Columbus enquirer-sun. (Columbus, Ga.) 1886-1893, December 21, 1886, Image 3

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    Newt fron the Three State* Told in
Brief Paragraphs.
A Promlnrnt Man Drops Dcsd-A ll ai r« n.nk Cnn
tires and Devours u Pointer Pup-Plorld.
Winta a Railroad Commission-Travelers
Bobbed In Rlrmliinham. riveters
raeaRthorittesef Quitman have deter
mined to build a market house. Qet N
Col. J. B. Bussey, of BainbritW n.
atenoerapher of the Pataula nndtie^i’
CHit^erf ial0lr0Uit8> WU1 80 °“»ove to
Mrs. B. H. Ivey, wifo of Rev. K. H. Ivev
of Gordon, died very suddenlv Tiinolf™
night at 11 o'clock, the presumutinn ie
that she died of heart disease. ptlon 18
W. E. Morse, of Abbeville 8 r
robbed of f 125 at Augusta Friday by a man
who cut his pocket in a crowd The thiJr
was still at large at last accounts. ® f
Mr. Johtt Moore, a prominent nllfonn
HomerviUe, dropped P dead this afternoon
about 5 o’clock, while feeding his stock
Paralysis of the heart is said to be The
cause of his death. e
It is reported that a young iadv of Chat
ham county, now visiting friends in Bar
tow county, will shortly wed a yournr EnL
lUh gentleman sojourning in Savannah,
whose estimated wealth is $2,000,000.
A young man passed through Bwatnsboro
Thursday on lus way to the “Land of Flow
ers.” lie carried with him three revolv
ers, bowie knife, bed clothing, cooking
utensils,etc., all on horseback. s
Saturday was set down for a hearing of
tbe injunction Bled by the Covington fnd
Macon railroad vs. the Georgia Southern
and Fionda, and vice versa, but the coun-
eel for the Georgia Southern and Florida
were not ready, and the hearing was post
poned until January 3d.
At Camilla, Tuesday, F. K. Smith and
J. A. Kirbo went on a bird hunt Thev
left in Mr. Smith’s yard a sprightly pointer
pup, more than two month's old. On their
return they found a huge hawk eatiu»- the
pup on the fence. The marauder had evi
dently seized its prey in its talons and
borne it away as it would a pig orchicken.
As the train from Atlanta \va3 entering
Marietta Friday night it struck W. L
Cooper, an aged citizen, and threw him
upon the front of the engine ami carried
him 300 yards to the depot. The train
was about to start on when some one pass
ing the front of the engine found him.
One leg is broken, and he is injured other
wise, perhaps fatally.
The man Patton, one of the murderers of
Matilda Gudgor, at Dalton, was tried Fri
day and convicted of murder in the lirst
degree, without any recommendation
whatever. “Hilman,” the other party, is
now on trial and no doubt will take the
lame course, as lie has acknowledged to
being guilty, and says if the others hung
he is willing to hung also. He claims Pat
ton had promised to marry the woman,
but they Anally decided to put her out of
the way bv death, so they knocked her In
the bead with a poker they used at the
engine arid buried her in the coal bin
where she lay for six days, when they took
her to the creek and threw her overboard
to hide the awful crime.
The council of Troy has raised the liquor
license to ylOJJ.
Enoch Morrison, colored, was shot in a
barroom tight in Montgomery Saturday
Geo. W. Hughes, a clerk in the Louis
ville and Nashville ticket office at Birm
ingham, is unaccountably missing.
Mr. O. P. Willis had his right leg so
badly crushed iu a saw mill at Mooile that
it had to be amputated above the knee.
The hauds at the Eureka furnace, near
Birmingham, struck Saturday against an
assessment to pay a school teacher and a
Congressman Davidson has presented a
petition from the State Grange of Alabama
in favor of the creation of agricultural ex
periment stations in Alabama.
E. M. Biuion, who recently shot Mr. N.
G. Cook at Georgiauna, has returned and
made bond for Ins appearance at the next
term of the circuit court.
J. D. Moore, a traveler from Montgom
ery, who stopped at the Leslie houje iu
Birmingham, reported to the police Satur
day morning, that he had $400 stolen from
his room Friday night. Two men at the
Twentieth street boarding house were also
relieved of two valuable watches and $t>7.
Gadsden now has a first-class showing
for four new railroads within the next
twelve months. The contract has been
made and the sum of $2300 paid to take
charge and build the road Torn there to
Jacksonville. An Atlanta syndicate has
the matter in ehurge. Mr. Vernon, repre
senting a Now York syndicate, is to close
the trade for the early completion ot the
Gadsden and Anniston road. The Rome
and Decatur road is moving right along
with over 1000 hands. The Gadsden and
Attuiia road is soon to be under headway.
Lose Tuesday- an Ocala cotton merchant,
George K. Robinson, bought $15,001) of the
long staple.
A candidate for an office in Hamilton
county recently purchased a vote witn a
dozen of eggs.
Fine specimens of ginger have been
grown this season on Dr. Harris farm in
Monroe county. , , .
Jasper, tor a long tune a dry town, is
now wet. A drinking saloon has just been
opened there.
Judge Hawkins, of Apopka, was hi ten
by a dog one day last week, hut there is no
sign of hydrophobia.
The question of supplying St. Augustine
with telephonic service is being uguui
among her business men.
Many of the state papers Me urging
members of the legislature to enact a lau
authorizing a railroad commission.
The Walton Signal has changed its name
to DeFuniak Springs Signal, and has been
much improved typographically.
Efforts are being made to get a post
offleoatthe Bell place on!die old a
from Jennings to Belleville, to be
It is rumored that the Lorn lard prop
erty on St. George street, bt. Au„i
being negotiated tor by a wealthy tinea
goan, to be used as a club house.
Tbe citizens of Eustis are worhiiff t.0
have the Florida railway and navigation
extend its railway system into t 1 -
and $5500 has been subscribed foi tilt pur
pose. , , .
• A few nights since a number of darkies
were “treed” in a shanty at i ulatk.i vj iim ;
Captain Thayer has
the furniture of theOcala House to Mes-r
Sterns and Scott, of Boston,
will take possession at once and pioLeet
put, everything in shape foi 0P e '“ -S "
uary 1. The new proprietors aie ex[
rienoed hotel men. ,
A ear load of orange trees passed throng
Gainesville Thursday, consigned to e.u
fori i in. Notwit list muling the tuct t ha I-
freight on a car load ot trouts In i . . j.
to California is $3000, growers tnere tm
Florida trees more preferable tha
grown in their own state.
Omrin With Sp,. C« Srh,mor
ula tors an? schemas ^' overran with spec-
recent rise in stocks The “hi^T , b 'T the
town are having n & hotels iip
taxes all a run custom that
resemble the famoim V nd th 5 corri dors
E, XiSS* r ■«." th. “(T
country capitalist al ‘ d , not a few
land mini ill? ^, U f t , her ' 1 an d northwestern
SSre pihinT^F aru great
market. Sx Senator U \Vi K‘'°? t 'v r c es OU tho
lonteSffiOTS feVm
Kn h ten a al
smith L? war -, You Will now seethe
prises • , ln „ u11 , mann0 r of eutcr-
terests and a , d | and T ith div0 rsifled in
terests and development you will see also
h whSt k, tt Up ^^Bofid south Tha“
twenfvL 1 have ho P ed for during the
Alabama » X. ears which I have lived iu
Alabama. —New \ork Correspondence.
Advice to Mothers.—Mrs. Winslow’s
when H oh?m YnUP 8hould always boused
when clnldren are cutting teeth. It re-
“S-JP* WUe sufferer at once; it produces
5"“ al ,.quiet sleep by relieving the child
P aln ’ aad tire little cherub awakes as
bright as a button, ” It is very pleasant
^in^ te ’n Itso ° thes the child, softens the
FMyy l ? allays all puin, relieves wind, regu-
at “ , e bowels and is the best known
{ or diarrhoea, whether arising
from teething or other causes. Twenty-
nve cents a bottle. j e l7 d&vvly
The Fool Joker’s I,us.
One day last week a Nattewan (N. Y.)
man playfully drew what he at the time
supposed was the back of tile blude of his
pocket-knife across a friend’s throat. It
turned out to be the edge, and the man
came very near having his “jugular”
The Voltaic Belt Co., Marshall, Mich.,
offer to send their celebrated Voltaic
Belts and Electric Appliances on thirty
days’ trialto any man afflicted with Nerv
ous Debility, Loss of Vitality, ..[anhood.
itc. Illustrated pamphlet in sealed en
velope with full particulars, mailed free
Write them at once. l&wtf
Mistake—Jury All Right.
They seem tohaveubout as bad luck in
New York with their juries as they had
with their aldermen, whom the juries are
trying.—Chicago News.
ns-- J&UWL ^
Proparotl with oti-tct rocard to Purity, Strength, ami
Ili-altUfalness. Dr. Price's Baking Powilsr contains
ru Ammmm.I.imtyUum or Phosphates. Dr.Price's
Mvtraets, Vauiila, Lemon, etc., Haver deliciously.
/iCiPf CAKING. POWDi'R CO. Sr. tea
Writ) liBiJAh, BAiUa, l#i
Wjkrrau'cwl pof
CcucOv from wliick ««M4.
Oil hau U«oa removed. It ban iAft
times the 6 f renjtk of Cocoa mixe
with b’.urch. Arrowroot wfckuja. to rberofote far moreeootto*
IcjiJ, costing lost than oiteo^tu
cup. It ia delictoua, nourkhftn
IgtrvutjtbeBing, eaollj
arid odmirably aduptod :or mva.
>kUi a* well aa for parsooa iu ueaiii
by OreoarVcTf
Sr CO.. Dwetestw. M8B
Nfnqf hinnily meets tho demand of the age for
woman'i ileculiar afflictions. It is a remedy lor
u’ u j\ On LY, ami for one special class of her
diseases. It is a specific for certain dise^cd con-
a ’’ <l tnafc^conv
! ", 1 °y e t s ? "atm-run will relieve you of
nearly all coinphinits peculiar to your sex.
For sale by drniraisis. Write for book. Mea
to Woman.’’ mailed free.
BRAUF1ELD RKGtftATOB Co., Atlanta, Ga.
eodiw nrm
I i ,-niT own home, by one who v/as neat
DON S KIN'1 ' r m unv one sendior ad*
Si’ifAdSlISS’ii O. KKlifARDS sole r Protme.
pir.Ti'ledo. Ohio
. TNI:
Xmas comes but once a year, therefore make happy the hearts of those you love and esteem.
Read below enumerated a list of articles suitable for presents :
For Your Mother and Nlstor,
Nweethenrt, Wife mid
Beautiful Lace Pins,
Breast Pins, Ear Kings,
Bracelets, Necklaces, Lockets,
Tiny Queen Chains, Westcains,
Silver or Gold Watch, Kings,
Cull' Buttons, Cuff Pins,
Collar Buttons, Ganteliues,
Silver or Gold Thimbles,
8ilver Hair Pins
Silver and Uold Glove aud Shoe But-
Opera Glasses. Vases,
Jewel Boxes, Bronzes,
Artistic Clocks, Card Receivers,
Silver Card Cases, Silver Bells,
Napkin Kings, Bronze Lamps,
Picture Frames, Eye Glass Chains,
Spectacles and Eye Glasses,
Solid and Plated Forks, Knives and
Spoons, Book Marks,
Gold Pencils, Pens, Toothpicks,
Solid Silver and Plated Cups,
Solid Silver Soup and Oyster Ladles,
Berry, Preserve and Sugar Spoons,
Blitter Knives, Butter Dishes,
Pickle Stands, Castors,
Pearl Handle Knives.
For Your Father and Rrothor,
lliiMbnntl and Friend.
Silver or Gold Watches,
Gold or Plated Chains,
Cuff Buttons,
Collar Buttons,
Watch Charms,
Scarf Pins,
Silver Match Safea,
Stud Buttons,
Napkin Holders,
Eye Glasses,
Pebble Spectacles in Steel and Nick
el, Silver and Gold Frames,
Napkin Kings,
Opera Glasses,
Office Clocks,
Gold Toothpicks,
Gold Pencils,
Gold Headed Walking Canea,
Seal Kings.
Gold Headed Silk Umbrellas,
Combination Breakfast Sets,
Silver Tobacco Boxes.
Wiskbroom, Solid Silver Handle,
Society Pins,
Ash Receivers.
Guard Chains,
For Your Little Pets.
8olid Silver and Plated Cups,
Silver Pap Spoons,
Solid Silver Child’s Set,
Silver Plated Child’s Set,
Silver Thimbles tVom No. t upward.
Bib Pins,
Breast Pins and Ear Rings,
Stud Buttons,
Solid Silver Baby Rattles,
Silver Plated Napkin Kings,
Hoi id Silver Napkin Kings.
School Sets,
Ear Kimrs,
Silver Knives and Forks,
Silver heft ly Pins,
Boys’ Watches,
Microscope for botanical exploits,
Pencils and Pens,
Beautiful Little Diamond Rings,
Silver Mugs.
Diamonds mounted in Rings, Pins, Eardrops, Collar Buttons, Cuff Buttons, Studs, Scarf
Pins, etc., at very reasonable prices.
For Clerk of Superior Court.
I hereby announce myself a candidate for re-
election to the office of Clerk of the Superior
Court of Muscogee County at the election to be.
held in January next. Geo. Y. Pond.
dec 12 td
For County Treasurer.
I wish my friends to know that I will be a can
didate for this office at the next election. I am
here to run. R. J Mosrs.
nov20 dtd
I announce myself a candidate for County
Treasurer, and respectfiilly ask the voters of
Muscogee county for their suffrage.
d&wtd John C. Cook.
I respectfully announce myself a candidate for
Treasurer of Muscogee county, and earnestly
solicit your support. I need the cffice and wil
be very thankful for your assistance, lam pre
pared to run. Election on tho first Wednesday
in January next, 1887.
oc9 se&wedtd Jordan L. Howell.
I announce myself as a candidate for the office
of County Treasurer, and respectfiilly solicit
your support for .lie same. Election January
next. G. E. Gager.
Columbus, Ga., September 22,1886. sep23 tf
Far Tu
I announce myself a candidate for election to
the office of Tax Receiver, and respectfully solid
the votes of the citizens of Muscogee county
Election Wednesday, January 5, 1887.
novlO dtf Woolfolk Walker.
I announce myself a candidate for Tax K*
ceiver of Muscogee county, and respectful.,
ask ibe support of the voters.
sep22 tf J. H. Harrison.
I respectfully announce mysejf a candidate for
re-election to the office of Tax Receiver, and ask
your suffrage. I have ever tried to discharge
my duty as an officer, and will still do the same
if elected. Election January next.
Respectfully, J. C. Reudy.
nov5 td
I respectfully announce myself a candidate for
Tax Receiver of Muscogee county. Election first
Wednesday iu January. Ueo. W. Cargill.
uov7 td
U 11
Invite Your Attention to Their Long List of
Useful, Inexpensive & Appropriate Holiday Gifts,
Cnssimere and Cashmere Shawls, double and single, black
and colors. A splendid line of Ladies’ Traveling and Shop
ping Bags. Kid and Fabric Cloves of every description.
Silk Handkerchiefs and Silk Mufflers; Ladies’ and Gentle
men's Hemmed and Corded and Hemstitched Handkerchiefs,
plain and colored borders—a splendid line. The largest line
of Embroidered Handkerchiefs iL lias ever been our pleasure
to show.
Some very choice Wraps left to bo sold very cheap.
Handsome Blankets.
Could a more common sense present be made?
For Tax Collector.
I announce my self aa a candidate for Tax
Collector of Muscogee county (election
January next), and respectfully solicit tbe sup
port of the voters of said county.
aug29dtfwlm Oliver P. Poe.
Announcing myself a candidate for re-election
to the office of Tax Collector of Muacogee county,
I respectfully solicit the votes of its citizens,
and will endeavor to deserve their support by
faithfully discharging the dutiis of this office in
the future as iu 'he past. Election first Wednes
day in January next.
sep-! eodtd Davis A. Andrews.
I announce myself a candidate for Tax Col
lector of Muscogee county (election January
next), and ask for the support of the voters ot
said c unty. J. C. Woolfolk.
'P7 ( itf_
For C’eroner.
I hereby an..ounce myself a candidate for Cor
oner for Muscogee county at the ensuing elec
tion. W. D. Am yet.
nov7 dtd
I announce myself as a candipate for Coroner
of Muse v eo county.
decl2 td Simpson Stridblino.
I announce myself as a candidate for re-elec
tion .V' C >rotior of Musco
der:12 dtd
For Mieriff.
!f as a can-
cogee coun-
I most respectfully announce my
didate for re-election as sheriff of M
ty. Election first Wednesday in January vex
derll td J. G. Burrut
Eagle and Phenix Manf’g Co.
A Semi-Annual Dividend of THREE PER
CENT is due and payable at the office of the
Eagle and Phenix Manufacturing Company on
December 31st, 1886. The transfer books of cer
tificates of slock will be closed from December
20th until January 1st, 1867. A. T. YOUNG,
dec7 dtd Treas’r Eagle ano Phenix Mfg. Co.
till It
You can buy such useful presents in our Dress Goods de
partment. Black Silks, Colored Silks, Black Cashmeres.
Black Dress Goods of every description.
A splendid line of Ladies’ Silk Umbrellas with gold and
silver heads, good qualities and cheap.
Rich and elegant Table Linens and Napkins, by the yard
and in sets. A large variety of Brussels and Nottingham
Lace Curtains; they are not expensive; they are cheap.
Table Covers and Table Scarfs. High Novelties in La
dies’ and Children’s Hosiery, lovely goods. We are showing
fresh goods in every department in the house.
A beautiful line of Ginghams just received. A beautiful
line of Prints just received.
We are displaying the following new Bustles: Lucca,
Lotta, Patti and Fedora. Novelties in Ladies’ Gossamers.
Gossamers ot every description for Ladies and children, and a
great many other things which we haven't room to mention
here. We are offering bargains all through our house.
Come and try us.
Telephone No. 104.
Pioneer Building, Front Street.
Honestly paid every loss since 1810.
Every policy issued under New York Safety Fund law.
SUN FIRE OFFICE, of LONDON Established 1710.
Always successful.
Policies issued on all classes of insurable property.
Representative Companies. Courteous Treatment. Fair Adjustments. Prompt Payments.
A share of your huainoHS solicited.
Cures G nn<IGio3to4 days.
Ask your dru{j;.-ist for it.
Sent to any add ress for $1.50
EVANS & HOWARD, Agents j
oc9 dom *
We have the best and cheapest Hope in the market. A lull line of ITo-.e Reels and Nozzles.
Telephone 99. 13 Twelfth Street.
Rose Hill Cottage
1\ M. KNOWI.KN A CO., • - Auct’rt
N EW Dwelling of three plastered rooms and
cook room. Lot about 190x130, located direct
ly fronting (east' Mr W. H. Hughes, and next
door north of Mr. A. G. Redd’s residence. Well
at d garden. Street cars to city every 30 minutes,
Terms, one-third cash, balance one and two
years, with 8 per cent interest.
Beal Estate Agl, Columbus,Ga.
ee wed fri tf
For 15 years at 37 Court Place
A nvulsrtv ndtK’Meii *u'l l»-«i%lljr nuRllUed physician ou.t Ui«
EASES. , „ ,
Sporwatorrlioa and. Impoloney,
t!io remit of self-abuso In youth, swot oxcruoi In m»-
lurcr yonrs, or othor oausi’s, tuul pmlu.-lng wnmi of tbe fot-
lowing oIIccIh: Neivmisno"*, Mcmlunl ismHsions, (ni^lit •ml»
rl.iMi bv ilro.ims). Dimness of Mfcht, Dtfcctlvo Memory, i’by-
steal llrcMy, INnij.leson Fnoa. Av. i sUm t..Ro»letj i)fKomul«s
Goufhi'ion of Ideas, boss of Sexual Power. Ao., rmiJ-rinf
imirrliiRO Improper or unhappy, »ro thorniiRhlr and p-nno-
Unlit ly cured. SYPHILIS cured ml «up
tlr*ilv c
GLEET. Stricture, Orchitis, Heinm, iur Huplure)^
Files aud other private dls©a*»s quickly cured.
It is ■clf cvldeut that a phy sloluu wlm pnys special atteniloo
visit iu- i-ity for treatment, medicines enu bo sent prlruUdj*
lud safsly liy mall or express unywhero.
Citron Onarnutood in all Case*
Of 300 panes, sent to nny address, securely sealed, ft*r thirlf
GO) coni '* * *■“
omo. hm
ftl orn ONE STORK HOUSE on Tenth
Btrcct; six rooms, 34x116 feet. Will
l>uy 17 per qent on investment.
Onooix-room House on Ninth street.
One three-room House and lot 50x1-17 feet 10
inches, cheap. Cull quick.
One four-room House on Tenth street, cornor
Fifth avenue.
Ouc small Store He use on Rose Hill.
Real Estate Agent, No.22 12th St
dtf _
Valuable City Property.
be .November term, thereof, the undersigned
Ooinmis ioiuTS appointed l»y said court will sell
in front of the court hour.e of said county, in
the city of t'olunibiis, on tin* first Tuesday in Jan
uary 1,87, between the legal hours oI Bale m» pub
lic outcry, to the highrfit bidder, the following
described cit> i»rop« rty, all lying in the city or
Columbus, county of Muscogee, State of Georgia,
AH that tract or parcel of land lying and being
in the eity of Columbus, kr own and distivguFill
ed in the plnti of said city as tho south half of
city lot number four hundred and eighty nine,
'489', fronting on McIntosh street, (now Fifth
iwcnuui, containing one fourth <» of an acre,
more or less, together with all and singular the
rights, members and appurtenances, aud im
provements to the mine in any manner belong-
M Y place on Talbotton road, about two miles
from city,on line of Georgia Midland. Hub
a new five room House, all necessary out-housea,
in ''dlont repair; uplendid‘spring. lT»e place
< 'r ! :\i 102',. acres, about. 2h acres of which are
heavily wooded.
For pailirulars apply to me on the place, or
to T. M. Folev. opera house.
^rilFKi; will be an election held at the different
1 nrecinet.- in the county of Muscogee on
Wednesday, the 51 h day of January next (18H7),
for Slu riff, Clerk ot the Superior Court. Tax Re
ceiver. Tax Collector, County Treasurer, County
Surveyor, and Coroner. Tho managers will
please call u* my office for the necestury blanks.
This December 1th, lsnit.
dtd F. M. BROOKS, Ordinary.
When I sny rum 1 .0 not m**n met cl 7 to clop tham^foc
fri'Tm! 11 Il r n im?c # mini? ‘ttoi""dS".' of TlTs. KW-
‘ x,i irt-ns bu II. O. iiooi', l“.3 Pearl fit., KowYorie.
MM jffLVE a
' L r.- r .7 :
-- h. pr,. I,.. Mt.crd hair-hn’U«ltI|
•T ;';V- .’ ‘.V i •• f-c.l.N ; l Z\7; •••' rn <:ria’ ( it3
iv «, • ; , .<:I k.' t. PROFUSELY!110ST«eaTE* ir
ll t
) A-
■d '• COt
7 F \it# A NT you! a five manor woman
l 1=1 ■ nccdingpnij tal.leomploy.
'iittoreprcHen: 11 —- -
I hiu.iTjtnjy Aexpr-
W l
jirnttor.'im'.i-n UHiuovcryt-uiinty 8Ai:iry
* 6m.mtiily&oxi-eii»i.,rrul fcr ,, ec ,;„ mlta £
tun <•„ . h 1 f prnfcTrci. BUpla,
flWrymn.-l’UJ Outfit and nartioularH Im .
41 ANiMUJJ B1I.VKU IVAltK Co., Uotttaa. Maaa.
■ml tutiful iot
* the four-room Dwelling
-t side (i. - Second avenue
• I Fifteenth streets. Cara
O’- f O A MONTH, Agent a wanted, fl
Y, < *i:-i U .U I’ll! • w |«i
tf *'■■■ St Vlil.
*uU. Vilob,