The constitutionalist. (Augusta, Ga.) 1823-1832, January 18, 1825, Image 1

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. * ■ rvKms. ismsmnaar. v«» ■;*fyy**exr***' r ’- • f> T. -— 1 . ~ - -.- , , ... ■ -- -- ■■ —l- '■•*- ■■■ ■■■■-' -■ ■ --■ . t ** Minv of t h«* politi-il .* v»U, .Mi.i r rv ('nunlry in ihe world Übpiirn, ar>* not owing; to »n» '.at of lore for our Country, but to »n ignorance of its in •»! constitution Hid interest*.” pRIKSTf/v NEW SERIES. ..Vol. 11. AUGUSTA, TUESDAY HORNING, JANUARY 18 1825. .No. 59, - " Caijgtftutionaliaft IS PUBLIBHEO ATL/ND FIUDAA BY #. j. BU NCfe, AUGUSTA, GA. <3TOu* •And for Sale at this Office, sty the, Dozen or Single, THE fl Georgia Sc S y\&\\-Cavu\Mt 4s»sa a, si Aoifo FOii THE s* [TALYJtj VB— .> V The motion Hud Moon, '*'■'* I he Irne pla, -s of thQ,prifnets, The rising an' bunj * The rising. sMbing of'tlfe Moon, I'ne sign oft ■% ulnbc s» win at Noon, Inn rising, -eu. • g aiSl -sApdlng us the most conspicuous Planets an'ffilvccl Stats, Eclipses of the Sun and .A*)Sn, Moon’s Phases, " —ALSO— The Feasts and Festivals bv the Protestant Episcopal Church in the Uni te«l Sules of America. ■ f '• Together with the usual Entertaining JUntteri ' THB ASTHO V DUCAL PART BT , ’ rJ ROBERT GRIER. ■ No' etn''“r n . Kt A.——— - ■ . i- ■■ - - ■ IST i'aku .Police. office of the Clerk of C incil, south east JL c * ter of the Gity.-H ill, will he open front two to five o’clock, I*. M, every day (Sundays ex ccpt r .*d) during the mouth of January, instant, tot toe purpose of receiving, the returns of the Tax able property, within the corporate limits of t'lt fclitv of Augusta, and within thr- e miles thereof, All persons interested will ink. due node t Htt.e- Geo. M. Walker, CVTeC 4 Taruavv f 5 A Wiciuuumi . A I’a Meeting al di Hoard of Trustees of I'm Institution, on Monday, January lUth, 1825 the u lowing resolution was pas.ed . Jit,solved , That the election of a Tutor for the Suiul-Hi 1 Branch of the Acadtmy bo deferred until Wednesday week, 11 o’clock. A. M. and that all applicants for the anpoiulmeiit will be re quired to undergo a previous examination by the liector. Taken from the Minutes, Isaac Herbert, , Cleric i'j thr J'-oqrd .of ■ 'l'wt&t s. jnnMM-v 11 :>t 67. QTK CARD. UMBERS T ANuiNU that, sonic young ladies in Augusta, are desirous til obtaining a m r< liter ugh knowledge of Borne of the higher branch f, of educa ion, without being confi. eo to u school during the usual hours of tuition ; the undersign ed propos s to instruct a piivate class or classes in any ■ f the 101 l >wing branches, ',z : Uhetoiic, Louie. M»r I and Natural Philosophy. History—if Initiated by Lavisne's Tub rs Ohymis'ry, Astrono my— connected' with the use of the Giobes, Book keep'H’ , Algibra, Ike. , As these branches, together whit the commoner studies, are taught in his school, the above classes may rec to at any hour, either during school tune, or between 12 and 2 o’clock R, 25. Hopkins ,1-1,-narv A 33 &y i tie Ltaucastriau Free School, will again bo open- d on MONDAY, the lß.lt iust. and tite Board of Mintage's c u dially invite the re u."> of thoij<» Scholars who have heretofore h -c:, edit aud a 'this institution, as well as o( ail olh-rs who choose to embrace the advantages of in ruction free of expeuce. ,Jj* Pttpi s wilt also be thankfully, received Lorn P r -nts who are disposed to pay at three do In's >< r CJ, Her. c> < 1 , "1 J RE.nCh'tuition] A FEW g !.-dies will he admitted to a new . co 'o- of Tuition of the French l.aoguage, a ne r udunc •ot the subscriber, familiar con- V'TSHti’tti will be mlrodupeil which by tbe as-ist :t"oe d’his d i ighters, tltfe subscriber flatters him self the at r| hre nent <d that useful Language will b more pe dlv and more accturately obtained. Tuition fhr<.'- lines a week from nine to eleven o’clock, A. M, J. Ti. Laiitte. N 1 ■ . Tt 4A Vi s \ i i. dM' i) v>S Vj , (“JEN "EEL U-.-tii ’ nts, or Soj' timers, maybe acc >iumo lat <1 with Hoard n 1 Lodging next dc-ut above Ur. I urpm’s, Broad street. J. H. J.alUtc. N o'v f m h f* v 'V. \w &uhsci*VGet I'N T’RND: ><i to ie-ile in New York, with r . view :>»r he transaction ot (Jom ti s>ion But ine-s, in a 1 its branches, will feel grateful for au} tO't-ognuienfs or orders, wbh tvliiclt he may bi favored, assuring li:s iriends that his unremilleo uuei tiou will he exened to promote their inlet eat. lli‘will be prepared on the r< ceipt of any con ugnmeiis or of the invoices wi'h bills of I ding »>id orders for insurance, to make Hie cus tom sty advances if required. A>’,v references that is desired, ran Ac nb'ainei 1 at Mesft a. Mackenzie &t Ponee. Augusta, or Hu jamiu Burroughs, Lsq. Sav-nhidl. Ralph Ketch uni. October 26 * 25 QT IaGST ju) ON Tuesday last, a Hunch of KEYS, tier’ with Urd Tape.— ITie finder on leaving vkcru at ibis Office, » uli be rewarded. Yj * SIGN OF THE jiuguata GlutAilng OPPOSITE THB CITV HOTEL. lTauldmost respectfully inform their /"tends and the rommtifkity, that they ate now ready to attend to their call, for ■» Erock Coats, I. Dresjj Coats, Coatees, Rig Coats, Plaid ami Carablcc Cloaks, ’ Ladies’ Cloaks, Pantaloons, Os fashionable kind. - Vests, Shirts, Cravats, -RiMvvefs, Elegant patent Suspenders, La Fayette velvet Vesting, tt Which 1 s»ie this season, lower than *ver-J*ut (dcspM(g the principal of un- they jvoulciTtnly have it understood that they are not to be undersold by any in their i line of bufiorss. 1 January ll S7 •J M‘KENZIE~& HENNOCH, removed V&r Countin'' /loom, to their II Ao/e --> /'lAdfii i'. where they have just received anil * tbre note opening, *■t ■ • • A GENERAL assortment ok Rritish, French, India At domestic ■j. Which i hey offer (or si,le at mon rale prices, f'>r ,1a t >" Produce, or on such terms as will t 'sii't- tvemence of the purchaser, for ap f, !<iv<\ v s 'j 5 ' 17t 38 # OFIEL.I), FHELPS & Co.~ I)HAPKKS AXJ) TAJLOUS HAVILtr formed a connection with Mr. Henry Howard, late of Baltimore, have removed ‘ heir Establishment to No, 88, .Broadway, corner ot i ! V/all-Street, where their Business will in future be [conducted und r the Hrm of ej SCOFIELD, PHELPS & JfOWAKf). dj JVeiv-Yorh, Ju e. 1823 7 c| : WIi.LUUV VI. EU4.V, Renews the U nde" of his services in the ■CO MMI SBl AND ST Oli dm KU SIX ESS, * TO HIS I'll IS IMS A.VII THE VOBLIC. "jU’IS WAUE-HOUSE at the upper end, south 1 O. side Broad-street, is now ready tor the re ‘j cejjti'tn of CO I’t ON and oilier PRODUCE, upm ' which liberal advances will be made, when re 1 quired. 1 I Any business with which he may be favoured ;| shall be punctually attended to. 1 ( October 1 28 i-j VUM HIS SI 0 V BUSINESS. 1 Thto t(, hji- ' . I’J l AVJT7G engsged Waheii uses and Stores, ii ’’ ll nett ifier part of litis city, offers hisservices a a general COMMISSION MEItCUAN 1- Person who may place merchandise or pypdure under In care, may safely rely on ever, mm’ble exertion being used, to give general sstisfacti'm Rama M*Fo>ne. e September 23 27 ii VliifvV Vvisih Potatoes, IN HAMPERS. 11 Just received per Steam Boat Hamburg, p! A FE v Hnmpcrs real Heeasl i’otatnes, wuicli ‘ TBl will he sold in lots to suit iainihejs, by apbiy nig immediately at ■» L i Jacoli .Moise’s. * | M’Kenzie £J Mennoch's It mo. ,’j v l December 28 5J gif'J -| THOMAS gThALL, UatTiugo *>iVak<iv. I FT A VINO taken tue Shops rccen'lv occuulW . TT by Mr. James Lyties, intends ca Tying on nillte business in nil iis various branc, is,.. From hn. long experience at the North, in* patters piiiriselt, that he will be able to give ;eiN'"t 1 tiafactlon to such, as Will favour him with a ,j.t.i ! ir, .'tne Kepainng Line, All fivours will i-..'thank fully received and pnnctiihlly executed. lie expects soon to i'exeive from the Norfhen e Manufactories, « complete assortment of Cai i iages, t (HT LIES apd CAIIUIACES built to order. Tot fea\o. 8 Gigs, 3 JSulkeys, 3 Carriages. Cf Novpmbrr 5 3ft j Conch-Maker , ■ j WU-L Keep constantly on hand, and for Sale at Mr. Lost rnhut's Livery Sti ble, AjY A ->S )/tTMEJ\~T OK mm* Tj' Orders for CIC or C A UUIAtiES from tin or b, wi.l be promptly attended to and worf. r ante '. N. B,— .{epalring done at the shortest notice.- Nove' e- ,0 43 Viouk vuuV Job l*rA\Ung, I Stat/y Executed at this Ot/ice. ' ! THOMAS S. METCALF, nnMiBS this method it>s Inends | iL and ttte public gener(Af\' that he iijust re icnved, now a very large and j well assorted stock of jnnd ibtiiey will favor custom, they will find him “at >?■,"pending to his own business, ready-an<U*}i|®K»ipfs\ipiiiy them with .any of die toiK)wmg , the must reason iable terms, for cash acceptances J 100 I ONS well assnrjH -w/c.cde & Russia Iron 120 ItUds. prime S. U*aA|il N. Orleans Sugar 100 bags prime CreetJluß’e ( 30 hhds. prime Jumna jUiffce 50 pieces prime 42 till! gagging i 50 do best I’ow Itagg* .ry*v el y cheap 5b do br st Twill’d Sadtihg 50 cods ifale Hope f' 200 bbls. best Northern Gin, best brands 200 do best Philadelphia Whiskey ItO do Northern Hum#?', 25 hhds. do do - 20 do prime retailing Molasses W 4 do superior old Jamaica hum I 15 pipes do //ollandlSGin sdo do Cognac ftrandy 1 pipe do old Port Wine fiO 18 and 1-4 casks Malaga and Sherry Wine .*..35 18, 1 4 and 1 2 pipes Sicily and Pico Ma ■**. deira Wines 20 bbls. best Cider Vinegar 20U d i Irish Potatoes I 50 do .fleets 2000 bunches Onions 100 bbls. prime Northern Flour 25 hall barrels do do 50 bbls. and boxes I,oaf and Lump Sugar : 50 ion cnttie boxes fresh/fyson Tea 25 bags Pepper 20 do SpiceKlinger i 25 boxes Raisins ' i I 30 kegs No. 1 Richmond Tobacco 30 boxes Georgia Candles 3u do Spermaceti Candles I 250 whole ami half boxes No, 1 Soap 50 kegs best Duponts Powder 200 bags Shot, assorted ' I 25uU Pis. flat’ Lead I 2000 lbs. hoop and band Iron i I ■ oOuO do German and blistered Steel i I 2000 do Share Moulds i i 8000 bushels Liverpool Ground Salt ' 2100 do £,own 1000 lbs superior Virginia ll ams I 10,000 ibs Logwood t 30, OuO Russia Quills I 300 dozen Tumblers t 100 patent Cut Nails, assorted I 25 patent Ploughs an 1 Paints 10 dozen Carolina lines 25 boxes Homes’ and AKbitc’s and Whitfe-i more’s Cards 10»T>tfxes prime Cheese I 20 casks do Jo oj dSX, ' 50 reainujJVrapping PaittJfcS'’* 20 casks Lime aft,*• x 1 300 nests Dry pffie. t - ' 200 nests boxes-* ' . * 20 bbls Shad, ! '' t 100 do. No. 1 jui rV. n 100 half barrels K®ld(iflP*’ 150 b bio No. 2™du. W , 75 half barrels No 2 do 5o five gallon Uemajohns ' , 30 boxes // ivatia White Sugar 10 do do brown do 250 half, quarter and tenth boxes superior , Spanish Cigars, Dos Amigos and Flint's* brands. November 5 38 NOTICE. The Subscriber, , BUGS leave to inform his friends and'onstomrra, * that he hat removed f ,- om bis old stat- I imdi r the GJobe—Tavern, to tin. slots next above Men i Mrs. Mitchell & Clark. . * WHERE IS ADDITION TO HIS US'OAt, STOCK OF HE OFFERS FOR SAi.E, ■;(, 10 bales bleached and brown Sheeting, k 5 Jo. Shirting. 5 do. Plaids and Stripes, ' 2"‘do. 9-4 Duffil Hlankeis, 1 rlo 3 1-2 and 4j s w Point. 1 do. Rose, assorted, I do. Carpeting | c A atvc ises coarse Shoes and itrogans, ! e 10 boxes cotton and wool Cards, .5 trunks Calicoes, 1 do. real Prints, 4 1 case Canton Crapes, 1 do. Fllg Ildkfs. 1 1 do. fresh Linens, superior qualily, 1 do. Nankin Robes, 1 do. Baranets. With many other articles of AND FANCY GOODS. O-5 Cases Leghorn lints 10 do Stiaw do 1 All of which will be sold low for Cush or ap nroved paper. Martin Grannies. November 23 8 v 43 Fresh harden fceeds. 1M) HHDS. Philadelphia WHISKEY, FOlt SALE LY A. R. Gordon. ,V December 28 6t 53-' HOLT & VIEUh i UAVE removed their OFFICE to Mr. Cum i’s Range, on M'tnlosb-btreet, the fits jnr over the Post-Office. (tot. In •• 8 30 , A i.argu Assortment of JUVEMLt: annus, Jar at tint Office. •v HAIR RESTORVnVB. , Jlnd Preservative Vegetable Cerate. I'll E important discovery of a vegetable sub . stance capable ot restoring and pin serving the hair, was accidently made by an individual who has neither the capacity nor the disposition lo practice deception or fraud. Ihe fullest ro Inince may he placed oil the efficacy and pnwei , of the Vegetable Cerate, not only in restoring , and preventing the tailing off of the hair, but in t producing the greatest lustre and liveliness of i imaginable i and the public may rest assured tlia> its effects will be clearly niunites'ed in the course i of a short time by the renewal and vigorous , growth of the hair, ami by effectually prevent its coming out or falling off'. The Vegetab,, Vn fate tends to resuscitate and excite the end' igies of the capillary vessels, which constituM IthosHj organs that secrete the mutter forming th• inir ; ll.hie, like many othgr organs of the ani mal hotly, which have been in a state of dorman cy oF may be restored to their health! action, am 3 perform all those functions assignee diem by nature. Ihe proprietor being aware of the numerous spe lies palmed on the public, and desirous tha th- resent article may not suffer, rests its rm fits on the i (feet it has produced on hundreds in persons, botlt mule and female, and found to In the only thing in restoring and preventing th> i la,r from corning out of the heads of those who have used it, and all tha. is asked, as it relates U the verity of its eff' ct, i ; a fair trial. ~ Elderly people, with aid heads, must rest as sured that by _■ a few boxes of the above Cerate, their hair will be restored with all ‘u.- youthful beauty and life. Tlu: proprietor of the above valuable di-move i'V intends appointing agents through the United Stales (or the sale of it, and also in Europe. * DiTfcctvous. Ihe Vegetable Cerate being perfectly inno cent, may be plentifully applied, night and worn ing, and rubbed hard into ihe pores of the head with the fingers, without appreheii-ion »f dan ger. In addition lo its other value, it bcautifi the hair ami whiskers. N. U. (i ntleinen that are bald, after using it for some weeks, will find a small fibre oj hair growing on the place that is bald , they will con liitue it tor about ten days after its,appearance ilteit they will sliave their hair cl se oil' where i is affected, after that K will receive its natural and vigorous growth. Ami those who have of loosing ilte.r Inir by sickness, the oSrate will restore t them in a very little time a full-and beautiful head of hair, as it is beyond all doubts that it li the only thing that has ever been discovered in this country, or perhaps in any> differ. A constant supply for sale by ' R. R- & I). G. Haviland, ■, AgentSffon Georgia. January 14 53 Proposals will be received for the following, ivorlc : One Stable and Coach House, 20 by 12, with two Stalls, Manger, Hack, Corn Bin, ice —the lower floor lo be pinned—doors planed, the Car riage door double with rabbit—posts of 14 feet and an upper floor. A smoke-house, 8 by 8. Privy, 6 by 8— neatly finished in the inside. 382 feet ot close fence, 7 feet 6 inches high, I with u case board, the others endwise picketed it top. Two ornamental Gales, one of ten feet double, the other four feet, 25 feet ornamental fence, with one turned corner. j, One six pannel dong -,'ne shorter. A pediment portico by t,, with two turned columns, and flev<H> •>■ I, round hand rail, inch ailing, and eleven steps, villi two corner benches °n the nlutforni and turned posts below, in tlu best sly , with cornices. Hupa ring two dormant windows. One buck stoop, 6 by 8 with eleven steps, and hand railing. Applicants may view the premises at n time to be appointed.—Anply at litis office. January 14 57 tcT rent, I ! * - aJyA, One Tenement in the Long Yellow Range of Buildings, io*xt door above tin sign of Ihe “ Asiatic Lmilive,” in “Cotton Range,’’ continued.—Also, several I'enements of one stun each, with two moms, recently in the possession ot Mr. Aosley, and a convenient Warehouse in tlu rear, which has been recently repa red and tin I t enclosed with a good t'e,nce. For terms, appl) to Mr. James Harper, during the absence id (In subscriber. 1 E. F. Campbell. January 7 56 TO RENT. A ' From the first October next, JfrgrA Three Stores and a Dwelling ii'House, upper end souiti side Bro»> i *M j BES Street, adjoining Egan & M'Lattgl dflHflflHL hit’s, viz :—The Store occupied h t. Henry h Co, tlie Store occupied by fills I iclen—and the two story Frame Mouse and Slot- Ijoining the same—the bouse is well calculate r a private family nr boarding House—having a xcellent Brick Kitchen. 'Lite Stores are all mo lesirshly situated for the Grocery Business. Apply to William 11. Kgan. September 17 24 FOR SALE OR TO RENT. rHF. unexpired lease and improvements o the Lot known as ihe Litlleman’s Garde ' ituated on Rllis-Street, near the corner of Cei re-Street—having all the conveniences for cm ving on Confectionary upon a large scale, hi It san Oven,, &c. There is also n ce Mouse in good order, where 15 or 18 tons *e can be secured for summer use. I tic who!' ill be shewn by application on the premists.- •'or terms apply to B, Bouyer. August 10 1J | A f V RD. I MISS HARRIET MARTIN, > liGSl|ave t.i inform (he Ladies of Augus'a g D and ns vicinity, that she has just received 1 fr > 1 N ■w-Ynrk, a choice selection of Fancy Wats and Trimmings, 1 OF THE LATEST FASHIONS Having taken the store S'ock ..1 Goods for merly Miss Megie’s, she will he happy to serve | those who may favor her vith their custom. Ft r sons entrusting their work with her, may rdy s upon having it done in the most fashionable man >er. The former customers of the late Miss Megiesare panioulirly invited tn call. Jlrorid-slrret, a few tlonrs below the Panics. November 23 8w 43 ~ saaiDiijj^sL AND SI'EA.Vt BVfHS. DU- HQUEL, S French Fhysician, respectfully informs the public, that he has established 1 'TEAM and MEDICAL BATHS in Augusta. Ihe very high repute these Baths have acquired 1 liutope, where (although a late discovert) 1 'hey are to be tqiind in every hospital, and thp r at cores they have performed in Boston, Phi -1 .delphls und Charleston, can leave no doubt of their efficacy. The most gentle as welt as the most powerful medicines are administered by that means, without any pain, trouble or disgust to the patient. fhey arc a never fining remedy in all cutane ous affections j front Psora, Ringworms, &c. tn •valillt -ad and Leprosy, t hey also have never - . tailed of success in either acute or chronic rheu- * Ji (tnatism. In glandular obstructions, chlorosis, anasarcous twe flings, incipient dropsy; in ail diseases ot the joints, goutv affections, dispersion of tumors, ill cured syph lis, spasmodic or nervous aff’-ctions; In all bilious dismal is. dyspepsia, hypocunilriasis, pilepsy—these hslhs have been found most ser viceable, and have often succeeded eyen in here ditary complaints. In tine, this manner •>(’ admin istenng almost every remedy belonging 1 , the 1 healing art, may be tendered applicable to almost "very case, ami (it is repea ed) without aay pain, trouble, or disgust 10 the-patient. As these baths are not yet generally known, Dr. Houkl will be happy to g>ve ihe most r-s --pectable references lo persons who have beet) eiP" d by taking them. TU«> feteam Os .Medical V»ai\v 1 EslabUs\\tueiiV, Is in Kllis-Street, uiipoaue M . 11 Healing’s ■trick House, a d has an entrance in Broad-street immediately opposite ihe city //„■> 1 January II V - A liist ot ’ . Remaining in the POS T OFFICE at Columbia ‘Court-House, (Gn.) J uuiary Jilt, 1825. A \ K Willis Agerton J nephen O’Kelly « M Mrs Eliza Bavliss | E dad M’Lendon William Bafoett J Jam-s Murray Charles » taniel Massingele C•• . | tr.d'ew Murray John ,* I lacnb VL-yer Edward CatetM > N ]R G | Hester Ntwanm I’bns. Cobb senr« I Mrs Betset N.i/ner Got. W (kfawford '* f O D Mrs Ann E Dakotan John Davis ) p . saac Downs I Mrs Mary G Pstrre Samuel liaison < Vi I Irr Phillips, 2 I'hos. Dyer j Wiley Paikman ,E | Pearson Pellet Hezekn.ll R Elgin | VI Pittman F ? R Collier Foster i lohn Reaves Arthur Foster 5 Richard or Jas Reyn dt VJrs. Mary F“ster | S Benjamin *V Few | [>i.ry Slaughter Archibald Fuller \ Hilling on M Sanders G i 'lis Cyntha Sanders a Charles G (. II | T Horatio (i: "t' 1 11 J Irs E Tm.kersley H | \V Mpvj' H 1 -st \ tug R Wright James Di milion I'! homas Willems . Phe pit.lns Hill j Alary Ann White 1 Miss -Ann 11 llataway | In.mas Watson 1 j Peter, 2 Franklin S Johnson f lohn Wilkin-mt William F. Wilkins, p. m, January 11 -> <• 7 Fitly RdUiats. iV,ewa\*i\, [Os I oetween L.gnu’s and Carrels on the A Mdledgevdlc r ad, on tin; Bth ‘taut, a sum .11 MONEY, enclosed in sundry account sales of Cotton, v z : Account Sales of eleven Bales of Cotton, sold iv J. S. He E. A. Holt? Account aeven Bales of Cotton, sold V B. Cralton 10 J. Anslev. Account Sales of eight Males of Cotton, sold ’I >y B. Craf on lo J. Adams. Those tin.ling the same will' receive the above award, on delivery .of the money and papers ' .st, to Jesse Ansley, John Campbell, J. S Si R, t. Holt—or to the subscriber in Eatonton, Put ifll County. Rpimelt Crafttin. j-nu-irv 14 1825 .'ft 58 Tucket Book, 1 OST, on Thui'Mlay the 30th nit. 1 elween Bay IJ Springs and Augusta, a small R I Morocco iCKET BOOK, somewhat woi n, containing be veen twenty aid thirty d<d art in cash. Notes, teceijits, Uc. &c. The finder reluf ing Hie mie with its con'ents, at this • dice, or at I). B. '.Orion’s on the Vlilledgeville and Wrightsbnro’ .ad, six miles from Augusta, shall be l.umlson.e rewarded. October 5 2° F'ur \ LIKELY NEGRO WOMAN, a good C-.olc VVa-her a..'. Irmier —fi r further | articular, oiquire at tin- Office of the Constitutionalist. December 21 51