Columbus enquirer-sun. (Columbus, Ga.) 1886-1893, December 21, 1886, Image 2
DAITiY ENQUIRER • SUN : OOLUMBU8, GEORGIA, TUESDAY MORNING DECEMBER 21, 1K86. General Alexander Making a Hard Fight for It. Thu ■*ndamiin Caw Vrard ie the Knprrlnr feart. Jartgr Adam* Orrrrale* tkr lotlea (A nimb* the Alternative Wrlt-8nnu> Af the Itcmien, Why the Directors Effete tA Open the Stork Lint far Inspection. Savannah News. The mandamus cose brought by General Alexander’s friends to compel the Central railroad officials to open for inspection tho stockholders’ list, came up in the superior court yesterday. An alternative writ was issued by Judge Adams on the relation of Major A. L.Hait- ridge. Captain Henry Blun, 13. M. Ureen, Mrs. H. V. Camming, Mrs. Louise Porter, Mrs. L. F. Gilmer and others, directing tho president and directors of the road to open for inspection the stock list, or to show reasons why they should not do so. When the case came up yesterday, Messrs. Law- ton and Saussy, counsel for tho railroad, moved a dismissal of the writ on the ground that a copy of the petition was not served. After lengthy argument from both sides Judge Adams overruled the motion. The counsel for the road then asked for further time to file their answer to the writ, and were allowc d until 0 o’clock last night. wny THEY OBJECT. The answer was filed a few minutes be fore tho time expired. It is an imbodi- ment of the reasons why tho president and directors denies the right of the petition ers to inspect the books of the company. 1. Because they do not know that the petitioners were stockholders of the cor poration at the time the writ of mandamus was filed, nor do they admit that they are now stockholders. 2. Because they have no money interest in the election for ft president and hoard of directors, which is to come off on Janu ary 3, unless it is in the office of president, he being the only salaried officer, and that tho importance of securing a competent board of directors does not constitute a money interest. NOT AN ESTABLISHED CUSTOM. 3. Because there is no established custom tlinta list of stockholders be published in the annual reports, as during tho fifty-one years’ existence of the road this publica tion has been made only fourteen times, and that neither tho charter nor by-laws of the company require this publication. 4. That although every fncility has been given the stockholders to do so, they have never objected to the action of the board of directors in January, 1883, in doing away with the annual publication of lists. 8. Because many stockholders object to the fact that they are holders being made public, and because the petitioners them selves have purchased for others a large number of shares of stock and have studi ously concealed the names of these pur chasers. MAY INSPECT THEIR ACCOUNTS. 6. They have never refused any of the petitioners, nor any stockholder, access to their own account. 7. That a canvass for a fit and proper board of officers is not a dispute, and does not give the petitioners the right to ask the court to compel an inspection of the books. 8. Because an individual stockholder has no right to a full and free inspection of the books. 9. That the charter does not allow such an inspection. 10. Because the petitioners have their remedy in the fact that the charter pro vides the manner and place whereby stock holders may have access to books and pa pers. ENTITLED TO CONTROL THE BOOKS. The respondents go on to show that by virtue of their office they are ontitled to the control of and an access to the books, and they deny that they have used this privilege in advancing their personal in terests. The next and final point made is that under the charter of tho corporation the directors nrc invested with wide pow ers and large discretion, and are made capable of exercising all such powers so as to best subserve the interests of the com pany. They have recognized the possi bility of a competing line or a syndicate of capitalists interested in competing lines purchasing a control of tho stock for the purpose of speculation, and they did not regard this control in the interests of stockholders who might thus be left in the minority or in the interest of the state. TO PROTECT T1IE STOCKHOLDERS. That many holders of stock in the road live out of reach of current information ns to market prices, and that if a list was made public speculators would lie enabled to buy their stock in a method frequently resorted to by them. This method is to depress the price in open market and at the same time buy up large quantities from unsuspecting parties at leas than the true value, though the price paid may be a little in advance of the market quota tion. The directors therefore claim the right and believe it to be a duty to exercise their discretion in guarding tlie interest of the stockholders. The ease will coino up agnin early this Week. Free* Trade. Tho reduction of internal revenue and tho taking off of revenue stamps from Pro prietary Medicines, no doubt lias largely benefited tho consumers,os well as relieving the burden of home manufacturers. Es pecially is this tho case with Green’s Au gust Flower and Bosehee’s German Syrup, as the reduction of thirty-six cents per dozen, has been added to increase the size of the bottles containing these remedies, thereby giving one-fifth more medicine in the 7ft cents size. Tho August Flower for Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint, and the German Syrup for Cough and Lung trou bles, have perhaps, the largest sale of any medicines in the world. The advantage of increased size of the bottles will be greatly appreciated by the sick and afflicted, in every town and village in civilized coun tries. Sample bottles for 10 cents remain the same size. octl2 d&wly A Big Price for Standing. What is called a “seat” in the New York Stock Exchange was recently sold for $29,- 000, but tho man who bought it will have to stand up all day and shout ut the top of his voice in order to make a profit on his investment.—Baltimore American. Persian and African and Indian world, secs birds of Paradise and saunters under palms. “Christmas comes but once a year,” was t he old English open sesame to the heart und hand of charity. To that appeal what lord or lady could be deaf? Let it be gold to-day, your honor, instead of silver or copper; flowing ale for limpid water; capon instead ot crust; to-day let us own the equality that we profess; for one hon est hour let us be brethren—for Christmas comes but once a year. To-morrow selfish ness and meanness, nnd class and pride and hard humanity, out to-day generosity and hospitality and kindness and human sympathy and brotherhood—for Christmas comes but once a year. We cannot, in deed, return with Santa Claus to bis mag ical realm of gift-blossoming groves, nor step into that swift chariot and follow in the moonlight tho soft music of fairy bells. No, wistful youth, we cannot stay the fleet angel, hut v.v ea.-, eompi 1 his blessing. We . an Lev to the l • yin;-; on of his hands. j.tB and ough yes* —' V- : / A/hrsitmas to aii, and to all a good night You’ll find her smiling night anil day, Although at times she it not gay. And should you wonder why you meet This constant smile, rcgurvl her teeth. She only laughs those gems to show, Which SOZODONT males white as snow. sat,se,tu,t.h&.w PROFESSIONAL CARDS. LAWYER*. *JK)L Y. CRAWFORD, Attoruey-at-Lnw, Office up t lairs over Wittioh A KJnsel’a Jewelry store VVe . A ' UJ WC . ; . 1. . 0.1 Ol ms . oud Tirs ki*>d:...d;df3 nnd vicegerents a; make hfl hip] y oeftwiii. .i m re ’.1 throuj el] the yeai — Moy Gbl. s i. s * * as to all, in Incorrigible. Sunset Cox declares that he has given up joking. Til is will be generally recognized as the funniest effort of Mr. Cox’s life.— Philadelphia Press. Whisky and opium habits can be d cure by taking Moxie Nerve Food. They Don't Nay Bno, As yet Judge Gresham has received no congratulations from the fellows whose eyes are turned towards the white house door.—Philadelphia Times. In tho misfortunes of others it is good to learn what must be avoided. Tills was « Choke. “It will come hard for me to descend from such an elevated position of publici ty,” remarked the gentleman standing on the trap, looking down on the multitude. “Oh, no,” said the sheriff, “I will let you down easily.” And so he did, but took the candidate’s breath away all the same. —Brooklyu Eagle. BILIOUSNESS Is an affection of the Liver, and can be thoroughly cured by that Grand Regulator of the Liver and Biliary Organs. MANUFACTURED BY J. H. ZEILIN & CO., - Philadelphia, Pa. I was afflicted for Heveral yearn with dis ordered liver, which resulted in a never* attack of jaundice. I had ah good medical attendance ur our section affords, who failed utterly to restore me to the enjoy ment of my former good health. I then tried the favorite prescription of one of the roost renowned physicians of Louis ville, Ky.. but to no purpose; whereupon I was induced to try SIMMONS LIVER REGULATOR. I found immediate bene fit from its use, and it ultimately restored me to the full enjoyment of health. A. H. SHIRLEY, Richmond, Ky. HEADACHE Proceed* from n Torpid Liver and Im- imrilieHOf flic Kteuinrli. Itcan be invariably cured by taking* ill Lit Let all who suffer remember that SICK AM) NERVOUS HEADACHES Can be prevented by taking a dose as soon ns their symptoms indicate the coming of an at luck. eod 8caw top col nrm (4) CLINCMAN’S “ OBACCO Moxie Nerve Food has proved to be a blessing to weak and delicate women. ChrUtmas Thoughts. Harper’s Magazine. If the imagination of tho child—and “a boy’s thoughts are long, long thoughts,” could reveal its Christmas secrets, doubt less we should see it shaping for his won der the strange woods of Santa Claus in which the verdure is all Christmas trees lit with tiny tapers, and blossoming beyond apple trees in June with rare and beautiful gifts, while yet from out that blooming realm of everlasting green the monarch, muffled from the coid, comes gliding over the hoary frost with airy reindeers tink ling in the chilly moon. To share that midnight ride, to behold the multitudinous stockings, and to return to the realm of eternal Christ maH gifts, is a vision uot be yond the daring imagination of the boy who in the joy of the Christmas morning twilight, as he feels the forms before see ing the beauty of his gifts, looks beyond the gifts to the region whence they come, as in touching ivory and beholding pearls »ad smelling spices he is rapt iute a for T REMEDIES THE CLINGMAN TOBACCO OINTMENT JTON on tho mnrkot for Pile*. A SI’ UK IT R 1C for Itrhiiijs Pile*. Has never failed to g-ive prompt roliof. Will euro Anal Ulcerw, Abscess, fistula. Tetter, Suit Rheum, Barber's Itch, King- worinn. Pimples, Snreu ami Boils. Price dOctH. THE CLINGMAN TOBACCO CAKE NATURE'S OWN REMEDY, (lire* all Wounds, Cuts, Br nines, Sprains, Erysipelas, Boils, Carbuncles, Bono Felons, ulcers, Sores, Sore Eyes, Sore Throat,Bullions,Corns, Neuralgia.Rheumatism, leumatio Gout* '* " ~ <g. Snake and In fact allays all 1 Price 2 A oIm# THE CLINGMAN TOBACCO PLASTER Prepared urcuvdtnu t« the immt scientific principles' of llie Ti llKST SEDATIVE 1NGKElMENTS, compounded with tho purest Tobacco Flour, and is specially recommended for Croup. Wt*od or Cake of the Breast, and for that class of irritant or inflammatory maladies, Aches and Pains w here, from too delicate a state of the system, the patient is unable to l»eHr the stronger application of the Tobacco Cake. For Headache or other Aches and Pains, it is invaluable. Price 15 els. Ask your druggist for these remedies, or write to the CLINGMAN TOBACCO CURE CO. DURHAM. N. C.. U. S. A. Catarrh ELY’S JOSEPH F. POU, Attorney-atrLaw. Office up sttfira over 1111 Broad street. jno. psauodt. W. *. IBANK**. CHARLTON BATTLB. pRABODY, BRANNON & BATTU* Attorneys-at-Law. Office second floor Burrus building, Broad And Twelfth streets. pHOMAfl W. GRIMES, Attorn ey-At-Law. Office up stairs over Robert Garter’s drug store. W 1 A. LITTLE, Attoruey-at-Lnw. Office over R. S. Crane, ooraer Brood and Twelfth street*. GRIGSBY R THOMAS, JB. GRIGSBY B. CHAHDLBR. rjtHOMAS & CHANDLER, Attorneys-at-Law. Offlcs up stairs over C. E. Hochstrasser’s stare. GOOD BARGAINS --A.T- JAS. M. LENNARD, Attoruey-at-Law. Office bock room over C. J. Edge’s shoe store. L. WILLIS, Attorney st Law Office over Crane’s comer. JAS. O. MOON, Attorncy-at-Law and Real Estate Agent. Office comer below Swift’s warehouse. JAMES M. RUSSELL, Attomey-at-Law. Practioes in the state and federal oonrts of Georgia and Alabama. Office over 1247 Broad St. a. B. HAITI!KR. t. D. rmasodt JJATCHER ft PEABODY, Attorneys-at-Law. Offloe up stairs over lilt Broad street. ■^yr A.TIGNBR, Attomey-at-Law, Office on second floor of Garrard building. g P. GILBERT, Attomey-at-Law, Prompt attention given to all bnsine over R. S. Crane. yy B. SLADE, Attomey-at-Law. Office on second floor of Georgia Home build ing. ■yy ALONZO CARTER, Attomey-at-Law. Office np stairs over R. S. Crana. OUIS F. GARRARD, Attorney-at-Law PRYHKTANR. *1*1108. S. MITCHELL, Practicing Physician and Surgeon. Office at Hnll & Wheat’s drug store. Telephone No. 5. Residence oil Rose Hill. Telephone No. 110. dec7 3mfH One lot (50 dozer^) colored bordered Damask Doylies, for mer price $1 50; vve now offer them at $1 00 per dozen. We are overstocked in Linen Towels and offer some excel lent bargains to reduce our stock. Irish Poplins, silk and wool, black 75c, colors 50c, These goods are worth $1 00 a yard anywhere. 52-Inch Astrakans, in black, brown, chinchilla blue, green and wine, $3 50 and $4 00. We have the best Black Silk for One Dollar per yard in Ihis city. A choice stock of Ladies’ and Children’s Lace Pins, Cuff Buttons in good roll plate; also a good stock of initial Cuff Buttons for gentlemen—good for Christmas presents. Plush and leather Satchels and Silk Handkerchiefs in great variety. The rush continues with us, and we are receiving goods every day to supply the increase in our business. J. A. KIRVEN & CO. COLUMBUS Iron Works o o im: :p .a. nsnr, Columbus, Georgia FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS, -DEALERS IK- Lime, Shingles, Dressed and Matched Ceiling and Flooring and other Lumber. Specialty made of Dress ing Lumber for other parties. -AGENTS FOB Royal Pumps, Judson Governors, Eberman Feeders, Standard Injectors, Hancock Inspirators and BROWN COTTON GINS -MANUFACTURERS OF- Stratton’s Improved Absorption Ice Machines, Saw Pumps, Hollow Ware, Syrup Kettles, Mills, D. C. TICKNOR. Practicing Physician. Office at Robert Cnrtcr’s drug shorn. J K. GILLESPIE, Practicing Physician. Offic at Robert Carter’s drug store. w. w. nuucE. BUST BBRUOCB W. W. BRUCE & SON, Practicing Physicians. O-OILiIDIEZSr OOTTON PRESSES AND The Improved Calender Rollers, Hold in Head, CATARRH, FEVER. Mot a Liquid, Snuff or Powder. Free from usurious drugs and offensive odors. A particle is applied into each nostril and is agreeable. Price 60 cents at Druggists; by mail, registered 50 eta. Circulars free. ELY BROS., Druggists, Qwego, N, y, »ug3 eodAwtf wm J NO. J. MASON, Practicing Physician. Office at City Drug Store. Q D. HURT, Practicing Physician. ijl W. BATTLE, Practicing Physician. Officce over Brannon & Carson. Residence 727 Broad street. R. E. GRIGG8, Practicing Physician. DENTISTS. w. F. TIGNER, Office up stairs over Glass Bros’ drag store, Twcfth street. QEO. W. McELHANET, Dentist. Office up stairs over Wittich A Kinsel’s, in Garrard buitding. ^yM. J. FOGLE, Dentist. Office over Rothschild Bros., 1247 Broad street. Central Railroad and Banking Company of Georgia. Savannah, Ga., Dec. 1st, 188B. A Dividend of FOUR DOLLARS per shar* from the earnings of this Company and its de pendencies has been declared, payable on and after December 20th, to the Stockholders a* record this day. T M. CUNNINGHAM, dec? eodut Cnahieo. '”'~'Hlc!a£SjsSi®s£ 5 The above cut represents the Improved Calender Rollers, so much admired and extensively used by Cotton Manufac turers of the present day. They consist principally of five Rollers, six inches in diameter, 40 inches long; two of them hollow, being a receptacle for steam. They are furnished with all necessary pipe and valves, fitted up ready to be at tached to a Boiler; has all the latest improvements on same, including the Selvage Rollers ane Cloth Yard Folder ; a and loose Pulley, 20 inches in diameter, 4 ready to be connected to a line of Shafting, a trial to demonstrate their indispensibility. taut inches face, all It only requires je20 $50 ZE^ZETWA-IRelD. Wc will pav Ihe above reward for any case of Rheumatism, Blood Poison or Kidney Disease that IIUNNICUTT'S RHEUMATIC CURE fails to cure permanently if taken according to directions. We mean just what we say. This derful Tonic and Blood Purifier is tor sale by all first-class Druggists. decll dlv J. M. HUNNICUTT & CO., Atlanta, Ga won- FACE HUMORS. Seven Years # of Physical and Mental Suffering Ended by Cuticura. A BOUT Bevcn years ago I had a hnmor break out upon ray face; it started In a small blotch und looked like the sting of a be*, then it nine at and looked like a ringworm, and became very painful. I at once went to one of the best doo- I ors in the city and be could do inc no good. Na less than twelve of the best doetois have bad a trial at my face and all of them foiled. I will not been a hotel cook raid steward for years. In the summer I cook at watering places; Unit ; n vby I have hacKau opportunity of 1 ’ doctors. have had>11 opportunity of being nmovg L>uod ’hey could not cure my face, and 11>sal une, I went to Moor.ehead Lake. vLan..., to cook for the seoaon. My fine was. solioo I ou lot baa to be seen. At the lake I met a gem In. .nn ,-3 England. He told me 10 n o yove Cutb 'r H Uron- edics and ih< y would cure to.. at ani.i. [ did so, bou inv , My . nut at chic. . The result was in three wecln the ; a,■ face were healed up. ] used it nil tb-er,. . ... lace is all well and no sen' s to he re'-m I liuvs recommended it to a number, and in recommended it to a numccr, nod in ever ' : ■, it has cured them. It would take a great deal of money to nut me bank where 1 was one ycc -ivo providing! did not know wlmt your Cuticura would do. I shall recommend it ns long as I live and shall ever remain, II STEVENS. East Jackson, Ala. A Most Wonderful Nfcin Cure. Have just used your Cuticura Remedies on ore of my girls, and found it to be just what it h recommended to be. My daughter was all broke* out on her head and body, nnd the hair com menced to come out. Now she Is as smooth a* ever she was, and she has only taken one box of Cuticura, one cake of Cuticura Soap, and ono bottle ol Cuticura Re-ol vent. I doctored with quite a number of doctors, but to no avail, I am willing to make affidavit to the truth of the state ment. GEORGE EAST. Macon, Mich, Cuticura, the great Skin Cure, and Cuticare Soap, an exquisite Skin Benutifler externally, and Cuticura Resolvent, the New Blood Purifier internally, are a positive cure for every form of Skin and Blood Disease, from Pimples to Berninis. Sold everywhere. Price: Cuticura, 50 cents; Soap, 25 cents; Resolvent, $iOO. Prepared by the Potter Drug and Chemical Company, Boston. Send for "How to Cure Skin Diseases.” C If T ’M" Blemishes, Pimples, Blockheads and koA*. J. -LX Baby Humors, use Cuticura Soup. IT STOPS THE PAUL Aching Muscles, Backs, Hips and Sides and all I’uin, Inflamution and Weakness relieved in one minute by ,the Cuticura Anti-Pain Plaster. A1 druggist*. 25 cent*. Five Oelffi and Twe Silver Medals, awarded in 1885 at the KxpoettkoM d New Orleam and Louiaville, and the Id ventione Exposition of London. The superiority of Oornline over ham or whalebone lias now been demonstrated by over five years’experience. It is moo* durable, more pliable, more comfortable and never break*. Avoid cheap imitations made of varlooi Kinds of cord. None are genuine unlef “Db. WiRNBit’s Cora link” is prinM on inside of steel cover. fan SALE BY ALL LEABIBI MERCHANTS. WARNER BROTHERS, 353 Broadway, New York Ci* FOR SALE A substantial 8ix-Room Residence, centrally located; quarter-ocie lot; convenient to businee*» churches, schools and street railroad. Ownar removing from the city, and will sell cheap *» cash, or on time. Temperance* ITall. The Wilkorson Residence. The Harrison place, Heal!wood. Store No. 143 Broad Street. Quarter-Acre Lot north Second Avenae. FOR IROEHSTT. Rooms over Singer Machine Office. Six-Room Dwelling, Rose Hill. Col. Holt’s Store and Dwelling, near SwW* Mill. L. H. CHAPPELL, * Broker, Real Estate and Insurance Agent dtf SMITH’S EANS /T^URE Biliousness; Sick Headache In Four hoar*. VS) One dose relieves Neuralgia. They cure and prevent Chills ^ Fever, Sour Stomach Bad Breath. Clear the Skin, Tone tho Nerves, and give Lite J Vigor to the system. Dose t ONE 1IEAN. Try them once and you will never be without them. Price, 26 centa per bottle. Sold by Druggists and Medicine Dealers generally. Sent on receipt i*l price In stamps, postpaid, to any address, o.F. SMITH &, CO.. Manufacturers and Sole Props.. ST. LOUIS, M0. $50 REWARD will be paid for any Grain Fan of •sine sice (hat can clean nnd bag ad much Grain or Seed in one day aS our Patent MONARCH Grain and Seed Henarutor and Rnff* ger or our Improved Ware* nouse Mill v hloh we offer cheap* Price Liat mailed free. NEWARK MACHINE CO. Columbus, OblwV Election for Justice of the Peace. Justice of tSe Peace for said district, to sup the vacancy caused by the death of Samuel Sen. Esq. This December 7th, 1888. „ „ , F. G. WILKINS, „ , N -P'and Ex-Officio J. P. for 688th Diet. G. ■» decldtd