The constitutionalist. (Augusta, Ga.) 1823-1832, January 07, 1825, Image 1

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■" 1 : : “ ~ ' ' - ——" Ml ! utM y a,|||||,|||W * w,, i i - not owmifto anv want of lava I'ofotif < oimliv, l>ut to «n ignmunca of its r. «1 cointitution Und intcreatH.” pIUKSfI-Y ”” ~"' i 11 NK ....... VoI.JI. AUGUSTA, FRIDAY MORNING, JANUARY 7, 1825. N(| • Cfje <£anstituttanaߣt i IS PUBLISHED EVERY TUESDAY AND FRIDAY, BY W. J. IMJNCm, j AUGUSTA, .; j JW 3 :S !S^3 And for Sale at,this Office, . * •, , , *? ky the i ) J^ir Sc s>■.xoUua -,= ’.•«/. VAVO— jf I The motion r Iju'i aJ »x »on« n •‘lie tp i : plao- s MujCpec.ft *»f Hie Planets, ( ho rising 1 and ike Sun* 1 !,-, r"3 rising sot ll «g nil 1 hurtling oi the Moon, Tic sign ot the s a c <i', e iis in at Noon, I’ha r zing, leiliag and lung of the most c map conns FI met# an I i.-tetl Stars, E-hpses >f the Sun ami Moon, M ion’s Fna-es, also - * The Feasts and Festival* observed ' sj Protestant I l ', pal Enure i in tin IdS .at ■, f tin nca. V*: ‘ ‘her with /he ns mi I ‘i It Pfi' V V. | I. .\ /* ROBERT GRIER. | J • end | I THi)AIAS SrMETCAfci<V ’V. 14148 toi l i. . •-i f utdr.n'.og n,.i IrieiiCb and the uublic generally, that ne ban ju»i re | I' fd, and is n w receiving a vtrv laroe and 1 e)I *r« »>’'eV si c k ■ ( I?!?#* and it tilt) wi’l laVor inn With their cost o, ■ hey Vio find him “at li me ” atiend.. gto /us awn business, re* dy and willing to supply them »ah too of !h- fallowing articles, o . the mo-.t rea o ,-i able itr is, for cash or prime -cut accetna ces | 100 IO VS well assorted Sweede &, Kisna Iron * 120 i»li N. ijn i»e b. Croix a d N. Orleans 100 h prime (iimen Co‘ e " idi) h'tda. prune .lamaic.a Coffee bi) pn cs prime 42 inch Rigging 5 of do best low digging, vciy cheap •- 5U do b st Cwill’d Sacking I . 50 c 1 /Lie K.p rt <■ ‘ihlt hjjls. best N a (hern Gin, best hr; lids e 2JO do hi si Philadelphia Wins Key IhO do Northern Ivnn 25 llhds. do do 40 so prime retailiiigMolisaes 4 do superior "Id J., ,aica .um 1 15 pipes do Z/.iiiimd <!m 5 dtf do hjgnac H andy 1 pipe do old For vVnie fio I 8 and 1-4 casks Malaga and Sherry .Wine, •16 18 14 and 1 2 pipes Sicily and Ficp Ma d ira VVioes s!i.) bbe, best Cider Vinegar I 200 d ' Irish Potatoes 50 do fleets 2000 ini .*pcs Onions 1 i 100 bbls. prime Northern Flour I 25 -aii hum I- do do •?’ , ! n 5-J hb s, ad b x Loaf and Sugar ( f j Ho 100 c liii boxes iftsh /fyson feu 25 bags Fepper ' 's 2b do S ue I ii. g.*r 2.5 box- s U si. , I -80 spis Mn. 1 i;.ciiiiinnd I'obacco ,i J itoA's Georgia Candles 8 < do Spermac i < 'andlcs 250 wh le s o hall 1, x. * No, 1 Soap j 50 kegs best Dufionls J*o\vder , I 2( {) it rgs Sito 1 , assorted a 25 '0 1j- li ,i Lead >' 200b i> ■. hoop and Via id Iron o ,s\jHuoo d > ii > m.n and bdstered Steel J' sipy o do Shorn llonid.V BU»b bushels Liverp • .1 Ground Salt « 2100 do JJ fIxVH lUOU bs superior Virginia/Lens ; 10.000 b- Logw uni j 6l 30,ub0 Itiiosia Q dl.s 300 dozen 1 amblers i 100 c.i -lts pa eni Cut N dls, assorted , 25 patent FJonghs an I pa nts i 10 d ‘Zen Carolina /Ties y 25 boxes 11 nes’ and White’s vnd Whitte- c maze’s Cards 1 100 boxes prime cheese 20 c-iks do do 5b reams Wrapping Paper 20 casks Lime j 30b nests Dry Measures ] I 200 him a b:\os I I 20 bb'S Snad 5d hdf barrels Shad < sji)o bids. No. 3 Mackerel * 100 do. No. 1 do 11 100 had b wli No. 1 do i 150 b'-l No. 2 do t 75 hid barrels No 2 do 50 five gal! in Deinapintia e>9 b xes //ivaea White Sugar 10 do do br wn do 250 halt, quarter and tenth boxes suprrior Spanish Cigars, Dos Amiga# and Flint’s! brands. N'vemhe' 5 3S MCKENZIE"& BENNOCH7 ■■ Have rnw d hei Countin ' Jtoom iu l/ien ii hols ,sale Sio e where they have just ncaved and are no.o op ni y «... •• A GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF li fit is. i, Kmjclj In iu a: . uiaustic \ " i Whl’.h the ii fm .sole at m i.f rue prices, ' l La h or Produce, or on stir i ; ni- a, w foil the convenience of liit phrc!« s r, for ap i* ’piovd paper. 'N vemb«r 5 17: gs 'TT QT V.G 'V xs ft' ! •* sl - ‘ KEYS. In! ILF .nidi If I I ape. ffi ron leavi. h< this office, shah be rewarded. ng-a—■■■——ism— ,m, n i— i ns zevad l ' * . THE PLANTERS’ HOTEL, J1 JjG USTJI, Georgia. rs ope n ami under 'he superintend,o ce of Mr. CO.shEY JHCA'fJVSO.Y and Mr. J. I 1 DjEJWE K. la'e ot Savannah. Ihe II use has undergone Ifepairs : the Rooms are i-jjamoils avrp; renirnislied. Fersoni can be accommodated with single Itoon;#, and every exertion wd) e to render them comloi table, ! " Samuel Hale, Proprietor. IC. v - Georgia Journal, at Milledgeville, the Wash ngn. ~sa ~ savannan u . icmo and the , c * v >‘ *’''v G dene, will publish the above six limes, an I forward th- <r Iritis to this Office, vl ier 2(5 2m 44 Si jpard and Chichester , H w title, .A: j ,-enu the earner of b'ohtlan jf'iickooii Serene, seventh iloor above the .Glob. J uve n. where they have just received an exiejr siv: iissor’ment of CLOTHING SUTKR>I\«i V «II C Mil V MMIK IS THK MOST FASHIONABLE STYLE , Gi lave also, tir.i' rate U <tk . ie* n from NVu i- V >\ and will make CLO HKs of all tie ■mi'ipoon i measure, at slum rtotice. \s one «. t,i! } l Pal 3 ears past superintended U»f- business of Mr. (amis Kili.a.ij lately a reside:- 1 ’! ** I,s ’Gee, ibey (e< (a c >.: li.r.anre m assuring . hr. friends as well as other., that all orders f Id >tlies to b • made U> neasure, shall be execul ' ed so as to give eot-re sal -sfaction. f-lulis tin-! Oisnnere* of the. first rate. S(l '' I' s 8 v 32 V* UaViUuM u. £{iAS,~ He news the tender oj his services in the C O .Vi M I fTS i ON AND STOWAGE UUSLVESS, * ro HIS t ill KN OS AND THK Pl'm.lo, | I,S1 ,S * V dUK-llOUby at the Upper end, sou BX ode sir et, r-adv for (her eou.o, of < O!' o\ami other PUOUUOK m wluch liberal advance* wdl be made, when r quirvd, * \'i,v business wih whirl, | le may be favoure. ' ,a I ’> phociualf v attended to. l)tT 1 S 28 (. Os ii I S.l /O *• hU* 'Vhvi, sSubhcvibev, t t IMI t. g ged IV A I K,l t’SKS too St II kr ■ I -he upper part of this City, dl'ers hiss rvicm Mleoentl COMMISSION mkuch \N -Jf p n, *y I'Gee merchandise or produo ud•, hi 0 r e * ,n * s ;' u,f?, y r ‘dy ( "> every pos-ble txe'iUu used, ogive gc*n« ml sa'isfaetp i. liania M-Kinuc. ■ < I SCOEFIELO, PHELPS & Co. H DUAPUiS A.VI> TAJ LOUS • v |N(r formed a connection with Mr. Flenrv o«< late of Baltimore, fcaveremoveu ivn s. N,,> «»• Hruatfway. c-rner o 'a! ■ ■ * ect, w .irre their Business will in future b conducted umirr the firm of 1 scoriKi.os, imiklps & /mwitior ■ Jre-W-lnrh ,|o-p, Id' 1 .) ' 7 ' “ jamksjjall, ~~ lIhSPRCI rui.i V otorois iiu c; -rts of Alt SB gusm and ■ Buhl -• jfenera'ly Idm In- ha: en-d an <IV I I Kl{ a d KKLMstI HOUSK o ' " c ,' , "". r .Gwt-.. and M Intosh sirens, hoi i .ptne M.nsim, M uiae, where Gentlemen can acco n rodsted wit' llreaklas's 'd .tu-re and S jeers, at any hour, and be hopes from dm din a te ii n he intends paying to his establishment. t. I) a n a * me of Public Pairoo me. Odnb-T 19 r, > _____ I J ’ iUiU \visU Vo\uiofc»T~ IN HAMPEKS. Just received per Steam Boat Hamburg, A 11 •i , 'P u » 1• at i>e; as i'o'ui m.i, ° XU IV!I 1)0 sold in lots to suit lallli lies, by um j iujf imrnr.diali ly at ' .1 ac<»!» Mnise’s. „ , .1/ A iiu o’ Jr naach * Jins. December 28 BOXMISSIXG. iJUPPOeEL be lak i. o , stole.- from V *■ ’ Dean about the- 1 tu ~r 12 ■ if M ivmnb • “A'SZf'r 'r “■ d »■ -’ n •Si ’ r U & K X . V K Wood & ro. Am prrs. m ’}f u 111 Ins pet .session will con era favor I nuoi mm,/ tii > subscribers at tii ir r sidence . through ilns ofhee. K- Wood iSj* 11 c n t* b 4 • 52 V dii’id 'siicimiMit of Ji l t ')L HOohS i Jo- Sals at this Office. I IV iUiffdJNKXU - JOHN A. LAND® J 3 ESHc i, of.f.V i■"■i , n ■ ■ ilit- i„ .aft ml a*, tlcm. II ft A.ignsiaand it vicinity 'ln Hie Vuiencaii TKAVEI.LINU HUfEUM has arriv -1 anil is It. >e seen I r a few -weeht only al cor ner ot M lotnsh and Green-slree/t/neap unj Man ton (I u-e. r u j I*nr papdenial's set- liancl b ; lis, 1 c inhi'i 2d j 53 ~Aorrciv T\\g teubscvibec, 1-J ‘V s 5 br “ VIS to Inform In* tr ,■i >! and customers, MJ hat he lias removed iron. J,i H old s am} under ’ J “ ~iV' 'r n ’ «■» die sure m.xt above M< a 'lrs. Moduli & WHKRK IN ADDITION TO HIS USUAL STOCK OF & o > HE OFFERS FOR 10 bales blc clmjuTnd,hr7wn Shdfcll 5 I). |»|,.i<U ami Slrg. 2 P in 4 id!! iil Hla * ntl 4 5 else- coarse bhne«*mßpßpps, * 10 b x s coitinfaiul ■’ -k 'l l ones, ldo.Td.tjP .nia, 1 case Ca ton I ds. 4-W flclkfs. , 1 o. fr ■••• Li .ens, superior chM'IV. ' I 1 do. Nanis R-h.v ’do yi.V i ff Uh ninny other articles of AND FANCY GOODS. “ —ALSO— -5 Case- I.i gin•; n Mats 10 do -Jiaw do All n» which will be sold low for Cash or An. Tovcd paper. -Vlartlu Grannies. Nr ,V,J " '• ? ’ 8-v 43 | THOMAS i. Yawing u wAukfci*. II" ', VIN ’,. ■' 111 ' s, " , ps r cm. Iv occupied •A' V v,r - '!-"«* 'yes, intends carrvinij on ie business ... a I ,'s v ri n.s bra.ici.efc From experience at (he No,lb. be fillers nifls-lf Ilia lie w. 1 bn aide to five general ,a. lislartion losuch, as w I favour hint with a call m ,°. e K -pairing •|i I v nrs wi I be thank rvil v received and pnnciu »l|y <-x<-cul d. He expects B>»<-p ’o receive from tb Northern „ M--in acton-.., a<: tnipl assortment el Carriages, Glf.S and CAUIIIAUiS built to order. - Tor Sale. 8 Gigs, ♦ 3 Sulkeys, I .i.i • * J <> L aruages. i, N 'vembrr 5 ' 38 ' | .U.O.v/.n \m\> Coach-Maker , ' „ \Sf ILI, keep c. an, y, . nan ami for Sale.! 1 TT at Mr. I.uvn-riiset's Livt rv S tble. I s XV JISSOHriTEA T OF I” cpansSo jy Orders fir (.Ilia or CIUKIACKS from tb i "i h, will be promptly atiendtd to and work n anted. N. H. —lmpairing done at (be shortest notice. A 1 ; ,lihp " 4t ■ -.jj iNKtV Fi.Oi R 6 bb! * quality Family Floor wih be land d tins d.y from Steam-lloal, Maid ol (» which will be sold low i( taken from tin - * »i»rf. A Y TO Hugs: & Savage,, j N vrn.her 16 n ) A Horse. Saddle anil bridle ven toil il ■. few (la s since, at the (Manta ion , le u (leisigned, near Mr. Henry Hidcher’a. Fb wner can have lon by payimr f',p the k •eeing- ~ Samuel Hale. ! December IT s(i Bna, x. -mm «■ miiiOTMMMMBDuiMUMMi SO • I HDS, SCGAIi, assorted qualities 45 bids. 1.0. ii hi■)I ft.ll iii^ * Sugar 20 ti ice Jamaica Coll'ee 20 ions Swede Iron 20 tin English do 5 do blistered Steel 100 boxes S nip 200 bins, siipci line i'lour SO bait' bana-ls do for (amity use 64 crn'es Crockery assorted 200 re au is Wrapping Paper .50 do Writing no 40 do Letter do t a0 barrels Irish PoiaUus > ' boxes smoked Herring's 20 Oo • ■lanish Seg irs 1o oy 'terican do 25 V;ls Liverpool Salt ba 'HjtKN'i). 3 MlCh.erel o( tarter Sweet Malaga In Jo. do. t)rv di. 10 do- 'I". Pico Madeira 2 pipes French do 52 dozen old I' >ri Wine hhds. Philadelphia \\ jiiskey 6 pipes pure H-liand tlin, “ Swan brand” V,B do. old Cognac brandy J 5 do, Schiedam Gin t 1 do. Pencil brand) , 5 years old 5 hb s do do 2 do 5 hints. Jamaica Hum 3 pipes nmtati >ti Holland Gin 4 hlnls. very prime Vinegar 28 eases Glass Ware assorted I hale Plan) Clo.kii 22 casas Ghecsc 80 iksis Measures 5 cus s Sweet Oil 50 dozen hair Sitters 10 nhds. Molasses 80 casks patent col Nads 1 hale English Shoe Thread 18 pieces lasiu .inhle Carpeiing f eases ini tp wder Tea, in cannistcra 000 pounds bagging Twine 5o pi. rvs 42 Mich hemp bagging 20 do 43 inch Tow do ~5 do 27 inch Twilled Sacking 10 bills fresh beer 4 half hai rels do 5 bags P.mento 2.5 quintal- Codfish ' 10 boxes Wbitieinorc’s number 10 Cotton Curds 40 doz ii I'lux iog Cards 10 bbls. family Crackers oO lancj pa' eiii Hearth Hugs 6 tons GrincNiom s I 5 do Shnr? M u'ds 500 bs. small size Hoop Iron j‘ 150 set• Wagon bores, 13’8, 1 1.2 15b o[ by 4 and 2 1 2 of 4 I 2 inches ’ ’ 'l 10 dozer Snail sa: <1 'hovels Heceivi d rec idly, a d will b» disposed of on very liberal terms, h r approved town imp, by Egan & M‘Laugli!iu. a '&PP' UliU/l BUtr-Df tt: „ ~/ I December 1 7 4 5j I (iVttss vuuV EAvuw Wave. I The Subscribers H\ VE it Ceiv J I), in i , Farti.v and South| BosTcft? v*r. ron v«*r|)o’ I, W l*tvekagea, In add! inn in their (ornn r Si ck making (heir a ■oriiiitol very complete, which they oil r tori sal' at reduced pi ides fur Lash, or town aect p | lance. Jk. • November 16 6 r 41 SillHSn .MvUiuev & JN\vuvUvu\w2vkel*. 5n addition to lb Goods I. ely siL ced by In r ■ in Char I'Ston, and those site lias received from New-York, has just opened some Boxes) containing the latest Fa hi,ms and a quantity of E\e«ai\t AND DRESSES, SENT TO HIH FUOM I‘AHIS. Tj A,! : rders tiooi the ci unlrv wnl be punc-i lual/y attended to. " j D' cemb r 10 27i 48 A CARD. MISS mitIUET MARTIN, I BidGS leave to infin in tbe Ladi, s of Augusta! and ds v c,lily, that she has just received b Ntv 5'- rk a cho ce Melee ion ot V aucy Wats aui\ Tvimmiugs, I or THE LATEST FASHIONS Having itk ■>, Hie si -rea,d S' ko( Goods for- 1 morly Miss Vl. gi ’s, -lie will be happy to serve ili 'ie who may (avor tier vi h tin ii cn-Aoni. Per sons I'lUru ting their work with her, may red noon lutv ngii done in the most fashionable man ncr. Ihe farmer customers o( die lute Mi n Mrgif s ar- p irri.’nla-: y ivit. |to call. It Imul- v' 'i'c; ii few t/ours bt/ow the It auks. Nf'Ve 'ilmr 2 1 s, v 43 EWVEEE. & A I'. IMK COFFEE (on consign. wJi be (ii.Hpu&ed (if o*» accomm' | fa ng terms by 11. Eicqiiet. Novi mtw 26 44, 1 WVvgUV ri I’vui.v is icon t on a AI'l’LV TO Roliert I). Ware. Dee mb ■ 3 46 \j»»oU a\a\ \ il> Ev'utiug A taily Executed at litis (jlfice. I r*K. Si "■ i MRS. DE PASS, ■-* (.Ini) I'Mon,1 'Mon, respectfully informs .the ladies ->. Augusta, that she lias jus' opened her Musical cvlemy where she w,l remove pu.iila, from , " ni * 111(1 morning, until six in the aternoon, ;o b« instructed in the sc,once of Mime, ami the vm and must graceful execution on the Piano Forte. Sin}{i. g in tlm natural 1 idian and Bravura st> le vill be particul .ply h to. ded to. and siion young t hes as are . ntrusted to her care, will be taught suit the ex,ires .in to the sentiment, and to ive the best possible eff, ct to the voice and in ;fiurn-nt combined. Ladies attend at such hours, as will be most c •nveiiieiii. lwo , Velvet Painting taught in all iig branches tor part,uni,rs apply ~i the Planters’ Hotel. Decenib 17 fit 50 svaevud ,M vs'vc acUvtoV. THE SUBSCRIBER I-1 L'-PLC I1- U LLV il it ms ,ne inhabitants of Im, i City, t ial he mien,is opening a school i tie pm pose of giving iiisirnc,ion in Sacred .Hoc, as soon as a nffic em number of Pu dls , mi l>' oln line,l ai g,y , i QMaiiyr. He would have no bj etlfnHjfc. a’tend persons si tbe.r own lonises I u- the purpose ot private in '■truclion. P< rs ms desiroit of becoming piiriL nre te quested to cal' at this Office, where a snOsdnp! Seurats o|iened ‘ or ' 7, ‘ e l M,r r o4e of nixivu.g I D. W. Isett, FiIENCH TUITION" A V "e R .. L - r ! :rs Wll '* e knitted to a new ~ course o» I union ot th- French Lang.,re* at tbe residence ot the subscriber, S versatmn w l b ■ introduced winch by the as Ist :mce - f'ns J-, tghters, the subscriber (1 a,er» sell the acquirement of that .i-Hul Languor will b; more peed, y and more accnniely N-v-mhcr 30 L B. I.sflllc. (u KN ' KKL I 1 6i ; l, ma. or Soj ill- ~ rs, ,n ,y be , •* ( ; c indai ed with it, in,i,no door above Ur. Turpm’s. Cr h h K J- U. I.afitte. November 30 4,5 nll'm l , ihi ■ ila USU ‘ l 'i ‘ rHI sin l),‘ ~ .. . »«/»:*,> 4 xr Vft I*t. sod' i Hut,,-.? ot Mmare.s c ffiady- i'iivsM me ‘ us " !’ Mc “()Urs wno have b -rato^re been educated at this in.stiiuli 11, as w.-| agoT idl ■tlmrs wh - ch ms to embrace the advantag * 0 f of expence. .1 J'jt’ilpils will also be thankfully, d from flSraiii* who are disposed Mf|»y at u.ree do'l.u s per quarter. *> ' her 1 ' ' e TO* • <> Itih-S j‘. the first October next, aSpaK I liree Stores and a Dwelling Hons.;, upper eno on b si, , uu ■ •.).' S,|N! ** 1 * adjoining Kgiut h rrr* bn’.s, v The Slor- kOcOuidt by It. H & <su. 'll s.nre occupied b't HI & Au< 11— and the Iw . story Frame House *«■! Store .dj iihug‘.lie same—the htMise is well calcn ated M [>' i‘ »te family or boar.l mg House—having an eve; tl'mt H.ick Kitchen. The Stares are ..I, most dv BiiJihly situated for the (irodprv Uu.dncbS. Jipply ts» William H. Karan. *" 17 H i'u Ueut. 1 lie S 1 ORE at present occupied [lip!l* ; k 'L‘, U n Kukslll, nexi al>,.vt the lUMiSmK L'vei n—Possession may be hud on liii 3 fr st (h*iy of ,fa ii'trv, nepptr.bc r 17 i- g?) r o KK M\ j • - riiree Fire Proof Stores , wit h spacious dry Cellars, near ills Market, and jiiic eastern and western Tfcmb invents over tliuse blor'-s, ciiicolatcd lor Families. I JisaL TwoSTOUBS, with Dwell. lings attached, eligibly situated *or business, just j move opri igfield, at present occupied by Mr. | -iaiiisimiTioiis and others. For terms apply at the iif Augusta, ' August 20 r If, KOI I SALK OH TORKArr |"[OHK nnexfored lease and iniprovemeiils on i 1. the L«t known as the Liltleman’s Garden, I itosted on KHis-S'reet, near the corner of tjeii n- Street having all the conveniences for car ■t ing on Confectionary upon a large scale, be | -les an Oven, Uryhonse, Sic. There is also an Ice House in good order, where I.V or 18 tons of |me ran he secured for summer use. ThcVholc I 1 1 1 be shewn by application on the premise s.-* . For terms apply to 11. Douyer. A •ifi’ipt 10 1.1 I Hoard of I’ru sices of (he I tcademy of It chmond County, will on (lie se '■ >nd Monday in January next, proceed la the ap [i> liniment of a Tutor h r the Academy at Hie ■Sand Hills, with a salary of Fight Hundred Did. irs per annum. Candidates, who most be capa- I* of teaching the Latin and (ireek languages, md the vaii, ns branches of Knglish education, iiav apply by letter addressed to F. tValker, Esq, President of the Heard nr to ihe sub-criber. Lam; Hcroerl, Clerk, To the hoard of 7Vii»'>;e* nf the Jlcudemy c J Hichmund Coumy. Perember 2’ id* st, ‘ POTS