Newspaper Page Text
Tuesday Evening, April 25,1835,
To supply, m a measure, the and in
creasing demand for news in the army and
in On the citizens, and in the absence of the
editor* and proprietors of the Telegraph and
< bufederate, the publishers of the Daily News
will endeavor to chronicle all local events of
ifttere t to our citizens, publish the orders of the
Genetti in command which in any way may
sflect them, and use all diligence to give the
i dest current news of the day, as much‘as our
limited supply of paper and material will
allow. ♦
The paper will be furnished at the counter
and by the news- boys on the street at $2 00
per copy in Confederate currency, or 5 cents in
specie. •
* Price of Advertising.—Advertise*
mentis will be inserted in these columns
at the rate of Ten Dollars per square. .
.— ——
Newsboys Wanted—We wish to em
ploy ten or twelve energetia and relia
ble boys to sell the Daily News on the
streets and on the different Railroads.
Those wishing such employment, will re
port at the old stand of the Telegraph
<fc Confederate, by 7 o’clock to-morrow
Sensation Rumor.—We heat it sta
led, on the streets this morning, that a
naval engagement has taken place be
tween United States and French ves*
< We.Jiaye used ouj utmost eu*
deavors to find out from whence thj?
report, came, but up to the time of go
ing to press have been unable to learn
anything that will in the least confirm
the rumor, or give us any idea as to
where it took place or under what cir
cumstances. We may be able to let
our readers know the truth of the mat
ter in our next issue.
P. S-. Since the above was written, Wt learn that
tLe rumor emanates from a gentleman who haa
juiit arrived from Savannah, who state# that the
French have assaulted and captured New Orleans
a< d Shat Kirby Smith, with hh force?, hate
joined Mai Im ilUlt.
We thtyumor for what it i* worth, with
out placing much credence in it ouraelvea, and
with the hop.! that eur frienda wifi assjet ug in
•if • nig but the truth.
tar wo that several of General Lee’s
BGlditre *in‘ our city yeaurday, who hafi
betm piicMa by General Grunt. W « W|h be very
thankful to any i tich to call at our ofliee, and
make ih acquahited with any particulars of th*
c«piuilat«m o’| Lev’s army which have not barn
in print, together with any other news from that
•V*Hoi which will prove our rr*i| ’
|»< nt|.auy onn of lb« rfticJuDl nwniigm of the
Hotsllwru Eiprow* Company him Just returned
ht’iii AiliuHn, having fts*<ditablbiht’(j the roufo
bid w try thill <Uy and the tlalw City Dally
i aprw trama me now niu through under the
convoy oi carol u I itm»M?ng«ra who carry au
imuomHii amount of height to Llm Went ami
TLe Hue between Mayfield uud MilladgevUh
bia btwo dbcnrilnußd, the imiun Irtdng now
i nd ou thegapiii i|h fhorgm milroad.
Thr pwneagcr iralni bene© to Atlnotn wnl
< •minencc thiir regular tripe on Um fiTth ol
tin • month.—
Uw” | erwn? wishing to inierl
nig in our coluinee, will please |iand
. |J o’clock* V &| , aqcompfc
u? 4 HU casL.
A Female Vampire—There is a young
married woman ia Sl Louis, a* native ot
the Canton of Borac, Switzerland,, who
is afflicted with a disease which she calls
“a dancing of the heart,” and which the
physicians pronounce incurable. The
lady with the “dancing heart,” firmly be
lieves that she can be cured by drinking
a lew drops of the blood of a man who
has been executed. Her name is Eliza
beth Mund, and she is twenty-three years
of age, and has been the mother oi three
children, none of whom survive. She
has made numerous applications at the
jail io inquire when there would be an
execution, and as there has been no case
of capital punishment at that institution
for several months, her desire for human
blood Las not been gratified. She heard
that John Abshire, sentenced by court
martial to be hung by the neck, was to
be executed in the jail yard on the 18th,
as it was stated in the papers.
The execution of the sentence, however,
was suspended, and on being informed that
the man was not to be hung, Mrs. Mund
appeared to be greatly disappointed and
chagrined. Captain Bishop cheered her
drooping spirits however, by telling her
that on the 15th .April a man would be
hung by the neck until he was “dead,
dead, dead, and that she might then ap
pear and o tain a dose of the blood of Val
entine Hanseen, the murderer, provided
Governor Hall did not pardon or respite
the criminal, and the physician would al
low her to extract the curatine fluid.—
VVithxhij? pleasing assurance Mrs. Mund
took her departure, greatly consoled.
This is a curious case of modern specula
_ »» ■
Ihh Simple Secret.—Twenty clerks
in a store. Twenty ‘’hands’ in a printing
office. Twenty appientices in a ship yard.
I weuty young men about a village. Ail
want to get on in the world, and all ex
pect to do s». Oinn>T me cierKs win rise
to be partner and make a fortune. One of
rite eotnpDisrhrre wilt oxvn a newspaper and 1
become an tufiiienlial and prosperous cili-.
Zen. One of the apprentices will come trri
be a master-builder. Oqp of the young vil
lagers will get a handsome farm and live
like a patriarch. But which is destined to
be the lucky individual ? Lucky ? There
is no luck about it. The thing is almost as
'certain as the Rule of Three. The young
fellow who will distance his competi ors
is he who masters his business, who pre
serves his integrity, who lives cleanly and
purely, who never gets into debt, and who
gains friends by deserving them. There
are some ways to fortune that look shot ter
than this old dusty highway. But the
staunch men of the commumtv, the*men
who achieve something really worth hav
ing, good fortune, good name, and a serene
old age, all go this road.
Al thia time printing was executed much
belter at Paris tba»i in Loudoi ; and, owiug
to a singular cuujugalioii of circumstances,
Thomas Cromwell got a license ior Graiton
and Whilechul'ch to print the Bibig there.
The work was, liowever, interrupted by the
Übui itiou ; when not only tue sheets, but the
typua and printtT|, wen- carried to England,
tq the great improverm ni ot the art there.
JllbT: was soon finished, andqrdcred U*la
fiMipln im*ry ihmth hi the ftlity Jhh • snT?
Ihepricfcls Wcrfl lorhjdden to hinder the pro-,
pie noiu reading it lbai<« ou pain o( deprive
lion And thus were UHlijJml the words ol
Tyndale the martyr' “D God spate iny life,
ere many yaais, I will cau»u a h<»y that drives
lite plough to know more Ol the Nci'lpltirca than
you do.”
Alter (be r<hHun of IMiv tliaru were !om uUi
ut the largu Bible, priiiUal at 1110 « ipooi'f o|
si|tat’.©<*J by Andie** M'ulwr, a dida 11
€»f London, wha ohconed »u <»rd *r m have Ihvm
wp Li ln«> ©'tin l»rI'll© prion filed b
atilhfirlty Al li loL,*Hid for |fig homid oopiew
Durln< lb#» ui Ejwuid VI
B bl© was prjnpd more di«n thlfty hm«M, while
di ih»t wiib th in»h» r‘« hiv.Aioii, «n*ly I elf ilia
Lionber snut ou»hd for. T<v fim fidutttib aditlcnt
Ol the ;,üb| )t >iH-d L’-i ISA 4 J,
©fid y®t tfi© Mibl© '*A i in MtitoM* tfrrj liumf©,
1a ilia bßilla nenr, KibNioh North Ihtfoltna, the
Federal Faluiar’ wa*' billed '|T*W
•aUrti I»nh*H )<>*.«• is eilitrnmal at LUii-
of die uiioles usa»||y founq mJ/ in qovhla,
a ouavinit sot)’>vl lb frit a toiili * f mn
■d mrimg
Several patients at one of our
hospitals the dher day petitioned thiir I
Chief Matron for knives and forks iff the]
following style :
U e dieted patients, my good Mrs. P ~
Would fain your attention a moment engage,
Fueling sure, it we whisper the least little prayer,
Os the blessed reepanse oi your maternal care.
"1 s not of our quiMtera, or bedding, or food,
That we would complain, for these are all good ;
There s but one little thing to be taken amUs,
And that, my dear madam, is just simply this:
As Christians, against our ooDscienee it works
He nt with our Hager* nka infidel Tutks,
Or to lap »rom the dish, or get the grub unt
In the beautiful style of a hog with his snout!
*TU true, we’ve one ini k (two-pronged) and a spoon,
To aid u* a little—-but no such a boon
As a knife has been seen in Ward No. One,
S(?)ce our wearisome residence in it begun.
On assembling at dinner, Tom grabs for the spoon,
Dick clutches the fork, and Hsrry right soon
Discovers the tact that he’ll lose if he lingers,
80,dirts up his cuffs and goes in with his fingers
ffpoun sawing m»at—fork dipping gravy—and rice
Squshed in fingers—form a tableau that’s nice!
Therefore, my dear madam, we beg it of you,
To send us poor devils a voteau or two ;
Aid if these can’t be bed, we're not hard to please,
Send us some chop xtfcAr—we 11 eat like Chinese ’
;The knives came !
The daughters whom they conde
scend to rear have a sad and isolated
let. 'Bhey remain shut up in the pa
rental mansion, solely occupied with
sewing and housewifery. Wealthy
parents give them a slight education,
but in general their education is con
fined to needlework. No public
school is open for girls. When they
are old enough to marry, their parents
think much less about their future
happiness than of their own pri
vate interests, and solely endeavor
.annAlude a sori £if bargaiu by
selling them to the highest bidder.—
-TU’jr father and mother—or, in de
ifiiilt of them, their nearest rela
g,ions--exercwe an absolute authority over
tne marriage of the children ; younp
people allowed to Lave no will in the
matter. Some times two friends bind
themselves by an oath to marry their un
born babes, if they turn out o’ different
sexes. The promise is sealed by tearing
ti eir tunics, each giving the other tho
portions rent off. Unions formed under
bitch comlitions as these are scarcely like
ly to be ot long duration. Incompatibil
ities of temper soon declare themselves,
the woman, being the weakest, sut
!hs the most, for the husbknd has com
plete authority over .her. He may ill
tj eat her with impunity, and compel her
t r associate with several secondary wives.
’Narrow Escape of Queen Victoria,
Recently says the Cuiirt Journal, % her
jlajesty hud a m st miraculous escape
tjom Being crushed to deaih by the fulling
qf a huge elm tree in the home Park. Hci
was taking ah airing'on her fu
pirite liltle hootch pony, and piocehdlfig
prwgh th© tall avenue of elms at Wjnd
nr, known »r> Queen s ride the
tony being led by a groom followihg’ut a
hori disSiancp, when, iorlunultily and prov
pi* 4 iiti;dl\, the servant ohsurved nun of lhe
tree iullin*/ imnm<litiirlv over Iler
idi|t‘Li\. 4 .
Cvtß roH hM4ii. Pox,"-Th# German
ituforinvd MaHiumgyr haw rnuoived a Ih!,**
er from a Irinnd in China, m which it ia
HtftUul s grnit dlHcovery i« repmiml to
Hive Guei) recently mado Ly mturgson of
Im Isngliali army in (Uihm, m llm way
>1 ftQ effcytUiil cure ol * mjill pi'x, 'I he
Itimlr Ot Lrciitment is uh fidlowfi :
I When tlrn lowr in nt tlm
height, and just beloJ c th© eruption an-
th© chest is rubbed with cruPm oil
and tartarm ointimml. This omHtsthn
Mioh> < f the uriiplicm to appear or
rrtit oi the body, to Ihe fehtu q| thq resf
b nl#o secures it hill and emnph’lo'erup*
Mon, and thus provenin Iho dtwiuh hum
( Hacking lb” internal organs, d’hb is
dd to be now we mode of
treatment in the Briteh army jn Chin*,
by geriural o* lars. an I isreum i I 1 a
i 1b H-wnka lor effort* wad«.' to
leave my o;i the light of ’tie tre, 1
! would tike Location to anuctuce my occupation
of the AleA'ca.'* College as au office, ami that
' enough is left and will be 1 rocurod to keep up the
supply of Medicine for the poor, or
tuch »8 hivo no merus of purch iring ehewi.erc.
Macos April 26. 1865. 21*
Crawford Coumy ahen It gale.
IITHL be er Id befo e the Conit H u rtoor fa the
!’ town ct Knoxvble, ou ike fits' Toei-day hi .v.a?
next, wituiu tne legal hours (1 fiHy-lour mee of
Land, m -re or it**, it *»<lug a pt.niou o< jot iso. £4,
Ivlngmike tlrrt iTs rcl vi
CnwL rfi cc Univ adjuiulai! F. uonuHly an <
John 11 Worsham Satd i>ity. fuiir acraaW d
teviert on as lb- prope.ty of Wil lam. H Hammack, to
fsDafya'ifiX fl. fa. tor tha year ‘aaard Jo>n
F. Parker, Tax Coikdor lot raid county of Craw . ,
tor said year 1868, Buie and County Tax due |18.&I
and costa. Levy made and xe.u ne<! la me by Jobu h.
Torrence, Cousuble
March 16, 1865. mar 2il wit
BY virtue oi an order from ihe t ourt of Ordlna / of
Clayton county, Ga . will Le sold <>a the flrst. Tdf a*
day in May tu xt, in ddvct-boro’. tn the fiighc/t bid lcr
all the Negroes beloisglni! to theesuioo. Dr. C‘ W
hraltk, dtcu&sed. Amotg the neg Ota are retn
n. bny>n ard g'.rls, most, oi them ioudv d like
ly Bvld for the benefit of tbe htJra and c*fditers.
Terms cash. JOHN c, blfllTH,
At the same time, a Gold Watch will r»u 1 old,
tnar -?0 wilt
Ordinary’** Oificefor ?ald County.
Whereas, Benjamin Marron# Administrator de bonta
non ot WllDam Barroa, and of E t&te
Harrison C Barron, deceased, applies tn me forb Oers
ot dismission irom said attrniuimrat or.
Thia is therefore to cite and adwoninh ali persons
concerned 10 be «ud sppeat : .i my office. »•, the fir-t
Monday tn August u’v. ••’Mr • ;fi-eey
can, why said lellert .u.ouiii i <>! i, yrnntci. \
| Given dnder <ey i.u.'i . an<' otlic ..!. .j tbH •Lib
Jan., 1865, i; oj. INU T. ((OSS,
Feo 4—w6m* Ordinary.
Ordinary 7 * office lor sit’d county.
Whereas, S. W. Cutptpper, A.’imh istiatm of Trios.
J. Ritchey, deceased, ar plies to me for L< iters ot Dis
mission from said estate.
Theseaiethereiore tociie and admonish, all persona
concerned, to fie their objection, if any they have, in
tbit, office, uu or by the that, Monday in Ju’yauxt,
or Baid application shall be intiited
Given ut.det my husot offittally tan. vffi‘lß6*
hULAo’ T RuffiX
mw werqi* li®sxhuy,
(JKOKHia, tilttb I'VDNT'f ;
' 1 ►w-- -•' J ' v— ■ ■
Whtld-I.H, At i 0 Aiatll'u J Uore, »it !X
tbneata eof Ge rga W K . B r, .ie v t:
h.tUHe oi nieiuiMjiou 'ruin eatd < n'»4!B,
All i urHOiib Interest* d are rcq-tlrmi in m? amt apt enr
T. IheUriirl tr »’tdlnary on or mfort* th. flc*t .11 .* <uy
in September ario «b >w cuti-e, H auy ibey hare,
why appi'cant should not be dtrnjluscd.
Given under my hand ana official aic'udturu.
W&L ...I, RILEY,
matß gffim* > ordinary.
Georgia, waynk county •
pi'dtnkrv’s offi.e for said county.
Whereas, Mrs. Sien'-y 8. Mood* applies to me ior
Leiters oi Admiuteiration on the eaiaieot feanuai S
Moody, late ot said count y, deceased.
Tueseare therefore tocite and admonlstt al! pmdoiiß
concerned to tile tbeir (ihfeGti iu** tiulhis office U auy
they itaye, within the limn i*y other*
Wia« naid latte's will b.t giatm d.
Given under ni» hand official'?, thi.- Ifttlr day of
Ma-cb. iMb5. • ,b ,1K o KijmPli ■
mut 2L-wst Ordinary. ■
/ 0.0 KG lA, H LYN N L’u U N’*Y
U To tbe bains and ai*tilbutees. residing nut o’
Ifie tJ'ht* of Georgia, «;i R jbett biniiord, L;te ol «
county decided: ¥qi M 0 notified tuutwj
wul apply at the Court of ur«iin r, of raiu county, on
tbe first Muuauy Ui rteptember next,<ol t> e appoint
ram tof three or mure t>evn<*jao,f ag ce-*‘ l> totha
Siwiic e1 n ru< n<a*, m, piuvittu.l hi d : <entHi;e ntnuii. st
die fl>l llmtlmM <*r Su’d ddCeu . t t.l-ia!. if,
on hands m ge AUintuutrsirtx au- Ad.4Jt.imutor.
Tufa the Illi, an* of sprl . 18Ln„
bMITHhY a b't'AFFIiHD. Ad®’?.
Auc. A. bLJRhEx, Adiu’r.
qkoßuia, muitman count y :
Oidintr<’« idihe tor -aid co'irty.
WaerM*, Joliu ie»’ iiibkca m plic4ti*>n for i.Hv*
of /iduJuist ra-iofi upon th . « <4 11, ( , u (t j , M)
pu-e, Isle ui MPd county, deceu>u'.L
TbCHoatn therefore tu CH<* 411 lutejemed l » be ami
ipp* .*r at dm 1 ourl of Urdh.ary, wUtitn fee tim , *.<•<
■0 bed t>y '« « , to nhoff, cautdi, it any Uiuy (*»*«: v bv
hflid luittara -r ( ortid not grantyfitha Aunjb-rtht
tHvffhurHieimyhandaudMfficlatttiyn/fay,-. ddr Hih
* /6b ' »W’6. . , J, W MMIf&ilJ
jn«» * w*o<ll LifOhry
(psomitA, Jt>N eh run NT* : '
WhcrsrijN, T (4i< V‘!, Afiffiifiisirtitur Wtifi Ue* wifi
IStiPT* of l/dui rata
I ii* km «->j tUrnLi oio.Hw o»d nhhuhlafi ft I par non i
nb.iteHiffii tn ho ana afiuvd al iliiy out*pp L ti
Mo'i!- y Isl AMMW4 Afid iffiflw ctiiim, H Mt,, ll -
ha/ff, why’’Sun. Ilfftff HbOiild b«»|
Given under wy hand uffi* tally. .1 L tn, Imp
tfrihANU T 111 imp,
' ‘♦Hillier,
Oieihor's ♦nh.ff i .yani leont t.
To all Wl Uli l| BiM d liCefli '
WlJlam ( rtirord Mtn. In pio, 1(t lu/h» snphe.i
to m. lor <»f adtblii trsilo -m »».< >< ’ w
>mwi»'(l li .irtMun, It •* t .,i .*>m ~ ih t, ih(<(
| >’ U'' ! I SIVJ ft d mty 'I fk I, (i H? p ;rdlo fh ■ ujf
It nuylbbi within 'bw lltnspfwif LlwdMiy jaw*
Wbv rttld h IGrii hJ, pq t,<*| b* piuffiAd
Wiiiiw. h .or ywooa dutthm aubsaiefff, Mercn so l.
■ ' ' l V'o.
UIA'IK da>» a lie’ dffie h»r<. I appllrAtlon will M
17 oi’d. to ii ! fionpe. u Im Cm, * 1 i.i ( .| if , ~ .
fiDib couaty, |mr ii »v<j ip aefi *J tp H etUfe. nmla id
01 01
. «•*... UriLV