Columbus enquirer-sun. (Columbus, Ga.) 1886-1893, December 31, 1890, Image 4

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i ENQlIRER-SCIf: COLOMBCS, GEORGIA. WEDVESDAY, DFCERBER 31, 1890. Free Till January First, We have a few Boxes un rented in our Safe Deposit Vault. Parties renting these before that date wilt have receipts dated January 1st, 91. 3.001J Slid FEU ANNUM. Payable (|u trlerly, if Desired. Your will, tire and life in surance policies, your bonds and papers, should be in a secure p ace. Elegant Coupon Room, tree to Safe Deposit customers. TheThird National Bank COR. BCOVD AND TWELFTH STREETS. Columbus Investment COMPANY, GEORGIA HOME BUILDING. Money to loan on city real estate or approved collateral. More net cash to the borrower for the monthly payment than any other company can offer. .1. F. FLOURNOY, President. J. J. SLADE, Secretary and Treasurer. Fl H0LH GOODS. ave Invite the public to call ami see onr line of Fancy Goods, many of which is a finer grade than is carried l.y any other house in city. All is new—-none “carried over" train 1 .at season. Our Piiccs Are Very Reasonable, And we are sure that if you will call that we can •how you a line that you will appreciate. S & ■ Flue P. rliimes it Specialty. CITY DRUG STORE, 1142 Broad Street. LOVICK W. PHILIPS, Fhyslolan and Surgeon. Office, 1017% Broad Street. Telephone 36. Itesidonoe 1033 Fourth svenne, Telephone 207. apr22 ’90 !y DU. C. T OSBLM, DENTAL SURGEON. No. lOlO Broad Street. iy?8cll>41» 5 Year Oltl White Rye Whisky. OLD GRAY—9 years old.) APPLE AND PEACH. Don’t forget the best place to get your Christ mas for eggnogs is at Jefferson’s Log: Cabin. Jackets, Cloaks, Blazers and Reafers for TEN DAYS. Great Sacrifice Sale Of Blankets, Red and White Flannels, Cas- simeres and Jeans, for TEN DAYS. Great Sacrifice Sale *~>f Fine Dress Goods, Flannels. Henriettas, Serges and Brilliants, for TEN DAYS. Great Sacrifice Sale Of one lot of Bov’s Knit Drawers. They go at about half price for TFN DAYS. Great Sacrifice Sale Of all our Ladies* and Men’s Ribbed and Plain Knit Underwear. The entire line to go at sacrifice prices for TEN DAYS. Great Sacrifice Sale Of our entire line of Ladies* and Children’s Black, Colored and Unbleached Hosiery. J. E. CARGILL. <M Ail GET HG M GOODS Before th. y are pickal over have them laid aside and avoid the rush. We are head quarters. P. J. WILLIAMS & CO. COAL and WOOD Keeps the best grades Coal, Oak and Pine Wood, cut and split. Try me and I will try to please you. I have a NEW KINDLING. Call at Howard & Newsom’s. See it—cheaper than lightwood. I wish to contract for 3000 cords Oak and Pine Wood. Call and see me. Telephone at Yard 1)7. Telephone Howard & Newsome's store. 91. H. M. HOWARD. SHOIIT NOTES ABOUT MATTERS AND THINGS OF GEN ERAL INTEREST. The Ci-y Council meets this after noon. —The bill pushers will be out in great shape tomorrow. —This is the last day of the old year. After today it will be written “1801.” —The Eagle and Phenix gin has ginned 1,012 bales of cotton since September 1. —A “ watch night” service will be held at the Rose Hill Methodist church tonight. —The colored people will celebrate the 28th anniversary of emancipation tomor row. —Col. George Y. Pond, the clever and efficient clerk of the superior court, is on tLe sick list. —The school children are enjoying their holiday greatly. They will resume their studies Monday. —The steamers Fannie Fearn, Naiad and Lotus No. 2 left for Apalachicola yes terday morning. —The proceedings of the City Council yesterday morning were read with interest by the average citizen of Coiumbus. —Money is expected to be more plenti ful next month, as the banks, factories and railroads pay out large sums in divi dends on the 1st. —The Richmond and Danville road has decided to put on through vestibule trains between Atlanta and Washington. The ser vice begins Sunday. —There will be two elections next week —the city election on Monday and the county election on Wednesday. Both elec tions will be very quiet. —Prof. Tripp’s historic delineations, by patronage of prominent citizens, are ex pected to begin in the early part of next week. Three evenings to subscribers. —Engineer Berry, who was injured at the gas house fire early yesterday morning, was reported to be doing well yesterday. He was attended by Dr. feeth N. Jordan. —Rev. George E. Brewer, of Opelika, will preach at the Baptist church in Girard tonight, and at the Phenix City Baptist church tomorrow night. All are invited oat to hear him. —Mr. J. T. West, of Primrose A West’s minstrels, was among the callers at the Enquirer-Sun office yesterday. This show will give a performance at Springer Opera House tonight, —Maj. B. II. Hudson, Superintendent of Public Works, had a force of bauds en gaged in putting Sixteenth street, between Third and Fourth avenues, in order yester day. The work has been needed on that street for a long time, and will be greatly appreciated by the citizens of that lo cality. PERSONAL CHAT. THE MOVEMENT OF HOME FOLKS AND STRANGERS. Mr. O. S. Barnes, of Hamilton, is quar tered at the Central. Mr. E. II. Ba3hinsky, of Troy, is’ auto graphed at the Rankin. Mr. L. C. Cooper, tax collector of Rus sell county, is at the Central. Mr. Horace Stringfellow, of Montgom ery, is spending several day3 with friends in !he city. Capt. Jas. M. Reufroe, a prominent planter of Chattahoochie county, is in the city on business. Mr. C. T. Gotdy, who has been, for sev eral days, visiting relatives near Green Hill, Ga., returned home last night. Capt. P. A. Greene, of Seale, the popu lar and efficient clerk of the Circuit Court of Russell county, was shaking hands with his Columbus friends yesterday. Miss Janie Dougutie, who has been vis iting relatives in the city for several weeks, left yesterday for her home in Eufaula, much to the regret of her many admirers. M isses Maggie Byne, of Hepzibah, Ga., and Minnie Jones, of Waynesboro, Ga., who have been visiting Mrs. Fannie Hurt, at Wynnton, left yesterday for Cuthbert, where they will visit friends for several days before returning home. MUNICIPAL MATTERS. GOSSIP ABOUT CITY AFFAIRS GATHERED HERE AND THERE. The meeting of the City Council this af ternoon will pass upon the applications of parties for retail liquor licenses. The num ber of applications is somewhere between forty and fifty, and the new city charter requires thstl the entire amount of each license, $300, be paid in advance. This will put a good deal of money into the hands of the City Treasurer in the next few davs. V One important feature of the new T char ter is that it gives Council police jurisdic tion for a mile and a half beyond the city limits on the Georgia side. This year nine barrooms were run outside the city limits in territory to be covered under the new order of things. Parties in this territory must pay $500 for license just the same as those who do business in the city. This will be new revenue to the city. ** “The bottom” out on the Wynnton road has been recognized as a “tough” locality for a long time. Citizens of that section have petitioned Council not to grant liquor license to parties in that neighborhood. The petition is now in the hands of a com mittee of Council. A report will be sub mitted at the meeting this afternoon. It is believed that the committee will recom mend that license-be not granted to a num ber of applicants on the Wynnton road. This is not staled authoritatively, how ever. * # * There is a good deal of speculation among the politicians as to the composi tion of the various committees to be ap pointed by Mayor Dozier at the meeting of Council the first Wednesday in January. The Mayor has not intimated to any one as to who will compose the committees, and, it is said, he does not intend to do so Consequently the Aldermen themselves do not know on what committees they will be placed, and some of them may be agree ably surprised and others disappointed when his honor announces the committees for ’91. * * It is understood that Chairman of Street Committee Epping does not desire to be chairman of the street-committee another year, and has so informed Mayor Dozier. Mr. Epping has made a splendid officer for his committee during the past year, and the work done under his direc tion has been first-class in every particular. Tee street committee chairmanship is one of the most important to be filled by Mayor Dozier, and it will be a hard matter to get a better chairman than Mr. Epping has made. * * The police committee is discussed at present by those interested in getting po sitions on the police force for the coming year, but nobody seems to know who the Mayor will put on this committee. The hospital committee will have irn- # portant work to perform, as a new hos pital and crematory will probably be built duiiug the coining year. * * Talk about the fiuance committee has about ceased, as the most important work of that committee—fixing retail liquor license—has been accomplished by a tem porary committee. * * * Alderman Bush has made a good chair man of the market committee, and proba bly the Mayor will insist on his retaining the chairmanship of that committee. - Happy Women. What is it that makes women more smiling and happy looking than men? We meet them on the cars, on the streets, in the country, by the seashore, always smiling, teeth a glistening, eyes a dancing. Ah! the secret is they aim to please. It is an effort in many instances for them to smile, and were it not for a desire to look pleasing and pretty many would “never smile again.” Why? Because in a large majority of instances they don’t feel like smiling. They feel more like crying. With their nervous aches, weakness and bearing down pains, life to them is a bur den. What a gold-find to many a phy sician is a rich sick woman. Why should he aim to cure her and deny himself the pleasure of presenting his bills with the usual regularity. It seems from the fol lowing, that the surest and cheapest way for invalid women to regain health and strength is by using Botanic Blood (B. B. B.) Mrs. J. A. White, 340 Wythe street, Petersburg, Ya., writes: “I have used B. B. B. with happy results, and others have taken it at my advice and are delighted with its curative results.” J. N. Gregory, Butler Postoffice, S. C., writes: “My w’ife had been under the treatment of several good physicians, but continued in poor health, so I bought four bottles of Botanic Blood Balm, and it did her more good than those doctors had done her in ten years. She is now doing her own washing, a thing she had not been able to do for four years.” Just received a fine large lot of White Shat and Snappers. Apalachicola Oysters always on hand at V\ in Thomas’. A car-load of Bananas at the California Fruit Store. New Holiday Goods Atiew and complet > stock of Ho iday Goods all in, comprising the latest novelties in tiie Jewelry line, at G. SciiOMUUKG's. Columbus, Ga, Dec. 13,189). The annual meeting of the tharehonl rs ot the National liana ■ i Co.umbus, Columbus, Ga., will he hem at tiieir banning office ou luesday, Jan uary 13ih, 1SJ1, at il o’clock a. m. Geo. W. Dillingham, Cashier. dec 13 1C 19 22 2b 2o 31 jan 1 4 < M 13 Fine Bananas at the California Fruit Store. Keep it in the house and it will save you many an anxious moment during the cuanges ot season and weather; we reier to Dr. ouli’s Cough Syrup. Juet received a fine large lot of White Shad and Snappeis. Apaiacii.coia Oysters always on hand at w m. Thomas . SERVICES AT BETHEL. ELKBKATION OF RY OF THE P THE 50t1I ANNIVERSA- 4.STORATE OF REV. C. O. WILLIS. Services of an unusually interesting nature were held at Bethel Baptist Church, a few miles from the city, at 11 o’clock Sunday morning. The occasion was the celebration of the 50th anniversary of the pastorate of the venerable Rev. C. C. Willis, who has had charge of the church for fifty consec utive years. While Rev. Mr. Willis is quite venerable and feeble, he preached an able and comparatively vigorous sermon to an immense congregation. At the con clusion of the sermon, Rev. Mr. Willis re signed his charge, having determined to retire from active work on account of fee ble health. The congregation was deeply moved and part with their old pastor with deep regret. Rev. Mr. Willis has served Bethel Church faithfully for the past half century and no man in that section is so dearly loved and generally respected as he. His place with the church wlil be hard to supply. The congregation made up a handsome purse ami tendered it to the retiring pastor as a Christmas present. Creek Tribe Elects Officers— Creek Tribe, 1. O. R. M., held their regu lar meeting last night and elected the fol lowing officers to serve for the ensuing six months: Prophet—T. J. Ingram. Sachem-—J. A. Mote. Senior Sagamore—S. n. Tice. Junior Sagamore—W. A. Tigner. Chief of Records—M. C. White. Assistant Chief of Records—C. Brown. K. of W.—J. II. Hutchins. Directors—L. F. Garrard, Jno. T. uey and Frank Bovce. S. Ab- A Painful Accident.—Yesterday af ternoon the little six-year-old-daughter of Mr. Robert Patterson, while at play at his residence on Third avenue, accidentally tell, dislocating her shoulder and breaking her right arm. Dr. R. E. Griggs was sum moned and rendered the necessary atten tion. At 10 o'clock last night, the little girl was reported to be resting well, although she suffered greatly from the accident. CITY INTELLIGENCE. Knights of Pythias.—Last night sec tion UTtiof the Endowment Rank, Knights of Pythias, met and elected the following officers: President—E. H. Jenkins. Vice-President—W. C. Pease. Secretary ami Treasurer—J. L. Whita ker. The section is in a flourishing condition. A New Social Club.—A new social Club was organized at the resi leuce of Dr C. D. Hurt last night. The following officers were elected: President—James Gilbert. Vice-President—Miss Lula Hurt Secretary—E. Grant Loug. The club will meet twice a month, and the next meeting will be held at the resi dence of Mr. J. W. Cargill. The program Th! olnh SlSt ° f IUU3ic ’ ^citations, etc. lhe club promises to become one of the c^ost popular social organizations in the Can be made with each pound of Cleveland's Superior Baking Pow der than wdh the same quantity of any other puie cream tartar powder. Cleveland Baking Powder Co., 81 & 83 Fulton St., New York. Primrose & West.—This great min strel company, said to be the best on the road this season, will give the best per formance this year at the opera house to night. The Atlanta Constitution has this excellent notice of the company: The best on the road, and the finest. It was brim full of fun. Every feature of the program was bright and clever. After the overture, “The Sunset Gud,” came “Dead Heart,” by John Davis. It was encored. “She,” an original song by John Queen, was excellent. Queen is one of the clever young minstrel comedians. After George Powers and his banjo came “Comrades,” by Joe Natus and a comic medley by J, Melville Janson. Janson is a new man to Atlanta, but he made a decidedly favorable impression. “Annie Laurie” was sung by the quartette, Reynolds, Davis, Naius and Garland. It was one of the sweetest quartette renditions ever heard here, and must be heard to be appreciated. Then Primrose and West, and Lew Dockstader —the names tell the rest of it. Three of the very best. Lew Dockstader’s song, “Try, Try Again,” captured the house. The local hits were great. The theme of one verse is to find an office for Baby Mc Kee. “ That Is Love,” by Fred Oakland, was a gem of its kind. It is the most taking minstrel ballad heard in many a day. “The English Swell,” by George Primrose, was another great hit. His song and dance, “ The New Coon Done Gone,” was inimitable. Primrose is always great. The second part be gins with Billy West's ‘satire, “The Fun-o-graph,” which is good enough.' Cain and Lorene, the aerial con tortionists, were another great feature. But best of all were the “Log Cabin Neighbors,” Melville Jansoa, George H. Primroge,George Powers and John Queen. It was perfection—a plantation quartette of titty years ago. They were encored and encored, and the house couldn’t get enough of them. Here was old time min strelsy in counter distinction with the modem article, and the old time stuff was certainly “in it.” Then came Lew Doek- stader in all his glory. “Listen to His Tale of Woe” was funny as could be, and his “Misfits” kept the crowd roaring. A great deal was expected of that number on the program, and those anticipations were realized way above par. The ‘March of the Imperials,” ultra Xjuave, with the intillating incand sient light batons, managed and led by Billy West, was equal to anything of its kind ever seen It is a great march and shows that Mr. West is an artist in this line as in others. arrivals central hotel. RATES $2.00 A DAY. P Lineman. Brooklyn New York; R Jefferson, City; Stephen Neil, Talenlah, La.; C Marcli- man, Meriwether; \Y R Baker, New York; VV X Wean. RaUigh, South Carolina; R P Ingraham, Loaisville, Kentucky; J E chapman, City; KG Fryer Sh’i -h; T Hen- erson Roanoke, Alabama; J H Manners, Springfield; L B Will ams, city; O S Brown, Hamilton; J IIaveiloens, West Point; J J Cooper, Coleman; i. C Cooper, Hatchechub- bee; J F West, G Primrose, New York; G F Johnson,Greenville, S C; R C Yarbra, Indiana; W J Biekerstaff, -- labama; W J Briscoe, Rome, Brady crotine cured headaches for C. O. Gwatkias, Boston, Mass. Why not try the Acme this we k ? Telephone 227. Can for goods aud deliver quick. For fine Bananas call at the California Fruit Store, Just received a car-load. Colognes and Extracts in all manner of holiday styles at City Drug otore. For Aiucruiau I’d ll Ward. We hereby announce Mr. W. R Moore a candi date for Alderman of the Filth ward. Election January 5,1891. Many Vomits. deCCotd Ri Commencing Thursday, December 11,1890, the “Dummy” will resume the old schedule between Wynnton College and Broad street via Cemetery route. First train will leave Wynnton College for the city at 6:3U a. in. A train will leave Broad street, opposite Kan- kin House, at 7, 8, 9, 10. 11 a. m., and 12:30, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. 7. 8.9, and 10:00 p. m. Reluming, leave Wvnnton College at 7:30,8:30, 9:30, 10:30 and 11:30'a. m.: 1:35, 2:30, 3:30,4:30, 5:30, 6:30, 7:30, 8:30, 9:30 and 10:30 p. m. HORSE CAR LINE. A car will leave Broad and Twelfth streets, vi& Tenth street, for Wvnnton College at 6:06 a. m., and every 36 minutes thereafter. Last car will leave at 8 p. m. Returning, leave Wynnton College at 6:42 a. m. and every 3i minutes thereafter. Last car will leave 8:30 p. m. J. H. HENDERSON, Sup’t. A HAPPY HEW YEAR, TURNOVER A new leaf. Ecoi omize by buying j.cur Slices from A, L CPF PERFECTED CRYSTAL LENSES TRADE MARK. Quality First and Always. Our City is Indebted to the enterprising drug firm of SULLIVAN & DRUMBOIt for securing the sale of the celebrated “ Perfected Crystal Lenses,” made by Faulkner, Kellan & Moore, of Atlanta, Ga., tho only manu facturing opticians in the South. These glasses are of super : or excellence ami have proved a blessing to many who are suffering from defective vision. Messrs Sullivan & Dr mb r have exclu sive control of these famous glasses in Columbus. 1302 BROAD STREET. TELEPHONE 239. FIVE PER CENT ultra os mis WILL BE IP-A. I ID —BY THH— Georgia Home Ins. Co. Supper in Columbus, breakfast in Jackson ville. (Columbus Southern Ry.) 1026 Broad Street. Chaistmas is over and we have sold more Candy than any house in the city, but we have a nice selection left, and received today 150 pounds of our fine Chocolate, ordered by wire for Xmas a d which did not get in until last night. Remember, we have the nicest Candies that can be bought and get a fresh shipment every week. Fruits of all kinds, Nuts. Cakes, Sweet Crackers, Etc. Give us a call. For neuralgia, sciatic i, tic doulour ux and seiuicrama, Salvation Oh is a specific. 25 cen To Fliyt-iciaiia aud iViitiwive*. Physicians and midwives havirg certificates of births in their possession w 11 piease send them to me by January 1, *891. Wiley Williams, dec31-2t Registrar Vital Statistics. Go to the City Drug Siore and see the Holiday Goods. The Acme is laundrying for many families— cheaper than wash-women; do belt r work. Van Houten’s Cocoa.—Largest sale in the world. The City Drug Store has a large stock of Co logne Bottles, and all are cheap. Market Stalin to Kf-nt. The stalls in the Meat Market, and the stalls in Rose Hill Market, will b;5 rented at the Market House, at public outcry, to the highest bidder, on Monday, January 5, at 12 o’clock noon, under direction of Committee on Market. Quarterly notes, with go d security, will be required, or 10 per cent discount for cash. M. M. Moore, de21-td Clerk Council. A sore leg, the flesh a mass of disease, yet P. P P. (Prickly Ash, Poke Root and Potassium) achieved wonderful results, the flesh was purified and the bone got sound, aud my health was established; says Mr. James Masters, of JSavan nah, Ga. The A°me is a home institution. Try us. We guarantee our work. Christmas Presents. Mr. C. Schomb rg ha 1 ? recei ?ed an elegant and extensive new sto.*k of Jewelry. The latest novelties, and from the best makers, in every branch of Solid Gold and Silverware, Silver and G dd Filled Watche , every descript on <f line gold and rolled plate goods. Fine imported goods, o naments, and thousands of beautiful ar icles suitabl •. for holiday t resents. Telephone 227. Acme Laundry will call f r and d* liver goods promptly. Try us Notice *o Racknifn. Parties who prop se to procure Hack License for the ensuing year are hereby notified that their horses and veliicl s must be in first-class order or they will not be approved after inspec tion. Jesse A. Beard, dec21-tjal Marshal, Holiday presents suitable for all at City Drug Store. Lebanon, Ky., April 2,1S90 Radam’s Microbe Killer Co., Nashville, Tenn.: Gentlemen—1 have used a part of three jugs for indigestion and general debility, and am low in my usual health. Used it with my little daugli ter for catarrh of the st mach, and it has entirely relieved her when everything else failed. Very respectlully. Mrs. W. W. Wathen. For sale by O. W. Wakefield, No. 8, Twefth Street. The Acme Laundry does best work in the South. Give us a trial. Abbo‘V’s Fast Indian Corn Paint Eradicates Corns, Bunions and Warts where other renielies fail. Xmas at fr’chooiburg’s. Mr. Schomburg sobc ts your inspection of his ne v stock of Holiday Goods. Hjs stock of Dia p onds, both loo-e and mounted, is the most ex tensive ever seen in the city. Nice Comb, Brush and Mirror Sets, w'thout plush or expensive box, cheap at City Drugstore. Suicide. In ohlen times the burial of a suicide was char acterized by impaling the body with a stake. Haopiiy nowadays no such horrible method of discountenancing the act of self-slaughter is practiced, though if it were ami the virtual suicides included in the list with the actual ones, stak d graces woudbe large yin the majority. Virtual suicides i ithis c nnection means that class of people who die rather th in save them selves by a specific such as Radam’s Microbe Killer, which, according to responsible auHiori- ties, will cure all d senses if taken in time Radam’s Microbe Killer testimonials are well worth reading,-and give li >pe to the alflicted, who will find it to tueir interest to send for circular^. For sa.e by (_>. W. Wakefield, No. 8, twelfth street. RANKIN HOUSE ARRIVALS. LEADING HOTEL IN THE CITY. J W Boarman, Philadelphia; J B Maxwell, cii; C H Zook, Montgonn ry: Ed L Blutliue, New York: Joseph L Rouslieim, Cincinnati; D P Gris wold Ma-on; S J Oppenheimer, Cincinnati; C J Beird, J C Harris, J A Lambert, Atl nta; I Field, Baltimore; J R Hardaway. Alabama; E H Baslinisky, Troy; C B Taylor, New York; EH Smith, Hin ts boro. Notice to Liquob Dealers, Billiard Table Keefers, Photographers, Etc. Dealers in spirituous or malt liquors, or intoxicating bitters, by wholesale or retail; keepers of billiard or pool or like tables for public use, no matter where kept; photographers, auctioneers, traveling ven dors of proprietary medicines, paper, jew elry, soap, etc.; lightning rod dealers, sewing machine agents, dealers “in fu tures,” dealers in pistols, dirks or cart ridges, keepers of flying horses or like game or play, ten pin or like alleys, and peddlers of clocks or stoves, are required (under penalty for failure to do so) to register in Ordinary's office by January 1 of every year. Parties interested will gov ern thuuselves accordingly. Joseph F. Pou, Dec. JO, 1S90. Ordinary. Leather Holiday Goods.—AH kinds at a great discount in price. An oppor tunity to present your friend with a present that is useful as well as ornamental, at i dol-5t Wakefield’s Pharmacy. W. B. Swift is proprietor of Acme Laundry. Send him your work. A l>i-fisnre<l Coun’.eoanc'-. Many people who would scarcely notice an arm less or-egi. ss man wi 1 instantly detect and re mark on any blemi li of the human face, and dive into all sons of speculations as to its cause and attendant circumstances. If you doubt this as sertion become possessed of a colo-ed optic and note how much attention it will invite. A black eye is generally avoidable, but blotches pimples and other scrofulous and eruptive marks steal upon us without warning and are frequently the first intimation of the faetthat our blood is ; oing wrong. A prompt and systematic use of P. P ]’. (Prickiy Ash, Poke Root and Pota s um,) will pu ify the blood, cleanse the skin and give hack to the face nature’s familiar, ruddy signs of health. Get it of your druggi t. AS BOB I:«gersol\ said when he buried his brother, ‘*1 am better now.” “HAPPY HOLLOWAY, Tlie Holesale H tst’er.” TH KETS ON SALE -VIA- TO FLORIDA And All Points North, South, East and Wes\ E. T. CHARLTON, G. P. A.. Savannah. D. H. BYTHEVVO JD, D. P. A., Columbus. Proposals Wanted Sealed proposals are invited for feeding the horse used to the “Black Maria,” and for fur nishing comfortable room for use of driver of same. Also for shoeing the mules, and horses of fire department, at so much per head per month. Bids to be haud d in by meeting of Council on Wednesday, 31st inst., at 3 o’clock p. m. M. M. MOORE, dec30-2t Clerk Council. IT MIKES EVERYBODY FAT. Wine cured Ca’ifornia Pop Corn. Ask your dealer for a free sample. Trade supplied by The Columbus Candy Co. eod-dec21-1m Or Dandruff Cure, Beautifies the hair and causes it to retain its color; currs dandruff and all diseases, as well as cleanses the scalp; invigorates the hair cells and prevents baldness. THE BEST HAIR TONIC IN THE WORLL Having thoroughly tested Grossman’s Capil line, or Dandruff Cure, we unhesitatingly pro nounce it the best hair dressing on I he market and guarantee it to cure dandruff in its worse forms. Call and get circular. EVANS & HOWARD, dec9-lm Central Drug Store. To old Santa Claus, he is a good old fellow and has done his duty, made many ehijdren happy, and will al ways find a welcome at our stores. We wish him a happy New Year. LIT 1 LIS MINNIE HARVEY WAS AWARD ED TOE BIG) DOLI, J. J. Smith was given the Two Small Dolls. Wishing you all a happy New Year We are the same, BOYCE BROTHERS. DOVT FORGET! Beautiful Christmas Pres ents in endless variety and the prices are right, at EYANS & HOWARD V Sheridan & Graham, EEGUIAT0RS OF LOW FRICIS, Realizing that the old year is fast fading into oblivion, and that lost time or oppor tunities cannot be recalled, will offer for a short time their entire stock at cost. Re member, this is no mere newspaper bosh, but a bona fide sale of new and elegant goods for less than they cost to produce. The following unusual values will convince the most skeptical that we mean business. Fine Dress Goods Almost Given Away. Fcr |5.69, $5.59, $5.59 a Dress. 250 Dress Patterns, your choice of material in Henriettas, Cashmeres, Serges, etc., everything complete, $5.59 a pattern. Would be cheap for $10. Black Goods at Your Own Price This Week, Velvets, Gimps, Plushes, Etc., at Net Cost. REMNANTS. REMNANTS. During the heavy business of the holidays we had no time to look after Remnants. We offer for a fraction of their value Dress Goods Remnants, Flannel, Cassimere ami Jeans Remnants; also Remnants Table Linens, some of them good and desirable lengths. Ladies, you can’t afford to miss them. 900 Towels at 19c each, ) 900 Towels at 19c each, :• THIS Nfi7~~F~i~F~:TC 900 Towels at 19c each, 1 These we consider the best 25c Towel in the market. Jackets, Capes, Newmarkets. About 300 choice garments yet left. To close them out, price no object. Come and bid on them quick. Seal Plush Jackets, 34 and 36 sizes, at half price. BHi^TSTTCHI.TS- ZBjLJVUSTSIETS- To save printers’ ink will close out the balance of our Blankets, about 50 pair?, all good ones, at half price. Also at the same time and place, 1 lot fine Buggy Robes. Wise house-keepers won’t miss this chance. I nderwc ai\ Unde r \v< a **. All the best qualities at the price of inferior goods, but the sizes are broken and go they mutt. $2.00 Tests for $1.50. $1.50 Vests for $1.00. $1.00 Undervests for 75c. Pants to match all the above numbers. SHAWLS AXD BALMORAL SKIRTS. One-half price and some a trifle less. Cotton Flannels, Bed Ticking, Calicoes, Checks, Bleaching, and all Staple Goods at factory prices. Fast Black Hose at 8, 10, 15, 20, 25, 35c and up. Best value in Handkerchiefs from 2}c to 50c. Best $1.00 Kid Glove in America. A job lot of Kid Gloves at 50c in Tans only. New Chemisettes, New Collars, Rucliings. Best and newest Corset stock in Coiumbus. We can sell you the best $1.00 Corset in the world. New line Ribbons way under value. Thanking a generous public for their liberal patronage, with best wishes for a happy and prosperous new year, we remain, respectfully, SHERIDAN & GRAHAM 1012 BROAD STREET, Between Centivl and Rankin Rote’s. GRAND DISPLAY OP MILLINER! -AT- A1 1114 i>i>yAI) STREET. EP 1114 BROAD STREET. Notice to Debtors and Creditors All persors in State of Georgia having demands against the estate of John F. Orr, .Jr., late of the county of Meclilenherg, State of North Carolina, deceased, are hereby notified to render in their demands to John Blackmar, agent for John F. Orr, administrator, according to law; and all per sons indebted to said estate are required to make immediate payment to said John Blackmar agent for John F. Orr, administrator on said estate. JOHN F. ORR, Administrator on estate of John F. Orr, Jr. nov20 oaw'Gw TEACHER WANTED, A good Male Tea-lier wanted immediately at Salem, Ala. Salary guara-. teed. Address # C. W. BUCK, * T. W. S/JOTT, dec‘26-lw Salem, Ala. ORDINANCE Fixing Dray and Retail License, Etc., for Year 1891. Be it ordai- ed by the Mayor and Council of the City of Columbus, that for the year 1891 the rate of Dray, Hack, and Retail Liquor License shall be as follows: One-horse Dray, Express or Hack §10 00 Two lorse Express or Hack 15 00 Two-horse Dr y 20 00 Three-horse Dray 25 00 Four-house Dray 31, 00 Two-horse Omn.bus 20 00 Four-liorse Omnibus ' 30 00 Eacbbaggige wagon, engaged exclu-ively iu the transfer of bagg -ge, run in conjunc tion with licenseil Hacks or other vehi le.s charging for sucu transfer, shall pay as a Dray. Drays or other wagons, run by ant person or firm, ui their owu business or otherwise, and whether the Drays be employed in g. neral busi ness or be confived to the business of their own ers and their cu-t mers in aim about transportt- _ goods to and from their stores, shall pay the same license tax as is ciia ged- tiler dray-. Lie use shall bn payable annually iu advance. The owner of each dray or other vehicle for hire shall tire bond, and ail shall procure license and number; the number to be fastened on rear axle, or right baud sale of each tehicle, all old numbers to be removed; and the police are enjoined to en force this regulation. ”0 license for a hack shall he issued unless the applicant presents to the Clerk of Council a cer tificate from 1 he Chief of Police that the vehic e and team which the applicant proposes to use is such as wili be creditable and sate, and that the dr ver is of prop -r age; and such vehicle and team shall be subject at any time to inspection by the Chief o' Police, and when foutid m such condi tion as to he unsafe or discreditable shall have their license revoked until such defects are remedied. No person shall, within the limits of the Union Passenger, Broad Street, Chattahoochee, or other railroad depot, drum, solicit, persuade, or attempt to induce, any person to ride in am- hack or other licensed vehicle, or not to ride in any particular hack or other licensed vehicle. No drummer or solicitor of persons to patron- ronize hotels or boarding houses shall, when permitted within the limits of the railroad de pots, announce or carry ou his business out of an ordinary tone of voice. The violation of any portion of the above or dinance shall subject the offender to a fine of not exceeding .510.09. or imprisonment not exceeding 30 days, in discression of the Mayor. RETAIL LIQUOR LICENSE. Retail liquor dealers shall pay $500 per annum aud shall give bond in a like amount. Payment shall te made annually in advance and no license shall be issued for less than *500! The license shall be kept posted in a conspicuous place iu the place of business, and the clerk of Council shall furnish the police with the names of all parties who take license. Any person or firm who shall sell any spirit uous or malt liquors in any quantity, and allow the same to be drank cn their premises, shall be required to take out retail liquor license in ad dition to such special tax as they mav be’other wise liable for. All retail liquor shops shall be required to elose by 11 o’clock at night aud shall not . nen soon»r than 4 9’clock a. m., and on Christinas day shall remain closed during the entire dav not open until the succeeding business day. ’ The Mayor a d Council may, upon sufficient proof of a violation of this or any other ordinance in reference to retailing liquors, forfeit and re- yoke the licer se of the offender. Adopted in Council December 29,1890. nr nr F. BOZIER, Mayor. M. M. MooB£, Clerk Council. dec3l-3t Selling a. cost all my stock of goods, compris- ne Watchfc . Diamonds, Jewelry, Clocks and solid silver and silver-plated ware, and the clerk to boot. I mean what I say. I will sell you any piece of goods at New York cost, and if you find it any other way I give you the goods. I have one of the prettiest stocks of g xnls in the city, and to make the goods move 1 make the induce ment to you. Come and compare price, and you will be convinced of what I say. I mean to sell at cost for cash. Y. J. PEKOR, 1034 Broad Street. Get tickets at Gen’l Pass, office, Ga. Home Building', to all points in Florida. (Columbus Southern Ry.) Notice to Betail L quor Dealers. Parties who have not yet made application for license for year 1891 are requested to do so at once, that their application may be referred to committee and reported upon by them to a meet ing of Council to be held on Wednesday, 31st inst., at 3 o’clock p. in. Those parties who have made application, but not made bond, will please execute their bond at once, that it may be approved by Councii. By order of Council. M. M. MOURE, dec30-2t Clerk Council. H. H. Epping, Presid’t. E H.Epping. Cashie Chattahoochee National Dank COLUMBUS, GA. Capital and undivided profit* $200,000. Account 1 of merchants, manufacturers and farmers re apectfully solicited. Collections made on ai points in the United States sflr"*F.xchange bontht and sold. We are cow offering the largest and finest stock of Milli nery Goods we ever carried. The stock consists, in part, of Ladies’, Misses’ and Children’s Fur Fells, Beavers, Wool Felts, Fine Milans in every desirable shape and color, Fine Wings, Tips, Plumes, Ribbons, velvets and everything usually kept in a first-class Millinery Store. Our Trinming Department is again in charge of Miss Baily, of Baltimore, assisted by Miss Owens and others, which is a sufficient guarantee I hat all orders ilurusted to us will be promptly and carefully filled. All are ivitad Jo call. We feel confident we can please. No trouble to shm £0( Now is the Opportunity to Secure Bargains. IMPORTANT TO MERCHANTS! C L. TORBETT, Undertaker and Embalmei 9S9 AND 932 BROAD STREET. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT T*!T FPTTONTP1 VO Q11 G. B. HIETT, Sanitary Plumber, am now ready to sell in original packages Uquor, Cigars, Tobaccos, Sugar, Coffee, Flour, Snuff, Fresh Mackerel, and all staple articles in the grocery line. large line of domestic goods, Clothing, Hals, Boots, Mis), a Shoes, Etc cheap for cash. I. 1 POLLARD, Receiver. Nos. 1001 and 1017 Broid S're^t, T- S. SPEAR, Diaminds, Watches and Spectacles Guaranteed Reliable goods, botttom prices and fair dealing. 1121 Broad street. DEALER IN WE 0 FEB THIS WEEK I i No. 900 Broad Street. -A_X_iXj WORK Guaranteed and prompt atten tion given all orders. TELEPHONE 273. Ladies’ Felt Slippers. Gentlemen’s Seal Skin Slippers. Infants’ Shoes in Dongola and French Kid. Also cheaper line in pretty styles. Ladies’ Rubber Sandals Ladies’ and Misses’ Spring Heel Rubbers. Men s and Boys’ Rubber Boots. WELLS 4 CUfiTIS Train for Jacksonville ?nil all j) infs in Florida leaves 7:40 p m \ (Coiumbus Southern Ry.) S. B. GIBSON’S i Is the Place to Get 1 our XMAS HOLIDAY GOODS. ! He handles only the purest and best grades of Wines, Liquors and Tobaccos. t OBE NEWMAN’S OLD PLACE, 1224 Broad Street. I } DR. SETH N. JORDAN, 12 Hours <o Jacksonville. ![ 1>hy,1 ' l "‘ “139 BSdftS? eon ' offlce (Couunbu. Southern Ry-., | Office hours, 12 to 1; 3 to 4.