The Macon daily telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1865-1869, December 17, 1865, Image 1

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mr J ■*-* «» MV gjjt ftlanm Dnilq ^'rlrgraplj- J. R. SNEED] I 8 - BOYKIN. EDITOR*. teleor'aph buildiimo frnrnnr of Chatty end Seednfi Stie* MACGX, OEOIAIA. CITY BUSINESS CARDS. ATTORNEYS. lOSB h JACKSON.' AUonere itU», Macon, / 0» . nfflci nppoatta r«t Oo« ««, ®*»c« of E. A. Wilcox, Thirl itmt. nral-ara* •OWSU.COM. UX«IJ*CtK« H OLT * BASS, iltinwrut U», JUeos, £«., Uflcn oxer Mix * Klrtland's .tore. WUi Eire prompt aUMllos to *11 trains*. entreated to T. O.tioLT, JR. ortM ' ' * r. WHITTLE. Attonejs st Low (o«c I. over P.jror'i Ong State, »ext to Concer f. B. WHITTLE. PHYSICIANS AND DRlGfHSTS. R EMOVAL—Dr. B. a. Whit* mow oecsples two ruocao oxer the present poet offlee. next 4oor to Dr. C. H. Heir* oBce, where he era be foood nlrht or day when not professional! J obeenL •CI1HB D R. GEO. N. HOLMES, U* removed Me office from Brawn'. Hotel to the Eut aide of Third street, between ropier end 11 am—where be era bo foood el .11 boon, Salem profcmlotull; absent. •ctX-tf D " RS. SMITH A'OWEN.'ofike corner"IVMaat rad 4lb streets, Dr. Llsbtfoot't old .Uod. R. C. J. BOOSEVELT, (HomoeopethUt). 1 Office Mulberry at., Wa*hlo»tMi Block, oxer M. Boordmu'e Book Store. KreMetie* po ft amp Ttoipal slrreL BOTdl'Im*’ D J. L. Walnut, soar Third .trecL R. w7r. "TARE EIt-rcAden«e and offlce on Mulberry itntt, (oppoaita the Medical Col late,) where be may bo foood at all hours, def end ofi»t- »"* . VAR. L L. HARRIS Under* hi. pr U xleos to the public. (OBle* ua Second street, orcrKoott A Haro. -pl74 - COMMISSION MERCHANTS. TEWETT A SNIDE*. Wholesale 4 f J .loo Mur ban u, rad General Agent*. „ atreet, between Cbury and Poplar, Macon, Go— Prompt puooaal attention *ir« to ell eonelrn- menu cf ootton, pradora, mranfecutre* rad other orttefm of Merchandise. Order* and Conalfnmente aollcltcd from all porta ef the country. AffenU for exrerel diet elect Imorance Compemc*. «ctl.3ta« JEWELERS. T If. OTTO.—Wbolenale and retail dealer In rj • Wotcbce, Jewelry, Welch Materials, Gold Perm, Gold, Surer rad Steel Spectacles, Ac. At Iheofcd eland of J U A S B Vlrjfn, Colton Arrant Ms-ion, <1 a. Watchm, Clock* end Jewelry, rri-alrad end warranted. Sewing Machine* of all deoerlp- tloos put la order, to which Mr. P Hertefl wtll at- lend. noriKBnit P j7 HARTLEY, WATCH MAE EE, late work emu fbrStdaey K. Day, eonllaoc. to repair Watch.* st present In the Ilnyd Hone* Bnlldloy, opposite Medical Oelleje, Mulberry ttrmL KtMn TAMES SUPPLE, Watchmaker and Jeweller, f J Second .treat, two door, from th. corner of Mulberry, keept cootlenlly a well .circled assort- man: of line (.old end SUrer Watchc* end Jewelry. Also, Welches end Jewelry carefully repaired by • rperisasod ■workmen. »eptU$-$ra MISCELLANEOUS. M ACGN DAILY TELEGRAPH Job Printing „ Office. Jsb work of tTcry description «xceu- oo short notioe and in good ctjle. Terms rss- jti.tblfp ( J. BLAKE,' real eeutc svent, Macon, (is. V Persona having htrutca for tele or rent, or persons wanting to rent house*, cannot be bet ter railed than l.y calling on me. Prom my Ioor axparieeco In the estate business, I era baiter nruuarinl to glx* satisfaction than ray other person In the city. G. J- BLAKE Macao, Go, Bept. 19,18C5-tjanl Cg _ t i J. AD. LANK nr* now offering for sale a * lam lot of Sole and Upper Luther. Also, Train Oil by retail. Next door to Exprem offlee, Macon. Q*. Important tojeachers Brownwoi)d Institute THE MACON DAILY TELEGRAPH. OLD SERIES, NO. 1396.! MACON, GEORGIA, SUNDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1865. (NEW SERIES, NO; ECONOMY] [SECURITY Insurance _A_gency. J V. BOARDMAN 1* Agent far the following e reliable lncxaxcl toxruro. THE LURILLAKB EIRE INSURANCE CO., or xax citt or aw toes. Cash Capital. *1,000,000 Profits eanoellj divided, n per cL to tbs dealer*. Tbl* Company divide* three quarters of th* net profit* to the policy bolder* In cerip, tearing In terest, wltboet sax liability to the Insured. CARLISLE NORWOOD, Pre*. Jon* C. Miue, Sec. NORTH AMERICA FIP.E INSURANCE CO., or mi cm or an loxx. Cert Assets „..*m,CfiS*» Poflcy Holders pertlclpaU to Ue gajtu.^ R. W. Blxxcux, Sac. COMMONWEALTH PIP.E INSURANCE COL, or too cm or saw took. Cash Chpftai y *30,000 J. HOXIE, Prealdeet. Gao. T. Hew*, Sec. SOUTHERN MUTUAL TIRE INSURANCE COL, or man, oaoxo re. This old aad *xsxxvam.T rorcua Company, with 1U Capital la tact, continues to take rises on the mm* liberal term* as heretofore. A8BURT HALL, Tree. A i. no* Crura, Sec. THE GEORGIA HOMeTTrE INSURANCE CO., or COLUMBUS, GSOXQU. CepHat...: ....*500,000 JAS. F. BOZEMAN, Pre*. D. 7. Wilcox, Sec. Risk* on Cottom, Merchandise, Poroltors or Bnildlags, taken la cither of the abort Companies at the moat liberal rate*. Losses promptly ad justed. ocCOSa J. M. BOARDMAN, Agent a G. CONNER A BRO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, t he, MAMMOTH DRY GOODS STORE! Latest Arrivals from the East, T HE oadweienod. old citiseos of Macoo. teg leave in iASlsr oor old Soothern friend* of this city and vicinity, that, haxingreceired a vary large lot of DRT GOOB&—couasetiag ta Lo gin.' Fancy Drme Goode of ell dmenptjons, Black acd Fancy 1Silk*. * Urge aa*ortm«nt ofNoii-u. and Lxdi.,' Drew sad tWk Trimming* In g«benl; fine White JJaca U Urge qoenUUee; a good line of flhe French and EoglUi Shawls; the Iaiect •trie ef FUia and Fancy Balmoral Skirt*; Ladle** Traveling Bag*, all atjlee and ftiaea; Ladiee* and Ui*aea’ Ve*U and fuu; and a foil line of LadW Shoce—larger than aar other bosae in Ifacon. We are also in receipt of a very Urge and well •elected stock of GeaU* Ready-made Clothing, *uch as fine black Broadcloth Costs, black Doeskin Facta, Plain and Fancy Silk. Vc4t*.Ca**ImereSaiU. eearve Satinet Snltat m rcguUr line ef. GemU 1 PnrnUhiag Goods not sorpaMable la New York City. We are eflerUr to the pnblie to sell all goods with a very *mail advance, and, in fact, lower than any h*?***^ in Mw. * *- etaading in connection with a large wholeaale Jobbing honse la the Eeit, we can, therefore, give the above iadacementa. We would, la conclusion, further call attention to oor large aad elegant supply of Goods, which were .elected with great care by onnelrea; and onr long experienc* m this market has qualified a* U Judge o» to the wants, ef the purchasing com munity. The patronage of all onr old frienda, as wall aa rnaay of onr sew one*, la repcctfnlly .elic ited- Purchasers thonld be particular to find onr ptaca—Dxmonr’a Block, Second .tract, three door, from Board man's Book 8 tore. P. S.—Country merchant* will find it to their advantage to give ns x call. oetiso GLASER AR03IN SAMUEL D. ERVIN, Aiemnr sv Lr*t % DmvW *-* i *9 ltw- ATTORNEY AT LAW, ALBAYCY. GEORGIA. Real Estate Agent fer BanthwcaUrn Gearria. Prompt attention give* to all bnainea* entreated to his care* boiIMt PURCHASING AGENTS, Third street, .... Macon, Georgia. TTTE offer onr services to the public, and will YY give personal attention t« all baislncaa treated to n*. We solicit consigomcnU of goods of every de scription, particularly country produce. Good* stored at the caul rate* in our Urge, se cure and well situated store house, opposite the Express oflics. “j^ B - Ko “’* . J. W. Burks. T. 6. UIDOXLT. S. r. WASERf. M. X*. SQCUK. RIDGELY, SQUIER &CO., COTTON FACTORS, GENERAL PRODUCE AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS. Lanier Hons* Bnildlag, MACON, GEORGIA. jurxxxsCM: T. R. Bloom, E. Wilcox, Gee. J. T. Croxton, Macon.Ga. HolmM A Patteraon, Hopkina ABro. New fork. C. W. Bruner, Savannah. TackerA Co., LoulsTilit. tilffto VIRGINIA AND TENNESSEE LINE. rpnROUGH receipts gives by the Agents of the _L Southern Transportation Company at freight rate* to Baltimore rad New York, at guaranteed rat. pxr hundred pounds as per bale on Cotton, all packages should be stamped S. T. Co., to facilitate Traurportulion. Kata from New York to Macon *4,63 per hundred pound*. THURSTON R. BLOOM, Agt at Mason, Y. G. RUST, Agt. at Albany. poxVJ-Sm. School Book*. GO long radio favorably known to the public, O owing to the death of it* owner. War. Joiois, la new ofhrad tor tale. Exeiythlng considered, then la not a mora desirable school the Stele. With a .mail outlay f thine would he in readiness for _ School. Connected with It Is n fine Cabinet ol Minerals aad Llbranr. It la not quite n mile from the corporate 11 silt, of I-eUrangc—contains 45 ionld do veil'to and «eraU. tha property- Tor Ihrther >»—-^laGrang^ Go InG range. Pee. B, USA dec I8-d2m nngglcanntl Famllr Jcrocy Wagons, FROM CONCORD AND BRATTLEBORO. W E ertll toon have a inppiy of Buggies, Top Kainllr Wagons anil llerncee made to order etCONCORDAND BRATTI-KBORO, cxproaaly for this market, rad will warrant them to give entire ea tie faction to ell purchasers. We will sell no work not made expressly to our order. Thoae from • distance era address us at Macon (to care W. C. Singleton), or nt llawklnaxllle, Ga. ost7-5a MCDUFFIE, MASON A CO. SCOTT, POWELL & CO., BANKERS & BROKERS! 3d Street, MACON, GA. Dealers la Foreign and Domestic Exchange, Stocks, Bonds, Gold, Stlvsr, Bank Kotcs, Ae. «A1C SCOTT, C. X. SUTTIXO, X. IL rOWBU* noi2C-lra* METROPOLITAN HOTEL, LATE BROWNS, I7heAtnffton, D. C. TUa leading Hotel, Renovated rndR.loruiehod U now In perfect order (or th* reception rad i rommodetloo of Its oM patrons. netl-fim I WWU R'A^C'B Richard Curd, Agent* Security Ininntuc* Company, New Tort I S prepared to takefrieka on Cotton, Merc bandlse, ■ raraltnre or Bnlldlngs. Alsc on Cotton or Merchandise, In transit be tween Maconrad New York. dacISfit* | GANDER* S.Sargent'a.Towna' and MeCnffey'a se- rics of Headers. Robinson**,Smith's, Davie's and Dood's Aritlane- chooi property lo U pkHev's Ihstory. tor repairs, every- | MlteVU's, CorneU’e, Monleltli'a Colton and a first-class Il'gb Fitch's and Warren’s Geogrxpliiee and Atlaass*. . ... - - — - 1 Bullion's W. l~ KSOIT. Important to Cotton Skipper*. * n. wmiulit. | T HE Cotton Warehouse Incited in tlda plica ; .. h‘c m ^ ; WRIG-LEY & KNOTT, road, can shelter all cotton that may be ship* * from Maco" * T vi other points ou the South- ; western Railroad via Apalarhfeoto to New York.— : IMPORTERS .4.VD DEALERS V We will receive all cotto* consigned to us, at the , railroad depot, dray it, rad put It aboard or the bouts at ooe dollar per bale. Cotton shipper* upon investigation, will Sni . _ . ^ re ^to^Ltk d p^r>°e f *s Hardware and Cutlery, Clje §lailg Cclfgvap|. E. THE GEM. TV. THOMAS X CO., specttolly solicit orders for the purchase of cotton. Onr long experience in that lice wlU enable us to mike parehaeea to the beet advantage to those who favor us with their order*. j We have nowin operation a new Iron Screw R. G. MORRIS A CO., Georgetown. Kxraxixcne—Race A Seymour, J. W. Fean, Virgil Powers, Eeq., all aganu on B. W. R. R. aag 9-5m * N OTICE—Hack line to Perry. Hack irill leave Fort Valley on the arrival of the cars from Mieon every Tnosdiv roaraday rad Saturday for Perry, Ga., retnmlng In am. to connect with trains from Albany and Columbus—o'clock, P. M., ^oeSSm* IT. A GRIFFIN A CO. - COLLECTOR'S OFFICE, ) UuiTXD Stxtss Ixtxesai. Rovxxna, > 1st Division, 2d District. Georgia. ) Ml con, Dec. 5, 1855. Tha Assessor having returned to me* list of per sons aueased for Licence*, etc., for the counties of Bibb and Monroe, the parties are hereby notified that tha Ueenaa* are now ready for delivery, and that they are required to call or send fer them within ten days. J. C. McBURNEY, dec»-lOt Collector. FURS WANTED. I WILL pay for MinkSklns, prime, H cents, Opossum Skier, prime 25 cents, Coon 8klns, prime, 20 cents, Bearer, Otter, and Deer Skins according t* rai ls. N. K. BARNUH, Dealer in Dry Goods, Triangular Block, nov 2S-lm Jfaco*. NEW FIRM]" BUILDERS' HARDWARE. Mechanics’ Tools Of all klads. HOUSE FURNISHINGS. WILLOW WAKE. Buckets, Tubs, NEW STVLE MEAL SIFTERS, At Wholesale and Retail. Ralston's Range, Next to Express Office* MACON, GEORGIA SUNDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 17, 1865 KATES OF ADVERTISING AG&CEZ> CPON ST CITT PApCKS. For each square of ten lines or less, for the first insertion 91, and for each subsequent insertion 75 cents. One square, ons week 9 5 One square, two weeks 9 One square, three weeks 13 Two squares, one week 10 Two squares, two weeks 15 Two squares, three weeks 20 One square, one mouth.., — 15 One square, two months 30 One square, three months 35 One-fourth of a column, one month 43 Ons fourth of a column, two months 70 One-fourth of s column, three months 90 One-half orti column, one month 65 One-half of a column, two months 100 Onc-half of a column, three mouths 125 Three-fourth* of s column, one month 80 Three-fourths of a colarnn, twe months 130 Three-fourths of a column, three months 160 One column, one month 100 Oae column, two months 150 One column, three months 175 Advertisements inserted at Intervals to be charred as new each insertion. Advertisements ordered to remain on any par ticular page, to be charged aa new caeh insertion. The money for advertising considered dne after first insertion. WM. A REID & CO., Of Macon Telegraph. 8. ROSE & CO., Of Joarnal & Messenger. CHRIST’S SALVATION. Cotton Shipped Direct WITH BUT ONE HANDLING. xic 111 anm. manor. mi. 7. manor. R. M. BISHOP Sc CO., WHOLESALE GROCERS X*. 16 Main 8t., (4 /toe iom trlou Colombia Street, J2 ^XXHABfmDGE,' COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MERCHANT. Clark's and Smith's and Bullion's English Gram mar*. Fasqaclii's and Finney's French. Copy Books, 81aUa and rencile, Taber’s Lead Pin cm. MT “ ~ Cream i-ubi Canary,, Violio and Guitar Strings, Musical Instruments, (Agents for Steimray A Sobs, Buebbeller A N A Gale’s Pianos for the State of Geor gia-) Combs, Brushes, Lnbln's Extracts and Soaps, Pomades, Hair Oils, Pocket Books, Ploying Cords, Ac. All at the loirest prices. JOHN a SCHREINER A SONS, •epl7-3m Micon, Augusts and Savannah. x. w. tuck, I j. a. sins, I a. r. tuck. Christian Co. I Late with Phelps, I Lonto-riRe, Ky. | Caldwell A Co. | Tnck, Davis A Co., Wholesale Grocers and Commission Merchants, 823 Main street, between Eighth and Nuith streets, Louisville, Ky. Consignments Solicited} eng 294m _ J. M. COOPER, Auction & Commission Merchant, ALBANY, GEORGIA. ■\-irrLL civ« his personal attention to the pur- V V chaae and shipment of COTTON. HR IS ALSO PREPARED TO MAKE LIBERAL Cash .Advances On Cotton la store In Albany, G*., far ahlpmaat to Messrs Noxton, Sllcghter A Co., NtwTork. Haring bod many years experienee In th* Cotton trade, aa well a* Auction and Commission business, he Batten himself that he can glva entire satisfaction to parties entrusting their business to him. ORDERS AND CONSIGNMENTS SOLICITED. Respectfully refer* to J. B. Rasa A Son, Macon; T. HI Johnson, Alxhoaj. oct29-2m Co-Partnership Notice, T HAVE THIS DAT associated with mein J. business Mr A R Tinsley. JAMES SETMOUB. Hava fitted *p the GEM la elegint style with new furniture. They have a splendid BAR, wall atoekad with the beat Liquors, Cigars, Tobacco, Ac. Their flue stock of Wine*, lo bottle*, will be cold at the moat reasonable pries* la the market. TUB BAT ISO DEPARTMENT Offers to the public th* finest BUI of Fare la th* market- ThabestTorkrirerOystersarsalwayskept on hand.fresh. and era b* had In aoy quantity, xt thalowsst market rates. Families can be supplied la any quantity and without delay. E. W. THOMAS A C#., . >TV Cem Saloon, under Fioyd House, novSt^ni " * Macon, ‘faorgla. SHORTEST, Cheapest and quickest Route TO xraw YOKE and BALTIMORB, By the Greet Virginia and Tennessee Line. Through Receipt* given by the Agent* of the SOUTHERN TRANSPORTATION COMPANY From MACON to BALTIMORE $13,25; aui NEW YORK $13,50 per bale on Cotton. Rate of Insurance cheaper than any other routs. All packages should be stamped 8 T Co to Util Hate transportation. THURSTON R. BLOOM, Agent, Macon, Georgia. Y. G. RUST, b«t21- 2m Agcqfr Albany, Georgia. WM n. TISOX. WM. W. 00ED05. TIS0N & GORDON, Cotton Factors, Commission and FQRWADING JIERCIINTS, M Buy Street, Savannah, Georgia. S PECIAL ATTENTION will he given to the sole of Lumber. Roein, Turpentine, &c. We are again st onr old office, prepared for business. An experience ic this city of over eleven year*, and onr undivided attention to all business entrusted, in duces us to hope for s continuance of the liberal patronage heretofore extended oct29-3m NEW GOODS!! NEW PRICES!!! 'Wholesale and Retail! E. EINSTEIN’S OLD STAND. T HE undersigned beg lears to Inform the Udlo- of this city, county rad vicinity and the pubs lie in general, that he has now open and ready for sals at the wall known and popular old stand of E. EINSTEIN’S, TRIANGULAR BLOCK, On* of the tertnMed Stork* ot Staple and Faney Dry Goods la the Southern markets. The good* ware asleet- ed by Mr. Eiwitxix with great care; and as ha is now In tha New York market for the sole purposo of selecting goods, and watching tho best oppor tunities for buying, I hive the advantage over all other merchants who are not similarly situited. I shall receive new additions to onr stoek eve ry week, and irill ho always prepared to exhibit to the public goods of ths Best Manufacture, Latest Styles, 9 2 Bay Street, SAVANNAH, 6A. oso. o. accBsxax. snukxw Btxaixix. ANDREW BUCHANAN & CO., Grocers, Provisien Dealers, Commission and Forwarding Merchants, No. 116 Main street. LOUISVILLE, KY Orders for Groceries, Provisions, Bagging and Rope, promptly executed jy36 Cm Macon, Ga., Nov., ISth, 18C5 JAMES SETMOrX.] t*. *. TXS3LET SEYMOUR & TINSLEY j Commission Merchants, CHERRY STREET, AkCQN, GA. T ENDER THEIR services'to their friends, and respect folly solildt consignment* ot Groceries sod Produce of every description, HT Particular attention given to Ue purchase sad »Mj>plng of cotton, cotton goods, etc NashTilIe & Chattanooga Railroad. rpo Passengers tor the North and West Express I train leave* Chattanooga 640 a. M.. connect ing at NoehvUle vrith Northweatem Railroad for Jounionrille and points on Tennessee river, Padu cah. Cairo, and St. Louis, and Louisville and Nash ville Railroad. Fare from Chattanooga to Nashville $ T 75. •• “ •• “Cairo *9 75. |“b“ “ “ “fit Louis STS passengers leaving Atlanta on the evtnlng train on W. A A. R. R. connect with this train. Freight j la now ravel red and forwarded on quick liacc ' W- nioj.'rsitn ratMk E. MTBROWN, OPPOSITE THE LA NIK II HOUSE, IKTOULD inritc the sttention of bis customers YY and the public generally, to bis large and well selected stock of Foreign & Domestic Dry Goods. Which he offers xt very small .ldnmeson Cost. THE STOCK CONSISTS in part op Bleached Domestics, Brown Domestics, Print*, Ginghams, French and English Merinos, Alpacas, Mohair, Poplins, Thybets, Opera and Fancy Flannels, De- lainef. Silks in great varie ty, Linens ©fall grades. Boe/ttirU of all tiee* and Balmaral Skirt* oj Superior make audfutith. Toot special attention is called to rqy CLOAK AND SHAWL DEPARTMENT, vrnxKB roc will ri>D th* latest styles, As also the It OUVE ANTE LADIES' DATS, X BEAUTIFUL ARTICLE. A Splendid assortment of Dress Trimmings, Perfumery, Soups and other Toilet Articles, Veils, TThita and • - - J Fancy Goods, Gloves, - &c., &c., &c. Gretlomen will find a good assortment of. GEN TLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS, a large lotot Pocket Knives, tb« fashionable Kug ©r Fancy Blanket Satchels, and everything else belonging to ttitelins. . To those who ha* • not traded with me in former days I coa only say, give nea trial, whilo I am satisfied that my old customers hare but to road this to inanrs me their renewed visits. Respectfully, E- M. BROWN, novl5-3m Oppogitc the Lanier Home. BOYD A GORDON, Wholesale and Retail Drnggists, Cbmj St, 2 Boors below Telegraph Building, MACON, GEORGIA. We ore receiving weekly additions to our stock of DRUGS, MEDKHNXS, OILS, GLASSWARE, ETC., rad we solicit MERCHANTS, PHYSICIANS, usd PLANTERS, to e*ll and examine onr slock and before purchaaine elsewhere. —Special attention given to PRESCRIP HONS and ORDERS. novlC-Sm BOYD A GORDON. Southern Transportation Company BILLS LADING FOR MECHANDISE GIVEN through from New York to the following points: Macon at.... .........64 65 per ICO lbs Amcrieus at 6 50 per 100 lbs Albany at 5 65 per 100 lb* Calhhcrt at...., B 77 per 100 lbs Enfanla at 5 90 per 100 lb* Th* Roads are now U good working order, and goods aovM-lm Macon, Ga Lovett Market Pricei. My stock oonstets In part of the following goods: Prints, Printed DeLoinca, All wool Delaines, Empress Cloth, Poll DcChcvres, English and French Merinos, hootch and Venltisn Plaids, Solid, printed and figured Poplins, Block DeLaincs, Alapseos, Block Silks, Merinos and Bombazines, And many other goods belonging to ths DRESS DEPARTMENT A fall and complete assortment of . Linen Cambnc Handkerchief*, Ladies' Linen and Embroiden-d Cuff* and Col lars, separate and in sets. White, Red and 8hakcr Flannels, Plain and Fancy Opera Flannels, Bleached and Brown Canton Flannels, Blau keta, «fce., Hosiery, Gloves, Ladies' Merino Vests, Table Linen, Table Cloth, Towels, ToweHngs, Napkins, Doylies Linen, And all other articles Ndonging to a Number One Dry Goods Store. Wc call the special attention of the ladies to our CLOAK AND SHAWL DEPARTMENT, And eay with confidence, we will sell thcee arti cles at a LOWER PRICE, Than any other honse hi lie city and WARRANT the goods to be of the Best and Host Fawlilonablo Mann- T HE subscribers having roads arrangements for vessels to ply between New York and Darien, will receive cotton on board their boxes at Macsn and Landing* below, and give bill of lading for the sams through to New York. Theimportance of shipping cotton by this route where the vessels meet th* boxes and when practi cable, transfer the cargoes immediately from ths boxes on board tho vessels, giving It thereby but one handling, will be readily appreciated by *11 cotton shippers. INSURANCES They are also impowered to Insure cotton ship ped on board tbelr boxes to a limited extent and »tmoder»t» rates. BUTTS A BROTHER, dec3-3w Macon, G*. HARDWARE AND CUTLERY. CABEAEl & CURD, Iron Front Store, Chsrrjr street, Hava 1* stare aaJ are receiving dally a toll com- ylate stock of Hardware, Iron, Sisal, Hoes, Chains, and Tools of aveey dlscription. PLANTERS, CARPENTERS, MERCHANTS, MACHINIST*, BUILDERS, BLACKSMITHS. ons Makars aa sverythlng la thalr 11ns. Tor (tsam Saw Mills a Fall Assortment of RUBBER AND LEATHER BELTINGS, CIRCULAR AND MILL SAITS, And everything In their line. We are satisfied that with lira years experience and personal attention to business, we can make it advantageous to the interest of purchasers to bny of ns. Call at dec3-lm CARHABT * CURD. Sermon. Ob, blessed bridge for <be weary teet, High spanning the chasm so wlds Between the lost wanderer and hi* God, Wrought by the dear Crucified 1 I plant my feet on this wondrous arch. With a firm undoubting trust; Prcciona to me is its key-stone strong, And precions its very dust. A river deeper rad darker yet Than ever I crossed before, Lies bidden a little farther on. Tbls bridge i It will bear me o’er. No tramp af armies, however vast, Coaid mike it qaiver or shake; It lias stood the test ol ages past; It can never bend or break. Frail little children and tottering ago Have come to the hither side; Have heard the rush of tbc torrent strange; Bat have fearless crossed the tide. Oh, blessed bridge for the weary feet. Revealed to onr longing sight! Oh, masterly work of Zion's King, Illumined with Heaven’s own light t Como liitbcr, hither, thon wanderer lost. And admire this gift divine I It leads direct to thy better home, Wher* onr Father smiles benign. [ Congregational tat. Canine Sagacity. A gentleman of property hml a mastiff of great sire, very watchful, and altogether » fine, intelligent animal. Though often lot out to range about, he was in general chained up during the day in a wooden house, con structed tor hi* comfort and shelter. On n certain day, when let out he waa observed to attach himself particularly to his master; and when the servant, as usual, came to tie hiij: up. he clung so to his master’s feet, showed •nch anger when they attempted to force him away, and altogether was so peculiar in lik manner, that the gentleman desired him to be left where he was; and with him he continued the whole day; and when night came on, atill he stayed with him; and on going to ward his bed-room, tho dog resolutely, and for the drat time in his life, went up along with him; and rushing into the room, took refuge under the bed, from whence neither blows nor caresses could drive him. In the middle of the night a man bunt in^o the room, dagger in hand, and attempted to stab the sleeping gentleman; but the dog darted at the robber’* neck, fastened hit fangs in him, and so kept him down that his mas ter had time to call for assistanceandaecured the ruffian, who turned out to bo the coach man. and who afterwards confessed, that see ing his master receive a large sum of money, he and the groom conspired together to rob him; and they plotted the whole thing lean ing over the roof of the dog’* house. Leaves of Life. At a recent Bible meeting Kev. Dr. Schnff observed: The Bible is the reflection of the glory of Christ, the indispensable means of leading men to Christ, and it ^perpetuates, in some . .. ... our The IVord of God has become flesh in the Bible; j it is like other books In its preparation and ' translation; it is like human hooka, bnt yet j above and beyond all other human books, composed by about forty different persons of | all conditioni in different conntriea, and uses | all forms of literary composition, and yet it ; presents a wonderful harmony and unity : throughout This unity amid dtveraify is an evidence of its Divinity. The literary perfec- {tion of tlic Bible is also an evidence of its ; divinity. Because ot this marvelous unity : and perfection, the Bible has* glorious mis sion which no other book approaches. It alone can bring man face to face with eternal things. The Bible is not only a book, bnt an institution; it challenges our admiration and love. Like a diamond, it casta its lights everywhere; like a torch, the more it is sbs- ken the more light it sheds sround. At the same meeting, Rev. Dr. King, of Athens. Greece, said, that lie had traveled through some sixteen kingdoms intbisworld, and where the Bible is not taught, there is no purity or honesty; and where it does control, there aro better customs, better wives, and husbands, and children. At the entrance of the oracle of Delphi was written, “Know thyself.” It is a great thing for a man t know himself, but tho only way is by rendin 0 the Bible and comparing himself with it. B Isvitstioh to Giyx Evidxkce.—'The committee a the financial operations of tbc State sends us tbe following for publication, and we call especial attention to it: Mills do EYiLi.B, Not. 2Sth, 1865. Whereas, we have been conrencd for the pur pose of making “a tborongb investigation and examination of the financial operations of tbc State of Georgia from 1861 to the present time," and do- fcire, without prcindice or partiality, to discharge the duty imposed. W<J invite all persona to come forward and give, under oath, all the evidence they may have that will threw light on the subject mat ter of investigation. On motion, the above resolution was referred to the Provisional Governor for publication. THOMAS 8AFFOLD, Chairman. C. J. JORDAN, O. A. LOCHRANE. Executive Orvics, 1 Millcdgeville. Nov. 28th, 1865. j The Telegraph will publish for two weeks, and request that the Columbus Enquirer, Atlanta In telligencer, and Chronicle and Sentinel of Augusta, also for the same length of time. J. JOHNSON, dec5-d2w Governor. OrricxUraoN Countt Railroad, \ December 1st, 1865. j T HE annual meeting of the Stockholders of the Upson County Railroad Company, will be held in the town sf Thomasfon, atone of tneTOoms at the Court House, on Saturday the 80th day of this month, to elect a Board of Directors, to man age the business or the company for tho year 1866. It is earnestly requested that all the Stockholders attend, os business ot Importance will be before the meeting. A. J. WHITE, decS-td President. Sh£T Journal & Messenger copy. factor© . SPRINGER, Macon, Go. CORN, CORN. P RIME ARTICLE, arriving and for sale by SEYMOUR «fc TINSLEY. Kerseys. E xtra quality Georgia made ker seys and heavy Brown COTTON DRILLS, The Baby. BY DS. I. B. K10I.B From Scstt’s Monthly. A beautiful, flaxen haired, cherry baby charms me like a smile from Heaven, that cheers the heart. Such a lovely light is in tho household where I am visiting. Eighteen years ago I fondled a baby, who was bright eyed and beautiful as an angel waif. She is now the staid, matronly looking f oung woman, who is the mother of this baby. look askance into the mirror before me, to see if time has run any silver threads through my hair, and involuntarily I pass my fingers over my forehead to discover whether any wrinkles have furrowed their seams upon my brow. The unpleasant seal is not yet stamped there. I must have sustained a wonderful vigor, to be saved from the infliction thus far. Satisfied that I am not eery aid, my eye* return to the baby. It lies on the floor with its chubby fists in its mouth. Its laughing eyes twinkle, with pleasure, as itwatehestliat bright quivering ray of sunshine that dances on the carpet. Now it hums and laughs at its own antics; anon it smiles as it quietly tries to grasp that round patch of golden sun light that rests like a bright dazzling eye on the floor. On baby’s head, a light crop of flaxen hair hardly hides the pure whiteness of its skin.— The sunlight gilds it, and in the golden flash, there is an ethereal brightness and promise. Its soft, deep-blue eyes look inquiringly upon me, and for a moment the little fists arc re laxed, and held in an attitude of wonder; then it laughs to see me smile. Now I point my finger at it and it turns playfully away. I put my head against its breast and pretend to butt it about. The little one gets its clutched fingers fastened in my hair and beard, and pulla and laughs—how silvery and cheerfnlly it laughs, as it pulls until the tears come into my eyes. Now I am accidentally too rongh for a moment, and a slight cry of pain escapes tho child. A half suppressed sob or two suc ceeds, then n sweet smile breaks through its tears, that sparkle like jewels flashing in the glorious sunlight. Anon the cheerful langh is resumed. The young mother surprises me in my gambols with the elf. She claps her handB and laughs with that Bame silvery, cheerful langh that captivated my heart long ago. But she cruelly takes the baby from me, and whilst she dresses it for an out-door air ing, she more cruelly remindsme of the time, when she herself had flaxen hair and pure sky ey eyes, whose spiritual gentleness and glory would have been tho pride of an Austrian Princess. There is a tinge of mischief in that reference, because her auburn liair and ethe real eyes are iis beantifu] now as an angel’s; and there is, in all her arch smiles, a pitying reference to my condition of single blessed ness. (!) How often I longed to tell herliow X had looked so much into her eyes that their NOTICE TO OOTTON SHIPPERS. JEWELRY STORE. E. J. JOHNSTON & CC., Have rc-etot&blUhed their old and weU known JEWELRY STORE and WATCH REPAIRING BUSINESS st No. 6 Colton Avenue, • coder the Maaotitc Hall. Thsy bare Joat received s select stock of all aad qualities of pood* kept la their line, iccicd’.Dp Watchci, Jswelry, Spectacles, Gold Pens, Choice Cot]cry, Part Monalcs, Merschauma, Combi, Brushes, Ylollna, Guitar and Yfolio Strir.£p, Doable Barrel Sporting Gnus and Tackls, Pervasion Capa, Marbles, Top*, Chin* Dolls, Plavim; Cards, Dominos, Backgammon and Chess Men, Lubin's genuine Extracts* Toilet and Sharing *o*p« nor34-d2m Omu or Empxxk Iron A Coal Mdtino Co., I Macon, Ga., 2&h Not. 1665. f Stockholder* whose Share* arc not full paid, arr hereby sutifiedto pay an ioatAilmcnt of Thirty per cent on their Share* on or before 1st January Dext, asd a further installment ©f Thirty per seat su or before Ut April, 1666. Bt ordor of the Board of Director*. vr» t rrson vary molcrate rates. p , Gen’l. Sup’L J. W. BROWN, Gen’l. Paescnger Aj^cnL oetlS-3m. The Latest Arrival. A T Txirpin & Kurtz's TUST RECEIVE!* a largo and well selected f J stock of ©Tcrcoxta, Business and Drca* Suita. Also, the Istaat style* of French,- English and American Costimers, together with a fine assort ment of Gents Furnishing Goods, which we offer for rale to our friends aad patrons, and to the public la rostral, at the lowest prieea, suitable to everybody's means. Come ana look IfwedsootsnU you, no charge wlB ba made for sbowisgth* — 1 - - A Best and Cheapest the Market can Afford, jy Clothing made to order on abort notice by Mona. Ronsse fromParla. ’ TURPIN A HURTZ. Triangular Block. •m. k nrtrec. | t. m. hvxzz 4ec3 ER L. STROHECKER, jjsID dl w-lswt 1st aprii President. For Sale. } s RESIDENCE with slot ©f three or more For Idle A Home sad Lou \ A acre*, in a sbofoe port of the Um of Port HOURS end Lot oa lh« Houston road for j With it are all the assessor? outbwttdters. ' ** c.L-j — ’ •» —« -» *a. —■“—pro party for Two Tnoosood rasa thms »of isod and newseary out buildings near (3,600) dollar*—much ths thf limits. Apply to me. A A. LOCHRANE ta M. L. GREEN in my Fire Insurance. E. C. GRANN1SS, General I use ranee As:ent, Macon. Represents EIGHTEEN Marine, Fire,-Life aad ACCIDENTAL Insurance Companies. And t* fully prepared to t*kc risks upon tb* teoet J reasonable term*. The wpttri involved ta tie 1 Ccaj^nlfif* I represent allows me to take on any j ONE BISK $250,000. ' Special attention‘clveri to tbe Iasuranee of sot- ten rad all other apeens at proptrtj- All lossra a^natad promptly. MUi T HE SOUTHERN TRANSPORTATION Com pany are prepared to Uaue through' xai alula from Macon and Albany to Baltimore am Tork via the GREAT YIP.SIMLA. AND TEN NESSEE LINE, and gnarrantec a through price per bale. TE BLOOM, Ag't Maeon, novT-Sux T G REST, Ag t Albany. Asher Ayres, Grocer & Commission Merchant. 50 Bales Gunny Bogging, 100 Coils Hemp Rope. 35 Coils Manilla Rope, 60 Bbls Refined Sugar, 35 Saeks Rio Coffee, 20 Bbk Leaf Lord, 50 Kegs Cut Nails, 100 Boxes Tobacco. 40 Boxes Assorted Candy, 40 ]4 Bbls Butter Crackers, Wine, Cigars, <£c. Brigham, Baldwin & Oo. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA, Will advance on Shipments to their friends In New Tork or Liverpool. nov22-2m 3,000 GALLONS ^^SSORTED Whisky, Jnat received aad for sale tT Ij. 'W. Hasdai, “Wholesale and Retail Grocer, Third street, under Rolstcn'e Hall, Macon, Ga. nov3g-dlm Xotlce. H ACKS WUI leave Albany on arrival of the sore from Maeon, every Tuesday, 1 /.uredar and Saturday, for Tallahassee, Fla., via Thovnasvtlle, GA; also, for Bain bridge every Monday, Wednes day and Triday, thus opening a regular comm uni- eatioc to Southwestern Georgia and Florida. WRIGHT A HILL, )y27-tf Proprietors. Land for Sale or Rent. I WILL sell two good eotton plantations; ©ne in Lc« to. eountainingabont (2500) twenty-five hundred acres, the othwiu Macon county, contain ing (2400) twenty-four acres, with about(1500)fif teen hundred acres In cultivation os either place; and with them, if desirid, will ssll all neecssary stock, provisions, At. Or I will rent a half Interest in either or both, to a good practical planter and cul tivate them on joint account Address me at Ma* con, Ga. K. BABS. dec5-2w* FIEM SINGLETON, IIU7VT A CO., OPPOSITE LANIER HOU8 MACON, GEORGIA, HATS, In the South. Those wishing to bny, to sell again, will here find facilities not surpassed by any house south of Cincinnati, as the entire stock has been purchased, FOR CASH, from the manu facturers in the cities of New York and Boston. A good supply ol TRUNKS AND UMBRELLAS will also be kept ®n band. The firm hopes, by constantly replenishing, and by strict attention to business, to merit a liberal portion of public patronage. W. R. SINGLETON, W. C. SINGLETON, T. J. HUNT. oet4-8m K. a GRANNISS. Agent, Macon, 6a ■ uTBior, ono. ?. ©nun D. 8. Lathrop, LaW Jos. L Snhfor ACo Batunnah, Ga- Savannah. Ga. aad Birch A Snider, ColMBtraa, 6s- E. S. Lathrop & Co., simu Commission ^Merchants AT EDWARD C. LSGRIEL A GO’S OLD BTASD, Second Street, me 4snr from OftartR MACON, ©A. READ THIS. H ■ ring added largely to my stock of PURE DRUGS, MEDICINES, PATENT MEDICINES. RELIABLE GARDEN SEEDS, F*m x W NEW AND ELEGANT TOILET ARTICLES, quaiitv^atyl* rad price ef Sen good, era not fail Trr rathe **iSe-faction. W. S. ULUS, Triangular Block, IclO-Bt* Cor. Cherry fit, and Cot. At. i sad Cewoiflsioa Merchants ; & Shipping Agents I BAT STREET, BAYANNAJ(v«A- e an Cotton ta stare, nr foraUp- ■ ■ to-LttaipnnL 30d A. W. PERSONS. BRISCOE d dc QRAFFEXREIB\ Attorneys at l4iw, MILLEDGEYILLE, - GEORGIA. XTTJLL practice in and represent porti« upon ? V briefs famished before the Supreme Coart, and in the Superior Courts of adjoining counties. Special attention given to the collection and for warding ol Executive warrant* upon the civil es tablishment, Poor School, Printing and Contingent Fund. Titles to Land Investigated, Copy Grants fur nished, and*information given generally. L. H. Briscos B. B. dk Graffskkeid. detfi-lm* my heart. Ttc been very happy in its genial influence, and am very sad that I have been so slow and foolish as to have failed to tell her, ere she took to her heart a noble man, who lores and cherishes her perhaps even more than I did. But now baby is ready to take tho streets. What a picture it is. What an exquisite lialo of beauty envelopes its eyes and face like’e mystery. There are bow-knots on its shoul ders, and ribbons are floating over its arms. There are glimpses of gold clasps and fasten ings; lace work about its neck and bosom, and all sorts of queer fixings gathered on its body. It is an odd study for me to view so nrnny odds and ends that are needed to make up baby’s dress. But its mother's eyes express her unbounded delight and pleasure, as she walks proudly along^and by her watchfulness N OW have ta .tore, rad for aide, the ferseat and “ re > indicates that she ia the mamma of best SMortcd stock of BOOTS, 6HOKB, AND that live ami wonderfully hrantiful baby. __ RIDGELY, SQUIER A CO., AOENTS FOR DODDS, MACNEALS 4 URBAN’S, CELEBRATED to lar Praef Safes, k’. -V Locks, &e. T hese bates and locks b«** tj»®r- •■ghhr tested sad tkeir reputation ta sock that the Tuasckt I>vPA*TWxarr at Washington and New York city «•« them in prefere&ee to any stiver. They are mode excinrtvely of iron and steal, tho* roodering thrax entirely FIRE AND DAMP PROOP. Svete lad Ss«eltfor laal Sfetek*, ■rairST , rad vsritra desiring r ittoirStorertto tnaudama’ eISeIT, SOFTER ^ CO. The rough cart man. as he parses, arailea and forgets to whip his horse, as he whistles a chirrup to the little one. The businrec man, ns be hurries past, bestows an admiring glance on the beantifnl treasure. The poor woman, in weeds, wistfully and tearfully looks back on it, as she, sobbing, walks away. Therich- 1 ly dressed lady bends down to admire it. and is attracted by it* smile. The amiable look ing tat gentleman stops and chucks it under the chin, then walks on more amiable, and smiling and genial than before. The angry man catches a glimpse of its wonderful eyes; he hesitates, looks again into the ethereal bright of thcir-clear depths, and with a blush that tellshow strangely the mystic influence of loveliness stirs the heart, be relaxes hiB brow, and goes bv blessing tbc scene that dis pelled his gloom.' The shop keeper gives it a choice piece of candsr. and compliments the mother. The little children, even the boys, stop the nurse to let them kiss and caress the sweet, darling balnr. That baby has made a continuous conquest daring all onr afternoon ramble, and now that we are at home, it is as cheerful and amiable as a dove. I kiss it, and lingering, can n it. before they pnt it away from my sitrht rote its liasket cradle. Now that it is gone, I feel as if a bright ray oflicavenly light had been shnt out from ray heart. “Slnmber, gentle baby, elnmtxr Hie the When the air of heaven lolls it to renose ; Angel, hover o’er thee—softly seal tbine eyes, Waft thy spirit, genily, to the smiling stir*.” Oh! what joy and happiness the presence of a dear, beautiful bal 1 a glorious bright light ofj* j baby. What a volume of|* 1 about and centre in it. J it is in the golden chaifl husband and-pure* the presence of t are the parents binning. Mi cos, Ga., 1| The f .) any impulse t by mind* at * at indir‘“ thinkers, i of the cc power* in i Does Your Light Shine* “Holding forth the word ot life.”—Tito > The keeper of the lighthouse at Cti < r boasting of the brightness of his Taa'ern. which can be seen ten league* at sea, vvf n a visitor said to him, ‘'What if one of th. S. da should chance to go out f” Never; iarti'os i - b!e!” he cried, horrified at the bare toe igt ’•Sir,” said he pointing to tho ocean, “yonder where nothing can be seen, therSare shim going by to all parts of thie world. If tonight one of my burners went out, within six month, would come a letter—perhaps from India, perhaps from America, perhaps from aonto place I never heard of—raying, such a night, at auch a hour, the light of Calais dim, the watchman neglected his post, anti hisTcssels were in danger. Ahl sir, same times in tho dark nights in stormy weather, I look Out at tea, and I feel as if the eye of the wholo world were looking at my light — Go outt Burn dim t O never.” Was thia light-houao keeper to vigilant - Did he feel no deeply tho importance of hi. work? And shall Christians neglect (Mr light and suffer it to grow dim—grow dim when, for need of its bright shining. ■ me poor aoul,etruggling amid the wave* oi temp tation. may bedashed upon the rock* of de struction? No. 'MMforth the \reni of life.” "Letyour light thine."' This is the way to save souls. “Hold forth tho word of liie." says the apostle; why? “that I may rejoice in the day of Chriat, "that I have not run in Tain, neither labored in Tain." ltather Forty. M astern, Lounging along forward about raven in the | forenoon watch, I drifted in earshot, of two forecastle hloekadcn, just as one of (hem put forth a feeler in this wise:— “I ray, Bob, did ye ever ace rich a fog as I thia ’ere afore 1" “Ay, ay, boy; I hart that I hate that j I've seen foga down along the Sabi* Bank* and about Canto, that this 'ere stuff wouldn't i be a more'n a bit of mist alongside of.* “How thick w.-u it. Bob t" “Wall, once when I waa in the old 'Rill* men,’ and we were goin’ out to Quebec after deals, we ran into a fog-bank one dav that carried off our jib-ltoom, and »tov. ia our port bulwark!. There wa. lot. ot gull* and other big bird* atuck fast all among tho fog jest like sheep in a big snow ! rift: not* bird of them could move a wing. We'd bean on allowance of water two week., and the car penter rawed chunk! enough oof of that'ere fog to fill every cask in the ship. It wa* tip top water that fog made; hut it didn't mmt Tory fast Some of it waan't melted when we got back to Liverpool, three month, after- ■ward!." ing her stepped upon p«n “ s' 1 •; hint bark, crying out: - don't, I shall 4ie.' " It was a solemn tomnent haps aa near the tur-. lure has j> >.rr to . - y , her away almort re-t - MJ i, . that was tremulm . y, rDl mpnring 1 Anecdote of Dr. Webitar. In 1774, Dr. Webster waa a popular preach er of the Kirk of Scotland, in Edinburgh. Business brought him to London, and one day, when passing tho House of Lords, his curiosity induced him to make nn effort to step in and see them. None were admitted without an order, except noblemen's servants. Webatcr, being ignorant of the rule, request ed admittance. “What lord do you belong tot” asked the doorkeeper. “To the Lord Jehovah,” replied Webster. “To tho Lord Jehovah ?" queried the door keeper. “I have kept here seven years, but have not heard of sueh a lord. Jack," said he to his fellow keeper on the front steps, “here's a chap who says he belongs to the Lord Jehovah; do you know such a ford I” ‘Never heard of him,' said Jack. ‘But,’’ raid the doctor, “there is such a lord.” “Pass ’im in,” said Jack; “I s’posc it’! some poor Sc»tch lord." This occurred at a period when there was not one in twenty of all the manufacturing and rural districts in England whocould read the Bible or write his own name. Sabbath Schools were introduced in 1773. Now th* people are very intelligent and happy, and not only read and write but have found who tlic “Lord Jehovah" is. The End of the World. Almost all European writers, whatever their subject, politics or society, now tacitly assume that the Im . jrti race is to progress forever, or, to state Their latent idea more strictly, is to ndvancc steadily, for an indef inite period, towards a nobler life and a high er civilization. The idea of a fixed term to history, which so greatly influenced Uio Mid dle Ages, has utterly disappeared; the semi religious belief of a catallysm to occur at a distant bnt visible date, thongh still entertain ed, has ceased to bo professed by anybody but Dr. Cummings, and does not influence him. The reverie of the politician is not of the coming overturn of all things—an idea never absent from thegreatmindaof tlic first four centuries—but of a coming millcnium, when all mankind shall be allied, and the motive force of the European, and tho subtle brow of the Arab, and the deft hand of the Mongol shall be employed together in making earth more lovely and convenient for its pco- ple. Useful Rules for Making! Yirtuous aad Happy Families 1. Learn to govern yourselves, and to be gentle and patient. 2. Guard your tempers, especially in sea sons of ill-health, irritation and trouble, and soften them by prayer, penitence, and a sense of yfiur own short-comings and errors. 3. Never speak or act in anger until yon X JIUU lOOKCU SU JJIUCIR XUtU ilCi CVUO kUUb LllUll , , 1 , ° . * -1 gentle light became the cherished sunlight of We prayed over your word, or acta and mv heart TVe been verv hannv in its oenial concluded that Chnst would have done so, in your place. 4. Remember that valuable as is the gift of speech, tho gifts of silence ia often much more so. 5. Do not expect too much from others, but remember that all hare an evil nature, and that we should forbear and forgive/as we often dcsiro forbearance and foigivem ourselves. 6. Never retort a sharp or angry word. It is the second word that makes the quarrel. f. Berware of the first disagreement 8. Learn to speak in a gentle tone of voice. 9. Learn to say kind and pleasant tbing3 whenever an opportunity offers. 10. Study the character of each one, and sympathize with them In their troubles, how ever small. 11. Do not neglect little things, if they can affect the comfort of others in the small est degree. 12. Aroid moods and pets, and fits of sulki ness. 13. Learn to deny yoursclt and to prefei others. 14. Bc-wsre of meddlers and tale-bearers. 15. Never charge a bad motive, if a good one is conceivable. 10. Be gentle, bnt firm, with children. 17. Do not allow your children to be away from home at night, without knowing where they are. 18. Do not allow them to go where they please on the Sabb&tlL 19. Do not furnish them much spending money. 20. Eo order your home on earth, that you may have a home in heaven. How Snrar is Made White The way in which sugar is made perfectly white, it is said waa found out in a curious way. A hen that had gone through a clay mnd puddle, went with her muddy feet into a sugar house. She left her tracks on a pile of sugar. It was ol served Ly one, that wher ever the tracks were the sugaf vrtk® whitened This led to «ome experiments. The result waj that wet clay came to be used in refining j*u- car. It is used in this way: The sugar is put into earthen jars, shaped as you ace the sugar* loaves arc. The large ends areupwardr The smaller ends have a^fcolc in them. The jar is filled with sugar, the clay put over the top , I and kept wet. The moisture goe* down cluster 1 through the sugar, and drop* from the hole ^ £ ~ the small end of the jar. This makes the Scripture Confirmed—A Curious Discovery In tho July number of the BMiotheea Saera is an article by Prot Hackctt, on "Tho first eleven chapters of Genesis attested lij tfteir contents.” In the courso of it, ho mentions tho local tradition mjtecting the Babylonian Tower, (Babel) which Mr. Oppert, one of the most learned of tbeEurojteau savans, has re cently brought to light It is mot with one ot the cuniform inscriptions, a* donknad by him, found on acyhndcr which Rawlisson discovered amongtheruinaofBabylon. The writing purports to be from Ncbuchadiw-rzzar, and among other things, says: “The temple of the seven lights of the earth (the plane to the original.edifice of Borsippa, wa* built by an acient King; ainco then arerecone-l fortv- two generations; but the sumit, he did not finish. The men bad abandoned it (the .true, tare) after the flood, because they found thetr words confused. The earthquake anil thun- derhad shattered the bricks, and tote down the casings of tho burnt till*, and the mate rial* of the walla were thrown together and formed hilla. The great God Kanrdich. ha-1 put it into my heart to build it again: I have not changed the place and have not disturb ed the foundations. In the month of Salva tion, on the auspicious day, I have pierced the unbumt brick of the walls, and the burnt brick ot the casings with arches. I hare in- , scribed the glory of my name on the freeze of ‘ the arches." platite piety, da hi m « fidelity, raved him from this gave to the chrisliaa energetic worker* || m. .reel man raid to Wesley -Sir, r « Gpd and go to hens not serve liirn si .n* fin<! rumpunid know* nothirj That reprori Christian. It i-.j learn what were « It ma<Ic him a lif drefi teal to that, lo !*** all thine* to £ he might himself up In * and hfetlira through Eogla ar t Amrrit^HHI Whatacijffrranf] Chriitian «ror;- tlon. Bffiiembw - Yoon them. Th. !J| religio? treet. IVtrnM u, nimal* ha*i 1 re piacrtl then t»i perfectlr white. Getting Religion We never could approve of the phrase “get- j ting religion.” It i* part ami pan el of An j the minian ThcCfiogy. A brother minister once j .ar t spoke to an unconverted, about his soi* 1 * 1 when tlic poor fellow replied, “Yes, would be a very good thing, if youj ter you gel it, but her has had religion six timeBS time.” Well did the minister ‘ what you can get, you can lote, T gire* it to you, you will never lose Christian Secretary exhibits l ~ very clearly by the following anecdote Mr. L a well known merntx cur Connecticut Baptist churches a few^ since, was met, one morning, by s woril Methodist neighbor, during a sermon of cial religious interest in the plve^ joyous remark, “Mr. L— . my t| got religion.* “I hope he’ll short but pleasantly uttered repl] cr as he passed on. A few lad !n Mr. L.’« employ having 1 ly converted, in the meantime hors met again, when wi prcfiace or comment, Mr. neighbor earnestly in the face^ religion has got my boy T' \ as before. It*is presumed t! tliought some of the difference. A Remarkable Yont At the recent commencement of^ University, the first prize, a gold awarded toWm. IL Shield*, of P< excellence in oratory. A writes of him: Mr. Shields was born In Se< to America while very young, and sooi by the death of hia widow'd motl left a helpless, friendless little orphjui/ city of New York. lie does not own age, but knows it cannot k twenty-two. Eight years ago, know the letters of the alphabet; bn ioua to be somebody in the world, and* couraged by the opportunities held out to aspiring young meD, by the free of L America, ho resolved to obtain an erioca ■ tion; found a friend in the Principal cf an Academy at Penn Yan ; prepared for college; fought hia way through, and has now born* j , off the highest prize offered by the in&titution. i' Power of Prayer. A man well-known on the London stage, not only as a dramatic author, but aa a mrvr of high pre-eminence in the dramatic art and practice, and who, thirty year* *g<x wa* run- j | ning an entire round of riot and rcsblry. told j ? me after he had become a preacher of ^ j gospel, that through all iho*c years of nrff^r and revelry, in connection with tb6 *tage and! the green-room, at Cojraat garden asd places, he ftlway’s heqjflff nia roothey’v^oh^ ringing in his earn. <pords, and)| the tones of his voice, css Id bi> rocoUr^ tion, and he was fairly i-rtmotb tl lone after she had gootfyo Mfen. ft «*d cd in hi* conversion \ *afetd hebi&e me tell all men that life of hit sad bed eostinuaUy • teriorating hi* mot ftfttuitAPImd h# al« j bade me tell all mofher» never If *#iep«ir < an ungodly son, even If be ehdfcra take foj the ‘ boards, r bnt id pray an. J believe on.—SnMi^y School TfftRIff Borrow i n g Troakfc^Sto “The worn evils*' (sat* thf! ? rorerb.) ‘ those which never arrive."’ By way of r>* tical counsel to all l>orrower* of trouble.^ would face the real difficulties and of life, and you won’t hare time for pr ing thcartofself-tormenting. The tented p<.*c]>k: in the world are tho most occupied in allcviati heart and hand, the K?rrr.i heir to. Vint-the hon.. - * of j ignorance and vice realities tou wiil tf.rrr petty cares will seen ties of the fancy wilj you will be far.hfjj dens which.^ you by ecu The Reason Why. lome bald. "»V1byT~^B^M^ae they | hats and capo. Women t by disease. Tl^v do ^kcap*. Men. novl-Jw*