The Macon daily telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1865-1869, October 14, 1869, Image 1

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THE MACON DAILY BY CUSISY & REID. - JIACOX, GEORGIA, THURSDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 14, 1S69. ^The Georgia Telegraoh Building, Macon. rjlttb ot evnaoBimoK: Dailt Telegraph—for one year. ,...—., .......310 00 Dailt Teleqeaph—tor six BgBtM— ,5 0) For shorter period* One Dollar per lawth. Oeoeoia Femi-Wu xlt TcLtoUAPa—ono year- 4 GO (liolflu l}Kfi*WKiKiT Tii rigiAfi- iiix m’th* 2 CO Vjmkdth Whilt r*:.itrjtAFH—one year 3 00 Mammoth Wxeklt Telegraph—fix months-... 1 50 fit" Payabl* oiVny* it A dva mrr. Book and. Job Printing XmO/ tiMti*.' •< nutut « friM. Remittance* br mail with Poftmutcr'i certlfieat. at onr ri>k. The QnaliticH of Franklin I’ieree. The Worthington Chronicle, of Saturday, con tains a long and feeling tribute to tho memory of ex-Prc*ident Pierco. That paper romea out in mourning. It oaila upon tho City Councils of Waahington to make some appropriate expres sion of regret Wo state these facta to the credit of Forney, who has never before that we know of shown himself to !« capable of experiencing, or at lea 1 ! of being goTeroed by, the feelings which move other men in such circumstances ns those which called forth this tribute from bis pen. We (juoto some extracts from his really eloquent “Let ns think of Franklin Pierce as a man of that greatness of heart which constitutes the true nobility of character, and which constantly exhibits itself in words, looks, tone and accents, and works of kindness. Kindness of heart was his gnat quality. No exaltation of station, no degree of prosperity, no applause of men, no advent!Ubas circumstances whatever, caused him at any time to overlook, much less to neg lect, an appeal for aid by tho lowly and suffer ing. Thought of others was his distinguishing quality. Were any successful and honored, he C m them the fall—shall we not say more than full t expression of his gratification J Were any struggling, who so quick to come unasked to their relief by words and acta of kindness ? Were anv in distress or prostrated by disease, who in aid so soon as he with a sympathy that took a substantial form, and was not confined to mere words alone ? Who in private life or at the bar, or even in publio position, was more ready to stand by the neglected and the perse- “ Who so forward as he to see virtue in tho humblest guise, and to recognize and respect it as much or more than if tho subject it of it were highest in name and of tho loftiest lineage ? “ The peer in eloquenoe and oratory and ar- ra t^tioa of his oontempories at the bar and lie life, yet who so prompt to express en comium of the great efforts of others ? In fact, he bad no disposition for rivalry, and was a man without envy or jealousy. “Of human feeling the unbounded lord, and therefore the charm of the social circle, who stricken by ppblie or private misfortnne? WhoVJWrofoundly awed by the dispensations of Divu? Providence t Who was no tenderly solicitous far tho young or the aged ? Who so fast a friend, though tho clouds deeply lowered and the storm of assail waxed strong?' Sixteen year* ago General Pierce pronounced a eulogy on the occasion of the death of Daniel Webster. He used the remarkable expression, “The great heart of the country beats heavily at the portals of his tomb." So now we do not hesitate to say so high were the personal qualities of General Pieroe, millions of hearts will be saddened at I the news of his death, and eyes will be suffused with tears that are unused to such signs of sor- | row. I “ In the respect of attention to age of either ■ sex be seemed to hare been taught in tho school of the Spartan. To experienced wisdom in statesmanship and patriotism, who was more re- Kpeotfnl and deferential ? So feeling, ho sat at the feet of the Gamaliels of the land in his Con gressional life. Of him the highest honors by the American people were predicted by John C. I Caftan. Ho bn.i U.eoonfldence and friendship IcfSu^Y right, and over Ju.. la place in the nf- Ifediiina at tho hospitable board of Daniel vefitar. He was loved and ooeAdad in bjA»> Idrew Jackson, who bespoke for him niaW i political career.” ItriuiNWick and Albany ItMilrouil. A Brunswick correspondent of th6 Milledgc- villo Recorder says: Then wo bare the Brunswick and Albany Railroad. Truo, it ia not ao near completion as the road to Ifiaoon, but atilt it ia a road and ono that wo are proud of. The road-bed is rote- ready for the track to No. 9, Gulf road. Ono cargo of iron has arrived and others aro daily expected. The nmonnt of work dono on this road in leas than two months is truly astonish ing. On tho 9th of August tho Engineer aud Superintendent began to organize their force. By tho XNh they were prepared for work, mid on the 20th September the road had been graded fifty-nine miles, more than half the cross-ties had been cut and delivered on the rtad, several bridges wero erected, and the work had pro gressed with such rapidity that a largo numlier of bauds bad to be discharged in uoamquence of tTlWTtrat cxpenso of transporting provisions to ihvuJ A* soon as the track is laid to near the point of leaving off, a new force will be pnt on. This company is not by any means a bogus concern, as our enemies choose to call it. They are men of real, solid worth and wealth—men Who are noted for their aagaeity and great busi ness talent- They foresee tho importance of thia road in connection with tho Southern Fa- cifle, and are taking hold of it in earnest. This road ia a great enterprise, and is the only route which will secure to Georgia tho terminus of the Southern Pacific on her shores. Georgia will yet be proud of thia important road, and her people through the entire State will reap benefit from it. Then, wo have a beautiful site for n city. Nature has been lavish in her gifts to Bruns wick. Liveoaktreca ornament the greater por tion of Jhe city. It is Laid off after the plau of Savannah. Our waters ahonud with fi-h, oys ters, clams, shrimp and turtle. Wild dear and turkeva aro killed daily, within an hour's ride or sail from the city. Living ia cheap; health I of the city excellent. There has never licen a case of cholera or yellow fever hero since its I settlement, more than one hundred and thirty years ago. ^ Oglethorpe College. The MilledgeviUe papers contain the following appeal to tho men of MilledgeviUe and Baldwin j county: The Oglethorpe College in your mid>t lost moat of its funds by the war aud was taken for s Confederate hospital. The building and grounds cost about $75,000, and are now ont of order, and need repair. Taking advantage of this, a strong party has arisen who desire to re move the College to Atlanta. The people of At lanta offer to give £10,000 if the Trustees will remove it there. Men of Baldwin : business men of Milledge- ▼iUe; wfll you not help to repair the houses and keep this noble school at home ? Tho danger is immediate; a few days will decide tho matter. We invite you to a public meeting at tho Court- houae, %ti next Saturday, October lGth, at It o'clock, a. u. Rev. Rontr.T C. Smith, Samuel G. White, William McKtxxiy, B. H. Ramsat, Rev. Chaexxs W. Lane. The Recorder of Tuesday says about it: There seems to be some discontent among the Trustees relative to the present location of the College at Midway, and they are anxious to remove it to some oilier location. Atlanta, as usual, getting wind of the matter, offers £ to, 000 in property or money, if the College is located in that city. Macon is also on the bid, or at least it is urged bv some to offer j'.0.000 for ins location there. It will be the height of folly for the Trustees to listen to any such induce ments : and as men of common sense, thev know that tho influence of a city to boys is anv- thing but good. Instead of removing the Col lege from Midway, they should resolve that it is the riglitjiaee for it, and all th-tt is needed to make it a first-class institution, is that Presbv- teriaus should 1>« true to themselves and to their faith. If they allow or send their sons off to JJber colleges, of course the Institution will re.ffer. I here are enough Presbyterians in Georgia, South Carolina and Alabama to give tone trwOglethorpe, and if it is in a languishing condition, it is because of their indifference, and not on account of the location. A Sew Freight Liar from Colambna (o br laitabllshed. Our city was visited on Thursday by a railroad delegation to inspect the river steamers of the Barnett Line with a view to their purchase. The resnlt is that they have virtually bought all the boats that run to Columbus, except the two steamers of the Central Line—in all. acme seven first class steamers. The intention ia to run them in connection with the line of steamers to New Orleans, and also with the railroad now in process of completion to the river. The delegation consisted of Captain McDon ald, of tho C. S. A.. son of ex-Goremor McD., of this State, President: Major Burns, of New York, Engineer, and Colonel D. P. Holland, Legal Adviser of the Jacksonville and Mobile railroad now runningfrom Jacksonville,Florida, and Savannah to Quincy, the ulterior aim of which is to connect with the Mobile and New Orleans and a Southern Pacific railroad. They were accompanied by Mr. Barnett, chief owner of the boat line. They left here for Albany to examine the steamer Jackson, now on the Flint rller. The company proposes to be ready to take freight from Colnmbns by the 15th ofXovem- ber. On tho break of railroad between Quincy and Chattahoochee, a distance of twenty-two miles, five hundred hands are employed, and the iron is ready at Quincy as soon as the road bed is finished. When Gen. Cobb com manded thia division of the Confederacy, he had twelve miles graded. Chattahoochee is located on tho Apalachicola river, jast below the junction of the Chattahoochee and Flint and two hundred and eighteen miles from Co- 1 ambus. As soon as this line is opened, we of Colum bus can bavo two through routes to New York and the Northern cities, and aa a conseqnenoe freight will be reduced. There are already a nuralxr of steamers plying between New York and Fcrnandina, ono of the finest harbors on the Atlantic coast. Railroads also connect with Savannah. The route is 1G4 miles shorter than the former “Atlantic and Gulf Railroad Line"— 92 by river and 72 by rail—and Flint river nav- I igation is avoided; and 2G0 miles shorter than via Apalachioola and Fcrnandina. The line will aid Colnmbns greatly by offering competition, EVERY BOTTLK BOLD IS ACCOMPANIED BY A THE GREAT CHILL 1M FEVER BXPBLLBR LIPPMAN’S PYRAFUGE IT IS. IN PACT, A MOST WONDERFUL FEVER CURE, On account of thi* Instant Remedy makings LASTING AND PERMANENT CURE. TO CASE, now EVER OB ST I HATE. CAS RE SIST ITS IlEAlTIf-OIViyO PROPERTIES. PUTNAM COUNTY AGRICULTURAL FAIR! TO BE HELD AT Eatonton, 6a., \ov. 2, 1869. FB-sncxirac LIST. Be?t Stallion, open to Second bast do.. Beet Stallion. Georgia Second beet do.. Best Jack, open to the world t do-. THE FARM, the world...—, raftfff i. lo o .. 5 00 ^ 10 CO .. 500 _ 10 00 . 5 ft) 10 00 5 (0 Be«t Colt, from 1 to 2 yeara old. Georgia raised- 10 ft) Second best do., * ** ** ...... 5 ft) Be?t Colt, from 2 to 3 years old. Georgia raised.. 10 ft) Second best do., ** ** 5 0<) Best Mule Colt, from 1 to^2 years oI-1........... 1»» <*> Pasta! Pacing ilorse— 10 ft) Best Mare and Colt. Gecrgiarai ed 10 ft) Second best do., ** “ 5 ft) Be-t Mare an t Colt, open to the world 10 ft) Second belt do., ** “ *‘ 5 CO Best Mule. Georgia — 10 Second beit do., ** ~ T „ Best Male, open to tho world-..-. ~~~ 10 Second best do.. “ M 5 Bert Horse, sitgle harness. Georgia raised .. 10 Second beat do., 14 “ ** “ S Een Horae, single barnett, open to the world.. 10 Second best do.. ** " ** ** 5 GREAT SOUTHERN PREPARATIONS!! I ^HESE ARE the standard Family Medicines of . America. They are prescribed and used by the medical profession. They are preferred by every mother and father. They immediately merit public eeteerc and confidence of all who once test their vir tues. They are prepared by physicians who are fully authorised by the Congress of the United States, and are the result of a long bedside experience. Being neither secrets nor patents, tlie medical profession have no hesitancy in giving them a fair trial and a hearty recommendation. DIARRHEA CONDITION POWDERS! HORSES. MULES. CATTLE Fastest Trotter, Georgia raised Fastest do., open tothe world PYRAFUG E - Heat Butt, Georgia raised... Cr«at<* in Ai-[*tite, Bring! Color to the Cheek* of the Kmaeiatod aod Strencth to th. Feeble. and hence reducing freights on cotton, etc., and benefit merchants, planters and the general community. The company, which ia a strong one, backed by New York capitalists, have so chartered rail roads that when the lino to Chattahoochee is Completed, tho choice _cf three ports will be offered shippers—Femandina, Savannah and Jacksonville.—Cotumbui Su n. Horrible Ontrnc<- near Lluwood, Ala bama—The IVrpcIrntor linage*!. Paaseugenby tho Mobile and Girard Railroad, yesterday, report a terrible outrage which hap pened near Linwood, the terminus of tho road, on Thursday last The particulars, as far aa we can glean them, are aa follows.- On Thursday last, as two ladies of FarriorviUe, one married, the other single, (whose names wo withhold,) were riding in a baggy along the road, not far from that place, they wero suddenly snrprucd by a negro man, named Carny Gilmore, jumping op behind the br-ggy and catching them around the waist Tho vehicle was immediately stopped, and threaten ing them with instant death, he forced the y*>ting lady to dismount and attempted to rapo her person, but fortunately, being strong and active, by violent resistance she foiled the at tempt, receiving a broken arm in tho effort. Being frustrated in his design, he then made an onslaught on tho married one, and she being of weakly constitution, he succeeded in accom plishing his fiendish purpose. Tho young lady, suffering with pain, and being sorely fright ened, was unable to prevent tho outrage upon h'-r sister, and could only get into the buggy and scream with all her might. Haring satiated his hellish propensities, be id the ledies together by tho hair of their heads, and after enquiring of them if they knew him, nnd they happily feigning ignorance, be left them thus nnd made otl' for the woods. The ladies soon managed to get loose and give the alarm in the urighlHirhood, and the excite ment becamo intense and widespread. Pnrenit was commenced at once in every direction and tho fiend captured, and hung on Sunday near tho very spot where ho had committed the crime, and np to the last accounts bis carcass was still hanging there. His expiation was as just as it was summary. Such occurrences are becoming entirely too fre quent, and it is high time they were stopped. If the law is too tardy and uncertain lo effect a cure, let punishment condign and instantaneous overtake all such offenders. iYe learn that this negro has been in the em ploy of the Indy's lrasband ; that by misconduct had been discharged, and was probably actua ted by a spirit of revenge in the crimo commit ted.—Co'unl>■/» Ennuirer. ( ASH IHtA Ai STORM. GUARANThK OF ITS EFFICACY. Th® Proprietor of th® Pjrmfbc® challeoi®* every cm®, do matter of how loo« •tA&din«« to try thU Greet Chill aod Fever Cure, and thee deny it« wonderful curative properties. ASIC FOB LIPPMAN’S PYRAFUGE, And cet ri I of that micerable dijeaue. Chill* aod FeTer. For *ale. at wholeaal*^ by tbe Sole Manufacturer for the United State*, by JACOB LIPPMAN, PROPRIETOR OP Lippmans Wholesale Drug House, SA VANNAn, a A. Second beet do . — T - - Be*t Cow and Calf, Georgia raised--„ T -, TT1 Second beat do„ *•* ~ Bet*t Heifer, Georgia rafted .......... Second beat do- ** Berr Boar. GeoriU raftcl Best Brood £ow and Hgv. Georgia railed... Bert Kam. Georria raised ... Bert pair Turkey*. Georria ^rafted Bert pair Duck*. Georgia rafted... ... Be-? pair Chicken*. Be*t Imparte 1 Ball- Best Imported Cow ami Calf- Beet Importcl Stock , ILII ,,- T ,-r„- 10 Be*t Imported Ram and Ewe. uheep,)...~~~.~... 10 Beet coop Imported Fowl-' «- 5 Heat burnel u heat. Georgia raised-...— 5 Best yield Wheat per acre. Putnam tn l ad joining countie* — .... 5 Beet yield Wheat per acre, open to the world... 10 He*t bu>hel Corn on cob. Georgia rafted 1! Bert yield per acre. Upland Corn 5 Heat > irld per acre. Bottom Land ............. 5 Beat l-4le Georgia Cotrne r ._,— 5 Bert bushel Sweet Potatoer. Gc<>rria rafted.—.. S Bert bushel field Peal ** ** S Bert lb*. Hay-clover, ~ " 5 Bert 2*» lb*. Hav — native gra**—<leorgia rafted.. Beat yield 0*t* per acre— 3 Bc*t burhel Irftn Potatoes.Georgiarafted^^. S\M Bert lot Georgia Him? & 00 Beet lot Georgia B*eon 6 ■ Bert rack Gr<>r*ii Flour.. 3 Beat buahel Georgia Corn Meal.. .T V . At- SH Beet Domestic Soap, washing and toilet........ 5 00 THE GARDEN. Belt peck OnioD*. Georgia rafted-.-. Be»t half (ft zen Cabbage, Georgia rafted.... Beet lot Vegetables, He-rgia rafted... Bert lot frc»h Fruit, Georgia grown.... THE ORCHARD. KAYTON’8 OIL OF LIF CURES ALL E PAINS ANI) ACHES. AND IS THE GRK.1T RHEUMATIC REMEDY!! aprU-tf Beat Canned Best and largest variety of Peaches... Bert h ilf bushel Dried Fruit.. Best Preserved Fruit ....... BnUad Inrgest variety of Grapes in tticcetafu! Brrt and largest miscellaneous collection of Fruit THE DAIRY. Best Georgia made Batter- Beat Georgia nude Cheese.. THE KITCHEN. Best Light Bread ... Best Embossed Cake..... 1 Bert Cake— fruit.... J Best Cake—ep&nge. Bert Crackers — $ 5 00 . 300 . 300 3& 3 00 300 OAHD TO MBit (KYI'S AND PLANTERS! J. H. ZHILIN & CO, Have for rile a lar^e Su* k r*f Paints, Oils, Olass, Perfumery, FANCY GOODS. Snuff. Garden Seeii, Medicinal Liquors ETC., ETC., ETC. yLl orfvr, » tr then, will b« VERY LOWEST PRICES! QfK F AliL STOCK ft arrivicr and being opened daily. Aj usual, it com prises everything kept in a first-class WHOLESALE HOUSE, And we are prepared to offer inducements to the trade, which will insure their sale and give entire aat- isfaction. Our Stock of BO MESTI C S date. An unusual large Stock of CASSIMKKKS. JEANS. (North Carolina and Co lumbus, (ia.. make.) KERSEYS. LINSKYS. FLAN NELS. DEL AI NS and DRESS GOODS 01 every description. Onr Addon Department Ia well aborted and very MECHANICAL DEPARTMENT. Be«t.^ cheapest Plantation Wagon. Georgia ^ ^ Be«t, cheapest Plantation Wagon, open to the Bert do , open to the wurld....^..... Beat Wheelbarrow. Georgia made ....... Best do.. Mi en t-» i he w.i- Id Best Turning Plow. Georgia nude ............. Beat Plow btoefu ■ Best Reaper and Mower.. Best Cotton Gin Best Horse Power.. 1^0 10 00 10 00 10 00 6 00 500 10 00 Best Thresher and Separator............................ Best niece Blacksmith Work. - ■ it r - i Best Labor-saving Machine—toy kind......... Best Turning Plow, open to the world.......... Best Turning Plow, one-horse, open to the world... 10 00 Best Plow Stock for common planting work..... 10 CO Best Grain Fan Best Gnano Distributor. Beat lot Georgia manufactured Boots and Be«t loTfleorri* manufactured Leather Bc«t and cheape-t single buggy Harness. Geor gia manufacture — — Be-t and cheapest wagon llarne-s,Georgia min- u fj ** Wo buy money d * other Lou J II. ZEILIN A CO. SIMMONS’ LITER REGULATOR The Great Remedy for DYSPEPSIA. LIVER DISEASE. CHILLS. FEVER. JAUNDICE. Etc. For sale in any quantity. The trade supplied ate very handsome discount lor profit, by the Proprie- teptSg-tf a. zBxxixa a co„ MACON. GA. -daKirs w. oi*a A. RANSOM & CO., Manufacturers and Jobbers of BOOTS AND SHOES, in ... SNA Broadway. HEW YORK Dr. J. D. llcKELLAR, OFFICE ON THIRD STREET, XXV CITY BARS BT7XX.SXXVO, D O I NY and all DENTAL WORK, at the shortest notice and at reasonable fimree. Coses t>om (he eoontrv will r^eeire orcropt attention. aprlftf VALUABLE PLANTATION FOR. SAIjR O N F int River, Crawford county, eight mile* from Southwestern Rjuiroad. containing 12*;acres, 450 cleared and in high state of cultivation. An elegant oot- tage hou e with six large rooms and beautiful Flower 1 ard and goi>d Water. Ihe Land will produce twenty to firty bushels of Corn per acre with good seasons. Will be sold with the Place, if desired. Stock of all kind* : Farming Utensils, Corn. Fodder, etc. Address A. W. GlBSON, Macon, Ga., or S. F. A»- dsesox. on the Place. aeptT-tf GIBSON A ANDERSON. CLOTHING BOOTS & SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, BLANKETS, of all qualities, both in colored and white, and, in a word, we have everything to the trade of the Country Merchant. Our GROCERY DEPARTMENT Has been largely added to, and we expect to tell at a small margin. Our Stock of TOBACCO Is very choice and was purchased at leas than Manu facturer's prices, which enables us to offer it low to our customers. OSNABURGS, heavy and light, all grades of SHEETINGS, YARNS of the different men ufacturers M AISKY, BRANDY AND VINES, Plan-ation Bitters and Wolfe’s Schnapps, Sugars of all grades. Old Government Java. Gy ion and Rio HARDWARE aad Staple Drags. Bagging, Tics. Nail*.Iron. Flour in sacks and barrels,* Rice, o *V*.* ®vooms. Backets, Selves, etc. Our Stock of such a character that a Merchant or Planter can fill his entire memorandum with. W* respectfully ask an examination, foeiisr assured we can please you and make it to yourintereet. 7. M. Best Hats and Cap*.Georgia made LADIES' DEPARTMENT. Rest Georgia made , ,, ,, Best Georgia made Jelly Best Gtorgia made Mixed Pickles ....... Best Georgia made Plain Piekles ..^.^. Best Georgia made Cordial Best Georgia mail® Win* lie*t Georgia made Brandy * Best Uatsup with Recipe Best ( avup with 1 Best Wax Work.... Best Artificial Flos Best Fewing Machine Work - Best Hand Sewing Rest Shirt, hand-made at home......... Best Jean?, five yards, Georgia made- Best Quilted Work, ** *' Best Embroidery. ** '* Best home-made Hat <>r Bonnet Best suit home-spun and made Clothes - Largest Contribution in the Ladies' Department by one Lady.... $ 3 00 3 0ft 3 CO , :j oo 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 V» 3 00 - -31 3 00 i<> 3 ft) 3 "> 3 ft) 500 10 00 MISCELLANEOUS DEPARTMENT. Best specimen Dental Work^. — 8 5 00 Best improved Scientific Instrument or Appa- Best specimen Oil Painting - , 5 00 Bert specimen Photography, plain..— — 5 00 Best specimen Photography, io oil—-.—— 5 00 He#t spe«*'men Ornamental Work, Ladies—. 5 ft) Best «j*ecimen Penmanship 5 00 Best K«.-ay on cer. Best Essay on imi- tem ofdrainacc. al ra «nagement of farm 10 00 10 00 Be«t K?«ty on application o r fertilizers, with method of an a) vising soils — 10 00 Best lot Southern manufactured Goods. Be«t I«t Southern manufactured Good . Best Plan for Farm-ilonse. Bara and out-build ings, adapted to this climate 10 00 Uandsome-t Turnout—single or double team. buggy, phaeton or carriage —....... 10 00 Notx.—The premium* will consist of Silver Pitch ers. Goblet*. and Table Ware. No premiums will be given to a single competitor in any deioirtment, if the entry ft considered below the standard. Anv article not mentioned in the above li*t, being adjudged worthy of a premium.will be awarded upon the report of a ipecial committee. Competitors for field crops must have the acrecare- folly measured and authenticated, by disinterested parties, and the grain mea-ared in similar manner. The measurement* to be fiied with the Secretary and endorsed with the name of exhibitor. Persons having articles to exhibit for premium must have them registered properly at tbe Secretary’s office, before 12 o'clock, v„ on tho 4th of November. Exhibitors will please mark such articles as are sent if Railroad or Express plainly, and send to the care f the Secretary. Eatonton has ample Hotel accommodation* for visitors, who will have the assurance that no pains will be spared in making their visit as pleasant a* possible. HENRY D. CAPERS, Secretary. sept2>eowJJrwtillFair TUTT’S VEGETABLE LIVER PILLS Cures disease* of the Liver and Stomach. TUTT’S EXPECTORANT, A pleasant cure for Coughs, Colds, etc. TUTT8 8 A t8 ATARI LLA k qURM’S DELIGH1 The great Alterative and Blood Pariffw TUTT’S IMPROVED HAIR SIR, Warranted the best dye in use- Thee® standard preparations are tor sale by HARRIS. CLAY A CO. Agents. J. H. ZEILIN k CO., Dsuogibtc, ar>r2-d*wly Marne. Ga. JNO. U. SBOXTXX. i. W. FISSOIS. SHORTER ft PERSONS, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law, MA coy; GA., W ILL practice in the United States Courts, at Savannah and Atlanta, aod in the State Conrtl wherever onr services are denied. ^^Collections solicited. jmljtt-tf groans of”old and young are constantly crying aloud ! Ii-r relief from Diarrhea, Cholera Morbus, etc. Asa 1 remit of much scientific reaoarch and a loog and faith ful bedside experience, we offer a remedy for alltho*c ' Summer Con>i>lAint< which is pleasant and never fail- ; in* in its effects. No mother should fail to have a ! supply of the RED DIARRHEA REMEDY, Prepared wi?h artistic beauty, with chec ical purity : and exactne»4. selected and combined according lo ' extensive medical experience, unique in finish and appearance, mild, pleasant and cooling to the stomach and never-failing in remedial effects, the unerring finger of truth point* to the Red Diarrhea Remedy as the boasted combination of the day for all forms of Diarrhea, Cholera, Cholera Morbus Nausea. Vomit- I rnrPPy STPFVV iog. Cramp*, etc. Price. SI. or six bottle, lor *5. Sent C/I/AIflM fflKtUUT, to ell part* of tho country on receipt of price. Sold by all Druggists. J. P. DR0MG00LB k CO.. Prow., Memphi*. Tcnn. HOGS, POULTRY. L. W. HUNT & CO., DRUGGISTS, MAC OX, VA„ BOX. 13 rsOPSIEZORS. PACIFIC MAIL STEAMSHIP CO/A THROUGH LINE TO CA1IF03 CHINA AND JAPAN,' T0UCIHXQ AT MEXICAN PORTS. AND CAR RYING THE C. S. MAIL, riiri-ujrti to Caltrornta In Twenty-two Days. Steamships ok thi Atulkhc : ALASKA, > ARIZONA, f ~ ' HENRY CHAUNCEY, - NEW YORK, - - CoNKXOTOtO OH TH* Pi- Cine WITH TH* COLORADO, CONSTITUTION, GOLDEN CITY, OCEAN QUEEN, - - - SACRAMENTO, NORTHERN LIGHT, COSTA RICA, - - - - GOLDEN AGE, MONTANA. ENGLISH FEMALE BITTERS. WHAT WILL TOBY DO? They will restore fading female beauty, will paint the pale cheek, will hurl back the gathering storm that encircles your brow, will ad l brightness nnd lustre to your lifeless eye, will give brilliancy and activity t" your dull inteilec*. w . ! .*:■ c: and soothe your blattered nerves add tone, health and bouyaney to your whole system. now WILL THEY DO ALL YUISt A RELIABLE MEDICINE FOR ALL DISEASES , INCIDENT TO STOCK OF ANY KIND. fl^HE chief superiority of these Powders arises from ! 1 the fact that they aro composed of medicines that , have laxative, tonic und alterative properties. The use oftheiu improve the wind.strengthens tbe appetiteand digestive apparatus, nn 1 gives to the utmnai a fine, smooth and gh»f>y skin, thus improving the appear ance. vigor and spirit, which has been reduced by overwork or disease. These Powders will strengthen the stomach and intestine*, cleanse them from offen sive matter, and bring them t<* a heultby Mate. They are a «uro preventive >t Lung Fever, and n certain remedy for all diseases incident to the Horse, such ns Glanders. \ ellow Water.Distemper, Founder, Iloaves, Slavering, Coughs, Fever. Lo?.« of Appetite and Vital Energy, etc. By arousing, regulating nnd restoring tall sickly females to a healthy condition. By curing all those complaints peculiar to the female sex. such -s pain ful, sup preyed or irregular Menstruiti >n. Hysteria. Leucorrho*. Chlcre-ds. Prolapsus. Uteri, Ulceration , and Irritability of the Womb, Pains in the side and back, Melancholy. Palpitation of the he*rt, Swim- , ming and Giddiness ofthe Head, Odd Feet an t Hand*, Nervousness, bick Headache, a feeling of suffocation, indisposition to enter society, and all th»*-e diseases arising from a deranged condition of the uterine sys tem, whether affecting ol 1 or young, married or single. This compound ft neifer M*cret n«>r patent, but is prepared and offered by the regular medical profession Wo bare hundreds similar to the following: Frowiau cmineaf I'hytirian <\f Carroll Co., MU*. Measrs. J. P. Deomgoolx ac Co.: As your “English Female Bitters” is ne ther a secret nor a patent. I hare frequently prescribed it for the variout* female I . . complaints of our country, and always with the most spring rurifier, give the powder twice^ satisfactory result*. It is decidedly the most valuable Central City Condition Powders DIRECTION?: iTTNO FEVKR.-When you fin, 1 that your appetite i? not good, and he appears dull and stu pid. standing back from the trough, with his head down, etc., he has strong symptoms of Lung Fever. Give one powder morning and niglit. in wet food, which, if used in time, will effect a cure in ft few days. For poor and low-spirit ed animal-*, one powder a day, in wet food .will have the mo*t beneficial effect, infusing ft new spirit into tho horse and producing•» glotsyskin. When distemper prevails in the neigh borhood. give one powder three times a week. A* a oek. young, and I do not hesitate to give it a hearty re commendation. It* astonishing cures have won for , it many laurels in Carroll county, and I hope it* efficiency may soon be heralded all over the country | that the medical profession and the f**maIocommunify may reap it? advantage*. G. w. VA888B, M. D The English Female Bitter* is accurately and beau tifully put up in largo bottles, at $250 per bottle, or three bottle* for fo—one bottle lasting about two week’. Shipped to all parti of the country on receipt of price. Sold by all Druggists. J. P. DROMGOOLK Jt CO., Proprietors. Memphis, Ter n. KIDNEY AND BLADDER ASeetlona are exceedingly common and troablnome all orer th. country, and th. I’Ubfic have tonz lelt the ncrenire of a remedy that conld he relied aron in all BON affection!, and none are bettrr qualified to pre- . are fuch a remedy than the payiioian himself. i~e | are practiced medicine aboot twenty yetrr. and can safely sty that we know of no combination to squat our Extract Bearbrfrj' and Riiclm. It is recommended to cure all derangements r f the Kidney.* and Bladder, such ft* Gravel. Urinary De- Mh of all kinds. Bloody or Milky Urine. Irequent desire to urinate, pain in small of back, dull burning pain in region Mailer. '• ■ I»rup«y, Nervuus Trembling. Melancholy, evil forebodings, effect* of habit* of dissipation or early abuse. lost Of power and memory, and all those affections requiring a prompt and decided Diuretic, whether old or young, male it female- Price, fit, or six bottle* for |5. Shipped to parts of the country on receipt of price. S dd by Druggist*. J. P. DROMGOOLE * CO- Iroprktor*. Memphis. Tenn. THE CHILL PUZZLE. • Is sills sllills si lib ills fllihehtlla sllihcfchill* sllihcfofo hills sllihofoarofohills sllihcfogngofchills si! ihcfogn ingofeh ill* sllihofogniKingofchills • 1 I i b c for n ingofohills sllihcfogngofchills sllihofogofchill* sllihcfofc hills sllihcfchill* ill ihe hi 11s • II i hills edlills tills ill ure any case of chill*, even of six fthout affecting the head, ears or nerve*. It arouses the stomach and liver, carries off the bile and effects permanent cures. In the swamps of Arkansas, where tbe chill* are so common and so difficult to cure, they readily yield when treated with our King of Chill*. Put up in large bottles at SI. or six bottles for $>.— Sent to all part* of the country on receipt of price. Sold by all Druggist*. J. P. DROMGOOLE & CO., PROPRIETORS, MEMPHIS. TENN. ■ML w. HUNT k CO. aug4-law FOR MULCII COWS. By actual experiment, it ha« been proven that these Powder* will increase the quantity of Milk and Crcum 20 per cent., *tnd make the Butter firm and sweet. In fattening cutle. it gives th^rn an appetite, loosens their hide, and makes them thrive much faster. Dusk for Cows—Half a powder in slops. FOR HOGS. For all diseases of Swine, such »* Coueh*. Ulcers In the Lungs, and moreM^articularly in Hog Cholera, these Powder* are invaluable. They will also cure Mange, and promote the growth ot blunted pias. Dose for Hogs—Half a powder once a day. in swill orwet food. If the Cholera !* In the neighborhood, give half a powder twice a week. FOR FOCLTRY. These Powders are a certain preventive or gape*, cholera, and other dietsle* In Chicken*. Turkeys. Docks, etc., and will improve tho condition of all kind* of fowls. Dose—One-fourth of a powder, to be mixed with a plot of dough, and fed to n bn->J of twenty-five chick en* every day. Fcr grown fowls, give twice the quan- iitv. These Powders areoffered to the nublie with a guar antee of reliability end practical u*cfulne*» to all clause* who have stock of any kind. To everv one. wo say give them a trial. Tbe money spent forthom will be as good an investment as yon ever made. Put op in boxes of ten powdc Cents per box. The trade None genuine without our written signature. One of the above large and splendid Steamships will leave Pier No. 42 North River, foot of Canal Street, at twelve o’clock, noon, on the 1st, and 11th, of every month (except when those dates fall on Sunday, ana then on the preceding Saturday), for ASPINWALL, connecting, via Panama Railway, with one of the Company'* Steamship* from Panama for SAN FRAN- ! CISCO, touching at ACAPULCO. Departure* of tho ftt connect* at Panama with ! Steamer* for SOUTH PACIFIC and CENTRAL A ERICAN PORTS. Theso of the 1st touch at i MANZANILLO. i FOR JAPAN AND CHINA.—Steamer AMERICA. I leaving San Francisco November 4th, 18#s for Japan : and China. One Hundred Pound* of Baggage allowed to each adult. Baggngo-Maxter* accompany baggage through, and attend ladies and children without male protec tor*. Baggage received on the dock the day beforv sailing, from Steamboat*. Railroad*, and passengers who prefer to send down earl I An experienced Surgeon board- Medicine and attendance free For Freight or Passengo Ticket*, or farther infor* mntion. apply at the Company’s Ticket Office, on the Wharf foot or CANAL STREET, NORTH RIVKR. N EW \ 0RI\. umy 10-lj* F. R.BABY Agent. DH.IIUNTEE /'10NTIXUKS to trout all private di*ea*e*, Syphilis " J ,in ull its forms. Gonorrhea, Gleet, Stricture. Orchitis, and all urinary diseases, and the effect* oi murcury are completely eradicated: Spermatorrhea or Seminal Weakness, resulting Irorn self-abuse or other causes, and which produces fomo of the follow ing effects: As blotches, Dodily weakness, indigestion, constipation, aversion to society, unmanliness, dread of future events, loss of memory, indolence, nocturnal emissions, and finally prostration ol the vital power*, can bo fully restored to health. Persons a til ic tea with this, or any other delicate, intricate, or long standing constitutional complaint, should give the Doctor a trial, lie never fails. The Doctor publishes a medical circular that gives a full exposition of venereal and private diseases, that can be had tt«c ai hi* office, or by mail for one stamp. It give* a clear delineation ot all tho diseases and conditions resulting from the infringement of the moral laws, excesses, indulgences, exposures, and im prudence* in married or single life. Every sentence contains instruction to the afflicted, nnd enabling them to determine the precise nature of 4heir com plaints. The establishment, comprising ten ample roOnJS, it central. When it is not convenient to vftit the city, the I)> ctor’s -pinion can be obtained by giving « written statement of the case, and medicine* can be forwarded by mail or express. In some instances, however, a personal examination is absolutely neces sary, while in others, daily personal attention is re quired, and for the accommodation of such patient* there are apartments connected with the office that are provided with every requisite that is calculated to nromote. recovery, including medicated vapor baths. All prescriptions are prepared in the Doctor’s own Laboratory, under bis personal supervision. Medi- . cal pamphlet at. offioe free or by mail for two stamps. ; No matter who have failed, read what he says, j Office No. 183 Third street, between Green and Walnut street#, near the Pcstoffice. Louisville, Ky. Offic 12 i A. M,, to R S ADA LIS! 1HIE GREAT AMERICAN HEALTH I Restorer, purifies too blood am^cur^i ^ r-jfula. Syphilis. Skin Disease?, Kbeutna- ttHTO, Diseases of Women, and ail Chronic Aff ections of tbe Blood, Li ver and Kidneys. Bccommendel by the Medical Faculty and many thousands of our best oiritens. Read the testimony of Physicians V^d patient* ho have u?ed lln-Hdalh; for our ide to Health (or \! vh , ’■ ■}: R1 * y OU , - A. . ‘ ‘ ’’iaUfi•« ^ T. Aik— Rosadalii ders exch. Price, Fifty i ‘applied on liberal te tilt ‘ I sept28-tf Ii. W. HTTJKTT 6L CO., Draggiet*. Macon, 0 EXECUTOR’S SALE. A 8PLEADII) PLANTATION In Monroe County. carefully h your Roi ccllent co:i f Bal r Kofi*, rfulalrcrutive. I have i-#*s with happy retult*: secondary »yphili*, in pronounced himself taken iiyo bottle* of e other i- h case of ruling, which is rapidly t* u*o. ami tho iudica- ill soon recover, d tho formula- niado, and find >f alterative in- '*«>• becomeX time, brliev pat rt of Ordinary of ! the fir ft t TUBS- | the Court-House door | H Y v'ii tue of an order of the C Monroe couiity. wilt be sold « DAY in November next, bef . . in grid county.within the legal hours of sale.the pi tati>iii whereon Aquilla Cheney lived at hi* death, ! containing seven hundred a^re*. more or lets. It lie? j between Yellow Creek and Tobeaofkee. and adjoins J the lands of Thomas Dewberry, William It. JIardin ! and Battle. It is one of the mo»t desirable rlanta- j tions in Middle Georgia—with good improvement*, j productive land, arid convenient to market, church and "chool*. It lies eight mile* south of Forayth. J Title* unquestionable. Terms ca«h. . Sold aa the ; property of Aquilla Cheney, late of said county, de ceased. Alee, will be sold on the next day, (Wednesday) on I the plantation, four fine mule*, two wagons, (two- ! horse and .six-nor?e,) and Larne?*, and the crop of , corn, fodder, and cotton, et-., grown this year. Also, a gin and all tho perishable property remaining un- 1 •old. Sold a* the property of said ''honey'* estate. \ A. J. CHENEY, Executor. Pleasant Hill P. O., Talbot co., Ga. *ept!5- td Ia. W. HUNT A CO. General Agent*. Macon, Us. "S ASTRAL OIL }-SO CHA5GE OF L.VMPS a TThminaling Oil—Strictly o Mrrturf^ No Ch^jacalX —Will act Erplcxte— 5 degrees (bong^degrees higher than ft L fcp xkU- Dr* Si»Hrks. of Nicholasvillo, Ky., says he has ii ■'**< t Rosadali* in cases of Scrofula and .-rirondary Syphilis with satisfactory re /■ults—a* ii cleaner of tho Blood I know no bettor remedy. {Samuel C». McFad-lon, of Murfreesboro. Tenn.. ?;iy*: 1 have usH. se\en bortles of Hosadali*. and am entirely cured of Rheumatism: -rnd mo four bottle*, n* 1 wfth it for in brother, who has Scrofulous .Sore Eyes. Beniamin Bechtol, of Lim a, Ohio, write*: I h ive Buffered for twenty year* with an inveterate eruption over my whole body: h short time sitico l purchased a bottle Ro*adal:« and it effected a perfect core. fiOBA.UA.riZ [-; SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. •^.Laboratory, N*>. *>1 Exchange Plact>. Baltimore. Dr*. Clements, Rives A-Co., Proprietors. For sale by J. H. ZTBXIrtXg St CO inlv8-tf W. E. TANNER. ALEX. DELANEY METROPOLITAN WORKS RICHMOND, VIRGINIA, Corner of Seventh and C:tnai Street*. Bor 3050. Sand fix circwlarx. *ept!8-eodom DR. ILZOSAU’S GOLDEN REMEDIES. _ time, health and money. One Thousand Dollars Beware for any ca*e of dis ease in any stage which they fail to cure. Dr. Ricnau’* Golden Balsam. No. 1, cnresUlcers, Ul cerated Sore Throat and Mouth. Sore Eyes, Cutaneous or Skin Eruptions, Copper Colored Blotchea. Sore ness of tbe Scalp, Scrofula, etc., is the greatest Reno vator, Alterative and Blood Purifier known, removes all diseases from the system, and leaves the blood pure and healthy. Dr. Richau’s Golden Balsam, No. 2. cures Mercurial Affections, Rheumatism in all it* forms, whether from mercury or other causes; gives immediate relief in all cases. No dieting necessary. I have thousand* of Certificate* proving the miraculous cures effected by these Remedies. Price of either N o. 1 or No. 2, $5 per bottle, or two bottles for 39. Dr. Riehtu's Golden Antidote, a «afe, speedy, pleas- and and radical cure for all Urinary Derangement*, accompanied with fall directions. Price. 33 per bot tle. Dr, Richan'* Golden Elixir d'Amour, a radical ewre for Nervous or General Debility, in old or young; im parting energy with wonderful effect. Price, $5 per bottle or two bottles for |9. On receipt of price, these remedies will be shipped anyplace. Prompt attention paid to all corres pondents. None genuine without tbe nameof'*Dr. Richan's Golden Remedies, D. B. Richards, sole pro prietor." blown in glass ct bottles. Address DR. D. B. RICHARDS. No. 228 Variek st.. New York, Office hours, from 9 a, iu to 9 y. u. Circulars sent july4-dly CORNER OF .MULBERRY AND SECOND ST:i M A CO N, O A , B. B. EUSTON, Principal, ... w., to 9 p. x., ughout the entire year, and is now in success ful operation. For want ol sufficient room to accom modate the gradual increase of Student*, tbe Insti tution ha* been enlarged. Daring tbo vacation an opportunity will be afforded to boys from school of gainings knowledge of Commercial Education. The period ot study ft unlimitei; cheap board; healthy city, and reasonable tuition fee*, are advant age* rendering it desirable for *11 to enter here. The Commercial Course constitute* Penmanship, Arithmetic, including Commercial Calculations and Book-keeping, each of which can be taken up sep arately. Distinct Branches—Ornamental Penmanship, Pen Drawing and Flourishing. Literary Department—English Grammatical Course, $50. For Circular* address Box 15, Macon, Ga. ^PATRONIZE AND ENCOURAGE HOME IN STITUTIONS. 5ulyl4-3m nov nauis iskxvaxx. This Institution offers the accumulated advantages of over 50 years' successful operation. Every facility is provided for a thorough coarse of wflifal and ornamental education, under the direction 1 a corps of more than twenty professors and teach- i. For circulars, apply to JOHN H. WILLARD, Troy. N. Y. *agZl-d2m Executive Department,) Atlanta, Georgia, October 9,1569. / Wbekeas, Information has been received at thia Department, from reliable and responsible persons, to the effect that R. N. Nelson wa3 arrested before the publication of a proclamation offering a reward of One Thousand Dollar*; it is OaDZBED, That the Executive Proclamation ofthe 28th day of September, ultimo, offering a reward 0 One Thousand Dollars for the arrest of R. N. Nelson, be, and the same is, hereby withdrawn and revoked. Given under my hand and the great *eal of the State, at the Capitol in Atlanta, thi* 9th day of October, in the year of our Lord Eighteen H undred and Sixty- Nine, and of the Independence of the United States of America, the Ninety-Fourth. RUFUS B. BULLOCK, • Governor. By the Governor: David G. Cottixo, Secretary of State. * octl2-d3wtt ■ LIVERY AND SALE STABLES. T IB undersigned has taken charge of the well known "Chapman's Livery Stable*" in Macon, opposite the passenger shed, on Plum street, where he will conduct a general Livery Business in all its brandies. Anything you may want in the way of transportation, by horse or mule, buggy, carriage or hack, will be furnished on short notice and at reason able rates. Drovers will find thft an old and popular stand at which to dispose of their stoek. febll-ly 8. H. H0LME8, Agent. WM. E. TANNER & CO., Stationary & Portable Engines, SAW AIXXjZjS, BOILERS, BRIDGE BOLTS AND CASTINGS, IRON AND BRASS WORK. TP.0N and WOODEN TRUCKS for Cora. TW- 1 PROVED MACHINERY of all kind, built aud repaired. Also, Agent sin the Southern State* for Slate’s Patent Stane & Ore Breater b. a. s&owzr, (epU-dawlr No. 62 Second et. Moons, ftm. OLD POPLAK LOG, THE riHEST 00PPEE WHISKY MADE, warranted to be pure, AT $3 50 PER GALLON. XTEUTRAL SPIRITS— -v* . RAW. CORN. RKCTUTKD, And, in feet, a Urge lot of all grade* of WhiikUa alwar, on band, at * ang2S4m 53 THIRD STREET, L. W. KJJJB