The constitutionalist. (Augusta, Ga.) 1823-1832, January 07, 1825, Image 3

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\ ; . Fire. —Last night, about eight o'clock,ib c 1 • was discovered proceeding* from the third -toryof the house ou the south side of John ! . stou’s square, owned and occupied by Mr.j ci Worthington Gale. The wind was fortun-j S( aletv‘light and the house being of brick, the j l,l lire was coigj ted to ils walls---the InteiVßi-j 1,1 was entirely consumed, but most of the fur- 91 niture was saved/* The usual difficulty was " experienced in finding’ & sufficient supply of 1,1 water, although the lire engine compauuiSj 0 were active. I'he ranagf low wooden stores! 14 west of the house square and, '' Bull-street, belonging* so the estate ofGitf '* sou, were so injured by the attempts made to: pull them down that tliey are nearly destroy-j s ~,d. The house in which the iirtKoriginaled j l ‘ was insured by the Etna Com- ;*■ nany of Hartford, for 3000 ddllavs --therej a was" no insurance 4fcthe was accidental. regret to have jn that Anthony Barclay, Esq. was consiflaJj blv injured by the fall of of ontsfp* (ho unds of the building, ’IUM* colored Wfyj* uamad James 11 mstoic^K bulging to the " 1 f Ire Co;jp|*kjp had hi scull ( f-u-tured nputatec! by?|’^r , s Read,.. Delaiuoche---! , 'jifcxpiml half an ter. .Another b» to the same com !' pany had his thi ill fSuv. Gecbginn. * The Presbyterian ChSwf at Darien wasJ discovered ou lire on Thursday evening last, j' Its progress was arrested when it had arriv-. cd at the eaves of the building ltiss.up-j posed to have been caused by the act of ah incendiary, for whose ’discovery a reward of 200 dollars is offered. 4 -... ® 44 — M,voo.v, Deceit rirtn. —*>n r *u.niay uveniy place was for the (Ist time visiteu by a de-j K j sfructive lira. — vdoat G o’cl ick the elegant; n w house belonging to Mr. Ja nes Hoider ness, situated on the west side of our public m l ire, was discovered ,to be on fire, and aidin' the citizens collected immediately, it was found impassible to save the building or! ( any of its contents. It had been rented by j B ’.the branch Bank of Darien, and the fundsj K tr iosi’-.-r.vl t» it from Marion a few days! previous, and the Bank was to have com-] menced badness on Tuesday. The Bank! books, bills, and every article belonging toj the Bank were consumed. The amount ofj lit .Cash in the Bank was about S 13,001) inj Darien bills, SoOUO in bills of the Bank of Hu üburg, and about STOOD worth of notes belonging to individuals in and about Savan nah which were in the hands of Mr. Wood the Cashier for Collection. The building had been closed but a short time by Mr. Wood, before the fire was discovered, ami must have originated by accident. The yalue ol the house was about 3000 dollars. Mess, W-- k ~ ft w!ls ■ stated in part of mir pap ers la-t week, that the comnu.isioiiers at the late j , ivlian Treaty “would be. sneces-lul in the object of their mission.’’ We made the Statement on we deemed the best /Authority that could be given, and we believ it was the opinion of the Com ni-s; mer* f>r 'sometime that they should be successful. ,We were however mistaken, as the couunjs ;>■* sinners passed through this place on the Host, on their way home. Every I'easonahle, 'ami even liberal offers were made the In- Vilians to cede their territory, but they ahso ” lutely refused to comply with any terms. ‘j [lbid. ! Charleston. January 3. t * Nassau papers to the 23d ult, have been , deceived at this office. The papers contain some accounts of piracies. The American j brig Edward, De hangham, from Bordeaux f,r Havana, was captured by four piratical boats between the east end of Cuba and 81. Domingo, on the 11th of October. The cap -1 tain was killed, and thrown over board.l Three of the. crew escaped in a small boat, and after being out 15 days, landed near Turks Isanti. A letter from Havana dated 30di October, says the Pirates have hung out a revolving light, 25 miles (o windward, in imitation of that on the Moro, as a decoy for vessels. A letter to a gentleman in this city from ■ Macon, stales that the Branch Bank ol Da rien, in that town, was destroyed by fire ou . the 2Gth ult, at about eight o’clock—the nw •’ op, and papers were destroyed, including ffOOO dollars in collection notes —813,000 in money of the Bank and 5 or 86000 ol the Hamburg Bank, on deposite. The fire is supposed to have been communicated acci dentally. - —-'so® New Yoke, December 2G. Loss -of the Ship Nestor. —We regret to have to state, that the ship Ne.ifor, Peasejj f from Liverpool, for tliis port, one ol dm old line of packets, went ashore at one o’clock, * ou Saturday morning, near Ilockaway, (about twenty-eightauiles from Sandy ( look,) where she bilged, and, we understand, will he totallv lost. Fortunately the cargo was not as valuable as h is usual for those ships to bring.—lt consisted of 100 tons coal, 100 tons lead, some salt, and from five to six hundred packages of merchandize, in tin* lower hold, tlie most of which, it is feared, will be lost. A few packages between decks aPe saved. The passengers, (live in number,) and all the crew are saved. The letter bag has reached town. j I FOR Till'. CONSTITUTIONALIST. [Concludeifrom our last.] Augusta is tube compared with, that spe ;ies of silk, which turned every way, pre ,ents a different lute. Her vast agricultural narket attracts tlie attention and inllux of Manufacturers, who migrating hither, for the teason, by hundreds- if they do not sink \ nto tlie tomb, generally sink v’to ruin ami iblivion. They are someth! ;i:i ke the lo uist, leaving their impress; a vhere they , tlight, and then going 6r If Hdwvith this ' Utterance—-life locust destroys the place, Kit these giMMUBf destroy themselves.— Phus yuuVuy see a constant rivalsltip, who shall live his day out first, by buying the most cotton and selling the most; goods, on iffe most unprofitable terms. [Here L given > a description of our mode ol land transpor tation, bv wagons, for cotton and merchan dize.] Yet all these lor a time furnish cm- , nlwyment to the artizan and the laborer,''■&. , hi order to accelerate their rum, engage iium- r erous ministers of justice to adjust their liti- 1 gated claims. Indeed, the infatuated people of this country are only content, when by adding biidheii upon burthen, tliey enrich a few t.te expense ol he in -tty, and Uiis remark leads me to give thee a view of the govern ment of this city, and thou wilt percejye’how , different from ’thy jast equitable, though summary way, justice is administered. Tlie government of tlie multitude assembled to gether here, is under a charter by which I every grade of office is created, from the I pritt• ipal mufti dirtvu to the scavinger. Ten |of these officers hold a regular municipal I j court, ■ once every month, besides extra! meetings, and they determine how (he city [shall he ruled, and are attended by clerks, marshals and jailor, &c. ckc. Before this -■bunal all causes of quairel are decided ily, in tin 1 following manner. A dis pui. ises, both parlies think themselves right—tiie Council interposes, decides that they,are equally wrong, and fines them ac cordingly, not uiifrequenily, alter one or both par' . have been first committed to prison ; 1 then, if one or both are unable Jto pay (1 i line, they stand committed un itdathe money is raised --or until another ! I'neeting of Couiicil) when the court deter mines to nay the-iosti. Thus after several . . *. J ■ J ~< , . |days imprisonment, the gootl city pays the ! line—and liberates the citizen. It will as tonish thee to be informed that the seraglios ■j of are often the fountains of hese difficulties, and that they are exposed to tlie -[whole city, instead of being as with us em bosomed in the recesses ol secrecy. How ever, these broils are sources of revenue to numerous officers of the Law-—who not un li cqueiitly cause the first dispute by an uu -1 necessary display of their noctund authori ty. 'I here is another Court held once a month, and sometimes sits a week, which is composed of a mayor, clerk, city sheriff, dep uty sheriff, city constables, twenty-four ju rors, besides witnesses, anomies, &c. Re minding t lie. annual ulteniLtuce. of. -.M two thousand persons- -what an immense I iss of time and money I Then there are the Magi-trates, Inferior and Superior Courts, all of which lend to enrich a f w at the ex pense of the ma y. Why will the people be as to nnnistcfr to their own mis ery, when by fallowing our example they might be relieved from most if not all these evils? How different O son of the true prophet, is thy sword ol justice swayed.-- Thou desirest to know of me how such quantities of precious ffietais are obtained for the purchase of cotton, in this market. I must inform that the mode of payment is a seperate branch of the business, which although publicly carried on, is little under stood and is most injurious to the unwary.— European purchasers ot cotton their regular resident, agents, who are supplied with ininiense amounts of goods manufactur ed bv -the principals, and sold in the country on the faith of the •next crop, for which,.a price beyond its fair value can be given when the difference of exchange ■1 is taken in view besides; bills of cx > change are negotiated at banks whose ’ notes are substituted lor specif Soon 1 expect to reach thee ; then will I impart ■ all mv faithful services to thee and confirm dlhv hopes that tlie land of the Pharashs 1 now swayed by the the faithful, and whoso plains have been verdafit for ages, will be unrivaled yet by tlie ’efforts of j j thV genius in tlie culture and texture, of thy J Cottons. Adieu, and may the sun of glory , lever shine upon thee, is tlie prayer ot thy faithful servant, MULEY HASSAM. , j [The communicator of Muley Hussan’s j! letter, informs us that the original MS. . was picked up at lodgings supposed to have , been occupied by the agent of AM. We J cannot help thinking that many mistakes |have crept into the translation ; which seems to have been much hurried, and so indis (tinctiy written as to have given some trou jble in the dec sphering, to the devils of our % 1 s $ : ! ] i r. • f - V i 1 1 ■ ■ GEORGIA FENCIRLES. W,, r h ' in >}’ ■ red t - ocai'.i' your I* J_ (1 lAro-inl, in lr .ii ot he i ily)(a 1 o 'ltvß’ )N S(1 lh. 12' 1’ II M; ft lira I I.M 2 I a,-..- k!’ St .r nil sml q i ; p,) -d as the bye-la ■< s j >i lil ■ ' Ol i v flirt I 1; Ily o dor of Cn > nin " |! it. ■>; Joint K sivofili, o. s. j January 7 ’t 56 M> i f £ -,Vr> -1. .-.wsT -v Vov ( rSa'Viwuu\\\ $• n\;\Y\e c Vnn. 77/A’ .V/NT STEAM-. I) 0.1 T, AUGUSTA. I 11 •! • h 'Vf quid: despatch, (Hr fr ■;;'>♦ '' '>■>■• J ? see (Itavi-ifj vn j aa’, c i.)f jituimii •«!« lions) • 10 "Egan & M-Lajighlin. Jnnusiy 7 3t 5(5 ■lj° IV. Fews in Hit*.i Priisbylm •«•! CI m r ■'», lv in ging to the !’»••»« t will be reuf’d *'■!!• . i ■ vear, oh SA I UUD vV imx,', (fYle Si > iii"t.) r ,! >’. (•< ■!< mi (h * ai'li niimn, wht*W>sfche .hi ll wilt J •in<r, |n dm mean 111110 any per-.on dcsiron. i I talcing h Pew nt tli«* assessment co do so, hy ap plying at the store of Mr. .loim Mo ire, where a plan of the Church exhibiting the Pews to be rented may he seen. January 7 It 55 QJ* Take. XoUcfc. 'filllK Ottice of die clerk of Council, south east fi. corner of the City-Hail, will be open wo to five o’clock, I*. M. every day (Sundays ex cepted) during the month of January, instant, for tie purpose of receiving the returns of the Tax dde property, within the corporate limits es tli• ■ Cite of Ango-ta, and within three miles thereof \ll persons interested will take due notice there Geo. M Walker, Cl’k. Tamiarv 7 55 j Vo Gentlemen of the State of Geor gia and South-Carolina. 4 YOUNG gentle na '. a gr-oluale itont Dii’t ..l nion li College, New [lamps' ire. who can furnish die m is' satrifaciopy recommendations i I his character and classical acquirements, wishes mm-ibute einoloymenl, either as principal in some pub ic semmury. or as a private tutor in one or more turn dies. It will he his highest interest, as .veil as p|< h‘urn, to servo his employers to the ex tent of his i.hdilies,- and the success he In s had in he instruction ot youth, leads hint to hope he can leserve the patronage of any gentleman who mat ••xtend it to (dm. # A hue addressed to C. I*. throng'h llie I’ofit-fJF ■ (j ce< i n thi« city, will receive immediate afVntioft .1 • unary 7 2 «fy 56 LUKE REED & CO. ; Have j nut received, an additional supply of SSKBiaSS & IBfXDU'aJ# or i’.vkhy irKsciurnoN, Which they oife+at reduce 1 prices. Country Ic-d-r; are particularly invite:! to Call and ex the above stock. ALSO — 15 kegs of choice BitHcr, for table use, and r. •■■w half barrels Prime Fulton Market Beef. .la' tlary 7 3f. u 56 i /.V THE • AsFPn.SII supply d Hie above wHrJp is Just ‘ a reee veil and at the LA 01.15 1 A.V r'.UN, at Jjl .50 per b Slu.l. k*. * January 7 It* jflk ,55 UK '.l t-QU A RiMm'OKORC.IA, ? Mi i.r.Giiosvi i I’ being kn wn to tiie Comuihiiiler ia Chid tfa . Gen La Fayette will' accept his i vital inn to v’. u Georgia, and that he may be expected ii March or April, Orders!, I hat \’ t'unt ■er Corps of Artillery, Cavalry, I fold .. and . ill. np-n, wl other a’ lac It nd to {egimeols. H iga hs i Divisions, hold them j selves in readiness to i’- i ’■ c the General with | military honers at a y p int to which any portion a (hem may be urdeie !, Completely armed a ,d | quipped. Donum-.dors of Division 0 , Brigades! ■ml lie imi .Mils > see o the execution of this! mu i . i.'l Hij the Commando in Chief i hcaboni Jones, Aid de-Camp. 1) -cumber 27 2t 55 TO RENT,,. One in the Long Yellow liange of Buddings. max’ door above tin sign of the •• Asiatic Lenitive,’* in “Cotton Bunge,” e mUntitd. — Also, ’■everal iem inents of one story B< cjtyw ith I vo rooms, recently i t the possession of . '.Jr. Ans.ey, aid a convenient Warehouse in the ryar, which has been r.-.oenlly rep i red and the lot enclosed with a good 'cnce. Fur terns, apply b Mr. James Harper, during liie absence pi the subscriber. E. K. Campbell. January 7 5 6 j Found by a Negro, a <Hank Bill, which too owner can have on describing tin | • nine, by j/.y >g fur (his advertisement, and g v e g a ivi tabie reward to the Negro tor his hou- I jsti . xppiy at tliis Oflice. ,)a uary 7 ot 55 TO HIRE , ! -j « t\ i j, (,(. t,(| -ri d for hire at the Walk'd (louse, 1 (T mi tjVrUHOAY morning, several likely NKGROKS, for the present year. January 7 NOTICE. A 1,1. persons who have any demands agaius l the estate of VVldnirn Bacon, deceased, or. ,gains! the eslaie of Mrs. l.ucy G Hamm, d< ■cased, at” requested to iin-wcoit them to th subscriber, or in his absence, to Wdlla ri W. !|plt Henry I i nil*, Adair. Janna r v 7 Q VWvaiA Cvimvv.tWNj’s Office. P!-,l{f()Ns -‘•shiiig* to coiiiHCt for ll e repair of ihe Wharf (from t ie injury sustained by the- P freshet) are n quested to Iv.nd in 'heir prupo to the undersigned, at the Compaiq’s Office, ; nr befnp Friday, the 7’h Inst, at 10 o’clock M, Ihe Contractor will be required to fi » -h the work in 'be m ot suisstantial manner, a> i m accordance widi the original o an of the Wl.arl John Sliarp, Treasurer. January 4 2t ,55 S*SI%.T GS AND ni'DTBS, ALSO, DSS/ILS'VS On Hostoi). L.iitimore, Frovitience, eshiiiglaii City. Nciv-Y ork. Potursburg. Va. • !'hi!;ule![)lii;», Cdnirlestou, S. C. , ' \mi iSavaiituili, For Sate by iit'crs. IF,nincll k St. John. 1 Hro l<f cn nor n! .1/’ ft*tosh s! Ovv/. n »u> ;-n<l iLvr.u con and nil kinds ot Wash i \nr s, Hmnrht and Solti, ZnotiheY UvUWvuU VUsVrVVnv t'uivi. COHEN’S OK KICK, Baltimore. Dr.cEMiiKit, 9, 1824. FOURTH DAY’S UIi.HVIJVG : a capital of- . - SSOOO * 10457 l<|, 'z<‘s of- ... lOCiO 709.1—11302 Prizes cif - - - 500 1480; Os ■ - - . . - 100 ’ 12J04. "t iMi), 10738 9314 Frizes of 50 ..tiul 190 Friz, s i f 10 (I diui’s each. All marked thus* no',l at COIG.N’S OFFICK NOW DRAWING EVERY WEEK. lilUiAiTi) State L * ' No. 3. WigUv'st V vi'af DoWs. I SPHENOID SCHEME: 1 of 840,000 is 40,000 Dolls. I of 20,000 is 20,000 Dolls. 1 of 10,000 is 10,000 Dolls. 2of 5,000 is 10,000 Dolls. 30 of 1,000 is 30,000 Dolls. 20 of 500 is 10,000 Dolls. 50 of 100 is 5,000 Dolls. 100 of 50 is 5,000 Dolls. 5000 of 10 is 50,000 Dolls. Amounting to 180,000 Dollars ! QJ" i lif draw in# wi l be c MHiiUh cl mi Ihu s tlav next when from ih* kfreat ninnbiT of przp» A OH r/A'd, a. brilliant dis'u ihn ion innv be c xi-erle t. t ” D hole 'Hichi in 1i j Qitar'rr - 300 f/'i'rri - I ./Ctyh'hs - I 50 Jobe had, warranted undrawn, at fggo§cu’s Where both the great Ojfiiu.K of 2d 000 and 10 000 DOLL YUS, drawn .’iii-the VIUNU MKN I OfTKUV, mi iho 2.Bih mt. were * >M, ami j where wife snld, ihe (.'.ipilal Frizes of 100.00(1 Dollars, half anil one rjiiwiei• in rilizens o f (Jeor pin.-, 20,000., 1(1,000... 5000 k, in the lust <.rant! i hiale.L'illciy, and v*iu,UE M In: • uir.i. rm/.i.s IHVE nr.K.V OllT.llXKJ) THA.N AT AX If U TUI: II OF VICK IN AM 111 11’ A. Orrfin left-with I, K. St, JOHN. Hortil *'’ret, AUOUS'J'. I. Geo’-gia, -will be fntmpV.y alien'! <1 to, Fit KB OK Ft >S 1 At i B. Dee ’.nphur 21 51 ~L\ FA YE TM E HAT A N D CLOTHING WARE-HOUSE. The Subscriber h opening m llrotul s n-. t, nun door below JMr. .11- - -leu's Hill Store, A MlHOI: AND ORNF.KAI. AH..OKTMBJjp OF p AND CLOTHING, Consisting of go vrs, Frock Goats ( Drab box Goa's ( Double h single mi! M Okssimcre Pantaloon* Broad Gloth, .•vi'im.’U and Gordnroy do | Toiiinet!, Valfiiiia, Swauwlown &. black silk t A i ’ .aCS f Blue ami lilack Cloth and Ga.siinere do j Sup tfi :c Linen and Cotlon, frilled and plait-. Shirts Is Knit <d, Cotton, Worsted and Lambswoolj, Shirts and Drawers j< Flatuu 1 do do Tartan and Camblel Cloaks Ladies ’ d* |, Hoy ’b Dresses Youth’s c'o'n: body Coa'S Geiuhoiii n’.- auptrline Data, seme very wi 1> [ I rims % H Irrfmitaiioh MFnver . do • La Fayette, hoys and mens .eid skin Gap. j ! Washington, Jackson u id I.a Fayette blocks jl Silk Umbrt ilas Hosiery * Gloves, ,"xc. —ALSO —- N'egvo Jackets and frowse's j Douse servants Go'ine-s and Fantaloons K> ani’night gn at Coa's (. erii.-y Frock., red flannel Shirts Striped and Glieck do Common Linen do Vt oi• llcit Gloves, and many olhftr articles in hi’ line. T'ic above COOKS are Nevv-York made, am j I,ill b'> dispo-,c lot tVmiles.tie and retail, at Nev • ! Yolk pric’s. , J. V. Seize. |)r>-*c.mSr- 3 For Hale < lit‘ii|>. Tnno cxeeWvMiV Uduhh Hy,v- J. M. Hand January 4 ’ ’ Vuv Hvv\vi, i I IKKLV NK(.Uf) WOMAN, a good Cool Washer an (roller —for furihcr pariicular, .lit|,■ mat tip Office of the Constliuiionaiist. December -U srrrar t -sras* 'tataascr* *-a rat* x xrmwrwuftaM#*6j(| ~ Tom, Jerry, and Logic, ' CT/ Friday and Saturday Evenings, JA.N V A\V\ *U\\ umV Sv\v. THE I.VENI.NO'S EN'TF.IiTAINM KNT TO COM MENCE WITH THE r vinwin i«fn* RUNNING V vULTING Jiy the whole Troop. wm* WiiiiL'iAm^a I'll' 1 intrepid lv| u sii-in i, w,,l go tlir mg i lierele gull acts of Kiptesti ianism—and conclude with, tile six divr.n in. of the linn I Sword, toe horse in foil speed. STILL VAULTING, By the whole Troop, viz : Messrs. v'h, \ • •i, fl int, Uugm's, Whitla k'r, Sessfurd, M'Oou ’.'i»lier-H ix (dabble Juki;, (th.■ Clown) \VI! i,l VMS, MR. WILLIAMS II ill go through his astonishing Evolutions on the SLACK ROPE. himac, By Mr. BLYTH, On two heniitiliil il r s— w'm \vi I oerform the ’ arduous lent of carn'ing Mister Wnlu.iker at arms length, the llor , i>- >i at fi I speed. MRS. WILLIAMS Will go through her iisloois ring Perform m, anccs on the SLACK WIRE, with Hoops, Oranges, fyc, Mr. MAXCY, Will perform a popo l r nr on the Patent Kent Hondo. HORSEMANSHIP Ly Master 'diSJli'Xi Wi'linut Sv’.il nr Uriil!e ! ! during which he will perform a variety of interesting feats, 1 ■titling' through HUOPK «v-r OAUTHHS, Ctc. Etc. the II irs- n nr r full speed. After which, for the first time in Augusta, will he introduced a Scene, from Tom ami Jerry. I «/ jtyorin hut Tom, Mr. Mi.ytm; L rr\, Mr' r L j.i * ■nv-ift rcrilM the Evenin'.'’* P< rs > »•wr •« in ea'w'nde iultk l a COMIC DANCE, T ' Hi, D.USfYBOB and 4ERICAS SALE. J a Dusty !i ib. Wni r i- 1 ici-.ip. , Afrnpn Sail, J VVim ''cAv f . j’ Admittance to the Flux. - thiup-ndhir, PIT, f ftv (lenfst. ■',* Children under ten years of age, admitted tn the Hoses at half price. j-|( floors open at a quarter past s ; s, and Pei*, for .■niiCi' to commence at seven o'clock precisely. Tickets may he procured at the Circus and ■it tlie (f|. he-Tavern during the dav. ,Vo .v 'ii 1 ) Icing allowed' Allan the Roars of' the Circus. s < '*• January 7 5o (iLT*A card. tTMOHRS I'ANDINt; (hat, m g ladies in J AutfUHiH, ur<* cl' sirotia of a more ,a; rouj*'Si kip'vvledjjo of »o»me of 111 hL'litr hranch ■s of edoea ion, w ith' :tl being confined to a school during the usual hours of tuition 5 the undersign ed proposes to i'.stroct a fnivali: class, or classes, 11 any 1 I the lof . ing branches, »./. :—Rhetoric, I."(vie. Moral and Neural Philosophy, History— it- Inst: aleil toj l.nvisnr's T h’rs, tilivrnis'ry, Astrono my— connected with the use of the Ulo/tes, Hook keeping. Algebra, &.C, A« these branches; tope 1 In r with the commoner si tidies, are taught in his school, the above classes may recite at any h nr, <::■! ■ r.during school time, or between Id and 2 o’clock !». 15. Hopkins .lanocry d 55 LI t J'lilA li V.. n I I.KMAV recently Preceptor of an igiA h> glish Aca ieiny. wisln s a situation in one , r would i e w dliug to n.k charge of a respectable rich ol 10 the Coo tty. or engage himself in a Family a private Instructor. The various branches necessary In a polite education are taught by him, viz : Orthography, Heading, Wr ; - ! ,h.g, At i htn; tic, (.familiar, (upon the no st im proved systems’! And. nt and Modern Ciogra |(,liy—togcl 1 1 ■ • r wi' h tlie m'“ of the Maps and ilhis jtration.s from the Clube , Hook k( eping—upon the , Paliioi Method ot dot ble e.,iry, by Jackson—and i. Lher systems, the Plenuiils ot Kuclid or tlcome hrv, Trigonometry, Mensuration, Ancient arid ; Modern History, Rhetoric, Composition, Su re ; graphy, or the projection of maps, &c. &r. &c.— IJuntil «ti oifihl • t'-siim olds, long ex rru nee and ihe success he has nit t w.ih in Ids Profession, vVI 11 affirm los adt qnacy es the unde risking. Aline ddrrssocl to \\ f. through the medium of the Post Office, will he punctually attended to. ,la: o . ‘V 4 3*t 55 (ij.pi t.l v, Columbia Camay, J ty; It Kit HAS 1)< in.ei Ci'aflon, has applied (or lil let'f.fs ot Ibsrnisson on the estate of (, orge ( ; . Tankers)-y, deceased, late of said ci u my. These are therefore Incite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors ol t lie -„id deceased, to be hi..' appear at n v office, with n the time prescribed In lan, to file their nb lections (il any th l \ have ) m -lew can e why ■ aid letters of It-miss ry liould not he gran'rd, (liven under my lih> d at ofli e, in (Jt Inrnbia, this 3d day ol Janoarv 1825. gfcj d Jones, I). CVh