The constitutionalist. (Augusta, Ga.) 1823-1832, February 01, 1825, Image 1

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- Many °f the m.d cr which every Co unt ry in the worU tab o "... are not any w.M of lot, Country. but to an jg. un ., c « of its real e.„, st ii.„ ioa Au.l interests." PRIESTLY r ■ -C NEW SERIES Vol. 11. AUGUSTA, TUESDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 1, 1825. ‘ ' j>o. 63. Cjje Constitutionalist is PUBLISHED EVERY TUESDAY AND FRIDAY, BY W. J. BUNCE, AUGUSTA, GA. LA PAYETTE HAT AND CLOTHING WARE-HOUSE J The Subscriber Is opening in Broad s'reet. one door below Mr. Al-\ Zen's Hut % rt t \ AN!) omTEHAL ASSORTMENT OP \3&a anhLclothing, Cty sis ting of • DItESS COATS, Frock Coats ~ 7W Drab box Coa's Double k single mill’d Cassimere Pantaloons Broad Cloth, Satinet! and Cordtiroy do Toiiinetl, Valemia, §wansdiwn k black silk Vests niuo and black Cloth and Cassimeri do Superfi ic Linen and Cotton, frilled and plain Shirts K nt'ed, C.jftcn, Worried and Lambswoo j Slur s and Drawers Flannel do ■ do Tan an and C onblet C4«aks Ladies ' do B i.v's Dresses ' • ' Vnitlds cose body floats Cientlemen’s superfine Huts, some very wide brims linmitation beaver do La Fayette, boys anti mens seal skin Caps Washing'mi, Jackson and La Fayette Stocks Silk Umbrellas Hudyry Gloves, kc, ——ALSO Negro Jackets and browsers. House servants Coatees and Pantaloons Fearnouglit great Coals Guernsey Frocks, red flannel Shirts Striped and Check do Common Linen do Woollen Gloves, and many other articles in his line. The above GOODS are New-York made, and will be disposed of wholesale and retail, at New- York prices. J. P. Seize. December 3 4Jt ~\VILViItAAI Vi. LU.UV, * Henews the tender' of his services in the I S SI ON AND STORAGE JiUSLYESS, TO tilt nuts in AND THE PODLIC. HIS WARE HOUSE at the upper end, south side Broad street, is now ready for the re ception of OUTFOX and other PRODUCE, npoi which liberal advances will be made, when re quired. Any business with which he msy be favoured, shall be punctually attended to. October 1 28 com til isio v nusi i-asiT The Subscriber, HAVING engaged Warehouses and St his, ii fbe upper part of this city,offers his services as, a general COMMISSION MEHCHAN ('.—Persons who may place merchandise or produce under his care, may safely rely on every possible exertion being used, to give general satisfaction. Bajrna M‘Kinne. • September 28 ' 27 THOMAS G. HALL, Carriage *Maber. HAVING taken the Shops recently occupied oy Mr. Janies .I-yiics, intends carrving- or* the business -in all its various branches’. From hr. long experience at the North, he flatters himself,' that he will be able to give general sa , Refaction to such, as will favour him with a call in the li■•pairing Line, All favours will be thank fully received and punctually executed. He expects soon to receive from the Northern Manufactories, a complete assortment of Carriages 03* GIGS and CARRIAGES built to order? j Tor Sale. j 8 Gigs, 3 Sulkeys, I 2 Carriages, November 5 BARRELS Newark CIDER of superior quality, 1 Case Kentucky Twine Just received and for vale very cheap by Caulfield & Longstreet. January 18 2t 59 BOX MISSING. SUPPOSED to be taken by mistake from the Wharf, about the X Itfi or 12th of November, 1 Box of Shoes landed from Boat No. 14.—Mark ed A. &B. Wood, or E.Wood & Co. Any person having it in his possession will confer a favor by informing the subscribers at their residence, 01 through this office. E. Wood SC Co. December 24 52 0T LOST so , I ? ues<la y last, a Bunch of KEYS, tied with Red Tape.—The finder on leaving them at this Office, shall be rewarded, j THOMAS S. METCALF, J fIIAKES this method of informing his friendi -J and the public generally, that lie has just re ceived, and is now receiving a very large and ■ well assorted stock of j jA»d if they will favor him with their custom, they I will find him “ at home,” attending to his own 1 business, ready and willing to supply them with | any of the following articles, on the most reason I able terms, for cash or prince city acceptances : JQO 1 well assorted Sweede k Russia Iron 120 hhds. prime S. Croix and N. Orleans Sugar 100 bugs prime Green Coffee 30 hhds. prime Jamaica Coffee 50 pieces prime 42 inch Bagging 50 do best l ow'Bagging, very cheap 50 do best fwilj’d Sacking 50 coils Xfule Rope 2QO bbls. best Northern Gin, best brands 200 do best Philadelphia Whiskey 100 do Northern Rum 25 hhds. do do 20 do prime retailing Molasses 4 do superior old Jamaica Kura 15 pipes do //ullancl Gin sdo do Cognac Zlrandy 1 pipe do old Port Wine 60 1-8 and 1-4 casks Malaga and Sherry Wine . 1 I -4 and 12 pipes Sicily and Pico Ma deira Wines j ‘2O bbls. best Cider Vinegar 200 diHrish potatoes w,, . 50 do ifeets 2QOd bunches Onions 100 bbls. prime Northern Flour I 25 ball barrels do ‘do 50 bfils, and boxes Loaf and Lump Sugar 50 ton caltie boxes fresh Hy son Tea 25 bags Pepper 20 do Spice Ginger 25 boxes Raisins 30 kegs No. I Richmond Tobacco 30 boxes Georgia Candles 30 do Spermaceti Candles 250 whole and half boxes No, ) Soap 50 kegs best Duponts Powder 200 bags Shot, assorted 2500 lbs. JSar Lead 2000 lbs. hoop slid band Iron oOuO do German and'biistered Steel 2000 do Share Moulds 8000 bushels Liverpool Ground Salt 21'00 do Riown 1000 lbs superior Virginia /fains . 10,000 lbs Logwood 30,000'Russia Quills 300 dozen Tumbler,* . 100 casks patent Out Nails, assorted 2.3 patent Ploughs and paints 10 dozen Carolina ffoes 25 boxes Homes’ and White’s and Whitte more’s Cards 100 boxes prime Cheese 20 casks do do 50 reams Wrapping Paper 20 casks Lime 300 nests Dry Measures 200 nests boxes 20 bbls Shad 50 half barrels Shad 200 bbls. No. 3 Mackerel 1 100 do. No, 1 do * 100 half barrels No. 1 do 150 bbls No. 2 do 75 half barrels No 2 do 50 five gallon Demajohns 39 boxes U. ivana White Sugar 10 do do brown do 250 half, quarter aijd tenth boxes superior Spanish Cigars, Dus Amigos and Flint’s brands. Novemhei 5 33 NEW flour 7 SL Obis, first quality Family Flour will be land ■ ZJ3J ed this day from Steam-Boat, Maid of Or ’ cans, which will be sold low if taken from the 1 Wharf. APPLY TO Bugg & Savage. November 16 LOFYEYi. BAGS PRIME COFFEE (on consign jOlAy ment.j will be disposed of on accommo dating terms by B. Picnuet. November 26 44 The Subscribers HAVING united themselves in the practice of Law, under the firm of Juhan & Thompson, respectfully tender their services to their friends iand the public, to transact any business that may 1 |he entrusted to them, in the line of their pro- I jfes-ion, in the several Courts of Georgia and 1 South Carolina. Their office is on the corner of ( lEihs and Washington street?, where one of the jfirm may at all times be found. N. B. Julian, J. M. Thompson. .Tannsrv 11 ” ALO.VZti BAX, ~ Coach-Maker , WILL keep constantly on hand, and for Sale, at Mr. Lono’trket’s Livery Stable XV ASSORTMENT OF (Sana, (C? Orders for GIUS or CARRIAGES from the North, will be promptly attended t 0 and work warranted, N. B. Repairing done at the shortest notice. November 30 45 Just receive A aud lor Sale BY HORACE ELY, LONG’S Expedition to the source of the St 1 Peters’ R.ver Valiev of the Shenandoah Conversations of Lord Byron January 11 ' 3t 57 -> ""Kl ' ~,, 'I It " AT THE SION Ot TflE ‘ Auguativ C\oUvin§; fetuue, NEARLY- OPPOSITE THE CIT* RptKV If auhl most respectfully inform then- friends and the community, that they are no-w ready to attend tc their calls for y Jfrqpk Coats, i press Coats, Cpatees, 3oats,' i Plaid and Camblet Cloaks, Ladies’ Cloaks, Pantaloons, Os the most Vests, Shirts, Drawers, , Elegant patent Suspcifders, La Fayette velvet Vesting, Which thy otter for sale this season, lower than ever—blit (despising the principal of un aerselling) they would unjy..hjive it understood that they are not to be undersold by any in their ■me of business. January H SCOFIELD, PHELPS & Cp. DRAPERS Am) TAILORS HAVING formed a connection with ssr. Henry Howard, late of Baltimore; have removed oeir Establishment to No. BS, Broadway, corner of Wall-Street, where their Business will in future be conducted under the firm of SCOFIELD, PHELPS & 7/OWARD. New-York, .Tu-ie 1823 t iVeaV ItinU Potivtuua, IN HAMPERS." Just received per Steam Bout Hamburg, A FEW Hampers real Hellast Potatoes, winch will be sold in lots to suit fatuities, by apply mg immediately at Jacob Moire’s. JfP Keuzie & Uennuch’s Row. December 28 .• 5 ; Lbs. prime Bacon, FOR SALE, On Consignment, by 11. Picqnet. November SO 45 5,00 D Weight y? Vriu.ii BACON I OR SALE. APPLY TO Robert I). Ware. December 3 # • 46 BUSHELS COHN oO nn’ds Philadr Iphia Whiskey 50 barrels No. 3 Mackerel I 75 do Flour , 20 do Loaf, Sugar . 30 do Irish' • Pot a 1 oea , 2 halfpipes Madeira Wine I 40 barrets Whiskey, , FOR SALE BY , Thomas M‘Gran. 1 Jan’y. 25 3‘ 61 TO RENT, ' rr , jjfcL One Tenement in the Long * Yellow Range of Buddings, next door above the sign of the " Asiatic Ladtive,". in “Cotton Range,?’ 1 continued.—Also, several tenements of one story ! each,with two rooms, recently in the possession of Mr. Ansley, and a convenient Warehouse in the * rear, which has been recently rcpa red and the 8 lot enclosed with a good fence. For terms, apply to Mr. James Harper, during the absence of the subscriber. E. F. Campbell. January 7 56 TO RENT. ”, From the first October next, t Three Stores and a Dwelling f House, upper end south side Broad-i* ||S||jH Street, adjoining Egan tc M’Luugb- t fin’s, viz :—The Store occupied by c I) Henry & Co. the Store occupied by Hlls Bc-c Alden—and the two story Frame House and Store t adjoining the same—the house is well calculated for a private family or boarding House—having ai c excellent Brick Kitchen. The Stores are all most j desirably situated for the Grocery Business, Apply to William H. Egan. September J7 24 ~FOR SALE OR TO REi\fr THE unexpired lease and improvements on the Lot known as the Lillleman’s Garden, { situated on EHis-Street, near the corner of Cen 1 tre-Street—having all the conveniences for car- 4 rying on Confectionary upon a large scale, be sides an Oven, Dryhouse, Sic. There is also an Ice House in-good order, where 15 or 18 tons ol Ice can be secured for summer use. The whole - will be shewn by application on the premises.— * For terms apply to 11. Rouyer. . August 10 U - e ' ~ NOTICE. d A MEETING of the Stock Holders of the Steam Boat Company of Georgia, ‘will take - p.ace at their Office in Savannah, on IHURSDAY, he 10th day of next month (February) at 10 o’, dock, A. M, on business of importance. \a A general attendance is requested—any ab 1 sent Stock Holder may, by power ol Alt. rney un- 1 der seal, authorise any other Stock Holder tot vote for him or her. Om. P. Hunter, * Treasurer, .Steam Rtal Company Savannah, January 8, 1825 5g | 1 PLANTERS' HOTEL, AUGUSTA , Georgia. F s “P™ undcr ,he sl, P er intendance of Mr. COSBEY DICKINSON and Mr. J. P K. OENNF.Y, late ot Savannah. Ihe House has undergone Repairs; the Rooms are spacious and are refurnished- Persons cun be accommodated with single Rooms, and every exertion will be made to render them comfortable, Samuel Hale, Proprietor. r *’ r> Geofgia Journal, at Milledgevllle, the Washington News, Savannah UepHoiuan. and the CJity Gazette, will publish the above six limes, and forward their bills to ibis Office November 26 2m 44 I a. miamiiWa DENTIST. RESPKC I'VULLY informs the Ladies and Gen (lemen of Augusta and its vicinity, that li< wil be in Hie city about iff* first of March. January 28 nM 62 Co/,y of a Certificate from Jumps Afunrae, Pres't. • be testimonials presented so me by Mr. Earn, ly, of bis great talents as a DENTIS I’, are t high character—in addition to which I stale wi great pleasure, that bis operations in my famil have afford d a practical and very satisfaclot > evidence of bis merit. JAMES MONROE. Washington, Dec 9th 1 iJ2 Tj) the, Wvevs 01l natura\ heaits Hair. r P* 1E subscriber who is just arrived in this cit, -r- from New-York, offers for sale an extensiv assortment ol Ladies ami Gentlemen’s WIGS, kc all of bis own manufacture, and at the varion, Inrni 15 to g3O each—his lowest pricei Wigs he warrants shall equal, if not excel, thus, made elsewhere in America, in every respect, a whatever they may cost. The admiration with which the fashionable worh have viewed Quirk's new invention, and the reputu tioni which has universally attended his ornamental productions, pre-eminently rank him above all com petition, Jly many years studious application to tin principles of his profession, lie has at length been enabled to introduce to' the public one o(the most extraordinary discoveries in the system of Wig making, that human imagination could suggest, and winch has obtained the appellation of Quirk*, beads ' of hair. . 1 hose J-adies and Gentlemen that may honor him 1 with their calls, be feels confident that from the su penonty of bis work, in every respect, be will secure their custom for the luture. Apply at the Mansion House, from 10 until 1 o clock, where the subscriber will be ready to at - tend upon those Gentlemen (hatmav be phased io < honor him with their commands. Ladies leaving I their orders will be wailed upon immediately—lns slay in Augusta will not exceed sth February. i Thomas Quirk. January 28 2t 65J 1 TVui >S'u\)atx vbfci* INI ENDING to reside in New York, with a vie w tor Ihe transaction of Commission Bus. iness, in all its blanches, will feel grateful for any consignments or orders, with which he may b( favored, assuring Ins triends that his unreinitted 1 attention will be exerted to promote their inter est. He will be prepared on the receipt of am consignments, or of the invoices with bills of la ding and orders for ii.stirlnice, to make the cus loinary advances if required. Any references that is desired, can be obtained ' of Messrs. Mackenzie k Bonce, Augusta, or Ben jamin Burroughs, Esq. Savannah. Ralph Kelchum. October 26 * ‘ 35 o.tlee. ALL persons to whom the late Francis Bouyef, ol the city of Angola, deceased, is indebt ed. are requested to present (heir demands with in the time prescribed by law ; and those indebt- , ed, are requested to make immediate payment. H. Bouyer, } v , Paul K„ 88 ig„oI,i £a,r ‘- December 21 lULUVDUVii. GEN I EEL Residents, or Sojourners, may be I accommodated with Board and Lodging next i door above Dr. Turpin’s, Broad-street, I J. B. Lafttte. November .80 45 Lost, ' 1 ON the 12th just, (with a small sum of money f. Walker s Clleck for got), on the Bank o, Augusts, dated the 11th inst. payable to bearer.— , The Public is cautioned not to trade for thd Check. The finder by leaving it with the sub jcnbers, be suitably rewarded. ] Jl. B. Duncan & Co. January 14 53 •find for Sale at this Office, By ilie Gross, Dozen or Single, THK Geovgla & So\itV\-CaToVma &9aSQ&K3ii<OI& a ’ FOR THE YEAR OF,OUR LORD as as a— COjVTALVING— The motion of ihe Sun and Moon, I'iie true places a id aspects of the Planets, file rising' and setting of the Sun, The rising, setting and southing of the Moon, Tlie sign of the '/, >diac she is in at Noon, The rising, setting and sou'hing of the most i conspicuous Planets and fixed Stars, Eclipses of the Sun and Moon, Moon’s Phases, —AT.SO * The Feasts and Festivals observed by the Protestant Episcopal Church in the Uni ted Slates of America. t'ogethS' -with ihr usual Entertaining Matter. TUB ASTIIOX ’ MIC A L PA«T Bt ROBERT GRIER. November 19 JAMES BALL, Respectfully informs the cmten* of An gus a and the Public generally, that he has opened an OYSTER and HELLISH HOUSE on lie corner of Green and M lntosh-Slreels. h-ont. mg the Mansion-Tlouse, where ‘Gentlemen can he ccoipmodated with Hreakfasis,.Dinners and Sup i,ers .' at ai| y hour, ami he hbpes from the due at tention ha intends paying to his establishment, to obtain a share of Public Patronage. * October 19 & Ihe Lancastrian Free School, vill again be opened on MONDAY, the lath inst. and tlie Hoard of Managers cordially invite the return of those Scholars who -have heretofore been educated at this institution, «s well as of all .ihers who choose to embrace the advantages of instruction free of expence. (O’ Pupils will also be thankfully, received from Parents who are disposed to pay at three dollars per Quarter. October 12 <jj FRENCH TUITION. * A FEW young Ladies will be admitted to a new course of Tuition of the French Language at the residence of the subscriber, familiar con-’ vernation will be introduced which by the assist ance of his daughters, the subscriber flatters him idl the acquirement of that useful Language will he more speedily and more accurately obtained Tuition three times a week from nine to eleven /clock, A. M. J. B. Lafittc. November 30 45 Take -Notice. THE Office of the Clerk of Council, south east corner of the City-Hall, will be open from two to five o’clock, PI M. every day (Sundays et cepted) during the month of January, instant, for the purpose of receiving the returns of the Tax. U J. Property, within tlie corporate limits of the Lity of Augusta, and within three miles thereof, ill persons interested will take due notice there of. Oeo. M. Walker, CVTe. January 7 55 To lient, SEVEN PY nr EIGHTY Acres of Prime Swamp Land, for the present year, being a part of the Plantation belonging to the heirs of Samuel deceased. For particulars inquire of Beter T. Bugg. Jmiiaw 25 41 NOTICE. ~ IMIE Public are cautioned against trespassing on the Houses and Lots of the subscriber ipper end of town—especially against hauling -and or earlh (pom the river bunk nr contiguous hereto. Each ami every person offending shall ave the law rigorously enforced against him or hem. Hugh Nesbit. January 31 5,