Weekly Columbus enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1861-1873, February 10, 1863, Image 4

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TELEGRAPHIC DISPATCHES By QtltffVXph tJ t'I* ■ Brigade happily arrived and repnUed ‘ rer. I cd--*rr.*l! loss on our aide. Ucatjt tkir* r r. r.~ r r ... • mtabing tna.r b* looked for. which may Richmosp, 24 —Another day ww oc- bring on ft general engagement wilhit) lb* euffitwl in tY»e Sonata in the 4iwui*tott Of i.txi tan day*. Gen Jobmlun ha* a*-- the Bill to orgnnir* a .Supreme Court, } ruined command. <»rdcr.«aro given to the ,|uo«lion being on an amendment move *t a moment -the noth** w»« r-«d , limiting the jaritdldioB ol' flic Court. 1-ut night, . In the Ifou»e. tlm Exemption Hill was —~ further debated until adjournment. ! Moans, 4th.—Special to Adr. A Key The N. Y. Herald of tho Hiet ha* been under a bueliot, 3d.—The latco! reliable received, lie Wubtngton oorr^pondaiit j information from Memphis represent* that one division of Grant a army had gone down the river. Their gunboat* bed also parsed down. The river it riving, and is now within four fee', of high water mark. There is a growing Hi**fttU- faction among the Yankee*: ono brigade ha* been placed under guard within the fortification* at MompbU. g Artillery ha, been placed at nil the riatione on the Memphis & Charleston Railroad. Vicks 4tli. —Tho Yankee ram Queen of tho Weal went down tho river yMterday afternoon, with the supposed intention of destroying the nhipptng bo- tween this point aud Port Hudson. She was fired into nt Warmnton, but with no •fleet. Augusta, 4th.—The Editor bi Con vention met this morning. About twenty papers are represented. Cl lob/, of the Macon Telegraph, Prei'dontNells, ol the Atlanta Baptist, Secretary. Uiiam.katox, Jar.. 31.—ThtJ gonboaU Palmetto Slat* and ChicOra have arrived at tho wharf. Tfcoy were cheered by the eiti/.rn*. and salute* were fired from all the forts aud batteries. Not n man was hurt nor one of tfcc boats struck, it was plot#* surprise of the blockade say* tkero was but little expression in the Senate debate on Thursday upon the subject of emancipation. In Missouri *©n»ethlng like despair is betrayed a* to the result of the war. Greeley is playing a big game to bring about recognition outside of bis newspa per .Senator Haulabury has apologised for hi% free speech in the Benito. The Philadelphia Kerning Journal ha* been suppressed by General Sell on ok for publishing a long editorial praising Pres ident I>*viV mas sago as truthful and noble In contrast with Lincoln's. All kinds of merchandise continue to advance in New York. Stocks advanced three to five per cent: Friday. U. H. sixes declined to 04. P*tKitsiivan. 2d.—York, Pa. Wilt.— The arrest of tho Editor of the Philadel phia Journal caused great excitement. .Judge Ludlow of Philadelphia, made the arroat the subject of a special charge to the Grand Jury. He says, tho time lias arrived whon wo can no longer hold our peace; when the obligation* imposed by our oaths of ofBoo compel us at every hsxard to inquiro into and determine by whose order and by what persona this arrest ha* been made. In the Legislature of Pennsylvania a resolution authorising the Governor to go to Washington and mwntv% „ Ui wc Ktil) vi „ U4 demand his release, was roftirn*<l to th»* CO mpictely. The Federal loss committee on l'(4enl relations. Tho * * * Common Branch of the Philadelphia Council adopted resolution* denouncing the arrest o' unjust and uni?OfttfUutk>nx!. Tot N Y. World says the country is indignant aud shocked at this arbitrary and tyrannical exeririrtt of power. Hie friend* of tbeConstiJulion will henceforth resist all illegal encroachmant* on infll* vitiual liberty and free discussion, with •h* firmness of oonad«tia strength and the r Igor and determination of m*n tbon»ugh- ly in earne*t The Florida was pursued after loafing Mobile by the .Federal steamer Caylof- Waffitl hauled to. gave hef a shot, cutting • war her foremast. The CVvlor »M*o .1 Uabled that aho had to coaae pursuit. The World -ays tho exploits of the Florida created rve«t eiriiement in NV IC<’lM-rt li. Hitan. ATTOKNHY AT I-AW, oou-MMUe, orxfitr,i* H'ftrff o^rwdietin pe*t oaw. Goo. w. Mullins, Attorney nt Ijaw, HAMILTON, tiBOROJA. tTMo’ir 4it**ul«in g**to '*> ".'It-:*-*'.. Lr^WerlM*'* »f Marion Betbuno, ATI OHM! Y A T LAW, TalbvUoti. <; corgi*. W ’ILL wrenara Dr-lovatk.ss rtf ^v>r«* aa'HUJ t< Bounty Ui «r><i l.nGoi.*, «n<i«r iL* 1*0 Act* ef C»» • , *u I pf*»*vnt* *11 rlalAi* vf lha' a at nr r *1 *. u:.w-v Thomas J. Dunn, ATTOKN KV AT I-AW Morgan, Calhoun County. (J*. W H.(. arartie* lo tb*<*4!o»la< «*unU«. Sue t*i City, K*n4-ri|4i. Marly, Decat ur, Baser, Cal Military Books! T'lTIJh day received ny tli* nilweriber. the fob J Wing MILITARY MOoKd. Thr Quanrnn««lcrV ‘iuide: Instru.rtbin* l*r Field Artfliery. !rom oil r rale by oplets Map of Viryloi*. J. W, PHASB N. B.—Military Men Wild- Pl*a*e take notice that I have jtui ’’ received a new rupely of the Volnulrer’s Hand Book, •ontaialnsan abridgement of Hanlceb lefsatry YaoUr*. wlapteti to the ute ol the 1’nrowB Mtuket in equad ar>d Company Lxerciees; .M« noal of Arm* for Kiflemon, and * ■•tiled Metev . Army KecnlaLo&i* as to Paradee, Reviews, lu- , iptcUoai, (Jusri Mwtinting. kc. » BY CAPT.I . k. tKR. of the Firs) Ileeiinrtit of Virginia Yolanteer*. “‘cents, sent by mail. kl. J. W. PBASK MOBILE tc GIBARD BAILROAB KHKH.JIT TOTH r~ T HE Prrtfht ot. Lumber lrra»d^'r , 'trl oi-r road !.*' l»oe • tn-rcaaad sf> |.«r o*nl K i force fi-r» hei*e»* I tree >e«s#r Parti** i-nens umber *ud wi».g on the l»<*r/or i V«ected toremot t the imntc*1?eietr MUSCOGEE RAILROAD. | couijtBrH,r„\. Ort.as.i*:. Ox Il.c JOl i«A iiul Tr.il, wit, l-e*» e I uiubus at 2.JT> p. w. Arrive in Mae^n at TJA p. m. Leave it*-- n *t — t.jn H . Auive In t>fun»b*M nt 7.U *. m, Vf. L. CLARK. Coiiobbaa oh. y. 1*3. _ sup t. NOTICE TO SHIPPEHS. Ml’SCOtiKE HAILRUAD OPF1CK. t C-dumbuj. Mar Jl. Iwii j O N end efW this ail ertirl^* nr at« iier». end‘.‘her fre'e'it eharjrneble to theCeaf*!- muetiuuinf An:<*ri -w, amet be aeeabir Ur Quaiivrnxtev, to inetlrt* pr-wnp; ohipwraC < (ifitlly euf^eei. W . L- CLARK, NEW SCHEDULE. una OBG8 i*ggar Moutgomory & West Point KAJJ-HOAD COMI'AA'r. Lt'MM i*. •**. 2L *r Xrai* e« d Ot el A* KuKOI A.8TJJARTCOUFtT.- •fTheasaa y. flrt>e««rd. „ «rd * It.13 *h «-• ib.onT! (j Mr*. KeneyC. Weodhaw ■erret AdmiuL**ra*it>n Woejti -m. laie of rAii .Tntlri lo Urbten ead Cr*4lter(. I OLOHOIA. 1 Court «»f Qrdlnarv, AdmlnOtretor'n Kalr t LL rmn» Hi. «-!• »r t>. ;et reviKK ''OI.XtT , S-ym^rTfnr.lV:. Wat b, M l. > -f»r. »H. Court li . , . A vid tirpen*' fe'e ef Tr.rbo? rrtlitT. 4e« ■. Hit K .V/.V'. *» :n ihc tewu of 1 aIKc i:,>- t • * 1 arJh'jei-- r-vjairsd t« e*.'k« imie'vii-^ i-*v- t r'LAIBi.-r.N'E TKlLF TXb F,. edaunjetrafer'd the tirtt f.i- ,-ur i u AJarrb l’«lV Ob *»1 aflvr Um JLete iLa l the M'UUvrtucr? A We Branch R*.i Kae i ei-l Leave Oolambui each otif rtinuing angy witlwui t aring fur the others. I v i* supposed that nefl fly all I ho crew of tho Mercotlita perished. , ^ , Th« Pnliuetto .State having no boats, and j ®f JOHN A. Q1 ITMAN. Ky J. JalyCUf NEW BOOKS! I-’ 1-8 IK YKNXKK. by OUver tVeedeH l J II dii Hie -i. ! iSuSSiroi at J. Vf. rBASE'S Roek S«oee_ 5,000 lbs. Pork olin Y Smith, raptured Friday. ‘ U ** 1 £ P *>« sabecriberit fYro Thrown* wan eight and fifteen wr»unrt«-d. . 'j * , "!iS*LT <nk K>»TB5# k Htto. Tbc iimof onriRsor, Turner, vra* kijl»?d. j a. Y SSK*Xt~. OSHABURGSJtERSEYS Ac. aftt-m nUL but *o*m left. X >bu*Jy hurt. O/ ifk , dSt.'l/BALR* HRAVr »1> I OCSADHIOS; Rjchsiovd. Fri> I—The Tribune of uui tin ‘JKh say*, on Tuesday Burnride ton- Rtvr oroMU K*M#:r ; •leretl to Lincoln hi* resignation a* an ■ 1/U1 officer of the Gnitod Stale* army. Lin-, l ' ru coin tieclined to receive it. informing! iluriidde he had other flah forblm to fry, - Mmf - IAJJ» T * H V mOM S TO 11. York. On Thursday the Amy bribe Potomac wa« inactive. Snow H inches deep. Gov. Hunley has re*igned on account of the emancipation proclamation. McOlernaud's f-ireoa have landed on the Louisiana side of tus M.iasishippi, op posite Vicksburg Two brigade* ere engaged in opening the «*n*b Cotlou et New York greatly excited; opened at W, closed at M for average Middlings; Good Uiddlinga Hf» end DO. Gold closed at l&Jfc ; .Sterling I70($17‘-i. VidtauuRO, 2'L A Yanket iron-clad ram passed our battcria* this morning. Several shots wore fired at her—only three struck. She attempted, when op- ;.-iiTimr Violl.tiurg, lo gnppln hor, but was prevented by our vbarp- shootors. Name of the Iron-cUd uot known. The *hnts which struck secined not to make the ullghloit ImproMion on hor. Our forces aro on the alert ami roady for any more desiring to attempt a like experiment. ftp HMoxn, 2d.— Kali able intelligence from Suffolk any* that Corcoran com manded the Yankees in tlieroccut fight. They admit a loss of < r i0J killed and wounded. General Gibbs eras seriously wounded. All the hospital* in Suffolk were filled with limit wounded. OfiARt.RhTox, 2d.—The iron-clt.l out side 1* the Yankee frigate Ironsides. Tho Uriliih war ship Cadmus is also oittsldo, and will enter the barbor to communi cate with tho British corvette Petrol, now inside here. A dispatch from Mai Ithctt, command ing at Fort Sumter, announce* (hat s strange stoamor, evidently an Iron-clad, hove in tight about noon, and Is non stationary ofl‘ tho harbor. Her outline can be dimly seen from the city wharves. There aro hosldes, I'J blockade! *, al! keeping up steam and on tho alert. The captured gunboat Ii*r< 1*. Smith is coming up from Hlotto river Into tinrhor. Vickkbi ro, 2d.— 1 Tha bout which ran past our batteries this morning is said to be the Queen of the West ram. She at tempted to butt the steamer Vicksburg, striking hor heavily on the larboard aide, without damago. Ten deserters iVoin tho list Wisconsin arrived here last evening : they slate that groat dissatisfaction exists in the Yankee army ; they confirm the arrival of Grant's army, ‘making an effective force o[40,000 to 00,000 men on the Femnsula. Grant supersedes Mo- C'lcrnnnd,and takes command uf the w hole expedition. t'UARUWTOX, !td.—The Htififth fiigate Cadmus brings infortnatlun that a mod formidable land and naval csnrditiou i* about to attack Charleston, The forces ■ re from North CnruHoa, it i- .supposed. The Ironside* Is*till '-tribe bar (hi* morn ing. with thirteen other Yankees teamen- GRANT FACTORY. i„..,he .’m.ilct .oramnnk .u ‘ Attention 3d 0a. Cavalry. . HlM.M tSbKIM rtf I rtrnPanin, -UJ rt'V.r, \J hers, next Monday, alther mounted <»r ©oL innint* **01 bnfartiiahiri bvr*. By order .g It. fl. KEN.NON. )-t. Col. c<.in.u. isoT-S* J. P.S. WINDKH. 44jt. COOK’S HOTEL, irlRXf ClAKS UOTKL. 1 Corner Broad & Crawford, COLUMMIIS, OKOHOIA. HATCH COOK, PLANTERS' HOTEL.' ROBERT T. SIMONS H AYINOuknn tho above mriuionwl Betel* i* riraparcl to anenimoodatv ilio*« who >n*; fisvnr him with th**»r |>atroaaK». Min tabh be farnbhed with whai the market alford* I am oppaiait tn makinv ploigu it. ndv all I ean %is—try inn. Bosriuu per week, with lodgirur. $<« -j “ " without T Krun moms Fdb.it—Additional foreign ^ new* received. Hwit* Aasembiy opened , 10th ult. In Council of iJstaU's the Pro vident expre*swj the hope that tho Amer- 1 icnn Union Wfinld be ebl« to maintain J iGrif w tbyut foreign Intervention. ' In his speech to fhe Corps J-cgitUlif] ffgpotgdo said; *‘Th« cAafTitim of lbt| Kmpire would be flourishing if the Ainer- i i .an uur Lad not dried uj» the rnont | fruitful sources of our indtmry. j 'Hie 1-ondon Time* nays ‘ There can now i># scarcely n doubt thNt the Kmjm- rur will use every moans to briug tho war to a class.'* Tlie Pari* Monitour say* a decided movement in favor of peace ha* taken place in the United .Stain*. Thn recall ■>f Butler was reipinled with satisfocUon bv n majority of tho Knglish journals, lue Morning Post terms Lincoln a pro clamation the death warrant of the Uni ted State*. The Star says ‘ it ring* the death knell • »f slavery.' Cotton advai-i ed { to Id. Pkh-xvi. rhiii KU. Feb. fi. The Wa*b- gton Ct calved. Xfitb Just pub*.i»hod, is n loiter to Gui. Fowv,confo*singtbei tho motile • »f the Fjencli poUpy in -Mexico is to pro- vout the United State* from extending .heir authority southward over tho Ame rican continent. Movomeiibi are on foot in Livorpool amt -Manchester to u«e oublie opinion by a meeting to omsidardbo Amoricnn war and cumneipation. Uurnaldo nn* boon ofl'ored tho command of a now department, embracing North and South Carolina. Thirty days leave have been allowed him to decide whether Transient, per day. ‘ pgy* j advni vosk. haiuacs. will he I iael.if-p® ’ n. T Rivnvn $50 Reward. gTOLBN fruin the aubanibor, in Columbia, on Ar:rr« «t 0-duubu* AJfc P. M. ] } retail Xn.tn tea • nCvfan-bu? al ’■■•.SB A M. I)U._caAM.»an«. TM1WKI AloAK'uLMXiT | BF.TWKKN ATLANTA A GOUTHBl-'B. I A t is tm<4<cw»i U4iw : 1> «ie* % i fe* I«•• m ■Oswvi t ■*— ■ *• kM. { Urr. jstiairi *"&*“ >'V t T*.- *»yliy. o-T- - i"* ** r«i«isauMi Xs>»a i»yw!au<»*wil *UaU Kb|;l*«ar ami it a far h ho will a Ollt, Tho llcrald of tho lat gives detail* of the tight at Illackwator, and claims a victory. It nays tho Federal loss in 24 killed and #0 wounded. CorcJran had a ""TIioVffwTlrlonn. Il.lta «.v, Dial tli« lovao nbovo that city is In u dilapldatod condition. Tho water lms risen fifteen foot, and is still rising rapidly, and unions it is repaired apeedil v, T-ouiaiana and ;i large portion of Mississippi ami Arkansas will bo submerged. Tho Iron dan, Patapsc •, went to «oh IVoin Hampton Itoads on the :iOih. Mr. tlorleutt, oditoruf the Pliiladdphitt Journal, was released from Fort McHen ry bv writing a letter to Gon. tdcheuck, professing Iiih loyalty. Thos, A. Hendrick*, a friend of peace, has been elected Senator from Indiana *ui.i>.,«.t (■.!-* n .r . X.-AI. .. I Uiaaap, At*.. Oot. I. UW. pn'ti.v ,.i!..restcj, wUrUn-r Kiodical "f •Twl I I ’ ■' ‘ ' • : * • h-o-o L ft Stump-Mirk.■>. .iiid whan t- l-'ROM Ale! after this dale, the Mail Train will \ ;>"• l " jf have wiibm the l »<;* >• < > " u ; r ,/;[ ’■"^ ‘ ' ken hud a leather stiei' ori-ellar ari>un.lra»7*Jw * laava th» Ulraid l>e*e-t duiiy - up days •*- ' »'"•'* by law, why said latlsra ►hpal'l ; . ‘ • * j hVk v. ... ^ his nock, and the euttar bad worn the msmTIf \ o*H«\,al‘kkl p.«..ai»4lArrlv«atCiii'in Hprinas { “‘l' -'*'»te.l r.-Aid aupliew.i V, ; , ■; , ’*2 \ * ^ ' <’ j tliwtupwj bi.nivnk and Ijhii under hi- nt. k ot at *, A» p. u.: l**f Union hprU.r« daily k iui, W u« -o m> hmul. ’J'l'M'hKKP T ' ! \ I' W ! UK N throat, lie nUo bait on at the Unto he wa« rtj- dartMOwplod*atbitt a.iu .aaiarrivaal Uirurd 1 . JA.Mi.* t-AaTLKHKKKT, \ u wakk...i. lei a new mlfiiary sa^tdle mid bridle, that i ha-1 lo-V.an , d ‘ ’ Ofl^a-y f -* « few days before drawn from the Goterament Tho lr-i*ht train will leave Girard swy-fw ( ’ IJoittJIA. ('ll ATTAHOOrHKB COUNTY, 'pu «. M<.NTil - - i u !u-v,^ of ihi* notiee 'SE Went at IMlumlui*. L , , (S«Bday«cxc*ptAd.) atw-00 a. ut.. and arrive at Ml U .. roa* F. H. !,v„ h- .pp:.ed i.. m« | | ... .ha C'.urt.fOr’ ■ I L«L u i« ,v ." reward for lb eh OMO. and thief, ynton ; ,nogr_ at il'*J a. a-.; law l/u o>P J fjv moI Adminietraliiu. wita tb* wUl.sn i du.w - .im \i u . ft leave to --II ! W -tat" of Themat< Bt, id ad t f'oluinh . Hive #50 reward for the hi >r $-■ for tho hnr»*. .ifiMHS . . itoloiixing to the 3d t)a. Cavalry. Montgoui' Jsn?H d2w3t« IAMBS .M Hrl-s!' 1 "' Avalry, cam p C.ilumim-. (la. (S«nd»y< cxcvptaij, ynioA • Prion. *t a. u-.: I M« Uu op Apr.us* . wry Jay '.Hunday* es«v»|.t^I.) at 1214 p. in., ar. : arrive at Girard at <i:£> p. tn Oetl-u B. JL WKl.l-S. Kup't. FEW huCTIuH & COif'ftliSSiOH not SK, No. 131 Broad Streot, (•OU MIIEn, GKOU il.V ROSETTE, LAWHON & CO, Auclion anj Commis'ioa StrtluiiU, H^S'LSiT'aftr^fe' I said bounty, d FFLOClOZlDXlNrGkS OF THE CITY COUNCIL. COUNCIL t’ltAMM’.R. Feb. t, \W. Cx.lined met pursuant to ndjournment. Pre«- r nt—lln Honor, F G WUklns, Mayor: Aid# McKrtidrec, Flewelten. In-#;,Bradford, DhukImas. ami Durkin. AU.•» Liiiou, and llirinv. Minutes of last tuo«tin« were Flow*]Ion moved to re-coiuidcr so much of the ?a>noNK relates to the Mayor and Marshal hm ing exclusive rheme uf the city baud* and carts: which Was usi'wd to. A Id. llrarinird moved to re enuiider inueb of the ntiuutm a* relat e to the pruvot Dray License; sgrN<| The lulnutes U: 'Aids, bit ms,' id. and Aid. !‘ ! ?L , « t 9°A2oSmMiuMbH Chairs, Bedsteads, Mattresses, *■*"' r olo report, that the wofk which waMiuthvi xxrArvn ^*r a t-» r-« I y them ha- Military Books. Anew supply of the foil .win* Military Books ju*t received and for sale lot c osh only, at the lfOOKHTOlU: OK J. W. I'KASK. H AHDBB’E TACTICS, in two rolun.es, brina ti;o only oomplote Southern edition, with uiaiw and plaiis. Price hy mail|H.KS. , T1IK VOtl STHliRa HAND liOOK.co..- *h tainin* an ahridRsnicnt of liardva's Infantry <tn Tactics. Price by mail M. 7th (II I.If AM'S SCHOOL FOR IdK SOLDI Kit, I Dth fur lutantryand Kifie Drill, with suxirestinns iHn for the Soldiers in actual conflict. Prue by 10th mail 75 rents. lltb Also, Msyonct Exercises unj Mkinui*h*r>' ' l.*ta Drill, with snxxiwtioni for tho Soldior* id actual i tlth conflict. Price by nmil $LW. ! l«th Also, uew Pocket M of Virginia. Price by • IMh mail fl. p’.ih New Pocket Map# of Scat of War.fi. ITth New Maps of Confederate Stale-, <.(. i IMh Colutnhus. A or list v’T. IW1 Hit J 19th Troy Manufacturing Company \*7OODEN WARE, Kl'RNITPRK, *“ QPINNINQ WHKRLS. at wholesale . IJ tell, by TROY MANlTACTL'KINf nUCKBTS.—A fine lot of hr uud. for sale by the TltOY MANUFACTUBIBO n.\ hi P 8TOOL& for sale hy the ' Hth U TROY MANt'FACTDRING CO. -ah jColutnbus, Os., Sept -7 ^lh Troy Manufacturing Co. 4Ve would havo iPremembere-i that we • o.| nW are slUlenfttinfaeturini largely for whole- ' ol i i •»*- f.illwwinu ar' > -• m ble«l do hereby declare a»vi -»rdarB to-»i the atonal i'w trict# o! this StaSerkali tv* »nrui hi eounUfti, ma fallows : 1st Dl*trial—-‘’kstr.sut, Bryan, Kfiiowham. Aj , Y.1,.^1. M .fa,...*,. Wayne, I'ieree, Aoplto*. i, Oaindso. t.hartton. tel IF a re, Cliivdt. MAT- TN’O CO. 7ar. Ra^oiph. Ti i'doty. \V lioos. i'u oak's. MosUoturry. Telia;(. Irwtx. Lauresu. Johnson. hutAAnriL BuileVh. Setiv/H). Sluiko. ha»<’od. G.a.-»vv>, Jc(Trr-«.a fslia/rrro, w*rr»ia. 'iresme Italdwin, UaJienek, \t ad. ^ js Wllkia^ '^ / i LOKUIA, TAYLOR ■ l I Vt if I DemiM. / * lXOVOl A, TA5 l I h,.eh> given t - iTfikj*. . t'rawlord. Taylor. ./,'Tiatcaky-eUi-i, I«e4by Council.. . eomplrted, in consequence of the mules u carl# lieiuf takeu out of their pwursaiun belt said work was completed. RtwpiH'tfully, FLEW KLLKN, I J EPSON. k C, ’ u ' hlch John 11. Wright pvtltione*! Couueil t.» increase his pay t..r maklnfoofflns(for theuity poor) from i three dollar* to lour dollar-. which vm Agreed . Hy Aid. Fiewetleu ■ Kicumovu, IkH- In Now Y day, geld clo*ed at IASI; cotton 96 United Mute* at to* tcdeom&bie in 1881 at W «•. The large pork bouse of Kvmnt. Garner A Co. In Cincinnati, wa.tdestroy- «d by fire on tho 27tb ulf. —loss $ 125,000. In the .Senate to-day the Supreme Court Bill wu further diJcuMcd without result Tite House woeubieriv engaged in con sidering tho Exemption n t. In th« -Vew York Legislature ou tho BOth ult, a p»-tl lion wahpresontM asking th*i body to uto iu influence to close the war. Jackoox, U«J. New Orleans papers re ceived at Potn'batoula annoum-o the rais ing of the blockade nt Sabine Pass, and rapture ol three Federal tomaI*. by the f'onfrderates. Nu pnrti.-uUrs received. IV pc icale of the ln«fit*n» i teetlbf. ... Ltd. Fie. bill* presented ... eurred in providing for »ba sinail pox patient* v • | in the Lit* HoAoiUi. be prop*riy ma«lc ..n( ana XTl . forwnnlea u> tn* Qovarepr. with thr appendix M - ot lha mcnatnnw of thahlwyor and Clerk, that fakd nr.'Oktnts bavvbwe properly uiadc ont aud , or* PorrrcL, hlch w»« asrraM lo. lly Aid. MrKcn treo: Kcaotvod. that the Clerk ■•rConnril shall advertise tor twenty days that r elretion will K** hold by the .lusticve »f thr 1 feriorCourt and the Mayor an) Counril. for the elwtion ofiwo frn»uw># -d MaAsylum for lh* Poor, to fill so-rtsneirs. elm'tioa t-> hr bold at thr IVunojl Cbatabev on Monday oven in#. SiM inei Which was s#fi«vd to. \ld. Durkin moved that Lie**so Ui Rn.nl Spirit* Lo tho s-uuv a# last year. f. r *i, red Bonds of N. INUman lo Retail ami Mre-Siringfleid. IlMpiial Kooper.* »:r s v-cpt«-d. *• “ ' r «12Mw*s WOOD WARE, Ac., A->. W# are selling at low prh.-w for the ! c:aj»II, rrxardlr>s of the Tariff. l)«sl«n mil flud it to their lutcrcwl to call on u* hofrft. ^r*d- , . tux their orders to foreign markeu. Caah or- j aars will reesivi * Columbus, April *»0-4tf Planters Take Notioo ! .tPPLKI K’8 C0TT0S PLANTATUHV Record and Account Books I Port BALE AY J. W. PEASE'S Bookstore. Ase«*t IH" |« ■>oib l rorjis I'reimrnl. HR friend# of the soldiers rourr-aring tbu prtt. Harris. I'pson. fiubm ’ ^•aldlax. Butt*, ftrttu Sea two. WaJu-n. Clark Vntnmn. Motvvu. Une ili, Colua.hU. UwWihnrps. ila.it-< a. Kiwi !fa:(, Ftaakl.c. Uai>e<v8ja, W hue. Lump km. Law*.*. Hall. I-sAX*. JawiaMsi. tssrinuett^lHlxalh. Ilua«y Uuaou, Ivwtk#. Lahiut. Fsiw.lv. UUuser, Picwetct. tow, l lvve, i.'hattv-oga. Murray, WhunaO. G*-r-kro. Walksr, Da.le, Cat >>•#» ( '•a^rcwiaiisl HUtrleu. MB. « LvlVOl A. TAYLOR COUNTY. 11 person* con« oinhor. IV.*. J*--ob I 1 and admoni-h *11 any. within the time said loiter* ehauld office, 1st Pwfpjbtf, J. J. HUFF. Ordinary. NotW^w I thi- life. Util A, I Com t •» U, ■ ayi«r rauno. m#|'»iw*i Mrs- L, i NTT.) Sept. TflrWl. 1«A2. litr, no person tia* applied for adminiiirs- j j Iff Lk A/A/, tr-.n tla•* —uteasaid Jacob Farr, and ibst »n ; IL T H KitKA*^ .fi-hr, li. HaiuiUon. Adainwtra- i,, (U ,' letirj >f the law iMintiuialralioo will he veatvd : ,t." r of AnnaM. Hntniiten. bavag apptiod . thirty days Htcr ih i *klp Henry JklvCant*. orphan ohiTd of An- . di i'V Mi’C.suta, late of said county , dee'd- The»« are therefore to cite aud admonish ail eune«wne.| tn «hnw cause, tl any. within the time ! pcesri .bed hy statute, why said Iat4en« should cother | ft*r dii«n)i*«i ... h • Itir idor.'-I that all r rr *>,iv« •on«’emed show b- eauae i: any tlioy have why said *4rainictrai<>r . • should n»t he di*mt**od hy ;ha Conrt of Otdi- r, ' . **.' b.-H in and fn -aid eaantv on the flr-rt >i idaf in Wareh next. an<l fkat cbta order K. Drdinarr be/wbliabed in no- the law. i;—ZXI— “1 « u • ■ extriujt from the minutes af saM Court, ' 8cpLUd.lMJ. •or-'-JOHN JOlIXgoy. Ordinary «»BORGIA, t gy’.loitx MU3< * *'•'.K COUNTY » Ordiaary. IBMlMfeBMH J. J. HUFF. Ordinalr n oflioe, lath ,Ti J. J HUFF. )anV' Im Qrdlnarv. /■IWHWIA. TALBOT l OCN ft.-Wb^rei v.d MmiLsK Carter apptie* t« me fnr I,rt ,ui«trati«»a on lha estate of W. 1 dr. .-a«ed. dii in hi# lif .-aid petitioner hi* hon t hound himself t i iuak "|to«4 sal lawful w .1 -Administrator's Sale. w 111 id. on thr p rein ire* l (ho I* it ' '»! linn-, i -ar Uefte*. iu Rue eouutj, Aia-Mi.a. on TWty. the 10th da iuLs K ' theiefore ti r.be.1 THE I R.vimoi atgual i» ip. cetvt* contrihati' Ipm ially detail H that the undwr- ■L'thing for this Rciri »iuof eontribnUoc, are ear ■end their rontribution* ta of J. U Ivey k <.V. hy t be wrgt. T. M SIMMON4 Co. ic. 2W» 6». next 9th iart.. st 7 oV|.»ek. of Stomit k R^x>aay tor * be raid. LI then adjourned until Moiulay urst “ »’d**ek. p. in. GRORQE W. J0-VK8, Clerk. URQUHART & CHAPMAN AT THR OLD STAND OF DANFORT H 4k NAQEL. DEALERS IN neatly requi lha l.'vrev: ftkfjnt. _ta»4-V Oo. fc. 2W> I*». niit SOUTHERN PLANTERS Should AU Take It! MobHb, 4th.—A ipeulal dispatch the Tribune HaUsJ Jackson, •ayxtbat tbu tVleral rau», Queon West, jutszftd Yickxburg on Monday lv ... uiotnin,. r-cl.rf a..<l l.uJe.) op,.a.lu W“2’A;i!3*JSi«?/ a, “ , ' ,,c ‘ *“‘ r * N.ub.cEnglish, Freuoh and Atnsrio&n men were sent ashore, who attempted to capture Col. Saab. York, but be eeoapeJ Tlie ftteaioar continued down the river doing much damago. Within fight bvars previout tn yester day, ilfiO Yarikee deserter* arrived at Greouda. l)«terter» are consuntiy arri ving—Urn oouutry U foil of them. There are full d.OOO deserters from one Divis- ioo of tbe Yankee army' OnxatMToF, 4th. —Tbe following die- patcb dated Pechenl. ffU(, i« just re. vaivad by mail' The enemy attacked our forces yester day, 1*J miles from Murfreesboro', with a brigade. Six pieces of nrtillerj* made the attack on our cavalry, »belliug u> bavk a short distau. e when Anderson t nly Agricultural Monthly Jyurn.il iu the C*>n tadcrata State* that hw# liv*-.l " through the, *u," i*still publirbed regularly.and wiU eutor . upon its tflax year, Januarv l*i. !«!. Now j rus Ttur to jrescsisx! Our IMI«, r< -, •■»■«-, t'a adv*nr+, f Address D. REDMOND, Augu«ta, fix. * u>• paten if riri nn Q lUTY'TX f n T \T U O AttODtlOIl StdtC VollUlt60rS» . Feb. 4tb, UllUUS, MJbDlUlNES. Xiv « ..,npan> h,*h. trtKlrrM „ thorio.. )«.«, of lb. PAINTS. &C. K'S! :Z *Xi if.' Airy, utxt WKlooHa? tbv 14th tort. A fsw mor: men will b* rtreivi*!. THOMAP J. N E \L. Cip*. fV avertv Hall, Harris eo„ Ns __ No more use for Yankees. 1 H AVING procured lha a*rtUe* of «M*me of . ths moat experienced wr-rYtmr in th*C n ted entry. 1 will h* rrrpsml tr, T th* saeufav t\i>* o, it \T^ h> ih* \Sth ..f Jaunery inrt. P*r*on# wsuimg *otL Pleasant bst* *nv »ryle. to Lm# <r« will do well to live res a call. H»u will be *xri,ansad i for wool or fur hide*, *ueb a* ’Coon, Beaver 1 shine, Ac. My »hop is located near Unto*, j ftewax*. eomuty. (la, ten nuier aorth-wtst ol Lutnpkio. and *t*ht reilae saet of Flosenea. Par»on# dssiring Hate for there«*|vo, -r IVj ; • angaged in the service, -hould iu the material immediately with 1 >f tbe Hat. And a l do pot ** >r# than a He to #uppty the «*•. j act upon the Millar's t*noe'pL\ • « *>'«ue. tsi>t •srved." J’rioec mt >t*r-t- . J. B GILBERT. un c-»pv > and #end bill to this oftre snd i:dmot.Dh all I creditors of raid ofllur, within the and there to «how I they have, why said letters #hould i hand on<1 e'hcial •Igi.atrtre. i •ember, i%i?. MARION BETHUNE. • * r d . j the aeveulh -Ji-:r«»f *aid , Vf r '' . lying on tho wsti-rs of l patoio croek. ' ij* ecven iiun.ircd and loo acre-, a<-- to »urvo> made ot tbs *.auie . ,1.7 ' red that William A. Tlugg. :>\ reter T. Bung sfon »!.rT. n t C oba* held w/an flrsl Monday io May •:» tb*j bsvo) why «a> not u- ro^aired b> # . Hardee i ,y to ms for I.MJrr* ef Admimrtrotion i •mi# of Dr. Col-rman C. iTthlm. Jasa | ouaty.deeeeeed; • ; are th.refoto rite and admacish all i IV .'• uccrnnd v-» appear at mjr o*ew within I ad tLa> it 1 • the in the Co n od*r my bar aihtu^Eew qUK JOHNi 1 AU Deceuilwr, i , *C. i deca H «»K» W- MULUrNS. AnHnarv jtVOAGIA. HUUIIS OQC VJ Georg* V» . Gordon agplt i i**s% ; the li per viv eouccrnnd n appear *t nt o* »« **mv tr**crit»ed by law. ar>d *i»ow or t they nave, why *ajd leuws #Aeul d ofceaal i Luraa.Qi or NTT.- vrhenm* 1 T epireanr.v esta m«h»r letter* cf I J#.. «*• Bur:. • cf T. J#ew« Gciu.. «a»h. tub: 'ih Januaj' 4N*wN. [<>t J u>»ry. ft VLB NISi - Jl..,.. 'onfederate sou Sut'* L.nu*. or Treasury not«. (iht)RGK W. CARTER. One nylon. January 1A 1KCU dlw __ €OIV4»iTKl-H«*mi». HuoinsMi ot HAl.tIN.,):* k BJK#.g?ltlUk will Paeuntinued at tbeoM met by the on- —' r*c together Ceral RUII-DIIG BUS :u.d praroptly. I J5 L I LIGNUM l-INIrtf.au i all maUrial »**1 Houree, lurnt-hud ana »•* l uUy. ___ . ttricu •Cara* v>r buiKUo.gr, V»;an,l-.». Ar. J. L. MOtlMM. CLAN A, ►»>40n r lCATIO ttKO’CR _ th* aetata .. .__ , L , , . . •**wl. lots of w»i i county . ! lutr. t, w. • • tfn . n* • ll>*re<nr« u • and edm Jaau. :•# tha kioirod and or editor* uf as id , l*"-a"i a ha a/,,1 apgew/ at my aftico wtlhio ! >r»x-nb*d by law, the* and there to prem '.If on» they have, why *a*d ktier* * r,r s>o gran t«d. hind and oft rial signature. v '-' * O \Y. MULLIN'*. >.d eoeutr—Preewnt j lha Defenda i. • delirnred to tha hoanna uate the Wy the DefenAgnl . f Deeembar »e»t • nd that f * ir afwrw J reive month*. . •vni ihe U Kiirourn^r limn# Llternlnr*. The Southern Field & Fireside, O EVOTED to 7-iteraiurr. Agrieultuts an-l H .rti «*ture. edite l hy ger.tii-men of etaj • nenlMbility. in th* .r rwual deportment*, »# : ruWiahcl every SAlURliAY. alAuguataOwr- R.\FRR6R]oN6 0P THE PRK6S: ‘•Its >]W. RAH'FACTlgR. Among which era OILS, of all kind*. AsrilnS >\ hi#a Haraaewe Utl, I.aodtNth'a Fjaeh GARDEN .'LEDS. fpit^Mda rialatlr*. PerflHM .. | Toilet Articles of all Kinds. riSUlMG TACKLE. dtC. Ws win b« hart'' tn *cn e. a« usual, all of oar old rurtomers and a* many new one* n# may fhvsr ns with thw.r patromtge. TO CASH CUSTOMERS. At wW.mal*or KstoU. wcoffer euuai induow m«at* to thus* of any hou«« tn the (Sty. riUAt IIAI1T * CIIAPHA.V, w.-b^q.. rj>. i«. ti A II.tiO Alt It ICC Bomb la fhur •!«!»• books lioutrt, 8SES- Jaffaraot, fitt. GaUthctpa. ttrrwoa. )UrL MaJasc ItttSIS MSVUCT |£C. .rctrp. RS5.i1i. riH.o.r*. _ Nnitrai la Uabtara and Cr*4lter«. \ LI. pfrv-rv# indebted to ihe e**ei* of Vf m. r. f-eGonl. late at Harri* connpv, de#*’d. tam:.. arohersht n-juevted to nake immedtaia yav And i men'- and *.h we hgrmg el aim# aga/.vet said mail.' •wtatanro potiffad to prrosnt them, duly authsn ticwtwl. for psymeot. within tha di whei -l ‘ i aoznty, : w ;.ri g that n.4 aighJd in tho - in thw very fir>t rink.’*—/V**hjVer,o*. H *r, indeed, f ir the South."--.Yetrv, t aopeptahJe l': «r."—fUrcstiao M*j, led by few, turpasned by 7Tw'». I of i , by law. JanlVTt Within ths dm* Prw**r.h< F.LUAH MiLlINS. art OB' . *aid J - ' ths fertidn; I SrS-J^: r.lered that ths ol Uareii !n« Tw«a|. * the .rdiolly e ll.bei show krt.lt. i. D.ht.r. .... irrtiun. : - '’•••»#»•«.«•» #«. lUrm w ia ,j„ w*,, At .Mia , ' 1 ! ; > *“# A Harsu^r. .1^1, l.l. ^ Hur» ... . *1" • ^ -• Ikntrtn k«T«# rajueft^l Disk* .miaMsate pain eel. amt si' pwwoos fcaiing Haim* nr demsai# aco.wt raid * * ?'*■ J*, '* : , r,h ' r !*»•* - kl » Sola hj briu * or s«u<l the number peetlo be m wand. I will WANTED TO HIRE' \ UkrVy asgro Bov, either »lavi ar.d Kd«»rd N,eh« gears offT 0 H atr.«d it to Seathemers.'— Eiuninr. Hithnond. "Its eoatenta are raried and agrraeabie."-* Gkrtjfwrn Advocate. Nn* Qr!*nnr, "CaleiiIaTo>1 arniucnGy to improve thsooil and ths min-J.llamisrer. Mompk-. _“Filled writb toe ehoseeat reading matter."— eoropetent ..ori.Ve- «*d •«{. Av;»«M rrt. ,r l the; '« the t;m* t'li ynh*** R-'RP.RT A Ml hTHEY. .•*« sdwC • liebiar* a«s4 Crsditsr. # indebted to tl . Harper »nd F.liiah t d. ia - _ "Beat Lit *«?rved on ih* D*feoHant stfracy. at !*oet tar*a xSIvImS — w— Harper, both 1st. »i'liArria coantj. dee d, an re^oarted to m.ik immwliata payment, and all pervoas holding ' et aims or dshU againr — JE.VF. 0)X. Adm’r. • 4 Crr«lltnr*. ndtbtsd re th* mat# af Chart I. lata #f Harris ounry. d*w’. e*liat# pav\n*nt. »• Augurt Term • #hop Id J A ,r " A ,Vrt-.u..!i.' ,u ,7rt3■ SCHOOL OF THE SOLDIER’ “ '"/.ViVYw’•*,‘"KSi , «dr. ,l j«»! ' , '" 1 ""'“TS.3W* 1 iP'lSfJdjr A A jacU aw owi Rsties ts DtM i person# indebted Al. Thwt/ord, are r*ne-*ted to all puroco* having claim* agoii... are r««jnired tu preeant them to me. dalr ihepti afed. for payment. CHARLES D. 7RUBTT. JoaLMw cwm adw r. ; u - H Not tea t* Dtbtori aad C redliar*. \l : 1 LL perrons having demands ogainri tha ee- f John D. Gwen, late of Talbot eennty. notified to render them 1 and api the undeni * >d estate are renui* i STEWART CtlUNTY. / • T-l iW. J I u -.r -i*: • irH.oerv. iWd.ug. T fS the petii: n o: Henry Aodeieoa. ad- 1 t minterrator on the #etate of Eariv W - Mil- ; liom*. tor letter# Diemuw 'iy. Ac. It i* 'Vderaa that all ,er*on» rnneartsed *h*w r on or before the • xt i ——. - . -is Court, why eatd letter* hopld not then b« grantw.1. A true o«tr»ot from thenunutee of eal-1 Court, J. L. WIMBERLY. Ordinary. GEORGIA, TALBOT m*I -NTT-j — IlEREAS H-nrr T. 0«. 31n. l«i r.^tiare, admin ; laceanc-i. ure hereby is term# of the !»w to , p«nv<iu indebtea to u it ordered tkxt mtkv inunedu W \r rttTFN. f B GWffNi. Rxevuur*. | Tun?..m. I Oel 2iM, tw.: :«e-aed i>« art, than and there t* shew anas* * hare) why eald letter* should not be W‘i’ A..- M i xis!? W Site day in y ar the May term nrd and doeeribed prop* *! d the benefit of ih» eir* ALBERT PAVrt^ON.' o..»,a.. .*n tho first Tu. . 'Wurth half aflat > i d wading hours, kitdn '•'eof John 0'Brirn dec n thecouatry.''—J.ra.-M* n tho country, should 3 times iu sohsoriptloi i n rai—the hcvt that cow K 7\**r. Mm or. i ht be*t faituiv L'harieMoti. "Rqua*. ifOut *u The FIELD LY F-Sl AULI> •nper p’jblUUeii."—Ormri**, Mler, in U»rrerr merit.*, to r*t.‘ itnm.Urd. Ralcipk. at *\ fry hreiiie.”-.Lfr'<- •»CRimpN r -FAYABLE r FIRM - lt;.» handsomely print- ling, on fine paper, lid exertion i« made to ct fr->Pi thr mie’it** of said Co«r MAJUGN BLIlir*-*, OM'ry. JoUN Dl Rk IN. "TlSffllKiWft&TSSBft. Aimr- i August*, Ga., Apiu. IsCl.