Columbus enquirer-sun. (Columbus, Ga.) 1886-1893, December 07, 1886, Image 7
DAILY ENQUIRER - SUN: COLUMBUS, GEORGIA, ItAINY OHF.K.1LKAF. She l» Tired nf IlnTitiR the Women lectured. Kho Prefer* Oolnq Some of the l.ecturlnic Her- •elf. For the Enquirer-Sun. Skale, Ala., December S.—It seems to bo the fashion now a-daya, with people who write for other people to read, to find fault with women- kind and then te 1 them how to amend their ways and be better and more useful and indus trious and attractive. A great deal is said about ' 4 ‘duty*’and “responsibility.* 1 I am beginning to be tired of -the sight and sound of those two words. Everybody that trios to write at all, whether for pleasure or profit, has a word, or a great many words usually, to say on the subject. Why I wonder? I can't see that there is need of so many sermons, for most women try to be good, I believe, and nearly all of them hare to work in some way whether they like it or not. These sermons, long and short, wise and foolish, . serious and humorous, are to be lound in all newspapers and books, eve sy day papers and Snndav papers, fashion books, magazines of art and literature, farmers’ Journals and medical reviews. I have read a little in some of these last named, and I will say that the contributors to them write more sensibly about it than those to other papers. I read novels too sometimes, and do en joy a good one, but it is the same thing there, the heroine is always a wonderful creature, who is never idle or silly or careless, and who makes her own clothes and helps her mother with the housekeeping. Iftbisisthe model girl, then I know a great many model girls. Even the Sun day school papers and almanacs are brimful of odd quotations from every language spoken, all telling the women folkB how good they ought to be. Some of these entertaining compositions are written by women who Just want to •‘write some thing,” and some by men who don’t in the least know what they are talking about. One would really believe that our country was full of lazy, careless, ignorant, selfish and untidy mothers and daughters, poor housekeepers,worse cooks, and what a neighbor of mine calls "sorry chances anyhow.” Now there arc some, of course, who deserve to have all these bad things said of them. 1 know that, for now and then you do find a mother of a family and mistress of a household who Is all too willing to trust her children and her cooking to the tender care of such untrained servants as she may happen to have. Among the girls, too, there are some sad cases who think more of their clothes than of sweeping and dusting, and where the highest intellectual enjoyment is reading light-very light—literature of the Sea side class and in talking to rich, idle young mon called “society boys.” This is bad, very bad, but not many girls are like that, only a few; and then I think of the thousands of nice, neat, busy, help- flil and self saorificing girls, to say nothing of those who are self-supporting, and wonder that anybody has the audacity to say one word of disparagement about them. As for the mothers aad housekeepers, most of those that I know are bustlijg, energetic, hard working, economical Christian women, dear, good souls, and they try to bring up their daughters to be like themselves. Why, they all have to work; the poor ones, and there are many, lor a living and the rich ones be cause there are some things which no servant can be trusted to do, and it’s almost as hard work to see that these irresponsible creatures do what is required of them as it is to do it yourself. These “trained servants" which are so much ’written about by these tiresome cantributors to newspapers are not nearly so numerous as one would think. Trained servants, indeed 1 The only ones we have are those carefully trained to do as little work as possible and to cause as much aggravation of soul to. those who employ them. So I think there's entirely too much said ■and written about what the women ought to do and be. They do well enough, and are just as industrious as anybody is expected to be. Very few can enjoy that state of bliss which Mother Goose says is to— “ Sit on a cushion, Sew up a seam, And eat strawberries, Sugar and cream.” No, indeed. They have the seam to sew up. but they don’t eat “ strawberries, sugar and cream” while they are doing it. They sit at a sewing machine, and’ sadly wonder why there are so many seams to be sewed up. Daisy Gukunleaf. Typhoid, Scarlet nnd Tollon Fevers, Measles, Diph theria, Small-pox, Cholera, Ac. Darby’s Prophylactic Fluid will destroy the infection of all fevers and nil couta- f lous and infectious diseases. Will keep he atmosphere of any sick-room pure and wholesome, absorbing and destroying un healthy effluvia and contagion resulting therefrom. Will neutralize any bad smell whatever, not by disguising it, but by de stroying it. Use Darby’s Prophylactic Fluid in every sick-room. eod se&w A Slight Misunderstanding! "Ain’t you a little .dear ? ” said Jones to the young lady behind the counter who had just told him the price of a pair of gloves. “I presume so," responded the young lady, coyly; "at least all my gentlemen acquaintances tell me so.”—Pittsburg Dis patch. ^ A MONT LIBERAL OFFER. The Voltaic Belt Co., Marshall, Mich., offer to send their celebrated Voltaic Belts and Electric Appliances on thirty days’trial to any man afflicted with Nerv ous Debility, Loss of Vitality, -lanhood, <fto. Illustrated pamphlet in sealed en velope with full particulars, mailed free. Write them at once. lAwtf Non This We Don’t Ileliovc. It’s funny how good natured a square meal will make the average editor. Last evening in the sanctum everybody used his own shears, did not appropriate each others’paste-pots, and harmony resigned. —New Haven New3- Malaria. Twenty-five hundred dozen bottles of Ague Conqueror ordered in one month. It positively eradicates all Malaria, ever •and Ague, Bilious and Intermittent Fey era in any climate. Read our book of 1000 testimonials. . „ „ ,, Dub West, S. C., March 12,1883.—-G. tr. Green, Dear Sir—We will soon need more Ague Conqueror. It is taking like hot cukes” and giviug satisfaction. Yours, Ellis Bros. Fairfield, Mo., August 29, 1886.—G. G. Green, Dear Sir—Your Ague Conqueror knocks the Chills and Dumb Ague every time. I warrant every bottle and it never fails. I have cured cases where quinine bad no effect whatever. Yours truly, act!2 difcwlv _ W. H. - sgAW * Co - What Fools We Mortals He. Wife—A penny for your thoughts, my dear. „ - Husband—I was thinking of one of Shake3peare ? s sayings: “What fools we mortals be.” , . Wife—I suppose that does come home to you rather hard at times, but what partic ular train of thought brought about this recollection? . „ . Husband—The recollection of our court ship, dear, when I used to call you '‘Birdie.”—Drake’s Magazine. Coughs. Brown’s Bronchial Troches are used with advantage to alleviate Coughs, Sore Throat and Bronchial Affec tions. Sold only in boxes. th sat se tuAW TUESDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 7, ™ Motkers.-Mks. Winslow’p Soothing Byrup should nlways he usee Wvtb 1 -m" cuttln * teeth. It re- •lines the little suficrcr at once; it producer v"', C| " iet relieving the child Yom pain, and the little , kerub awakes tu ,2*J|j*™ a8 ‘ l button." It is very pleasant * taste. It soothes the child, softens th< rums, allays all pain, relieves wind, regu- Bbowe . 1 1 B is the best known remedy for diarrhoea, whether arising from teething or other onuses. Twenty uve cents a bottle. jol7 dawly' It Comes on a Face. Walt Whitman, the poet, hau had a roan pacer named utter him. Fame sometimes does not reach a man until late in life, but it gets there.—New York Graphic. More Money far Yoor Work Improve good opportunities. Hal- *®\t & Co., Portland, Maine, will mall free nil information showing how you can make from f5 to $25 and upwards a day and live at home wherever you are located. Bettor write; some have made over $50 in a day; all new. No capital required; started free. Both sexes; all ages. Suc cess for every worker. Send address and see for yourself. oc2B d6m They Shed (loro. The withdrawal of Mr. Gore from the Chicago base ball club ought to put a Btop to all the talk of bad Iblood between the players.—Chicago Tribune. Whisky and opium habits can be d cure by taking Moxie Nerve Food. No ir«rm In It. Colleges have become so common that every college now wants to be called a university. There is nothing to prevent it.—New Orleans Picayune. Balmy odors from spicy islands, Wafted by the tropic breeze; SOZODONT in healthful fragrance Cannot be surpassed by these. Teeth it whitens, purifies; You will use it if you’re wise. * sat se tu th&w “I have used Simmons Liver Regulatorjfor many years, having made it my only family medicine. My mother before me was very partial to it. It is a safe, good and reliable medicine for any disorder of the system, and if used in time is a GREAT PREVENTIVE OP SICK NESS. I often recommend it to my friends, and shall continue to do so.” Rev. James M. Rollins, Pastor of M. E. Church, So. Fairfield, Va. TIME AND DOCTORS' RILLS SAVED by always keeping Simmons Liver Regulator in the house, “I have found Simmons’ Liver Regulator the best family medicine I ever used for anything that may happen, have used it in Indigestion, Colic, Diarrhoea, Biliousness, and found it to relieve immediately. After eating a hearty supper, if, on going to bed, I take about a tea- spoonful, I never feel the effects of the supper eaten." Ovid G. Sparks, Ex-Mayor Macon, Go. A9-ONLY UENCINF/M Has our Z Stamp on front of Wrapper. J. H. Zeilin & Co., Sole Proprietors. Price, $1.00. PHIL* : El,Pill A, PA. cofi se*w fol r m (3) 80ULE REDD. Soule Redd & Co M Brokers, Real Estate and Fire Insurance Agents. 10.10 Bread St. Telephone 83. Must be sold this week: Six well renting Houses in Browneville. City and Suburban Property for sale and rent. StockB and Bonds bought and sold. Let ub insure your houses. ocl7dly ELECTION NOTICE. HP HERE will be an election held at the different i- court grounds in each militia district of said county of Muscogee on Saturday. the 1st day of January next, for two Constables for each dis trict, according: to the statute. This December 4th, 1886. dtd F. M. BROOKS, Ordinary. GEORGIA, MUSCOGEE COUNTY; Whereas, Mrs. Leo. E. Swift applies for letter* of administration on the estate of George P, Swift, jr., lute of said county, r eceased. These are, therefore, to cite all and singular, the kindred and creditors ol said deceased, to show cause, if any they have, with m the time prescribed by law, why said letters should not b* grant* d to said applicant. . ^ . Witness my official signature tins December 4th 1886. F. M. BROOKS, dec4 oaw4w Ordinary. GEORGIA. MUSCOGEE COUNTY : Whereas, Michael Sullivan makes application for letters 01 administration on the estate of Katharine Sullivan, late of said county, de- C< These are, therefore, to cite all persons interest ed kindred and creditors, to show cause, if any they have, within the time prescribed by law, why letters of ad ministration should not be grant* i d to said applicant. .. . _ . Witness my official signature tins December 4th 1880. *• M. BROOKS, dee-l oaw4w Oidinary. GEORGIA MUSCOGEE COUNTY: Whereas, R. E Fansh applies fork tters of,ad ministration on the estate of James B. Slaw e, .ate ot said county, deceased. . These are, therefore, to cite all and singular, kindred unci creditor?, of said deceased, to show c iuse il any they can.within the time prescribed, whv letteis of administrate n, as aforesaid, should not be granted to said applicant. Witness my official signature: this December 1th, 1880. F. M. BROOKS, d«c4 o&\y4w Ordinary. GEORGIA. MUSCOOEE COUNTY Whereas, Felder Pou makes application for letters of administ- ation on the estate ot Burrell B Tjfc e s'e d are. a therefore. to cite all and singular, the kindred and creditors of 6 i”!L < |e’?g5 e, k ‘9 B ‘wi t tncs t s my oSclaf^ignaturc-thisL December ^ B «aV iuml Whiskey Hab its cured at, home with ou i pain. Book of par ticulars sent FI, EE. ,85)6 Whitehall Street 1,1, I r/ rt Send six cents for postage and | ’ K /, K. recceive free a costly box ol eioda which will help ali, of either sex, to make more money right Sway than anything else i Uds world. Fortunes await the workers abso lutely sure. Terms mailed free. Tbue & Co. Am/nstA. Maine \\TANTED—Lady, active and intelligent, to W represent, in her own looality, an old firm. References required. Permanent position and E°j'JOHNSON, Manager, 16 Barclay 8t., N. Y. uov9 tuUn. DulTy’s Puri; Wall Whi?kcy bn-1 Duffy's Formula. 148 Ix-nixniKK sr , Ri.ixAoi.-rn, *. .i, Sir*-My trouble i.nn limn chronic nnr rla. 1 wub cotuplmrly mu dow n : no appetite, lu vnl.ow, constant languor him woaknuj.-. i ?ok jour Butty’* Pure M ilt Whbkm ».1 putty ■ Formula, ana ccnihi noi H ak t'< |.> P | bftier titnn I do. 1 gained *.>l, iouiuI- .<us first week. D R. IkmV|..\S :j. 110 J AOKftOK ST.. I'ATKttfUtK, N . . fHtsr B ts-Aa u result of tuttnc your Did. i Puri Mall Whiskey and Du tit's lormul. I And that all the imdariid reelings ) had n w been expelled ; my appetite has returned Iten piece. *« Rim Rirenirtlj hoi JOHN PUTT i . 4(1 Print St. Kuxamctii, N uentlemen—I have lout.rt the greatest, relief yott*’ pnfl.y's Pure Mnlt WlusUcV and Putty s formula m breaking up the el’ll is •nd fever, with which I had nren troublea tor 12 years 1 have been trotihled hImi with me lungs nnd blood snlttinu, which im$ nl«o been relieved. a J. (JJ.ICLBON. _ tt22 York St„ W. Pit:la., J'a. Gentlemen—I hnd nmlarml fever. \t MeJt wni followed by typhoid and pneumonia. I'livst. clans nmcrlbed cod-liver oil, l ut did not -m. B rove. I trot disgust oil and procured your •ully’s Pore Mall Whiskey and DnflVs For >. ula. 1 her did me good at once. 1 was Minor.! nikeietom and would noi have believed li \ os- slble to make the progress 1 did in a short Hme. I cannot say too much In their favor W.M. MSDKMKYKH. ’27 lionetnb St., Brooklyn. N. V. Geniletnen---A vear ago mj mother was taken sick with Mninrln, and alter her rncovw ery she was troubled with ave.rrbnrt e.ouca. She coughed a great deal In the morning, s. o commenced louse \our Dull'y’s Purr MuMWi.ti. key and »he tbonghl It helped her. I sent tor your Daw Heel Fonnuia nnd prepared Itaiono# and I am happy to inform you net* cough was entirely cnr>d. Hbe still cotuinues it. nse tour whiskey as a tonle. I have recommended It topererni aged people, and thev prefer It to any other stimulant. MARIA M. LYNCH. with chilis, and received no pertnan nt rebel In the hands of a physician. The maiRdy brought on hemorrhages, but am planned o sny that ns a result of using votir Unff’- s I’nre Malt Whiskey and DuftV’s Formula, I am Icellng betier than l have in six years, and 1 regard Its power tn curing malaria as sqmo- thlug wonderful. J. H. BOONE. Till*. DUFFY MALT tMlISKEYCO., lUl.TIMOTtU, md. •y*orn wmRKRv is sot.n ovly th srai.rd Born i:s, Nf.vrk in Bl i.k. " mAm cure; •hio.ouu Single Box ss«'H Lv • LI) SAV • . in person who Inis (raveled nil ovr*r the w ‘ HALTlMOltfC. AiD. L»tS. CAPITAL PRIZE, - $.50,000 “We <io hereby certify (hat toe supervise the rangement for all the Monthly and Quartarl'. Drawings of The Ijouieiana State Lottery Com pany, and in person manage and control th Drawings themselves, mid that the same are oon ducted with honesty, fairness, nnd in good faitf toward all parties, and we authorize the Company to use this certificate, with facsimiles o o,ur eifr natures attached, to its advertisements romnlMloners, We the undersigned Banks and Bankers wit pay all Prizes drawn in The Louisiana State Lot terles which may be presented at our counters. J. II. OtiLENRY. Pres*, ia. Nat*I Bank. J. W. KIL1IKKT1I, Pres. Mate Jfnt’l B’k. A. BALDWIN, Pres*. N. O. Nnt’l Bub U NPRECEDENTED ATTRACTION ! Over Half a Mitlioi Distributed Louisiana State Lottery Comp’y. Incorporated in 1868 for 25 .years bv the Legisla ture for Educational nnd Charitable purpoaes- \vith a capital of $1.000,000—to which a reserve fund of over $550,000 lias since been added. By an overwhelming popular vote its franchise was made a part of the present State Constitu tion, adoptee! December 2d, A. D. 1870. Itn Grand Mingle number Drawings will take place monthly. It never scales or poet pones. Look at the following distribution: lDPtb Grand NIonthly AND THK EXTRAORDINARY QUARTERLY DRAWING In the Academy of Music, New Orleans. Tuesday, December 14,188tt. Under the personal supervision and manage ment of Gen. G. T. BEAUREGARD, of Louisiana, A Gen. JU8IAL A. EARLY, of Virginia. Capital Prize, |150,000. *S*Jiuiic<i--TlrkPts arc Ten Dollars only. Halves. $5. Firths.?". Tenths,$1. LIST OP PRIZES. 1 CAPITAL PRIZE OK $150,000 $1M,0W 1 GRAND PRIZE OF 60,000 60.001 1 GRAND PRIZE OF 20,000 20.0W 2 LARGE PRIZES OF 10,000 20,000 4 LARGE PRIZES OF 6,000 20,001 20 PRIZES OF 1,000 20,(XX 60 PRIZES OF 600 26,000 100 PRIZES OF 300 30,001 200 PRIZES OF 200 40,00t 600 PRIZES OF 100 60,00* 1,000 PRIZES OF 60 50,00< APPOX1MATION PRIZES. 100 Approximation Prizes of $200 $M,60C ISO “ " 100 10,001 100 " “ 76 7,601 2,270 Prizes, amounting to ..$622,sot Application for rates to clubs should be made only to the Office of the Company in New Orleans. For farther information write clearly, giving fall address. POSTAL RiOOTES, Exprest Money Orders, or New York Exchange in ortfi- ’iy Express (at our ex- . A. DAUPHIN, New Orleans, lax. Or H. A. DAUPHIN, VI’ashhiglon. D. €. Make P. O. Money Orders pn.yabD Hurt address llrgisteml Letters to NEW OHI.I A VN NATIONAL HANK, wed se&wfiw Now Orleans, La. COMMISSIONERS’ SALE FOR PARTITION. Valuable C i t y P r o p e r t y. f'i EORGIA, MUSCOGEE COUNTY—Under and ' Iby virtue of an order from the Superior Court of Muscogee County, passed on the first das of the Now tuber term, l*b6 thereof,.the undersigned Coramifibioners appointed by said court will sell in front of the court house of said county, in t he city of Columbus, on the first Tuesday in Jan uary lhH7, between the legal hours of sale at pub lic outcry, to the highest bidder, the following described city property, all lying iu the city of Columbus, county of Muscogee, State of Georgia, to-wit: All that tract or parcel of land lying and being in the city nf Columbus, Li own and distinguish ed in the plan of said city as the south half of city lot number four hundred and eighty nine, f4891, fronting on McIntosh street, (now Fifth avenue;, containing one fourth 1 1 ») of an acre, more or less, together with all and singular the rights, members and appurtenances, and im provements to the tame in any manner belong ing Terms, cash. Possession given on execution of deed to pur chaser. J. L. WILLIS. I. L. POLLARD, J. G. MOON. nov 30-dtd Commissioner-;. NOTICE is hereby given to all parties having demands against P. McArdle, lato ofMuscogeee county, deceased, to present them to me properly made out, within the time prescribed by law, so as to show their character and amount. And all persons indebted to suid deceased are hereby re* pense) addressed If AH V FOR ALL. 830 a week and expenses paid. Valuable outfit and particular* .fir**. F. O. VICKORY, Augusta, Me, oc4 w6m COLUMBUS Iron Works COMPANY, Columbus, Georgia. FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS. DEALERS IN Lime, Shingles, Dressed and Matched Ceiling and Flooring and other Lumber. Specialty made of Dress ing Lumber for other parties. AGENTS FOR Royal Pumps, Judson Governors, Eberman Feeders, Standard Injectors, Hancock Inspirators and BROWN COTTON GINS MANUFACTURERS OF Stratton’s Improved Absorption Ice Machines, Saw Mills, Pumps, Hollow Ware, Syrup Kettles, STM ENGINES, CANE MILLS, POWER COIN PRESSES, GOLDEN GOTTON IFIRzLISSZES AND The Improved Calender Rollers. The above cut represents the Improved Calender Rollers, so much admired and extensively used by Colton Manufac turers of the present day. They consist principally of live Rollers, six inches in diameter, 40 inches long; two of them hollow, being a receptacle for steam. They are furnished with all necessary pipe and valves, fitted up ready to be at tached to a Boiler; has all the latest improvements on same, includiug the Selvage Rollers ane Cloth Yard Folder ; a taut and loose Pulley, 20 inches in diameter, 4 inches face, all ready to be connected to a line of Shafting. It only requires a trial to demonstrate their indispensibility. Ie20*w6m m i If iiij A \J Will Offer This Week in addition to the LiBt of Bargains of the Pu«t Week : 1000 Yards Heavy Wool Jeans at 20 cents, worth 2or. 1000 Yards Good Cotton Flannel at 5 cents, worth 8c. 500 Yards splendid Black Silk at 7o cents, worth $1 00. 500 Yards Heavy Gros Grain Black Silks at $1.00, worth $1 25. 300 Yards beautiful Silk Plush at 75c. worth $1 50. 300 Yards beautiful Silk Vclvols at 75c, worth $2 00. 500 Yards assorted Colored Silks at the uniform price of 50c, worth $1 00 to 2 00. Come and get first choice. SPECIAL BARGAINS in Remnants Dress Goods, Vel vets. Ac, Now Goods received daily. J - . ZEEL C^-ZE^a-IILjL, ocl0dAw.ini Aft’t. UNPRECEDENTED STOCK OF Piece Goods NOW READY For Fall, 1886. Clothing Made to Order. Variety Unp»rnll«tle«L Prices BCMMiinbln. Nntisfartlon CnsrantsH. GOODS selected now will be mode ready delivery at any date doeirod. Gall aad kw with an order. G. J. PEACOCK, (Tothlnir Haunfaetarer, ISO* A M Brust Street. Colnmbns Ha. Five Cold and Two Silver Medal*, awarded in 1885 at the Expositions at New Orleans and Louisville, and the In, ventions Exposition of London. The superiority of Coralifie over bom or whalebone has now been demonstrated by over five years’ experience. It is mote durable, more pliable, more comfortable, and nmer breaks. Avoid cheap imitations made of viurioia kinds of cord. None are genuine rm'ef “Do. Warner's Cobaunk" is print* on inside of steel cover. FOR SALE BY ALL LEADIIIfi MERCHANTS. WARNER BROTHERS, 353 Bro r dwey, New York CH* A Ntandard ni-rtlciil Work ME IV. UllUIJLOULU ill LI! ONLY 81.0(1 I1Y HAIL, POSTPAID. KNOW THYSELF. ILLUSTRATED SAMPLE FREE TO ALL A Great Nfdlc*l Work on Hanlioo4 Exhausted Vitality. Nervous and Physical Debt]* ity, Premature Decline in Man, Errors of Youth, and the untold misery resulting from imUscretiom or excesses. A book for every man, young, mid* die-aged and old. It contains 126 prescriptions for all acute and chronic diseases, each one which is invaluuble. So found by the Author whose experience for 26 years is such as probably never before befel the lot of any physician. 30$ pages, bound in beautiful French muslin, em bossed covers, Aill gilt, guaranteed to be a finer work in every sense -mechanical, literary and professional -than any other work sold in this country for $2.60, or the money will be refunded in every instance. Price only $1.00 by mail, posl^ P aid. Illustrated sample 6 cents. Sena now. laid medal awarded the author by the National Medical Association, to the President of which, the Hon. P. A. Bisscll, and associate officers at the Hoard the reader is respectfully referred. The Science o'* ~' ” ’ ’' ’ ’ for instruction, will benefit all. -London Lancet. There is no member of society to whom Tbs Science of life will not be useful, whether youth, parent, guardian, instructor or clergyman.—Ar gonaut. Address the Peabody Medical Institute, or Dr. W. H. Parker, No. 4 Bulfinch street, Boston, Moss., who may i>c consulted on ail diseases ALYDOR GENlTLfMEN’S FRIEND Tlie Brown Cotton Gin Co-, NEW LONDON, CONN. Manufacturers of tlio “Old Reliable” Brown Cotton Gins, Feeder, ami Con densers. All the very latest improvements: Im proved roll box, patent wUpper, two brush belts, extra strong brush, cast steel bearing", «... improved Feeder, enlarw-" aust prooi ’ondeuser. t rung, simple!’: instruction, durable gin ‘.St ’■’mu light, cleans the seed per- Ifeet.j and produces first class samples. DEL.IVLKCD Fit RE OK FUKIGHT wt any accessible point. Mead for full description and price list. COLUMBUS IRON WORKS, Agents, Columbus, Ga. SSOt&WCE Cures Cl and G inti io-i days. Ask your druggist for It. Sent to any add ress for $1.80 MALYDOii MFG. CQ. SwiJlgMO EVANS & HOWARD, Agents ftS$OC'J (16111 mneun * i: ’• • School is t he he*! Sm'M. m An ... America. Thu moBt i coume of iu- y-jHiru.-iInu and the most iniucnt faculty. En- , CWl «u/ -j-Hcd by bu sines* houses. For circalarf nnd specimens ot Pen- m« ,nRi,, l-7 uddress ‘ r iiOSOitTJ. OQLrsyiTH. Principal- Notice to Debtors and Creditors. GEORGIA, MUSCOGEE COUNTY. All parties having claims against Thos. D. l orthon, decuaed. ure hereby notified to present the same, duly authenticated, tome, within tha tunc prcRcribud by law ; and all parties indebted to said Thos. D. Kortson are required to make immediate payment to me. T. W. FORTSON, oc6 oaw6w Administrator. w P 111 AMT votl ■ a ilve man or ^ ^ *■ th II I needlngprotitable eL- Da ontto represent twin every county. 6 l$76monthJy &expenscH, oralargecom ion on sales i f preferred. Goods ir -