The Macon daily telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1865-1869, November 09, 1865, Image 1

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(T’fjf 3R!nran nnilq frlfgtnjjf). U CLATUIKO] >». B. Dl'MBIiE, unmru'ncr THE MACON DAILY TELEGRAPH. TELEGRAPH BUILDING .erarr of Cherry and flcrottil'Strrr • • ' MACHS, Georgia. • l i t B^iNESS C.U$S. BAUiBOAD DIRECTORY. OLD SERIES, NO. 13064 MACON, GEORGIA, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1865. I NEW SERIES, NO. 155 fljr J1 VcatIt. , ln| Ootrtcrij-, MuutiiJr' One cqnan AZUMEA! AZUMEA! AZUMEA! Ha* proved to be -. MACON AXD WE*TEBX KAILIIOtn. T „ DAT TRAIN. act >i. .i.. .7.30 * m | Leave Atlanta.. 7.30 a fc Th* Best and Purest Baking Powder in Use. at \ Uai, I..A.03 r m I Arriveat Macon.3.20 r y 1 • , A .32! .?“*■. . 1'-. J. U. ZEILIK & CO.,* Lea. '.!••• . n r M I Leave Atlanta..0.50 r v ; * \r. in Atlanta..3 33 A M1 Ar. at Macon...3.90a 1. 1 «onn »r.iii:a uruuun. MA.r Macao... 7.23 a v j Leave Enlanla..8.10 a Ar. at KuC*u!a..0.I’5 »• 11 | Ar. at Macon...4.10 r m i MAIL TRAIN ON .U.nAXT CRAXCIL yr , L’reSmhhTU!’ .3 41 r M I Leave All an v...7.30 A x j Ar. at Albany...4.r u | Ar iftitoitfcrtUeMB* M J MiNTBAL RAIUttMD. j Train, run caeh ».•> t/Vwhudr, leavldx Maeon 1 ,en * VEA£ bn Mond-it., WadiMudaya and FHd*js, and rvtnm j It to Ibc pal alternate day*. orea makes the (neat WHEATEN BREAD posai- •rav* Macon...7.30 AU I Vrel.itom on. - .00 .1 -,1 . Wf ; Jt la mad* It. .i t-a-. -r. at Kalonton. 1.94 r M Ar. a- Mac, .„.. ,1.:> i- x * “ ’' ““lollowa: XA*ON Ort •BitasWIC* HAlMn.u.. W? 10 W"* flour, mi* Le.vr M»roo?fajft r x i L're JnDetion. era a x f."!!lt , i Awa^ni rdIna,:jr ‘ tee,c9 * I>oonfB '* ot Ar. nl junction .6.4'> i* vf J .\r, at 3f*cfrn. ,10.*J0 a m "****» ““ ***** m liltk- fait disKolred r. vlLr.OAI*. in iL-euIBcient to mahe. dough as soft as can be la-are Atlanta..1.1. a M Love Augurt.*.0.00 a x j conveniently handled, abl c u it generally a little At ai Ain-u-o* .US r x ( Ar, at Atlanta. 10.23 p x j Man one pint or water to one quart of flour. xrV.oor.l railroad. j Do not knead it Shape it **iv lightly, and Immc- J.cavc Macon.,.t.23 ax I L'vr Cotanibn*.T.OO a. M I dialely bake In a qnick oven, vhicli mn»t be quite Odr.iabue.4.24 PM | Ar. at ilaco:!...1.10r X I hot before voa begin to mbr.-'. It has the following wr.-TtBJ A at: »if TIC RAILROAD. i advantage* over yeast or femenied bread; il can Leave Atlanta..0.10 a m I Ar. at Atlanta..7 .TO p u ; be made and baked in one .hour tW, tlic time of l.r. C hatuuoogx T.tfi.t m i Ar. (lnttanoogs.7.13 pm fln!t handling the flour; It will bqnftst and pleas- XftSUVILl.e AND CtlATTAXOOGA RAILROAD. l.v.ChatUnooga.7.90am I Lv'eNashville..S.S0 a si NMhvilTc.O.tiOrx | Ar. Chattanooga 9.30 m THURSDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 9, 1885. THE NEW CONSTITUTION STATE OF GEORGIA. PREAMBLE TO THE CONATITUTtON. Wc the people of the State of Georgia, in order to form a permanent Govcrnnlcnt, es- than forty days, unless prolonged bv a vote of two-thirds of each branch thereof ' 4. Xo person bolding any military enmmis- sion, or other appointment, having any emol ument «- compensation annexed thereto, un vote of two-thirds of - tlie House from which he is expelled. 3. Each House may punish, by imprison ment not extending beyond the session, any person not a member, who shall be guilty of ATTORNEYS. .and pleas ant to cat In four days after baking; it' i« easy of digestion, excellent for persons suffering from dys pepsia ; retains all the gluten, etarch and sugar contained in the flour, and therefore produces 1 lb. _____ , 1 13 r,L bread from 1 111. 4 nz. flour, whilst yeast pro- C OBB A JACKSON, Attorneys at Law, Maeon, dnees only 1 lb. 3 oz. of bread from 1 lb. 4 oz. of «R| ofllec opposite Post Olflen over, office ot j flour; thus obtaining about 27 lbs. more of bread l^AjttltogLThml -treet. j from a barrel of flour, which, with the saving of .... , ... r *- - I yeast, will about balance the cost of the Aznmen. Old; * BAS^.^Attomevji at Law, Macon, Ga.j Cjln ^ for , ny of 1h8 following recipes, and II WHOLESALE & RETAIL DRUGGI8TS, \macok, obohoia. j fete V'cnta in this State for the sate ..r i tablish jostice, insure domestic tranriu'ility .„ ,n 3tate ,<>r u,e ™ ,e of l and secure the blessing* of liberty to ouf- ■ “OF. MORRIS' AZl'JIEA. selves and oui posterity—aeknowlctlgingand invoking the guidance of Almighty God, the —■ author of all good Government, do ordain WtrOWDER, andeansaiely recommend 1 and establish this Constitution for the State nibiie for all that it claim* to be. Azn- of Georgia. ARTICLE I. DECLARATION OF RIlltlTs. 1. Protection to person and property is the duty of government. 2. Xo person shall Ik deprived of life, liberty, or property, except by tine process oflaw. B. The Writ of habeas corpus, shall not be suspended unless in case of rebellion, or inva sion, the public safety may require it. 4. A well rcgnlated.militia, being necessa ry to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be intringcd. o. Pcfcct freedom of religious sentiment, Ik and the same is hereby secured, and no inhabitant of this State, shall ever be molest ed in person or property, nor prohibited from holding anv public office or trust, on account of ins religious oj iniou. 0. Freeiutu of speech, and freedom of the press, are inherent elements of political lib erty. Bnt while every citizen may freely speak or write, or print on anv subject, he shall be responsible tor the abuse of the lib erty. 7. The right of the people to appeal to the courts, to petition government on all matters of, legitimate cognizance and peaceably to assemble for tbe consideration of anv matter ANiKJt ,V ANDKU8GN7 ittomeys at luw, of- others, was analyzed, and obtained the first prize, lice ou. Second street, up stairs, two doors , as the fittest and best Baking Vowdcr known. A cast ot Mr. X. C. Munroe s, Macon, «a ^ | tri , (] „ n , T u nP< . e , sar>% in or a e r to be satisfied. giv^ prompt'ailentTon to aM bit-Vm s's TOtriV-ted to ’ la<, ‘"s everywhere will be agreeably surpiUed.with ttirlrcarr. ; tie delicious productions. Tbit* excellent eompo- ; billon docs not contain u particle of Alum, Salw* - I—— . .. | ratii*, or any kind of deleterious drug: Irut I« X)cr- iSBKTS, Attorneys at Law. Office in Wash- j fleetly pure and healthy, and, asaculinary prepara- ov, rofflee , lion, Is infallible end iaval,table. At the Fair in ai A. NiSBKT. J. A. NISBET. J. T. NISBET. j Cincinnati, there were a number of Baking Pow- j of public concern shall never be iiupairtifi. eng 22 Wl-iini* _ j dm on exhibitionthe A/.umea, with several K Every person charged with an offense ' against the httvs of the State, shall have the privilege and benefit of counsel, shall be fur nished on demand with a copy of the accusa tion, and list of the witnesses on whose tes timony the charge against him is founded; shall have compulsory process to obtain the attendance of his own witnesses; shall be confronted with the witnesses testifying against him, and shall have a public and spee dy trial by an impartial jurv, as heretofore practiced in Georgia. . 8 - No person shall be put in jeopardv of life or liberty, more than once for the same offense, save on his or her own motion for a new trial after conviction, or in. case of mis trial. cast atig —) tan I SAAC HARDEMAN, attorney at law, Clhiton _ ' augl5::m* I dc P. WHITTLE, Atlorneya at 1-aw, (office IJ• .over PUync's Drug Stared next to Concert llall,) Maeon, Ga. b. N. WIUrrLE. P. B. WHITTLE octlt-Sm ch box.with lull in-tme- PIIYSICIANS AND DRDGGH4T8. U EMOYAI.—I)r. B. A. Wliitr now occupier two room* over the present post offiee, next door to |>r. f. If. Hall a office, where In- can l»c found night or day when not proftssionallv absent. n<-tl34!m ' h it. GEO. N. HOLMES, has removed liia office from Brown’* Hotel to the East side of Third K ’watj between Poplar and Pints—Wliere he ran found at all hours, unless professional I v absent. octU-tf n llSi s.MlTII re OWf N, d iu-e comer Walnut and -till streets, J)r. i irh.foot's old stand. PetJKhn D R. Vi. P. PARKER, office 2nd st., 3 doom be low old post office, up stales. Office hours, It to 10 o'clock, A. x., 3 to -1 r. M. Residence at Female College. . sept’JS-Sm* D K. I. I.. HARRIS tenders his professional sere vice* to the public. (Office on Second at rcct, over Knott llotvcs. scp!7-2m IJIIYSICIANS.—Dr. J. Emmett Blackslienr, of- L lice orcePaymi’a drug store, residence on ltigh street, near the asylum fortlie blind. ting 2U-:lm COKMIlUlIOy MERCUANTS. fEWETT A SNIDER, Wholesale Commis- f I alon .Merchants, and General Agents, Second street, between Cherry and Puphir, Macon, Ga.— Prompt personal attention given to all consign ment* of cotton, prodnre, manufacturesaud other article* of Merchandise. Orders and Consignments solicited from all parts of the country. Agents for several first class Insurance Couip.uiii-s. oetl.lhn* W A. HUFF, wholesale pniduec draler, eor- • tier Cherry aud Thlnl streets, under Rais- .ton's Hall. aug 23 lint A paper is given with < tion» for leaking “ AZUMEA ROLLS. AZUMEA BISCUIT, AZUMEA XOXPARFJL CAKE, AZUMEA JOHNNY CAKE, AZUMEA FRUIT CAKE, AZUMEA FtUM PUDDING. AZUMEA CINNAMON CAKE, AZUMEA CORN CAKE, AZUMEA DUMPLINGS, AZUMEA EGO CAKE. AZUMEA SPANISH BUN, AZUMEA SPONGE CAKE, AZUMEA CAKE WITHOUT EGGS. AZUMEA CUP CAKE, AZUMEA MILK BREAD, AZUMEA SPONGE GI.'toER CAKE. AZUMEA SILVERCAKE, AZUMEA CURRANT CAKE. AZUMEA POT PIE, AZUMEA PEARL CAKE. AZUMEA GOLD CAKE. AZUMEA LOAF BREAD, AZUMEA DOUGH NUTS, AZUMEA JUMBLES, AZUMEA LEMON CAKE, AzrEM.t is put up for the retail trade in 1-1 lb. cans, at 23 cts.. and in 1-2 lb. cans at 50 cents. JPAMILY GROCERIES.—N. A. Megratli, agent, i\ a few doors above Masonic Hall, Colton avc-; ~ ■oe, dealer in groceries, crockery and staple dry | '•lOU-Vi.nx. bishop. goods aug 2o-Sm • Liberal Discount Made to Wholesale Purchase vs. octl0-2m .1. H. ZEILIN & CO. JEWELERS. T> j. HARTLEY, WAtSIiMAKEK, late work 1 anun for Sidney B. Day, continues to repair Wulcitas at prevent lu the Fiord Ilonas Building, opposite Medical College, Mulberry street, oof-ini T AMES 8UPPLE, Watchmaker and Jeweller, Second street, two door* from the corner of Mulberry, keep* constantly a well selected assort ment of fine Gold and Silver Watches and Jewelry. Also, Watches and Jewelry carefully repaired by experienced workmen. sept29-3m W ATCHES and JEWELRY, at Chat. 8. Ban det’a, under the Telegraph Printing llonse corner Cherry and Second streets, Macon, Ga. % R. M. BISHOP &. CO., WHOLESALE GROCERS Xo. Main St., {a foe door* Mo a- Colombia Street, Cine in not i. sept 32-3m* WM. II. TISON. »VM. W. GORDON. TIS0N & G0SD0N, * «‘| Cotton Factors, Commission and FORWADIXG 3IERCHNTS, OG Buy Street, Savannah, Grorjin. ... O PEC1AL ATTENTION Trill be given to the sale ted on short notice and lacooil style. Terms rea- gd of Lumber, Rosin, Turpentine, Ac. Wc are soaahte ang2S ; again at onr old office, prepared for busincas. An * experience In thLv city of over seven years, and our undivided attention to all bn.iness entrusted, in- dnees ns to hope lor a continuance of the liberal patronage heretofore extended. oct29-3m MISCELLANEOUS. V f ACON DAILY TELEGRAPH Job Printing | it A Office. J»b work of every description exceu-1 G J. BLAKE, real estate agent, Macon. Ga. • Persons having houses for sale or rent, or persons wanting to rent house*; cannot be bet ter salted then by calling on me. From my long experience In the real estate business, I am better prepared to give satisfaction tlian any other i person ar the city. G. J. BLAKE. Macon. Ga., Sept. 19, lS&TtJanl-Bd T J. A D. LANE are now altering for .sale a • large lot of Sole and Upper Lratber. Also Train Oil by retail. Next door to Express ollbe, Maeon, G*. nov2-3m* !Pot ti sh. * CASKS POTASH COOKING SODA.' 20^o\fs Super-ear!>on!e of Soda, in cue ponn paper*. 96 Keg* do - do CANDLES. 75 BOXES STAR CANDLES, » - TALI.OW do WARREN’S CELEBRATED NEEDLES AND FISH HOOKS. AH DREW CLERK & 00., 4S MAIDEN LANE, N. Y., SOLE AGENTS AND IMPORTERS. UR formercnstomera v.ilI find a rednclion in gold price* of the Needle*, while, the quality is alwavs kept up to the highest standard known ! to English manufacturers. A.C. <fc Co., respectfully solicit atencwal of the mercantile relations bo long snd favorably esteemed i by their hoase. siq>t20-2m NoticeYo Cotton Shippers. [ T>-VRTI>S wishing to ship Cotton by the OcmuJ- j A gee rivdrat revteo*! ret* will find itto their in : tcrestto apply Immcdiatelr to the subscriber. novS-Ct* " E. A. WILCOX. I GRIEVE & HERTY; 10. No conviction shall work corruption of blood or general forfeiture of estate. 11. Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, 'nor pntel and unusual punishments inflicted. 12. The powers of the courts to punish for contempts shall be limited by legislative acts. IS. Legislative acts in violation of the constitution arc void, and the judiciary shall so deelanttlicra. 14. Ex post facto laws—laws impairing the obligation of contracts, and retroactive laws injuriously affecting anv right of the citizen, are prohibited. 13. Laws should have a general operation, and no general law affecting private rights shall be varied in a particular case by special legislation, except with the free consent, in writing, of all persons to be affected thereby; and no person being under a legal disability to contract, is capable of such free consent. 10. The power of taxation over the whole State shall be cxarcised by tlie General As sembly only to raise revenue for the support of government, to pay the public debt, to pro vide for the common defense, and for such other purposes as tlie Gcucral Assembly may be specially required or empowered to accom plish by this Constitution. But the General Assembly may, l.y statute, grant the power of taxation for designated purposes, with such limitations as they may deem expedient, to county authorities and municipal corpora tions, to Ik exercised within their several ter ritorial limits. 17. In cases of necessity, private ways mnv be granted upon just compensation being first paid; and with this exception private prop erty shall not bc-taken, save for public use, and then only on just compensation to be first provided and paid, unless there be a pressing, unforeseen necessity; in which event tire General Assembly shall make early provision for such compensation. ’ < 18. The right of tlie people to be secure in their persons, homes, paper* and efiects. against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall net be violated; and no warrant shall issue but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describ ing the place 6r places to Ik searched, and the person and things to be seized. 19. Tlie person of a debtor shall not be de tained in prison, after delivery for the benefit of his creditors of all his estate, not expressly exempted by law from levy and sale. 20. The Government of the United States having, as a war measure, proclaimed all slaves held or owned in this State, emanci pated from slavery, and having carried that proclamation into full practical effect, there shdll henceforth be, within the State of Geor gia, neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, save *3 a punishment tor crime, ’after legal conviction thereof;. J’cooVW, this acquies- , ocncc in the action of the Government ot tbe ■ United States, is not intended to operate ns a relinquishment, waiver, or cstopel of snch claim for compensation-of loss sustained by reason of the emancipation of his slaves, - as any citizen of Georgia may hereafter make upon the justice and magnanimity of that Government. 21. The enumeration of right herein con tained is a part of this Constitution, hut shall not be construed to deny to the people any inherent rights which they have hitherto en- joved. ARTICLE‘II. an SOAP. 50 BOXES COLGATE’S PALE FAMILY SOAP, I For sate low by MITCHELL * SMITHS, cavl-Sm Third Street. FOB SALE. Wholesale and Retail Druggists, MTLLEDGEVILLE. GA« NOTICE, 1STE W FIRM. (TWO and on,-half mile* north east of Zebulon, JL Pikeconniv, Ga., a track of three hundred acre* of land. One hundred and fifty acres In cul tivation, remainder well timbered. It is cunskl- ■ r«l onr ol the bes! improved places in the coun ty Fire; close Dwelling, seven rooms, six good Negro Cabins Kitchen, Smoke House, Ac. One ol the very bes*. GinHoiwes and Cotton Presses in the section, and almost new. Good Stables, Barns and Good Orchards and Fish rood*. Tbe place Is well watered, perfect It healthr, aud ddhmUf situated. Will be soidat a sacrifice, by early application to AOHN C. MANGHAM, On the place. - or 3. W. MANGHAM, i nov2-lm Griffin, Ga. '■pllE undersigned have this day formed sCopart- JL cership, for the transection of a General Com mission and Erockcragc Basin mb, under the style of BRYAN, HAP.TRIDGE & CO.I SAVANNAH, CEORGIA. We respectfully solicit the favors of cur friends aud the public. Strict attention.wilt be given to sale* or pore ha*.; of Cotton, Timber, Groceries, Real Estate, Stocks and Securities ot all kinds.— We trust that our varied experience will enable u» to give satisfaction. HENRY BRYAN. Successor to J. B.-van & Son. ALFRED L. HAKTRIDGE, Lain of Bank of Commerce. E. W. 8. NEFF, Late with W. Cllflord Neff, CinotanattL DOTl-fit* a ' SECTION 1. i i. Tlie Legislative, Executive aad Judicial j Departments shall be distinct: and each de- ! partment shall be confided to a separate body I of magistracy. No person, or collection of j persons, being of one department, shall ex ercise any power properly attached to either of the others, except in cases tierein expressly provided. 2. The legislative power shall be vjpstedin a General Assembly, which shall consist of a Senate and nouse of Representatives, the members whereof shall be elected and returns of the elections made in the manner now pre scribed bv law, (until changed by the Gener al Assembly) on the 15th day of November, in the present year, and biennially thereafter, on the first Wednesday of October, to serve until their successors shall beclected; but the General Assembly, may, by law, change the day of election. ■ 3. The first meeting of the General Asaem- blv," under tills Constitution, shall be en the firstMondav in Dec. next, after which, it shall meet annually on the first Thursday in Nov., or on such other day as the General Assem bly may prescribe. A majority of each House shall constitute a quorum to transact busi ness bnt a smaller number may adjourn from day to day and compel the attendance of_ its absent members, as each House may provide. No *ession of the General Assembly, after the first above mentioned, shall continue longer dor this itate or the United States, or cither I a contempt by any disorderly behavior in* its of them, (except Justices of the Inferior j presence; or* who, during the session, shall Court, Justices of the Peace, and officers of j threaten injury to the person or estate of anv the n.ilitia) nor any defaulter for pablic mon- j member, for any thing said or done in either ey, or for any legal taxes required of him, . House; or who shall assault or arrest any shall have a scat in either branch of the Gen eral Assembly; nor shall any Senator or Rep resentative, after his qualification as such, be elected by the General Assembly, or appoint ed by the Governor with the advice and con- witneaa going to or returning from, or who shall rescue, or attempt to rescue, any person arrested by either noose. 3. Tbe members of both houses shall be free from arrest during their attendance on sent of two-thirds of the Senate, to ohy office the General Assembly, and in going to and or appointment having any emolument or j returning therefrom,’except for treason, felo- oompenaation annexed thcreto.duringthe time j ny. or breach of the peace. And no member for which he shall have been elected \ shall be liable to answer in any other place, 5. No person convicted of any felony Ik- ! for anything spoken in debate in either fore any Court of this Slate, or of the United I House. States, shall Ik eligible to any office or ap-1 4. Each House shall keep a journal of its pointmont of honor, profit or trust, within | proceedings, and publish them - immediately thus Sttitr. until he shall have been pardoned, i after its adjournment. Tlie yeas and nays of ft. Ho person who is a collector or holder j their members on any question, shall, at* the of public money, shall Ik eligible to any of- j desire of one-fifth of the members present, be flee in this State, until the same is accounted i entered on the journals. The original jour- r -i !.i ----- -L- - - mils shall be preserved (after publication,) in the office of the Secretary of State; hut there shall Ik no other record thereof. 5. Every bill, before it shall pass, shall be read three times, and on three separate and distinct days in each House, unless in cases of actual invasion or insurrection. Nor shall any law or ordinance pass, which refers to more than one subject matter, or contains matter different from what is expressed in the title thereof 0: AU acts shall he signed by the Presi dent of the Senate and Speaker of the House of Representatives; aiid no bill, ordinance, or resolution, intended to have the effect of law, which shall have been rejected by either House, shall be again proposed under tlie for and paid into the treasury. SECTION 2. There shall Ik forty-four Senatorial Dis tricts in the State of Georgia, each composed of three contiguous comities, from each of which districts one Senator shall be enosen, until otherwise arranged as hereinafter pro vided. The said Districts shall be constituted of counties as follows: The First District, ot Chatham, Bryan and Effingham. The Second, of Liberty, Tatnall and Mc Intosh. The Third, of Wayne, Pierce and Appling. The Fourth, of Glynn, Camden and Charl ton. The Fifth, of Coffee, Ware and Clinch. The Sixth, of Echols, Lowndes and Berri en. The Seventh, of Brooks, Thomas and Col quitt. The Eight, of Decatur, Mitchell and Miller. The Ninth, of Early, Calhoun and Baker. The Tenth, of Dougherty, Lee and Worth. The Eleventh, of Clav, Randolph aad Ter rell. The Twelfth, of Stewart, Webster and Quit- man. The Thirteenth, of Sumter, Schley and Macon. The Fourteenth, of Dooly, Wilcox and Pulaski. The Fifteenth, of Montgomery, Telfair and Irwin. The Sixteenth, of Laurens, Johnson and Emanuel. The Seventeenth, of Bulloch, Scriven aud Burke. The Eighteenth, of Richmond, Glasscock and Jefferson. 'The Nineteenth, of Taliaferro, Warren and Greene. The Twentieth, of Baldwin, Hancock and Washington. The Twenty-First, of Twiggs, Wilkinson and Jones. The Twenty-Second, of Bibb, Monroe and Pike. The Twenty-Third, of Houston, Crawford and Taylor. The Twenty-Fourth, of Marion, Chattahoo chee and Muscogee. The Twenty-Fifth, of Harris, Upson, and Talbot. The Twenty-Sixth, of Spalding, Butts and Fayette. * The Twenty-Seventh, of Newton, Walton and Clark. ", The Twenty-T^ghth, of Jasper, Putnam and Morgan. The Twenty-Ninth, of Wilkes, Lincoln and Columbia. The Thirtieth, of Oglethorpe, Madison and Elbert. The Thirty-Fiist, of Hart, Franklin j and Habersliam. J The Thirty-Second, of White, Lumpkin and Dawson. The Thirty-Third, of Hall, Banks and Jackson.* The Thirty-Fourth, of Gwinnett, DeKalb and Henry. The Thirty-Fifth, of C’lavton. Fulton and Cobb. Tbe Thirty-Sixth, of Meriwether, Coweta and Campbell. The Thirty-Seventh, of Tronp, Heard and Carroll." The, Thirty-Eighth, of Haralson, Polk and Paulding. The Thirty-Ninth, nt Cherokee, Milton and Forsyth. The Fortieth, of Union, Towns and Kabnn. The Forty-First, of Fannin, Gilmer and Pickens. - . The Forty-Second, of Bnrtmv. .Floyd and Chattooga. The Forty-Third, of Murray. Whitfield and Chattooga. . The Forty-Fourth, of Walker, Dade and Catoosa. If a new county be established, it shall be added to a fdistrict which it adjoins. The Senatorial districts may be changed by the General Assembly, but only at the first session after the taking of each census by the United States Government, and their number shall never he increased. 3. No person shall be a Senator who shall not have attained to the ago of twenty-five, years, and be a citizen of the United States, and have been for three years an inhabitant of this State, and for one year a resident of the district from which he is chosen. 3. the presiding officer shall be styled the President of the Senate, and shall be elected tivtt tom from their own body. 4. The Senate shall have the sole power to try all impeachments. When sitting for that pun>03e, they shall be on oath or affirmation, and no person shall be convicted without the concurrence of two-thirds of the members present Judgement, in cases, of impeach ment shall not extend further than removal fi;om offiee, and disqualification to hold and enjoy any office of honor, profit, or trust, within this State; but the party convicted shall, nevertheless, he liable and subject to indictment trial, judgment and punishment according to law. section 3. 1. The House of Representatives shall Ik composed as follows; The thirty-seven coun ties having the largest Representative popu lation, shall have two Representatives each. Everv other countv shall have one Represen tative. The designation of the counties hay-f ARTICLE III. ing two Representatives shall be made by | section 1 th2 General Assembly immediately after the , section 1 taking of each census. > The executive power sirall be vested in O ^' 0 Aerson shall be a Representative wlio f a Governor, the first of whom under this shall not have attained to the age of twenty-1 Constitution, shall hold the office from the one years, and be a citizen of the United * Sm * «f M« tiuiwnniian •* hrlaamoSJoJ of two-thirds of the House, by which the same was rejected. 7. Neither House shall adjourn for more than three days, norto any otuer place, with out the consent of the otner; ana in case of disagreement between the two Houses, on a question of adjournment, the Governor may adjourn them. 8. Every Senator and Representative, be fore taking bis seat, sliall taKe an until or af firmation to support tue Constitution of the United States aud of this State; and also, tfiat he hath not practiced any unluwtul means, eitucr directly or indirectly, to pro cure his election. Aud every person convic ted of having given or offered a bribe, shall be disqualified trout serving as a member of either House for the term lor which he was elected. 9. Whenever this Constitution requires an act to be passed by two-tuirds of botii Houses, the yeas and nays on the ^passage thereof, shall be entered on the journals of cacti. section 5. 1. The General Assembly shall have power to make all laws and ordinances consistent with this Constitution, and not repugnant to the Constitution of.the United States, which they shall deem necessary and proper for the welfare of the State. 2. They may alter the boundaries of coun ties, and establish new counties; but every bill to establish a new county shall be passed by at least two-thirds of the members present in each branch of the General Assembly. 3. The General Assembly shall have power to appropriate money for ’the promotion of learning and science, and to provide for the education of the people; and shall provide for the early resumption of the regular exer cises of the University of Georgia, by theifde- qunte endowment of the same. 4. The General Assembly shall have power, by a vote of two-thirds of each branch, to grant pardons in cases of final conviction for treason, and to pardon or commute after final conviction in capital cases. 3. It shall be the duty of the General As sembly, at its next session, and thereafter as the public welfare may require, to provide by law for the government of free persons of color; for the protection and security of their persons and property, guarding them and the State against any evil that may arise from tbcij sudden emancipation, and prescribing in what cases their testimony shall be admit ted in the courts; for the regulation of their transactions with citizens; for the legalizing of their exisiting, and the contracting and solemnization of their future marital relations, and connected therewith their rights of in heritance and testamentary capacity; and for the regulation or prohibition of their emigra tion into this State from other States of the Uuion, or elsewhere. And further, it shall be the duty of the General Assembly to -confer jurisdiction upon courts now existing, or to create county courts with jurisdiction in criminal cases excepted from the exclusive jurisdiction of the Superior Court, and in civil cases whereto free persons of color may be parties. section 6. 1. The General Assembly shall have no power to grant corporate powers and privi leges to private companies, except to bank ing, insurance, railroad, canal, plank road, navigation, mining, express, lumber, manu facturing, and telegraph companies; nor to make or change election precincts; nor to es tablish bridges and ferries; nor to change names, or legitimate children; bnt shall by law prescribe the manner in which such power shall be exercised by the courts. But no bank charter shall be granted or extended, and no act passed authorizing the suspension of specie payment bj{ any chartered, bank, except by 8 vote of two-thirds of each branch of the General Assembly. 2. No mbney shall be Irawn from the Treas ury of this State, except by appropriation by lair; and a regular statement and account of the receipt and expenditure of all public money shall Ik published from time to time. 3. No vote, resolution, law or order shall pass, granting a donation or gratuity in favor of any person, except by the concurrence of two-thirds of the General Assembly. 4. No law shall be passed by wuich a citi zen shall be compelled, directly or indirectly, to become a stockholder in, or contribute to a railroad, or other work of internal improve ment, without his consent, except the inhabi tants of a corporate town or city. This pro vision shall not be construed to deny the power of taxation for the purpose of making levees or dam3 to prevent the overflow ot rivers. tionsinthe several counties of this’ State, in f or t j lc _ or citb ,, r . the manner prescribed for the election of members to the General Assembly. Tho re turns for every election of Governor shall be sealed up by the managers, separately from other returns, aud directed to the President of the Senate and Speaker of the House of Representatives; and transmitted to the Gov ernor, or the person exercising the duties of Governor for the time being; who shall, with out opening the said returns,’cause the same to be laid before the Senate, on the day after the two houses shall have been organized; and they shall be transmitted by the Sqnatc to the House of Representatives! The mem bers ot each branch of the General Assimbly shall convene in the Representative chnmlKr, .and the President of the Senate, and the Speaker of the nouse of Representatives, shall ppen and pnhlish the returns in thepres- cncc of the General Assembly; and the per son having the majority of the whole num- lier of votes given in, shall be declared dnlv elected Governor of this State; Imt H no person have such majority, then from the two persons haring ilie liighest number of votes, who shall be in life, and shall not de cline an election at the time appointed for tho Legislature to elect a Governor rim race; anil in nil cases of election of a Governor by the General Assembly, a majority of the votes of the members present shall be necessary for a choice. Contested elections shall be* de termined by both Houses of the General As sembly, inaueh manner as shall Ik prescribed by law. 3. No person shall be eligible to the office of Governor who shall nothurc been a citizen of the United States twelve years, and an in habitant of this State six years, and who hath not attained the ago of thirty years. 4. In case of the death, resignation, or dis ability of tlie Governor, the President of tlie Senate shall exercise tlie executive powers of tel*#* nfres«o*nm «,..*!! ... _ 1- _ ‘.92 .1.1 If * I same or any other title, without the consent" ’ tllc government until such a disability be re states and have been for three years in in habitant of tbe State, and for one year t resi dent of the county which he represents! time of his inauguration as by law provided, until the election and qualification of his successor. Each Governor subsequently elect ed shall hold the office for two years and un 3. The presiding officer of the Hosse of til his successor shaft be elcctedand qualified, Representatives shall be styled the Speaker, and shall be elected eitn core from their own oodv. . ; 4. They shall have the sole power to in- pcach all persons who have ormay be in offite. 5. All bills for raising revenue or appro priating, shall originate in the House of Representatives; but the Senate may propose or concur in amendments, as in other bills. SECTION 4. 1. Each House shall be the judge of elec tion returns and qualifications of its own. members; and shall have power to punish them for disorderly behavior or misconduct, by censure, fine, imprisonment or expulsion; but no member shall be expelled except by a and shall not be eligible to election after the expiration of a second term for the period of four years. He shall have a competent salary, whieff shall not be increased nor dirainishe’d during the time tor which he shall have been elected; neither shall he receive ■within that time any other emolument from the United States, or either of them, nor from any foreign power. 2. The Governor shall be elected by the persons qualified to vote for memb Ta of the General AasemblV, on the fifteenth day November, in the ye ir eighteen hundred and sixty-five, and bien dally thereafter, on the first" Wednesday of October, until such time be altered by law, which election shall be held at the {daces of holding general elec- moved, or a successor is elected and qualified. And in ease of the death, resignation, or dis ability of the President of the Senate, the Speaker of the House of Representatives shall exercise the executive power of the gov ernment until toe removal of the disability or tlie election and qualification of a Govern- Tlie Governor shall, before ho enters on tho duties of his office, take the following oath or affirmation: “ I do solemnly swear or attirm (as the case may be) that 1 will faith fully execute the olliee of Governor of the State of Georgia; and will, to the best of my abilities, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution thereof, and of the Constitu tion of tire United States of America.” SECTION 2. 1. The Governor shall ho Coutmauder-iu- Chicf of the army and navy of this State, and of tlie militia thereof. 2. He suall Uave the power to grant re prieves for offenses against the State, except in cases of Impeachment, and to grant par dons, or to remit any part of a sentence, in all cases after conviction, except for treason, murder, or other capital oifenscs in which cases he may respite the execution, and make report thereof to the next General Assembly. 3. He shall issue writs of elections to fill vacancies that happen in the Senate or House of Representative, and shall have power to convene the General assembly ou extraordi nary occasions; and shall give them, from time to time, information of the state of the republic, and recommend to their considera tion such measures as he may deem necessary and expedient. 4. AVuen any office shall become vacant by death, resignation, or otherwise, the Governor shall have power to fill such vacancy unless otherwise provided for by law; and persons so appointed shall continue in office until a suc cessor is appointed agreeably to the mode pointed out by this Constitution, or bv law in pursuance thereof. 5. A person once rejected by the Senate shall not be reappointed by the Governor to the same office during the same session or tlie recess thereafter. C. The Governor shall have tho revision of all bills passed by both houses, before the same shall become laws, but two-thirds of each House may pass a law notwithstand his dis sent; and if any bill should not be returned by the Governor within five days (Sundays excepted) after it has been presented to him, the same shall be law, unless the General As sembly, by their adjournment, shall prevent its return. He may approve anv appropria- and disapprove any other appropriation tion in the same bill, and the latter shall not be effectual unless passed by two-thirds of each House. 7. Every vol e, resolution, or order, to which tho concurrence of both Houses may be neces sary, except on a question' of election or ad journment, shall be presented to the Govern or; and before it shall take effect, be it ap- approved by him, or being disapproved, shall be reparsed by two-thirds of each House, ac cording to the.rules and limitation prescribed in ease of a Ijill. 8. There shall l>e a Secretary of State, a Comptroller General, a Treasurer, and Sur veyor-General, elected by the General Assem bly, and they shall hold their offices for the like period as the Governor, and shall have a competent salary, which shall not be increas ed or diminished during the period for which they shall have been elected. Tlie Genera! Assembly may at any time consolidate any two of these offices, and require all the duties to be discharged by one officer. 9. The great seal of the State shall be de posited in the office of Secretary of State, and shall not he affixed to any instrument of writ ing, but by order of the Governor or General Assembly, and that used previously to the year 1801, shall be the great seal of the State. ARTICLE IV. section 1. 1. The Judicial powers of this State shall ho vested in a Supreme Court for the correc tion of errors, a Superior, Inferior, Ordinary, and Justices Court', and in such other Courts as have been, or may be, established by law, 2. The Supreme Court shall consist of three Judges, who shall be elected by the General Assembly, for snch term of years—not less than six—as shall be prescribed by law, and shall continue in office until their successors shall be elected and qualified; removable by the Governor on the address of two-tliirds o’f each branch of the Genera! Assembly, or by impeachment and conviction thcron. 3. The said Chart shall have no original jurisdiction, but shall be a Court alone for the trial and correction of errors in law and equity from the Superior Court3 of the sever al Circuits, and from the City Courts of the cities of Savannah and Augusta, and such other like Courts as may be hereafter establish ed in other cities; and shall sit “at the Seat of Government" at such time. or times in each year, as tlie General Assembly shall pre scribe, for the trial and determination of writs of error from said courts. • , ■4. The said Court shall dispose of and final-! January last, but who have notreceivcdl ly determine every case on the docket of such j “ mmlfsIOU who have not res.gncd, nor ■ first or second term after sneb been unloved from office, and whose terms of nrit of error brought; and in case the plain- j ?,® co 3ba !* no £ e f. p;rcf j’ s J' a . 11 contlu ®. 5n tiff in error shall not be prepared at the first 5? CX T‘^ °^ be d ““? s - of tbe . ir . respective term of such Court, after error brought, to ; offices dunD " thc t of the Gc l to Decern' ill Art to i dc and the i semtflyalso aforesaid. 1 ten, altering, i to anv (•ortii’i ■ latter ou them may few j n:l iKeu appointed or elected, from the Circuits 1 1 to Dei in which they are to terve, by a majority ! entitled "An A votcoftlie people of the Circuit qualified to niakc force, i vote for memliors of tho General -l«;cmMy. 1 fftfe J law* for the term of four years—vacancies to fclatedLy imh. filled ns is provided by the laws of force pri-1 R" re i. ml or to January 1st, 180i—ami shall continue in office until their successors shall be elected and qualified; removable by the Governor on j the address of two-thirds oYcach branch of! the General Assembly or by impeachment and I conviction thereon. 2. The Superior Court shall have exclusive jurisdiction in all cases of divorce, both total I and partial; but no total divorce shall granted except on the concurrent verdict! two special juries. In each divorce case, the | Court shall regulate the rights and di«abi!i-1 tics of the parties. vase °* conn 3. The Superior Courts shall also hare ex- fit 1 ' 1 ' elusive jurisdiction in ail criminal case*, ex- i statute law cept as relates to fines for neglect of dnlv. i B> r < contempts of court, violation of road lawv. i n °t «l' r obstruction of water courses, ntid in all other I * c nt with minor offenses wlileh do noi subject the offcn-J therein; e:\-cpt *• i dcr or offender* to loss of life, limit or mcm-1 as mar vlob/.v the j bcr. or to confinement in the penitentiary; j n >red, or ti:\v , nffn jurisdiction of all such cases shall be treated j P* u: > ‘ b 1 in such comity or corporation courts, or such ! bl - ll . ' ,n . rl Ti other courts, judicatures or tribunals ns now j !ti exist, or may hereafter be constituted, under j *»>' future such rules and regulations as the Legislature *>* 5° ll 'l may have directed, or may hereafter by law ' direct, 4. All criminal cases shall be tried in the county where the crime was committed, ex cept in cases where a jury cannot be ob tained. 5. The Superior Court shall have exclusive jurisdiction in all rases respecting titles to "land, which shall be tried in the county where tlie land lies; and also in all equity causes which shall be tried in the county where one or more of the defendants reside, against whom substantial relief is prayed. fi! It shall have appellate jurisdiction in all such cases as may be provided by law. 7. It shall have power to correct error* in inferior judicatories by writ of certiorari, and to grant new trials in the Superior Court on proper and legal grounds. 8. It, shall have power to issue writs of mandamus, prohibition, scire facias, and all other writs which may be necessary for car rying its powers fully into effect. ' 9. The Superior Court shall have jurisdic tion in all other civil cases, and in them the General Assembly may give concurrent juris diction to the Inferior Court, or such other county courts as they may hereafter create, I person or ]> r i - wbich cases shall be tried in the county where JtZfe or in any fiducii the defendant resides.' ’ in virtue of mi;, act a 10. In cases of joint obligors, or joint pro- i or °‘ “I judgment, minors or copartners, or joint trespassers re- ■ )' r Proceedi siding in different counties, the suit may be ; junadiction :n tins Si brought in eithcrcounty. ' ; of January. A. D. ey 11. In case of a maker and endorser, or cu- •'hall be inlu dorsers of promissory notes residing in differ- before which tin y m ent counties in this State, the same may be j tl0n > _un!c?i attacked sued in tlie county where the maker resides. 1 he marr 12. The Superior Court shall sit in each persons and persons o; county not less than twice iu every year, at ■ ever prohibited, and ! such stated times as have been or may be np- nub a,u ‘ void; and it pointed by the General Assembly, and tbe General Assembly to Inferior and County Court at such times as i ishment ol any oitieei the General Assembly may direct SECTION 3. iu this third t of this fifth ai in declared of ft. occurs before i hereby amended "United** for fif 0. Local and pr passed intending *■''■ cities,t owns, corp not inconsistent with this Constit cr expired by tbi repealed, shall b subject to judicial ity when enacted imposed bv their < 7. AU ju 1,- n e other priKecdi this State heretofore)! of their several j fled and affirmed, su‘ future reversal, fr peal, bill of revie" conformity with tbe i{ were made. ft All right.,. ,dv which mav have issue a lieen.'e for tbe < riuge, or nny officer i who shall marrv such i 10. All mililia and i elected l;y the people is have been or may i 11. This Coustiiatin amended only by a t purpose 1 Assembly. Come a1 ! THOSE NAVY CAPS I Fi HAVE , to gell ■ 1. The judges shall have salaries adequate to their services fixed by law, which shall not ! be diminished nor increased during their continuance in office; but shall not receive J any other perquisites or emoluments whatev-1 ( or* from parties or others, on account of any : ;a j| C( | f ( , r duty required of them. 2. There shall be a State’s Attorney and Solicitors elected in the same manner as the Judges of the Superior Court, and commis sioned by the Governor, who shall hold their offices for the terra of four years, or until their successors shall be appointed and quali fied, unless removed by sentence on impeach-, inent, or by the Governor, on the address of j two-thirds of each branch of the General As- mbly. They shall have salaries adequate to their services fixed by law, which'shall not be increased or diminished during their con- tinuance in office. The Justice or Justices of tlie Inferior Court, and the Judge of such other County Court as may by law be created, shall be elected in each county by the persons . enti-1 tied to vote for members of the General As sembly. 4. The Justices of the Peace shall be elect ed in each district by the persons entitled to ! vote for members of the General Assembly. -- 5. The powers of a Court of Ordinary and of Probnte, shall be vested in an Ordinary for each county, from whoso decisions there ■ may bo an appeal to the Superior Court, nn-! Darioll and der regulations prescribed by law. Tbe Or dinary shall be «• oflcio clerk of said Court, and may appoint a deputy clerk. The Ordinary, as clerk, or his deputy, may issue citations, and grant temporary letters of ad ministration, to hold until permanent letteis are granted; and said Ordinary,as clerk, or his Bi!! deputy, may grant marriage licenses. The Ordinaries in and for the respective counties shall Ik elected, as other county officers arc, on tho first 'Wednesday in January, 1868, and every fourth year thereafter, and shall be commissioned by the Governor for the term of four years. In case of any vacancy of said office ot Ordinary, from any cause, the same shall be filled by election, os is provided in rebtion to other county officers, and until the same is filled, tbe clerk of the Superior Court for the time being, shall act as clerk of said Court of Ordinarv. ARTICLE V. To 2SJ err L The electors of members of tho General Assembly shall be free white male citizens of this State, and shall have attaind the age of twenty-one years, and have paid all taxes which may have been required of them, and which they have had an opportunity of pay ing agreeable to law, for the year preceding the election, shall be citizens of the United States, and shall havercsided six months cith- erin the district or county, and two years within tliis State, and no person who is not qualified to vote for members of the General Assembly, shall hold any office in this State. 2. All elections by the general assembly shall be vita toee and the Tote shall always ap pear on the journal house of representatives, and where the senate and house of represen tatives unite for the purpose of electing, they shall meet in the Representative chamber, and the President of the Senate shall in snch cases preside and declare the person or per sons elected. _ r~. ■ 3. In all elections by the people the electors shall vote by ballot until the General Assem bly shall otherwise direct, 4. All civil officers heretofore commissioned by tlie Governor, or who have been duly ap- I pointed, or elected, since the first day of their i periods for which thev were Tbe completion of tbe Rail Ru.itl to llav.kinwlllc, able condition of the Ocnmj thL the cheapest and ooijc no-! of Macon s;,S C i of Lading will be Atl accommodation* < made fo font : rd freight citlj rateb. MCaere. Brigham. Bald* Messrs. Nightingale ,fc Hn Ayrci, a* Macon, will act *» , GEO. II. novl-lm Unggienmd J amil} . FROM CONCORD ANI AA7F. will roon here a :-u YY Family Waaona and *t CONCORD AND BKATTt this market, ralbdactioQ to all parch*.■ work not made exprenlj from a distance can eddr* W. C. 8inglctou), or at ] ocl7-ilm McDi For Liverpool SHIP V I R •j^OW loading at Cotton. Frcijrlii (flwitefctti of om p«Dca i^efl Holders of Cottoi: wiiUnr t( OfpRMttUvifMfllMflH derailed lor shipment. MAUDE & WHIG Will make liberal eastlttdTan also. Insure from An^u«ta tc cent.* and from Savaniiiii to eighths. nor 3-Gt M 80UR KROXJT! i0C : : as herein f>jnw<fcj£u , tion. withhold its judgment until the” termJ ■ of £ enerai operation now of force, ext after the argument fhercni ’ I ia * bls State, are, 1st. as the supreme law, the 0 re ° n " i Constitution of the United States; the laws of 1 n,, U , , *’ (the United States in pursuance thereof, and i , ir vl 63 ?' the Superior Court shall all treaties made under the authority of the i ONIONS AND IBIS!, Western Reserve i English. Dairy MACKEREL IN BARREI Fine lot of SOLE LEj ARIOUS OTHER RECEIVED. AND FOR] r7-4t NEWTOif Wood, Wo be elected on the first Wednesday in January, United States; 2nd. as next in authority there-1 'PARTIES wishing to parch*** G^m„ib^,?w tUre , ahal1 otherwise direct, to, this Constitution; 3rd, in subordination to I ^ oad ' " i!l Co tmmedi . before the expiration of the term the foregoing, all laws declared of force by I ^ Joanna A Me«cng« ’ ■*