Weekly Columbus enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1861-1873, February 10, 1863, Image 3

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t i.OCAl, NEWS 1TK.MS. . TDe CtoMB Mark* -Stibietib ding ,vu uiark on tho margin of thair Mobil gg^ggn*! 111, m* 1 ** 1 *iWM>aanBiTi u ' r: 'i T3tnwA The Wir on tll« Ocean* Wo take tlv-followix fYo:r. blio York Herald of Jan. 81«t; ^ Tho privateer O 'HO rm .l:c blockeda of road, iobtle on the lS'.h inn., u»tu ithetamliiif' will understand by it that tho j tbern v rnine V r *‘- v -•• ',* ->f l tor which they hare paid Lm «xj)ir- ! J ^ or |h about to expire, Htid that they rtlkJ1 p n Xhe itca expected to renew tlioir subscription'*, chas-d the urt'■ '**'* ** *“ 4 *** * rt ,,n '' ,t 1 tho hare* alone and $CO REWARD! fOLEN ' .1 Uro 4t... ;. c > •anirotiht:', If miles north of Witt©bn*, .<«-«? -romm* m i tho Ifar.^ilti J tK ko notice of tho trnrV, and take returnedIt hint which it is intended to convey. edit ht it Mobil a. i ’ll ot his tnft^itde. IRAV Honsr. mcdtumaiz , »*»aj hack, with in ! der the mdd' hi bor-e: newly *'roj :i*l 1 shove r»K«ii for lb** apprebpo*i>»n I a liberal night the ifctk 0 or 10 yea'll aid. . rvmarkj patch auronnj n Ijr<t** ‘id hori>" •pvai u« - karHIe and buggv 1 I will ri* f ’h(. Mki-f the float tlippoted that the 1 ,\ : -r f. '*■..! tho ‘ r *id. RriRTro"ToilNhOX Oroto to lliivtii.i. to v. iron w.-u docW-dJw* , thought that f-he would t . On L- r way — x , ' , alc<1 f pcalrable Proper! y.-ttoo the ; t0 Havana .‘ho di-:m 4 v‘d tiro br; r . Ks- NOW BOOks! ... rf tho oxocutorV «nlo of ! teilo, ofll iv^n. j l HTRANOK y r*.v.r.-> .• S. r K. Brrw: T ,i, n \V.w>’,folk dt'censcd On lb if:er:i<'.>n *»f tiro 21M. four miles • > 1-' rros. ju * r- n .' I an 1 Fro *il“ by p(!r lj.,.fCol. John woo.ioii(.afc««ou. fr , m ir . moSi J w i-etsK ,!»•. in Uu> fUr ««a mi burnt »ro wry . \ Vll ... 1. i 11.,h, tM. it- 1SMY pvmTT Simi . *,t 0 nnd as this description of pro- Mnt.v .vt •.«••■• < , try ' •'* m for j iirtm.1 JlijuU LfillU tNo, ,U •«*r»d L .J«n«Inj | ,T; r " j A vulae, persons Wl-lmiff to buy should 5t| |hfir ovi ; ... H) . ; , , ' lH <k , A I ^nlre l and m aalo rt the TW 1 overlook this opportunity U get bar- to>;mni*h m> : ir... Mu:... mining d«e!?-tf ’ . i ho sale will bo held on tlio oth • of tho IWd, «dt Cardonas, th- Oroto cap- ‘ , ' tured and burned tho brig ' ’ r i Ann. of . Machins Mr . c\i r South from Phila- . . ■» .. „ delphi.i. 1» ior. \* . .. ... ... she wm I,dll, o' *■• D. Johnfon.—w o HIT. burnl , ha loam the doath of a well Captain and , >w - iut » Cardenas in jsnuw AUCTION & COMMISSION HOUS!-}, No. 131 Broad Street, COLUMBUS, HEDKiJIA. RSSETTE, LAWHON & CO. turtia sat fenmissw Sirdunls, tTAVINU rcnte-1 the wrll-koown hnnee f*r I* merly n oupbd by S. UicJolrea, for th.* pui - lw«iof tran»fwitir(c .1 K'nioul Anoti"i» and i>. ■ .oimou huaiinsa. wo hmi pro pared to owm> BOSIJ.r <: QiJIAJU) aAIIiEOAi) 1 ’ r ' : war i i-.jt'.ii V. .Wkttw r,|'.( l.nmherliM nndu* P>r aniniloof Negrci ....... n,-w eutarnrue v,c Impo t Ulan, 1 liberal ah.ir* of imfron%^ •. 11 »,ul highly esteemed citican, L. : their • , jr Johnson, which occurred at bis ! > bri>: .... : Cardonas; burned lenccin Alnuama, a snort, distance 0 |, or A sel. 1 >,i t n !.i 1 i the city, on Wednesday night. The v-ma -m th» 1- • ni . of .,j si was in tho city during the day thiU tho Or. t' v. < I JnMd«y) but w«» (lultounwo!!, anil : ' ''* 1 been in bad health for aomo time. — Further Heeoun'.i -m tli John-on baa for many years been ! armed transport H it:, , ? ,u in mercantile business in Co- bm. and has over sustained a high • \\ ma hefere • i ■; T i sracter for integrity and probity. Ho j thni li-r n>*«ilinu .< ;i generous and public spirited’ the Om'.., ««» ;f Havana iMUto, ir. l,i ..v • r»‘< , oir„ uni moriv R. W. ROSKTTK, n. 1*. LA Will N V >,. WILKINS. -A_Xjl^dI_A-IDsrj^-OS. L >v< * r• pi«*••«* ta lntorn e.ir Mood-, an <*1 >;r,.Kkr f,r li«*Sra!S * lVoci.'U* u • * r^ior.. H iikina.in the A»oti,*n and Oon.iuiision bus - .. — ' nffi, Th « firm w !l t*et ■.•vrtor Ho known u.n <A T St, ihmskttk. uwiiON&co. PBAHW ’ » 1 ■ I.AWH.'X.' Fine Combs. To my Friends. JW, ; - * »r«i(U I.f n*. lln.in, <«.»M n.,»ir «ilh lUw f 1 U.hon, In mrold line ..f l.u.ir.m, I "• * HA?K. nurt Commiekinn, end yle.tgir.3_ to tf’ro Ox Hmi^.*fi ’“"bvV Aaxvr'a > ':c*: >u»i hUifLa. MUSCOt:, AiLROAX). 1 - i v.. Oct.i\u»i. d le'1 era ehnul'l inndaii'l n<li<-ial aian.iture, Mj.MP.KPJA . OntliUliT lVherou liuiid, WhPt-oa* /GEORGIA. .Mr.-i’fKH'.l. < . . ... for !.*'tleie It || mto'|. , , •, !• tb- will annexed, on p,. rn -. lm-.iinr flir-t In- jm • 1 **11 [mii'l, |jto of .aid solid ii-,..1 , mimb.v the nnu , , „ in* to said •■(•tat ' to nte a ml admonish all fharcfor.i ..II |.cr.mns itldn notified tiiibot cause .it 4. 1 ihnrofne to 1 to bo and mipe, I'it*ci Ilmhiy ^li 'trntiou ahould not bn grant ed To raid hand ln„nffleo, Jouuary hereby NOTICE T .) nnii'I’RliS " .Ml,:,;;: ., . fWrtd EOBOTA. MKWAUT rOi'NTY Whereas pj>lii>« t-r I.oitere of Adminw- >dnmrl Kllioit. into of 1 ito and ndra«nhh nil ! rhibiroii MUsfrtaKE r'Ot'MTV Mfilt ioito • **i • *",•»• ! ltibi tluie vr..! ris'.dR iafor«ed. .' . - -f . *•• ■ i. CLARK NEW 8GHEDULL. am (i*iio n iii-n nil , u r. * rntiK*’. if a.oy. wiioin the tim« 1 ,, I 1 ^ , n ■r . by etaiutc, whv aoid loUvfs should ,J,j| f rt jd . > idi-i my hand, in WUkitpi, Rumdian petitir •nroci, to*wit: |*«uda. iloufiuf to her ward: hehW j fSS Ml I!.% ’ ttl't.F. MSI. ( ’. i‘A * ^ ^ 5 SPf ^';TR KE. adminjatrator of v ' .tuc'. eotuto o| Niehnlna Uiiiro. and exeeutor «iU I Frnilj Rni-e, huving applied for and I>avirf T. 11 i* tii^r.■: err •! .how -aid admiiiiirtraUoii * e 1 that all person* uou- anvih- have, why letter.- , - -‘ii'l ahould not be granted nl,rant by the Court of Ordlnun, - to bo Monigoinery Si West I’oiiil! K,nmA if 1 KAUjIlO AD COM PA N V pM heron j ' ip ot 1 ... PM»nn and pr^peny of 1 a..id eouiity, and orphan ot titauttol (liren 11 ‘ felrf.-’m hold i>. and f»r .-aid oottnly 00 the drat Monday- u, .uih noM, und that tbu cider lw* publiebed m *• mi- o| tho law. A trim Laim-npt from Pit niinutoa of eai<i f om t. Dee.l*ej. ni.atrAtoi of 1 ML ) his ash os.—- 7Ym«r-. To Fi Mr.: . Ko » tho Origin of the Elre.-Mr. Abram Gam- • • numon li the 1*.. i 1»■ ■II ,U1M hi, boli«r. tbrnuRb ih« nmu. I Uijy by tin- .... ill , V the flr« qf T«o(d»y morning krok* ! ,i u ('„S 'liqu 1 t uplloir.' ot Dr. r.'nlo * offl,o. This , h.. i.ii.tul.- , ,.«4 with a report which we hoard on i Mtslo ot tlml . i \ morning of tho fire, nnd is suggestive ^ • -!i,*■'*. V: ^i - in cendiary work. Mr. (lammall has mattar ciritn, t '« e l properly in giving his impression : If miy of tiiom fill m what ho saw. Others should fol- < fnnst vr hi- oxamplo, and a anarching inves- ought to be curried ou ITTINU HT f ad Anvil nmuntcft- PH- ... : I that pr Correction.—Wo attrihutod to Mr J. ; or Ii.a ! t litpp'dd the credit of having §c"t tha . ( V’ rt ^'- lda at thn foundery tf^Graonwood and l( ,your.'d ,y to the nssintanco of the firemen on ' -lay morning. Mr. J. IV SI tr at at One <>! t h,i sup*Hntcndent of that founder/, j Jj!*^ ; to him ij due tho credit of that timely ! ■ p; u , Ml 1 cun*ideralu act. Wo soniohow con- * thi ; war n h'd his name with that of his former .tortjonoi Mr. Huppoldt, Uow*of Charles- ! ty 1 REA I. ESTATE FOR SALE. 1N th* Nerilnro Libcitir*. on Otletherpe l rt^r.':ji. ( 1 r. DOWNING. ; City Rcsidenco for Sale. \ DLSIllABT.K *• v p m residence will br fini! a- a hii-.iiu. }. Knaiiirev.il il iu preaiiaos, corner of D~!e!horpe 1 , anil r«’T riruot.i. or ot tup •ub«oiili„r»(ft* Times Offloe. D. B. PORTE It. ! J ahg-3t _ f TO SCHOOL TEACHERS. A FKW p'.io.i de-ks and boushos will be sold . ; *v b>n t *» t!i« first npplie«ii>t. ul (he renidjoeo ' I of thn subscriber, vurnar of'UloUioyiet.nd Few , | *tj*eu. jt l>. B. PORTER. I FOR RENT. ■riinEF. Imiidrrd >. ■ • *4n t. ni LnnVfrra . 1 and J-'-r Ihreo b' .hTlf uelHPd.br-W \ ; in* tlic i ti >n of rheni Nb tJ«»•. ,[ • ■ A Cv Mo l. |v ins "ii ilae I vl - ik. 10 tnilvB nset j ef t'oihM ..I*, flu* I'U ■ . i in a uuod sta.A of ' | culti'i. : ... 4-1 ii I— MV ’.ill be divided to . .-"aMl EL JOHNSON. i j eetaft-dawt/ i IVTOTIOB i j TQ TUlfi PLAN I Kits t)F GKOKGIA OmriOi, Uiliup VNP (IoKrtTAt. Af*hOCt ATIOS- I I* sub*: lilnvl fillfPd ial I On uod aP..- t!>i« d..i Thrr f». T. BOMRTTB H. lkU. '. vvhi -b the) hrre- U . WILKI VS -n re; ROSETTE, LAWHON & CO., AUCTION & COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Columbus, Qa., HAVE IN ©TORE- AO Hoxm* Tob«<-.>., : ;nn n»«k*i Court Felt: Msacks Sugar: " Lirerpool 10 bbW de i •* Turk's Ic'd '* 7 boxoa Stiireh; jd “ Virginia ” Blankets, Leather, Spice, Ao. K< )S K1TK LAWliON ,te CO. Colambu*. On., .laniisry 12, !*•'•. tt COTTON CARDS. i FM ATiL lot -f bc*t A N’o. 10Cott-n I'a-d*. A I W huteiiiore • urd?> on flOUirignipbct, to be cloAod nut imniediately. janPHf RM.-vr.riT, l.AWHON A CO. FOR SALE An- e* U« v -6, Oct. SI. I.Vt. iaa*'uror Irani «... , . «.»t And Opelika | within th© \'J) A. M. ,.b l*. ,M ihorefnre tito and «dmeni*h all persona pnneerusu tn ho aud appear at m^r oftico ffSiii s - l.b i*. M. •• 12VJ 1’. J'l. - f* -V. M. • A.15A. M. • I'.ln 1*. M. 1 1’KEIGHT AKRAHOBMKKT ! UKTWKLN ATLANTA ,V GOLLMmiS. B Tanarr.v,,^ • - id** wropoat : 'Hiluml.tvx, ,‘«)’|i-!uvl«j «t iLhl* ,*<>*,Tnut. n o ibe HallrvaJ Com; .• ■MU II'W.IIMJI uy II* IT, aui I,HOW I „ .1 . .,j , I, ihey have, why M id let ten should i , oi’ii.r- not be Krantcd toeoid aptiliesnt. | ,MU : ,L rd ,! ri f tlivcn nudnr mv band and otUcipl dirnataro, I co ..?,9 n 1 , * ’* ’’ Hus January aOtli, 1WS. ypen under my .' 1 . WIMBERLY,Ord’y. n | lEI'j nil, STHWAItT COIiNTV.—WUorwrt I , K ,V O' 1 ' • ’ U .1’ihn It. Ilioliatdaon npplio* ter Letter* of ,th , ■ 1, ‘ XT * 1 \ .-Miniiii-tration on tho oatate nf David Louil- i Jlp,h ' 1 Bwm, F+XSt' Kl-ur, In rack* i«r I , II**,w, l.arvl in ran* i l Iron. I>y t.ir k*i4, p VIA .MACON. 1 l Ir , W h"*t lbr., I MU* tO : Ji.vAb «r-J in r.iu« it M’L. p^r 100 lb*. Up ttUKOftm R. R. Pnatuept atul Supniuten 8 ii pw riu ten dent Houthw.^i B«peniiti»uilHiJi >nj w »,i Snpoi-lalendtut Atlanta ana ia(u. ^ tin .(iiwr ■>» 1 Mup, rlntendetil Ktatuto. irhV said 1 utters .. .ed. en.i-- my hand in u§*re, Jhiiuhiv J>th, J. l. wimukuly. ()T<Unai-y. dalSlSi ehow.Aiu Lili.N i'Nil SFON, Ord>. UEOlDil t ^ • By John Josxhiiv, '•KJKK cot NTYj fbdinwy. rh-riiten having •: it i* wliown that d >n hi.* lifetime I - • ai I petitioner bin bond he bound hiruelfto make. 1 niMr, 1 gvo.l uni lawful war *•. ■ ■ 11.iin land?, to-ait; number I i-number 5* 1 , number51, nnmbrr ‘ f Htid •rei Bu f 1’ct.cr I Hugs afoveiaitha br mid appear ut t_. held in Mitd roranid lay in May next* to 1 he) liuve > wbv said Admin Hiiid Conrt cenformity Ihntaenp ‘finally eu uni- Wn flie Ncventh district, i ilie mite, ,*i Upatoiti rreeh. lmndreit and ton auros, ur made -I tli- jame: I loi-fJ that William A. Bust. 1 li'i;:* aforesaid, and n, Ur nnd appear ut the bold in and * ' ‘ tb- f, .* Monday in May i liy na id leoimod by enid Conrt . lid I and, in cenformity ‘ ' ' ■ <nd «>f uih into.tate . nnd that n o»pv r rericd pe ’ * to oxeeute tide ntb- < II v-«. ppliea fqf jottrrs of adinlni*- ! : ,tybii-2i.’ Not lc« 1 rile nnd admonish all I 'j!',*’' 1 " , ae. if any. within the I by MatuU', ndiy Huid letters * be granted, ■ ' ’ ' - l-romUr 23, I ■ till* 'M ) belii The Lo*ae* by the Bln.-Wo copy illotving fUttonient, rolativo to tho ; ,htp of the hurut huildinga, front j v j, „ eel amount «>f loss it ia dilllciilt to ‘ ‘‘'J] litt. Mr. H. H. Kpping lose- four '• '« iinin on Knndolph -inot and two , “* •ad street; Mr. L T. Downing, nno ! ,mU and about half hia largo library; .. nr *, ouo tenement and u «• .«1 »• r- i till- iMiniunt in drugn. nnd Mr. Morris ..i.mu otto tenement; Mr. W. Pitta •, lU .* his Inna :it $401. Thn harbor * ,, at; I Mr. Hiehlor'* ahoovhnp n total a'.'.7;:‘; 1 lu'ii.T.S I BY ROSETTE, LAWHON A CO. WMt*n» * Atiantio State, iiuiro^d j ' • *!”!;14500 ;* -' Divm under tuy hand HW2. in n 2-St /^LOHGIA. HT L W ART COL’ NTY .—Wberth* j " 1 Jehu M. Ray u|‘Piles to mo lur Lk- , t. i- -t flu ir-l!.«’.• ;m -f the ponmna and pm- , i. i • • ; t 'L>'. • I’- Holt, Arthur 1’. Ilolt and 1 !*:• IV Hot*, min-is under 14 year* of nar, ! ‘ t of Willlitat Holt, latn of mia coun-I ty, d- -M. I !,i.4„ n rn thcref-ro Incite and odmenidh nil i pot, ris feelinp itu iutCl'iMt ill r.dd Kturdiimehlp, to lm iind appear at iny olliee within the time —* l by In w, then niv-l there Voaltew enuae I they hare,) whys*UI lettoro aheuil not bo . (all i — ... ._. ... _enemhnr ,L L. WlkHlKULl*. duly iiuthontie BdiULTl '.VmTIn' dVi’ll V • Uilifor* Din '. lilblw/dcvrcnM on* ha* iru drinnn-D r. aired to pienoni '.hem i I, fur nay men I. .vatu an tin, n. jiarhi:: '-I that If In, puhliidied monthly t*i 'in Co hint bus Kneuiror. iy b'md, thi* 17th Jiinunrv, JOHN JOHNBO.V. of Dr. l MUHCO'llvK the 11'. | || \\ ur mi i. Judg" of %»id Court, mu.-. Butler | -t Mertkage, A. . Nov, Tcnu. Her * p!l Kldcr. '.!."uu5.r'.’t| l |a < ithiei-.ii hundred and « of Af‘ cro bt-i ELIJAH MU. r baud and ofliriat Higaaturc, J. L. WIMBERLY, A Mur- rcfiuerttv! t.v mu!" immediate pnymeul, and nil cnteenlh day» . the Defendant, • *.Ji. iiiuue nuu dvlivrrrd to the ! ;' im—ry note, hnerinc date the nl»r< -aid, wboiob.v the Dolcafiiini tb" 25th itnv nf Deceuilx’i- tiexi * p.iv tlir* plaintiff nr bearer fivur hunilrod dellarrt, for v.ihm received, and thm ■ •I'wppis. ti.-wit.un lbr doy and year afore- •I. tb.) Dt'hmdant, t-r the better -mnirinsof •r'd. lor** Ho DISSOLUTION. For Sale V PIN'M TROTTING HORSH - v v orka in itiURle Ale.*, a tine Itu at R. F. llarrU ,k UOBKI • Uhi Patm-uyi. to HviKKV and liarnea-; om br .V “tubIee. KrVK. LAWHON A I Cancer Curod. r thot 1 hud n .'inivll lump «> | Railroad «v i i rUllr.mi at I iiuuury l’lih. IHH-'t. jen21-.>i / • EoltGI A.HTHWAUT (lOUA’TV * J .[•••■. i i . Clark upplic^fer letin^ .... .. ' D*^t lUeroforo to rite and a-lmnuuhall 1 ^VHv* ! Hn^!iVi m.J I i . , .row caneo, if ailv, within tho of tlnni*. ivitiulv , i by eta tut", why mb id Icttom I hnmeitittt^iMiymn^nnd •i'srr Ml t J rh.iid l net lie arnntoJ 'V herons l II H dtJaU Vnllrr In Drtjiaia aail Cifilltm • , , ., I \ I.L pet n ilid*b:< 1 to * . ' ■ - 1 .» . I - . iV TV. llnijior end r.lij,i!i i IUi,.e T ’Mi late paymuat, nrtRHK«Ht to the mid . .. ..... jrt ol Kit number ll' i null diatri. i ef raid comity, » •mt) -Dv* am . mtlii-i rppAoii. p thnt raid nolo re . ; i .’i t ii m |,.n>..vdnod that, th- lent do t’li* into Court, on or before > >t ill-next term thereof, the prill ■ ■ i • a ltd due op eaid note, ur ' "iitj iirv if lie o * raid mort hand in offiei', thi* Dacom. ! WViJiS?,? • in tha jireoent i: ^ I,L pi r . • pleaeo cull -v. t Mr. Geo | . Saylor’*slight; l*«roi> rtou i Cartm a .v* mwin'y in on l.»r g"' 1 •*, w| ioh vlhl ut amount t<* a grout d-iti, fully ineuri*ij; ir. Pbfllp* aavml m--.trly nil Ijm nturk, nuhliitlil; L. Strttue & (’>>.. !"» prinoi- ; ally from dauiagoil and aru'.terod K«*nd»; .-unkfeldt, in finm e..i, t;iion; *»t*rtise 1 V’nre'a loaa |»rinoipjtl y of rellar nd glaMWare in an upm r ator.v. ] m timny of our citizen* run-ti n dorahlo Jo tod range The Iuaurauo©,—There was probably mtranco to sorno extent, on mo»l or I II of the buildings burnt on Tuesday; Homing; but wo doubt whether any of uro fully covered by iniu- hoar tliat two, nt loaat, of tho , uihlinu wm- **idy insured in mi ’U« * would not now more than half re- l&ee thorn. •vale of Negroes, to-daj, —We refer oithc,».. tho largo auction *ilr of valuable! deelS-t /r . ibia day, by Meaara, Pinckurd d Rcufrob. .Mr. Pinckurd i« w«ll kn<-wn mi old and popular Hin tionoor in thi* y, nearly overyhody having enjoyed wit wml clrvornm, in xvUlnjr *uo.t | u - ■ fur hia good a heretofore. Hi* rr- 1 ir*od Mi n to th'» husin-irs will afTord now ,-o*n;•!• acilitiei to tli-.* pnblii' noejirg a’ -ni : n comniiation agency. A Snow Storm. -Wednerday night, m a very cold, wet and blustering odp, j d on Thuraday morning tho ground i peared covered with elect and mow. in rail, that had fkllen before it. how- war, bid iiiiif inelti-d r!:.■ icy pariie'.c-. md left the ground in the wor*t poaaible n. Yesterday was «|iiit.« co’d and and the aloet was dissolving all wind h!ew n perfect gain during bn Wednesday night, and its violent gust*, pu ' nvle us think with concern of our brave “ a loldiera in the field, and with liope of a ' j fenrful retribution tothoYanko* ships _J sr, o^r Southern coasts. The wind blew great part of the time from the east, and wi h much fury—both its intern lity and the direction from which it came being significant of groat disaster to ol* at *ra. Negroes to Hire. I > ) Ina 'c.S '* li«ir- u.. .mm . .. i T. rnu maul ' 1 n * - •». ■'•■* **f binn*. I* H. Mi CCliKLL. droll : I Gimr.lim NOTICi; SHOW MAKEUS! IV tv n Ahurmokrr*. 7'.■*>■"• cii:.-;v*-<m! in ti*e Knot •=‘*uit'pla. i Dr. ' rim* "I it olM'Urtor drlitH Sffiiiu-t .* WvIukkIT”"" ! rM 1| ""”'«» - OrJInliv. I f«™enl. Si i.U AUrcOUNTY" Wbarea* j Janl < • Deft mlunt *■ i<- i,-uiption in nnd L* mid - b» pH -.-v .-I tbcrraftn- barrert id. l"jilior " 1 rt*1 tbfl f tMsRulehn i tiro ('oliimbu 1. mini.T onne « "i numlh* prr.vimw I o.-l i NEW Jr'llllVl U AVISO pnr.-lu, J the i- tmn r:» .maun .V-'ni .h in the Liver; ::sc »ueh t*i ‘-all on Dr. 'I lion bo raa cur* onm-nr.*. Thin, 2kl of Ducembor ! \v.“) tlllllo, la!' i - i.vouiuvr minor , liunio-liauir, lor ' of Mrttf r-. i A table, ibn they rex^eotlully nros. s. m aGuudhb. • d*Hun copy. CERTIFICATES. Oaovou, M *«tox co , M.»>- 2’tli, ldwj 1 da set tify, that ip.j nifo hud nemotliluK n i urplw c*tatf ornromoi, i ... . •!•-—» .-I AVv." vr 1 •*•!moilDh nil J I ir. within the tuna <wo io pu i t Uituirt rlioiUa t'-o this 3>tli Jnn- i) for h n thrin *d by t nt,! in/of RKC.' ll.I 1“ i ATl’.F.s. j ' doS* Vi' s j 1 i ( >< ' ■ , i - tb* or..p I - lurlluT ir.f >riiinGo-i, ud I J A VI l's' ltl" r !l !•'ai 'iiin DISSOLUTION all who saw iu to be a .suv't. ALnit. Christ- j m*4 Iiml hnvitiK heard of a (itmUetnan who had I very rwx-atly itoppt-l in Ameri.-us, Uu., by the name of Dr. Tmnc.iuj, who i-suM ruru eftneem, I 1 immediately called on Dr. ThUmpruu; he • earn* to set: my wife, nr.rl <:omtnotroe<l hie treat 1 merit about the lind of Joe I vm r short time my wif„ ap* rulierotl, and still cou'iiiuoa to he ro. 1 would r#eummoiid any pei-Min labaring u Jar e»»d diaouaoto aptly to Dr. Thomponn. Willum M. Ukorv }" * ( - " ,,7" , c : r * uh,,n ^ **<* (h» . \ aiLiU'lwL AI.FKUD L. TYLKK, lOf.'t, i Wost Point & Atlanta R. It. \ danuto W,-..l l-oiut. - ; v . )..f“ . ... 93.M O' MKOUUK I »nd after , i terttiimuatn annnao, on the a oilo and ndinonirtb nil «• (il any) within tho timo Norn e thenti. «ei vpd no tha Defendant r nIt<’rno>, at loa»t threw tuo next t-i u* ol ujjs Court. neMliiut uii. l janl'* f TlARLK- D TRl’KT 1 i boviiiK deni find"- in loiw»l thro* this Conn. the Minuter ef Muscogf* (if? u, i • iun. * ui.• vnvenon -itli. 16G2. il. »nd | !■•" .>■■ ..il.ii I .V mUXlKB. Cl,rk. iltXlK JI \. i Court of Orilinnrr, ...I-.N-IV,, TwKtBF II! Ll! MSI. \ym:Rl.A, i.«hn II. Hamihan. Adalniro ixlitora. j f"T dt ’/ulbet county. : rj*'>C‘ inter lbr in *tln>ul* Anna 31 Hamilton, b mnt applied noraena c*noomrd thaw aid udminix l LLpou A inlc ol John D. Owen, late , iteccaaed, ur,! hoisnb.v notillod ... . , -- Ui teririH nt tiro Inw to the under,'i;incd. cnd nil - ”e'' be bold ponoro ’i.di-otcd in ini'l • ini mu t.‘. J fiMi .'L.ndnv in March n*-xt. and (bat this order should ni,, k l * , nim‘’'ii.M‘-iM ,,, inoiit. . j iH^MiblDheU m temn el tiro law. . ... nixtr.it diKiniHKrtl by the Court of OH Haiti county < I Mobilo & Girard Railroad* I CIIA.M, t on Lie first i c'i nt. In- n. All tho«u indebted i., joiinta b> note or money, dret-d/w Hamilton Female College,SEQUESTRATION SALE v 1 ' Macon and Wostern .-••m.'!Y C a.mrv, Gsoaoii. Ini* :• •»* o«rtiry that 1 hn-l k -, .ib Catu'i.i n : tb- -H aid** of my neck, just behind my cur, uf almost two years ilandlint. I oonvsraed with a. , number of phj--iriati«, naing their pres.wipGonu, : nil to no effort. Al bun {board of Dmt. Oha*. Thompson. 1 iui dlolil) put tnyaelf undot i li'.a treatin'ut. and in two mouths 1 was otlrnd ; 1 hop* that those who are uGlLtod with Cancel msv do a* 1 did. L'ROM r .. Oct. 1. l^d. Mall Train w.! drnrd oTBrj-dn: I ( ' roilGlA. ' » W hcir.is for I tier*. ..f 6' n W lx. id letti my iiAii't in office, thU 20tu ,T«n- ^ - ( l 1,. WIMHKni.T, KrlV. j -iivrTAiiuoi iiiiK'-m vrv. i B i"™ ...i.hr,-. >■ • • .Mil, „|, Iif4 >• ml *x n-l Urccni... !»,( "I I ,lb., ndniinDtraiiiui , u the i-dataol «r«l>ornb.v ri-gnired t" make mtm«Mllate | i f _ ...i , .j.. tnenl. and til'll.- Iinvinir elonu-i lirf.nnid. • i.net.v • .1- ( M, I ndinonirhnll 1 ®*fttMh?n»Jmi-o! 'Vv'.Td!!! llro?! mo'wwJr < »e* . or naxmi oi v. . .i,,^rou^mjYir^er jr.nK-Tf in Min uibi-r :V. 1W.'. 'AaL’LiiUEKRV. Oniiimry. ‘ II \TT \ HODCll RE i Ml ' N 1 Y. ! II. I. wi, ha) applied to me dnind dratien. with ilro will i Notice V LL per,. A ii. ?-• — * ('I I n t llO ' dmith, lai" of Tulbot e tide 4 !? Lo uhentiefti ^d. rnKHp 1 7 nc-,I The t RAILROAD STOCK. BWK No more use for Yankees. H r Trcmiury i ! “Twin ! or fit f. n« cssh, FOR SALE. I WKUH POME'. I -f.T.O.* on thn ttroet Mp'ndent, looking a* • ) good hurr, Adjutant Jamfh T. Guay, wull t<j do" a* if bo Lad hop: ;race* of tha diaerintinating A ZA™ may i.c*t «nnt Dro *(«><:•• of Vfrn •• A Mrhaffey fer thn e day*. .isn -Vt* M. P. ELLIS, & CJO„ MERCHANTS. v. W. W. ClUKPT. A lit in nr La bin Cure. Mm. N tXCV l‘fi. cm. of RumoII county, Ain., railed yrm-rdav Ut show us how oninplololy *ho |i»d boon cured nf n vimeer, of long atandiiiK, by Dr. C. TU' j BOV. Hho Artiurvd uii ih.it (die ha-1 suffered thiscAnoor for twelve or thirtoea j-cnr*: „„ , any little exertion at limes would make it blood the usual imd *rive much pain ; that many pbjurlant liatt • t' i ilad It—hoioo of whom pronoiineiHl it in oau ldim- I eurablo, uml oih.-m thought it might be cur,vl | by cuttiiik*. but that it being just over tli -jugu- |JT j l»r vein, aho would not ogico to tha application Reo’r, | of the knlfo. 8ho Rays that Dr. 7 homiaam has , 1 eared her in two weeks’tiuro, Th* cancer eer Jp50 1^.0 Weird. j talnly Appears to bo entirely healed, pre-routing mTol,K‘ tiomihe il — riber. in t'olumbur. nt» i now th* appoarance of aamall plmpla, with no H tb ".•( n,*' . o I ■ ' (nut - •’■1*1 llorac. , alga of ulcaration, Koroncss or raw fl-vdi. The j! 1 i... i w';i,• I. i,7 T'. xrx 1 *^* n bwt •* healthy and s iund look, and no pain 1,1.) -I,. I u i. . ir. 1 / - whatever in now <->.partone«d, lb»t!i Mm. Kill :*••• k. HI, ! ' - • •• .. !i«d w mi, ib • niunc off j |„ ran ,i her luuii md • Mr. James Fuller) con-id- ■ Tw at 1 ' f ii■ - . ) K ..i'i!i- •it' l |hu , | , irni r -he u-»s >.to- crtlrorure Oouiplctc a-al pormonout, and aver v bad very little hop* that ahe would ever bo rid of tiro cancer. \(\ilnmbu» JJnquirvr, ffrpt. ZlIk. Another Citrn ul ( nucer. \V,* wero called on, yostorda.v, by onoofour Harrii janvn-df'wti- i bounty * ibacribor?, Kov. HxMcivf, Tin* Beef Cattle and Miloli Cows.! * h " •««"-» "•»' ,lr a Vt IL!. have n-i I-t, roi fuivday m-xt, for 1 Tn iMPHOV had oi.tin-ly curod him of n es and a firii 1 1'lev'ro ItVilV yonn * cnni-nr of fifittu year* standing. Hu pays idr*-d why said b-ttor* thoiifd I. December '.7*ih. 1-uJ X idl", I In* t I had 1 that tbri ? d.) nt 12:it; >t Lit* ‘ ... »V. U i'LlS’.Pop’t. j URQUHART li CHAPMAN AT TH li OLD FT AND OF DANFO RT H Si. NAGEL. DEAL Kits IN . f , . ijDEUGS, MEDICINES, j D; i.iHMUi! from tiro Guard/unship ot K paints, &c. j ;: ; .7;;^; IV'K baw H I,.;. - a.,.! 1. midotaatook, tmbru- \[[, emuD-d* ciu<i'. ,.i. i ^ tlivou undo!-my hand. In office, laiDeeambor, EugliHlt, French and American | doVt rt • J ‘^oiSv. /i EG Util A, T AY I,DR C.< d'NTY. - NotieTls Hush, Ial*- of * •h nil edit- ' they haya, within tho ; ^LL perse AM Uil'iWlliiv, i «• '"-‘"'-V 1 - j ."mVui broil Nol Ire )W... Dunn, lain of I n inn,'ll- TA!,? U H »* ’i-it t'sMut' from ib'.- minuta* >>f aiiid Catirt. in .Dill N JliHNSoX, Ordiuury, ' 'IjGI \. 1 i om t • i tiidinnry. RT ('•>!’ VTV. i JamiBry Trim, v. ! Mill.HI,V Ordinal v. iVeddlM. tiro i t ILmi ’ nde»ou, ad 11“- <-<ta*e ,-| L.irlv \V. VVil 1 < ona-rirod show before tiro next why mid letter* minute* of said Coni I. •i.I. WIMBERLY. Ordinary LpORGlA, Court <>f Ordinary. v f *I c..r\TY , net.21«t. 1«BL i • I* \.- •! >‘!i! I • inninKhani, admin is ■ ’ ■ lolio ton, apj li of dinni- !“H f, "ll ■aid wUU* •, 'bn sii i isans concerned b« tha Mj- • rm i)o.xt ensuliM ' . • I 1 "1 V it ••honld not then bo grantc-t • the titled i aiithei eenbod Ly cl. foi urt. Mien ;»■ t f.ii ie to Minw ci h«%*• « *(> I Ictiera ahotikl not be extract fi u; the rninu.e* of raid Court' 1862. I MARD'N BF.TinriTK. Ord'ry. i - Libel forDivo Inllur." should ilvvv} r tiro hoi iel thief. llliUrt. ( itflfACTimiF . . >.y which a.-e OILS, of aiJ Hinds. A tastin'* White ICeroaene 0(1, LniuireihV Ki.ieii GARDEN SKKDS. bl'ic-s, ' 4 '* lA, GelAtlnn, w in'.- .i',d (Jt‘i> i’utosh, I’ml .mery, .Soaps, and Toilet Arliclos of all Klnd3, FJBUINU TACJKl.W. V.'n will iio Impp- in H.-rve, hi usual, all of our ' U Yd CAOJ£ M CUSTOMERS, At whole,-.ile < r Retail, we offer equal imluco- , Into • in o 11 Notice to O \ Ll. poreous io< /Y Pierco. Into • notified to j>n-,( I, catod, within the JOHN ||0\VAl, i \R.\II E OOHHA.M l-.TIin.lll'lK M r.ORKAM.1 ! I'l’aiipfuinn 11 tiro Court that the defendant. I Ktfiyiage >f. G<*rhain, re*'dc-out, of the Htnte, I and Uml ibe Sheriff hn* irturned aaid llbol wifli il.iiditt'1 ' id'* 'u\‘h.' :h« !•' dunl i.-nni to bo found. ( rtMlilni' Idj'llACl a of the (({von to all poreona rononrued. that ny of Novcmbor, l’t>2, .lucb Puri, > si 0 ii«'«i i bu '■aunty, departed this lib*, in tea- | . . ,. .., V u n I iro i"‘rrton lins applied for iidtuiniatr»- . I' 1 -, '•• ‘ , ■ J that in i I 7arti.i!IiiA*i-*Vi..f,*"arilr*j« nod 1 n“vu"...,l- UII.I 11,0-,. li.iMi,..: ■•!.. ; in th< • 'liolt ul tiro Huporior t 'curl, or aomo other «stat*. nr** iitiirot Hue- - r lMTMon. thirty da.- « alter the nub- j m( h u t ‘ , |v “J,** 1 lilt eii" lion, unli'ei tome valid oh- * c V!!'..‘,.,u;.! *. Jo to bin iippoiniim-ut. Given uitdcrmy band tuul ofiloial signature, i Debtor- mimI (.'rmiltorN idobted to tiro c-mte of Xenl Sh rcaueated to mujte ii >-I till-* eilntion, unices -■ nndo to bin iipr . _mlcr my band this 15th January, 1W3. A R'l'KR, Hilm r i tbs e (ART i% ('ll A V } I ... jar. Iff ilwtf WM. Run Ell -tON. MULES FOR SALE! BROKE AND UNBH’OKE. I'l Ft LIN' or twenty yonne Tonoc-aci Mules iuna whom hn )m<l f<»r- i inipj him t<> Ulit alunt, uH (l<*, hut that Dr. e-1 him in it treatment COMMISSION orr ooasre: • ■ tiittr OolmnOUH, Ga. 20(Ii corgla Rogiino!il T HR friend- - t v e e-ddiera eompotinx tills Ropinront. are informed that ibo undor- fclrnod i ap".-i detailed to licit and re eeivo eoiilributious of elotbiaiffor tbit Reift- VII porM'M d"‘iiou« nf contribution, are ear 3ro I.u'.'o'm*' ,l• t' !l ‘ K"|'ve.‘Vt ; ,‘ pl'lli* ■fthin--. S.-rgi. f. M. HiMM'JNrh Go'* K i - K 20th G. .JIeat COOK’S HOTEL. ok, who hotw ora and a’ok privatoa lm narrated s in onn of bit Inttora. Wo have no' atocWhoJ^l him aioce, but hope that ho has faVk.' i./ ler. into good hnn.L," nod that he , ®T''V7. Third Dlatrlhutioii Mu nufacturlng I WILL di»t’ihnte ..1 ■ l*iHiit(-rv' Salt head -ul good health irita, before he rot l u ^ ^ hi* • ~ School Teachers! T HT ; that nil tho phjt mtirly eon&ulml i na tho iicil he Thompson ha* o of four week#’ duration. Tiro cnn.ror wh» at. tha corner rf his left eye, betv.6un it and tho 1)0*1*, and had boon growing worn until Mr. T. bfecatneoonviuced that tho " let alone" policy would not answer \PHt-'t (*L*sh u<>* /1.) NOTH ; TO GAS CONSUMERS, .ny lonKur-iina bo mu.tnomethinu ; Cornor Broad & Crawford, from tin- e./iaiuonnemant of more offlcacious. Hardly tt trace to murk U " UC0 ‘ mil * ,on uhoro ilro enneor hud boon now remains; it requires clone observation to detect aim- ply u slight rod Girth and rough look of the akin where it WHS Intcdy eating inlo tho flesh. Wo aro convinced, in tho language o: Dr. Thompson’s card, that "Dancers tirn be ourod." and we. baveoocular prool that he i* the man who can do it. fVi/aw/iin Hnquirrr, (W gj IPA2. J. J. ni’PK, Ordinary, j l J EOllGl A. TAYLOR GOUNTV.-WhcwnM i ' * L. 1 . M' l'rary np|>lie.s for llro cuardiun* , I,ip • f Henry Mcf.'aat/*. orphan child of An- | drew Me*'am-, late of aiiid county, dec'd— 'J.'hwit* iii'ii tbcieforn to cite nnd admonish all I'rurci ibed by^tatuto, why cuid letters ehnuld Hivou undor my hand,in office, 15th Jannary l->k J. J. IllT'F. jiuilO-Jni Ordinary. duly aiilhcnticutcd. v* 'thin tiro I .{bed b) law. J I- r Lmnpkin. Gu., Jan JR l 1 ^"' Notice to Debtor* itial Cn illtoi - A M. )- i i-. '• i !" •• . \ II Divv. .ip, di ' ,1 • I. • i ■ urosti make iillmcdi.it. p.iyineui. All linvinu '! ngain«t tho taut-.•••! -■• l d....- i. mu-i ren I them l.-ually . ut .-.(■• I ». ... thnopwnlbed bv l..w : t'.JI.ert. Ala.. Administrator’s Notice. J j'TTERS of Adminiat 4 1 and Ibnt at tiro la-d torm "f this Court an onloc » .ii, i.rdmog that i-rrvin* bo perfecied ■liiothm. A and llimi. mid rule iua not, tihiDIrod. It. in now Urorntoro ordered nl' M be ptfrfia-tod ii»i tho defendam by • lipn iu the t'oluinlnis Knriuiror. u public . f«*r sixty days before tho next term of ox tried from tiro MiputO), of TaJhat hor Hist. UK2. J. G. C nOB. depRcWk. GVDUGlA, * (Viurl of Ordinary. HAtlMy COVN r\ December Torm. lWl2. jiru: -v/*7. gi/i. v Ml LLIN?*.Ordinary, J*reaidlnB. \\: HIT.i;.\-> Di. Tlron.,,* J. A. >Y ndm * Superior L'ouH, Ootohor HIM, IH62. . Kimbrough. - /orrlll, dec'd. l county, having applied for dixniMRdon id udniinirttriiUon- ht ruforc ordorau by tl)o Court that »U nhow eniL-*o(if any they bavin •ator aliould not be du>mii*NfMl Thomas h. d\>v- I til.I ilrit Devcinbci 1 JiJ. ».v Martha I". appliei ( the bah d ..undei.-ix Ruk-oIIc „.)h*mui'. la. All i»ei *o,ih indebted t D. . I H Milijs rot VTV - VaMishcd ■ ■ii the miuule* ofnaid Court, ' I !•;**. W. MULL IKS, Ordinary. ) Court nf Ordinary, February Term, ISGJ. -•ribod by la.r, then and there io aho mak-! p iynu-nt tbor* of t Imvlnir claim* nenin-t the *« them within eighteen nnntliHj roditora of aaiil ' barrid, iT'.'S^'.Vr K L Mo Jan* 1 DEXTER. CULUMHIiS, GE01UHA. MATCH COOK, Adu.initiation oil tha rotate of W h'.-refnr? t '.cito an l admonish all I them within eight. Lora of said ? barrid. within the dcc1l-' . -..era to show why imid lcUora should ; cr, iiadm try hand and oflleial xignaturo. Ordinary "f’lal (Rll day of D« ooinber, ISff'2. ' R porMon ..r reui MARION BRTBUKB. , ataM bslouring t y,.r,( Oi-dluary. I Into of said county, den'jwr'i. Mill HARRIS COUNTY.—Wbrrofti . .bmU-td *.i-‘. uiiel 11. Harden and Mi-« L. J!-deHo - apply to inn for Loiter* of Administration • o <-tnt*.* of Dr. Coleman ('. Gibb*, into id county, docoiiHOd KOKG1A . xk yw. 'V. Mi i.i.inh. Ordinary, presiding. lei'il months, or they will D. 15. .MITCH F.I.L. citato of Lev MARY M. i D.Smith. RMI’J’H. ^51 IKK l‘. p itiiuel (w Goodmao. ndmluiRtia «.l Alb, rt il. Gomlinan, deceased. Iater.f intx, Iniviiig tiled hi- M-ueliei-M mid l»oti tro < ""i foi a dna-hiirgc from "aid ad - * * '<■*. t"i i i.rdeml by the Court that all in. d -how c lUje If any the have ! i. Immi-traior aim ibl not be d if dm rued id i "iiri -l ') dinar' - l > be hold in and fui , nd. ■ u ihuh.-i .Mt/iidtiy in Augiut next NOW’S THE TIME. PLANTERS’ HOTEL. Ito and ndmnni*h all | tjro rea rned Ui af pear at my oflico within | Hiorec, ribnd by I Do not forest la Pray. riuwr ot the , pro*poet tif at nin: . ■ NNI IsTOTIC3 id. ROBERT T. SIMONS H AVING tak'-n the alwve tnentroned Holol, ia prepared *■» uceommodale tiya l.atrmmge. Good Investment. I ffFFEK ror plantation at No. 6. «n tho M« I Idle A tboro n *i a ipacini ne-tne«» in implo: dofanow—in tho 3»p.il liy < And may t hero not ho a general«’ tendance of all praying people at tho next weekly prayer mooting fur the country ? th.- mil OftAMl*. 1 Mud, they * ty, kept Biirnaidc's army front croxvng the Kappahatinro-k the «*th- f VTT ffdsy; fur raud read muticy. a..d you'll * Lav®the truth. Line-In's last h thi* A j!!5 ( ;"n huge NYastora paymaster called r«n hiot.s* Ne\,«t:d he said, "ut p»y his re»pcvt*.' "Yes." «id.«- *npj Abe, drily, ‘‘from tne com plaints of yo Ur -ee «oldiers, I guest that ii about u!l you gentle me*) do pay.’*— ffertne*. tithf. i Lost or Mislaid, A rRGMI.= '"R\ t N *T; "d bi i child v correap,invent of the Lond-i rould iostinctively crowd. a»*fri*n.{i Inating is the beau and add* that <i paper nanegyric w. ,,r lrom ^TiiSzSiStfi (county. Jan n*. IX t $100 Reward. Caution. iv it «§•,!,« v.KI.muI .'JPrtnMi on n'|.pliM)- R \L |l Ml KUO. • « t uii'tr.dural.'iaNiirr Work A CARD. 1 1 *v KIMBKnI 'i.I! eontince* tn offci • UMsinnol * to tiro eititeu* of . 'ill at a.I ti a **. uoloe* when profba- •n.a^fld. t,i he dtorhsi, xj*pt -asdiTlns*. ' a Military Books. / »uyptvr f the I'.'lnwing Military Reeks Jan. If. « his pr#. vrgetahl* rrois that . 4.-1 under , of good level I*ud I -on , ' all I r ed with* HI* t ibia will ! , hat tha market affords. r> i bey it ranted t )is ial Decouibi , . ■ G)-o. W. .Ml'LLlN'S, Ordip 'F.oRtilA. H ARRIS Col \TY. - Whercu , f if I late ot N.iJ oomuy. ui ol^ tho notice, otMV Hod" H. WORRILI t On!in .KOID?!/ any the ha ibediscban,-- limirv l t be hold in and for in Augiut next. ilblDlied lu con .. . the minutes ol LUrrU \. February 34,1X13. v.. Ml LI.INS. did v of Ordinary, HARRIS « ol \ ry.J February T . 1WX L. II. WO JOHN .V. me. . 'I. w.v liLRK VH John S. I Rail road, enntaiuiiu *VX) aero- • Tranri Monti . ... .. bammoei. Twcnty-oight Young anti Likoly NEGRO F. A. ONLY ONE OVI:R FORTY YEARS Cl.D. Mulo*. Cowa. \l( r * beer*. Goon, Com snd »)(¥! iitf Fo lder. Tovirt. A . ] *w’ ' PAaVr PosawHion given immevlintely. Here ia a chairoe to gut rid nf C'*niM*r*te and i State bonds, or Tro*«ury notro. OF.oPGB W. CARTF.R. OTierrytor.. Jannary 12. 1W _ w _ I NEW BOOKS! ■ day e.aking platlge ek. with lodging, without able per week. fid 2S 6 25 2 DO J. be nuido to f.bn C< county. Oa.. for lcavn for ef J WO MONTHS after date upp! I the i-oiiiity. deceased. jor, will l Talbot 1 o. wit! be I WON* OSKABUHGS, KERSEYS tb o’. HEAVY KO. 1 0BKABCM6; 1(H) BALES WEST UEOROIA KEllffBY; 100 BALKH YARN FROM 0 TO 11. An"”* GRANT FACTORY. pr.-eribed by l.iw, ih'.n i and ailntonirtb all id creditor# Of said ►’ office within ■ . ... he real tiro exiitte r JOHN 1*Y 1 ntb* alter date atiplicatien.will bn j tho t.'ourt nf Ora Inn v.* "f f/ilt'-*l fur lauvn to sell tho uutrr-a-i hi- ho t-.flalo of CeliimbuK Dunl), dee ,1. JNG. I10WAUD, i ii r iRGl.S. HARRIS ‘avt-npnrt. odmini* ort, d' -eascl Iim ' .md nnd wflk-l il algwature, 0. W. MFLUNP. tfrdlMnrv. « ttrXTY.-Frank M. I Tin i-Ih-1 J. Dn- H . m* by II thc^nngroe* 1 will flic their rpWO in- I made i eeonly. «l" longing to i jjscJ mini MONTHS after < -li n will I mMu to tb* Honomble t r ,.,t< f OrJinar: Harri* • e n. G»., for taa» s f . t ll th« nepi belonging te the r.-tetoof Mrs. Lluabntb Go man. n*-c<-jscd, late "f «nid countv. J“11 N >. (.""DM ' v. SAMli. t.. GOODMAN. c/urdwi.. ny they ha e l2m. Ut " • , . ‘ ' “* dec: i -fswart county.' llolmro ..ifo of ; Hatboro*. JOHN A. aniTMAS. fcj J. V. V. Vi I*. Five pioa«»nd “ bates a bro. KoRGfA. HARRIS Jo*t ir-eived it J. W. PEASE'S GIR? rmsd; A. Ft U 1 rf F. ftOLDIER, dial conflict, f'riss by Machinists Wanted. Military Books; ultacriber, th* Ibl- Andy to HAIM AN, BRO. A GO. aqglftf SOUTHERN PLANTERS Should All Take II! tt I.LlNS. OnT} l NTY.- Na.banlel . bn'IiiR I ro.h P. Li iao'.'l m i i: ms/. t.i>-. "i ilinny. preflding. '■ ".diiiau and Hiram A. m-M rtt'ire of Awon Good if >»M < ountv. Hnring filed ji-iitioiro.'i tho Court fora, •tliniuialratlou— Crml by the Court that all . w e;.lira (if any they have * ■ i. •• a. ■ ...ii.uni-traiot- should not be diaobar .. .1 iiv -. id r.i-irt of i-idinary io l»e irold in and t.-i nd coni -' th- In»t .Monday in Auguai i.-, .nnd i , i - i lii • Rn!' XDi hi; pttldiahed in \ in- "xti-ii : ii om tin- m«liute.« of Harris C oot otOidfnnr.v. Fchniarv Jfcl. _l, . •.b>. W. Ml;LLINS. Upl'y. (iROiftH A, t Court of Ordlnair. U \ It IS 1 - "'LNIV. • 11'-Itiiry Turn, 1W. nr it: v/-/. G . v. M'i u-.rt, (• Ip .ijjr. presiding. U 'llLKKt t-.iw.n., i l. Iloi'kuu. udminl- , il .pk-iro. d.-r.-arid. lata ol . ontv, ini-, ing fiir-f hi* vooghera and pou me.I io ' ..ul f • i li<'biiigu fr< iu-Slid ad- 'T'i \ "fdaiH by the Court that, all : i ni* eom ninod -how wiu-e'if uny they hav«j -.it < adraiuiririiior •honld not be di-eh arsed • - >* I Court oi Ordinary, to bo hold iu and ml id eonutj. .• n Div Wr-t Monday in August : ut-ati and licit thi- Rule Ni i b» rubli-tied in t Dr. Col i:ruction* for Field Artillorr, from 011- ■ the Lut Juckion is u aatnt. WeL.e.rn, tay* thft Richmond Er.quir- ® r ' roaton Saturday fSecretary lienjttnin potifioa the British and French Consult- *n that city that ho had rocuivod official information of tho opening of the biock- ade off Cbaricciob. \S*u areaUo inform* nd that* *t«amer wa* promptly di«patoh- fd to Nassau, fromC'harloit'm.eonvsy- in*r the saninanno'jr omenl ;otlro Brltiiii th ereader, ir ■ i, Onoal. at the time *i" janVljtwe* ‘ * ' • ' coxTiuur i pOR the /REDElil AS r RHS. i '• ‘ ledge {. M door ft I Dr'..I, wii ■ I JtiW w ) ',• x«t Mop* rn Virginia. Price bj ek'-t Map* of 6«at ofWar.fl ipe ..f Oin/wtarntot-tatw, $1. o# A ngn-t 27. l*W? • iug MIL! Tli- Quartormaeter’a Guide. Iiuvniciion* ft ban' Mai.ual: Cavalry l>rill and Fabre I'xerei-o; )U -otial LxMrei#e and Skirmisher Drill: Tb- Ordnance Mxuu.il f- r tb« uro of the. Off com f f the Army: K.- v aod onuaplet* Map of Virginia. FV sol.- by i said d. i .iiatn iny offico iif rot Moiv* should * MONTH- i . TE id : county, itrorti i mipt ly /->p- .'flcl HUVTEXt I BE ONF.AL. srrrpit- i S SADDLE TREES, l'lNNINfl WilBUi.S._r[ ( orK HKl'I.f il« by J. w.TEAffB . Attention 3d Ga. Cavalry. I.—, ' l^'lt K h 1,1,1,. , !v! TROY MANFG. CO. A? WANTED TO HIRE ' likely negro Boy, cither Ja /• ‘MM.iKDBRS of Cuupnnie- will rwj-ort 1 ‘ bur*, next .Monday, either it# will * Lt CoL C.->m ! g. J. P !- WIND I K, Wanted to Hire. A HOl T SE with fr m ftmi to rig km _— m rnly AgrroniuirHl Monthly Joui _ Mora to Hutor that hoe lived ‘‘through the ; war," i#rttill pobliahod regularly, end will enter open it* iUt year, Jauuarj lat^lfidfi. Now ir uWiMiac*/ Addrv ider RORGIA MIL / M'OR • II pereonh ei.ne*rn«-1 will tile tbci offico tif auy tliev have* on t M'.ndny in AinJ n tiro law. mV LLI NS X rv. — Al-*.x- rnwn MONTHS » !«te 0/ eiaij <■ o application wjJI> io Und belonging i Keitli, Ute r<l «hi AM EL K LI7 II. v.-tate of I’un-bal l’f SP.PH MIAW.idm'i i the minuter of Karrla t ot Orulniirii.Febriiarj’^Sd^l^B,, i oxtiiict froi RkS we ‘.taorci frtih' LLINS. GfFy. __ door. iiiuri ih.i legal a< iidei II4 T made to too .fn i or* 1 hnlr- lb« Court 11 _ - b'.ll'T. Tulb.it county, .«-dnyin February next, >.f rale. agrooAbly t* a« Ordinary ot ■•Hid county. Vlongiuu to tiro i-lat*' c ol iaid county, ded’d. '.•wn ot Ooneva. in upied hr Ueorg* TV. "ii which tiro Grocery Mtuatcd. u man 3A yean old, I. n gill about threw 1 urontb* o'd, the two | cm r y i,, ‘ *■ j»<r jo ur, I* KKDMOND, Augurta, Gn.^ JrtIantor8 Take Notioo I Mi, IKPLECK’S COTTON PLANTATION Record and Account Books I rox half, at L\T<<tL'r. ril PEASE S Bookstore. TNV'ni)irbl*t.ju»treo«lTe4and|r»''t(*SBf„ rc ji, i AMttotia.lMt) Iw (ulyJ-'JU J. W. i'EAHfc. 1 oetrrhve hotandn* t" th* l’iwrro. lots? of.* iio . .ui'G Ji •> i . i‘HA5 11 1 ■ I IIS nil I - 11 I 1 Ipn |. ,|. , .1, » I r ' ' V‘!" v ,l ' r, M 'l'.' 1 . 1 “■«' . 4iMt> ol ' ■ Ghen under in\ liuiid. thi" 11 1 ebruary. 1%U. tha ih-l-i't* I .n- : r : f " ’.n .ItillN ./oilXHO.V. nnliharv. ‘ SSiffi til LII A.M’S SCHOOL OF THE SOLDIER 1 Map ol I lie Seal oC War. J r ST ill.'Tl VliD and fnr rtnlo ftir uxhh #♦ lulyi.*-' J. W. I'liASK’S UOOli bTDKB, WM. McCRARYi decll-td . , bun p'lldl-h two wreki biTure rale.^ . Atteutiou State Volunteers. M 1 ! Corn pan v hn - Iroeii tend'-rod to th*6cr- ■’I'liot' nml received f-r Stote -*er\dcc. Th* «‘"iiipnny '•111 **o fully ni'ganD.’d «L Camp Mi. tin. f,e\t it cduv-diiy. thy Uth ineL » in i- • in -n will be receive)!. I'IDlMAS J. NKAL.Cupl. Wa. eG: 11*11, lliuri* «30 H t<a, iautv-it,