The constitutionalist. (Augusta, Ga.) 1823-1832, January 14, 1825, Image 1

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; •. •,, • ' s ==!■■ I !■ , J .. Vs y, ,'w t ' ' ■ ■■-'==» ...V. , ' ' V - . ■ " - --r ■ ■— - , jjg —-f . - ' ' '■•=*•'■' |~' ■ . •mu Many of ihe polUictftevU., under which every Country in the world labours, arWftsl owing to any want of,love for our Country, lint to an ignorance of its real constitution and interests.” PRIESTLY if ■■ ■■■'■ « --' • =-r-r- =: 7 : "" ■ ■■■-■ - ■■■'■ ' '■ ■■ ~ NEW 5ER1E5....... Yol. 11. AUGUSTA, FRIDAY MORNING, JANUARY 14, 1825. .. No. 58. - Z- _£ . - * -- “~m nffM— i ■ i 111 i Cfee > i IS PUBLISHED EVERY TUESDAY AND FRIDAY, 1 BY W. J. BUNGE, AUGUSTA, GA. - * And fqmSulc at this 4>ffic if By the TJross, I) izen or JjlH' THE Utwvgvw 8c ft VVi*C av cdHft, K A !Qlg OUR LOttU f. She motion and Moo if/ *> The tr ie (il.-.cejaHAjects of iwk Planets, Tito ruing the Sob, Tlie rising, udtttWMWpthing of the Moon, . Tlie sign of (he ZWtMMc is imat Noon, f • The rising, setting aim s(»y hingS*)f the most i conspicuous Planets aid fitted Stars, Eclipses of tlie Situ and Moon, Moon’s Pha-es,. i The Feasts and Festivals observed’. Protestant Episcopal Church in tlie Did- iSd ted States of America. ~...» T ..To-*ether with the usual T.nlevtai’ii ■ , H TilK ASTROV ’.TTCAI. PttlT. k ROBERT GRIE ” November ? , *-■■■ . ~ j Shepard arid Chichester , Have taken ins Store uu the corner of t!mail unit ‘ Jackson Streets, seventh iloor above the. Cffobe-I Tavern, where they have just received uu exten sive assortment of ... CLOTHING, ' 1 SUi'EKFINK AVI) COMMON, JIUIK IV THE FASHIONABLE STYLE. have a4o, first rate Workmen ft m New . Y”ik, and will make CLOTHES «». -*M de-l scrip,ions to measure, at short notice. As one of the firm has for srvtM'itl years past superintended the business of tlr. James Kili.ak, lately a resident or this place, they fed a confidence in assuring’! his friends as well as other , that all orders furl Chillies to be made to measure, shall be execut ed s i as to give entire satisfaction. Cl iths and Cyisimeres of the first rate. t>-toher 15 B\v 33 SCOI^DTPHELi^irc^ r DUAPFAIS XV/J TAILORS HAVING formed a connection wilh Mr. Henry Howard, late of Baltimore, have removed . heir Establishment to \'o. S 3, Broadway, v-inu rol W i'l StreeJ, where their Business will in luture be *;■ firm of ; ’ d'SCOPIELD, PHELPS & //OVVARI). ► . , 52 3 • -7 i XViuLUUsI \\ EUAnT fit*news the tender' of /us services in the C O M M I S SlO N AND STOIUCK B USLVESS, to ms Friends and tub runtic. | 0 IS WARE-HOUSE at the upper end} south; 13 side Broad elfeet, is now ryfidy for l*h*iv-j ceplion of ft) TTONand other PRODUCE, iipi>n| which liberal advances will be.,pjade, when're-] ijuired. ‘ Any business with wldeli he insy'-be favoured, i shad be punctually attended 'b. October 1 */ 2H VjOM tkssloy ail si TTtesT TkY HAVING Engaged W . iEii esas .ml Stores, in the uoper part 01, his edv, AT rs his services asj a general COMMISSION MEItCII AN I . F -rsoiisj who may place merchandise or produce m der Ins care, may safely yely on every, pbsujbie exeKiou * bdiijg'usCtT, to gtJe genri’b’s i'Np.rimo. < : Raruu M‘Kinnc. Sffit’pfhber 3H . 37 'l\t« fcv\bsC v\bvT IN I ENUINti to reside in ~\jew V o’k, w.ih t. view tor the U’ausi’dti-m of jCoin icssi n Bus iuess, in all its bnaiichejji wdl feel grateful tup any consignments pr orders, ■ with Wliicli he maybe favored, assuring his friends that his unreimitcd attention will be tyterled to promote their inti i est. U • will be prepared oil the receipt of an) cmi ign ”en s. or qt the mvoioea vyitlj bills of U d. g and orders for insurance, to iiiokef the cus tomvry advances if requ red. Anv references tout is desired, can be obtained of Messrs! Mackenzie & Bonce, Augusta, or Ben jamin Burroughs, Esq, Sawumli. lialjili Ketchum. Or*.t'4)<V I J6 33 iiilitll Vv ls tv VtlUvlOfiS i, IN IIAVII’EIIS. Just received per Steam Boat Hamburg, 6 v . i ilsiD.ier.-’ -?ai t-euast Potatoes, wi.icli * h be . >id ii lo‘.» to sun taint lies, by apply mg immediately at J;tco!» Moisß% JV Krttiie ci Tennnoff j December 28 INlClyCt IWhk. I f” OS I', on I 1 1 y» tluy the oUth qli. betwey.' fta-w il i Springs *!>fl Augusta, a small Bed M--t oi ' P ’ ,K‘.l lii iOtv, soipea hai v\ rn, c miainmgbi 1 ' 1 ” i .:,d <hir rd i •!••• in -No r- Keceipts, See -SySi file (i der n-mr ieg tin siTnic with us this office, or i.' 1). It Burton’s on in ■ Aijfiedjrev die and Wrighisln rn' roil, six tildes bum Augusta,'shall be n.ndsonie ly ’■ewsrdea. October 5 29 T l^ S. METCALF, ;Fff'|.VKE3 this method of informing his friends ; I. and the public generally, that lie has just re ceived, and is now receiving a very large and Iwell assorted slock of "l&riorn'ir®* and inUey vnll favor him withtluor custom, they [will iill “ at h-nne,” iittending to jus own\ pusiness, ready am)willing to supply tliemvviih I any of die following articles, oo the most re i-on i ibte'tcrms. fortAsu or prime city acceptances :—i 100 J ONS well assorted Sweede Ik Uussia Ironl VJu lihtls. S. Croix and N. Orleans Sugar! lUO hags prime Green Coffee 30 h' Jamaica. Coffee 50 piec“pVime 42 inch' Bagging ’ 50 do best Tow Bagging, very cheap 50 do best Twill’d Sacking • 50 coils ifale 1{ >pc 3»0 bbls. best Northern Gin, best brands j 200 do best Philadelphia VVhiske/ Northern Uuh» ’ ) 25 m|<a. cNWfc* do i 2ii do primtp retailing Molasses I 4 d&mperior old Jamaica uum 15 5 do * Jo Cognac brandy ill pipe an old Port Wine f 60 1-8 *"(1 casks Malaga and Sherry Wine j j ' 35 18, 1 4 ami I 2 pipes Sicily and Pico Ma-j deira Wines f. best Cider Vinegar y| 200..d0 lijish Potatoes ~ 50 do .Wcets , iOOO’.bunclies Onions j lOO’-.bbb. prune Northern f'lour j 25 hall barrels do do I j 50 ' IBs. and bwxes Loaf ami Lump Sugar j j 50,. . cattie boxes fresh sun Tea 25 r Pags Pepper ’j St do Spice Ginger j 25 boxes Hal sins 30 kegs No I Kichmond fobaccu f ies Georgia Candles 3 1 ' i Spermaceti-Candles 2j , .h. 5,0.3 half br.xea No, 1 Soap aty'kegs best tfupoius Powder 200 bags Shot, assorted ,| 250ij ISs. Bit Lead 2000 lOs. hoop and band Irffn I 3000, do German and blistered Steel 2000 do Share Moulds • I 8000 bushels Liverpool Ground Sail ■ ! 2100 ,lo /J’own lOffO bs superior Virginia /fains 10,000 1)- Logwood 30,000 Ihjisia CL id Is 30i> dwvii Tumblers lOti ’Casks paienl Cm Nalls, assorted 2 > p.uent Ploughs an I Paints 10 dozen Carolina lines 25 boxes Homes’ ami U bite’s and VyhittC* r | more’s Cards ii 100 boxes prune Cheese I j -CO casks -do do ‘ . £ 50 reams Wrapping Paper 20 cask’- Lime j 300 nests Dry Measures *i ’2wtF. nesis bones 20 hbls Shad ' , 50 half barrels Shad 200 bbls. No. 3 Mackerel 100 do. No. 1 do i 100 Ini't barrels No. 1 do 150 bbla No, 2 do 75 had bairelsNo 2 do 50 five gallon DeMiajobns *39 h.,xes //aVuna.Wf\ile 10 do do brown do ’ 25J half, quarter and lentil boxes superior I. Spanish Cigars, Dos Amigos and Flint’s brands. ,! Novembei 5 . t 33 NOTICK. T\\e, ftuViscv'ibcr, BK.CS leave to inform In , friends and customers, that be has removed from his \dd s ami nml r Ithe Globe-I'avern, to the store next above Met. (Mrs. Mitchell Ik Clark, 1 WU](KE li* ADDITION TO HIS USUAL SI'OUK OF ir | ' - HE OFFERS FOR SALE, • '*lo leached and brown Sheeting, 5 do. Shirting, 5 do. Pi.i ids ami 35 tripes, 2 do. 9 4 Unffil Bfanka's. 1 tin‘9&"iS pad 4 Point, I do. Kose, assorted, I du.iCarpttliug i 5 cases Shoes and Brogans, 10 buxts coilu«Vhbd vvwol Cards, | 3 trunk's Calicoes. 1-do. real Prims, j 1 case. Canton (k-apes, 1 do. Flag Hdftfs. 1 1 do, fresh Linens, superior quality, 11 1 do. Nankin Rcbtgji rsm ts. With rnatiy pthcr arlitlati -<£.. , ' j AND FANCY GOODS. ALSO — i 5 Cases Leghorn Hat ( . 10 "do bo aw do.o AI; of which be sold low fr. Cash or ap ureved paper, ’ '■! - Martin Gfranuiss. N-ivendi e2d ■' 8w 43 FvtsU Vjiwdtvv fttfcds. •| _ HUBS. Philadelphia WHISKEY, j , TOR SALE BY A. R. (ioidon. i i 1 Decemb-r 28 6t 53 r UOL’V' & \AVA\). JfAVE removed their OFFICE to Mr. Cu.m I » I xii Mi’s Range, on Mdntosh-Slreet, the firsi i iuor over tlie Post-Office. nctnhf*r R sis A Large Assortment of , JUVESTILt: BOOKS, Tor Sal* at thin Office. \*mm iwrm MEBNZIFf &BENNOCH, 9 Have removed their Counting doom, to their U hole sale Store, where they butetjf&t received and I arc now opening, i A GENERAL ASSORfIttSNT OF British, French, Indin w Domestic i Whi 'h they sale al moderate prices, If- r Cask or or on inch terms us wilt |so it the convenience of the .purchaser, for ap (loved paper. • j November 5 * - I7t 38 i «Uu)Uvvv Dislvibvv tiftn: t COHEN’S OFFICji:, Baltimore. URCliJqir.R. 9, 1824. FOURTH DAY’S DLidWIMG ■. •13467 a capital of-- - §SOOO *194371 t’rizes.ef - - 1090 7093—13302 Prizes Os , - - - 309 14811, Prize of -♦. - - - 100 •12904. 13769. 10733, 9.114 Prizes of 50 1 Ami 190 Prizes of 10 dollars each. ■ j All marked thus* sold at COHEN’S OFFICE NOW DIIAAVING EVERY AVEEK. (BaSASnii j State Lottery, No. ft ‘ Highest- Vi*ize 40,000 Dolls. SPLKNDIP SCHEME : g 1 of 840,090 is 40,000 Dolls. 1 of 20,000 is 20,00 c Dolls.| 1 of 10,000 is 10,000 Dolls.| 2of 5,000 is 10,000 Dolls-! 30 of 1,000 is 30,000 Dolls. 20 of 500 is 10,000 Dolls. I 50 of 100 is ! 5,000 Dolls. ‘ 100 of * 50 is 5,000 Dolls jjsooo of 10 is 50,000 Dolls. Amounting to 180,000 Dollars ! (O’ The drawing wid be c’nntiniied on Thurs day next, when fromi the greht number of large /fnuzes MOO' f’LOA I’LYG, a. hrilliant distribu-1 be expected. 0 hole 'l’icktls Jjl 2 I Onirlix • 3 00! Halves -6 ( Wfktili,: ■ 150 j To be had warrahtettuudrawn, at t . ? -H. f % ! Where botli the great Capitals of .20 000 mid jlO OUO DOLL ARS, drawn in the vitfNU.MF.N I LOI TEUY, oiv jUtt 280 i *‘>ol and | where were sirld, I* : Dollars. halfygtnd one qttimUUJaWtis ’ (.Lor j gi'f, 20,0005, JO,ooos, list Grand jSiale Lottery, «nd whe u e MtjffMfc a aitv i. inuzEsj (HAVE KEEN IX AMERICA. \ »jH|P & Orders left with 1, K- I Iff, Broad street, r AUGUSTA, Georgia! will he pri/nH)lly attended to, 8 FREE OF POSTAGE. December 21 51 TO RENT, ' Onu Tenement in the Long Yt Mow Range of Bn.Mrigs, n xt door above the ’’ sign of the '•Asiatic Ltiunve,” m “Cotton Range, ”i 1 c-nitinued.—Also, several t’enementa of one story! ’ 'eacigwuh two rooms, recently in the possession Mr. Ansley, and a convenient Warehouse in rhe ' rear, which has been recently repj red and the , j lot enclosed with a good fence. For terms, apply to Mr. James Harper, during llic absence ot tin isub briber. L. F. Campbell. I January Jf ; 56 1 J— r i u kb:m\ i From the first October next, M Three Stores and a DwftHiiig Douse, upper end south side Broad- Street, adjoining Egan k M‘Langh-1 lin's, viz :—The Store occupied by ( ii. Henry ik toil, the Sirre occupied by Hlla & { j A Ifleii—and the two story Frame Houseful Store i I id joining the same—the house is well calculated | fin a pirate family or boarding llou e—having an b xc.'-ilei t If nek Kitchen, The Stores are all mud | J desirably situated for the Grocery Business. I Apply to Williaiu li. Egan. Scoteiubett 17 24 j FOR BALE OR TO~RKNT. j !frillK unexpired lease and improvements oi J a. the Lot known as the Littleman’s Garden. !situated on Ellis-Street, near the corner of Cen b i re-Slreel —having all the conveniences for tai-l (rying on Confectionary unon a large scale, be , ides an Oven, Dryhouse, Sic. There is also ai , Ice House in good order, where 15 or 18 tons m j ice can be secured for summer use. The whole ! viii be shewn by application on the premises.— j j For terms apply to ( B. Bouyer. August 10 13 j BOX MISSING. 7,' OUFI’OSEU to be taken by mistake fr#m the : O Wharf, about the 11th or iSib of Noveuibor,, i Box of Shoes landed from Buai No. 14. —Mark- . cd A, &E. VVOod,or E.Wood Ik Co. Any person , laving it in his po-aessioii will contei a favor b) | {informing the subscnueis at their residence, ifT, I through this office. T ijj E. Wood $ Co. •, December 24 52 r ; i •WAUVuev & .^taht\\amakeV v . IN' addition to the Gouda lately selected by her' in Charh ftoo, and those she has received from New. York, has just opened some ll'yea containing' the latest Fashions, and a quantity' of. Elegant ’ j AND DRESSES, SENT TO HER FROM PARIS. V.T All orders from the country, will be punc tual ly attended to. . j December 10 27t 48 - A CARD.*** MISS HARRIET'MARTIN, BKCJS leave to inform the Ladies of Augustai and its vicinity, that she has just received i from New-Vork, a choice selection of V'ancy Hats amt Trimmings, I OF THE LATEST FASHIONS . | Having taken the store and Stock of Goods for-1 nWidy Miss Megle’s, she will he happy to serve" those who may favor her vith their custom. Per i sons entrusting their work with her, j 1 upon having it done in .he moat fashionable irfan-f tier. The former customers of the late Miss Megiesare particularly invited to call, Uroud-street, a few doors below the Bunk s Nf vemher 2:> 8w 43 1 ~THOMAS G. HALL, * Carriage .Maker. HAVING taken the Shops recently occupied! by Mr. James l.yncs, intends carrying on j the business in all t's various branches. From I hit. lung experience at the North, he flatters -himself, that he will b p able to give general sa-l | tisfaction to such, as wili favour him with a call in | the U-pairing Line. All favours wid be thank-: 'fully received and punctually executed, j He expects soon to receive from the Northern Manufactories, a complete assortment of Carriages. I l£j' GIGS and CAKIiIAGF.S built to order. V uv* SaVt. 8 Gigs, > 3 Sulkcys, * Carriages. November 5 J* ’ AIAEVZH \SA\~ Coach-Maker, Wild, keep const a uly Aij hmi4,. and for Sale, I at Mr. I .onus'■riiKfr'S'Llvu'V Stable. jw . issnu rMiijVT of ‘ ®a I 0.5 Orders for lilGs or C \IDIIAGFS from the North, will he promptly attended to and work warranted, 1 ks r> ll.—Repairing dune at the shortest notice, November 3l> 4,y ~NEW FLOUR. ' kbla, first quality' Kpiiilv Flour will be laud- ‘ ed Ibis day (rum Steam-Moat, Maid ot Or cans, which will be sold low if taken from the Wharf. TO t -j - Hiigg & Savage. N.'vA'Hihpt Id 41 1 HIVE E’ l HAGS I’U'IMR COFFER (ami consign nient.j will •be di&pAaed of (FI accoimno (luting tern.a by- ' , 15. Picquet. ■ November °fi r 41 ‘ i 1 yrr■ *r ■ - M)s. pnme liacon,* FOR SALH, On Consignment, by 15. Picquet. November 50 45 j S,V)VH) Weight '.4? Viriu.e , • BACON f FOll SALK. I. 1 APPLY TO Robert 1). Ware. 1 i Decembers 46 j For Hale L leap, j iTnvo excellent lleuae sser-l vants. • J. M. iI and. I <5• i nra' 4 2" 5.5 j ’L'u Gent Lumen of the State of Oreo r- 1; gin and South-Carolina. i A YOUNG gentleman, a graduate from Dirt . rtiiin It College, New llaippsnire, who Can ' furnish ilie mosi salisfaciory recoinrnemlalibns ol | his character and classical acquirements, wishes' immediate employment, either as principal in some j onb ic seminary, or as a private lulor in one or nore families. It will bo his high, si interest, asj veil as plea-ure, to serve his entp-'u/era to (he ex 1 j ent of his abilities; and the success he has had ini' ihe instruction ol youth, leads him to hope he canid leserve the patronage of any gentleman who may extend it to him. A line addressed to C. P. through the Post-Of- _ lice, in this city, will receive immediate attention. January 7' 2' 56 .1 nst Published, % L And for unit ul the semral Hook Stores. [K TWO SERMONS. v t Ist. “ On ParentaltOutiee." —And the in* 2nd “ The Judgment aPjEnemies in favour »/' Helighn ”■—By W.l*,Bran-fly, Ji. M\f o June 25 > 10-4 4-k . '•^.SLOB.A.NCE. SURGEON DENTIST, BacheUkr £/ C'/dnnse’a, Broad Street, Augusta neur/g ofifyene >/ie Planter's Hotel. |¥3 ESPECTFULLY informs the Public, that he has relumed to this City, and respect fully solicits the Patronage of the Ladies and | Gentlemen who may require his serviced in tlie i several Hranchcs of his Profession.—Persons ; wishing his service in private Families can call and see his work Mamiuctured on a new principle , which he Gums. The diseases of the Teeth and Gums are chief ly owing to Our own negJjjfttq the parts of the aliments which them after masticu tion, growingjacrid and porrosive, the gums are .thereby first affected, as being the most tender i parts, alter these corruptions are produced, coin inonly called the'Tartar of the Teeth, which I destroying both their textile and whiteness not only deprives the mouth of its principal orua ' ments, but brings on violent tooth aches, and ren | ilers the Gums livid and putrid, and offensive to | ourselves and others.—Put though people in igbnertri may prevent those inconveniences, by cure and attention at are once suffered toJaj|£ in the pow er of thOunerePTb remove them, this being pro perly the province of the experienced Dentist, who has made the maladies of (he Teeth and Gorns, with their attendant evils, the principal object and end of his studies, •Mr. VVovauce, Dentist, Uy long practice, a close application to busi jness, and a thorough knowledge of the structure lot the Teeth and Guns, has made all the opera tions in those parts quite familiar to him, inso much that what some Dentists have judged im practicable, he hath performed with case and i safety. *• » He places Teeth both restarta'Artificial, ;ing (he latter with pure enamel) from a single one to an. entire set so accurately, that they shall I answer every purpose of (die, natural. Thus the I greatest deficiencies are supq4i£d with ornaments, have the recommendation of utility. I Those Teem that h ve fallen out their sock ets, which frequently happens, though in a per fect sound slate, he, by a method peculiar to him self, replaces as firm as ever, without the least I [>ain or uneasiness to the patient. He, clears (he Teeth, il ever so discolored, of all their foulness and tartar, without pain, and i renders them white and us fair as ever in half "an ■hour. | IVeih and Stumns extracted in the easiei'. man ner, if.e\er so difficult. i He assists young ladies and gentlemen in the first and seAnd dentition, and removes the Milk. jTcelh at proper seasons, le-t they sliould incom mode the regular growth oi the succeeding ones; land if a deformity of this kind has taken place lilirotigh tile want of a Desiist, Mr. Florance un- Idei takes to correct it ; provided the subject is j not more than twenty ye n's old, ami restores the I t eeth to their naltinJ, or- N. It. A Tlnctjire and Dentrifioe Paste, p>epar ed hy him only, which preserves the Teeth and changes them to a beautiful while, cures die gums of 'he Scijrvey and makes breath at all tunes sweet and a»rees|)h, and cures the TooUi Acne i dian ly, wj'h oqpper directions use it. October TV ’ .il ‘spsuatiraL ♦ JOHN A. LANDIS, Respectfully informs the ami gen tlemen of Augusta and i's victntly, thm the American TRAVELLING MUSEUM.' has arriv ed and is to bn seen for a few vieeks only, at cor ner of .VPlntosh and Green-streets, near the Man islon Hi use. Itj" For particulars see hand J^ills. December 2h , , 53 4 lIU.E Waytieshorough Academy, wi’l open nn ii der the llectorshio of Mr. H II,LIAM 11. It ILI.IA.MS on the fir-.t Monday in January, 1825, where will be tanaht the Classics general ly, and a'l the brai dies ot an English Education, This .Institution is confidently recommended to the patronage of the public and the friends of Literature. il E. Hi'otluax, President °J the hoard of Commissioners. .r*n»rm 4 t .55 FRENCH TUITION] A FEW young Ladies will he admitted to a new course of Tuition ot the Ftench Language, at the residence of the subscriber, familiar con versaiion will jie introduced which by the as,'St ance of his Slaughters, the subscriber flatters him self die acquirement of that useful Language will be more speeddy and more accurately obtained. Tuition three times a week from nine to eleven o’clock, A. M. J. U. Lafittc. November 30 45 DDAAVDUVD. G1 KN FEEL Uesidenls, or Sojourners, may be I accommodated with Hoard and Lodging lieM Joor above Ur. Turpin’s, Uroadaireet. J. B. Lull tie. November 30 45 & The Lancastrian Free School, rill again lie open, d on MONDAY, the IBlh inst. iid the Hoard of Managers cordially invite the eIiUM of those Scholars who have heretofore een educated at this institution, as well as of ail liters who choose to embrace the advantages of tsiruction free of expence, (Xj* Pupils will also be thankfully, received inn Parents who are disposed to pay at three ollars per Quarter, October 12 31