The constitutionalist. (Augusta, Ga.) 1823-1832, January 04, 1825, Image 2

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INDISTINCT PRINT '■in hv l ' ,’S % y Hlf!rltVl| />' '* !* J or \ S, k ■ f"“ ■*' '"'.ill >• T,/* ) n!l pi*- « '<!, inf.irw.f f Hf - $?. *' , n I itv felly wild * * f ,i i'iiows.iM<l pjrti«ar» It <*l ’* ~pj; *.r. • x . .1* ■ hull I "jell bar t ir "I Ut -■ t mi, ll hr. iir -b«r duty ». ‘ - A I «ir of «honfji,g hr • v ; >;# f fi iSn'l t>i< .*» mv *’y rj. • 1 jnrf* i *if rt< .a *p m tI ii i» Ihftin r ' ' 1 wl r». :.ll 111" « •' fir T/i■ •■irk llifl m £>> ... , O.i it / .ur hvr,» . sy^L-fc stfpi.;, «i i.liti* ir •• vr > 11, • • Vt 'v n , .As i ■ my ihuo* '.\b •».' A 111 l• . I ) 1 (v 4 i tuk< ui i ■ •. f*«lf - ‘} ] ii) run .ir ri i \ 4*. * ” , P rr ‘ ltH Hti n•, .!< ■'.< i jr ny - 1c ri k* vl’inn, gs n no hnd Ufll'o- t. lik thid •. to / .v, v , ' '«•*'■'» ■ K ivrem , lM»« •V' vvi ‘ o (AM i »sVaVvir r. In lli scmle o i Tuesday I'm* 21st in 'U nit t .'1,1; iijiprci ■■ ,•'.»iiig 9,000 Hoi; :i •.• vvi ■ -1 1 ii, of In(ill ■ i Ciuneral •<i I* rlic, Vi is (:ike i up, aii'i no amend • i bi mg proposed he i) ne; ■ was a ill he (>ii t, vHiM i. M i-i n I e<: ( i 111 pii.du! ro' utta ue, ■■ . It hiiii »• f *> 1 o ! ■ oppose 'lie I; I' ie grot;. I I pposi.ioo ot Mr. ;i. win (inc o! >.i ■ - ,e considered tienenil La F y ctl . >. i■■ Wen dining {lie nvoiul m, V a •*(.11 aii .j, I into om family.. M ~nv m- I ve Amen a s (mil nindr Mtrfc.-H 5M* - nt di ir nli in theline nisi and i*i i," lif S'Mienil as m! ; were .‘re ile ' ' vTie nil diaf was m hr expe-ie Mi Ltro'vii, of Oiiio, . ilij i ted to tin hill, and « ■ desirmis to kno rlmt evi ■ tlenct 1 imhicril the ■. s«| p se tin. the .imount propose 1 «■;«»' t>u* pro >)«i a nouiu nt compens;>u«n. lie iu ivetl to reromigit the oil). Mr, Hat lie, id Sou ft. f.indiiKi, t'hair liuii of the t'ouinf.iii viiiiljt;;.ted at ■ :)S[lh, in i most elnqoeni m inner, 'he hill, and (he. services ..f hi Fayette, .uni tA 1 ■ si’veiu! slaleiueiits wliioli lie .supported !iy lojeqti enliry cvid(.uee. Ii nppeured that dn Other;il when lift, embarked fur Vmeii iein 1. 7 t, possessed an income eqml to R ’t>.7o I which vv.m ted,iced by his losses fv. sa •’ey r,i a very>m:i!l sum. It also ;ip jv ft ■ d that 1 ic Oeaeial had expended in tli X service I tO.OOO dollars. Mr. 1!. ids i ad\ci ted to other sacrifices : to his ra’ :ng amt .rming a rejjinient li.'-'U his pm- X’ivte funds, and coin! to this country in a vessel chartered liv himself and Imideil with arms and monitions of war torn, lied b him self. It was not uli 1,'94 that Con gross give to him his full pay without inter est, which was due I f nr II years before. Mr. H. also related an incident highly honorable to the character f (4en. let Fay ette. Congress made a grant in 1808, of II a2O acres of land to the (0 ncral—looQ • ores of Ids land was chosen by his agent '■'here Now-Orleaim mnv stands. A \;iina , blc portion of this land w.:s uftirward! granted to the u < ot Nr i •■.)rl rails, hvi ' • i .s. re i Dec) ion c f too pee-' cemling grant, ('his land even then was valued ai RJO.OOO,and iv mnv'Werth 4or R.. 00.000, bid g included jo the limits ol the. cii.. I! ■ was assured b\ eminent counsel he in< iecovcr ties pi ( , :> in a contest with the city of New O lean*, but bn be ,g i if-rmed of the *ic s' lie rei'l ed “ that be would not conaeol eve ■ to inquire into the validity of his 'ide •’ th it he nmld not thick ..I emeri i > into Ii : tigOi n with any public b iy in he United .Stale, i. the property had heen gratuit ousi bestowed n on him by the I.T. fates, 1 ami it was wiih'lliem to sn what hid been given am! lie accompanied the ■> deuara (ions by a positive i!ircctiou to || IS agent to rcuinquisb ms eutry and toina's a location I elsewhere. Mr. H , v ..c then ,p ike id cedents, and referred io ,nal —hed. t making compensation : ih • " sac rid es and services” of l’,.ir • •; to inV which appro u, r- I.• j ..f t \\ H . bill. ”an .-tin I,.m ,„f ia;,d” or the • so \i Id Hear nan# f or services---! iin > >.» u,„n’. , l(vi *imi for Urn daughters of 0m , t .1, ~S s e, ami to that providing for tie widow oi A £• J r f 0k led to the ic z;' Srourc.,„. , ami ca, I j// conviction th. ( A, miw ttiMn uhu; | i f' r e«uarks * on Mr , stnl Mr. Smith, (he .g/mc ■ in* vote, th Jr«Ag heer ■ ai'.e'.i' for by Mr. Jri‘ • >"is.l rb<j■. li »ulionv, Branch i. ,in Baton, .tael, *n*»n,«f . ‘of..j s ( t , n Kel "r Alalia „f N. Y, *VIL i l*'iT n XI!ISJ - r ' v ' l ’” l Kl Hot. Findlay, Mail _/'< ‘fin , Holme*}, of Maine , Homes nl " \ ■'■ ' vne * MiLls, Palme, s t p' 'mifl., TalboC #’ayh. . - v ;*' 'urn,. Van D^WlM*.., ~ "JV, 8r,:,, B r , : ,,n ’ B * ,l > B-own.f - . i. . -Vo. Ic, ~ies, .V' w Utul sent to the 1 * - f„ P concurrent " ;i resolution to en (lienejr of authoriTT V • the United Statty v, -‘ • ■ . :i ’*ks whose <iP ,j ■ .v . -Teil P, the Uy m • v ' ■ ■ '-j ,v.i*i !> . . - . aghevi ••„ ''■! That the ihestdev T ' I '■ totalvs i requested to chuskU 1 ; <•.«(, •! •«* the Senate, such infill ■ * mas’ r,onsets fa,. I winch njfe ' ■ v'(:• -pine .ate<!) i el; >.v *to teT m- , | „ i, (ns Mr«-n;e, aJp, V* '‘ ‘i"- 1 y'.olor adopt, I by rhe ' a hV(U i'l" ; h . e " , '!’!’*'■ *«•» y/IVjS I'-' ■ !‘« ••«(!•,estH to «!■; aa ,* 1 ' ii ~in ■ e--. y ao.j expe<ltv.i>i dt, ,Jj *-1 ' *-o i e Mxecc .vc for the .u/ppressi’' on »| e same.” | II .sent llepresentati■ ea, on tit'e s.«ioe day, ;V»r. ’ i* m!,ilp),, from the (,■' ml 1 t*ftee on ‘he Sc vices ami Sacrifices of veii ;iT La -yette, reported a hill which w- lead. ( I ,i-, I),! I is a transcript of that |,. j,er in the Senate.) The orders of the da - - were alerwanls dispensed with, and the bill tak, i, up in committee of the whole, j Mr. (am obeli of Ohio, was desirous that jbefore he voted for (lie bill, the merits and .jelaims of toe individual should have • n . stated, ami the reasons which had indoced Ia he • mmiti to fix upon the amount id . ('<> npeus^tion na,aid have !ieen disclosed. , I M' they ere just he would allow tl m. I le .i,improved of t.he manner in w! i the l.nM iid been attempted to be hurried hr,/ { the Imasc. Mr (ia/.ley, of Ohio, was also opposed to 'he mode of hurrying the bill tnrough (he , jii.iose, ami relernn? (o the frequent calls on h'e hm lor revolutifniary services—from 4 An "rii an s<udi»r, who had to go wilh- Ijnnl itw i,! because ' could not explain ami 'prov (he exact a ... at r hw e' hn.— He |des: ime to uni,' i, and -m »ve,l to post• 11111 nill i,II 1 ."s:,i|,g Monday, which ■vv negativ, d, J ; r.'j. I’he MUestion ! : lake,; o- iu- oiotioti ' > p s(,was I. • —aver 73, no s 9Z. I Mr. Sun ling, oi ‘ anectic it, Mien niove(f to amend (he bill by striking ,|.it the spcoa, l . section, (wliyah <;ru>-s a of L bnt Hie niotilfii W' sf by i a c, isiderafale , j majority, only :>8 ..u;m ,ats rising in its fa -1 Mi. i ance, id 'ftjjo, dim moved to rc |‘v I .'' 1 !l "‘. 5,11,i hill to SSI,n),000: but . H "u!T \ VaS % a still larger , ; major,»/*, when wW'- l\‘ ° OS 100,000.,,m Winch question he deman ’ 0,1 " e and Nays, winch wore or ,j<lereu, i Mi. Tracy, ofNew-¥„, ; k, then rose, and j observed, (hat it must flow be evident to all that (here exi-tcl in the II mse a dirt'ereace mfopimon ,s to the form of the measur, pro l P ft * ed b bill. To the measu. i. if he was petsu tiled no gentleman on that floor 1 wa- opposed, iml be presumed that the! friends of the bill, a > reported, would not' ihink, untie ,mjv 1. cn t aaet.u. s, of pressing! Hie bill through ill ' House while the minds! 1,1 'Members wo ■ in a s 0 unprepared! to act u:ii* I upon the suhjeet. Ilel w;,s oppov. ,1 to pre.ipicte Legislation, and to lay the billon the ti. ale, which was .earned 93 to sa Oo motion of Mr. Kl .yd, of Virgtoii the Mouse went again into* c .mmittee the! \.'m emi (lie nil “I n occn'pving die m nithl K 1 “ bia River .” Mr. a; Steven so ,in in' ( hair. The ate ndment yesterday ottered bv Mr.'! to ins, ti,* after the clan-.c which' ■ jempowers the President “ to erect a fn t or/, ihet- . ;;on river. In i iie legion of tide ua ’ier,” the billowing, viz : “or at such other .p.oai as alter an curate survey of t!ie.‘ 111,1 !,u l “Ij uiiing ountrv, .shall la ■ f . U!U |, m*st adva tageous for ihe’esdii,; ,i un ,.„ t o) -| ,a uulitary was ..gain read ami «■! mi - I ; when the committee rose, and rep n tml ( tl'.f ail) as 1 in llie Mouse, 'lr. Alexander S a’,;n of leu; 1 an amendment; whi.he aii. ew.irds a itlnlrew, ami ottered another, unic , w 1° >n ' k, ‘ M * 'lie whole of the liurd seelum [ohica otV-’s bounty land to -e tiers m (i.J l " rntoi ' 1 buthrfjre a deci/nm on it, the :limiso .., j, r;i«*tl. | '■ ‘ of 1 C :ry, of Moorgia, it was! previously resolved, that the t m,’nitu .-l i"“ tlK ‘ ‘ “ite an I d’oa; Uo.ols |, j.,.1 istricted ~. nqaire in> - tv expediency ...! estalmshingamad ■ nitefro il.,„.si rt J House,by K.iiox>die, in Craoiura Uuim • i M, Pike Fayetteville, ij •iK-jcttc Tout v. to i)e Kalb • -nui lious*, -ji’ the'.'tato'if morgia , ”d si- Ma-j ii Bibb l ounty, tu F *yth, itiMunroej : county, Hamilton, ■ n Henry County, to, 1 C< vmgton, in Newton Com y in the same j State. e| • r Nb..-Vovs, Dec. “21 •| A correspondent ai Washington, writes ! ; ’s follows, under dale of Fi Uav. h M»t wiulc Jdvertisrr. - • Iti* i.n I -r.<t m| h-*re, (I •?. t> know -ji'Ut >.uni i.iea!',!) I ,’, n t., yin) that our . ,i 1 '* at V *’lt /olooio ■ ■ >:< -oi/A ■> the princi d pie, that o.ek sines mikk •• goods - ave/ y iiii tit provision t‘< r curnaviga if*tint. • ;,) * /, .1 / FAMILY or GEN. I.A FAYETTE. i iia f *tm, has one Son ami It Vjw ' the *i.i, Georg.' Was; ng \r-y n i> .-.<>«• n this on miry vdaughters ar , a dame M x ib.tu, - ami 'Miduine Li,»u V |f e, *lis. M.n»ooiugh lias three da"ghb i's— ' |' s ’. .VTssrcs Louise aie 1 Jenny 'Vlunbourg J J' 'i . >e has thr, •• (jaughfera— M’dauin an uctavia-—ue.l T.hrc *'■ r d Jui •s. I oc.'i-s:* ■.V '.tshii gtoi I.i F efte has ti, ei (laughters, n>Ni ;\.l<>l i;.i Matilda ami .Clemen*ins -"'"‘I" 1 " »‘>n? mimed Oscar, , ifd Ed'uoe * ■ M \\auelite :u 0 r ■ S'i- i, a'*' ti l. These ‘ ,! * 1 !' at d.e hospitable *um ifltyU Un,-'- ' U ' VP :!r< ‘ '" f •«. ■ ■ e*V-i f itam / 11 on i, 1 ted ,n.| [/-’U -A \ ■“ ■ h *:h l r -vted States, s'l A •!■*;; ‘lf n ," <n <•»' 1,1.,. - J All" >'■ II 1 v,'e (~ i ' ' l* 'co iveiitioo bmpv , 4 ■ United suies ni smeri’en iy*<oc»d«i(,n,Si 14th June, 1822, the f ordinary duties specified in the j ,i. anl 2d I t"'- 5 rAtya*-. to cease, on <J, I d i| of 1824. nw that /he suing removed . •■'•'er ami above , ill be reimbursei oh pro |,i.ucutgv* tlx custom houses tii re.r».*i>ta , 'dmist. {raid since Oct. 1, aceimU-v,' to II ie ol r r. __ II Nw ' :/•>•« becif. *nde in the duties of , tonnage,'norm the charge of brokem-eo, pilotage., ° . y • ■ r, .! m Colombian (j o rnment have con tracted for the build.og of two frigates ; .wine at N wv-Ymk and one at, Flhlnlelphia., ■ he agents of the contractors ,r d n this civ a I w days since, H i have gone tuj , tl i e 5,, " ,h t«» ciUff-.t timber for ,|,e nmp (J , e of carrying the contract into i lfect. -OOfe—■ W ashin ,ros. December S l .' 1 . ! (n ‘ n ‘ T‘»Oyettc.wiy. try. 'T "T h!^ Ht C,, %i‘sterdae '■ Z S.V-1? *!? tn ... i iritoti nf Anne Ai ,n, Ol cavid hy ;- f -. Hsrv t 1 }' u 11 "ie" •>( liepresenraiivo ; i-‘-« by Col, iiinard. ’ J ‘l'd.artd Col.t lain. ■ u t * ■* ,<f ' M> ‘.but state. i X^ 1 with the most .mameo reject arj 1. wpitaluv by the L t Igislamre >f ; , Mlirylami, assembled at \nna '. elf as by the inhabitants of that jancient metropolis, ,nd he returned hiddv j»! ' rKt, 'd w ith Ins visit. He -spent last we inug, by p evioui appointment, with Ihe .Mayor of the city •; ( his lady, in company l'V lh a '’. Pr | Hii'tie US and brilliant assem -1 i.age •> ihc office's of Government, citi i'/.ens, and strang rs, including the Frnirhl ; . cg-ition, and other foiv,gn*';s ~f is * t,uction - & Nat. Lu. »<> ihw to catch the. right o. t. —The late jMr. Charles M. OnnMiV, having been sent' ,to a country district during one of the last St •heliums in [. eland, to i .vestige some jinatter there, he found it necessm-v to tail i.ithe assistance of one of the Government j ponce of the t une, trom whom he inquired, 1 d "•> knew one Vlarphy of .n a t district, “ 1 do, please your Reverem a’nswercd thcl Hcnreant. “ T kehim up then quicilv. , t yvithent noise, said Sir Charles, “aid, bring him over me.”—o u police serg. .-n, jwont on the dn, /, and snortly returned v •! the house woeie Sir Ch ** !e- oined. H ftv inw 'sent i* word t t th. nan • wanted was in; ~ ,u“ |* '’ ,,r > Cimileg tame down, and found jjhe serg. keeping ward outside the door, who j iyfully remarked, in a whisper, “In's in here, your honour.” Sir Charles open,ct> she ‘loor, looked u, and saw upkvards ofa dfozen fellows sittin • m the parlour inj t .ass. Me imme -* lysiiutf*, the* thrnr, and turaing* to the sergeant, asked him' which was A.-urj by r’ ; who grinnii; >, re plied “they arc all Murphvs, vmr honour please yourself,” ' [ Irish Times. ♦c •• i tetter from Wasuington, published a» Huston, s vys : “ There was a little skirmish-! t Sunday last at Bladenslmrgl,, between 't w> gentlemen belonging to a foreign Ic ~ um. i’liev fought with swords and were !,, '<h slighdy wouinled. The particulars' vhirli led (u tin* transaction liave not trans pired.'* — aae— Ihe I,aw of S ulina, in relation to .d ebtoi s and ere hftjrs, has been so far an.el.- o >md as to ■ \-empt females arrest for us bt. under a ca. sn. We hail thi« as a wol - tii , ■ omen „f die progress of illumination J» ,,! "ifc is, u i'l. *t, e e hope will p,-o : m entire abjJitiun f imprison cent 10, debt. [Chat, Lauriw. * * X , > ■ CONSTITUTIONALIST d ' AUGUSTA'. TURSHAY. JANUARY 4, 1 626. i'li* power ever i Ari. l improvemerte, ahrit to fie (if not already) assumed g 1,.y C< tv •, will, the cu .ftitiitioaai objec tior* ; Mr, pn di: .earth.. nings and dis ci mtc. i. Already i.ave numerous meetings, v ii NoithCiu dii.a and Virginia [iresented r |nuin >r*,'ls to “'o Rxecutiv*.., suggM«ngsu< 91" ni ot the Gn I*-iaH Or Jeans ,s would be. those ol Uu . country where ha> been respectively held. South Ca. dina ami Georg’: , leones see, Miss.-sippi, and Alabama, v*il! put »r their claims ; and ..; m.i that tb j interest- * f ail pm 1m d i ion, <■ . not be alike ad**’ ,chl ,v uati roads ant ...canids, much jealousy and djmay be ex.-.mted I’he New Yml lis not popular, if we have,been orrectly in throughout th.a s„ t<‘, and thus i y ii'Ust ever be, vheo the money of the peopl. is expended upon ..bjecU wiiose a«lvin tage, do not come to all. Oirs being*; system j (depending fur i*» support ipqn pub!*- opin lioc, s one can- should be taken to keep ever ~ state .ii good '..uinoai ith die general gov ,| eminent, and we feat thia cannot be done . . some of the state.-, ai obliged .o coiuribut jto tin prosperity of others, v. hiK- t n o” .. veifaie, is either unprometed or nej, ectv. for “binding the ports - t her unit th ■de to the centre”—Hit- ung may u well enough on paper, and . <. r nr. quai ,|.iters may facilitate tl,e views 1 " n politician-—but t!... n " the happiness of e! 111 view, will not b> '"T' - mbr-ivtijrl \ V N |" ndiug large su u " ' f, ’» ' j rr,- “I i ' venal iinprolemeul '35 b,.tie> |m,:o. of policy, b v . left to the me if ),states, by which it null n • taken in ! . x ,\ [ (i prose cut d last enough ; for the a „f , jjAew- \ork nas awakened an inline , a .jsubiem, whiri, will not speedil>, At •' jdlhoweier, the genera* gover ■’ *■ ,j - ( lei miinu 11 hi imi; ITUtgiV ' J blown n.emoriiiN of its Cnu i •It > future times, it might be m with an shnc.n.Jmtnt to t> >&% i ‘siydur lavishing time, lab. r arm opinion should oblige Cong • 'te"' v ! iu * pu se strings, and dm laiem, * the . t on lUtnlion contains m» delegation o' ,:er, under,which these national i, = i■ i,< ,A wn property be constructed. / .j The following (Aunty Officers were yes-! terday elected ; J ' lie reiver of Tax I?, turn* M. F, BOISCL Vl. ii q. - -462 Tax >r. E. BUGG. Ksq. Wcrior Kurt. AA.MfJKr, rfa " _ 4)0 , TYRE - - SPS i VA],. WAI.KEH, , JOHN S, HOLT, . . * I). BERtIY, . . * , liiO©- t We are happy to inform mu renders that ..t!ie Rev. Air. Branti.y‘ will .main m the Rectorship of the Acad my, in , s place, i**r some time to come. The institution is ■well provided with nstructnrs, and is worthy of the patron r e o fan enlightened . commuiiity. # We are. informed’'that the Directors of . the Branch of the United States in this ,|Ci(y, protnplly, at their meeting this "» mg, repealed the res*', ‘A., f reed on themuhree year, ago, by .he act of the Lo gisl iture, attempting to protect the State, i Hanks against specie cl ii ns on the pu t of the Bank of the United States and its Blanches; and further resolved 'hat the notes .4 the Planters’ Rank, the Hunk (,f Georgia, payable in Savannas, and tiie Bank of Augusta .should be re ceiven in discharge, as well of debts due the It .k as ol Government dues. Thus | the effect i.f the late repeal of the obnoxi •us act will be immediately Celt in every of business. Suv. lit pub. ; / erutont Justices.- I’liure were appointed < i etu oio, during the late ses 3 i,,„ 0 f the \ lV V'' v ' of that s’,lie, thirteen bundled 'and ni.' Aie\en Justices of the Pence. Washington, Dec. 23. We h »ve pleasure in announcing Unit, tbe pruposiimki lor a grant of Two liumired i luuis nit' Dollars, and an entire towiistnp ot land,- (23,U4u acres,) nas received tnc 'sanction ofi Uolli Houses of Congress. Each iloiise lias parsed a bill of its own, bui ttie join), sanction requited to one or the other ol inem, alter what lias passed, may be cuu sitle.cti a mailer of course. The ihiim is done, and with an unanimity which bus p-w |es imples in ou. legislative annals. It was nesii able, doubtless, uiat the mea sure should have been adopted b; u vote entirely unanimous, and without debate. Hut, il it had not been debated, avi if there had not been conflicted opinions upon u,e matter, it would have been out ol unison with the character ot uur government. The ditterence of opinion was One as to mode ami quantity, and not as to principle. We nave great salistac ion in slating that, out of the dissentient voices, very few were op posed to tiie principle of me bill, and no one (questioned or disparaged die merits of the eminent iudiviuual ’or whose benefit it is m leaded. {Jniclli^encer. ' ’ v " ~ 'l% <P»»C • V so» th? coNSin unosMLisr. [Translation j To tK« beloved «on g||» W ph«t, Ali—l > acb« o' >, K y^;. Aft'-r a u '-jui voyngr f*o:n the shore* -.* jour beloved .wintry-, u> this land of th.* cot ton weed, the tSjtorgia of thi- western world, "lain 1 arrived; Sibftei traversing a vaai des- Mert ii ! ' sard, am I deposited in (he most la: ■Med cotton city---August It will aston ish and grieve thy great soul, to hear, th;;t ‘ being «M9j. . ted a Turk, 1 have suffered m*v ’’ er^L ul P ri -dements from the hands of these incSels--bt»t our. prophet’s • hh j con ‘‘ staidly been with me, and the gr <r object thou Moist in view for rfe^-lai tidal ' N wilt tO e peroral, supported his soul i sustained 7 his body through all (rials and »i.d>tuUi«s. •' Believing th. prayers wer> , .led with n my own for I did not per imit a son of ‘ ithlul t‘» sin b it before 'Mtl.eso unbelieiu «• have be>industri- 1 ‘Mon-- to examine into eveiOMiart J r thou n ;rhargedst ml with, and shJPsoou be ,ea ly kj to return m the (and of my fathi > to im } part to thy faithful e.. ■ die.nt dim ■ t ls have made. f re, ;d.r i am I®ialive and well, a-ou ;■ thy le * •mi tnts:«vith * pxfjfeA) nw;.*, .gun - ■ hf? t'-idiv. • hi 1' : . y'<;o enj y, ardN**thy >nkl#-- Work, 7 the* the,e people sir W 1 ■one The gift.t / ov-f 11 -eorgias ijjjsenibles the Niki* It abdtfv 1,1 cn • ml.!e*;’*»<• a,i fto -*4 V u : ]v lf \ !> however, at regal#’ pert, . > !| in lUth thetr 1 is a cit,,./ % tSwi'ch v ,e in l "id resting my jdoflj f mi nnnu i -,s, whir 11 i Id- be s, ke ou. r ysa.nd were it not Hie mighty tiy • over it. At lung we came to a i >i ß |ihe 8f Aof this Fain 'b« cotton nv\ •*'■ . o“' ’ ■■•vy.journey, delighttu'U s'n b ’ire r,flues td Palestine, clicved toe w Y •'*> v#\ -.lodes «o inru n the i r> (■ jit faithful, a severe itonrisoumer. vevj ’ ivoons duration, .'I simie;. • » bel»|Aot«jie of the principal mufti* .city, jw ; c one of the mo q • ' I rouin r -•, verted from the rebjl •f • y f.users. Through tin., nnicnl I I i j L td. imi now am at liberty—-but a 1 U ;true ...asulraan * * * “. If ■i.iitht ! are ever jealous of their wm •pa vldch ••• quite the reverse amongst in'iio- I^. I hoii know'esl with what care thou i u, >f Iqv damsels, 0 son of Ibrahim, wnereis here, they are permitted to go at huge, in ' the ’ -e' of every man. At this my soul revolted. * * * * *_ I I'hou ariacf|Uiiin:ed with the app ?arai.u« lof iliese pt pie, ‘..ivingyseen many of this nai'on tnys-'ll'; they are generally so.all •of stature, hut very industrious, and eveiy ■ one ilesirous to acquire wealth, for vviiid' I they encompass sea a ul land ; and in otdev jto cultivate the cotton, they itnpoit iiie i slaves froi \ Africa. Indeed sometime | think I am j| r Africa instead of A meric ■ have just finished my tour to rj! s which ar.' r t!li s t ~ ’ ’ ‘ m f (| hl tl,ar a description of w)nw - ri ftif t 7 f ie whole, in that pat j,:u --y ‘T ’ n. uvst our wli«le natioo .be 'l *'s in ili;.- true prophet 'ui we bo v f/y t't.i' 4 lSas*. to ii vereuee of hint. But iiere, i.i n, -j.u- Ha. ii separate creed, and sops rat muftis, and oelievers One declar-- s mg the give of pared -e only can be opened s : through the rluod oft( eir prophet by bap— i 1 tisiii in the spiiit.---another by baptism itv 1 water—-a third in spirit and water---and all. j drink of the forbidiu <1 juice, the abomina f ti* u of the true faithful. But it will sur s; J.- Jv thei .* more to hear, i it not« ithstanding . the nunier ius mosquis, bet a small poition d'd 'ne people are devotees, nd vast multi -jtudes attend private m]’es, where tl.iv j. >k intoxicating ! , oic, until they are jjseen reeling about the streets and reviling s die name of then - propliet, without know mg 1 hat they iI«F, or () ( how have 1 v . ■ t >r f heir rnbelief at"! want of the true fa >{ But on enquiry, I find it is a matter of gi ,* -| revenue to the city. These houses ~( ' b i, the drinks, ar« important articles in cok s mere ;, which e the faithful prohibit—urn -I would punish -uch impiety with death. Ak ■ 1 before ob rved, after truversif g a vast j wilderness, unattended liy numbers—as I there are no Arabs to fear, I viewed th 1 country and soil, from the islands of tlu ; sea to this city---which is situated a him Ijdr d ami twenty miles from th* 4 fi*a, on ih* ■ southern bn ' of the nver, and at first uni la trading fori h.dunging to f! te plnglish—i pi few years lias risen to almost twiparalle 1 - I*’d g 1 eatnrss and opulence, by meano oi i* llcott a market. It is built > picsentii... within its precincts, "coinmma yart*. and agriculture—and the rivet strea 7 i displayii >; vast cplumns of smoke fio iiMeam .igation, which, when 1 sec fin I I shall j in v ilarly describe. All is bus - and busiio during the healthy or win s season ... i stranger, all is attraction ; , beholds the Churches, the Seminaries Learning, the City-Hall, the Prison, - Magazine, public buildings of utilitv, J rabili and neatness ; die Bridge, the . ami new W harf-—the principal strec commerce, wide and veil paved, and • jhaps the best constructed Post-Office T if wdude country ; v, iidg the streets band so . ly ornamented with the Pride of r , gives the app *aranee of o peasant tVo i [ru a- ooiV'Ti vJkii.j j , —*ffo l*- ; he boiler of the mail-boat, broke ye day tn -ruing, as sh • was getting under . without injui >, howt .er to the crew ; se tigers. The mail was despatchei ynw-boat, and did not arrive last ni nine o dock. Q-Vav, Uxor