Newspaper Page Text
JBHer Holiday Bow to the Public o» a
’ Tlic “Dilemma of the Twentieth <'enlur>" Trealeil
in Npennerlan Metre—Woman's Ailment to he
Cared Ity the Ballot—Alleirorleal Suirv-rliiitn of
Jadlth Von Stump—t'austle Itemarka on l.orcli
of Croat Ion.
.New York World.
Philadelphia, December 10.— The
ProHd will print to morrow the following:
Tlte January number of Llppincott’s
“Magazine v, Ill be issued about tuc 20th of
the present month, aiul in it Miss Rose
Elleant-th Cleveland will make her bow as
a poetess. Her poem is entitled “The Di
lemma of Ihe Twentieth Century” and
consists of forty-one stanzas of ten lines
-each. It is written in Spenserian metre,
similar to the jingle of Byron’s “Don
-Juan,” although it bears no resemblance
to that popular, but rather off-day color
production. It would be fairer to Miss
'Cleveland, perhaps, to say that she has
taken the “Fatrio Qucene” as her model
Tor an allegory of the present day. The
••“Dilemma,” of course, is the woman ques
tion, and the poem begins:
Jurlth Von Stump fell Bick or fell to ailing—
That waa as clear as day to any one—
.And it waa settled Judith’s health was failing;
That someth jug was the matter, must be done.
And so a meeting of the wise physicians
Of either sex was called upon to sit
In counsel upon Judith’s bad condition,
And charged to And a speedy cure for it,
Efrom far and near they came, and saw and sat:
Of conquering I apeak not; you shall Judge of
Doctors of all kinds come at the call,
“‘of every school and are of either sex,”
■who find upon investigation the facts in
-Judith’s case. Her parents were plain, re
spectable people who went to church in
pleasant wcatner.
Or, when It happened that a rain was failing
- On papa’s stock, why then, it Is not queer,
They kept the Sabbath day at. home, in culling
On God to rain salvation iar and near.
The Sunday columns of tile Now York Weekly
■Gospel of truth they read, too. nt this time.
Deceiving all its wise instructions meekly;
And both declared ’twos excellent, ’twas prime.
Thus, by this wise hebdomadal arrangement
There came to these elect no sad estrangement.
In such an atmosphere Judith was nour
ished and sent to boarding school, where
she learned such things as ladies should
know and was Anally graduated and “read
-with nice articulation nor vale, tied with
ribbons in between.” She afterwards
-emerged as a butterfly of fashion, backed
bylher papa’s gold, and|"cracked” a dozen
hearts ana broke a “couple.” However,
-Judith was not cruel, as she always said
•“she did not mean to hurt ’em.” Years
moll on and Judith is twenty-one, and “our
(review of her past life is done.” At this
moint Miss Cleveland adorns the page with
iten asterisks and the reader is at once
tushered into a meeting of the disagreeing
-doctors. This is their diagnosis:
We find this woman
Existing without life at twenty-one;
Possessing all those forces which a human
Nature can boast. The patient should bs one
In robust health. Upon investigation
We find the nervous centres and the brain
A little strained. Local ossification
Threatens the heart; and yet no trace of pain
Is to be found. In fhet, we are not sure
Of cause, and therefore And ns yet no cure.
At this there 1b much discussion, one doc
tor saying that the woman is in love:
Another declares that she needs a husband
. -And family to occupy her time, and
another physician prescribes exercise in
- the open air.
'The next who gained a hearing was a woman,
-Of visage resolute and purpose fell.
Who now proclaimed in accents superhuman:
-"The truo cause of this illucss I can tell—
And will. Our patient is a wretched sufTeror
'.From man's injustice; yon will please to note
"The cause; 'tis soon explained, and ’tis enough,
'Terns' e a woman sick, sir, not to vote.
*he never told her grief, yet how it cankers I
. -Give her the ballot, sir -, for this she hankers.”
Immense applause follows this advice,
'.and amid the confusion the author, who
-has not appeared before, falls asleep and
-dreams that she is walking on a ladder
stretched across a gulf. She finds it impos
sible to get to the other end of the ladder,
and continues:
The night draw on—
Backward I could not return; trembling and
I fell, and falling, woko. My dream was gone—
Uone were the doctors, gone the crowd, all
And of the patient naught could I discover.
Then follows ten more ustcrlsks and the
(moral begins:
Ah, Judith! whercsoe’r wo turn wc see you—
Your pretty, puny face, your helpless hands
.Lying iu graceful ease, while still to free you
From chains yourself has forged, fermenting
•Of yeasty quacks prescribe, without a fee.
For this sick woman of the nineteenth century I
As a counter remedy to the prescription
«of “yeasty quacks,” Miss Cleveland boldly
.-announces her creed:
My erred is short and easy of digestion-
provided you possess those organs sound,
Aud eager ta discuss the woniau question,
A subject stroug and tough, as i have found.
I do believe a woniau is a creature
Sent forth of (lod to run the race of life,
As tree of choice as mun in every feature
And phase of this most noble strife.
The man has brain and soul and body; woman
The same, aud this makes up the human.
’ The. author says very emphatically that
.-.a man iK just precisely what ilia food will
unuke nim. For instance, if your palate
has been tickled by cabbage :
If cabbage, then 1 say, herbivorous sinner,
You’ll Ana yourself a cnbhnge-head pro tern.
•Cabbage you'll talk, or, if you live by scribbling,
You’ll think and write just what you have been
In fact, all through Miss Cleveland seems
. to have great contempt for the unfortunate
• creature known as a man, and proceeds to
score him most unmercifully at every
■ chance. Witness the following. Afteran-
nouueingthat if you know a man’s diet you
-can’t mistake him:
Of course you understand I mean by diet
Just all that feeds the man in head and heart—
-Omitting not the stomach, for deny it
Who will, the liver regulates no meagre part .
Make out your formula, choose your affinities;
Say equal purts of ballroom, club and horse;
:So much flirtation; some fetv printed asiuities,
Et cetera, et cetera, in course.
And if you strictly follow out your plan
You'll "have that “ tiling of hair and neckties ”
colled a man
Miss Cleveland evidently feels that she
J has been severe upon the masculiues, and
Such quiet as the untrodden forest hldelh,
Albeit all the Ringing birds are there.
So steadfast bide, whilst 'midst man's dreary
Eternity is surging o'er the beach of time,
And underneath thy feet its sands arc sliding
Into that ocean vast with sound sublime.
Its surf shall salt thy patient work’s end avor,
Whilo love and taith echo Its grand forever.
It is understood that Miss Cleveland has
received *500 from the publishers of Llp-
pincott’s Magazine for this poem.
One Orest Merit
of that beautifler of the teeth, SOZODONT,
is that its effect upon the mouth Is refresh
ing, while as a means of cleansing the
teeth and improving the breath it stands
alone. sat,Be,tu,tb&w
Mrs Unit the Lost Word.
A woman is bound to have the last word.
When tho editor of the Peavine remon
strated with the principal contributor to
the poet’s corner of his valuable sheet for
writing on both sides of her paper, she qui
etly retorted: “ Well, and don’t youprint
on both sides of yours?”—Boston Trans
In the misfortunes of others It is good to
learn what must be avoided.
A Coating Need of NUtcsmsnslilp.
There is a time not far In the future
when the wisest statesmanship will be re
quired to deal with the complex and great
problems that are crowding to the front
and demanding solution.—Noblesville Re
Duffy's Pure Mail Whiskey
Duffy’s Formula.
For Molar!*.
148 Cathkiunr 8t., Klizauktu, R. J.
Sirs—My trouble has been chroulc. inularla,
I was completely run down ; no appetite, akin
yellow, count ant languor and wen knew. 1
took your Duffy's rare Malt Whiskey And
Duffy's Formula, ana could not ask to tcoi
110 Jackson 8t., Patickson, N..I.
Dear Sirs—As a result of using your DuflVi
Part Malt Whiskey anil Duffy's Pormul.v I
find that all the malarial feelings 1 had h ive
been expelled ; my appetite hut. returned und
• gradual Increase In weight and strength baa
taken place. JOHN DUFKY.
40 Fin■ St., Euxaoktu, S .I.
Gentlemen—I have found the gr^utest. relief
Id the use of your Duffy’s Pure llalt Whiskey
and Duffy’s Formula in breaking ap the chilis
and fever, with which I had been tronblea for
12 years. 1 have been troubled also with iny
lanes and blood spitting, which has also been
relieved. A. J. GLEK8QN.
823 York Bt„ W. Pin la., Pa.
Gentlemen—I had malarial fever, which \rae
followed by typhoid and nnenmenle. Physi
cians prescribed cod-liver oil, but did not im
prove. I got disgusted and procured yottr
Duffy’s Pure Malt Whiskey and Dairy’s Form-
nls. They did tne good at once. I was almost
a skeleton, and would not have believed It pos
sible to make the progress I did In a short
ttmo. I cannot say too much In their favor.
27 Hopkins 8t., Brooklyn. N. 7.
Gentlemen—A year ago my mother wa*
taken tick with Malaria, and after her reco
ery she was troubled with a very hsd couga.
She eoughed a great deal In the morning. Hha
commenced to use your Duffy’s Pure MaltWhta-
key and she thought It helped her. I seat tor
your Raw Beef Formula aud prepared It atone*
and I am happy to Inform you nor cough wa*
entirely cured. 8hc still continues to use
your whiskey as a tonic. I have recommended
It to several aged people, and they prefer It to
any other stimulant. MARIA m. LYNCH.
Gentlemen—I had been for years suffering
wtlb chills, and received no permanent relief
1* the hands of a physician. The naaiady
brought on hemorrhages, hut am pleased to
say that as a result of using your Daffy's
Pure Malt Whiskey and Duffy's Formula, I
am feeling better than I have in six years, and
I regard Its power in coring malaria as loma
thing wonderful.
ItALrmonR, Md.
tp-Ovn Wiiiskkt rs Boi.n Orly iat Skaled
Bottlxb, Nstick in Bulk.
* HlKUHKi Single IJoxi »8«'ld
'by ♦ ■ LI> 8A1 T » , In ponton
\ who has traveled all over ths
1 United Stales. OP
i Qf Drucinsts or Midi
1 Cts.
/"••URE BIIIcusiyigs; srek Hradoehe in Fourhourt
v£) Ono doso relievos AourLlgla. They cure am
prevent Chills -- Fever, SourSinmach v* Ba
nroatli. Clear tho Sk'n, Tone tho Hr - vef, a".’ qii
ilo Vigor to llva system. Doso: G. fc’ ... •
fry thorn onco and you will never bo without it-..-’
f’rlco, 25 cents per bottle. Sold by Cn-euqlr'.s m
Mndlclno Dealers ger.Rrnlly. Sent on iicelp; •
price In stamps, postpaid, to any oddress,
o.F. SMI TH & CO.,
Manufacturers and Sole Props.. ST. LOUIS, K3.
prooi^eds to reprove the “ pulpy ? pretty
x'woman of the period” in rather mild mail-
/nor. Ten more asterisks appear, and then
the other says:
Oh, Judith 1 Send the doctor* off! Look round
At nature's bounty open to your choice.
Rise from the chains of custom which have
bound you
To slavish deference, to fashion’s voice.
And stale convention—chains that must be riven
By tbe same bauds that forged and placed them
Those same soft hands that God to you has given
For better use than always “doing hair,”
Or advertising, by their jeweled glimmer,
Your heart a bait for any golden swimmer.
Judith is also advised to choose work to
occupy her time and not linger, but to take
the work at hand while others wrangle
over just what suits. Or she can—
Choose love, the marvel—love, the old magician,
Whose alchemy diviue transmutes our dross
To finest gold love, the unschooled physician,
Who, healing, takes no uote of gain or loss.
Ay. choose, thou, love, albeit in the choosing
Thou choose a day’s feast and a lifelong dearth,
Thou gainest still a greater gain in losing.
For love and pain are beings of one birth.
Love tbe divine, love the self-abnegating—
-Love the eternal, all time ante-datuig.
Faith, “the salt of work, the soul of
love,” can also be chosen, and content will
come to the soul and “health and quiet.”
v The last stanza follow's:
* ® u ®h quiet as the sea knows, where abideth
All moving life, all treasures rich and rare;
The Luca Bustle, the latest and best.
Ladies’ and Children’s Jersey Jackets. Call for our Chil
dren’s Norfolk Jerseys.
The best all-wool Five Dollar Newmarket in the city.
The best Five Dollar all-wool Blankets in Columbus.
Choice stoek Hamburg Edgings and Insertions, white, red
and blue. They are scarce and hard to get.
New stock of Knit Underwear.
New stock of Jewelry. New stock of Ladies’ Trunks.
Call for our Ladies’ French Ribbed Hose, unbleached, at
25c; they are well worth 40c.
New stock Embroidered Flannels.
New stock Plaid Nainsooks for Aprons at 10c and 121c.
Our Dress Goods in wool, also silk fabrics, is being con
stantly replenished and added to.
Our five-button Kid Gloves at 50 cents are not trash, but
fresh goods.
A small lot Children's Wraps left over from our last win
ter stock will be sold at a sacrifice
J. A. KiRVEN & CO.
Is the best general purpose wire fence in use. II
isn Mtronat net-work without bnrbi. Don’t
Injure stock. It will turn dogs, pigs, sheep and
poultry, as well ns horses and cattle. The best
fence for Farms, Gardens, Stock Ranges and Rail
roads. Very neat, pretty stylos for Lawns, Parka,
School-lota and Cemeteries. Covered with rust
proof paint, or made of galvanized wire, us pre
ferred. It will lust a life-time. It is better tlmn
hoar da or barbed wire In every respect. The
Sedgwick Gate* made of wrought-!ron pipe and
steel wire, defy all competition in lightness, neat
ness, strength and durability. We make the best,
cheapest and easiest workingnll-lron nutomatlo
or sclf-opciiing *atp« and the neatest cheap
iron fences now mnde, The beat Wire
Strctchera, Cutting Pliers ami Post Augers.
For prices and particulars ask Hardware Dealers,
or address, mentioning paper,
SEDGWICK BROS.. Richmond, Ind
' needing profitable employ.
A. f>monthly & expenses, orularire commiss
ion on sales i f preferred. Goods staplo*
everyone buys. Outfit and particulars Free.
Tutu °»iiro , . k olC I-alatYn lla
The Brown Cotton Gin Co.,
Manufacturers of the “014 Reliable”
Brown Cotton Gins, Feeders and Con
All the very latest improvements: Im
proved roll box, patent whlpper, two
brush belts, extra strong brush, cast
steel bearing-" - improved Feeder,
enlarp^-* dust piou ,'oudeuser.
urig, simple ir .instruction, durable
gin 'ast '...s light, cleans the seed per
fect. , aud produces first class samples.
at any accessible point. Send for fall
description and price list.
COLUMBUS IRON WORKS, Agents, Columbus, Ga.
House and Commission
Fontaine Warehouse, Columbus, Ga.
1 WILL continue the Warehouse and Commission Business in all its branches,
and solicit the patronage of my friends and the public generally. We guarantee strict
attention and prompt returns on all consignments.
BAGGING and TIES always on hand at cash prices.
Storage and Sale of COTTON a specialty.
Agent for the Latest Improved “LUMMUS COTTON GIN.
eep-l 2tawlm w'.’m
$1000 REWARD
For any mud hint; hulling n.ui
•leaniug flt for market a* much
Clover Seed iu ONB DAY
Illu«trat«*d circu- 1
Iar mailed free.
MACHINE CO., Columbia, O. Em. Ur. IIohm, llacentomu-l
T>T> T 7 U Send six cent* for postage and
I lYl/jij. recceive free a costly pox of
goods which will help all, of either sex, to make
more money right away thaw anything else i
this world. Fortunes await the workers abso
lutely sure. Terms mailed free. Tbub A 00.
Seven Years of Physical and
Mental Suffering Ended
by Cuticura.
A BOUT seven years ago I had a humor break
out upon my face: it started in a small blotch
and looked like the sting of a bee, then it spread
and looked like a ringworm, aud became very
painfhl. I at once went to one of the best doc
tors in the city and he could do me no good. No
leBB than twelve of the best doctors have had a
trial at my face and all of them failed. I Will not
give you a list < f of their names, but will say that
they were from Boston, New York and Maine,
also from England, France and Canada. I have
been a hotel cook and steward for years. In the
summer I cook at watering places; that is why 1
have hoo ian opportunity of being: among good
doctors. They could not cure my luw, and i had
given up all hopes of ever being any better. Last
June, I went to Moosehead Lake, Maine, to cook
for the season. My lace was so bad 1 ili< i ot like
to bf seen. At the lake I met a gentleman from
England. He told me to use your Cuticura Rem
edies and thi y would cure me at once. 1 did so.
The result was in three weeks tho sores on m.
face were healed up. I used it all the season. My
face is all well and no scars to be seen. I have
recommended it to a number, and iu every case
it has cured them. It would take a great deal of
money to put me back where I was one year ago,
providing! did not know what >our Cuticura
would do. I shall recommend it as long as 1 live,
and shall ever remain, H STEVENS.
East Jackson, Me.
A most Wonderful Nkin Cure.
Have just used your Cuticura Remedies on one
of my girls, ana found it to be just what it is
recommended to be. My daughter was all broken
out on her head and body, and the hair com
menced to come out. Now she is as smooth as
ever she waa, and she has only taken one box of
Cuticura, one cake of Cuticura Soap, and one
bottle of Cuticura Re^lvent. I doctored with
quite a number of doctors, but to no avail, I am
willing to make affidavit to the truth of the state
Macon, Mich,
Cuticura, the great Skin Cure, and Cuticura
Soap, an exquisite Skin Beautifler externally,
and Cuticura Resolvent, the New Blood Purifier
internally, are a positive cure for every form of
Skin and Blood Disease, from Pimples to Scrothla.
Sold everywhere. Price: Cuticura, 50 cents; Soap,
26 cents; Resolvent, $100. Prepared by the Potter
Drug and Chemical Company, Boston. Send for
“How to Cure Skin Diseases.”
QT7"TT^ Blemishes, Pimples, Blackheads and
O JV A lx Baby Humors, use Cuticura Soap.
Aching Muscles, Banks, Hips and
;Sidesand all Pain, Infiamation and
Weakness relieved in one minute by
.the Cuticura Anti-Pain Plaster. At
East Side of First Ave., between 12lh and 13th Sts.
Sew and Nebby Turnouts, Safe and Showy Horses, Careful and Experienced Drivel's,
FUNERALS personally conducted and properly attended to. The finest Hearses in
the city.
AFTER SEPTEMBER 1st, Horses boarded and carelully cared for at |18 per
month. Ample accommodations for LIVE STOCK. Headquarters for dealers.
(TTelephM, Jit*. BS. o*U dly
T*i* ONLY CORSf.T made taut e*n t>m return*
>y its purchaser after three weeks* war
•ot found
li callous.
rue. refunded * v maiis.
• "iP 1 G-*
e fcenu’.ne witho>*.
i Raff
i * • a'- 4 Et. Mevv York
-« 'htracm
Whereas, Mrs. Leo. E. Swift applies fo» letter*,
of administration on the estate of George P.
Swift, jr., late of said county.« eceased.
These are, therefore, to cite all and singular
the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to
show cause, if any they have, within the time
prescribed by law. why said letters should not be
grant d to said applicant.
Witness ray official signature this December
4th 1886. F. M. BROOKS.
dec4 oaw4w Ordinary.
Whereas, Michael Sullivan makes application
for letters oi administration on the estate of
Katharine Sullivan, late of said county, de
These aTe. therefore, to cite all persona interest
ed. kindred anil creditors, to show cause, if any
the? have, within the time prescribed by law,
why letters of administration should not be grant-
< d to said applicant.
Witness my official signature this December
4th 1886. F. M. BROOKS.
deed oaw4w Ordinary.
Whereas, R. E Parish applies for letters of ad
ministration on the estate of James B. Slade, late
of said county, deceased.
These are. therefore, to cite all and singular
kindred and creditors, of said deceased, to show
cause, il any they can,within the time prescribed,
why letters of admin{strati< n, as aforesaid,
should not be granted to said applicant.
Witness my official signature this December
4th. 1886. F. M. BROOKS,
dec4 oaw4w Ordinary.
Whereas. Leo Loeb makes application for pe
manent letters of administration on the estate
Meyer Ureentree late of said county^ deceased
These are, therefore, to cite all an& singular
kindred and creditors of said deceased, to
show cause, U any they have, within the time
prescribed by law why permanent letters of ad
ministration should not be granted to said ap
Witness my official signature this December
4tl\, 1686. F. M. BROOKS,
dec! oaw 4w Ordinary.
Maple Syrup and Sugar;
New Buckwheat and Fanoy Patent Flour,
Mince Meat, Jellies and Preserves;
Now Mackerel;
Thurber’s Deep flea Codfish.
New Currants, Seedless Raisins. Citron,
Candied Lemon and Orange Peel,
Evaporated Raspberries and Pears.
Dried Pitted Cherries, Huckleberries
and Prunes.
Oranges, Lemons and Apples.
Fancy Dark Cranberries.
a.AAsr3st:e]:d goods.
A varied assortment of extra fine and standard
goods as is In the city.
New Meal from tbis year’s corn, Pearl Grits,
Granola, Cracked Wheat, flhreaded Onto,
Steamed Oat Meal, Spilt Peas, Green Peas, Sago,
Tapioca, Manioca, etc.
Fine Flour, Sugars, Mies and Teas,
Ferris & Co.’s Breakfast Bacon and Ham.
1026 Broad Street.
Description of Prisoners Escaped
From Muscogee County Jail,
November 7th, 1886.
JOSFPHB. JENKINS, (white,)—5 feet eleven
inches high, weight about 16$ pounds, dark
swatfcey complexion, dark hair, small dark mus
tache, large gray eye, stoop shouldered, very pro
fane in conversation.
WILLIAM COURTNEY, (white.)-about 21 or
22 years of age, 6 feet 9 or 10 inches in height,
about ICO pounds in weight, dark hair, smau
moustache and very black eye.
Black, about 150 pounds, 5 feet 6 or 8 inches in
height, some fVont teeth out, scar under left eye.
SIP WILLIAMS, (col.)—5 feet 8 or 9 inchce
high, will weigh 175 pounds, dark ginger-cake
color; dark spots on face; hangs his bead while
WILLIS McAFEE, (col.,)—5 feet 6 inches in
height, weight about 125 pounds; brown blaek
color, long mr ustache for a negro; quick spoken;
sharp features; talks low; has served five years
in Georgia penitentiary from Liberty county, Ga.
Fiflty dollars each wjll be paid for the delivery
of the above described prisoners to any jail, to be
delivered to the authorities of the county or Mus
cogee in said state of Georgia. Wire or write to
Chief of Police, Columbus, Ga.
A reward of fifty dollars each, in addition to the
above is offered by the jailer of the County of
Muscogee, for Jenkins or Courtney. nov21dlm
Whereas, C. A Redd, administrator of the es
tate of Mrs. Mary 8 Park, represents to the courl
in his petition duty filed, that he has fully ad
ministered Mary S. Park’s estate.
This is, therefore, to cite all persons concerned,
heirs and creditors, to show cause, if any they
can, why said administrator should not be dis
charged from his administration and receive let
ters of dismission on the first Monday in Februa
ry, 1886.
Witness my official signature this 30th day of
October. 1886. F. M. BROOKS,
oc30 oaw3m Ordinary.
Whereas, George Y. Pond, administrator de
bonis non, of estate of Ellen Thomas, represents
tt the court in his petition, duly filed, that he
ba> fully administered said estate.
This is, therefore, to cite all persons concerned
heirs and creditors, to show cause, if any they
can, why said administrator shoulcLnot be dis
charged from his administration and receive
letters of dismission on the first Monday in
March, 18S7.
Witness my official signature this December
7th, 1886 F. M. BROOKS.
deo7oawl2w Ordinary.
D FAFMFQQ I Its causes, and a new
U.Mr LOO . an( j successful (TBE at
your own home, by one who was deaf
twenty-eight years. Treated by the most
noted specialists without benefit. Cured himselj
in three mouths, and since then hundreds oi
others. Full particulars sent on application.
T. S. PAGE, No. 41 West 31st St., New York City.
oc28 iu th sat&w6m
will send a sample free to any one sending ad
dress. Address E. G. RICHARDS, sole proprie-
tnr.Toledp, Ohio w nmeowlv
Central Railroad and Banking
Company of Georgia.
Savannah, Ga., Dec. 1st, 1886.
A Dividend of FOUR DOLLARS per share
from the eamjngs of this Company and its de
pendencies has been declared, payable on and
after December 20th, to the Stockholders as of
record this day. T M. CUNNINGHAM,
dec7 eodlot Cashier,
A substantial Six-Room Residence, centrally
located; quarter-acie lot; convenient to businea*
churches, schools and street railroad. Owner
removing fVom the city, and will sell cheap tor
cash, or on time.
Temperance Hall.
The Wilkerson Residence.
The Harrison place, Beall wood.
Store No. 143 Broad Street.
Quarter-Acre Lot north Second Avenue.
Rooms over Singer Machine Office.
Six-Room Dwelling, Rose Hill.
Col. Holt’s Store and Dwelling, near Swifl’e
Broker, Real Estate and Insurance Agent.
Printing, Book-Binding
Paper Boxes
A LARGE STOCK of all kinds of PAPER, In
eluding Letter, Packet and Note Heads, BUI
Heads, statements, always on hand. Also En.
velopes, Cards, Ac., printed at Bhort notice,
Paper Boxes of any size or description not kepi
in stock made at short notice.
tf 42 Randolph Street, opposite Post Offloe.
will be paid for any Orals Faa oi
Pateat MONARCH Grata
•nd Seed Separator and Bag*
ccr or our Improved Ware*
houtc Mill which we offer cheap-
Price LiU mailed free.
Columbus, Obt~«
Election for Justice of the Peace.
r FHERE will be an election held at the court
A house, in the 668th distslct, G. M. (lower town)
on Saturday, the 1st day of January next, for one
Justice of the Peace ’or said district, to supply
the vacancy caused by the death of Samuel Bell,
This December 7th, 1886.
N. P. and Ex-Officio J. P. for 668th Dist. G. M.
dec? dtd
*e wed&fVi tf
Real Estate Agent, Columbus, Ga.
Bookcases,Tables, Offlot
Chairs,Letter Presses,
Fine Cabinets, &c.
500 N. Fourth at,, St, Louia.
Send 4o for 40 pp. Catalog!*
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E loits of DeSoto, IaSalle, Standish, Boone. Keaton, ** ”
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Bill, Gen. Crook, and others. Illustrated wiihltf line enj^ttW
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