’s saloon aud asked for a drink. When I had drunk 1 held up my finger and said : ‘You’ll have to take this,’ aud quicker than a flash he cut it olf with a big knife and put it behind the bar. Now, your honor, I demand reparation.” “ Did you not tell him that he would have to take your finger?” “ Yes, sir; but—” “But nothing,” said the magistrate. “ You told him to take the finger, and he took it. The defendant is discharged.” —Arkansaw Traveler. The question of a proper food for in terests all mothers; especially those una ble to nurse their offspring. Mellin’s Food •xossesaes all tjhe requisites as a substitute or njother’s milk, and is highly com mended by the medical faculty of both Europe and America. oclO tu th sat&wlm A livin' Keltl'im llertleil. Mr Buffers (to his daughter)—Elisa, did y^Dread this article about Liszt? Lliza (at the piano)—Yes, pa. “Did you notice that hesaia people must play the piano with their souls?” ■'Yes, pa.” • “Well, Eliza, just put your hands in your pocket and play with your soul till'1’.,, through rend ng.”—Omaha World. From the pastor of the Olivet Baptist church, Philadelphia, Pa : 1 was so trou bled with catarrh it seriously affected im voioe. One bottle of Ely’s Cream Balm did the work. My voice is fully restored —B. F. Ijlepsnor. eod&w . •'I.: -Im il<> win It I cli. An elderly gentleman went into a rail road car at Champaign to say good-by to two young ladies whom he had aceoiii pa ined to I lie station. As the train wm; about to start he gave each of them his Hand and then moved away. One of the ladies, however, eliing to liis hand and be’.d him, while she said: “Take good care of yourself, grandpa. I hope you will live a long time yet, and do lots of good in the world.” At this point the elderly gentleman broke away from her, ran to the door, and leaped from the now rapidly moving train. The fellow-passen gers of the young ladies saw him execute a series of brilliant somersaults as he struck the platform. The young ladies shrieked, and then murmured ill choruw: “Dear grandpa; how could he be so careless!”— Chicago News. Company." Ap- ttah plloatiou lor Charier, j -TATK UP OBOROIA MOJCMUEU COCX £ 1Y,.To the Superior Cojti of naid county The l> tlllon of,I. t\ Wi .1. llcthuilc, A. It. L.I.' o iv.-ni ctftilly shows anil suciess; v- ii a madi a body . o' pm at ' name of' ChaUuimc' "• The object of sc Id im,...., , they oeli to bi Incorporate' ht Inoi rpoi ■ d el tile vllioli orator?, and i. empowered t. Tlio tit'llz til in. Improveinont on. operatloi oi won r power on die tdioitoiKss-.H, river, in th. County O! Museivei UI i :': > W-on millmit ihe waters, o a c..i, lalmoehee river wall locks, dams and i o b i.u ns ami do is may bo ucce* uiy i<> t I ;hom to sup M other’s Friend tensity of pain, but it great ly diminishes the danger to life of both mother ana child and leaves the mother in a condition highly favorable to sneedy recovery, and far let s liable to Hooding, Con vulsions, and other alarming symptoms incident to slow or painful labor. Its wonder ful efficacy in this respect entitles it to be called Thu Mother’s Frifnd and to be ranked as one of the life- saving remedies of the nine teenth century. We cannot publish certifi cates concerning this reme dy without wounding the delicacy of the writers. Yet wo have hundreds on file. Send for our book, “To Mothers,” mailed fVee. • Bk vdiif.ld Regulator Co., Atlanta, Ga. jy21 eod&w nrm (2) FOR SALE. The Wilkerson Residence, Third avenue, op posite Mr. Jno. Hill’s. Two story Brick Store on Broad street, opposite Central Hotel. Vacant lot, acre, north Second avenue. The Harrison Dwelling aud 40 acres, Beall- wood. Lois 10, 11, 14, 15, 18, 19, Block 5, on C. & W. Itailw&y. Frame ^tore south of Disbrow»g. .LOT*, RE1TT. Col. Holt’s Brick Store, near Swift’s mill, with root/3 above. Also new two-story Dwelling on sains lot. Mr. Peabody’s new five-room Dwelling, Rose Hill. The Newman Dwelling, Rose Hill, six rooms. The Russell Dwelling, Second avenue, opposite Crawford’s. Five room Dwelling, Second avenue, opposite Bedell's. L. Ii. CHAPPELL, !!roluT( Estate and Insurance A«nt. plj w atcr pou, i such mill, .vv\*> eated aim wnieb erected by -Midi . wrpoaes ti *> b • tlicvi on lo on. a.-i to Mi pure lu o. 1.1 . tlK person- or rent om it i in > ut-.c.u , •, ''.mb ary cana l l!t • i;il .'.'j:>;tlHi olluil >n. :.d 111• i .ii the lands and oper din i of sail' id |*1V . V i»v lU'.Ul i rids acquired by aula ■ i o -• of i texti; rope and other. i iy kiuiw iuuvi Ginning couo commie r.oiou; tbi* ctuot ton or t eed or other vuliuibR tiiaciuriog cotton seed int* s'ua product* rx can be ui ta ned then ireun i/m .ingcorn, wheal and ot'.u. r grain and produce ior toil or lor mat a i ami om.niiL. thcuameinio flour, meal und its o i pro. n ms. Tuci'urnishii g of power a'id Lie production and generating thereby ofu dvu iiy tor lig) t and iiv-iu, lot motive powei ai.»l mr such mechanical and otaer uses ..:td purpo.x?s U may He adapted id Mippiymy, K ami selling er«.a i thercM itii MU'h t ctm utions throughout said Ct ac to puoiie private Tlie manufue'.urc of puper in all its forms, and of paper, timber, wood unci metals into such utensils, wo-juem. ire, machinery and other goods as may be produced tlu ivlr .cm; and the con ducting and carrying on ol the manufacture of all and cvety other kind ofgoods, wares, machine ry, wood and metal pio.iucts, or . ueh branches or parts thereof ua may b-j tound eiM.ntial and de sirable for the profitable employment and im provement ot the said watci power and property. Said corporation lo have power and authority to sell, leaHo or rent its said 'Miter power, lauds, ma chinery, lncto lesaxid buildings, orsuen parts at d portions thereof as may he o. peuient, to such per sons or other corporations as it may deem lit and proper; and to ml ranee from, its evaporate capital, funds to such persons or corporations as may oc cupy its said property; to aid and promote tin carrying cn by them of their said manufacturing business, and to make und execute ad neceamry conveyances and otli« r i ns triune u is, and to enter into all proper contracts am agiecincms for the exercit-c o< thus authority and the securing of its said ad van Ci s. Also, to have \ pi: is and building lots upon tno he hereafter acquired by said corporation in the States of Georgia and Alabama; to erect buildings and improvemeiiLs thereon, and the said lots, va cant or improved, and the said buddings, to sell rent or h a e to the operatives of said manufac turing enterprises, and to such other persons us may desire to rent, lease or purchase the same. THE PRINCIPAL PLACE OF BUSINESS :aid < its said ty, State of Georgia. ITS CHIEF OFFICE to bo in the City of Columbus, of said County and State; but it shall have authority in pursuit of its said business and promotion of its objects to es tablish branch offices at such oilier points and to exercise its rights and franchises heretofore men tioned, and to build met or its, make improve meuts, contracts, agreements, investments and carry on business ofthe nature and character afore mentioned with regard to its property aud upon the lands and property which may bo here after acquired by said corporation iu the Suite ot Alabama, and at such other places within and without the limits of said Stales of Georgia and Alabama, os its objects and interests may re quire. THE CAPITAL STOCK of said corporation shall be one hundred aud fifty thousand dollars, payable in money or property. ;is said corporators may determine, to be divided into shares of 1100 each, of which amount ten per cent, thereof shall be paid in before said corpo ration commences to do business; and petitioners desire said corporation situ Ji have authority to in- ■ tii ic The Jlore Eligible Ulan. Two men were discussing the availabili ties ol their favorites for chaplain of the Arkansas house of representatives. “My preacher is entitled to the place,” said one man. “He was a brave soldier m the con federate army and—” “That’s nothing,” the other broke in; ‘•mine was in both armies.” "That’s all very well, but you see mine is blind in one eye, and therefore needs ihe place.” “Mine is blind in both eyes.” 1 “Yes, but you see, mine is deaf.” “That’s nothing, mine is deaf and dumb.” "Well, now, since you begin to talk about fitness for the position, let me tell you that my candidate is deaf, dumb and paralyzed.” “That amounts to nothing. Mine is deaf, dumb, paralyzed, has a bad cold and is in debt; sufferers from loss of memory and can’t eat anything. Don’t talKto me, for I have the most eligible man in the race."—Arkansaw Traveler. I'ri'e Trade. Tho reduction of internal revenue and the taking off of revenue stamps from Pro prietary Medicines, no doubt has largely benefited the consumers,as well as relieving the burden of heme manufacturers. Es pecially iu this the case with Green’s Au gust Flower and Bose bee’s German Syrup, as the reduction of thirty-six cents per dozen, has been added to increase the size of the bottles containing these remedies, thereby giving one-fifth more modioine^in tho 75 cents size. Tho August Flowor for Dyspepsia and liver Go: 1 plaint, and the German By run for Oough and Lung trou bles, have perhaps, the; largest sale of any medicines lu the world. The advantage of increased size of the bottles will he greatly appreciated by tho sick and afflicted, in every town and village in civilized coun tries. Sample bottles for 10 cents remain tho same, size oetl'2 d&wly Matrimonial Infelliirriico. Texas Siftings. They had not been married very long, buL she had grown cold and listless; so,one evening, alter she had yawned seventeen consecutive times, he said: “You seem to be cold and indifferent, Malvina. Have you forgotten those hap py days when I was paying you my :. l- oresses?” “You bet I’ve not forgotten those happy days before wo were married. I never had less than three fellers around me, paying me attention.” “But, dearest, haven’t you got me to pay you attention just now ?” ‘Yes, I suppose I have. You are doing the best you know how, but you don’t flatter yourself thut you are equal to throe, do you ?” The parties are both well connected and move in the highest Dallas society. | ■mi] Tho only perfect substitute for Mother's milk, invniunbio In cholera Infantum aud Teething, A pro-dlgested food for Dye* peptics, Consumptives, Convalesci Porfuot nutrient in all Wasting Dlsei Requires no cooking. Our Book, Tha 1 "Crab Orchard /» -WATER.---? 6 * THi: liver. the kidneys. THIS STOMACH., THE BOWELS. , A POSITIVE CUBE TOR 3 BTSsrtroi«» O Constipation. X Sick Headache. ** Dusf. One to two tea§poonfuls. Genuine Crab Orchard Salts in sealed packages at 10c. and A*. No genuine Salts sold iu bulk. Crab Orchard Water Co., Prop’rt. S. N. JONES, Manager^Lotilsville^J^y; _jiey desire said corporation to have the power of suing and being sued; to have and to use a common seal, and to alter, break and change the same at» will; to make rides r.nd by-laws tor the management of its bukinesg. cot in conflict with the laws of this State ami the United States, and the same to altor, amend and rescind at pleasure: to receive, lease, rent or purchase and hold such real estate and personal properly as may be now or hereafter necessary for its corporate purposes, for the expansion ana advancement of its objects, for the securing of debts due and to become due to said corporation, and lfie same to sell, mort gage and convey at will. That it have power to effect loans and to issue bonds in the name of said corporation, without security or to secure such, bonds by mortgage of its property, real and persona., or of such parts or portions thereof us may be desirable; and to loau out its surplus earnings upon mortgage or other available security. To elect and appoint «tioh officers, managers, directors and agents as it desires; and to provide such rules and regulations with roapect to stock holders who refuse to pay up any balance due on their stock as will compel them to pay upon pen alty of sale or forfeiture of such, stock, an d to do ana perform all such acts us are necessary for the execution of its powers and to carry out the ob Mobile & Girard R. R, Co. o N anil after this date Trains will run as follows: COLUMBUS, GA., October 3d, 1880. SMITH B VVLOST BOUND TRAINS. No. 1. No. 3. Aceoin. No. 5. Aecom. Leave Colutnbus Union Depot 2 80 p ni .10 26 p ill 0 20 a in “ (’olumbu.' Btmul Mlrt*el Denot ‘1 hi p m 10 35 0 111 G 30 u m Sn ive l nion Springs f» MV p n. 1 45 a m 10 29 It in fjeavc Union Springs »l 40 p ill 2 00 a m 11 20 a in \rrive Tro 8 o p in 1 16 p in “ Monqromoty, M. * K. ft. It 7 23 p m 1 50 ft m “ KuhuUtt, M. & K. R. K EAST HOUND TRAINS, 10 83 p ui No % 4 J’ao^ger. No. 4. Aecom. No. 6. Aecom. 3 M0 p ill 4 01 p ill “ Enfauiu, M. A 1C. Ii. H 4 25 n lw “ I’rov , 7 36 a in 3 1.5 a m Unv i nion Hprlnx* 9 10 a ill 0 40 p in 6 34 u ill heave \ nion bRnuga 9 2> ;i ill 7 15 j) m 0 2,1 n m \rnvc* .Monignmery, M. A 10. R R 7 29 :i m 7 29 il ill “ « 12 i#pm 10 4ii l) in 10 19 a m Trains Nos. J ::ml 2 (Mail) daily. Nos. 3 and 4 (Macon ntul Montgomery Through Freight and Xceoniinodi U.oii) daily except Sunday. Iso. 5 and t> (Way Freight and Accommodation) dally ex- •cptc.’pt SiuuL.v. W. L i'I.AK a. s u,'t. O R WILLIAMS. (}. p. A. WILLIAMS &*POU, Successors to J, A. U ALh EJt, /, Bain oil ;jsaSE**' W jjpr t j£! jm p. jFsgm a h /•^URL tUv't i 3.>.t;hv b»Unnrbi)UT3., Vi) One dn;o r* !* ‘K*..' •;y i:rq and provont CMHs • f-t * . .'jrm* S vr,ir;h Borf flreoth. U!:.*ar tiv? F'on. Luo l:..» v. :,-*j n/. > ife Vlgcr 'o Ihe systen.. » c»...; JN. • r? thr.m once ynu v.ill never ho v ‘fhrrd vlnim. Fnoo, 2b cm, . , •> :•; ; m. Sold by ( • • -'*•? Medicine Dealers fj'.nerally. f. . c.i iwt.ip: •/ prlca iri slar.ipo portpr.H, t~ any adritcr.5, o. i\ K Vi f I’M & CO., UamtyaeliirorR nmi Si' : Froj:... ST. r 0UIS, r ^O. Carriages, Boggles I-IyX. SEXISTIEHBS SADDLEBY, Plow Gear, Lap Robes, Etc. WE CARRY THE LARGEST STOCK EVER KEPT IN COLUMBUS, and will take great pleas ure in showing any one through our stock. It costs nothing to look. Call and see those B E A U TIF U L COL LT M B U S B U G GIE S, For which we are Sole Agents. THE BOSS PRESS Is Without a Rival. THE LIEU VARIABLE FEED SAW MILL Is the very best Saw Mill in the market.. It look the only medal of the first class at the New Orleans Exposition. For the above, and for all other machinery, address, FORBES LIDDELL&CO., Montgomery, Ala. N. B.—Our stock of Wrought Iron, Pipe, Fittings and Machinery is the largest in this part of the country. The individual property I ookholdei MATHIY fSIYOT Used for over 25 years with groat Riirrowsby the physicians of Paris, New Y>»rk und London, and superb r o nil o. h.-rs 1 rt.'mj nunpt turo of alt Glass It..;; CAPSULES'IN THE .’ Prepare d by ffO -1 CLIS&OIE,|j || | Paris. Vir ' gations or default of said corporation except to the amount of unpaid stock subscribed by such stockholder. Wherefore petitioners pray that they, their as sociates and successors be duly incorporated un der the name as aforesaid tor the term of twenty years, with the privilege of renewel, with all the powers herein prayed for, and with such other powers and privileges as are incident to corpo rations under the laws of this utu.v, and that af ter the filing, recording and publishing of this ver pi ay, • to. McNEILL & LEVY. L F. GARRARD. Attorneys for Petitioners. GEORGIA—MUSCOGEE COUNTY: Filed in the Clerk’s office Superior Court of said county on the 11th day of October, 1836, and recorded this 12th day of October on pege 16, and Records of Bills and Writs, Muscogee Superior Court, 1885. GEO. Y. POND. oclSoaw4w CierkS. C M. Ga. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. T HAVE FOR SALE a half acre lot and new J- five-room Dwelling on lower Broad street, which the owner lias authorized me to offer at a bargain, as he wishes to move away. The desirable Residence of Mr. O. C. Bullock, on Fourth avenue, next to girls’ public school, at a very reasonable price. Key of Rose Hill, good Store and Dwelling House. $1800. New five room Dwelling and acre lot on Rose Hill, near .-treet car line. Will sell on terms to suit the purchaser. 1100. Half acre vacant lot on Second avenue. 800. A Rood four-room House on Second av enue north of railroad. 400. A new three-room Iloo-ie on Fourth street. Will sell on terms to suit purchaser. 3600. 160 Acres of land and good six-room Dwell ing in Wynnton. 250. A vacant lot on lowr Second avenue. 225. A vacant lot near SI: do’s school. 1000. Four new three-room Houses in Northern Liberties -rent for $16 per month. W. S. GREEN, Real Estate Agt. eodtf DRUNKENNESS OR THE LIQUOR HABIT, POSITIVELY CURED BY ADMINISTERING DR, HAINES’ GOLDEN SPECIFIC. It can he given in a cup of coffee or tea without tlio knowledge of the person tak ing it; in absolutely liortnlens. nmi will ef fect a permanent amt speedy cure, whether the patient is a moderate drinker or an al- 1 coliolic wreck. It lias been given in tliou- i sands of eases, and In every instance a per fect cure lias followed. Jt never fnito. The I system once Impregnated with the Specific, I it becomes an utter impossibility for the liquor appetite to exist. For Hale by FOB- SALE BY* M. D. HOOD & CO., DRUGGISTS, 93 BROAD ST m COLUMBUS, GA. Call or write for circular & full particular*. Hattie V. Johnson vs. .James M. Davis. Petition for the removal of Trustee, and for the ap pointment of another Trustee. Columbus. Ga., at Chambers, October 8, 1880, the potit’on in the above case read und consider ed; it is ordered that tho defendant. James M. • Davis, show cause before me at 10 o’clock a. m. on the 15tli of December, 1880, at the Court House in the city of Columbus, why he should not be i TAXPAYERS TAKE NOTICE ! collided in compliance with law. By pav ing at once tax pa > ets will save oust of execution, advert! ing and sale. Conic up nud settle. D. A. ANDREWS, Tux Collector Muscogee County. Office: Georgia Home Building. sep7 eod tdecl i beyond the limits of this hat him by publication < Enquirer-Sun, a newspaper published in the cay of Columbus, twice a month for two months be fore the hearing. Given tinder my hand and official signature. J. T. WILLIS, Judge H. C. C. C. octo 2tam2m. A FREE SAMPLE To introduce the great household remedy, GOK DON’S KING OF PAIN, into every family, 1 will send a sample free to any one sending ad dress. Address E. G. RICHARDS, sole proprie or. Toledo. Ohio »v Umeowlv FREE CHRI8TMAS PACKAGE. To Introdace out food* and A«curo future trad?, we will tend you free of char#®, tf you will •end 20c. in lUmj., for post ice, Ac., 5 pretty Chrldma* Cards, 5 nice New Year Cards, I lovely Birthday Card, a beautiful ptlu bound floral Autograph Album illustrated with birds, flowers, of the gyg ANHOOI),55.?,T8RS , lA,. r ft A I) ' ii b ii i thr.t ran on return*- Sf.T! jF.«GT0H» ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. ny virtue of Ml order from tin Court ofOrdinna- 1 f of Muscogee Count y, Georgia, j will sell to the llich'-Bt at iiulilie oul<-'>, in front oi the auction houM of I'.M Ku nvlet* Co. onBroud street, in the eity ol C"lanbu«. Ca . the usuul place of h-.l'lin* sheriff sub . m and for sai.l county, on tie* n I’.i. -ii .'O'.e.n’■ r next, b'-'Y, ceil 1 !l i i ■- life )■' e ' i ,i • .■ ! < e. up, (le- S,.| ie<l "'ll i si ale s tUi.'C. :er and heinir 1U- s." i itnti „i..i h” • ” Ii'-'. n!-ri .if* 1 <>i fii ♦ ,i • Nort. - ’M Libertie.t ;*.«!- • I ■■ ■ h f’ - > on Ogletl orp. ti f ixty-eight (( ,c t 0 inches and a depth ol one huie.ircd at c- lurt .- four 1 in feet, tin same bung the real < t.ite he- loii fing to the estate of F.veline < .fines, deceased, nn<l the house anil lot in which she resided at ■ ri fret .r. with the will annexed, of Evelina Gaines. oct4oa.v4w‘Ka ziMHERMAti FRU5T EHAP03AT0RS Mv Uv KU \ s. SIIKKMANV j Muck.uc eHi GOLD M1)0AL, PARI3, i8i 'BAKER’S (Z : u> j^Sa^Wcrrir-tcrl absolutely n.ii dV&'&L Cocoa, from which .he excess f 0iIhn « been r noved. Ith.uithn times th <i Mrcngihot Cocoamlxo \\ w 1th w . t. c h, A rrow root or Bu ga It t! 1 t» ar *^ >•'mereforofui m.jroeconrrr r III ^ cu *» costing less than one cent Lx rl* cup. It ip delicious, nourishing MW ■ J gnstrengthening, easily a*»>***iC V*i4 c 3 I Ii A * j a:.d admirably adapted for Invn f[ ^idsus well as forperaona In hcafil: Hold by Grocers crfryiriicre. W. BAKER 5 ilO., BrtsMss REMOVAL of LAW OFFICE. JT. Xj. WILLIS Has removed his Office to up stairs over R. Crane’s store. oc7 lm Wl.l.-h h« Will Hfn»! FREP hit Ml'.w ' r , Atldrcan, C. M \SON |* O. Bo* *176. New York CUv I oc28 eod&w ly itfiS SS™, « L/UU P. W. ZIEGLER CO., ~ ocll w8t Philadelphia i NOTICE is hertfijy given to uil parties having ! (lemandh against P. MeArdle, late of Muscogeee j enmity, decea < ti. to pic nt th- in to me tu-oiierly 1 made out, v.i;inn the ii r c pi* rihed by law. “o I as to show their chairfL r an-i ;. mount. Ami all pcivonK indebted to sidi] cemt-d arc here by re- quit' <i ■>, make ,mm dial.: payment to me. I !i.‘ • gavt 6tb 1880 -i. a. BI RRUS, I aug6oaw6w Administrator* .. costSETct ; i . ..-.I r,~.. New York -SEDGWICK- STEEL WIHE FEK0E rm-MM TO Many baking powder*; pro very pernicious to health, und while every on.' regard* his own, lie should ub <‘ hnvo a care for the tender ones—the little children. Si:A FOAM contains nope of the bud qualities of baking ixjwdcrH-- soda or Kah niliju. It eontains do hurtful iiigrixlient—in) uluia or ammonia. 8€ai2NT&riC. All Ohemlstsiwho have analyzed Bea Fonro commend It. Housel:o«3pers win have used n will have no other. Cooks, whoie he-t Hforts have failed with other pmvdetv. ua* jubilant oversea Foam. Saves timi\ raves labor, saves money. Jt is positively nnequaled. Absolutely pure. Used by the lending hotels end r< i tnurimts in New York city and throughout the country. For solo by all Urnt-cla.-s growers. OANTZ, JOXTJj & CO., JW [man-’ y. Y. "SHADELAMDu^m PURE BRED UVE STOCK LABUSHMENT tin th: WORLD. »W Imparts* m roi'HUatlf "rrlring. —- lt"ie InillTldial cxfclleuee »4 W ■ !is!c« Urevdla*. CT. V'lIRSDAT.K I Mill PKICCIIKItON, NOK 1'A.V 0 r Fit RMSII BltAFV U.'.HSkiM, nuunn Dit a it TltOTTINIl-BHED SV-TEUS, CI.I.VKI.ANII BAtH mi.I; i.'heVSI 'OACIIKBS, ICEI.AND nmi HBK-I.AN'J IM’rilES. HOl.SThlN-I'ftlKSm fc.,.1 OKI fW finTTI.B, riiic Q:i;. tity • I a C14MC tfilUTfon;;; in.5 i!s<TV;r*‘i*l bree ding ana urge Va- o|;portu- lin porting ; Super I riely nml Irmm nlty of emu pari low prices. b«»cun cilities, extent of I of Iran 'portation. Noothci estnlilisfiraent In the worldoffeo such advantages to Lli. or , I’KU’ES ).«\V! Ti : flora welcome, for; fled. Circulars Fn-.e, >i. nUon this r.„_ POWELL BROS . Sr,richer. Clrt’A'fOrd CO.I co p :^ THE FAMOUS iSOAND OF OLD MILL PORE OLD RYE This whisky was introduced originally in the year 1862, and Ih constantly making new friends. It i i the product of ihe moat approved process of distil*.- ulion, fvom carefully select* t\ gram, being held ubU form ly in wurehouso until fully matured by age, if justly celebrnted for its purity, delicacy of flavor nmi uniform quality. For rale, and orders solicited by the agent, T. ,11. FOLEY, Opera House, i Cor loth Street und lot Avenue, Columbus, WANTED, We v.ill pay Agent* a salary m $80 to $00 per month and ««. li*'Ht Wi and Fo-t k U'urd- \ \ r .% An Intelligent. Eameut Mon t< V> Rep'eeent, in his own locality, a larg ^sponsihlo house. A lemunerutive salary v i ' ' I • . Kefe iloreis, hi Bar-j oc7 tulm I i buTySuWSS j4B v.v; ;:i;nm..t r.,. Ri.rui im inftM ;>wv«Hr | AOcSIlTSm*k< j‘ u;: !iA e un""-’n,‘r" 's‘o 1 'ilftr. The Clipper .VIfit ** Angers. F«;rpne. uiml i^| wan- H-'hI- i . or • - . m.-nti.. imj-t pftj.'-r, SEDCWICK SdOS.^RlCHMOND.IflD lilLU'Til'LL K> ElMilJoi.’.ilNG 8 j'lt-nses t«> distributeclrcut.irs in your vicinity. Flu* s ri- norable, permanent,pleasant & easily operated. advanced. Samvi R cases fhee. / Mi* ig. We mean what we tay, SUPPLY COMPANY, CINCINNATI, Olllt Electric Belt Free Tnlntroducnitoii'lnl tain nt^ w.! will fnr the next h:xiv 'Iuv.h ^:vo away, tr»jn oi . h.hki', in each county <7 'ho V. H. tt llmi c.i UN! .her or our Oennnn l .u-<o r.i * i’.l viui"* HcIim, Pnco fta; ■. 1 ".ti'caml uiitaih.iL r X.-rvoi.B Debility. lO- 1 ">lH oHH, l.-| .V... #V«l.l*m0W»fil f ■ • I 'I ■ ’ilut wc i.i.mut.i.-:i r.■ .l'.(*a not irruerat* “ 'i'i Heel,rrctit ' t. l:l.l:c l Kio lir:i i . ii, i- o.Hoxi.’S it ■. iowi s v $ 8OOOREW4P0 ^ W.«« 1 * • r ' ; J)/ * ■ - 4 ■ ’ ba '»»•$• BOUSU ‘o'- .. . . I" l.r ' JI I —. '}■ > ■; it V - K'c—** il A l inis 51 L t>.» toluiabu*,!). La. Ur. House, Hag' rvtuwn v * - •• • BLUE ii T..*’ only to- R- "i •ffipi’B If . itlpi/irh.?, prrilnes imirne •*, da - jt ■ <1 it >!'l *!. i df, « Vi 'I U ri i > > H tii : . . tut I«l • a. t'i>(| •' • ) *-f.^-npavityim §.50 REWARD ruiu-'i> Clncdnnutl- t>- fittflftRil MACHINE CO. Culuubiw, i