Weekly Columbus enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1861-1873, February 10, 1863, Image 1

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THOMAS RAGLAND, Proprietor. A STRICT CONSTRUCTION OI© TIIP’. CONSTITUTIOM— AN 1IONIWT AND ECONOMICAL ADMINISTRATION OF TUB GOVF.RNMRNT. OFFICE—RANDOLPH STREET. 'volume xxxvf. muiMBiTs, Georgia’ Tuesday ^ohning", ferruarv Tu.’ffieii."' NUMBER' G.' TUC ri/,11 Y FNDIHRrR l. mtLp • •: luUCov.fwU'r.tor. i Accounts from Vicksburg. 1 HE “ rruLn" AT '• *• *- °* or - W. h». nothing „r imrortance. ... “irrr i <>« *«** «*££*-<*; a:r,srj±.z!3 $1.00 frr bi* Month* • • r *’*• | offlcor* ot hi* jtntf. IV. K »\\ Quarter- transports arrived yesterday, and quite * , and harbor without miv •stirring Month*; •»•»« for On© Month. , master June*. Adjutant Root, And other*, ' number departed from the landing they incident of n«.to. About one o’clock t ; returned to thin ci y. i hoy left Hoad* i have made below Grote*’. At noon telegram from Fort Sumter announced > quarters at Dunlonega the I-t instant— . thara wore about ten steamers in .orad j that a strarge steamer, ovi lentlv e n lrn " • * ! tno Colonel’* presence being nceeasary at along the bank, and one tug anchored .dad, had ju.-t hove in night, 't’h lUHpnrt. He turned p ^'. r 'oO^command ] out in the rivor, with cj*a.-barge* in ; ber of the ordinary blockading ve«»ols Good New* from Arniurky. tbo Chiirlcsion Mercury, Fob.. Situation of Alfatra njrtlie Dur— High- ly Important Xom-.. tleadquirtiw ModUuitK quirt ment, » torday forenoon p<it»ed in Imq oily Cleburne * Div. Army of Tenne*s»v, Tulluhoma, Jan. ’«5K, iyft3. I A Mima Ju lufllanae I'rom the Sn>*nuah Republican, JJ. FROM GENESIS POINT. i ,v„,,,,„„d a letter from Indianapolis Renewal of the Attack ou Port Me-{to the Cincinnati Commercial, which AorsuriSKursTa coDSpicuouri/ iasorted the usual rate*. THE WEEKLY ENQUIRER la |»ul»ll*he«l every Tafnloy 91or»iug. -t j)Vhlon©ga TERMS—$3 ©0 per annum, payable we*W©- Kiito\ i Chnifiwoo'rti llcbd: I)r. South i C. S Allistn Dentil of Major John II. ! rend* very well aide. The enemy renewed the attack on Fort ii. Pryor’* Command Attacked. rom the PeteiAliurg Express. IVb. 2. Immodintoly after thu arrival of the 8 * till l)r. White'* field, j strung al .. ‘f ‘-he IBtb j The enemy Battalion Ga. Partisan Ranger©, and Bvt. ; hW \ ,. ir tof Gro\ei' and T Maior Galt of tho State Line. ! are visible along the canal in large i Thu expedition so far bat been enji- ! hers, and we suppose they are still on«*i nontly successful, and its objects will be j ting on tb“ famous work which wi ! \ 3 thoroughly accomplished in ihe end. serve to "j »int a moral and adorn Col. Leo's course ha-* boon marked by j tale." A Yankee captain and four 7^«h££«kiMrt£L I hi ‘, **"??,“uXT- "" J 1 -•* W V*** 1 "* l " Pi Mi! $1.90 I »r Six Months, payable in adraao*. Al) YKRTIciKM KXT8 Conspicuously inserted «» Os a Dou.xa »ar aquare, for tho first insertion, aud Pirrt Cwt» ■ eight Does oharied i .... . but with- j q ]S men, udiu. 0 .. . out any.cruelty or unnecessary harshness. I Blair’s brigade, visited DirS' l>on , i Monday, and took off n The rsa* f*ou with regard to ’be die- j quantity of tobacco from n n turbaneos nnd their origin, seem to be i j v f or 4M lo them, pavmg hiiu l>er«o*ai ehsrwdcr. , thus©: There wmh a large number °f fait Confederate note?. ' deserters in the country It is estimated The ferryboat was tying , that over half tho men who went into me woodyard yoaforday, «l 1 servlet from the Northeastern countigs : Johnit- I in tho State were at lmino without j and iuo“t of these were skulking eleven.— •ut line of the iron j clad ooui i bo plainly soon from the city ; wharre*. and tin endless variety of morn and conjecture* in relation to | identity and designs were soon ad 'at. Meantime, nnoUmr strange sail made Uar appearance in thaothng. She proved to with the .vonnued Ju-t P tornml, bavin, ,>.> • nded amply provided fwr and •ring rapid!v. tie -avs the ladies Ver«*ailla«, Covington, , , , >.iiu .juemy renewed the attack *!I Uariodsburg McAllister about twenty minute* to ' * r , nl . v 1 ** rr y ..I 0 ’ . ** i o’clock 3'esterday morning, and continued kudrwl Obituary notices adrcriisetneuU. All or inland©d to promote the private and* *»f j deserter* in the count ry Corpurations.S.)oUti«w,Hchoobi or lndiviiluals- will bo chniyeii advertisements. tho J be thojUrilish steam frigate Ca 1 guus, bringin,, ’ «t for the Petrel, At d o’cb counter- ; boat- r .-L c -. A*!. 1 ’ until a few minute* after '2 o’clock a fierce ; and terrific bombardment. The firing whs ver.\ heavy illr<ui(fbout, every rt- portjarring tbo buildings io the city—a ril . . . , ., . ..J distance in direct line of about filieen bor ! other town*, oa l large contribution* ot , tnilc.t—though by tho road* some twenty- j clothing and P>o . and m many instan-j h ; x m j| 06i Karly in the engaeemont, w« accompanied .hem, to that they V i»grcl exceedingly to slate that Major and to assure , j 0 j,„ jj, c^a 1)io. the ootmnandor ot the Danville, Lebanon, N iehnla*viile, and 1 idod of i sympathy ; Oonsidornble j Consul f . ki«<> it-ites tlim ladies of Zanca- , Ohio, sent h very l»ig*» contribu- j tb*n of winter clothing, boovs, «hoc-> and ! tM«U uf thsCdmu, brought th. | Jhm O “uul” o.,g tou^ .hoc. an. , Thol patch., to th.. Cite ... eiurgaol'a lat.at.n- ‘ '•»**• »"'»,* »' *** ,*»“} I .let ' H , c«n« asset 1 hams; that Frankfort and: of p, (Jonfederacy. He wa* struck by n »holl the bead, and killed instantly. The following uioa wore slightly woun- J o'clock train from Weldon Saturday i 1 XDiASAPoi is j j 1 nir, K' ,* many rumors ot an engage- . . ' m<uit between Geu. Pryor aud thocnemy, - • 1oin ? cr * M l,e C n ., . rr, f , J ,0 }' t which, if whs a!l»»ged occurred Friday, with the butternuts of the IHinols Lcgis- j f OUU d currency in our streets. These . *RJ >, ‘* r dotonnined to act with . rumors gonenilly gave out that our arm** hiul met with n sad roversc, but a* thoy could be traded »•> no really reliable given them.- _ rier from Gen. . • , , ; . ryor arrived in the city, bringing a des- l» ear mg it, endorsed .their action, autl i patch for head.,mirtcr. iierc. This drs- lafu them menu all effort U» cripple th© Govern- A rejiort w»scurrent to-day, from flield, that the Legislature had Springfield, that the Legislature had j source, little credit was passed resolutions recalling the Illinois • Saturday afternoon i c >i troops. A great many Deranevata, on ; v^yor arrived in tb©city t*.l. from good authority, Of Hepublicsn B'mo*, let Regiment >im Griiy, John Mahon. Wm. Barbo OfEmnieU Rifles, Ut lle^imattt—John earitis it, <w> > tti< oped hrdiami would do the name, ns the ; patch wo|iave t'evii permitted bv then rar was being pro*oculod tor uncoushtu- manding General al this po,t to copy. tlo«.l purgeo.. Th.ro «r. . Ion Con. . will I.. .con, ihu ... far from Gon. Pryor 1 * enmmand mcoting with anything "•ciso, the advantages of the tight favor. The following is xipy of Geti. Pryor'* ofllcinl dispatch; on Com- i HrigadiarGeneral t'ol-ton. Potersbnig, ieltnr ot ' ^ serrativ© DomocraU in the Legislating, and tb©y *r© kept ou tho tdert to restrain the more violent eopuorhcuds, who would woriTail , hositato at nothing villainous dr treason- abl©. ' The Committee of Confersa«-‘c on Cum- ! promise Rcuolntioiis, sent in The nieck.de at Charleston. , Ul hToid lhe enrollingofd. .... Wo an; informed that the toreign -mu- » w |, 0 had been instructed to arrest them. »ul«ro*iding at Gharleatou have unan- ( Other.*, under » t.;w dniperaiiot*. bad imously cxpreisod the opinion that the | banded .«°.• "ho HU °dHo blockade ot that port has boon a<» com- • tlic jal's those wb* had l>o«n plotoly broken that it can only bo contin- j >rr ,.*«<*}. Scnnc of thei.y bands had 1 by a now notion of blockade, requi- ©nd .od tog' ; that might be mu le to *' j release from the jails n- * Smne of th n, and t>g ii reasonable timo (say sixty days) as j P notification to neutral vecisels. aiitlon subsjsting by l'horo eiiemie* to tins Gonfedorato Slates, prominent among whom with siAAin up, but did uot j that ti»e Cad niii* ini nsViuteliigtinco that j tl i‘ ,y . ... i . i... 1 - -: k . during tho day. - r t iburg Whig, j ©„ oxp«*ditio: of o very unmida. lo char- \' { * 1 ntnbutum that wsa said to havn {)Rion and Pot nr Brody. lhe ! h« been prepared to opnrat© against j b< “’VT i. h .i?SS!H* “TSlt I., at ril -A gontleuixn who left Vioks-• Hi© clly of Cnarlavton, and that the on©- fu.,. «wn'wounded* ' burg mi the ov©niug .<t' mst., in- ! ni.v in now nearly ready lor lIi© attack.— • j ■ .. . .. forms us that iho eneiuv Hppoareii lo bn i Mr. Robert Bunch, the British Consul; . , , « ->. l;, v 'i« in Kii^nnet* actively engaged, up ri» t 1 '. hour he left. ! has order* to go ©hoard tliA Cadmus and ’ * ■*.,[ ■' J ,d i « «n A a* on iheday pr.o ,Mi«. a i the impre©- to get • > tUvnna v. ith th let possible ^ ^ KnUWv >»»t woo on Iho o»,.I ,lcl.T. w. nild,.,.,.,,,! ,h. t h« c M ,.o„ , J;.' 1 ih ch thSoi. !d£i£ r.Sa&'M^hT.to.i^fte;yz:;zT& » i>-»« success wero divided, (.'omuiunication 1 tion thattbo myrtoiiou- Roiimerotr North J with Madison parish, Lv, was outirciy Cbaniivl is the i',>n/dad frig ng th. the Uirtg •« and received regulations (called j ia;i from International law) of Stat©*, requires, and ve presume that they aro correct in a \’ankoi tbtiir opinion. But wo have still au ap- i dUatVecti prohan.io,, Ih.l tholr,=,pocllr. «’( , 1K w h„ l,„l collocliT©government* will not insist up- 1 vo ] unt eere-l » great while ago. on a practical observance by th© I'nitad j prisoners of war at Camp Cl State* of the programme thus indicated goneo eonsequentl.v no direct Intel li nn receive., yesterday from west river. The steamer Vicksburg lying at the wharf, and no steamers <>>»' "V' 0 lim ‘ " f T " nn0, ." M h«,l «,loni|,t..d m upordown r nav\ otuc>*r 'i encouraging the capture of'th« ferry boat on Saturday P,;V| ^ ut 1 I last. fb« letter of o.ir correspondent ill giro fuller ipyrol- tlido* I Hpooial t<* the Mobile Trihunr. Tho block ado, wo fear, will still bo main tained, as if it had not hcon InUrrupted, and will bo ucquiosccd in by the nations „f Europe. Hud our government a large amount of cotton in tho port, or wilbin convenient and speedy transportation to j | lt ‘Vnut been definitely u it, and had !'• b>eu able to »ay‘‘Here is ' Most of tiso d•'.•.eric^ tbo cotton that you so much need, and j volunteered wo have opened the port by driving off 1 , fn that'sertio thoblockudor*; dome wiUi your vessels, laden with your products foi exchange, and tako it,” the caao presented might have been n difforont one—the i*4w- , n nit for insisting <>u noulral righu J enforcu it, aud the Into l>aml might havo boon too groat to ha disre- j ” r not^t,1 he garded. t Most of the deserters lo W.> are inforinod that tho usages of ns- J mand* and caino horn. ti..n* require that a blockade shall bo <•».*. I si. tinv ini. to bar tho entrance or exit Federal r whi» had taken tho oath i.Y v c-ianc.. to I J acKSOji, 30th -\ ickshurg information tho United Plate*, and were thereupon ] a 11 quiet, released by the Y•mien Whet! hud honO active or in nnv ivn.v i lUni-| r ,vp . mental in engonUoring or fur:h«.;ng tho . disturbance*, or trying i» spread disaffcc- ti >n. or whether th*»v tlicnisclvoa were ! - M Uy hostile io tho Cod:; dorato i Slates. | Federal desertion* arc numerous. The work on th** canal i* still progrNH- Fodcral desertion. Throe bundled an.I eighty pt ...v.. q have arrived bore. It i* rumor iimimgth7:V» boTug they sciaed ami cnptuuid a f**r:yb ,1.11,0 . . I .HWS crossed to Vicksburg . lion liavo no. • . > .■ i. j The War at Vicksburg. It was bo odious that th© people would < We are without j.ot submit thomsolyc* to its execution, , Vicksburg this and on account Ot this unt—c.«n..» i . .. against it, the enrolling never i e .orted to the means necessary u ilisorgan Ironside.*, bar, as alio ia sni water. Her obji ably, is merely adtti A from anotu. 1 The trauspoi Beaufort, N. Fort Koval, t ; . i a.* prcxanV prob- pr t»cl th© Nock- •tar. The Ironsides, n Brut ing Boutbw i regiment lit DanvilloHud Harrodshurg, regime tits at Lohur^m. an i roving * ho! have j 1 towards the t •'* : v...u > it n friendly . . , , Yankees to triumph over us; but fr nautral vessel*. It Is, however, wo think, § olioitati«*ns mad© by their familic* h a debatable question whotbor a forced su»- ! relative* at homo, and some tow from H»r oned^v vlti. ^iUcnJnufty j - 1 *'° m C«^“nUn«v' drouth o- This is a point which we wish to suggest ; kn „ wn ,, r ovaiIo»l tbnmgh.mt that only, not to flrguo. It it be an unsettled j i*«t year. j».jint, wo have nlroady had instances enough pftho Hcquiojconco by Kuropean nations in an inefficient and strictly un authorized blockade 1)3* tho United .States, to admonish ua that this occasion for in terference with it will also bo permitted to pass unimproved by power* that hav© ♦xlilblted ho much solicitude to avoid a rupture with the Federal Government. oling i f a n .•h'^rK'.r.riRu;.. great activity conti among tho Kndcral continued to arrive ?, tlonal troop* were In icupied a position hind and sea, to redouble ; ir activity and vigilance, nnrt t*> spare | pain* to give ii bloody welcome to the , usual letter from I ni-ainint-. owing to the .*.♦«♦» i to arrive. | The Illuckailc uf t'hnrlcHti»a Hatseu. the freight train. , (‘hari.mtox, Fob. I.—Tho follow hands of Yankee cavalry, al\ Abolition Gt*. scatter* 1 ov» r the Stst.% When the Federal troop* came to Frankfort, under th- pretext of guarding tho Legislature and Governor from Mor gan raids, tin. members denounced it as a | T troii, ! fr ’ c ^. refused to sit under the survn.llan.-e id for ‘ of Yankee spin*, ..nd promptly adjournod ... t. ,.r,i,‘, i... i I Dr. Boo*t wat w»dl treated overywhoru ' j. ’ ‘ u .except by Gen Grainger, commanding P ^'. ! «. lAinRUm. Kv.. who ii,.k ftorn him blnulriit’, niiirtsand drawers^ newspaper*. But tho prepafAliens *''^J n , Kh 77/ , ..ur.i-s weromHtu.;d!P o r‘ kol , kn ' -t i. not h.diovtd tli .t our I olth.r |.rovrn: o- |>n„. . i ll. hovvev*r, thatiurdo- i ' (J'm’ilindtnlf'J ! u l>- “" ll '■'orylimly oonO li lltly loolw !■ I i'mho.l Th«t l" !,r * ln .h" ‘pri"*' Dod Rr«nt tlmt it . ' , , ! mnj- all ,,ro,o Iruo. Mr. Ciuthric'j monlh 1 \ . i’ 1 is sealed— the Hanoi i* true of aII the ablest Union men in Kentucky. Very truly. Jso. M. .lonxftO.v, Chief Surgeon Cl eh Corps. , that the firing from th© Fort cxcullonl, most of tho shots aimed at the iui rof.#d iron-clad w ere perfect line shot*, m*»t > ofUiem striking her. The shots from tho gunboat* eoemed to burst Irauie- diatoly over the Fort. The flag* of the iron-clad were shot away, *n*l t»he wm evidently injurod about 1*J o'olook, os ihu oau*od firing for three quarters of aa hour after, and then didibotuUdy turned aud went down the river - tho fort continued to tire upon h©r a» long as sho was in raiico. As the fleet \yn.- lotirtiig, the lest *!iou tlrad wore from tlto fort. If tiling ho \md— «van t. ... kn vi-A were taken. When he >Y * r a Statiox', Fob. 1-8:10 - . J.'i ’\ilb\ t..'n, Boyle . rdcrcl ; p nfti y„ n , Mercer ; A Yankee iron Greuigor to return bun his elothea, : ,q n j ,, rt iH)hore<i about two hundred lie any* | cards from the obstructions Four other 1 w hich Grainger refused to do, ’ ! the conquest >'t the .South Iihs boon given ' i up. and everybody’ confidently look* f. t and «' ' oppo- - good * Div . lUrd*e’« ibod. lioir rom- ut permis- | iff*...., the Hr tti j^rjr. loam that j ts the official p ho visible ! the ruining of the bl, Transport* j ft id leave, mj.I addi- lan.led. I'i, h force, aided by sufficient be able to interrupt navi gation by our steamer*, thin cutting otf communication with Fort, Hudson, died river, and all point* below. Olio gant'o- tnan Informs u* thnt scouts n;ported t.lio w itwr p.u-ing vhr- iiarJcvton, S, At about the hou morning the Conf torces on this stilt'* blockading Heel < if of Chari regard to ickadu: Mi |.A M» TOUCKH, ) J an. Hi. lt#W. i ' of ti\ o o'clock this derate .state© naval . kc l r of the city dr.i\ ill'and oi The wheat crop al failuro. and the corn crop \v;;: cut »• ry short. Salt could not. be had. and the prospoot to the numerous poor woman but from this t i th.. i i fear. gil the entire hostile fl> children, whoso main dependon. make them a support was in tho army, was dreary indeod. It i- not strange that the*o illiiaratu women and children, resid ing in tho mountain regions, among a people who aro mostly unoducalod, far lVrom Vicksburg;. The only iutolliganc'* of much interest I trow Vicksburg, rocoivod by last lino* of ihe world, whore e taken, should, in lv fore them, write away front railroads communiesti- n win but few newspaper* vi-w <»f the prospe. t<. their husbands ana i*r ismimg that they were suffering witii -t.trv S ti,,n *t*rlngthorn in tho fao n . and urg© them to „ I • -..4 .1 •. . I oaawukoni* • «n.Ht .*’7*9'.?r. fiom U,;'crro,p U nd,.„o n ..Ml.- •**»«*“” ! PJ^'iSl. ahe l.ri.-in.l .•.»'«> «[ th. working 113 ,vny tltruuc' 1 .1 » .low t! „. ,l„p. ,h« .ireful I»m. Uy 11 ”** I . h '"' ,QWe ’i '.(Tout irffiivor ^ ih'' Vaa- ,o t,, » A„i*« bo»t, >" °' wnin * 1 *«»'•• - a "" l , „t tho mi, 1 and doopomu* tho oh.nr.ol, l ko«. f|irtho> Ih.l m.hT of moro likely lh.t U «• j r."p’n« W faniili iho bend, f r transportation purpose* to I rato States, li TO 11." blockade 1 the r i» said city nf I'harlesioi,. ' y i '* * • • ‘ ited State. '. <to he ; Con fade- i al«o i'diud. s<l we havo had no estimate. A few rifconer- who were taken San lay morn- ag confirm tho rumor that Grant’s army rut arriving. Th©*n vo.mv with tho arm% that captured Arkau**- 1 -* They re- prc*em the rnov- wh- mad.* h»* (Signed] [Signed] IntercMtlng Tho puhll Kcnterkr excited for some days with very flattering r.; . rtH from Kentucky. It was Kt t.rst rep. l ie l that, the L -gi»Utur© of the S'.atw had hciuhIIn seceded from the obi Union, end that Gov. Robinson had rttUod lor sixty thousand troops.. Thia fine story now l -v ndle* down to the state ment tli l the Legislature ha* adjourned under fonro.'l immi latiun from the Fed eral army, and the State ii in gr.-at ccun- niolion. This report ix. we understand, very generally credited at Tuliahomn among the KontuekLn*. We have . ever been tneliniKl to credit these very plea-ant stories, however agro«ahie tlio> might he to u* personally, ami we have infnrination direct from the State that lea l* uh to look upon thorn with no great favor. Dr. W. A Thomp son, an intelligent surgeon attached to Chenthatn'* Division, who remained be hind after tiin hattleof I'erry villo, hsm»i- Oflleial Tuoh. J. an*\, ! ing in taking e rd he defer bv i Mill la of the I Hnrrodsbu nd. if th. it at about twenty-five the purpose <>i eiicouragi ig iho F« troop*, who had Uuiuuuo greatly .list moTin* «pV„u Vim »">• »« molest them ' ally thrown effect, ..... vourm wlli'bfgln. ..•! Jitrkvm Al'i’"ll. - A few shots h . rks. hut with tiic Yankee* continue to keep U *ual .ol* and parson* All is uncertainty, of co I ^ r *JJ; 1 tho great dra " l upon the for | their Unlit draught trampnrt. i °. ul '"ilCof lt>- ... pi-B-r *» t * Ti ;s“EI It is certain no I has been in the canal 1 f,.,r .nmipli In it l>' H’™ 1 * l ", »t 1- » low d»y» tho who'" ,,r ...i.p.rt, may !>•• able t■> pa-* through." Th. Ary «i »ay, adltorlally, I .rally ooncodod that tbo o»n»> »'> l bo •" ,iimt a. to porpilt 11,» P***»» 0 n of tbo Kodoral tra„.p"rt«, [ tha preparation, ,u>«- making "" “ ur one ! realty to run. by Mr. ,ltnld«m. i ii | i*ni'; 10 1 '{*jj “O' 1 " I AbOiliOnbm n ' ilmt th IMM Confederate Finance*, We have publishod by Mr. Hunter and oi. , •Vrr^M^lblV^TroVo-.tVrind.U TopInSl . K C ,?ot,“l»„.“ Vr!"r P loiholrtof April logaby ™__ r.t, at „ monthly daollnoofunoparoB t. , ino 1 .o;..-hHl! ha considered (;»mnur. rCllrltildi.wtl'VI,. oftho Briti.h war sleamar I atral. .1 lv cone five mile* > d, , notlliDK ot moni ..no ...... | I ‘'r.r. in -ho f«»T bU.rk.Ocrs . | roarpenrvcl, keeping tar < u . . . ii g • ' Thi- ovouina ,, laroo mimb-r of bl, k- , vtm „ in oi-!.,. bo* k..:p all,am ,.p. ,,. r , t’on.ulahnrr had a matting I jVlT „ With tbi-t tr.).qriin > fro.u,rnr|S di«trlhul©d as t 'li" Lexington tt,OtX>, bet wren Louis'. i!b Tha©r* hold; the p pr. Milling irtar boat mile* from th* hattory Tli- tiring i» vary rapid. Gallic has just boen killed, and tbo men burled in tho sand Our parapet in front of tho eight Inch guns is entirely demolished, though tho detachment are still at their cun*. One of our pounder* is disabled, wheel broken, probability that the Democrat* will , ancedo to the resolution*. They are de- as buried in the earth by j tormined not to commit themsoiv.es on _ of a shell, but was auh?e j anything pledging their support to the attackwi in© ©rkeify 1 Vatorefeighi mUe qucntly rescued unhurt. _ | Govern moot, rhoya re especially opposed fromHufl.dk. After three hour* seven gunboat© ; to the resolution not to create « Military fighting we repulsed them at all point » Board, or circumscribe the military ami held the field. My Iona in killed nrn . .'■■■■ .*• V lUf .*V' P ow#r ut the Governor. They will pro-j wounded will not excomi finv--no pri*- tho Dght, who was at Coflco D.utl. with a bahly give a* a teaaon for rejecting the onur*. I regret that <>lonel Bongo 1- strong toloaoope, which presanted a lair compromise, that they rot use to be dicta- | among tho killed We inflicted a heavy ..I.... ......u. « •*-* ” —* -- ted to a minority. Tho Union men arc determined to pro rent legislation, if Democrat* will not accept these resolutions. They claim they barn yielded all th©3 r can yield in honor, ami will not submit to disloyal legislation. They will holt from dnj- to d*y, if noocssarv, during the entire bCx- ston, which muot expire in th© month of March. In the House, on Saturday. Speaker Biukirk snid : "If tile Republicans have a right, to *©y that thoy will not have United Stat«* Henaior* elected, the ma jority have a right, to say that they ore . U1 >p)>o*©.i eveu to the war ilsulf, and the\ t)l - nmong • UcspfCttully. UnoK.u A. FrYou, Origadiur (General Comnmnding. From o incinhor of ('antain Wright Battery, which is compound chiefly olvi unity W, „ vo hurt) obtained Iditional particular'. .Home two hotirti or moro before the dawn id’ day, Friday, our picket* wore drivuii in by two regimenlb of mounted man, and ft few minutes Lhorcaftor the onomj’ s urlillcry opened on our,bivouac iinma-Uately repliad with^guns Battery, M ®‘na we shall not elect l lifted Mates , holI U v lhU . rt :ina in onr immediate •.C"!' " n ra,y , f, 0,1,9 A° tho c " a f 1 ”,; vicinity, b,„ our buy* .t„o,l mimfully to , tho. your Republican Oororuor .ball , ,. ld v „ llU1 , ■"#“"(" ir ;. of ln ‘ 1 '» n » ; ,„„a, .m., ^oud.,,. thoy mm. \s o will hold the hattory to (lie last tromity, and blow her up before we will Burrondor. laKOOND DtPPATOH.l 8 Ik) a m.—Tho fog deceived mo as to the distance. Instead of being two hundred yard* from th© obstruct ion a, the imn-elnd is hntweon a quarter and half mile from thorn Signed] 11. II. AatDKRHOK, il opposo thu war, if tho Hopublii dot or mine %v© shall not elect United States Honatorv, sien rosnsge monor. R o, tho Democracy, are deter- daylight tho artillery duel ceased mined to do our duty to tho people oftho I ftIld the ggt was then muiutained with hlftte. and u uoconcary ev*ry aim ot us musketry for about one hour, when the will resign, and appeal ogam to the peo- onomy cenaad tiring and fill bos k. Wo pie, confident of an indorsomont of our hold our position, Out the enemy not a.I- conduct. and in condemnation of youra.” \ VHn .. ma - n d rii..*in» «iv , Th. roturainR of tbo Oovrrtioi ,, mua- . it aifi. —*m- -*~4 '•iiuio outHo uoiii.v u» 10ft Dflnfo- 1 r;-rr*ville. eiirhv mile* from Him Bmck- if they should compromise. It was m- j lur p e d at lu*t ©ccmintH tended simply aa an act of discourtesy to Tbo foil .wing nro ©11 tho casoalti' - Governor Morton. Tha Governor now ! wo hnvo hoe", eblu to obtain, has hw massage, and tha Legislature can- There were fdur killed in tlio 6th Va not. proceed to business until they havo | r 0 „, Aumug the number ia Col. Fnagr I'ulaski county, a gnllaut officer. wh< _ L'h« iron-clad hiw boon struck several times, and is slowly falling J down tlm rivor, though she i* -till withiu ti thousand yards uf tho battery. Tho buttery h*^ received no further damage. The gfiritiou is in lino spirits, and every thing working boMiltiftlll’ received and rood it. Dan. Vorhacrf ha© hwn invited tu ad dress the Legislature ou Hi© subject of the state oftho country, and, ©specially, tho Praaidont's Proclamation. He will, probably, accept, aa he is olwsya on hand lor cheap notoriety. Tim Legislature does not meet until Monday afternoon, Gut. Morton lie* recently received lot- i tar* warning him ol a plot to awut.>*iante i him. Duo wn* in a femalo handwriting, have been slightly wounded. [KOl’Rill DlflrATCIt.) 1 p. m. -The garrison, after © most gallant ami determined resistance, havo dri.un «ff th© otmmy. Tin* behavior ut tho uffio and umn i ;i* Danvillo^f.OOft. rank fort ‘2.0UO, and aid Frank fort d,00*h pi© iri com pi ©to iiwu. „ p.wr .-I rolgn «f terrorism Unforliuiatrt as ha* be© * Tho dftmilgo (Higned) ;iyglo, .i the begin- ifwlumtP nil tho uunmns t that th,'bl„ok«>1<, „f thia port, ,, ii, II. AHOKkeOM. . Station, Poo. tai:-^ iti«T > yi«.., {,» rotlrod. Tbo Iron-olaJ »»• 'il’avnn man »ara lll*htij- ,onmla,1 p^riE^ 1 ^ ^"'rhoTm^bd'^ooTwM,!; ntv, a gal distinguished himself in tho Wo*tcr Virginia campaign, under Gun. Floyd. Col. Poaga was struck in tlio thigh by a fragment of shell, which severed th© main nrter.v, and ho hied to doath in a few minutes. Caiit. Dobbins, of the :17th \ irgima Battalion, from Floyd county. ‘ by a minnic ball. In Wright’s Battery, Lapt. W. slightly wounded i a kill©.I .. left log by a I j . , V.vw of shell. Llout.‘Watkins was alio engaged in the plot. Itcontiiinod iiightly wounded. Charles W. Hugh* s corroct plan of iho Governor * house, 0 flj n iIfi, Xi i„,d a leg broken, and waaalso and of the mom in which he alopt, with WOU oded in tha hip. Won. It. Watts, ot all approaches to iri ( Tho writer said her t u n iif -x , WU s slightly wounded. * i **— — The bodies of Col. Poago and Captaiu husband had been led into tho matter by wicked men, and sho wanted to irustral© tho dosign, to Sara him from it* u.onBo- qucnco*. .. ,Uf one*' nnom poftife all tyranny don© away with, got a P«> H t,. go where you S r, 5f l ? U i ©to Th© speech in Philadelphia of M n- ?,or Wall, of Now Jersey, end the in- augural otfGov. Parker of that State, go j Dubbins reached here yesterday morning on the train from Weldon. They will be forwarded to their frfondh’Mor intermeni. Two of Captain Colt’jB. lud|^„WiWf i4tn|iiMftvr * '•»“ ininuriSiblO tO rODlOVO. (\en- Pryor now occupies a strong p tn0 >'‘ .u- -i.«u« wus nut in type, " » following NIK'S th© *b" v © WUMSUI II. i,, vt . boon favored with the her something supposed to bo "'“mun ion It I* not improbable that the tight Ihu course of a i iVifoV fiov. Park..- <>f that Slata, go I .bout olfht iniloa ir®"‘ Lt. oonllrm llio ijaa of poac. by I lie Ural j r .moltoil by tbo uncml "! H 10 of.iuua; but that ii four moutba oil, and a surprit. waa uUoniptod. °n half liiat timo our tato way bo .oilid, - tlie If wo do not too tho mark promptly. . III..latodthatUon. Loo hoa i-ouoivod an auonymoua lattor from n .‘ .iu v. ,<n.. infortulnir him that tho , h B T u r.i'.Tl b"?,m -Hopublican. | uf offal-. -KrW /I,.,2-'- I of "loftily Thu y.,0- | r , , , „ nll victory. MOOC HulJolk. Vo. th _V ! ,aiii.flodondih«clu»rgod._ | on Monday' moroii.it. ’’i" I'J,. i ,„|,..wv.ro, »i>d tlm U J' ion j, that tho .Vantac. are DuroRida'i lino- infortuloR nkao. rofuwd to ob.r Iho order to tbo Rappahanuock. (lor l.olobir M al lload Quarlar. 'rfraorrrra, ami | ,,. m t him, ■“mild‘iio’puniihod a« aueh -hon ihoy b.foro iho rriick-porhapa .hot-thot wma lylnn I („ n dod boi„r„ „r rwiatlng a-re.l to oayapa puniah- , b« ourrono “ ' , |l? a. «li P„r cant "l'iia 1 cull »a«, lLat »l,i,.<"> Lo | v ' ( j on , f,-- iuued hi. proclamation. oHorln(tauinai y issued n » , . n0 in un d aurr#naer alia.,rati thorn, but, tha' »P ' "*^*JSho” "rroat. th.y came by • fbl., ,m 1,0 impoMlbla. on oocount ot tho , H>™*« J|;orM , „„d hundro,l.. at.dja spidity of tho current. i iK»maolve* up. The* owttai.Wu’i"i;;^!i ,l »r m ^ |-J»|it unit Vlctui j _... OIU himiii *h© Ut Ot lllirnnuoi-»>■ .r. I ; .vUrl frii/utQ .>«w iruiiniu*fy,T| fur lough •tb.»..1“«7h.r. r !T^uma"«!^i ip«SrSi‘i'. 'ft "***'* 1 ifficial dis- Bmith says: „„ ,J .. Baturdny by of the **nmny, eighty mil®* hundred with their iroo-clada, Notwiibfitandinit all I- cross ni" "■ . . . , ,1 has received r letter from hw rival, G riarponi, throatoninB; tarriblo tap 1,0 ilooa not rnloa.a onrtain m»ouerl on« In ,'loao condnomeni Oorr. L. h»a dallanlly. A Cotivonlitm of oil poraonr n,ov In tin, mty r01 ’' i| , wart era MrRinla lia. noon mllod OT'll.T. Arkanaaa l’oat tSSSssaas^- Texaa Item©. , y iho following from tlm Gal- ,lan. ft: The tram from Wednesday brought up | t No« -toll Nows Galveston oi 27 Federal prisoner; rr,moduli, and tbo othar uf whom woro thoBo Smith when iiuveil with ''Nlctraaua dozens. I themsolv , mm- —— 1 nil who were liahio The London Timer publlihai a third j •>PP°^ I " , L’ny",'nwmdco “hay “liked, and , n""ff,rint. rtm „id . - m , JSw* bur,,.,,,,! and if I ^ ‘tZ'V ,'f.P il, -nd the i m rhi*! l w© believe. i» pretty much in »c- ] w" r '’ "iruli roof cover eordance with tho rocommod»ti"m‘ol lh» plaG^x. . who saw bur. wh - d nis" I rteoretary of thoTr..a«ury. 1 '’•JXwilh I SJilonor in pl.iGd. 'uY ; h. inscription the : Krn tlenmn i- a«l >i a su/ldon dz P . 1!v r „u«-1. L. r d< auto wh.*;! .ml,b.y~ t . tZ I tSl «d „u- |d ■■■'• " •hmery lia^boun^ isiter irom h»owh*ci ! largo umneei- ‘ ‘ V '.i .. ,«y.ui ’ V :i- wh»i ho will inske u/ mi’ hency iron ’ ■ • • .1... .„ I the or repulsed ' prvor, at last accounts l.atlle fin'd, and tho one ret rent. Oar lose ia con ;;. , :,iv:! ;i 'dmobg tim m , : I.,.I bv : I'od-a, „f Virjri' kne... ' Tho pri.nl,,,,'" t the enemy .'run r , heavy loss. I w li il * ’ ’ll I held th- ontir that she , my ortainly captured. iu'l, SotwilbManam* .» " """ th™!™l.* h «»'r«gim«iiU. or10 of tl>"| , h “i‘®hore ukw"' .till, ih.i piiblly may look f j” * a jj yot lh« brwada. comni* d 4 ^ „„l r „,„ takinn thill it lively before Ion*. »» lotono^to | u W j3 r rt 't,, j, „l,o now op. hyilioW!^^ e ,*?r. h f,|«r-1 ?ffi e ’ 1 Vt‘*A« , \&.o A bo tto.h.dUt pf^ch; 1 my. f ^^.^uralrtK. um.n lVd"tv faUinn «ch iVb.le yearly. into our hand.. they hoard Om of Galveston. That i that tbo Foiloval. bad -la<» from Jolfersohtq*»* coun'v, January 28lh, says; i .linden A lott , January win, **J m ■ q. V;M"oa“-o C “‘entuptbo , ,, tha for,-a of j pi.^D to Ifd.OOO strong. | (’apt. Harrison tired i - company " f . 2rtn - , tlio,,,. when limy hauled off to lernlLee. Ln reporting his interv jjjQ I conversation with Geu. Lee, he givoa ihe ( A ,^i av< . observed I following parngrnph act allowB ^ny^ maa ••I v* ill not b'.up to notice the ^holeiHie | m ak Idestiviction of pruporty, | French iy tnc ocpic-'""v ,• , ■ too sudden c.iitroctmn dads, exceptft'k l‘ _ Knglii isiiiii ^ ........ Houlhcrn, •mild ho Inovltftble if the*© iurnt. But hohind, ■ uuiuw. - tho fas! I the S.iutliorn uiounlains, thorc i which ten times tho p‘ v | North could not carry cntly In roferouco that tho voluniccr, and iVlhi, "duly OI tho enroilirm oM roceive all such i lv©©, but until latoly. the n j wer© l not kept thi* i* —as of j invitee I,hem l" avail t.i • re p"*i- | provision %“ b. Urn-.ffett will b. fell in thed«- J I olino of at oka. Or„,pl-dw,tl. hla wh. a- Thk Fl.ORIPA.-Ihc Msffitt open bi igHtly. vesssl* captured atm • . J* r.I v ATX L VTil AUl o t . , TK1» Nat. UK/., jXS. :.h»i — h.«H whipped lim l^nkch nunt* from ‘ > brother writes tnat I II Yankee i*/} mnu, VM)raV«l:-.v "n ,rd '.rill do ! Mmit'iu had ‘-l.'.-G ..11 in - rd. If If.- d".»VH tbom hf.ck ;*•' , Lkttbr PA* J Gnu. Mouton J - on the Tcoho. I V camu up with | i i ur runboat*. 1 ei, and one boat. 11,'rwiek’K Bay ... 1.1II; hut twu 1 "ond’.U.'odWiiJbrlou.ly.^Tl.: ith or boat was lauding Mury' V° ,Ur ^L, So say^ Captain King The Sinking ot the llattrra*. ul, linpcibio I bat tlm FlmIda oollld baVa baoti llio .««»! Ulal ." nl< "° luiitod Stales eunbnai llattaru*, »*. s b" did lint leave »obU« uotil 'bo "ikbt of tho 1,1th mat.. Olid U*® ■Hat'*™* sunk ou Sunday, th* h 1 rumored (u this city i ll,,, Vih fifty©'■ On haturuay >« 1 . ' . tm, “lombavdod from tbo Gulf .1. ,r H hv f> Federal flea mors, from J to 4.' snore *»y^ whole ur shell' 10: miHc number of shall 17. nno struck Mr. Syl- - ■ , I,,,,,.,, m-iir Trmnoul otrtot, nnd nil tho duniRge* homo cif th» Miild m havo been 1 > Thunderbolt battery Mr. Mu V fixed ©- been published *1 ordori wl owhw - tho papor" ‘ V body to come to tmnr ollif J • , cortain da}', threato nillio » Ail Hist i pnsals at, the olo , tlmy will ha Muffin j |i, [ Mil iuKippi a* »*r * al jSSSSSSESS ,.riaisa:iSM'«S ;,' u -il. would ! bo" enrotlod „u a corum day, | »“[»•' ■' ■”; * h . ' But Mr. Mamin- .t D kin* ol th* ljat» '»* v '“ h ‘ ‘conhderat. ! V oSlina and of tho i,„»lort and in.brcil- nm ,r .ulnluo tho aouadod h talcs. Two ai.T«a-... fts^: Sri : n!3SS ” : “SHS.s2"si sys::;ra; 1 s j E ;i,r I ii is ^ ifeSStfR^f.— “ . down tho i urthage, dcs- akiugihe priso- OIK*'" l Ui"' , 2<I. ■"*■ as- ; .w w r ™nt u Hal? ol irui'O fridav last, but Olo ob- nlibliot.V. 1 Wo loam . hi. mn up by. tbo «P’" h '7“ *![ Importeut, If Trae. nd that the con- l «uece©d in fnlucng the curronry w f., r nut h©v- I bundre , and fifty millions, ho hargau * uld than buy cheap which fierms to be tho beau- I t*>o healing a rre»;< » the 1»w, and other i sd and sent »o thi* t I**** than *'AM rn--n wmv- . i their regiments -some >„*l,t t„ th ia Pl»". «l>*" *?!",!! t back 1 !«• rolv** our rum. ,.f eurrem y 1 1 iichmond, and i RS , It! ■the eld ent—^the the Con* tub -ill ©ntei urn the immonso amount of thw Uttf© . ,h „.d it i.id >i.i,tful wlioih.,rany W0U.4 oplntoathatUa.^. I hr wanting f. r ton year. I '■ 1 script officer, hi . a , - ing tho thousanui ••• ••• ntly rap utad 7jO*rd*7 , ,, r g ,; c ., rK i» beta win li | that Co iitniaaiorwra troin Indiana. 11"- 1 rv.ia a id .Itliar tv. -tarn d)unn|, far ripadit, Iti.-iunond ilia i ipht |,! „; ■ u '', ’ , . ad with ra.i.lan, p,.,«of ni yi'lintinit wuh H « Orngda etimc „, . e Government up*' 1 t s, ’ ,u ' Vui 1. si u p’s' f* it bringing Hi- war t,i li ■ . . - | ft»certiainr-.1 tlmt tl>o e ar uudin.iry ' ' brougni '•» m*n . , pjf.o.tr< tlm morn „l truth. . rt i"rM't iu m-n a. Hint «arm-l lha> „ i now-pap, r. will loan no Umo In ! p,,t ba punished; and «ban Colonel L, a 1 r.iaatinc il l" tbo pub- Rirkmo-I ,.“ ft t h,.y wore uoiiiin* m yoiuntarily i IFAiy, htn. . ,,uad. Of dvr. ten, twenty or more, every : We have reason to believe that it ** , fi a y. ^ ^ I ‘roe. . I Kew State* lu the Federal Union. An editor of a Western paper, while j a Bill, ITIOIC tOb° _ A T ARK ^ F a A. r S T," n Vif,«y naturali, I taking a suooae after dark, traveling ia WMK4 p* ft railway carrugu. had bl» pock©t pioktd. | w^im^e of i ■•***••-> •••■--- t*. i i tom or accounutixu I H-o thief next day f.,rwarded the pocket- v „ Vo*t *>*• made to s ’j; ..iuy pcuic-ct the P'l'*-"'; ^ la Llurolli Creay I II, the telegraphic columnar V.ll,ndi ? b.m, .fObii> LM . i M , Itm . y i-S? thitt"ipa'l'a"their"eacei ) o L- -- .«uk. aero nd which baa occurred I the Unrriot X,«ne, wa» [RUhm. Ilaf. • ,,'3 c 0 ,. Thoinii. (iroeu, Immediately » ; „n l,,larding,anil aboutHm «™ '"'“‘JJ , ' Iteporlrd 11»ld u|'o» 'hr sail ,,'orke. i \ur«7d CoV'finin could i sStgais.«uft,'Bs >: "’kSkssms;; wsb «is- ssk atisK, dsaEsrsraK* • a X&&E& SSS Jbsaawaays ..... : ^^“■viiiicrstafecv'vsi.-K , ustJ;. — •..srTi.^r-S & *^Ki ! a?;£:';'s^Ki.,r;a ,rK | find Iho \\ , -t and tlio Ka*t.' 1 and f .....not only of sm*ll ^ of measles nnd searlatln alignant the *Yf' ..... al , mot, Stl'IillOllfi HI It 1 ■ Wove. ""‘J, 1 tj'. htl H , |,i,r illli* I.-»l»l»tura , , s ., 1 , t , 1 ,„ u ,.ri,'.i.r.,iH nnd , tl rn.r'llii,' Coi1*r(- , ...a- - L ■ t>f- If i.'bar-. There may no . the whale. Hut al, aril d.uile al (teat tu lucalitie*. \ vicinity of. deficiency i axcets v -Aug i«vf*r h* v R - - - . most ©rdont philanthropist Prop ; »a« oDIcial-. mi .alanoii ot ■ »-on „ r «l„ , 4 rli of powda amaa'.a, tboir million, a year and buy- | lab towna mil country for apd wide; dora by''tim i ; mnalbHiiy’dld no't Health tboV. it did j poi.lbilily aia^ ^ .. thn i„i„biunw of nmporary, id ho i Cob/fA., Uh liuwever, ro-a-«i(|ll«d Mi-l.a,ppl I wero as jouuw* . thiougn L "O 4 -'‘d,d VJ 1Y.©' t 'l V H r ated ln tn^Tia , rc l “feeu Thl . |.;j P lrTu« Knltalmeuta In the Ar- of them Tuesday night. \ my thc PoW®®* 5 * . . dV at the place wit.h»the State I \ correspondent of thu *^ow \0Tk ^jutern.aotiun^th^SUt^ wl ,|?J„Th« V»_! rM-LnrOurn If*., »« , ' unaenaam- dared I I ^1''he onbilota of thePreablaui'woreiln prench'fchol' aauh other indlarrimrnatoly. j KpllkK1 —Tha Tribun,i of tho 17th, i l»l' iiilt'of U- irrm of -er*b|a. Takoonocrain aaeb of powdaradjo« ( | wnunt ^ w^ rt»d lo J.b«_ <gMb«* | | wt ,, mtimatad at.lJWy. . i ..j .a.rtin,.|„naiK'',mmor.dol.amiouno,,,r„. „r It, rrclmro . .m <* i< meeting- have a h-»» >«* I W S™ i*"* 1 !*' m».1 ‘of th^Sufo dt , ^erCd .loo. of .them .be b, be ow A1WI , ladp.oep.lK UH.; ut, r demnraii- i - , n . c , „o roar.,,, «. .houbf aUrt j to a 5,11*. ] ^ W ti!“. r'„^ot in tbll in.Unce. Ua. j par. and the n premium. .. 0 j it- rrirluirflu ii»** ** «-m march hu mo ward bo for u figure eight" hundred thousand XS H Ser; hut the morning report* . I,niin tho Statement. >> « Jth th® fo 4 l„ o bt*c«1iii r®i»ut»f "Yeou raizerahil skunk, hvarsyer pock- f . it# natural itbo.»k. 1 don't keep rich. • w “ r ‘ R dro»*ed as well as yoou was ■ _ with a wulllt with nuthing in U but a lot j ^ CJ ,d© r was gone, and t of nooin paper scrap*, an ivurv tnotn tea ikmuand well drill* curnh, tw,» no.%se paper stamp*. an_a paas j p al th©m to flight. A Vick.btirg j " ’ if 1 io have a hoary load j .yrup orrngar, ' be”il'»e» | F; ' r ‘ “Sd aluon‘w« oVVryaWv’op, r.,,t. erary I »{“^TS JS5.S. i \ - The Wilniin.lco ^ , und , , du .aartcnM. -nadenoe in | , ml H Aw. - • - »a» »ei,Lb. Thu, conducted, con- , B„,uir«r, 8<A TT^ V no Aiu^ieh I Hooker, tbo new Uommender in Cbicloi ' . .1 nanii’cr ibrir tiiouien,i, bv li?I nimber of reubunot-; but the men t. oiakc tbcfti are not there. The only pltco where ei«bt hundred thonaand moo to of d*„ t ralerode i ot Pet©r A,”;,*'i. RlitU». hat ahiM* id diir»- ,d bound ,ar ei»l> • Tor wist* MW fnr I larbla impersition I h©er ytur a editur, - II naverroba any onlv gontlen tur, h k contemp- > moit imminent tft« publick. Al»^1 etUra j W>r i*«d the Arsansa penmu'dn? 1 *At» -0«r ***** j *n ov.Ti. ». ; ,b. o,,b I fa«a^r^. fo«.d upon , ^Ur^orW Vtbrefu the .and of tb. Maura. HowaHj. |*‘ < £ . j, hr r.o mean, r.-.mnv Iben hdm;• - ! Valioy, sous'* 10 ni '*' * , Rhundant, • nfibn compound powder ofjuli ieen ndmi , * Tha water *ooms to ba ^un^nt, ? g cream .of tartar w: - -- - and within fifeon f-t of the surince^ _ , . . ^/ mn/ , m n ttrftin of th „ h| lUn - Tho Memphis Bulletin — ' tiatos that three now Slut Toe Port Hudson Nows, of the23d ult. . Colorado and Nevada, hi- t a\« ted into thc Federal i ni«*i ‘Wearer© informed lust evening by r©- | There had been arge bm- B©bl© authority, thut four whole reg'- Now 1 ork at iO*. \\’h ; te river 1 any oxtanatvo manuiwiure, a h ’Ifinarv menu o| Y&nkeo troops, had laid down Gortnan s oxpeditton j tWl1 I nle of tho neighborhood,. fRJ their arms al Baiun Rouge, their officers haa rotutned, having ■ 1 ■ j £ oll tnr i kettles, fc f re wII T i2Ii*eHlmatcd havinggH resigned without exception guns a( DuvaU s bluff, wi.»cn the t on n . . «# v,». k.ah eetimiuci 111 result. Hiispiclpus t»nilh. I' . ^ further tu h become ob- ii*rseAte, HHoiHHMii Wuv 7o«T*.» poita »ot Anr»*n« The Richmond Eaunnnor ba. prm ivicc, from Goldaboro, N. C., that I pun,her of deaartar. daily come . - ' 1 Thai; atm generally in tho 1 ,r Morton sent in bis messagv. - a U . also agreed to go into 1 !li_e <»J©f- uf cotton in .^rhavcy«b«n,o.d^l SS:of*»cju«.b«t n ) •»□* ot.o grain of tho herb Irentnd i, K bt for tho rc.lor.Hon la M- BBf: Th»* submai inecable *o he laid between ! They - • —~r.' ,. » .r New Orlean* and Kuttrcs* Monroe will nod other po.nU. vti 1 utli ut Fort Macon, Beaufort, K.C.. get them. ,. .. Port Royal, ss. (.'. Fernandina. Key We*t Tho Federal loa* ■ and Feu l',eka»r. guns al Duvalls Mun wiirn ‘ n, ’. 1 v, ;T I ttiK dsy’ "it h©» , been"«*ti*nat- Icdcralc. could not ir-t -a tho r *| ‘ h „ httilmli “f water will »l«l They cracuated < : amdc". St. Uiartcu. , »>. . f u . -Tho .alt i*S««. ms. i Ul ' ^'euallty!'aid jf vroperlv i fa©- Kir We.t The Kmlerel lo.» it oltieiated by tkemielv*-. al l,«W- rood , miiy. r tkl v,,nuil ..,H unlike thftlcf the King -Sfnydtm rw». md half tho quantity BouiTliiao N *w — article of Sweet . r unite pnlnioblo and .eld t" t' n * A-.-l. ... .. ... * ). ,. it.ivICAall : , v . il'Syr-tSSra j, ’ l‘hay,,., luat met . T a,„ r d,,y , 3U".yaX«. and (five -hatM the raa- I lot and as tho lb he prosecuted 1 voted, wesupp 1 and ftggHsndixfttnrnt ] — Appeal* ^ Vont't'hortvrhoVe »rmj Two friend. ,noetic*, had previously tha election to^k pUco. i ni.nwiiere th“" c'"" 1 l"' n 5' “®- ‘. end forw.rd.al to their paymoatma. ; mid olsowhe th*ir sent*, ami *uupriq«iet of - 1>r KpoU A ^Srnt’oteVug a thu detleea of man i why F'iswr nas neon / rioIl .i “Don’ttroubleyouraou, » i hi. plan, for »“ advaoee ayoe '[* tbel,uy..lf, imia.dlatelj. ... k 1 lilcHoUa 1 oat SVaah- .IJtVof thin*, among tlie trm^uouo, ' u ia |„ cepturod. Hint t^:,’, 1,^. *'"> «*•' one remarked: nan win> told mo X , Toil me who it was t i hi* em PJY*j knurk him .th* scratoa. i uvticf» i — ' --- I