The constitutionalist. (Augusta, Ga.) 1823-1832, January 28, 1825, Image 1

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■•- i ~ mjv • • Many of the political evils, under which every Country in the world labours, are not owing to any want of lore for our Country, but to an ignorance of its real constitution and interests.” PItIESTLY NEW SERIES Vol. 11. AUGUSTA, FRIDAY MORNING, JANUARY 28, 1825. No. 62. ♦ t v %\yt Constitutionalist IS PUBLISHED EVERY TUESDAY AND FRIDAY, BY W. J. BUNGE, AUGUSTA, GA, CONTINUED SUCCESS AT Cohen's Office. Baltimore,January 6, 1825. <oran& £>tate Hotter^ No. 3. NO W Rawing every week, Wider the super inteirtkjjce »f the Curnmissioners appointed by the Goverutikand Council. „ $ Drawing; •1197 15701 PrizdLpf . - §IOOO *14403 a prize of A-- . 500 11527 do ■ | ... ■ - 100 •19094 *19852 14888 1W8»S50 3426 50 All marked thus* sold at COHEN'S OFFICE. This Lottery is now rapidily progressing to wards a close—no time should be lost in securing tickets. There are still undrawn, the Capltalssof 03* FORTY THOUSAND DOLLARS, OJ* TWENTY THO USAND DO I,LARS (Tj* TEX THOUSAND DOLLARS , iIJ- FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS i 17 of OVE THOUSAND DOLLARS 14 of FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS, Whole 'Tickets - §l2 | Quarter - 300 Halves . ' - 6 j Eighths ‘ TSO To be had, warranted undravyn, at J • <^sosen’s Where hotlvtlle great Capitals of 20,000 andj 10 000 DOLLARS’, drawn .in the MONUMENT; LOTTEUY, oh,the ‘2Bth uft. were sold, and: where were sold, the Capital Prizes of loo,ooo| Hollars, half ami one quarter to ditiiens of Gear-' jgia ; 20,0005, / 10,000 s, 5,0005, in the ; last Grand ■Stale Lottery, anti where moke capital phizes HAVE BEES OBTAINED TUAN AT’.ANY OTHER ‘ OFFICE IN AMERICA. . . Orders left with T, R," St. JOHN, Broad street, AUGUSTA, Gtorgift, mill be promptly attended to, FREE OF POSTAtiE. .!amia,ny.2l 60 , . \V DilAsUl Vi. EUA.NV Renews Che lender of Ins services in the ’ COMMISSION AND STORAGE BUSINESS, to ms fjiiexus and tue pup.lic. HIS WARE HOUSE at the upper.’end, south ■jide Hrnad street, is now ready for the re ception of CO D ON and ntfier PKOOUCR, upon which liberal advances will be made, when re quired. Any business with which he, may be favoured, shad be punctually attendeil to. , October I . 28 V OJIMISSUJY Ji US EYE US. Tl\c Sußscrlber, HAVING engaged Wareh hjsrs and Storks, in the upper part of (his city, offers his services as a general COMMISSION MERCHANT.—Persons who may place merchandise or produce tinder his care, may »afely rely on every possible exertion being Used, to give general satisfaction. Barna M‘Kinne. September 28 27 UamaV \vis\\ Votatoes, IN HAMPERS. Just received per Steam Boat Hamburg, 4 FEtV Hampers real Oelfast Potatoes, which il. will be sold in lots to suit families, by apply ing Immediately at ' Jacob Moise’s. M'K enzie id Bennoch’s Row, December 28 5 > THOMAS G. HALL, UavTiagti M.akev. HAVING taken trie Shops tvccmly occupied by Mr. James Lynes, intends carrying on the business in all its various branches. Prom hi-, long experience at the North, he flatters himself, that he will be able to give general sa tisfaction to such, as will favour him with a call in the Repairing Line, All favours will be thank fully received and punctually executed. He expects soon to receive from the Northern Manufactories, a complete assortment of Carriages. CT GIGS and CARRIAGES built to order. Toy Sale. » Gigs, 3 Sulkeys, f S Carriages. November 5 38 A large assortment of Freak MBR!B3 9 JUST RECEIVED FROM THE SHAKERS. ALSO A small quantity of Fresh HOPS, growth of 1824 FOR SALE «f R. B. & D. G. Haviland. January 11 57 SCOFIELD, PHELPS & Co. DRAPERS AND TAILORS HAVING formed a connection with Mr. Henry Howard, late of Baltimore, have reraoveii heir Establishment to No. 88, Broadway, corner oi Wall-Street, where their Business will in future be conducted under the firm of SCOFIELD, PHELPS & AfOWARD. New-York, June, 1823 7 PLANTERS’ HOTEL, * AUGUSTA, Georgia. IS open and under the superintendence of Mr. COSBEY DICK INSON and • JDENNEY, late of Savannah. Ihe House has undergone Repairs ; the Rooms and are refurnished. Persons can be accommodated with single Rooms, and every exetuon be made to render them comfortable, , ■ ... ’“ Samuel Hale, Proprietor. -* Georgia Journal, at M.lledgeville, the Washington News, tsavaniian Kvpobiictn, and the Charleston City Gazette, will publish the above six times, and forward their bills November 26 - I .i «■ " ,A k IT is with pleasure ami confide ace that th. Trustees of this Institution, present its clan.- Jon this occasion, for the support and patronage o an enlightened public. Although endowed mol t I liberally pet haps than any other county school i: .'the stale, yet its funds having been unproductiv I dor several years past being mostly vested in staU i bank stuck, the academy has beem, much clogged ! in its operation. The board have not been abie t osser an adequate inducement to engage the servo I • cfes of'a-Rector, who combined qualifications and > > characier, that would insure success to tlie semn. ary. This bar we are happy to state is remove c ■ and we congratulate the {‘community in having procured for the ensuing year* the Rev. Thoms 4 Gould mg, formerly of Liberty county, a geii'l, ' . jpan'whose scholarship and genera! character an too notorious to require the > fi'eble tribute of ou praise. -Mr. Colliding will superintend b thschoo his personal services .and attention howevei will ne principally besto ved on the female de partment. lu the male academy he will be ass. ted by Mr. Lathcop—a northern graduate wli lias some experience in teaching—and who is re commended as unexceptionable in talents am! morals. To these considerations we have to ado local inducements, such as health, cheapness <• 11 board, &c. and perhaps it would not be though supeifl ious to suggest, that inasmuch as most o' the important elections are transferred directly ti I) the people, il would become doub-y necessary enlighten their minds, lor untruth stands on a fi mer basis (ban ibis, that in proportion as we give ' to the people power, we should also give the” knowledge. Go *he practical adoption of * hi principle depends the preservation of our repun lican institutions. J Joseph Henry Lumpkin, s *• Secretary s (O' The Editors of the Constitution dnt, Augusta, •j and Republican, Savannah, will publish th • above, an !forward their accounts to Lexington for pay ment. • J, H- L. JaruT 18 59. £/* The Lancastrian Free School, will again be opened on MONDAY, the 18th insl , and the Board of Managers cordially invite tin t return of those Scholars who have heretofore | been educated at this institution, as well ns of all j i others who choose to embrace the advantages o( t ■ instruction free of expence. OCT* Pupils will also be thankfully, receiver l front P .rents who are disposed to pay at three do’lars per Quarter. Oct 'h«r 12 31 FRENCH TUITION. A FEW young Ladies w It he admitted lo a uev 1 course of Tuition of the French Language j at the residence of the subscriber, familiar cm , vc-rsation will be introduced which by the j, ance of his daughters, the subscriber flatters him gl self the acquirement of that useful Language will be more speedily and more accurately obtained. , Tuition three times a week from nine to eleven . o’clock, A. M, J. B. Lafltte. a] November 80 45 (0° Take Police. fllHFi Office of the Clerk of Council, south eas. JL corner of the CitysHall, will be open from two to five o’clock, P. M. every day (Sundays ex cepted) during the month of January, instant, tin the purpose of receiving the returns of the Tax able property, within the corporate limits of th City of Augusta, and within three miles thereof, All persons interested will take due notice there I ° f ‘ Geo. M. Walker, Cl’k. Jamiarv 7 56 FOR SALE. 4 LOT OF I.AND, three miles from Auhovta containing 70 or 80 Acres, forty of which is 4 cleared ami under good fence, the balance H ou.. Land. There is on the premises, a c mforiabh Dwelling House, which has lately undergo ie a thorough repair. A new Kitchen, meal Hou-e, a ■ elegant Brick Pantry, Crib, Slab! Fodder ami Carriage House. &c. all complete—a large jar well shaded; a handsome Orchard of AppK ; Peach, Pear and Plum trees, a never failing i y, spring of excellent water, within 80 yards of ti- , . (welling, and as healthy a situation as any in Riel. \ , mond County. I’he above wi lbe sold a bargain, if early ap 1 plication is made lo Jno, C. Holcombe. January 18 59 SI iiib AND STEAM Baths. DU HOUEL, a French Physician, respectfully informs the public, that lie has established STEAM aid MEDICAL BATHS in Augusta.' I'he very high repute these liaths have acquired o Europe, where (although a late discovery) ■ tey are to be found in every hospital, and the rreat cures they have performed in Boston, Phi ( delphia and Charleston, cm leave no doubt ol ;heir effiracy. The m st gentle as well as the nost powerful medicines are administered by that neans, without any pa'nr, trouble or disgust to the oalient. They are a never failing remedy in all cutane ous affections; from Psora, Ringworms, &c. to Scaldhead and Leprosy. They also have never tiled of success in either acute or chronic rheu autism. In glandular obstructions, chlorosis, anasarcous wellings, incipient dropsy; in all diseases of the unts, gouty affections dispersion of tumors, ill ured syphilis, spasmodic or nervous affections; n all bilious disorders, dyspepsia, bypocondriasis, .■pilepsy—these baths have been found most aer iceable, and have often even in here ■ .itary complaints. In fine, this manner of admin istering utmost every remedy belonging to the healing art, may be rendered applicable to almost very case, and (it is repealed) without any pain, rouble, or disgust to the patient. As these baiiis are, hot yet generally known, i)r. Model will be happy to give the most res lectable references to who have been cured by taking tbertl. ; TY\e Steum 4* NSeAlcal Bath E sUvbUs>A\ me at. Is in Ellis-Street, opposite Mr. 11. Melding’s trick Mouse, a> d has an entrance in Broad street immediately opposite the city //otel. January 11 57 liOXMISSING. SUPPOSED to be taken by mistake from the i-T Wharf, about the 11th or 12th of November, a Box of Shoes landed from Boat No. 14. Mark ed \ 8t K. Wood,or E.Wood &. Co. Anv person having it m hi; possession will confer a favor by inforn * the bscribers at their residence, or thro, . office. E. Wood # Co. *r .24 52 i lie Subscribers ITAVING united themselves in the practice of 11. Law, mi ler the firm of Julian St Thompson, respectfully tender their services to their friends nd the public, to transact any business that may ie entrusted to them, in the line of their pro 's,ion, in the several Courts of Georgia and South Carolina. Their office is on the corner of Ellis and Washington streets, where one of the him may at all times be found. N. R. Julian, J. M. Thompson. January 11 57 TO RENT, I • -LilaJi One Tenement in the Long Vellow Range of Buildings, next door above the sign of tlie " Asialic Lenitive," in “Cotton Range,” continued.—Also, several Tenements of one story each,with two rooms, recently h themossession nl vlr. Ansley, and a convenient Warehouse in the rear, which has been recently repa'red and tin I t enclosed with a good fence. For terms, appli i Mr. Janies Harper, during the absence of tin 'subscriber. 1 E. F. Campbell. January 7 56 TO KENT. From the first October next. Three Stores and a Dwelling House, upper end south side Broad illllßi Street, adjoining Egan M'Laugh- JhH hit's, viz The Store occupied b) M. H-nry ik Co. the Store occupied by Hlts & Video—and the two story Frame House and Sion adjoining the same —the bouse is well calculated or a private family or boarding House —having ai xcellent Brick Kitchen. The Stores are all must; desirably situated for the Grocery Business. Apply to \ William H. Egan. September 17 21 THOMAS S. METCALF, TAKES this method of informing his friends sod the public generally, that he has just re ceived, and is now receiving a very large and well assorted stock of Gr?orrrf*o* and if they will favor him with their custom, they will find him “ at home,” attending to his own business, ready and willing to supply them with anytttt the following articles, on the most reason tide terms, for cash or prime city acceptances ; lUU TONS well assorted Sweede St Uttssia Iron 120 hhds. prime S. Croix and N. Orleans Sugar IDO hags prime Green Coffee 30 hhds. prime Jamaica Coffee 50 pieces prime 42 inch Bagging | ( 50 do best I'o.w Bagging, very cheap * 50 do best Twill’d Sucking . 50 cods .Bale Rnpe s 200 bbls. best Northern Gin, best brands 200 do best Philadelphia Whiskey -,100- do Northern Bum 25 hhds. do do 20 do prime retailing Molasses , 4do superior old Jamaica hum 15 pipes do //olland Gin sdo ’do Cognac Brandy , . I pipe do old Port Wine r 60 jeti and 1-4 casks Malaga and Sherry Wine ' '3se and 1 2 ,pipes Sicily and Pico Ma li;* Wines 20 '®fc ocs 2001) l 100 bcfls. T *pniiU; Northern Flour 25 halt barrels do .do 50 bbls. and boxes Loaf and Lump Sugar 50 ton cattie boxes fresh Hy son Tea 25 bags Pepper 20 do Spice Ginger 25 boxes Haisios i 30 kegs No. 1 Richmond Tobacco 30 boxes Georgia Candles 30 do Spermaceti Candles 250 whole anu half boxes No, 1 Soap 50 kegs best Duponts Powder 200 bags Shot, assorted 2500 lbs. .Bar Lead 2000 lbs. hoop and band Iron 3000 do German and blistered Steel 2000 do Share Moulds 8000 bushels Liverpool Ground Salt 2100 do .Blown i 1000 lbs superior Virginia H ams ■ 10,000 lbs Logwood 30,000 Russia Quills 300 dozen Tumblers i DO casks patent Cut Nails, assorted 25 patent Ploughs and Paints [ 10 dozen Carolina /foes 25 boxes Homes’ and White’s and VVhitte more’s Cards 100 boxes prime Cheese 20 casks do do 50 reams Wrapping Paper : 20 casks Lime I 300 nests Dry Measures , 200 nests boxes 20 bbls Shad , 50 half barrels Shad . 200 bbls. No. 3 Mackerel i 100 do. No. 1 do 100 half barrels No. 1 do 150 bbls No. 2 do L 75 half barrels No 2 do 50 five gallon Demajobns i 39 boxes//avuna White Sugar ( 10 do do brown do 250 half, quarter and tenth boxes superior Spanish Cigars, Dos Amigos and Flint’s brands. November 5 38 EW FLOUR. ’ C> bbls. first quality Family Flour will be land ed this day from Steam-Boat, Maid ol Or -1 cans, which will be sold low if taken from the / Wharf. 1 AI’I*LY TO Hugg & Savage. November 16 41 ToypeeT f C> /JjX BAGS PRIME COFFKB (on consign , ment,; will be disposed of on accommu i dating terms by ' B. Picquet. j November 26 44 a\AL\ r /A> VLVA, Coach-Maker , WILL keep constantly on hand, and for Sale, at Mr. Lonosthbkt’s Livery Stable. AJV ASSORTMENT OF (Basso (fj - Orders for GIGS or CARRIAGES from the , North, will be promptly attended to and work e (warranted. ’( N. B.—Repairing done at the shortest notice. November 30 45 I dust Tfcceivcd aud lor Sate. BY HORACE ELY, LONG’S Expedition to the source of the St. Peters’ River Valley of the Shenandoah Conversations of Lord Byron January 11 * .3t 57 r FOR SALE OR TO REnTT THE unexpired lease and improvements on the Lot known us the Liltleman’s Garden, situated on Ellis-Slreel, near the corner of Cen ( re-Street—having all the •conveniences for car rying on Confectionary upon a large scale, be sides an Oven, Dryhouse, &c. There is also an Ice House in good order, where 15 or 18 tons ot Ice can be secured Cor summer use. The whoh 1 will be shewn by application on the premises,— For terms apply to B. Bouyer. I August 18 13 ' T ' MI - And for Sale at this Office, By the Gross, Dozen or Single, THE Georgia & ftouth-Garo\ina & & aa ii a & ® s. • FOR THE YEAR OF OUR LORO a 3Ma C OJVTA IJVLYG— The motion of the Sun aiid Moon, The true places anil aspects of the Planets, The rising and setting of the Sun, The rising, setting and southing of the Moon, The sign of the Zodiac she is in at Noon, The rising, setting and southing of the most conspicuous Planets and fixed Stars, Eclipses of the Sun and Moon, Moon’s Phases, ALSO The Feasts and Festivals observed by the Protestant Episcopal Church in the Uni ted States of America. Together with the usual Entertaining Matter. TiIAHTHOW. MICAL I’AIIT HX ROBERT GRIER. November 19 42 Lbs. prime Bacon; FOR SALE, On Consignment, by D. Picquet. •November 30 45 ——————— — '■ Weight A£ li’iux BACON FOR SALE. APPLY TO Robert D. Ware. Decembers . a 45 - ■ _ * T TU« ftiibscribcr IN I ENDING to reside in New York, with a vie w lor the transaction of Commission Uns iness, in all its branches, will feel grateful for any consignments or orders, with which he may be favored, assuring his friends that his uiirenntied attention will be exerted to promote their inter est, He will be prepared on the receipt of any con-ignmeins, or of the invoices with hills of la ding and orders for insurance, to make the cus tonnry advances if required. Any references tliat is desired, can he obtained of Messrs. Mackenzie Sc Ponce, Augusta, or Ben jamin Burroughs, Esq. Savannah. Ralph Ketchum. October 26 35 laist ol! Lfetlftirs, Remaining in die Pus f office, Waynesbo rough, (Ga.) January Ist. 1825. A I K Allen Sarah 1 Key Joshua, Anderson Nancy 5 Kersey liud Atkinson Robert U ‘ Kilkenny John Henrv Allen Robcr* \ Key William T ■« \ L Bryant Sims } Eusseter Edward Bracewell U W < Luke Thomas Byne Lewis 5 Lassel#r Samuel Bissell William ’ ' j Bahaid John i Lewis John $ Byne L6c II - | Lane. 'J'huinas C | Livingstbn Peter L * Clerk Superior Court* | Low Edwfrd Carswell Mathew \ Longstreet Gilbert Clagg mizabelh i \| Chew Run, 2 1 Marsh Sarah Cox William f Wears David J Colson John, 2 {(J.oore Copeland Ann M \ Sfurtin John D i Moore Roland Duke Acariah, 3 < Muxly Nathaniel Dye Martin } O Drake Elias | Odum Elizabeth Dickson’s Estate, Ext’s I p or licit s | Paris HA ’illye Avery 1 U jlluiby Annsted j Robinson Cornelius j Dickson John > [j j v F { Shubart F It 2 j hinny Sarah 1 Sapp Council Fryer Z-cariah L | Sapp II C G j Stringer Harriet 'Grubbs Ann M \ Scomber Richard ] Gains Duncan, 2 ? Stewart Amos : Gresham Job j Sanderfer William 1 H J Spivy Littleton Hurst John, 2 j Stewart Anna (Ban 1 lioinas 1 Sapp Addison I Rural Henry i -j’ Mill Win Sherid j Taylor Jeremiah j Harrison Robert L J Telfair Alex’r. (laymans William > Thomas Joseph J i I rapucll , Johnson Muses, 3 i W lenkins Susan | Walton Thomas Jones Henry P I Wallace George Jourdin Richard { Woolsm Gnmah R. Garlick, p. m. January 21, 1825 3i r 60 UV)-UUU^*G. (TENTEEL Residents, or Sojourners, may be m accommodated witli Board and Lodging next door above Dr. Turpin’s, Broad street. J. B. Lafitte. November 30 45 RoSst, AjPS Ihel2thinst. (with a small sum of money) AJ? F. Walker’s Clu ck for ]§so, on the Bank of Augusta, dated the 11th in.-t. payable to hearer.— The Public is cautioned not to trade lor the Check. The finder by leaving if with the sub scribers, will be suitably rewarded. R. R. Duncan & Co. January 14 58 A Large Assortment of JUVENILE BOOKS, F«r »S«/e at this Office,