The constitutionalist. (Augusta, Ga.) 1823-1832, February 08, 1825, Image 1

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✓ —«■■■■ ’ i« m i - wmSmibu.. i v Ti)t (£OMSlftH tfaU&l fatl♦ ~ Miinvofthe political vvil», iimlrr .♦liich every Country in the worl.l lnboiirio are not owing to any want '4 love Cunnlry. but to nn ignoraftew of its real ronslilulion «mi interests.” PIUKSTLY = = ~ NEW SERIES Vol. 11. AUGUSTA, TUESDAY MORNING, FEBRtfARY S, 15 25. No< 65 / ** A.- 1 Cfje Constitutionalist | IS PUBLISHED EVERY TUESDAY AND FRIDAY, - BV W. J. BUNCE, AUGUSTA, GA. CONTINUED SUCCESS* AT Cohen’s Office. Baltimore, January 6, 1825. i <oranO &rate Eottc;iJ, j T No. 3. "VTO'V driving every week, under tbp super- 1 i-w intendence of the Commissioners appointed by the Governor and G unci! Eighth iisaw mg: *1197 1.1701 Prizes'ot - - SIOOO *1440! a prize of • - 500 11527 do 100 : *19094 *19862 14888 9115 5850 34’6 50 . All mark-ed thus* sold at CO II EX’S OFFICE. Thin lottery is now ra id ly progr- aging to wards a close —no time should he lo*t in securing ‘ tickets. There are stiH undrawn, tin* Caoitaia of zy forty thouraxh no* c uts 0 7 rtVE.VTr CHOUS IX H HOLLA US Ojf- TE V' THDUWYO HOLLA IS [Cf FIVE THO (JSAXH HOLLA IIS ; i7 of ovr. r nous an o dollars 14 of FIVE UUXURF.H HOLI.AU V. Whole 'Ci che is gl2 I Quarter - 3 Q 0 ( Hi'rcs • -6 j Eighths - 150 [ To be had, warranted undrawn, at [ Where both the great Capital) of 20 000 and, 10.000 DOLLARS, drawn in tile MONUMENT} LOI’I'KIIY, on the 28th ult. were s>• .1 andi where were sold, ‘he Capital Prizes of 100,000 Dollars; half ami one quarter to citizens of Gear '■ pi, i ; 20,0005, 10,000 s, 5000 s, in the last •Grand S'ale Lottery, and whbiie jmiik capital imiizks 1 J ( HAVE BERN OBTAINED THAN AT ANY OTIIEU OFFICE IN AMERICA. O tiers left -with I. R. St. JO IN B-oad street. I 1 AUGUST.!, Georgia, will be promp'ly attended to,, Fit EL OF POSTAGE. January 21 CO | A large •aasovtvwfcwt vA Fue-sU OUKBIB3 9 j MUST RECEIVED FROM THE SHAKERS. —ALSO 1 A small quantity of Fresn HOPS, growth ol 1824 poll SAIT', JJ 7 Li. ]}, & 1), (i. ilavilaud -* ‘ * k ~ r January 11 WWAAAWi IL EUAvT Renews the tender of his services in the CO M MISS ION AND * STO RA U K li USIXESS, TO HIS Fill ENDS AVI) THE PUBLIC, I OIS WARE HOUSE at the upper end, south side Broad-street, is now ready r or there. ,ceotionof CO P ION and other PRODUCE, upor which liberal advances will be made. Whet re qnired. i Any business with which he may be favoured, shall be punctually attended to. October 1 28 TVve Subscriber, * I S WING engaged W yit.-ii usks and Stoiies, in 1 I L the itnper part of this city,offers his services as . a general COMMISSION ME ItC HAN V. person, who may place merchandise or produce under Ins Cars, may safely rely on every possible exertion being used, to give general satisfaction. Bania M’Kinne. September 2$ * 27 THOMAS G. IIALL, Uav r iage «M akc v. HVVING taken nie Shops r ocnnudi, iiy Mr. Janes Lynea, intends carrying ■ ’ n,, the usiness in u ! ilk v rinus branches. From hi; Img experience at the North, be flatters} himself, that he wiil be able to give general a-j, tislaction to such, as wif favour him with a call in ( the It 'pairing Line. All fivours will he thank- < ful V r o ived a id punctually executed. He i-s'i-cs soon to receive from the Northern ( Manufact tries, «oompl -teassortment of Carriages.}, ' (Jj" GIGS »ml CARRIAGES built to order. Tor Sale. S frigs, ( 3 Sulkeys, S Carriages. November 5 38 , Coach-Maker , WILT, keen cnnsiae y on hand, and for Sale, ; at Mr. Loso rnbet’s Liv. ry St'.ble. AX ASSOU TjVIEXT OF mm* £? Orders for GIGS or C \UKIAGKS from tin North, will be promptly attended to and work war-anted. N. B.— Repairing d ine at the shortest nolice, i Nl member 30 45 ttOAU.Ol.Vtir Cl EN TEEL Refid-'n « • r S j urn vs, may b- I accommo lated with Board ■nd I. dging next "door above Hr. ["orpin's, Br-ad-street. J. B. Lafitte. November 30 45 AfTGUHTA MASONIC HALL LOTTER V, AUTHORIZED BY GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF , THE STATE-OF oioßtilA, 1 Prize of 5530.000 is 1 Prize us 20,0 UH is 20,000 4 Prizes of 10,000 is 40,000 4 Prizes of 5,000 is 20.000 5 Prizes of 1,000 is 5,000 i 10 Prizes of 500 is 5,000 50 Prizes of 100 is 5,000 100 Prizes of 50 is 5,000 5000 Prizes of 10 is 50,000 5175 Prizes, > 180,000 12825 Blanks. S 18000 TICKETS at TEN DOLLARS. | Less than ho t ami. an half Jiiau/es to a prize. -^*fTlE ,r PRIBWR ONLY TO BE DRAWN. AH the F zes to be Flou .us from he comm, nrcmi'iit, e.vcep ihe foltosoinff which n'i lb' deposited in the\ wheel a< dfi ‘e tie iid.i v/z : 0,, the Ist Drawing 1 prize of SIO,OOO Sc 1 of SSOO On the Id •• Ipnzeof *4, J yjiOO &. tof $ 500 On the Jet “ 1 pr.z. of 10,000 Ac Tof 5(1(1 On the.-nil “ I prize, us 5,000 .Ic luf 1,000 ic lof 600 On the slh “ 1 prize of 10,000 Ac lof 500 On the 6th “ 1 prize of 5.000 .tc lof 1,000 4c tof 500 On the 7tli “ 1 prize of 10,000 Ac lof 5,000 Ac lof 500 On (he Bth “ 1 prize of 10,000 Ac lof I*ooo Ac Jof 500 On the Oth “ 1 prize of 30,000 Ac lof 1,000 4c lof 500 The whole Lottery to be completed in •Vine Draw lugs V)iuj, '"T The dr wing to m;u ■. as » mn as a sudicieni numner of iirlt t- are sold. Ihe whole ol tin Fr zes payable in thir y dajs alter the compl 'iri'i ot the I) aau g subject to a <le dnclion o fifteen p. r cent. Ail Frizes not ap plied for in twe ve in dlis, to he considered as a jdonalion j.. the funds of i ic Masonic Hall. Present Pike us 'Pickets, ' 4i> tor s, >■ u, v oi numbers. ,i the' i C O HMIbS!OJ\ EU’S OFFICE m B street,' I Augusta, ale v doors below ,ue Bank J. S. Beers, Secretary to the Buartl of Commissioners, IXy Order, tm I ieko's tr ~n any part ot the Ua e l Star s, Host paid 1 1id undoin g the Cash, oddr -sed to the Secretary, will meet mimed.a.e u'.'l.oitlUll, •it i ; e and r mutations adopted at a meeting ol 'be B rd ot 'imssioners of I lie MASONIC II iLI, 1.0 I l-.UV, January 3'b, 1825. Ist. I lie C mmsinners shad assemble on the Saturday cl avert other week. 2d naj >rll vof the Commissiuners shall con stuute » q lornin lor the transacii m ol business, f i ■! am j ir.ty .( those present at any meeting I IH h govern m u'l cases, except those hereinafter •P • eifi. (1 3 1. It shall be the duty of the Chairman to pre serve order, t appoint Committees to supervise the B ioks and conduct of t ie S cretary, and he -nail have the privilege of voting upooa l subjects; tod also ot expressing his opinion. 4h, a See eiary snail b appointed with a sal ary of e g!u hundred did ,us per annum, am) shall! g'Ve bond -nds curity for Hit; fait lit il performance j n his duties. It slia I keep iair minutes of the pr iceedings of the Board of Com nis-ioners—-shall ct i an agent tor the sale of ickets—keep a re s‘d* account of his sales, and de unite all itomef received liy him, (as s mn as received,) m nue of be Banks ol this ci y. He strali, inoreover, tra • J tact all business re l ai,g to in L> tery, to winch tic shall be required to atie ,J, by the Counni--!! sinners. sth. No ticket shall be sold on a credit, unless b} an order ot the Board ol Co nmis'-l.ii.ers; and| not then, without s icn sucip-ity as shall be sausf'C- 1 lory to a c >m mite ; appointed-for the purp ise ol i c ving the sno . 6ih I'he tickets shall b signed by the Com-' •ii'ssiuners, in t qua! proponinns ; and ml more ihi 1 '’ oi e Commissioner shall sign any ticket. 7'h. the Secrei&ry shall not be emrus'ed atanv ' one 11me, with more than five hundred fickeis, II o*l sha'l exhibit at evt ry meeting ol the C >mmis Isiomrs. his Hi ik If* k, a d an account plainly ■ (shewing the amount ol tickets sold, ami the nuin .her in hand. 1 Bih- The tick' ts, after they are numbered and 'signed, shall be deposited at Hank, and o ly drawn thence by a committee, of winch the Chairman | s<mil be one. i 9 b N> m niey shall be drawn from Bank, bu b a check, signed by a majority of ihe C iinmo isionera, and for no oilier purpose, but the pay ment ol prizes, or necessary expenses. Jannary 38 ’ fij iN oViutt. urp HE subscribers have connected tliemselve.* I m the prac'ice ot the LAW— (hey wid uni |form : y attend all t'e Comities of the Northern Circui . and the c ninly of Franklin, of the We - tern Circuit, one o) them will b. generally found at their office in Elhectoo, where they will taki pleasure in transacti ig the business of those win pnay be unfortunate enough to be involved in lb* jLaw. John \. Heard, Tliomas J Heard. Ul'Mnuv 1 1 lie ► übsurihus I I WING united themselves in th practice o' I I Law, under the firm ol Julian & Thompson } (r • pecllully tender their services to thi ir triend j'hd the public, to transact any business that may }be entrusted to them, in the line of their pr les ion, in Ihe several Courts of Georgia am Smith Carolina, Their office is on the corner ot Ellis and Washington streets, where one of th firm may at all times be found. N. li. Julian, J. AX. ihompson. January J 1 i THOMAS S. METC/iLF, ” jVJs.KS. tlt.6—iuUliod of informing his friends ’ I and the public ffenerally. llmt tie ha-eiust re Iceiveil, and is now receiving a and j .veil asso-ted stock of p | Grroctros* if they wdl lavor aim withth«r costom, they will find him "at home.” unending to his own business, ready ami willing to sul>ply them with my ot die following articles, 0.1 lif; moat reason one terns. for cash or prime city acceptances* 100 I ONS weii assorted Swei (Id c Russia 120 iihds. prime S. Croix and li. Heims Sug.n 100 bags prime Green Go flee 30 lihds. prime Jamaica Coffee, 50 pieces prime 42 inch Bagging 50 d» best Tow Bagging, very'cbeap 5o do best Twill’d Sacking 50 coils B ale Kpe ‘2OO bbls. best Northern Gin, best brands 200 do bes FlnUdelplua Whiskey 100 do Northern Hum | 25 li lids, do do 20 do p?ime retelling Molassee • 4 do superior old J . naica urn I 15 pipes do /folland Gin i do do Cognac //randy I pipe do old Fori Wine | }! 6o 1 8 and 14 ca-.ks Malaga and Sherry Wind j 35 18, 1 4 and 1 2 (opes Sicily and Fico Ma i deira , 20 bbls. best Cider Vinegar j 200 >lo Irish Potatoes • 50 do Beets 2000 bunches Onions I 100 bbls. prime Northern Flour i 25 halt barrels do da ' 50 bh.s. and b xcs Loaf and I.mnp Sugar 50 ton c.dtie boxes fresh Hysvn Tea 25 bags Fepper 20 do Spice Gii ger 25 boxes Raisins 30 it-gs No. 1 Richmond Tobacco 30 ooxes Georgia Candles 3 . do Spermaceti Candles 250 whole and halt boxes No, 1 Soap 50 kggs best Duponts Powder 2(>o bags Shot, assorted 25u0 I s. Bir Lead 2000 lbs. hoop Mid band Iron 3000 *ll Gi nnan and blistered Steel , 200U do Share Moulds I 8000 bushels Liverpool Ground Salt I 2100 do 7/ i 1000 lbs superior Virginia//ams 10.000 lbs Logwood 30.000 Russia Q * 1 s 300 dozen lumol.-rs 100 ca-ks paieni Gut Nails,asserted 25 patent Ploughs an I Patnlj lo il 'Zen Carolina Hie a 25 boxes H imes’ and White’s and Wbitte more’s Cards 100 b'x s pi-nne Choose , 20 cssks do do • 50 reams Wrapping Papeii, 20 casks Lime ’ 300 nests Dry Measures, . 200 oests boxes 20 bbls Shad **, * i 50 half barrels Bbad 200 bbls. No. 3 Mackerel 100 do. No. 1 do 100 half bum l,i No. 1 do 150 bLN i. 2 do 75 ua.l bain'ls No 2 do 5o five gall ir. liemajohns 39 boxes //avaiia W hite Sugar 10 do do brown do 250 bait, quarter and tenth boxes superior j* Spanish Cigars, Dos Amigos and Flint’s * brands. * ! November 5 38 < cTiiTv FliOU R, bbls. fi st qtialiiy Family Flour will be l.uul ed this d iy trom Sleam-Boat, M id of Or- - e,.n-, will be sold low if taken from the ! Wharf, apply to Bugs & Savage. November 16 41 t w :* | I V V) l 1 Vi li. BAGS P IMF. COFFEE (on consign-jj aeni.j will be disposed of on accommo- , terms by B. Picquet. November 26 AJ iVeaV VvisVv iNivalDfeS, IN HAMPERS. Just received per Steam Haul Hamburg, AFE ■ il.onpefs real uehav Potatoes, which wil De sold m lots lo suit families, by apply mg immediately at Jacob Moise’s. J M’K-nzif if lieu nodi's Row, Dec mbep 28 53 !, & J * bs, prime Hacotiy FOR SALK, On Consignment, bis li. Picquet. November 30 45 Weight .){ V’viu.e BACON I OR .SALE. Art'Ll TO Robert I). Ware. n ece(Tlh»p3 46 BUSHELS COHN odds Phdad Iph a Whiskey 50 barrels \ . 3 Mackerel 75 d • Flour 20 no Loal Sugar 30 do Irish Po a oes 2 half pipes M .deira Wine 40 barrels'Voskey. e FOR SALE BY Thomas M‘Gran, Jan’y. 25 3t 61 I DaasiEKsis si mawtm, si at THE SION OK THE I I •ilvigwsta U\o thing iStAire, NKAHI.V i ri'nfilTß TilK CUT IIOTBL If uuhl most respectfully inform their Jritmtk mil tit community, that they ace now read'/ to attend to lheir cai!a foe Frock Coals, i Dress Coats, Coatees, Nig Coats, Flaid and Camblci Cloaks, Ladies’ Cloaks, Pantaloons, Os the most fashionable kind. Vests, Shirts, Cravats, Drawers, Elegant patent Suspenders, w. La pa 7 otte velvet Vesting, hich tliy oiler for sale Oils season, lower nan ever—but (despising the principal of un ■ dersellmg) they would only have it understood that they are not to be undersold (>y any in their j line of hnsiness. I January 11 5- SCOFIELD~PIIELPS & Co. DU.IPKHS JI..VD TML'+nS U.WlN’tr formed a connection with Mr. Henry Howard, late ol Baltimore, have removed heir 1. Jablishment to .No, 88, Broadway, corner ol Wall-Street, where their Business will in future be conducted under the firm of SCOFIELD, PHELPS & ffOWARI), JVew.Ynrh, June. 1823 7 BOX MISSING. SUPPOSED to he taken by mistake from the Wharf, about, the lull or 12'li of November, i Box cr Shoes landed from Boat No. 14. —M uk ed VBc E. Wood, or E.VVood 8c Co. Anv person having it in his possession will confer a favor by informing the subscribers at tli ir residence, or through this office. E. Wood so, December t? 4 ,52 _ TO RENI\ One Tenement in the Loug^ Yellow Range of Buddings, n xi door above thel (sign of the " Jhintic L< idtive,” in “Cotton Range,” 'continued.—Also, several Icnemenlsol one story (cash,with two rooms, recently in the puss, soon nt Mr. AusUy, and a convenient Warehouse in the rear, which has been recently repa red and thel 1 t enclosed with a good fence For terms, apply to Mr, James Harper, during the absence, ol die subscriber, E. F. Campbell. January 7 56 _______ From the first OcloUrr next, AmL Three Stores ami a Dwelling !' l ‘ jjJL House,.upper end south side lir .ad t llWt Street, adjoining Egan 8c M'Laugh-j JfHHBL hit's, vi? ; —The 3'ore occupied by | I). Henry 8c Co. the Store occupied by MIN 8c Alden—and the tvv ■ story Frame House anil Store adjoining the same—the house is well calculated for a private family or boarding Home—tiuving an exce'lent Brick Kitchen, The Stores arc ah must desirably situated fur the Grocery Business. Jl/iply to William H. Egan. Se r )t**rnher 17 24 __ i FOR kSALF OR TO REjN f JjltllE unexpired lease and improvements on iA the Lot known as the Litlleman’s Garden,' situated on Ellis-Sireet, near the corner of Cen tre-Street — having nil the conveniences for car rying on Confectionary upon a large scale, be sides an Oven, Dryhonse. fee. There is also an Ice House in good order, where 15 or 18 tons ot I | Ice can be secured for summer use. The who|< (will be shewn by application on die premises.- Ij For terms apply to , B. Bouyer. i August 10 13 N otice. I>Y virtue of aft ft io me directed, Will he soldi* J on the first l uesday in April next, at the Market House, in the City of Augusta, hetwe- n Ithe usual hours of sale. One Lot with the ini. !> r< vemenls t’lereon, in the city of Augusta, bmin jded on the north Uv Jacob Daiiforth’s Lot, S mil iby Reynold street, west by Ralph Ketchuni’s L- 1 land east h\ Ca I’s alley, levied on as the priperty.j 'of Mrs. Eliza 8. M Laroche to ‘atisfy tier Road j •od well lax for 1823 and 1824, amounting tuj John VV. Read C. M. February 1 tds 6? ( NO ru t A MEETING of the Stock Holders of the . Steam Boat Company ot Georgia, wi 1 lake 11 n'-e ai their Office in Savannah, oi. I HURSI)AV tie iOth day ot next month (February) a, 10 o’ oc k, A. M. on business of imp> rtaiir<. M A general attendance is requested—any al i sent Stock Holder may, by pnwei ot Aip nicy Ur -1-r sea l , authorise any other St< ck Hulder to ‘ vote for him or her. 1 Wm P. Hunter, ( Treasurer, •Steam Hoal Cumfii.ui/. Savannah. Janinuv 8 1825 58 j ot'ice. 4 LL persons to whoin the laie Francis Bouye r • i■. of the city of Augusta, deceased, is indebt 1 d. are requested to present their demands wiili •a the time prescribed by law; and I hose Indebt- * ed, are requested to mike immediate payment. , It. Bouyer, ) , ’ Paul Kossignol,} jX rs f December 21 51 V *O. DEMIS r. Ul'.SPi-.-C'l FU LI V informs llie I.adies and Gen tfi n>en ot Augusta and its vicinity, that lie wil, he in the city about the first of March. J January 28 FtM 62 Cofy of a Certificate from James Monroe , I‘res’t. The testimonials presented to me by Mr. Fami ly, of his great talents as a DENTIS I’, are of high character— m addition to which I stale with great pleasure, that his operations in my family*, have afford d a practical and very satisfactory evidence of his merit. , ' 1 JAMES MONROE. H'Wnbur/oii, Dec 9’h I,( ,J ANU STEAM BaTHS. 1| K. HOUEL, a French Physician, respectfully KJ mforms the public, that he has established , S LAM aid MEDICAL BATHS in August. I he very high repute ihese Baths have acquired \ fcui'ope. where (although a l ate discov. rv) .[they are to be found in every hospital, and th* great cures they have performed is Boston. Plu. lidelpfm and Charleston, o.m leavd no doubt of . their efficacy. '| tie fpost gentle as well us the most powerful medicines are administered by that means, without any pain, troub.e or disgust to the patient. • " y 1 are * never remedy in all cufanel d “un afl ctiniis; (mm Psora, Ringworms, &o. fq' if Sr j* ll hvad and Leprosy. They s|„, | laV e never e I nit ism HMCC '* B 1,1 eltl,er acute or chronic rlieu- In glandular obstructions, chlorosis, anasurcoits * wcllmgs, incipient dropsy t in all diseases of ilVe loints, gouty ass. ctions. di -persion of tumors, id cured syplubs, spasmodic or nervous ass. ctmih; in all bilious diS' nle' S, .fyspepsui, hypocondnasis. e ' I’o b;lths , "* ve found most ser ., iCt-ablF, and have ollcn Succeeded even in In rfe ditary complaints. Ifi this „,a nn-r of admin, glistering almost every remedy belonging to ihe y: he,l / tg art, may be rendered app.icahle to almost ljf/nnM CaSe ’f'' ,d (" f' l f<l) Without any pain, jtrouole, or disgust lo the patient. I As these baths are not yet g m ra’lv km.tvr,, Dr. llockl will be happy tog.vethe most r- s ipcclalil-refenmces to persons who have been jCuu*cl by lakh g diem. iT'Vie Steam Sp .Medical Hath EfttabiisUiueul, Is in Eins-Street. oppnsJe Mr. It. Mealing’n Bnck House, a cl has an emrancem Broad -treet inunediHiely opposi e iha citv //ok 1. ,Is-.*ian II l" 1 JAaIES hall, H i FULLY nform. Hie C.*iz?n» of Ait ■t. gusa and (be Public gen-rally, that helms opened an Ol STEM and KELI.|B(j HOUSE on the corner ol Green art,| M |i,tosh-streets, trout, mg the Mansion. House, when Gentlemen can he accommodated with Hreakfas S. Dinners and Sup pers, at any hour, and lie hopes from (he due at tent ion he intends paying to his establishment, to ob<utn a share of Public Patronage. * 'ihe Subscriber j I NTENDING ,o reside in !New York, with a 1 V,f W WyoVuiu of Commissi, n Bos-* mess, m all its br*f6l,es, wdl teel grateful lor a, y consignments or orders wuh which he may be favored, assuring his (r.e.uls that his ni.rem.t.ed attention win be exerted to-promoie their n.t. r est. II will be prepared on the r.-ceipt of any con igmnen s, or of the invoices will, bill- of la ding and orders for insurance, to make the cus. tomary advances if required. Any references that is desired, can be obtained of Messrs. Mackenzie & Ponce. Augusta, or Ben jamin I’.urrougtm, Esq. Savannah. Ralph Ketchum. October 26, FRENCH TUITION] 4 I LIV j in w.II lie (limited (o a new conr.e ol Tuition ol the French Langm.ire. at ue f' Sid.uice of the subscriber familiar con- V / a i'in will be winch by tin as-,st ance I Ins da igbters, the Subscriber flatters him se.t the acquirement o( (hat useful Language will b more -peeddy and more accurately obtained. I (iilion three tunes a week from nme to eleven o’clock, A. M. J. B. I-afitte. November 30 4S I he Lancantrian Free School, nil again be open- -I nn MONDAY, the l«th i, at. in (1 the Huard ol Vlanagers cordially invite the re urn ol those Scholars who have heretofore b -en educated at this institution, as well us ol all oth rs wlm ci rose in embracethe advantages of m- c ion free of expence. i It? f’upns will also be thankfully, received fr 1,1 Parent* who are disposed to pay at ibrte dollar- per Cuarier. Oct b< -1 ' -jj LOST. IMIE undersigned, lost between this place and ■ * 'apt D. Berry's nn the rnajo Savanimti mad hi - POCKET HOOK, c iniamiug l oric Five I>->J/ar* 80l and a few Dn'l .rsm small cha ge— - k. wise '•"dry not* s. to wit : Due made by M. Tarver lor 5526. due and psvsb <- to J. S. JL*"ey; as ajl mini.- lalnr of G. W . Evans, one for g2J 50 en lor-eil a.d payable as the firn- one by i«; F diner, f r g-1, one by John '* lli # ,„ s f r « 6 .s* •".! one by CJI ns, for g. 5 cava le as ,f,a Ids'—and .1. of tin m were due on the first ( i atf ot Jsmikry, 1825. Like*, se one oih r Not/ •nade by John J ties, m fiv nr ol S. lever l I SSID. and one by M. Betbnne in favor of M DV' , lor g 39. A I pers u are cautioned ti )M n * i.nle for tiie aforesaid N tes, and the Draw are hereby nolifi .l not to p„y (tip same t IPS pers*.n but the subscr.b'-r, who wi'l .!• reward lor the del V ; r of ,|,e P JkZ T ‘s ind papers lo Mr. J nines M’, rr n °°? Samuel Tarver January 28, 1825 4* f 62 ' ' V