The constitutionalist. (Augusta, Ga.) 1823-1832, January 04, 1825, Image 4

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r r ,>iew and luvaluable m gSKSmB, *I KB II Til «. C tr. I KTATSS OF 4 YllilM. MIDLER’S Asu-Uc Va lot Vulu. Thi - Modi- ciners a nev* < er Killing 5 ‘ Tied)' bit tlu 1 !mi i- Ache, Head - Ache, aud ‘ otlier dis f|l ilh remedy good uu: '■ n-* r (h tooth nchc >’ J ,ii , a ti»K tc lit and in W-, v. .I'n 'i« 1.1. and cn»plo> ed, t possesses 'ivertigi efficacy 11* delieving vi li'i.’' of (lit? go ns, • if-, mil mljacr ,»i j parts, ft >•»» mm*.*'- <■ w h t 0..;: lUr ■ It relirttn- d- ache or pah ini’ be* 1 in l the most easy and pm - u•• ncr j * ux- • qqent an.' di- r- >inr comprint, tlux, n-r. medicine, ,s a chirm ig prescription. fur it r- ■ , *;Di i's 1 1'itli tii' ii". 11 11 n ■ ,ii i ■ . vx • 1h air h d liy condition at a quick ar-d . mi in, • ( rate. Ttiia new and useful |fMiirion pro in'-'M, ft; puld and gentle htllliula • ' • i up,in the spirits—it qm V, m t **»• , • 'ii' ;■ sharpens t!» pe rt <ptio . an u- -u • i . f-tnetiom of the •■dud by • >"* ■ 1 ;> 1 Vapours it acts icily tike a u-evoua ..■> ccpl'-ib' j inedcin* •/( the '■ - order. Nor is 11h i, II -cl 1“ ■■ oetii .1- ' u 1 -utcre 10 1 laiilill to til'* ! on I ... 1.1 ■ .. 1 . tin head and i K ( >t •> q anti. .i. ' upon the ait'llt .tul immediate oigm 1 of dig .■-; m as a iiioative and »• »' • . exp 1 ” io. , i, loi ii-ir, r rrec'ing avidity, and tr 0.1.111;' no*l cumfortabft. warmth The opiTatiDO ni this invention v"1 lw nvi 11. ot is quit .as favorable <0 di» . ■«*“ '• m the ar. mure especially i> at s;ogn at advantug m dul-j* ness and Urdu- •■> ol hearing, anil even in it.cipi (_ ent deafness, iesl >ni:g the tailing organ to thi 1 ' e • "ciS 1 ,i|its true and healthy fun* or • h> ' ug. Or*',’ ’■/•■.'*/. r rr>' * /)<*, ■ ■■ i-i-l />. Dr. (■'./ lid A tidier, oflbe city of Kc' Vork, tl is day submitted to m-* - I It.*' > p. ■ 't from tl .■ United Su Is, for comp vm-iing •... I’ ■ "j* u remedy winch he calls dm hialk !.ov r, . amlj Bak 1 n) opini n upim the s o'.ie, «*ln i ■ 'ipioi. al ter >X« in. . ''n receipt onu.u.e'J in >1 •• a(e ■ * cation, I find it collates ,• mi*;i ei udi 1 o r 1 ic, a 1 oily.ic, and anti ac.n.l «■ tides, • ■ arc w« II •■ t ; cul'o.- : n produce .1 compoain(» • '.net n t he. man body, I S min' i li Miicliell. jybw.rnrh .ivy..' mis _ i f TO THE - UHL IC. FIMURMi'I i. perhaps no . i.■ J ’.s, rvatiot. ■>,« 1 , cstahlisped 1 in ni..rc rally conlii’mei 1 by in ' ;;i erience oftlieh it physii-.ians <>tall ai*.- a 1 jtinteii" and none of in • on nto I'u l no n*r,than the met,(hat " 1 i .• ■i t. mcurable conml'i nt> nl i:ii; '• In « Climate as variable a , ■ . ,10'; s in fne weather are u opm uii< spetu t, U,, 1 c joo es more ,t. guard against tins md da q .■■ 11 ife, tlia.l omst people litingi 1, , or , t , wi!ling'»ii hesi'ivv. Ur ce the v m,b ,n ! Cents, iflUicKu tv* c . ■ 1 cons .millions and other affcetia an !■;»• . th >1 r.ti i-ial . 1 sh-a.r . r nud ». ■ : i by the I'ur n'd ami lilisr.r.i , I h 1, v :■ , oil Hi., kind, h 1 ttn.trr ni', n;, j ; ■jvi ■ cr com I S!.'ol ■> o! 1 . dr..;.-. W) • » 1 "JgU" ; tl. 11. t o n d1 1 jKav tice from I'emrdir.i I 'ecomtnee 1 n. ■ suv own pi " 11 i!m<- ■ in, in ■- I were strong 1 m. 01 s >r r i.» so.'no wllctli ■ 1 a CIIIO: >; 1 11* 11 .* •' init'l • s ' •übstnttc. - cool* n s* inv •• •• tie; •' th- well Inun i'.'nt ojectioos ot • ..cuttoners • .I 11 bft'er ’csleip's . ' o ivrrt the threaten;' d A Siructien m h- l«i .r« prjLMojvrc <j ni\f u\ V Uv\)\ea, h - sioi .i , Rslhmaa sod conauniptioris.i- Tin ■» is >* it>•• •■•«•; i- any n eilicin wl.ld 1 has I). 11 1 lie (nil.l' - , ioqiTrr- . fr 0 li oi!.’. . •: ihle hi-i'hs \ v, getahli j , Ki. ■■ '■■■ . a ,-is " ‘ (hues e tua' every de jr l‘s',ndei>"« •• uy t» • ilac.« > ! 1 virtues for thejli cure of ilie. above t o-- , hr .>m (he knowledge the i" > . ■ '' , c virtues ol the I 1 uyv • » he f ■ n ■ he-osuoii io recommending i to t >e »10 lab-tur 0 >d<*r tho > tsirv.-noig com fi lv«'-s s'- 1■) .tod rftieaciou.i remedv, and iiav j ) in,.; . '..■iui},"t« eto thousiuK o Ncw-Voi'k ami I’K.i. t-.'i-ho lii- feels no hcsiio t .'ii iii offerlitp; i' ■ a to t., • p'l'dic, .oid after trial, those person* wh->i<! pi' 1 > l»se the gcilliin sirup, Will i . 1 eirtno-ld *'cy eetunded Ly returniiu l ; 'hr bnUli*. if they doj n >' 'tr ■ 1 .shed that 111 *y have reaped bench from the use «f ;t. d Direct ion * for i ’'hc, T vi * ira spoon mil thn o timet a ay. ,t --and nigi.t, and continue „t until i u l’..xh bottle wifi iiav • the- .1 jre ot * ■ • T .J’ . 1, :tred only and sold by E A.idler, sig • len Eagle. Align.-;. O* tohrr 21 Audlec's JVliVk ot 1? is tv AN >;li gam cosmetic I >r \vl.: cnin, . si . and beautifying tht akin, «i»J r .not .- p- > p vs, freckle# and chops from tlie t.■ k, ;. The Milk of Roeea poaaeßwa ma ty qualities, for isj, uot only-r. • r for the above purposes, but it | tit thi /i.'i.iiij iff an age, which valuable property . i. vs ■ i, ly . : ud of enjoy or,, i bis beautiful r• - ■ c ni has a Jeltghifid fragrance, and ns an article w :. US' ■! with satc‘l as q contains noth • r •• w." sun.,re u . -km, aud ft is an indispenv ’ i ‘ tide to ivcy 1 o Iy, mu should he found on thtM toilet*. li n i i.-vs—Al’cr being war-died and <1 ied then laitr .m:.U qoKiUil i , a piece of white flan iyv‘ si, hen vr a-*l.face, neck., hau n, & Each hot Ik I'iltbcs oil'd hv lilt pi; > “tor Crice JJI, P r'.'i'i-rt-iI.only 1 .only send add !>,■ ■ . furf/er, sign of tin Cod'l . P g ! r, Auvu .tv, July 4 2 \\ y .. .ttjYud rWl'V^ve, Id) ’ El. Io j .i. nces himself io t! %, citizens •! Uiuhnuio 1 l-nuuty, r.i a Cand - ti: .t -I T v Collector, at t... ensuing flection. tl*- It* , t y B. AUDLEB, BL'iIDEON DENTIST, 1 PrFKUTFUf I.V informs the Ladies j Ce»> Tl ileraeno) Augusta, that he will be ready ii |scrv them at all times, a: his or their houses, b (the Ime of his proles ; am hopes In will hare of tin pn;. 1 ..'; pa ■ ■ !i < ft teeth and stump , ■ . i h- «s;t ; t inaniie.- ui • if difficult ana all its in-; -hes .» '< l J a»te e Eurhon, A superior dentifrice to a- ever offered f< cles" he ni,ft and V.t.-ui ihe teeth an; D,skint' the breath sweet ami i.nhi.. i SVOUHUTJC hSSKXCK, Os Hoy ti, Vi'lii o rt*in-■ •< ,1 t" - hum. u. in ■ rns and le-tli, and (nakt- -11 - - ill firm at ;.tt I unie time. Prepared and sold liy * K. Audier. •Urn mi M'diei; ; store, at the Cotto < v - >• i - ■•'■>- Haste, .-htinutu. duly 4 A **t -v ,:cl' I’hysiciivf Jl KSPBCI PUfd.Y informs th- u'uh . ts of Ii» Ahgima and t s vicinity, ti :i> res. !t ore in ti h city, I',- j u tUsi ■ f thot near .0 ; , i ’ i . - mil ni '•no t* his ( . . , Vi j| . , t |, and good will of the lersons ;v!.o may ... , in ,i with v.- • • and -,ri»uro hiti; tp. ■ ' ■ . -I nude the disorder- • dent to sex, ant‘ i "•>. I children, his (a: i ul»r - , ■ He teside- a. Mr. Seri'* oppositi the Ci'y-Lr. ’vl, where h ■ ra i> be consulted every di fi m I J to 4 o’clock, t*. ,•! August 3 i j A. CARD. r 'L. St'IU.KUN IJENI’I.-l' At fine:.fUk I,'i hk’a, Bread-Street, .’J, : ' or " ■ ~■. ■• !> e ... ter'* Hole!. iS* ‘ I PL ‘A informs the Public, th - he a np!' . . to this City, ana i i ■ ■ I.a 1 ti. I'ienii n»y is pure h. v i vices . ■ i scyend liluuches of hn Prufessiou —I ir.'iii- Wit ig bis si tee ni pi vat. Familie. can. ill i* .. * work A'auuiaciurcd on;* now pri.icipl s which he Wnprants. i\‘d I,U aw A (iuvus. Mm disease i tie I edit and are chief of an i. ■ , which luiVe about them ali-f u is; < on, grow mg iici'id a i,j corrosive, tht gums ,n thereby In «t -uTecied. as ’ being the n oil tender parts, alter It-e-e Ciu'ruption' i.r. pr idu' - v ! , com ,l ciui.-,; the l unar of the l eeib, which .v i ."(•• bo'!, 1h.,.r luxture. and ' nennot iis lli, taoulli of it.v principal ifna -vn '• ;.»ktooth ictu . ten- Pv: l ' 1 putrid, 1 u.-iy’i to ■i othe v-l3ut though people in ■ ’•"V I"’ vent those inconveniences, by • . ntion »t lird, yet, if they .re one. i t .id to l ike plsn ■ , it is no longer in tlie pow ' ol d... to I move tie m, this h« i|,J; pro 1i r ivi ce of the exj-iT'encv-' Ueniist, 1 11 the i-ala in of tlu- IVetlv'Und Lorn ’ th their attendant evils, the princip-1 object u oi end ■ f his studies. • ! 'y VVoi-aucp, UftuUiA:, ffv e . i racticc a close applin. ■ ■■ i to -si .... a thoroug i mowledgc of th. structure ■:t t i‘. th '".v t.u has matt, all h»- ti "S in * os- »<rts quite familiar to ! i ise I Itat wh I some Dentists bav judged im p.w uci. 1 I: hath performed e.i,>. ami! safety. itc P n * ■ th both "eal and artificial, (m i 'd 11 1 a pure enamel) from .* sin i, i • -i t !-i acqii»r»lely,' r H at they • ru-r of natural. I'hu . the TCi.-ncie .!■ ;,!g. kiivd'.vit" nr-Him.. *, W' cl; n;>"t* he recn . vinfbp'.oTou of utility, hiii luvi lien ou <-ts, w'.-.cb frequt ly Uappens, though in a pei - k'ct -uund state h In a method pecu'-ar to him ■- iacis as • n s ei ;r, witlio , tlic lea.--: >r i; ten n ■»* io tin ,)* : t it. tie clears the. Teeth, h eVcl-so discolored, all tlinr foulness and urlar, with-nd pain, atulj -1 : - them whit ■ d is fair as ev ■ in hall hour. 1, i cciii f<l Stumps' -acted n the easiest man ner, if ever so dilficnit. W ] iU i t s young li lies imi gentlemen in tht first and -econd dent tion, an- r-move-the Mil 1 T-'t-th at proper seasons, lest they should incon |( i unde the vegu'.T growth if i' succeeding »ines;| an ! .-Mi i* ■ it!;. >i ft. a .... Ins taken p!«ve| ■hroug he witnl of Oeslist. 'ft- Plorance hu-j iertakes in co it ; provided the subject is m>; mote than t r. - , ears old, and restores the ■ih to heir nator I . -guiai i. . beautiful or der. N. H. v i nc l '. snd i> irifice Paste, prepat •1 >v ->'dy, i* p,v , tin,: 'I i-elll hIV. ■' nai es-ht-m- 1 . t if. \v- iiv, cores the nn* •f the ■> ary • er reatli at all t tneaaiyce - • j k" '.'iitd.■- J oi,'.. in i'obth Atifce 1 ame hi* iy. wi'h proper directions how to use it. • let h-r 12 ,q[ S amp-d’s *yift\U\i:, DILL-"?. OYSPK l> SI A, and its auendmit sym torn*.habi-i tual costiveness, cholic, dian 0.-a, rh e-a-J mcfhi'.- > ‘se n ss, irregularity of th- howE'c and lilies, s'Cii headaches, yellownev of the ei es and I skth. oppression ofsiomach after mt-i-is, en-’i-tatioii,} ;u . - - lint nl lireaih, tic. are m-i e ->i - minent consequences of and weakvinedl s'.u : t of the organs dige -ti ,m. ■ >• Asn-Disi-mn,; Pi• tii,v pirate the sto [ ni.tcll and bowels, by a »ni'. ■ a. .*. almost impel--1 > itudv opt;ati'aid prove a vale, easy, u ..'! tlicati'iii-, rem.-l) Io; inv > - ■ : ■ •>. t tt - j for ever--m.ulili .-'.ion oi idegi' C ol Ift. pej siCj fro • is commi ■■ mem oi • arm confirnK'd state Foil run iiv li- 15, A. D. («. j iiand. f * ij;c -u- so Cc a, i * 50 UOLV He WEVI), aif tVli rem-ved their Oi j-'IC.E t- Mr, ( - 3 I m.wuN Kangc, on M'ditosh-'-rtcyet, the first 10-ir over tiic I’ost-Ofiic;. { October 4 3J THE PUBLIC ARE INFORMED THAT Z\)t Carolina journal, Os \MEI)jC I 'VS. sea.AX K at AGtilt ULTr.-fh i 4 PROSPECTUS of which was punished list /1l Spring >i» mov in tin* Press, and will bo 11- lisbed in the beginning of January, ;H25. Al! ii, Comm: location-' u her Me die no, jluval S.. ur once ,»r tgncuh ."e moat be ad',used (po.-i I .aid to cither ot 'lie 5. * ; ira and a ! tin ist -, i-stions tioMr.os, tJAI and Kuos. . } ; lb Journal ’ ill be published quarterly if '■ i. .. • ■. ff v two . untlis, and will contain iOu ' Mji Number. Phfe-Se'o-i-i. .lion been c frequence lesnened from gj to §4 p an ,i mim. ■ f riph.f received at .’<■■ s <;, V i, • a’. Hook Store. Broa i (street. '1 iios. Simous, m,. L) .} .. ... Wra. Mit'iid, >, ,m. Y I «; Columbia Telescope, the Augusta , ■ onaliat, the " inyaw Intelligence , the , f; 1 .w Cs2a“e, tis. • , ;!i lie publican, no , i,m lle; ,: and the Lexington, Monitor, i" j ihtog: 3 i ~-. ,■ ,ve three insertions cn-.f n wsfcif. i. _f:hurir*:„ i ;ji' C . io ;?t_ i_ 48 ) J- Sshvnn’s Vauacp.a. :* J IMP ;W :i, ■, busing discot en;d i,e coinpo ” attic-. SW AIM’S celebrated Panacea, f»«r a- ,-j.iy on for sale j lie lias re lu ’■ I to.- •; from s3b(> to g 2 SO, or by tin i losei g 24 ■r-ta'il? i. -ititulions ii. the United States f p- ; «.p -., be • nilied gratis. i he ciliz .iis o( the principal .ities and tov ■•point mi agent to.order ami hi-, site .h ' i-.: -me : the poor, ■■ v.ill be yupplied, Js ; Vi,,, i-. celehra!. i for the <• , o of the I liiilow tig diseases, “sen in la or Ping’s evil, ulcer !:p t pdirid sore tl(i .at, (ong standing ru i main affections, cutane ,n diseases, ,« if i tt. •- and disease of the Is -lies, a id all cases ge: , j'tr di) th . deer.. ; c .racier, nnd chronic dis- 1 ari i»j;» . . n [ const!tu : ■' ■> btp e-rtf tally IV>m syphih.:. nr affec -1 tions arising therefrom ■« ulcers in the lairnx, |. ice. And that dreadful disease occasioned j« y long i.'iti excessive use of mercury, &c. It is • b.: iiscliil in disease of the Liver.” CEUTIFICATIiS. I have within the last two years had an oppor nit ,Apt''- icing vend ca.cs of very mi derate ' i - "'t which having resiled previously the regu- J jins;mode- ol atiuent, were healed ny the use ■*'' Wf H waim’t Panace . I do believe, iron? ■ • hayi. > that ii will prove an iinpur'ant '■tk'.lj if .nulous, veneris* md ■.< retrial diT ' -Hso- r N CHAP*'.AN, M. JJ. I P )h's A i i' of die Instite.vs and Practice i t c Physic, in the Univervty of Pennsylvania c I have employed the Panacea of Mr. Swaim i numerous nisi jpees, within the last.three yean .'initial'.' always.found it ex mely eftioaoli'u especially in secondary syphilis, and tnercur i »liseus( s. I have no iiesti atinn in pronouncing j , nvdiciiie ol inestimable v due. VV iiIBSON, M. D. Professor of Uttgery in the Umv ,ty o> Penn sylvania. 1 JOHN SHlNN,Chemist. * N. li. I >p sale at Smith and Pe.'i.'<uU's, is . y ’ corner of i i ill and Market, at reef Ph'iatMfMa, Febma.-. J, f c 7 DYING ~j2NJ)~XCduiill\ V ' 'I - Irt Subs ‘ "lu-t-'y mins hU 'Saaks :-j !h i.,ii,. I " i!< »•-. ■«'.<<;/, fr- i '".. cncO'r.' era ~ \- ie . ' tie has receivofl his . mmeticeinent th. Hying Business, in this p. and hepes, by : 1 stri d to Ins hesinc ■ ' .c. tinu ' an,-., .1 i df: be , • ho old slk. « t the,.; ‘ .(sid. of ■? ■ nold 1 ■ j iest tl’R tp h I! ■. .{,*. .vi.. t mtcn'ls to carH- H VING BUSINESS, t I' <■" ■■ (.! „ Voolfen i’ao, f-St'a.. Le, '. ,rn in .' t. iu,l- mt v.nJtave ft ip. < ats', Panialocu. a•.,tf V sis scout ''Mint md claims r,: . : t tin shoe »t notice, ,cn . by Win. Talia' . o S: Sou. November 3 37 l wUTiFJi ' TxUWa Tiro It V" ; AND irPHOLSTERV. \ J osupli .Roderick^ r ‘ 'fi !,<,v •'« /Jvoad-tlreet, op lire ■ 'Present's near the Gully, 0 NO) ...ji ir.torn the public, 'hat fn. J- 1 *- makes and ■ ; Ti units on the shortest '-'ff • i'runk' i . tmd exchanged, if dcsir ' ■i, tnghesv • i for Hver and Calf , te above Factory. • Har-gi: ... : < yholstei'ing Business car- j ■ "■ ti..; . ''j onable terms. sartine of Hand Boxes always * j j ■dj s 1 1 v •.. .ale and retail low for Cash. Urisu and lli.ass >V vhs, neatly mended, oi ! r ■y most reasonable terms, and a l orders thank ■, "v received. 14 ‘ HAiu^JANl’KlFrGUG.''' A H. v'iiASEK. Pul fFig tn’il J.tuMai 1/ i/ I i;. , (fait-- Cutler am Pe.'/Ume:, jJt t >t’Fcm -A Y beg »>• to f, n h sa grau-ful ackjKtH’l. dp . j hi: , : d! the it ic, for ill huera M;c>.::r . ■ ... t, ;' ; tip-' -vi}. since tu Augusta, air . I umbiy h.-tg sor (€ a 1 .in ,t,nce of the same, hioVi v. 11 at all tin.• li, idant stud'. to met it (, ' u' l.;», Friietts, P-'fumery and every thing Ise in the. Ornamental hair line, (*c & Sei>ti U 24 Socket Rook.. fi O il, on I'hursday he ddlh nil. between ffs- I 4 Springs and An gusts, a • ,11 Ked Uoru-i . P *f'.i t-rr ROOK, sui/iewiiat w-..*rn, containing be ; | ■■-.ity and lini'ty dollars in cash.— Notes ( j Ifect is, ka &c. The Under re tunning die . j 1- with its contents, at th'B office, or mI) IJ. ■ ; ifurtoii’a .he Milledgovdle und Wrightsboro* 1. ■ .Ox . . 'rum Angus .'hull be hands Im. 1 j v rewarded. Onoher 5 *uQ 1M otice. j t I.L persons h.a tg demands upon the estate jl\ of Nichols. Ware, decease .. bio requested to i make them known to the subscribers. Those vvh j n e indebti .1 to the t lid eatne, will please to niak j '.mmediate payment. H. V\'ure. ItxHrx. W. W. Holt, ExW. j December 24 52 k’*ot Vl u\u\ .!o\) l*rhitini;, [ I 03 } Nrat'y Ex tented A thi Office. 1 I -■ -: ' ' ATTENTION SPORTSMEN ! !’• ii island Jocky Club Uac. ..• post * ported to Tuesday the first day of i'ebruarj iext, which v. ; be the ” «ek Angus.a J Races. Joseph arrie, DecernT-r 17 3t 50 V\VU.\ VhstfXU, f<tl SftAfc. r|THP. <ll,e hi EJlis-Street, it prege.M j S occuj. _ y Mr. its t» t’.. i The House j and l.ot on Hr ad-Slret I, occupied by Mrs Ji i ' Men Cocki. - The Houre and l.ot on Telfair-St ; occupied by Mr. Wiuuk Maor . n. Hmt-.i i . Co. i i: 'Mtl-atre a, foru '■•■ly j oc-. 1 J.H. Kim ; k Co. at present by! Mr. Larauor. j k T be Court House Square ami l)w of the) biCriber. # j For terms, the present vents, ami possession—j *pply io \ j Hat ;uel Hale. : r *“cernl>l7.., lot 50 Aflimuisiratoe’s Sale, j V>iii be old mi the fin-t Tuesday i.i March next. I at tl Court-House in Jacksonboroogli, Seri ven Comity, between tin- boars of ten and foui j 1 o’c! ir (-able to an order of the Honors ' I blet.i . justices of the Inferior Court of raid 1 C- untv, Ini., sitting for i . oin-i.-y purposes One negro mart slave. caaie<l Pc ter, belonging to the estate of Windsor Hickson, r deceased, sold fir die purpose ol making » divi sion among thf Heir* of he said deej-ase T : inaii- kno non the da/of ;ne. 216 '’ 1 Decembei 18f’4. James Hickson, Art __________ ** w * N sjtice. 4 OKEE VBLE to an o-d.-r of tl < » inferior Court of Burke Co f) ting for Ordinary purposes, wil - fe i first Tuesday iu February ncx U " • j' l vm "borough. b< U sm-I 0 ! MJTS of hr\U : IU Two iv gr.i tR, a’joy < '-irl, ’ oJ 0 loJlg: »o the i stale t-f Pent j. Coui,Ji„l de . ceast i. Id for the benefit of the K-,. v ...J ~ b dltori f said Es'ar.i Conditions Ca-h, ' p Absolum Kinsey, tub\^ Nov. mber -I ini A I2t r •I' Notice. ;1 iit)-. E.MiLF, a ■dvr of the * . . t'.r- inferior C .wt of Richmond o u ■ 1 ."will ' - so! ion (be first Tuesday in March neat, * the market-house in the city ol' Augusta, be all I Font* Hundred and si'lee 6-U)t!i { a- ;,,,, ot Land, lying on M'lk-an, on. '.tils part ol ! the ■ urni -ed Hi'.ci fifty acre ,iy ’ • on Spirit ! , liree negroes ; Nancy, Billy and ( !■ a., (hr whole being the real estate of Lewis t >.o!hiji, deceased, for (Jit- benefit. of die heirs of il deceased. Terms made known on the daj r Benjamin Rowland, ) , . , •tolii ii Allen. tlecetnber 7 t 47 The Swamp Plantation, j fi ;■ • BELONGING b» the E date cl * WH.I.UM hiru, deceased, is now of If i■ nt’vlv tv. mile | .««ar3. d .'in Town, outa.i acres of good .- : d. i.m, half of which in ol* •. .;<! and under • the other half is .••imhered. '! hi tolerably good Overseer's I / "'• Cotttfij Oh .House, Stables, , ' - U • .SO, a wei: of pin... * Water hi the yard. 1 Io a appro' ,;d •ch.nser, an extensive ere-1* lit would bt given fur a Urge part of the pur 1 chase money. * Mary Aim Si, White, Adm’v. \ Hugh jSesbflt, Adm’r. 1 Feb i;.r* 13, 66 ca/ on, <, ■■ I\\ •>-. the bwarnp i - , > * / . , ttv. j v . it'ate ot the late W.i W.’ m -, m-'hcc aT - ; ■■ i; ' vv Ihe or --Kill t ei-h. reed i- unsi!' all trebpifisers, '*. M.-M't ann B. hln*. Adm'cc. 1 Hugh Nesbitt, ,jd !mV. * mho ■ I 6G ; Notice. |s *LL pf isons to wl,o f» *\e ■ • •*. p; :s llouj er, i i t A « tb : city of .ugusla, ..:v.;;c.i»scd, is iiul.-b ed, are rcquestvi. 1 . t ■ ul their demands with , in the time pi .iscdbf hv lav , and di t imlebt- ' ed, are requsis •• '■ Im. tediau- ! i) i! -ot: B. Bouycr, ; . 1 I C . 1 < t /g. Tan! Ji<»“--ugao!.^ December 21 yj Notice. {' r |' , H' En am after date, apj i ■ iildin will be! .1. made to t> lloiiorabh the ju,slices of tin 1 Inferior Court ol ’■-.’riven C n*:i y, while setting (or Ordinary pur • uses, for leave to divide (In) estate of Joseph Coughron, dev-; »,ed, l»te of, said County, of which the heirs Irl ig out of the! State * 1 (o ■'•[! am) Count) a.e i. spec ■. e•. ' notified day of tober 1824. ,36 Wm. (t. Hunter, Mm’r. With the HHi HHnrJ( d. Notice. i A LT. peraou® having de.,.,. u ’s h - , I:.-- Es i i It. late of Elvira James, will bring their ac ( j count*, prop rly attested, wi th the time limited Iby law, and those indebted, will please make im I mediate payment. E. Audler, Jiditir, A Lftrgti Afso id tu* nt ol JVVt:jVIL ; ii(JOA S, for v«/t a t i if: - OM ■ REGISTER Debates in Uongfc.-s, PROSPECT rv, ACC ORDING to an intimation hcr«-»(<- IT Blv8 lv « n ,‘ th “ re . wiil be ; • .e*i at th jOtixce ot National fnieli gti'cet :"»« tlie se«. ion ot ( ..1 encouraged by the appidfc tioi ■ at ever.’ • ession thereaft* » ■ ■ <>• ■ KROlf ' '-URbates in . M . -Vr*.:* mt tided to coiiipretmnd a n < •?. f u i' Uc poitol th. S{ echr-Ab: topics of Utferest, in each llHTse of‘Corm,,,* ■ ... has ever heretofore been pub!.. , t -n, t ;,. an can be given to the Public hr . ciinary ami limited chu- ael, the a I his compilatim «U‘ be of m ‘ ,st tU'f.eiu.c -vast, printed -h .rr t u J-Wl an^ sl {„,,, IV , uiv preservation. This undertaking is not of on •,w wJ" sub stitujjgL*u ” !> lutelhlL ■ emiu, R ( , h ,.,-,V (n Us t AL) . 'l u ‘ lro f> V ,f tijat ; : !r l ii r« Com; '(tU)le Reports of tf,#i , Discost-mos oa lire d.f ;> . t , ' : Houses.*,, * •' file ■ ’Asgisjeh’’ is „ aerimenUbut it is. an 5 ;«»»»' which rtl;s ,rr/ .... averv one who taler*. '' ,tlo itica) history, as well a.* a, , . ur P« in the dux -of ..... ™ lave felt and lament.' vani .* V* 8 oa) oj Debates in ( W J , '■ '' index. .ch might h.• sub, r.t debated . who on-;aged ’.J I ' ! (>Oui icnUls, r/.ru) ■■■/, i, ■. jifutiou in us- ertins .’u r, tin pi such a one, from tin i , »4'. existing government 10 this d1 v, >*,; j eot immense value to th ,•.■ ?• m’ ply to show •• f.iii iui- » >r.. ■ pon questions which ~rr. c ■.-■•iine.iiiy • urring lor discussion and n«,*ce *BB consumption c f t.aie b« »u|,e ti»» - <h. ate. What is true of the years that ha< iast, w ill, as soon as they are gone, be e L uail y true of those in which we live It is not only, therefore 13 a vehicle 01 iresent information, but also a- • bo-.k r uture reference—ns a National ] depository and Text-Book, d..{ «t ho c Ins work will I e both useful raid p.ipuAr hrom the lowness of the sui.- .c priori to h“ work, it will be seen that it i> in. ; -.i t) d our e-dculation to realize any prmmntl irulit irom U. On the contrary, we s •-!' 11 ah probability, lose money hv it > : f ea! ' or two, hoping that the caffe. i., tablisbed character will ensure It a -uifici sht patronage to main it profitable. GALES L SEA I ON Washington, Sept. :;;... CONDITIONS. ™*P«b!i ration of galks & sf.ato StISJS ■ 0F DEBATES IN go*.: UjCtCiSS, will coin-.nenpe as soon as lit ■ De gates a! each successive Ses lon .iresthslull aftbrd materials to till a ha ls sheet „8 pages.) Che work will be j.rintcd in the octavo '■fin, on a super royal paper, made for me jurpose, and on a brevier typ.*, in donlue o1 u 111 11 s—oneh page c onprisiiig nearly as nu« h mattei ns one of the columns' the ;;u! Intelligencer. if will contain full accurate Rc mrt< cat? b-obtained of all Debates on ;m ]ueslK ii.;, and ol all interestiro- |) e questions;\, containing a List of the Me, , 1 ■d uaeh House, the Yeas and Nave in'earh ' • ■-A- 1 ot Debate, such Documents con • ' ■ the subjects of Debate, as tnly ‘ >e f s ? ntlal enable the readerji ompie.ienU icm, and proper Indev-'-s to the • note, Tm Debates of the next Session it' -s a v uuiiie ot live hundred .eves •■.. t hed t the Post-Office, in sheets, as published for ' ■ he > BC ribe option,) a*., for the volume oe r, nuiiv e:, m be paid in advance m ? : •' *nr {. ( >r,. : _ ■, v 1 days course be regulated by he on i,;»rat : , of the mutter of which itis to be composed The subscription will in no case, unless within the city, ml not tmin unless sp.;ci ■ ;i '. * ood .... yoiul the volume a. «< .jiy paid t. r vauce. 1 0 nor übs- fibers the j nee nil! t»e vony dollars, umw,.; in boards, for the volcmi now announced. Tlie Debate <•!’ the Session h Con.*, .j following t . 1,, x■, and i ihc timt ■>. »f 'every ’ will. i ..... jo [about one thousand pages, <ir peri’, . ,’j icnakii-i. jne v«. \ Urge '• obiute. > , f ,h.indsonie >u. -*>. id,A session ~{ J,, :t'oogrcs3 . -I'-uriv deubb* the im. jol the s»*<, ,<.. ? lie pr ve ot the It. ■<n - tire first Session of carii Con-res/' h its r oiiumis more m i< ■ ti-.n 1000 paces i' V,i! u> t . ,X ’ ! •*' :l • *'■' '* A « B .to bUby.;.i beis, ami six to aou-; üb-m' bei’L